Pagina creata da Laura De Simone
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                                                Centro Stampa

                                                              N° 1230



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                MicroController Concepts

  Appunti presi a partire dalle video-lezioni di Elettronica                            Nella prima metà del corso abbiamo
  dei Sistemi Digitali, aa. 2013/2014.                                                  imparato a progettare l'hw, sia nella sua
                                                                                        unità di esecuzione, il datapath, che nella
  Saranno probabilmente disponibili appunti simili anche                                sua unità di controllo.
  per i corsi del quarto anno di Microelettronica Digitale e                            L'elettronica digitale, però, prevede anche
  Sistemi Elettronici a Basso Consumo.                                                  la possibilità di utilizzare macchine come
                                                                                        quelle che abbiamo imparato a progettare,
  Slide modificate da Giorgio Fissore                                                   ma progettate da altri, con cui eseguire
  Disponibili in centro stampa                                                          una grandissima varietà di algoritmi.

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                     Microcontroller systems

                                                                                       Un sistema a microcontrollore (uC) si
                l   Nearly any computing system other                                 differenzia nettamente da un
                     than a general purpose computer                                   microprocessore (uP), e viene oggi chiamato
                l   Microcontroller systems are often                                 sistema embedded: un sistema integrato in
                     called embedded systems                                           un certo ambiente che riceve dei segnali
                                                                                       dall'esterno ed esegue un algoritmo su questi
                l   A computing system, embedded                                      dati che gli arrivano; va poi a produrre degli
                     within a larger system, and repeatedly                            effetti esterni.
                     performing a specific task (“the

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                       Embedded Systems


                 Sensors                                          Actuators

            • Environment to Environment
            • Sensors + Information Processing + Actuators
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                              Embedded Systems
       ✦      A product that uses one or more microcontrollers
            as controller(s). Also called embedded products.
       ✦      End users are interested in the functionality of the
            product, not the microcontroller itself.
       ✦      Cell phones, home security systems, and modern
            automobiles are examples of embedded products.

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                                   An Example
                                                                                       Es. di sistemi embedded in una macchina:
                   q   More than 30% of a car cost is in                              centralina del motore
                        Electronics                                                    centralina del sistema di condizionamento
                                                                                       centralina del controllo dei finestrini

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            Embedded systems Applications
  Anti-lock brakes            Modems
  Auto-focus cameras          MPEG decoders
  Automatic teller machines   Network cards
  Automatic toll systems      Network switches/routers
  Automatic transmission      On-board navigation
  Avionic systems             Pagers
  Battery chargers            Photocopiers
  Camcorders                  Point-of-sale systems
  Cell phones                 Portable video games
  Cell-phone base stations    Printers
  Cordless phones             Satellite phones
  Cruise control              Scanners
  Curbside check-in systems   Smart ovens/dishwashers
  Digital cameras             Speech recognizers
  Disk drives                 Stereo systems
  Electronic card readers     Teleconferencing systems
  Electronic instruments      Televisions
  Electronic toys/games       Temperature controllers
  Factory control             Theft tracking systems
  Fax machines                TV set-top boxes
  Fingerprint identifiers     VCR’s, DVD players
  Home security systems       Video game consoles
  Life-support systems        Video phones
  Medical testing systems     Washers and dryers

            And the list goes on and on …                         Mod by Giorgio Fissore
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                     The Computer Market

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                                                                             La maggior parte dei sistemi embedded sono
        ES: Programming languages used -programmati in C (~60% delle applicazioni)
                                                                             -programmati in C++ (~24%)
                                                                             >>> l'84% dei sistemi embedded viene
                                                                             programmato in C/C++
                                                                             >>> appena il 5% viene programmato in assembler
                                                                             (e probabilmente da vecchi elettronici)
                                                                             >>> nessuno si sognerebbe invece di
                                                                             programmare un embedded in java: questo
                                                                             linguaggio di programmazione infatti è progettato
                                                                             per girare dappertutto, ma non è assolutamente
                                                                             ottimizzato per niente!!
                                                                             >>> il motivo per cui si progetta in C/C++ è che
                                                                             questi due linguaggi vanno praticamente alla
                                                                             stessa velocità dell'assembler!!
                                                                             >> la filosofia di progetto è: fai tutto in C; poi se c'è
                                                                             qualche punto particolarmente critico, prova a
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                                                                             limare con l'assembler

                              Moore’s Law

        q In 1965 Intel co-founder Gordon Moore
            predicted that IC transistor capacity
            would double every 18 months

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                  Design Productivity Gap

                                           Old figures but tendency still valid
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                  Traditional Design Flow

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Problems with the Traditional Design Flow

            q Lackof a unified hardware-software
                 § Hard to verify the entire system
                 § Incompatibilities at the HW/SW boundary
            q “Prejudiced”           definition of the
                 § Sub-optimal design
                 § Any change in the partitioning may require
                    considerable redesign efforts (negative
                    impact on the time-to-market)

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      Sub-optimal vs. optimal Architecture

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               Typical Embedded System
                                                                                    La cache non è presente in molti uC

                                                                                    Caratteristica tipica dei uC (dei sistemi
                                                                                    embedded), che lo differenzia nettamente da
                                                                                    un uP, è la presenza di svariate periferiche!

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              What is a Microprocessor ?
                                                                                    Se si prende un uP così com'è, questo non è
            Pentium 4 microphotograph                                               in grado di fare assolutamente nulla, ma
                                                      All building units of         bisogna costruirgli un sistema intorno.
                                                      the processor are             Se si guarda un uC invece è presente la
                                                      integrated on a single        memoria, gli I/O...
                                                      chip while no
                                                      peripheral block is
                                                      integrated inside!!

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                                                                                           La prima caratteristica che caratterizza un uP,
        § A processor implemented on a single integrated circuit                          è il suo parallelismo dei dati; partito da 4 bit,
           (IC). Peripheral chips are needed to construct a
           product.                                                                        ora arrivato a 64 bit.
        § A microcomputer is a computer that uses a                                       >> da questo dipende la precisione dei dati al
           microprocessor as its CPU (such as today’s                                      suo interno.
        – Classifications: word length (number of bits that a
           microprocessor can manipulate in one operation).
              » 4-bit (intel 4004,1971), 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit.
        – Limitations:
              » Requires external memory to execute programs;
              » Peripheral chips are needed to interface with I/O devices
              » Glue logic (decoders, buffers) is needed to interconnect
                external memory and peripheral interface chips with the

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                      Microprocessor (MPU)
                                                                                   DataPath, nel caso di un uP è una semplice
                                                   w MPU (CPU)                    Più un insieme di registri macchina che
                                                     n   Read instructions        servono per fare le operazioni.
                                                     n   Process binary data

                                                                                    uP: solo ALU, Registri e CU; non è presente
                                                                                    nulla per interagire con l'esterno. (anche ad es
                                                                                    un'interfaccia seriale,...)

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            Processor (Central Processing Unit)
  q Datapath:
                                                                               Un'altra cosa che distingue uP e uC è la
        § Register file: a register is a storage location within the CPU.
                                                                               frequenza operativa del processore:
        § Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):perform all the arithmetic computations dell'ordine dei GHz negli attuali uP, fino
             and logic evaluations.                                                        alle decine di MHz nei uC.
  q Control Unit:
        § Decodes and monitors the execution of instructions and coordinate
             the operations. The system clock synchronizes the activities of the
             CPU, which are measured by clock cycles. (GHz)
        § Maintain 2 registers:
              – PC: keeps track of the address of the next instruction to be executed
              – Status Register: flags the instruction execution result Mod by Giorgio Fissore
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                 Inside the Microprocessor

                                                      •The CPU executed the
                                                      program instructions
                                                      •ALU performs
                                                      arithmetic and logic
                                                      •The ID tells the ALU
                                                      what to do with the data
                                                      •PC is a special register
                                                      that tells the CPU
 General Purpose                                      where to get the next
 registers used to                                    instruction
 store useful info
                                                      •PC, AR and DR are
                                                      special registers

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            Microprocessor Basic Operation
      q    Program (instructions) and Data are stored in Memory
      q    Each instruction is read (fetched) from memory,
            interpreted (decoded), and executed
            § Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs operations on data
            § Data is transferred (register, memory, I/O)
      q    Program Counter (PC) indicates current location of
            program in Memory and is automatically incremented after
            each instruction                                                       Il funzionamento come già visto avviene
      q    Each instruction can take several clock cycles                         attraverso le tre fasi in successione di:
                                                                                   -fetch, cerco cosa devo fare
                                                                                   -decode: capisco cosa devo fare
                                                   Decode                          -execute: eseguo l'operazione.
                                                                                   E' questo il flusso base di operazioni di un uP.
                                        Execute                                    Questo vale anche per un sistema a uC.
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                                                   w Storage Device
                                                        n   Addresses
                                                        n   Registers
                                                   w Major Categories
                                                        n   Read/Write Memory
                                                        n   Read-only-Memory

                       D7               D0
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        q   Semiconductor memory, magnetic, optical memory.
        q   Semiconductor memory:
             § Random access memory (RAM):volatile
                 – Dynamic RAM (DRAM): periodic refresh operations to
                   maintain the stored information. Every a few milliseconds
                   to over a hundred ms.
                 – Static RAM (SRAM):no need to refresh. More transistors
                   are used to hold one bit information.
             § Read-only memory (ROM): nonvolatile.
                 – MROM: mask-programed ROM, programmed when
                   being manufactured.
                 – PROM: programmable ROM, one-time programmable
                   ROM using PROM programmer/burner by end users.
                 – EPROM: erasable PROM, strong ultraviolet light,
                   erasable in bulk.
                 – EEPROM: electrically EPROM, erased by electrical
                   signals and reprogrammed. Individual location.
                 – Flash memory: take advantages of EPROM and
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                                I/O devices
                                                                                  Come ingressi si hanno pulsanti, tastiere,..
        q   Input device                                                         come uscite generalmente schermi o led che si
             § Allow users to enter data/programs into the                       accendono e si spengono.
                computer so that computation can be performed.
             § Examples:
                ✦   Switches and Keypads
                ✦   Provide binary information to the MPU
        q   Output device
             § Display results of computation so that users can
                read them and equipment can be controlled.
             § Examples:
                 ✦ LEDs and LCDs

                 ✦ Receive binary information from the MPU

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             Microprocessor-Based Systems
                                                                                         In un sistema a uP, ci sono gli I/O visti
                                                                                         prima collegati dai bus (posizionate in
                                                                                         genere su una scheda), ma le varie parti
                                                                                         sono tutte separate!

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                    Microprocessor Architecture

        w The MPU communicates with Memory
           and I/O using the System Bus
               n   Address bus
                    l   Unidirectional
                    l   Memory and I/O Addresses
               n   Data bus
                    l   Bidirectional
                    l   Transfers Binary Data and Instructions
               n   Control lines
                    l   Read and Write timing signals

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             Example Microprocessor System

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        What is a Microcomputer System ?
                                                                              Un uC, invece ha qualcosa in più.
            q It
                is a computing system based on                                Ha al suo interno un processore, la CPU, ma oltre
               microcontroller.                                               ciò, è anche presente tutta la parte di memoria
                                                                              (rom e ram); il bus di sistema è interno
                                                                              all'integrato. Vi è anche in esso tutta la gestione
                                                                              del clk, tutta la gestione delle periferiche, la
                                                                              gestione dei buffer e dei livelli elettrici per
                                                                              comunicare con l'esterno..
                                                                              >> tutti i circuiti che servono per gestire le
                                                                              periferiche sono embedded dentro il sistema
                                                                              >> un uC è un sistema single chip >> con un solo
                                                                              integrato posso gestire tutto il sistema.
                                                                              (buffer e convertitori, gestione dei bus,
                                                                              generazione del clk, gestione della potenza)
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                         Microcontroller System
        q The buffers and converters condition I/O
           signal levels if necessary
        q The bus is a group of signals (data,
           address, control signal) with a common
        q The clock circuit generates a fixed-
           frequency, timing signal for the entire
        q The power supply converts a raw power
                                                      Questa parte della gestione della potenza è molto
           source into the DC voltage (nominally 5 / critica: infatti magari il uC lavora a 2.7 V, ma deve
           3.3 / 2.7 / 1.8 V) required by the system.
                                                                             generare segnali esterni a 5 V,..
                                                                             >> ha una parte significativa di eln analogica per
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                                                                                       le varie tensioni con cui andiamo a

    w Embedded Systems
            n   Operations managed behind the scenes by
                 a microcontroller
    w Microcontroller (MCU)
            n   An integrated electronic computing device
                 that includes three major components on a
                 single chip
                 l   Microprocessor (MPU)
                 l   Memory
                 l   I/O (Input/Output) ports
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        w Support Devices
                 n   Timers
                 n   A/D converter
                 n   Serial I/O
        w Common communication lines
                 n   System Bus

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                              Block Diagram

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                  Microcontroller Organization

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            Microcontroller Functional Units
            q   CPU: Central Processing Unit
                 (4,8,16,32 bit data bus)
            q   ROM: Read Only Memory (Firmware)
            q   RAM: Random Access Memory
                 (Register File, Processor Stack, Temporary data)
            q   PIO: Parallel I/O (relays, sensors)
            q   INT: Interrupt Inputs
                 (external/internal sources)
            q   UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver
                 Transmitter (e.g. RS232)
            q   GPT: General Purpose Timer
                 (optional event counter)
            q   PWM: Pulse Width Modulator (motor controller)
            q   WDT: Watch Dog Timer (automatic reset)
            q   AIO: Analog I/O (ADC & DAC)
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                  Memory basic concepts
  q   Digital data is stored in the form of binary numbers, however it    Il uC ha bisogno di una memoria interna per
       is often represented using the hexadecimal numbering system.        salvare i suoi dati,..
   q The bit is the smallest digital unit, and is either 1 or 0.          Qual'è l'unità base con cui si lavora: di solito è il
   q A byte is defined to be 8 bits.                                      byte l'elemento più piccolo che può essere
   q A word varies from processor to processor and can be 8, 16, 32       indirizzato dal uC.
       or more bits.                                                       >> si può poi cambiare il singolo bit, ma si
   q Normally, the byte is the smallest addressable unit; however,        legge cmq il byte.
       it is possible to address individual bits in I/O registers.
                                                                           >> se lavoro con un uC a 16 bit, ogni volta che
   q Freescale convention: binary number are prefixed by % and
                                                                           leggo, accedo a due locazioni consecutive:
       hexadecimal numbers by $
                                                                           la prima volta accedo a locazione zero, la volta
   q Big-Endian: using lowest address for most significant byte (used
       by Motorola/Freescale)                                              dopo alla locazione due, poi quattro,..
   q Little-Endian: using lowest address for least significant byte
                                                                           Leggendo due byte per volta, è possibile quindi
       (used by Intel microcomputers)                                      scegliere se mettere il byte più significativo
                                                                           nell'indirizzo più basso o più alto.
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                                                                           >> esistono quindi due mondi differenti, adottati
                                                                           rispettivamente dalla freescale (di motorola), e
                                                                           dal mondo intel che generano notevoli problemi
                                                                           quando si vuole passare da un mondo all'altro.
                  Memory basic concepts                                    -Noi lavoreremo con mondo freescale, in cui
                                                                           MSB è posizionato nell'indirizzo più basso.

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                            Memory Types

   The main types of semiconductor memory are:

        ROM – Read Only Memory
        RAM – Random Access Memory
        EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only
         Memory                              Il vantaggio della EEPROM è che posso andare a
        EEPROM/FLASH – Electrically Erasable modificare ogni singola cella per volta.
         Programmable Read Only Memory       >> la flash è molto più compatta, ma posso
                                                                        programmarla solo a pagine o settori

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                                    The Bus

        q   The bus provides the communication infrastructure among
             the various components of the system
        q   Data bus carries the information being transmitted/received.
        q   Address bus tells where the information is being
             transferred to/from.
        q   Control bus specifies when the information transfer take        Control bus: viaggiano su di esso l'insieme di
             place by coordinating the access to the data bus and the        segnali di controllo necessari per il
             address bus, and directs the data from/to the specific          trasferimento delle informazioni (es dicono se
             components.                                                     lettura/scrittura, se il dispositivo è pronto o
                                                                             meno per ricevere dati,...)

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                   Computer Architectures
                    (complementary stuff)
        w Princeton (Von Neumann) versus
           Harvard Architecture
        w CISC versus RISC processors
        w Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

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                         Computer Concepts
        q Computer:
             § Hardware:
                 – Processor: “brain”, CPU
                        Datapath: registers and ALU
                        Control unit: hardware instrucion logic.
                 – Memory: place to store software programs and
                 – I/O devices: enter data/programs into the
                   computer/display outputs
             § Software: programs
                 – A program is a set of instructions that the
                   computer hardware can execute.
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                           Computer Organization

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        q Programs. A program is a set of
           instructions that can be executed by the
           computer hardware.
        q Machine instructions:
             – A sequence of binary digits that can be executed by the processor
               e.g: 0001100000000110 (Accumulator A
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                          High-level languages
- Syntax of a high-level language is similar to English, (C/C++,
  Java, Fortran, PASCAL…)
- A translator is required to translate the program written in a
  high-level language -- done by a compiler
- High-level languages allow the user to work on the program
  at higher level.

     Source Code
                 A program written in assembly or high-level language

     Object Code
                 The output of an assembler or compiler

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        w Machine Language
            n   Binary Instructions
            n   Difficult to decipher and write
                   l   Error-prone
            n   All programs converted into machine
                 language for execution

        Instruction Hex Mnemonic             Description            Processor
        10000000          80   ADD B         Add reg B to Acc       Intel 8085
        00101000          28   ADD A, R0 Add Reg R0 to Acc Intel 8051
        00011011          1B   ABA           Add Acc A and B        Motorola 6811

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        w Assembly Language
            n   Machine instructions represented in
            n   One-to-one correspondence
            n   Efficient execution and use of memory
            n   Machine-specific

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        w High-Level Languages
             n    BASIC, C, and C++
             n    Written in statements of spoken languages
             n    Machine independent
             n    Easy to write and troubleshoot
             n    Larger memory and less efficient execution

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                             Data Format (8-bit)

            w Unsigned Integers
              n   All eight bits represent the magnitude of a
                    l   Bit7 to Bit0
              n   Range 00H to FFH (010 to 25510)

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                             Data Format (8-bit)

        w Signed Integers
             n    2's Complement
                   l   Bit 7 is sign bit
             n    Positive numbers: 00H to 7FH (010 to 12710)
             n    Negative numbers: 80H to FFH (-110 to

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                          Data Format (8-bit)

        w Binary Coded Decimal Numbers (BCD)
            n   8 bits of a number divided into groups of
                 l   Each group represents a decimal digit from 0 to
            n   AH through FH are invalid
            n   Example: 0010 0101BCD = 2510

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                          Data Format (8-bit)

        w American Standard Code for
           Information Interchange (ASCII)
            n   Seven-bit alphanumeric code with 128
                 combinations (00H to 7FH)
            n   Represents English alphabet, decimal
                 digits from 0 to 9, symbols, and commands

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                        MPU-Based Systems

        w System hardware
            n   Discrete components
                 l   Microprocessor, Memory, and I/O
            n   Components connected by buses
                 l   Address, Data, and Control
        w System software
            n   A group of programs that monitors the
                 functions of the entire system

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                    MPU-Based Time
                 and Temperature System

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                     MCU-Based Systems

        w Includes microprocessor, memory, I/O
           ports, and support devices (such as
           timers) on a single semiconductor chip
        w Buses are generally not available to a
           system designer
        w I/O ports are generally multiplexed and
           can be programmed to perform different

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                       MCU-Based Time
                    and Temperature System

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  9S12 Hardware Overview, Subsystems, and
              Memory System

 Slide modificate da Giorgio Fissore
 Disponibili in centro stampa

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                            • 9S12 hardware overview
                            • Subsystems
                            • Memory System

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MC9S12E128A Block Diagram

                                                                   •   Processor CPU12
                                                                   •   xx Kbytes Flash EEPROM
                                                                   •   yy Kbytes RAM
                                                                   •   zz bytes      EEPROM
                                                                   •   PAD	
A/D 16 channels 10 bits
                                                                   •   PTT	
                                                                   •   PTS	
Serial SCI, SPI, 2 I/O
                                                                   •   PTU	
4 PWM, 4 I/O
                                                                   •   PTA 	
                                                                   •   PTB	
                                                                   •   PTE	
                                                                   •   PTK Extended Address
                                                                   •   BDI	

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  q    A simple processor like the 9S12 has four major components:
         § The control unit (CU). The instruction register (IR) contains
            the op code for the current instruction. Most 9S12 op codes                  EAR: registro che contiene l'indirizzo a cui
            are 8 bits wide, but some are 16 bits.                                       puntare in mem per prendere il dato (dopo
         § The arithmetic logic unit (ALU)                                              averlo calcolato si salva qui)
         § Registers. Accumulator, pointer and program counter (PC).
         § The bus interface unit (BIU). It reads data from the bus
            during a read cycle, and writes data onto the bus during a                   3 bus: dati, indirizzo, R/W
            write cycle.The effective address register (EAR) contains the
            data address for the current instruction.

                                                                                         Una sola memoria per indirizzi e dati

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   q    Core of the BIU is the instruction queue, used to buffer program                  Pre-fetching: si cercano in anticipo le
         information.                                                                      istruzioni seguenti ogni volta che la
   q    The 9S12 BIU reads the op code, then it reads the operand, and                    memoria è libera, così non devo quasi mai
         finally it reads and writes memory data as required.
                                                                                           cercare in memoria le istruzioni richieste,
   q    The instruction queue is a hardware first-in-first-out queue, placed
         between the BIU and the CU.                                                       perchè già pronte.
   q    Queue logic fetches program information and positions it for
         execution, but instructions are executed sequentially.                           Qui il BIU ha una coda di tre parole da 16
   q    The queue can hold up to three 16-bit values.                                    bit che funziona come una FIFO per le
   q    Writes from the processor to memory do not pass through the queue.               istruzioni pre-fetchate
   q    Using a queue allows the 9S12 to fetch the op code and operands of
         the next instruction while it is executing the current instruction.

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                                                                                         L'unico problema è che le macchine così
                                                                                         costruite sono più difficili da debuggare, in
                                                                                         quanto non basta mettersi sul bus che
                                                                                         unisce uP e memoria per vedere in ogni
                      9S12 Instruction Queue                                             istante cosa sta facendo la macchina.
                                                                                         Ora, con cache e pre-fetch non ho modo di
                                                                                         sapere cosa sto facendo real time.

                                                                                          Devo quindi aggiungere un modulo HW che
                                                                                          mi dica cosa sto facendo:
                                                                                          Remote Background Debug.
                                                                                          >> fondamentale, è lui che ci dice, parlando
                                                                                          con un programma su PC cosa si sta
 ✓ This diagram shows the CPU12 three stage instruction                                   facendo
   queue with an additional temp or prefetch stage.
 ✓ The queue is provided so that the CPU can immediately
   begin instruction execution as soon as the current
   instruction completes.
 ✓ The data bus supplies the opcodes into the queue as well
   as the data path to the execution unit.
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                                                                                         Nel caso in cui si abbassasse la tensione devo
Clock and Reset Generation Block (CRG)                                                   resettare in maniera particolare.

                                                                                        Blocco per la generazione di CLK e Reset
                                                                                        estremamente complesso.

                                                                                        5 modi diversi per resettare, tra gli altri, un
                                                                                        reset per lavorare anche se il clk si inchioda,
                                                                                        con un clk = 1 MHz

                                                                                        3 clk diversi!!!

                                  Moltiplicatore, o divisore, di frequenza;
                                                                      L13/ 7
                                                                             impiega però
                                  parecchio tempo per agganciarsi alla frequenza richiesta
                               possiamo prendere
                               il clk da qui o dal pll
Clock and Reset Generation Block (CRG)
 Features (from data sheets)

 • Phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency multiplier
     — Reference divider
     — Automatic bandwidth control mode for low-jitter operation
     — Automatic frequency lock detector
     — CPU interrupt on entry or exit from locked condition
     — Self-clock mode in absence of reference clock
 • System clock generator
     — Clock quality check
     — Clock switch for either oscillator- or PLL-based system clocks
     — User selectable disabling of clocks during wait mode for reduced power
 • Computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer with time-out clear window
 • System reset generation from the following possible sources:
     — Power-on reset
     — Low voltage reset (when available)
     — COP reset
     — Loss of clock reset
     — External pin reset
 • Real-time interrupt (RTI)
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Clock and Reset Generation Block (CRG)
    q   CRG generates the clock signals required by the instruction
         execution and all peripheral operations.
    q   The clock signal has the form of square waveform.
    q   Crystal oscillators are often used to generate clock signals.
    q   The crystal oscillator output is sinusoidal wave that is squared up
         internally before it can be used.
    q   The CRG block also has a PLL circuit that can multiply the
         frequency of the incoming clock signal.
    q   The CRG can also accept oscillator output (square waveform)
    q   The XCLKS signal must be tied low (for MC9S12DP256B) in order
         to use external clock signal.

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                        Choice of Clock Source
     q   The user can choose between using the external crystal or oscillator to                       Posso generare il clk:
          produce the clock signal.                                                                     -a partire da un clk esterno
     q   The external crystal is connected between the EXTAL and XTAL pins                             -dal clk esterno, ma passandolo dentro al
          and needs an on-chip oscillator circuitry to square it up.                                    pll
     q   The external clock source provided by the oscillator is connected to the                      -interno,...
          EXTAL pin and has a 2.5V peak-to-peak magnitude for D family.
                                                                                                        (è molto importante avere molta scelta su
     q   The XCLKS signal must be grounded to select the external clock
                                                                                                        come poter programmare il clk).
     q   The output from the OSC module may bypass or go through the PLL
     q   The PLL circuit has the capability to multiply incoming signal frequency
          and stabilize its output signal frequency.
     q   Either the OSCCLK or the PLLCLK can be chosen as the SYSCLK
          which will be divided by 2 to derive the bus clock to control the
          instruction execution and peripheral operation.
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                        Choice of Clock Source

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                                Available Clocks
q    CGC creates the clocks used in the MCU. The gating condition placed on top of the                Abbiamo due scelte sul clk:
      individual clock gates indicates the dependencies of different modes (stop, wait)

q    Bus Clock is used by
          § Peripherals (some peripheral modules also use the oscillator clock).
          § The memory blocks.
          § Bus clock is used to generate the clock visible at the ECLK pin.

q    Core clock signal is the clock for the CPU.                                                    Questo secondo clk può raggiungere il doppio
          § It is twice the bus clock but a CPU cycle corresponds to one bus clock.
                                                                                                     della frequenza del bus clk, poichè essendo
q    PLL clock mode is selected with PLLSEL bit.                                                    più interno è possibile spingere di più
          § When selected, the PLL output clock drives SYSCLK for the main system including
             the CPU and peripherals.
          § The PLL cannot be turned off by clearing the PLLON bit, if the PLL clock is selected.
          § When PLLSEL is changed, it takes a maximum of 4 OSCCLK plus 4 PLLCLK cycles
             to make the transition.
          § During the transition, all clocks freeze and CPU activity ceases

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                  Phase Locked Loop (PLL)

      q    The frequency of the PLLCLK is controlled by registers
            SYNR and REFDY using the following equation:                                  In un PLL il clk si genera partendo da un clk
                                                                                          esterno, moltiplicato per il rapporti tra due
                                             (SYNR + 1)
                     PLLCLK = 2 × OSCCLK × -----------------------                        numeri scritti in due registri.
                                             (REFDV + 1)                                  >> per far funzionare il blocco del PLL devo
                                                                                          prima programmarlo.

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                  Phase Locked Loop (PLL)

  Selection of
  PLL for clock
  generation is
  controlled by
  the CRGSEL

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                  Phase Locked Loop (PLL)

  PLL circuit
  is also
  by the

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                    Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
 •    Example There is a system that derives its bus clock from the PLL                                  Impareremo qualche istruzione assembler,
      circuit and an external clock of 8 MHz is selected. The desired bus
      clock is 24 MHz. Write an instruction sequence to perform the desired                              poichè in debug mode, si vede proprio il
      configuration.                                                                                     codice assembler.
 •    Solution
       § The SYSCLK frequency is 48 MHz.
       § The frequency of OSCCLK is 8 MHz.                                                              movb #[byte],[address] = "muovi il [byte] nel
       § 48 MHz = 2 × 8 MHz × [SYNR + 1] / [REFDV + 1]                                                  registro [address]
            – One solution is to set SYNR and REFDV to 2 and 0,

                  movb #2,SYNR             ; set SYNR to 2
                  movb #0,REFDV            ; set REFDV to 0
                  movb #$80,CRGSEL         ; enable PLL, keep SYSCLK running in wait mode,
                                           ; keep RTI, COP, PLL & core running in wait mode
                  movb #$60,PLLCTL         ; disable clock monitor, enable PLL, set automatic
                                           ; bandwidth control, disable RTI & COP in pseudo stop

                • In addition, the XCLKS pin must be grounded to select oscillator as
                   clock source.

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                    Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
•    Example There is a system that uses a 4 MHz crystal oscillator to
     derive a 24 MHz bus clock. Write an instruction sequence to perform
     the required configuration.
•    Solution The OSCCLK and PLLCLK frequencies are 4 MHz and 48
     MHz, respectively.
      § 48 MHz = 2 × 4 MHz × [SYNR + 1] / [REFDV + 1]
      § One solution is to set SYNR and REFDV to 5 and 0, respectively.

                   movb    #5,SYNR         ; set SYNR to 5
                   movb    #0,REFDV        ; set REFDV to 0
                   movb    #$80,CRGSEL     ; enable PLL, keep SYSCLK running in wait mode,
                                           ; keep RTI, COP, PLL & core running in wait mode
                   movb    #$60,PLLCTL     ; disable clock monitor, enable PLL, set automatic
                                           ; bandwidth control, disable RTI & COP in pseudo stop

            • The XCLKS pin must be pulled to high to select external crystal to
            generate clock signals.

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                     CPU12, register's model

                                                   • 8 bits data registers: A et B
                                                   • A – B : 16 bits : D                                   Nel cuore, la CPU, ci sono questi registri:
                                                                                                           -16 bit per i dati
                                                                                                           -16 bit per puntare ai registri
                                                   • 16 bits pointers registers :
                                                                                                           -16 bit per puntare lo stack
IX et IY
                                                                                                           -16 bit per puntare il program counter (PC)
                                                   • Stack Pointer : SP
                                                   • Program Counter Register :
                                                   • Flags CCR : S X H I N Z V C

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                         Hardware Overview

            •   Timing System
            •   Memory System
            •   Interrupt and Reset System
            •   Serial Communication System
            •   Port System
            •   Data Conversion System

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                      Hardware Overview (cont)
                                                                                       In base alle versioni posso scegliere il uC
                                                                                       anche con diversi tagli di memoria
            • Low power consumption - CMOS technology,
            • 16-bit data path (it can be used in 8-bit mode)
            • Different memory configurations:
               – 1..12 K-byte RAM
               – 0.5...4 K-byte EEPROM             qui posso modificare anche la
               – 16..240 K-byte FLASH              singola locazione
            • 8-channel, 16-bit timer, configure each
              channel separately as input or output
            • 16-bit pulse accumulator

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                      Hardware Overview (cont)

            • Real-time interrupt capability -
              accomplish operations on recurring
              basis - reminder
            • Serial communications:
                – Serial Communication Interface (SCI)
                   • asynchronous, 2 channels
                – Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
                   • synchronous
            • 8-channel, 8-bit analog-to-digital
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                       Hardware Overview (cont)
   • Modes of Operation                                                                I uC possono lavorare in modi differenti; nel
     – Normal                                                                          nostro caso 2;
     – Special (used for debugging single-chip operation,                              -Normal, per il funzionamento normale
       boot-strapping, or security related operations.                                 -Special, usato per funzioni particolari, tipo
       Background debug module BDM is active in this                                   quando uso il BDM (backgroung debug
       mode. The CPU executes a monitor program located                                module), o quando sono in accensione.
       in an on-chip ROM)
   • Configure using some pins at reset                                                Per capire come lavorare si controllano i bit di
   • Normal modes:                                                                     un registro.
     – Normal Single-Chip Mode                                                         NOTA: il PLL è già una periferica
     – Normal Expanded Wide Mode - 16-bit data bus                                     -Register Block: insieme di registri che mi
                                                                                       permettono di comunicare con le periferiche.
     – Normal Expanded Narrow Mode - 8-bit data bus

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                    9S12 Subsystems Register Block
            • Register Block
               – 1024-byte memory map collection of registers
               – Registers used to configure uC for specific tasks
                  • turn subsystems “on” and “off”, configure
                  • default register settings

            EX:   ATDCTL2          = $0062 ;register offset from base
                  ATD_INI          = $80 ;register mask or value

                  LDAA #ATD_INI
                  STAA ATDCTL2

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                        Subsystems Port System
                                                                                       Port system: insieme di porte a 8 bit che
            • Port System                                                              servono per interfacciarsi; possono essere:
               – used to exchange data and control signals with                        -general purpose (le programmo per
                 outside environment                                                   qualsiasi scopo)
               – Port is either an input register, output register, or                 -specific task
                 configurable I/O register
               – Multiple ports
                  • A - H, J general purpose I/O ports in single
                    chip mode, have other functions in expanded
                  • S: serial communication, T: timer system,
                    AD: analog-to-digital

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                        Subsystems Port System
       • Port related registers:
                                                                                       Ogni porta ha per esempio un:
          – Data Direction Register (DDRx): configures Port
                                                                                       -DDR: per decidere I/O
            as input/output (1: output, 0: input)
                                                                                       -PUCR: decide se attivare Rpu
          – Pull Up Control Register (PUCR): provides built-in
                                                                                       -RDRIV: decide se lavorare a bassa
            pull-up resistor for interface applications
          – Reduced Drive of I/O Lines Register (RDRIV):
                                                                                       >>> differenza rispetto a uP
            reduces current drive capability of pin
                                                                                       >>> posso programmare anche i livelli
          – Port E Assignment Register (PEAR):
                                                                                       elettrici del uC, e la gestione degli I/O
                 • provides alternate bus functions in expanded mode
                 • signals used in memory expansion applications

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            Registers I/O (some examples...)

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The Timing System - Standard Timer Module (TIM)

            • TIM contains 16-bit programmable counter
            • Provides following precision timer functions:
               – Output compare: generate precision output signals
                 such as periodic digital waveforms, pulses, etc.
               – Input capture: measure the characteristics of
                 incoming signals such as frequency, period, duty
                 cycle, pulse length
               – Pulse accumulator: count external events
               – Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal generation
                  • PWM not available in some S12 variant

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                  9S12: The Memory System

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                  9S12: The Memory System

     • Data bus width = memory width = M
     • memory locations = 2addr lines = 2n
     • Memory expressed as length x width
        – 2n x M bits
     • 9S12
        – 16-bit address bus
           • 1st address: %0000_0000_0000_0000 = $0000
           • last address: %1111_1111_1111_1111 = $FFFF
           • 216 locations = 65, 536 locations ~ 64K
        – 16-bit data bus (use 8-bit configuration, too)

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                  9S12: The Memory System
       • Memory Technologies:
         – RAM: Random Access Memory
            • volatile: no power, no memory
            • read/write
            • faster access time than ROM
            • temporary data storage during program execution
            • program storage during code development
         – ROM: Read Only Memory
            • nonvolatile
            • read
            • stores instructions and constants
            • byte-erasable EEPROMs, flash EEPROMs
            • program storage in final code version
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                             9S12 Subsystems
                            The Memory System
  Memory map for the MC9S12C
                                                                                    Siccome la mia macchina è a 16 bit, può
    Registers                                                                       programmare fino a 2'16 bit >> 4 kByte
                                                                                    >> come si fa se si hanno ad es 256 k di flash?
     RAM                                                                            >> organizzo la memoria in pagine da 16 k; poi
                                                                                    ne scelgo una per volta e la carico.
    (E2PROM)                                                                        >> è fondamentale conoscere la mappa della
                                                                                    memoria perchè devo indirizzare quella.


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                  9S12 Subsystems Interrupts

  • Break in normal program execution
                                                   fetch     decode
  • Usually higher priority event
                                                                                       -La macchina dovrà gestire anche gli
  • In response to interrupt, 9S12:
                                                         execute                       interrupt esterni;
     – finishes current instruction
                                                                                       -La gestione degli interrupt non è banale e
     – stores key register values                                                      molto importante
     – selects the correct vector to be served in the                                  -E' difficile programmare con gli interrupt
        Interrupt Vector Table                                                         perchè essi sono eventi asincroni.
     – performs an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
        specific for that interrupt

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                CPU12, Interrupts Vector table

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