Ophthalmology 21 JUNE 2019 Genoa (Italy) - PROGRAM - Omikron Italia srl

Pagina creata da Cristian Del Vecchio
Ophthalmology 21 JUNE 2019 Genoa (Italy) - PROGRAM - Omikron Italia srl
                            by clinica oculistica & friends

21 JUNE 2019                Genoa (Italy)
Carlo Enrico Traverso

Michele Iester

Ophthalmology 21 JUNE 2019 Genoa (Italy) - PROGRAM - Omikron Italia srl
_ophthalmology                                             21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
 by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                           PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                           COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

                                   UNDER THE AUSPICES OF

              COMUNE DI GENOVA
Ophthalmology 21 JUNE 2019 Genoa (Italy) - PROGRAM - Omikron Italia srl
_ophthalmology                                            21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
        by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                               PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                               COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

                                          WELCOME LETTER
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to “GOA_ophthalmology”, an international course by
Clinica Oculistica & Friends, which will be held in Genova on June 21, 2019.

Clinically relevant topics as retina diagnostics, cataract, glaucoma, cornea, vitreoretinal
surgery, strabismus and others will be covered by Key Opinion Leaders with ample
discussion time.

This will be a great occasion for exchange, update and networking and a good reason
to visit beautiful Genova and the Italian Riviera starting exactly on the Summer Solstice.

Looking forward to welcoming you here.

Michele Iester & Carlo Enrico Traverso

Ophthalmology 21 JUNE 2019 Genoa (Italy) - PROGRAM - Omikron Italia srl
_ophthalmology                                              21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
        by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                                PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                                COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

                                          GENERAL INFORMATION
Organizing Secretariat


OIC srl
Viale G. Matteotti, 7 - 50121 Florence (Italy)
Tel. +39 055 50351
goa2019@oic.it - sponsorGOA@oic.it
OIC srl is a MedTech Trusted Partner

Course Venue
Centro Congressi
Auditorium IST NORD - Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10 - 16132 Genova

Registration Desk
The Registration Desk will be open for registration and information according to the
following schedule from 8.00 to 17.30.
Participants are kindly requested to collect their Course kit and name badge.

Name Badge
Each participant will receive a name badge upon check-in at the registration desk. The
badge will be the official Course pass and should be worn at all times in order to gain
entry into the meeting rooms.

The official Course language is English. All participants are encouraged to join
discussions, independently of their fluency in English, as the exchange of ideas and
critical evaluation of presentations is the main purpose of the Course.

Slide Centre
The Slide Centre is located in the Auditorium. The Auditorium is equipped with a double
podium, one with Windows operating system and one with MacOS High Sierra, both
updated with the last version; for this reason it will not be possible to use personal
laptops in the meeting room. Both systems are compatible with Powerpoint and
Keynote. Speakers are kindly requested to upload their presentation to the Slide Centre
during breaks and at least 2 hours before the beginning of their presentation.

Ophthalmology 21 JUNE 2019 Genoa (Italy) - PROGRAM - Omikron Italia srl
_ophthalmology                                               21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
        by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                                  PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                                  COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

                                          GENERAL INFORMATION
The Wi-Fi is active in the Auditorium and in the Foyer of the Auditorium. It is indicated
as “Mac mini di Centro” and no User ID nor password are needed.

CME Accreditation (only for Italian participants)
I crediti formativi ECM saranno certificati dal Provider OIC srl (n. 2836) secondo il nuovo
regolamento approvato dalla Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua il
13 gennaio 2010. L’accreditamento del Corso sarà effettuato per l’intero evento in
un’unica soluzione. Si ricorda che avranno diritto ai crediti ECM solo coloro che saranno
presenti per l’intera durata dell’evento ed avranno compilato gli appositi questionari
che verranno consegnati in sede congressuale. Si ricorda inoltre la determinazione
Assunta dalla Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua del 15 dicembre
2016 alla luce della quale ogni partecipante potrà maturare 1/3 dei crediti formativi
ricondotti al triennio di riferimento (150 totali per il triennio 2017-2019) mediante
reclutamento diretto da parte dello sponsor e dovrà consegnare al Provider dell’evento
una copia dell’invito o una dichiarazione sottoscritta attestante l’invito, con firma
autografa e leggibile unitamente ai propri dati anagrafici.
I crediti attribuiti sono 1,8 e rivolti ai Medici Chirurghi specialisti in Oftalmologia,
Medicina Generale, Direzione Medica di presidio ospedaliero, Infermiere, Ortottista/
Assistente di Oftalmologia.
L’obiettivo formativo è: Documentazione clinica; Percorsi clinico-assistenziali,
diagnostici e riabilitativi; Profili di Assistenza – Profili di cura. La presenza al Corso sarà
certificata dalla firma dei registri all’entrata e all’uscita giorno per giorno. L’assenza di
una sola delle firme necessarie determinerà l’impossibilità di assegnazione dei crediti.
Per completare l’acquisizione dei crediti il partecipante dovrà compilare l’apposita
modulistica da ritirare presso il Registration Desk, comprensiva di scheda anagrafica e
certificazione di autoapprendimento nonché il questionario di valutazione dell’evento
da compilarsi in forma anonima.

_ophthalmology                                           21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
    by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                         PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                         COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

     Teresio Avitabile (Catania)                  Edoardo Midena (Padova)

      Matteo Badino (Genova)                       Stefano Miglior (Milano)

   Alessandro Bagnis (Genova)               Daniel Mojon (Zurich - Switzerland)

     Chiara Bonzano (Genova)                        Carlo Mosci (Genova)

        Lucio Buratto (Milano)                     Ugo Murialdo (Rapallo)

   Francesco Calcagno (Genova)                   Donatella Musetti (Genova)

        Paolo Capris (Genova)                     Massimo Nicolò (Genova)

  Carlo Alberto Cutolo (Genova)                 Maurizio Postorino (Sarzana)

     Chiara Del Noce (Genova)                     Luciano Quaranta (Pavia)

       Ettore Ferrari (Imperia)                      Ivano Riva (Roma)

Mauro Fioretto (Casale Monferrato)                  Sergio Saccà (Genova)

     Stefano Gandolfi (Parma)                      Elena Semino (Genova)

     Massimo Giusti (Genova)                    Carlo Enrico Traverso (Genova)

Francisco J. Goñi (Barcelona - Spain)            Carlandrea Trillo (Genova)

      Michele Iester (Genova)               Anja Tuulonen (Tampere - Finland)

       Angelo Macrì (Genova)                        Aldo Vagge (Genova)

       Gianluca Manni (Roma)                    Alessandra Zambelli (Genova)

     Danilo Mazzacane (Pavia)

_ophthalmology                                             21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
        by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                               PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                               COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

                                          SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM

08.00    Registration

08.30    Welcome
         Michele Iester & Carlo E. Traverso

08.45    SESSION 1
         Chairman: Ugo Murialdo
         Facilitators: Francesco Calcagno, Massimo Nicolò, Maurizio Postorino

         Lid tumors
         Alessandra Zambelli

         Optic nerve disease update
         Michele Iester

         Do we need something better than trabeculectomy?
         Stefano Miglior

         Patient selection for cataract patients with multifocal IOLs
         Lucio Buratto

         Priorities in eye care to prevent visual handicap
         Anja Tuulonen


11.00    Coffee break

_ophthalmology                                               21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
        by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                               PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                               COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

                                          SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM

11.30      SESSION 2
           Chairman: Ettore Ferrari
           Facilitators: M
                          assimo Giusti, Danilo Mazzacane, Carlo Mosci

           Thyroid and eye disease
           Edoardo Midena

           Mechanisms of damage in glaucoma
           Stefano Gandolfi

           Evidence-based neuroprotection: the role of citicoline oral solution
           Luciano Quaranta

           Minimally invasive strabismus surgery
           Daniel Mojon

           Indications and complications of episcleral retinal detachment surgery
           Teresio Avitabile

           Axoprotection and neuroenhancement
           Francisco J. Goñi

13.10      Lunch break - Sponsored Symposium (see page 8)

_ophthalmology                                             21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
        by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                               PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                               COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

                                          SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM

14.10    SESSION 3
         Chairman: Mauro Fioretto
         Facilitators: P
                        aolo Capris, Angelo Macrì, Elena Semino, Carlandrea Trillo

         Choroidal circulation in thyroid ophthalmopathy
         Chiara Del Noce

         New kids on the block: Rho kinase inhibitors
         Alessandro Bagnis

         Clinical surprises in medical retina
         Daniel Mojon

         Chronic inflammation and dietary supplements
         Sergio Saccà

         Visual acuity improvement in amblyopic adults
         Aldo Vagge

         Neurotrophic treatment of corneal ulcers
         Chiara Bonzano

         Prognostic factors for epiretinal membranes
         Matteo Badino

         Crosslinking for keratoconus in teenagers
         Donatella Musetti

         Why to recruit patients for clinical trials
         Carlo Alberto Cutolo

         Coenzyme Q10: from neurology to ophthalmology
         Michele Iester

16.40    CME evaluation

         Michele Iester, Carlo E. Traverso

_ophthalmology                                               21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
        by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                               PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                               COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester

                                          SPONSORED SESSIONS


           Welcome and introduction
           Michele Iester

           Diagnosing glaucoma: low tech and high tech, where are we now?
           Michele Iester

           The ocular surface: an overlooked aspect of glaucoma
           Gianluca Manni

	Circadian IOP fluctuations: managing glaucoma in the light and the dark
  Ivano Riva


                  During the Symposium lunch boxes will be offered by Santen

_ophthalmology                                        21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
     by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                          PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                          COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester


_ophthalmology                              21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
    by clinica oculistica & friends

                                              PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                              COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester























_ophthalmology                             21 JUNE 2019             Genoa (Italy)
      by clinica oculistica & friends

                                                PRESIDENT: Carlo   Enrico Traverso
                                                COURSE DIRECTOR: Michele    Iester























                                                 C O
                            AU                                        Neuroprotection
                G         L                                           Evidence Based

Omikron Italia S.r.l.   | Viale Bruno Buozzi, 5 00197 Roma | Tel. 06 80693572 - Fax 06 80665266 | info@omikronitalia.it www.omikronitalia.it
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