Pagina creata da Sofia Fazio
Settembre 2018

 Otto mesi di private equity
Secondo il database di BeBeez, da inizio gennaio sino a fine agosto si sono contate 113 operazioni di private equity nel senso
più ampio del termine, di cui 55 rappresentate da investimenti diretti dei fondi in società italiane, che diventano 69 se si
                 contano anche i 14 deal nell’ambito di operazioni di ristrutturazione aziendale. Per il resto, sono stati
 Sono state 113 mappati 30 investimenti indiretti (add-ons) condotti da società partecipate da fondi di private equity italiani
                 o esteri che hanno comprato aziende italiane oppure partecipate da fondi italiani che hanno comprato aziende
le operazioni di estere; 6 acquisizioni dove a comprare sono stati club deal di investitori; e 8 deal dove le società sono target
  private equity di business combination annunciate oppure già concluse da parte di altrettante Spac.
  in senso lato
                    Questa attività condotta in otto mesi non è lontana per numero di deal da quella di tutto lo scorso 2017, quando
  tra gennaio e     i fondi di private equity avevano annunciato 100 investimenti diretti nel capitale di società italiane, compresi
   agosto 2018      5 deal nell’ambito di ristrutturazioni
                    aziendali. Il numero peraltro includeva anche le 21 acquisizioni condotte Neuberger Berman in relazione alle
     che hanno      partecipazioni dirette del Fondo Italiano d’Investimento. A quel numero andavano poi aggiunte 33 operazioni
    riguardato      di investimento indirette da parte di aziende in portfoglio e tre
                    business combination da parte di Spac. Il tutto per un totale di 136 operzioni.
                 Sul fronte dei valori delle operazioni, secondo i dati Aifi diffusi lo scorso marzo, nel 2017 gli investimenti dei
In tutto il 2017 fondi (inclusi anche quelli dei fondi di venture capital) si sono limitati a 4,938 miliardi di euro (investiti in 250
    erano state società), ben il 40% in meno dagli 8,191 miliardi del 2016 (su 245 società). Ma questo soprattutto perché l’anno
  soltanto 136 scorso non si sono visti i cosiddetti mega-deal, cioè le operazioni al di sopra dei 300 milioni di euro di equity

Quest’anno, invece, un grande aiuto alle statistiche lo daranno di sicuro i deal su Recordati, u Italo-Ntv, su EiTowers e di
conseguenza è ragionevole attendersi un balzo nel valore degli investimenti.
CVC Capital Partners, in cordata con PSP Investments e StepStone pagheranno infatti 28 euro per azione la quota di controllo
del gruppo farmaceutico Recordati in mano alla famiglia, per una valutazione complessiva della quota del 51,8% di 3,03 miliardi
di euro e di un equity value
dell’intera società di 5,8 miliardi. Senza contare che poi andrà lanciata l’opa.

L’altro grande deal è stato quello su Italo-Ntv: il fondo Global Infrastructure Partners ha valutato l’equity del gruppo 1,94
miliardi di euro, il che, inclusa la posizione finanziaria netta da 443 milioni, porta l’enterprise value a poco meno di 2,4 miliardi.
Peninsula Capital e alcuni dei vecchi azionisti, compreso l’ad Flavio Cattaneo, hanno reivestito per una minoranza per 150
milioni di euro. Il tutto mentre è attualmente in corso l’opa di 2i Towers, veicolo di F2i e Mediaset, su EiTowers, valutata 1,6
miliardi di euro, con F2i che a luglio ha anche vinto l’asta per RTR Rete Rinnovabile a cui è stato assegnato un enterprise value
di ben oltre un miliardo.

Tra le operazioni di medie dimensioni, da ricordare certamente l’ennesimo giro di buyout su Italmatch Chemicals. Bain Capital
ha comprato il gruppo chimico internazionale da Ardian per una valutazione di circa 700 milioni. Ma anche il deal di FSI Mid-
Market Growth Equity Fund sul 41,2% di Missoni per 70 milioni di euro.

Quanto ai club deal, Asset Italia, la società promossa da Tamburi Investment Partners insieme a 30 family offices di imprenditori
italiani, ha comprato il 38,8% di Alpitour da Wise sgr e J.Hirsch&Co per un equity value dell’intero tour operator di 470
milioni di euro.
Infine da segnalare il grande attivismo delle Spac con appunto otto operazioni di business combination annunciate, di cui già due
concluse con la quotazione di Industrie Chimiche Forestali e Cellular Italia.
Private equity deals announced in 2018
                                                                 relating to Italian companies targets
                                                           or made by Italian or foreign portofolio companies
Announcement                                                     Revenues Who has sold or has                               % stake   Posts by
date           Target          Sector                                2016 diluted in the capital   Investors               acquired   BeBeez
                               designs and builds plants and
                               accessories dedicated to
                               industrial painting for the
January        Spraytech       tanning sector                           10 Mauro Golin             NEIP III (Finint sgr)     70.0%    BeBeez
                                                                           PM&Partners sgr and
January        Monviso         backary products                         36 manager                 Cerea Capital                      BeBeez
               Casa vinicola
January        Botter                                                                                                                 BeBeez
January        Eolo                                                   75* Luca Spada                                                  BeBeez
January        GSA                                                    70*                          Armònia sgr               68.5%    BeBeez
January        Brenta                                                                                                                 BeBeez
January        RGI                                                                                                                    BeBeez
February       Atex                                                                                                                   BeBeez
February       Eurofiere                                                                                                              BeBeez
                                                                          Luciano Benedini.
                               IT systems for consumer                    Francesco Cavagna and Charme Capital
March          OCS             credit and retail banking              30* Lorenzo Cereda          Partners                   80.0%    BeBeez
                                                                          Change Capital Partners
March          Sebeto Group    restaurants chain                       60 and founders            OP Capita                  80.0%    BeBeez
                                                                          (Roberto Imperatrice.
                                                                          Pippo Montella e Franco
Aksìa Group sgr
                                                                                           (96%) e Equita private
March   CRM              piadina maker                      20* Montagnani family          debt fund (4%)           100.0%     BeBeez
        Chiorino          finishing of leather for the
March   Technology       luxury leather goods sector        30* nd                         Arcadia sgr                         BeBeez
                         rubber and silicone pipes and          Danilo and Vittorio        Palladio Finanziaria
March   Uni Gasket       seals                              50* Calissi                    Holding                    75.0%    BeBeez
March   Borbone)         coffe maker                        94* Massimo Renda              Italmobiliare              60.0%    BeBeez
        Integration                                             Argos Soditic e
March   Partners         corporate advisory                180* manager                    Apax Partners France     100.0%     BeBeez
April   Arredamenti      furniture                         30.6 Sozzi family               Nuo Capital              minority   BeBeez
April   Aeronautica      aeronautic components              100 Graziano family            The Three Hils             25.0%    BeBeez
                         plastic components for
April   Adler Group      automotive industry              1400* Scudieri family            FSI Growth                 28.0%    BeBeez
                         plants for indusrial treatment
April   Tecno Pool       of food&beverage industry           37 Lago family                Xenon Private Equity     majority   BeBeez
                                                                Daniele Conti and
April   Seco             minicomputer                       50* Luciano Secciani          FII Tech Growth           minority   BeBeez
                                                                                          Fondo Italiano per
                         public illumination systems                                      l’Efficienza
April   Selettra         and projects                        7.3 Tommaso e Vito Telesca Energetica (FIEE)             50.0%    BeBeez
                                                                 Michael Havel. MCI
April   Lifebrain        diagnostic laboratories           100* Capital                   Investindustrial            96.0%    BeBeez
                                                                                          Global Infrastructure
                                                                                          Partners III (Peninsula
                                                                 Italian entrepreneurs.   and some old
April   Italo-Ntv        high speed railways                     Peninsula Capital        shareholders reinvest)    100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                 Alessandro Squarzi.
                                                                 Cristiano Martelli. Gian
                                                                 Luca Zucchelli e Matteo
May     Atlantic Stars   sneakers maker                     17* Zoni                      Alcedo sgr                  60.0%    BeBeez
heating and cooling plants              Ersel Investment Club e   Ersel Investimenti e
May    Arbo            components                          60* Daniele Franco            Bravo Capital Partners
                                                                                         Mezzalira Investment
May    Sitland         furniture                           21* Sergio Bellin             Group                       100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                Wise sgr and             Tamburi Investment
May    Alpitour        tour operator                     1200* J.Hirsch&Co               Partners                     38.8%     BeBeez
                       linear guides for the
May    Nadella         mechanical industry                 70* 21 Investimenti           ICG                         100.0%     BeBeez
                       sliding doors for residential
May    Scrigno         properties                          68* Berardi family            Clessidra sgr              100.0%      BeBeez
       Business                                                                                                   2% (sale al
May    School 24       education                          20.9 Gruppo Sole 24 Ore        Palamon Capital               51%)     BeBeez
       Silvder Ridge
May    Italia          owner of photovoltaic plants         nd Silver Ridge Power        Amarnato Holding            100.0%     BeBeez
                                                               Oakley Capital. Mauro
                       leading internet site for price         Giacobbe. Angelica
                       comparison in the insurance             Pellizzari and Barbara.
                       sector. bank current accounts.          Eleonora and Luigi
May       utility tariffs                     66* Berlusconi                EQT                         100.0%     BeBeez
                       operator specialized in
                       providing after-sales services          Sbs (Storti family) and
May    Estendo         for large and small appliances      25* Andrea Fortis             Armònia sgr                   68..%    BeBeez
                                                                                         FSI Mid-Market
June   Missoni         iconic fashion brand               150* Missoni family            Growth Equity                41.2%     BeBeez
                                                               21 Investiment. NEIP
                                                               III. Quadrivio
                       bakery products for breakfast           fund.Gallina family and   BC Partners and               wide
June   Forno d'Asolo   and frozen pastry                  100* management                management                 majority    BeBeez
                       eco-sustainable plastic
                       packaging for the cosmetics                                       L Catterton and                wide
June   Pibiplast       market                              60* Bosi family               Ambienta sgr               majority    BeBeez
                                                                                         Electa Ventures.           minority
                       biological segment of oils and                                    Azimut Global                   and
       The Organic     lecithins for food use and                                        Counseling and Ipo       convertible
June   Factory         proteins for zootechnical use     40*** Paolo Frigati             Club                         bonds     BeBeez
collection. transport. storage.         Xenon Private Equity V
                        treatment and disposal of               e Roccaforte             Icon Infrastructure
June   Eco Eridania     special waste                      145* (Alessandro Giustini)    Partners IV              >50%     BeBeez
                        advanced tinting systems. for
July   Corob            the paint and coatings sector      100* Wise sgr e management    Ardian                   >50%     BeBeez
       Dispensa                                                                          Investindustrial
July   Emilia           fast casual restaurants chain       20* Alfiero Fucelli          Growth                  70.0%     BeBeez
                                                                Astorg Parnters.
                        production and sale of pulleys          Neuberger Berman and
                        and belts in polyurethane and           NB Aurora. Tadolini
July   Megadyne         rubber                             319* family                   Partners Group                    BeBeez
                        production of printing
       Uteco            machines for flexible                    management e Chivilò    NB Renaissance
July   Converting       packaging                          121.4 family                  Partners                81.0%     BeBeez
July   Carton Pack      packaging for the food sector        80* Leone family            21 Investimenti         >50%      BeBeez
       Vår Energi as
       between Eni
       Norge and        leader in the exploration and
       Point            production of hydrocarbons in                                   HitecVision e Eni
July   Resources)       Norway                               nd HitecVision e Eni Group Group                   100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                                        CVC Capital Partners.
                                                                Fimei spa (Recordati    PSP Investments and
July   Recordati        pharmaceutical products           1288* family)                 StepStone                51.8%     BeBeez
                        special additives for water and
       Italmatch        oil & gas treatment.                                                                       wide
July   Chemical         lubricating oils and plastics      400* Ardian and management Bain Capital              majority   BeBeez
                        production. distribution and
       Evergreen Life   sale of natural food                                             Palladio Finanziaria
July   Products         supplements                         15* Pesle family             Holding                     nd    BeBeez
       RTR Rete
July   Rinnovabile      renewable energy plants             158* Terra Firma             F2i                    100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                 Mediaset and the market
                        Tlc and tv transmission                  (tenderd offer started  2i Towers (F2i and      Target    BeBeez
July   EiTowers         towers                            262.9* Aug 27th)               Mediaset)               100%
mechatronic and digital                 Domrakaba (Facchinetti
                            solutions for access control            and Faustini family keep
July       Iseo             and security                       145* 60%)                     Italmobiliare               40.0%     BeBeez
August     Calligaris       design furniture                   140* Calligaris family          Alpha Private Equity     majority   BeBeez
                            real estate and urban security
August     United spa       services                             nd Carlo Mastrangelo          LB Capital                33.0%     BeBeez
                            packaging for the cosmetic                                         FSI Mid-Marcket
August     Lumson           sector                           100*** Moretti family             Growth Equity Fund        35.0%     BeBeez
                            energy plants management                                           Fondo Italiano per
           Comat Servizi    systems in the residential                                         l’Efficienza
August     Energetici       sector                               nd Comat spa                  Energetica (FIEE)             nd    BeBeez

                                                                                               Fondo Italiano per
           City Green       development of energy                                              Energetica (FIEE) and
February   Light            efficiency in public lighting        55 Gemmo                      Gemmo                    100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                    Jason and Ryan Borg
           City Prints and                                          brothers (reinvest in
February   Premier Fabrics printing of fabrics                  20* Imprima)                   Imprima (Wise sgr)       100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                                               Evoca (ex N&W
                                                                                               Global vending.
           VE Global        coffe trader and vending                                           controlled by Lone
March      Solutions        machine distributor in USA           nd nd                         Star)                    100.0%     BeBeez
March      Chemical         chemical                             nd Ecolab                     Italmatch (Ardian)       100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                    Bruseschi family
                                                                    (reinvests a minority in   Garda Plast
March      Ifap             plastic                              nd Garda Plast)               (Progressio sgr)         100.0%     BeBeez
April      Eden Viaggi      tour operator                        nd Filippetti family          Alpitour                 100.0%     BeBeez
           La Genovese
April      Gomme            tyre distribution                  11.7 Balduzzi family            Fintyre (Bain Capital)   100.0%     BeBeez
Imanuel Baharier.
                                                             Giuseppe Virgone.
                                                             Sin&rgetica . Avm
                                                             Development spa e Tan   Nexi (Advent-Bain
April   Sparkling18       digital payments technology     nd Holdings srl            Capital- Clessidra)     100.0%   BeBeez
        banking                                                                      Covisian (Aksìa
April   Services          customer management             nd Alessandro De Angelis   Group)                  100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                     Bracchi ( Igi Private
                                                                                     Equity. Siparex. la
May     BAS Group         logistica                       30 soci privati            famiglia Annoni)        100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                     Monviso (Céréa
        Grissinificio                                                                Partenaire e
May     Europa            alimentare                    6.5* famiglia Mosca          Capzanine)              100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                     (Charterhouse Capital
May     Giuso Guido       alimentare                      nd Bruno Lulani            Partners)               100.0%   BeBeez
        (Infracom.                                           F2i sgr (80%) and
        KPNQWest                                             Marguerite fund (20%)   F2i sgr (80%) and
        Italia. MC-link                                      merge their portfolio   Marguerite fund
May     and BigTLC)       tlc                           159* companies               (20%)                   100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                     Evoca (ex N&W
                                                                                     Global vending.
        Quality        espresso coffee machines                                      controlled by Lone
May     Espresso sa    equipment                          nd nd                      Star)                   100.0%   BeBeez
        City Green     development of energy
May     Light          efficiency in public lighting      55 FIEEE and Gemmo         Fondo Marguerite        100.0%   BeBeez
                       maker of professional manual
                       coffee machines and
        Quality        complementary accessories
May     Espresso       for the HoReCa sector              nd nd                      Evoca (Lone Star)       100.0%   BeBeez
        HTL Strefa (to lancing devices (safety
        be merged with lancets. personal lancets and
        PIC. Artsana   pen needles for insulin
May     Group)         injections)                       80* EQT                     Investindustrial        100.0%   BeBeez
May     First Data                                                                   Sia                     100%%    BeBeez
shops and temporary store                                        Grandi Stazioni Retail
                         manager in 70 railway                                            (Antin Infrastructure.
June     Retail Group    stations in Italy                    nd Nicolò Marzotto          Icamap e BG am)          100.0%   BeBeez
                         molds and molding of small                                       Tecnomeccanica
                         metal parts for automotive to                                    (fondo Idea Efficienza
June     Mea             electronics sectors                 27* Olsa spa                 Energetica)              100.0%   BeBeez
         Techni Waterjet waterjet cutting machines for                                    Gmm spa (Consilium
June     Ltd             metal. stone and glass sectors      18* nd                       sgr)                     100.0%   BeBeez
         Forniture       wholesale distribution of                                        Alliance Marine
         Nautiche        items. accessories. equipment           Farina and Montanari     (Weinberg Capital
June     Italiane        and instruments for boating         10* families                 Partners)                100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                          European Tyres
                          wholesale distribution of full-        Reifen Krieg. Holger     Distribution - Fintyre
June     Reifen Kreig     range spare tires                  30* Krieg and Tobias Fink    (Bain Capital)           100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                          Irideos (F2i and
June     Enter            tlc provider                        nd Paolo Lezzi              Marguerite fund)         100.0%   BeBeez
                          company producing fine and                                      Fedrigoni (Bain
June     Cordenons        technical papers                   89* Ferruccio Gilberti       Capital)                 100.0%   BeBeez
         portfolio. in the
         ophthalmic                                                                       NTC (Valenedica -
June     sector            pharmaceutical products             nd Novaartis               Wise sgr)                100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                  Carlo Marco Cavallo
                          wedding dresses and                     (ceo). Alessandra       Pronovias (BC
July     Nicole           accessories                       28.5* Rinaudo e Luigi Cavallo Partners)                100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                          DeltaMed (Aungens
         Bioengineering                                                                   Capital e DB Private
July     Laboratories     medical devices                      nd Francesco Greco         Equity)                  77.0%    BeBeez
                                                                                          Allsystem (Vincenzo
                                                                                          Serrani e Private
July     Ivri             security                           240* BIKS Group              Equity Parners)          100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                          DPH – Doing
                          digital communication for                                       Holding spa (Star
August   Educom           pharma and health sectors            4* nd                      Capital)                 100.0%   BeBeez
Club deal
                                                                                                    Orienta Partners.
February    Fratelli Bassini   Bread maker                         11* Bassini family              Indigo Capital           100.0%    BeBeez
                                                                                                   Stefano Miccinelli.
                               e-procurement and IT for                  Crespi. Cicogna           Stefano Trentino.
                               insurance companies and                   Mozzoni and Faina         Marco Forasassi
March       Gruppo Step        banks                               60*   families                  Torresani.                45.0%    BeBeez
                                                                                                   Renato Peroni and
                                                                                                   Cristiano Portas
                                                                         Davide Groppi (reinvests Italian Design Brands
March       Davide Groppi      light design                          9   a minority in IDB)        (57%) e Paolo Pagani     100.0%    BeBeez
                                                                         BC Partners.
                                                                         Investindustrial and      Stefano Beraldo.
                                                                         Ontario Teachers          Coin's managers and
March       Gruppo Coin        retailer                           400*   Pension Plan              italian entrepreneurs    100.0%    BeBeez
                                                                                                   Equity Partner
                                                                                                   Investment Club
                               value added marketing                                               (Mediobanca. Pfc.
                               services ( analysis of big                de Brabant and Mussetto Ardian Growth and
June        Seri Jakala        data)                                nd   families                  H14)                               BeBeez
                                                                         Stefano Saturnino. Ilaria 11 famiglie di
            Panini Durini                                                Puddu. Alessandro Di      imprenditori
July        (Pancioc spa)      lunch bar chain                    9.7*   Pace                      organizzate da Astraco    >75%     BeBeez

            Banca                                                        private entrepreneurs of
            Interprovinciale                                  1 bn total the Emilia Romagna
January     (Illimity)       commercial bank                     assets Region                     Spaxs                        tbd   BeBeez
                             glues and adhesive fabrics for              Progressio sgr. Mandarin
            Industrie        shoes and leather goods for                 Capital Partners. Private
            Chimiche         the automotive and flexible                 Equity Partners sgr and
February    Forestali        packaging sectors                    78.7* Guido Cami                 EPS Equita PEP Spac       >90%     BeBeez
                             machinery. complete lines and
                             turnkey systems. mainly for               Catelli family and
March       CFT              the food & beverage industry         200* Alessandro Merusi          Glenalta                      tbd   BeBeez
                                                                    (annual Aim market. Amato
May             Net Insurance     insurance company                 premia) family                     Archimede                      tbd   BeBeez
                                                                            L Catterton. Motion
                                  accessories for smartphones.              Equity Partners. DVR
                                  tablets. mp3 players with the             Capital and Foglio and
June            Cellular Italia   Cellular Line brand                165.5* Aleotti families           Crescita                    63.0%    BeBeez
                                  security closures for liqueurs.           aPriori. NB Renaissance.
                                  wine. oil and vinegar. water              SwanCap. Marco
                                  and beverages and                         Giovannini and other
June            Guala Closures    pharmaceutical products            534.8* managers                   Space4                         tbd   BeBeez
                ABK Group                                                   Michelangelo Fortuna.
                Industrie         production and marketing of               Andrea Guidorzi.
June            Ceramiche         ceramic floor and wall tiles       115.4* Roberto Fabbri             Capital for Progress 2         tbd   BeBeez
                Fine Foods &
                Pharmaceuticals   nutraceutical and                        Eigenfin srl (Marco
June            Ntm               pharmaceutical products           119.6* Eigenmann)                  Innova Italy 1                 tbd   BeBeez

January         Implanta Lab      dentistic clinics                     nd bankrupcty procedure        Argos Soditic             100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                           Pacific Global
                                                                           Management (Silvio
February        La Perla         fashion brand                        150* Scaglia)                    Sapinda Holding           100.0%     BeBeez
February        Industrie Mobili furniture                             16* Luciano Biscontin           Ibla Capital             majorituy   BeBeez
                                                                           Reno d'Medici. Intesa
                                                                           Sanpaolo. Manuli
                                                                           family. banks (from a
May             Manucor           pvc films maker                     137* debt restructuring)         Pillarstone Italy         100.0%     BeBeez
                                  manufacturer of gears for the
                                  automotive. agricultural
                                  machinery. forklifts and
May             Demm              industrial machines sectors              backrupcty procedure        Certina Holding           100.0%     BeBeez
                                                                           Fondo Idea CCR I and
May             Cartiere Pigna    paper maker                           28 Jannone Group               Gruppo Buffetti             40.0%    BeBeez
June             Intemobiliare   private bank                            markert                    Attestor Capital        70.6%    BeBeez
June             Snaidero        kitchen furniture                 126.6 Snaidero family            Idea CCR II             >51%     BeBeez
                                 products for early childhood.           Brevi family (debt
                                 such as cribs. high chairs and          restructuring agreement.
June             Brevi           strollers                           20* art. 67 LF)                Phi Industrial          100.0%   BeBeez
                                 textile group that produces
                                 high-end fabrics and
June             Canepa          accessories                        106 Canepa-Saibene family       Idea CCR II             67.0%    BeBeez
                                                                                                    Distribuzione (Marzio
                                 producer of diaries and                                            Carrara) and
June             Lediberg        notebooks                         125* Iris Capital Fund bv        Pillarstone Italy       100.0%   BeBeez
                                                                                                    Fineurop Investment
July             Pharmaday       pharmaceuticals products           43.8 backrupcty procedure       Opportunities           100.0%   BeBeez
                                 tablecloths. underwear and                                         Fineurop Investment
July             Planetex        nightwear                        57.9** backrupcty procedure       Opportunities           100.0%   BeBeez
July             Kiko            make-up maker                      610* Percassi family            Peninsula Capital        33.0%   BeBeez
*2017 . **2015. ***2018
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