Mosca e la qualità - IUAV

Pagina creata da Federica Fantini
Mosca e la qualità - IUAV
Iuav : 142

                                                                                                                                                                                                                foto di Olga Maleeva
                                         M o s c a e l a q u a l i tà
                                         racconti di un seminario
giornale edito a seguito del seminario   Introduzione                                te di tecnologie adatte a meglio sod-      de città capitale) cerca con difficoltà    generosa di suggestioni che gli italiani
Mosca e la qualità dell’architettura     Aldo Norsa                                  disfare la sequenza fondamentale “esi-     una strada nuova. Prima di tutto una       (architetti) hanno portato nel tempo
9 dicembre 2013, Venezia                                                             genze-requisiti-specifiche-prestazioni”.   strada originale. Con cadute non in-       (Domenico Trezzini, Bartolomeo Fran-
a cura di                                Perché una cattedra di tecnologia           Nel caso moscovita poi l’accelerazio-      differenti (favorite dal far west delle    cesco Rastrelli, Antonio Rinaldi, Carlo
Elena Giacomello e Martina Belmonte      dell’architettura si interessa alla qua-    ne impressa al progresso tecnico (non      approvazioni urbanistiche e degli ar-      Rossi,…). Forti di una ben assimilata
                                         lità dell’architettura stessa e per giun-   necessariamente tecnologico) nell’ul-      ricchimenti facili) ma anche con esiti     cultura classica, non c’è dubbio, nella
Università Iuav di Venezia               ta studiata in un contesto urbano/          timo secolo (il 1914 è per la Russia,      interessanti e diversi.                    composizione degli edifici e delle loro
Santa Croce 191 Tolentini                metropolitano? E perché in una città        con l’entrata in guerra, la fine di un     Tutto questo tenta di sbozzare il re-      parti, ma altrettanto ferrati nelle tec-
30135 Venezia
                                         eccentrica rispetto all’Europa (forse       isolamento e di un torpore millenari)      soconto di un seminario svoltosi allo      nologie che li rendevano salubri e sicu-
©Iuav 2014
                                         un po’ meno alla Venezia del “passag-       ha comportato molte sperimentazio-         Iuav il 9 dicembre 2013 dal titolo “Mo-    ri. E, per guidare il loro cammino, ecco
                                         gio a nordest”) ma invece centrale a        ni progettuali di assoluto rilievo. Non    sca e la qualità dell’architettura”, con   gli scritti di Renzo Dubbini (direttore
Iuav giornale dell’università            un’entità geografica più evocata che        sempre – è vero – con la dovuta conte-     la preziosa collaborazione di Elena        del DACC, Dipartimento di Architet-
iscritto al n. 1391                      esperita: l’Eurasia? Strategico crocevia    stualizzazione, non sempre con l’auspi-    Giacomello, dottoressa di ricerca allo     tura Costruzione Conservazione), Irina
del registro stampa
tribunale di Venezia
                                         tra due dei tre più vecchi Continenti.      cata cultura, ma con la possanza di un     Iuav. Esperti italiani e russi dialogano   Korobina (direttrice del Museo Stata-
a cura del                               Forse perché – e qui sovviene la locu-      popolo che, collettivamente, ha voluto     sul tema nelle pagine che seguono (in      le di Architettura Alexey Shchusev di
servizio comunicazione                   zione “cultura tecnologica della pro-       cambiare il corso della sua storia e di-   italiano e in inglese).                    Mosca), Alessandro De Magistris (pro-                          gettazione” cara a Giuseppe Ciribini,       ventare “moderno”.                         Come raccomandato agli studenti a          fessore ordinario di Storia dell’archi-
ISSN 2038-7814                           padre della disciplina – non esiste         Oggi, erede di una modernizzazione a       conclusione del seminario stesso è au-     tettura), Elisabetta Fabbri (architetto),
                                         discorso sulla tecnica che non sia ra-      tappe forzate e talvolta di un giganti-    spicabile che sempre più giovani ita-      Umberto Zanetti (ingegnere, fondato-
Amerigo Restucci                         dicato nella cultura dei luoghi e dei       smo e di un titanismo vuoti di senso,      liani imparino il russo e vadano a lavo-   re di ZDA), Sergey Nikitin (fondatore
                                         significati che vi sono associati.          l’architettura moscovita (russa meno       rare lì, non solo come sbocco attraente    di Bureau MosKultProg), Gianpaolo
stampa                                   Quindi ogni grande città, ogni area         perché quella recupera localismi e         a situazioni professionali qui impan-      Forese e Ferruccio Tasinato (fondatori
Grafiche Veneziane, Venezia (VE)         metropolitana è laboratorio delle scel-     vernacolarismi impossibili nella gran-     tanate ma anche come riproposizione        di +39 Architects).
Mosca e la qualità - IUAV
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Metamorfosi e trasformazioni                 come paradigma di una città euro-              Recent History of Moscow                    tations. Lenin had moved the Soviet          rental basis. Residential districts for
di una capitale                              pea ai limiti di una linea di frontiera.       Irina Korobina                              government to Moscow, and in 1918            workers began to appear, usually in
Renzo Dubbini                                Walter Benjamin, negli anni Venti, nel                                                     the city became the capital of Russia        the vicinity of factories. At the same
                                             suo “Immagini di città”, proponeva di          Moscow today is a huge megalopo-            and in 1922 of the USSR – the count-         time, new and experimental types of
Mosca, in quanto terreno di speri-           valutarne i caratteri per analogia. Egli       lis which ranks one of the first in the     ry’s political, industrial, and cultural     housing and construction technology
mentazione architettonica, è un caso         sosteneva: “è Berlino che si impara a          world in terms of pace of urbanization.     centre. This had implications for the        were developed. The best architects
complesso e di grande interesse. In un       conoscere attraverso Mosca“. Ma Mo-            The city is, you might say, making up       way in which Moscow changed and              designed “commune houses“. These
vasto panorama di temi, emergono             sca – sottolineava – ha una vitalità           for what it missed out on under So-         developed, but also for the ideological      were idealistic ways of organizing the
rotture e continuità rispetto alle altre     che Berlino non possiede. È elegante,          viet rule, when it was severely reined      content of its architecture.                 lives of workers with an emphasis on
capitali europee e alla tradizione.          lussuosa, ordinata, Berlino, ma è una          in by socialist economics and urban-        The 1920s saw the appearance of a            communal living and collective recre-
Dalla città ancora centrica, che resiste     città “vuota“! Soprattutto le strade           planning concepts that, enshrined in        whole series of projects aimed at total-     ation. Construction costs were to be
nella sua unità fino agli anni Trenta, si    sono deserte. A Mosca invece trionfa           law, dictated to it what form it should     ly reconstructing Moscow in order to         reduced by minimizing the amount
sostituisce una città in forte espansio-     l’esuberanza: “la merce trabocca dap-          take. Today, by contrast, everything –      turn it into the ideal communist city.       of space allocated to each member of
ne che pone questioni fortemente lega-       pertutto fuori dalle case“. È questo il        or almost everything – is determined        Ideas for communist forms of settle-         the house. Considerable effort went
te allo sviluppo sociale, ai programmi       carattere marcato di una città di tra-         by market forces. Moscow has become         ment were based on a faith in the po-        into designing residential units that
architettonici, a una razionalizzazione      dizione commerciale, lo spirito della          a gigantic building site; vacant land       wer of technical science and rational        would make optimum use of minimal
dei costi di produzione dell’edilizia.       città mercantile orientale.                    is subject to intensive development;        organization of space. Their aim was to      amounts of space. Subsequently these
Nel suo variegato panorama il ferro e        Dopo la rivoluzione, l’edilizia tradi-         industrial zones and the first genera-      radically change the existing situation      experiments shaped the development
il vetro convivono con la vecchia edili-     zionale convive con le architetture            tion of Soviet standard-type housing        and so transform Moscow into the “ca-        of house building all over the world.
zia in legno, ma la questione primaria       geometriche dell’avanguardia, di Mel-          are being radically reconstructed;          pital city of the victorious Proletariat“.   One of the instruments used in orga-
è connessa al tema di come si possa-         nikov, Lubetkin, Le Corbusier. La com-         and work is going ahead on “grand           As early as 1918, this policy had produ-     nizing people’s lives was construction
no affrontare i programmi dei grandi         petizione si scatena nelle nuove città         projects“ intended to mark the birth of     ced an example of a qualitatively new        of public housing and provision of
edifici (dai magazzini commerciali,          industriali, ispirate dai modelli ame-         a new capitalist capital city. Moscow is    approach to urban development.               services that freed up workers’ time
alle grandi unità abitative, agli edifici    ricani (Detroit e il fordismo), quanto         reaching upwards. A “ring of skyscra-       B.Sakkulin’s enfluentogram was Rus-          for work and self-education. This was
istituzionali) e allo “zoning“, al pari di   nei grattacieli di Mosca: la New York          pers“, named by journalists “the 22 si-     sia’s first regional urban-planning          the age that saw the appearance of
altre realtà occidentali.                    del socialismo realizzato, descritta da        sters“, is already on architects’ drawing   project based on group socialist set-        kindergartens, crèches, and a new type
Oggi uno dei problemi più rilevanti ri-      un critico attento e colto come Robert         boards, and Norman Foster’s Russia          tlement. The “Large Moscow“ project          of catering service, the kitchen factory,
guarda la gestione e la selezione della      Byron nel suo reportage del 1931-1932.         Tower, the tallest skyscraper in Euro-      developed by a team led by Sergey            which could serve up to 1500 persons
qualità, e al tempo stesso il manteni-       Ma la diversità è evidente, nonostan-          pe, is currently awaiting planning per-     Shestakov in 1926 proposed enlarging         simultaneously. At the same time,
mento di una identità segnata da di-         te l’ambiguità ideologica. I grattacieli       mission. The intensive urbanization of      the capital and surrounding it with          architects tackled the task of organi-
namiche sempre più globalizzate.             modernisti di Mosca sono i simboli del-        Moscow Suburb leads to actual sprawl        two rings of satellite cities.               zing workers’ recreation. The country
È qui interessante porci la domanda          la burocrazia staliniana, di un linguag-       of the city environment behind the ad-      The rapid development of transport,          switched to a 7-hour working day and
se l’architettura sia in grado ancora di     gio rigido e piatto che rimarrà in auge        ministrative board of the city Moscow       the beginning of mass construction of        passive leisure became increasingly
elaborare un linguaggio per ogni spe-        fino agli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta,           Ring Road. A fifth ring road is now in      housing, and the use of new construc-        unpopular. Theatres and concert halls
cifica circostanza, sintesi di forma e di    finché esigenze funzionali non impor-          planning. This will link Moscow’s satel-    tions and materials opened up endless        were now seen as remnants of the old
tecnica.                                     rano una svolta. La crescita demogra-          lite towns – a hint of how the Russian      opportunities for urban planners. The        bourgeois way of life. For all-round de-
Spesso i grandi progetti per le città        fica e dimensionale porrà problemi             capital will expand in the future.          1932 competition for proposals for the       velopment of people’s personalities,
globali si trasformano in occasioni di       non risolvibili con logiche circoscritte       Internationally, Moscow is a mighty la-     General Plan for Moscow was a re-            a new type of building, the worker’s
risonanza ideologica, casi-modello,          a singoli edifici. La rete metropolitana,      boratory for experimentation in social      sponse to a profound public need in          club, was invented. This was intended
quasi nello spirito delle Esposizioni        il sistema dei trasporti, lo sviluppo dei      and economic policy and urban plan-         the country of the Soviets, and it gave      to provide a full range of diverse types
universali. Ogni occasione viene fatta       quartieri residenziali divengono i vin-        ning. As a free market forms and capi-      rise to some extremely radical ideas.        of active cultural activity capable of
apparire come fatto esemplare, che           coli reali con i quali fare i conti.           talism gathers pace, a new metropolis       Architect Nikolay Ladovsky proposed          comprehensively developing the per-
difficilmente viene collegato a un’ana-      Certo, la città ha bisogno dei suoi sim-       of a kind never seen before is being        interrupting the annular structure in        sonality. The “new type of club“ be-
lisi contestuale. Il contesto è ritenuto     boli e di un riordino funzionale. E la         born.                                       one spot and giving Moscow the free-         came a subject for extensive public
un impaccio e il tema analitico è pre-       Russia Tower di Foster è in un certo           Following the October Revolution of         dom to grow, thus turning the city into      debate. A radical expression of this
feribilmente trascurato, ritenuto poco       senso l’equivalente della Scheggia di          1917 Moscow became the capital of           a parabola. The project by the BOPRA         discussion was the project of Ivan Leo-
pragmatico o irrealistico.                   Renzo Piano a Londra. I grandi edifici         the young Soviet state, taking upon         team was a attempt to fit a radial/          nidov, who proposed a “system for or-
Gli studi di Manfredo Tafuri, Vieri Qui-     però in genere si sovrappongono alla           itself the role of ideological centre       annular city into a rectangular grid         ganizing cultural activities for workers“
lici, Jean-Louis Cohen, e molti altri,       città; possono funzionare come segna-          and laboratory for experiments in the       of main roads. Le Corbusier proposed         as a new life style. Sport had always
hanno dimostrato una indiscutibile           li nel paesaggio urbano, ma spesso             formation of a new society and the          building a new Moscow with an ortho-         been an activity for the aristocracy and
utilità nell’ambito di analisi storiche,     rimangono isolati, dispositivi che fun-        quest for new forms of settlement. It       gonal layout instead of the existing         the bourgeoisie; now a state program-
ma richiederebbero un aggiornamen-           zionano in autonomia. In questo senso          was this period that defined the ide-       irregular city. Hans Meyer (Germany)         me for bringing it to the Soviet masses
to e un cambiamento di prospettiva,          anche a Mosca si registra il fenomeno          al goal as that of building the “bright     designed a system of 10 specialized          was announced. The first Soviet sports
troppo legati all’evoluzione parallela       osservato da Edward Glaeser nel suo            future“, which in its turn determined       satellite cities arranged around Mo-         stadiums were built.
dell’ideologia socialista, mentre oggi       recente libro “Il trionfo della città”.        the direction that would be taken by        scow as their nucleus. His compatriot,       In architecture Constructivism came to
l’analisi andrebbe spostata sul terreno      Questi grandi interventi sono segni            urban planning over this entire period.     architect Kurt Meyer, proposed turning       the fore. This style’s victory in a fier-
del formarsi di specifiche professiona-      dinamici, di capacità di investimento,         The 20th century saw a succession of        Moscow into a stellar city that would        ce battle with traditional architecture
lità, sulle tecnologie, sulle ragioni di     ma la vera sfida è la ricostruzione del        concepts for building “New Moscow“ –        represent democratic symbolism. The          was marked by the competition to de-
un pragmatismo che sembrerebbe of-           tessuto sociale e del contesto storico         whether they were ideas by individual       competition intensified the debate           sign the Palace of Labour in Moscow,
frire qualsiasi opportunità al mercato.      delle città. La città è il grande elemen-      architects or plans developed over ye-      that developed during the First Five-        in which first place went to a project
La nuova architettura in Russia è aper-      to attrattivo e dinamico del nostro            ars by planning institutions.               Year Plan between urbanists and di-          by the Vesnin brothers. Pride in the
ta alle sfide internazionali, accoglie le    tempo, tuttavia la tecnologia non può          Historical discourse allows us to iden-     surbanists.                                  revolutionary transformation of socie-
archistar e affida loro ambiziosi pro-       essere il solo fattore del suo sviluppo.       tify at least three stages in the deve-     The best architects of the age deve-         ty required the construction of presti-
grammi, sebbene i legami con il passa-       Serve la capacità di incrociarla con la        lopment of pre-perestroika Moscow,          loped utopian planning projects for          gious buildings that would be seen as
to non siano stati cancellati.               cultura. Occorre sviluppare di pari pas-       each of which is based on radically         turning Moscow into an ideal garden          symbolically affirming the new socia-
L’elaborazione del linguaggio è certo        so le funzioni e il significato culturale      different planning approaches aimed         city. Such were the projects for a “gre-     list values. Avant-garde experiments
vincolata ai caratteri delle città, alla     delle città. Come dice Glaeser, dob-           at transforming the capital into an         en city“ drawn up in 1930 by Moysey          of this time were aimed not only at
loro cultura e posizione geografica. E       biamo per lo meno garantire, quale             “ideal city“.                               Ginzburg, Nikolay Ladovsky, and Kon-         resolving social problems, but also at
dunque alla loro formazione storica: ai      base del processo che va sviluppato, il                                                    stantin Mel’nikov. In reality, though,       providing symbols of the construction
fattori che ne hanno determinato for-        “terreno livellato“ (è una metafora) sul       New Moscow 1                                Moscow was undergoing a period of            of a new world. Tatlin’s Tower, a design
me ed usi e di cui si è costituita una       quale democraticamente è possibile             The first post-revolutionary projects for   active urbanization. The first Soviet        inspired by the First Congress of the
percezione. Pietroburgo è la città degli     realizzare i nostri ideali. Va ricercato ciò   radical reorganization of Moscow un-        factories and infrastructure were being      Third Communist Internationale (held
Zar, la città di nuova fondazione, la        che, in altro modo, David Chipperfield         der communism, 1918 – early 1930s           built in Moscow and the country out-         in Moscow in 1919) became a symbol
città europea dal linguaggio classico,       definiva, nella Biennale Architettura          The technical and scientific revolution     side. Public transport was also introdu-     of the age, while Shabolov’s Radio
dagli spazi ampi, visivamente ordina-        del 2012, il common ground necessario          and the social shocks at the beginning      ced in the form of regular buses and         Tower symbolized Soviet progress in
ti. Mosca è la città delle stratificazioni   a progettare un’architettura dal forte         of the 20th century led to a radical        the first taxis.                             science and technology (due to the
storiche, che per questo accoglie più        senso civico. Dobbiamo costruire su            transformation of all aspects of life       The housing problem was so urgent            difficult economic situation following
facilmente la modernità e anche oggi         un terreno culturale che sia favorevole        in Russia. The revolution of 1917 con-      that it had to be prioritized. In 1918       the Revolution, it was built to only half
è più disponibile a nuovi sviluppi. Co-      alla creazione e al mantenimento delle         jured up social-economic and political      private ownership of real estate was         its planned height). The Soviet autho-
munque non oltre alcuni limiti!              nostre realizzazioni. È questo un impe-        utopias that affected all fields of life,   annulled. Workers and soldiers and           rities were intent on displaying to both
È emblematico il recente episodio che        gno che non possiamo assolutamente             resulting in the banning of private ow-     their families were given rooms in           their own citizens and the rest of the
riguarda la Piazza Rossa. L’enorme           eludere.                                       nership of land and real estate, manu-      large apartments that had previously         world the first successes and achie-
baule promozionale di Louis Vuitton                                                         facturing plant, natural resources, etc.,   been owned by the bourgeoisie (the-          vements of their rule. The middle of
è stato rimosso per ordine di Putin:                                                        and the building of a new communist         se came to be known as “communal             the 1920s saw the construction of the
troppo grande, oscurava la chiesa e                                                         society and the world’s first Soviet sta-   apartments“). In the 1920s a start           National Agricultural and Craft/Indu-
il mausoleo di Lenin, i simboli di una                                                      te. The urban-planning utopias of this      was made on a state programme for            strial Exhibition on the site of an old
tradizione nazionale ancora irrinuncia-                                                     time were the result of social, econo-      construction of housing; apartments          rubbish tip (the grounds of the exhibi-
bili. Possiamo pensare a Mosca anche                                                        mic, and political ideals and expec-        were given to those in need on a             tion later became the Park of Culture
Mosca e la qualità - IUAV
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and Recreation). Russia’s first planeta-     of the socialist system and the pro-        tories built at this time included a car     This approach, full of an optimistic          of construction of new housing, shops,
rium, crowned by the largest dome in         sperity and might of the USSR. “New         factory, Kalibr, and Frezer. Extensive       faith in the power of technology and          and cultural and public facilities. Bu-
Europe, displayed the achievements of        Moscow 2” began with the pursuit            industrial zones took shape in Moscow        bolstered by a strengthening of the           ildings employed standard-type plans
Soviet science and “the expansion of         of a strict state policy that called for    Region.                                      authority of Soviet science (typical of       and a shared inventory of reinforced-
the world revolution into the cosmos“.       supervision of all fields of life, inclu-   In terms of architecture and art, “New       this age of cosmic exploration), was          concrete parts. All new districts were
The state’s campaign against religion,       ding art and architecture. As the Party     Moscow 2” embodied a Grand Style             reflected in the work of a new genera-        almost identical to one another. Achie-
which led to the demolition of many of       and the Soviet Government set course        based on assimilation of Classical he-       tion of architects. New Element of Set-       vements in urban development were
Moscow’s churches, also showed itself        for a revival of Classical heritage, the    ritage. The unique public buildings of       tlement (NER), a team led by Aleksey          assessed on the basis of quantitative
in the quest for a new concept of sa-        advances made by the Avant-garde            the time may be read as symbols. Their       Gutnov, devised projects that were a          characteristics. The housing regula-
credness to take the place of the old.       were depicted as a wrong turning.           purpose was to broadcast to the entire       kind of Soviet response to the interna-       tions allocated nine square metres of
Lenin’s plan for monumental propa-           In spite of the lack of a developed         world images of imperial might, world        tional radical movement.                      living space to each person. In the
ganda envisaged the creation of a cult       construction industry and the limited       leadership, everlastingness, and im-         The official plan for the reconstruc-         1960s more than five million square
of new heroes – leaders of the world         funding available, the new general          mortality. The University was built as       tion of Moscow over the period 1951-          metres of housing came on line very
revolution, politicians, and important       plan was implemented with success.          a Temple of Science; the Lenin Library       1960s, developed by a team led by             year. By the 1980s more than 90% of
figures in science and culture. Extreme      Moscow acquired a new face and the          as a sanctuary of world knowledge;           D.Chegulin, envisaged switching to            construction of residential and social
forms of expression of the new con-          grandeur of a capital city. There was a     and the Moskva Hotel as a symbol of          construction of fully prefabricated           buildings was employing pre-fabrica-
cept of sacredness were the construc-        very rapid improvement in the count-        hospitality on a capital scale. Here the     houses. In Moscow standard plans we-          ted structures. The height of buildings
tion of Moscow’s first crematorium,          ry’s infrastructure: construction of the    emphasis was on form; functionality          re devised for use in mass construction       grew constantly – from five-storey
which symbolized atheism and denial          Moskva-Volga Canal made Moscow a            and economics took a back seat. The          of housing and a mighty construction          buildings with small apartments and
of “life after death“, and the Mauso-        port with links to five seas and solved     Red Army Theatre is stellar in shape;        organization, Glavmosstroy, was set up        without lifts at the beginning of the
leum of Lenin, which affirmed the idea       problems with the city’s water supply.      its theatrical functions are “squeezed“      in order to build these designs in quick      1960s to 14-22-storey buildings with
of Lenin’s immortality.                      Ten new bridges were built over the         into a magical mould. Detsky Mir is          order. At the same time, industrial           apartments “with improved layouts“ at
As Soviet rule gathered strength and         River Moskva, and a river port was          a children’s shop writ large in monu-        capacity was built in order to manu-          the end of the 1980s.
the political situation changed, the         constructed. The city’s railway system      mental forms. And the ring of high-rise      facture house parts. This was the time        Cinema became the most popular
hyper-project “New Moscow 1” – aimed         was at the time one of the best in Eu-      buildings erected at this time had the       of the first experiments in creation          form of mass recreation. In all districts
at creating an ideal capital city for the    rope in terms of passenger and freight      sole purpose of forming a silhouette fit     of large residential districts based on       of Moscow cinemas were erected – ini-
world’s proletariat and involving many       capacity. By the end of the 1930s, Mo-      for a capital city. Architecture served to   standardization and construction of           tially to standard designs, but subse-
innovations and much successful ex-          scow was second only to New York for        illustrate a myth about the advantages       standard-type housing.                        quently to one-off ones. Sports struc-
perimentation in approaches to social,       the power of its heating systems. Air       and attainments of socialism, and to         The Moscow Ring Road (MKAD), Mo-              tures followed housing in becoming
economic, and architectural aspects of       transport was also developing fast.         form a new state version of the sacred.      scow’s outer transport ring, was made         objects of mass construction.
urban development – began to chan-           The first airport in the Moscow Region      The most impressive supersize projects       the city’s new boundary, increasing the       Construction of housing, shops, and
ge shape. The ideology remained the          was built before World War II. In 1935      of the time were the VDNKh (Exhibi-          city’s area by more than 100% - from          social-services structures was finan-
same – to “build the bright future“ –        the first line of the Moscow metro, the     tion of the Attainments of the Peo-          356 square kilometres in 1960 to 885          ced by the state. Rents were minimal,
but it now had a different image and         city’s main transport system, came in-      ple’s Economy), an exhibition desig-         square kilometres in 1961. Work was           at about 3% of a family’s monthly in-
different means of implementation.           to operation. Considerable effort was       ned as a utopian city of the future; the     begun on a new general plan to co-            come. Prices for food, household and
                                             put into reconstructing the road net-       Moscow metro, an ideal city located          ver the next 25-30 years, and this was        other consumer goods, public tran-
New Moscow 2                                 work. Ulitsa Gor’kogo and the Sadovoe       underground; and the design for the          adopted in 1971. The new plan propo-          sport, and pre-school childcare were
Design and construction of the ideal         kol’tso in the city centre were widened;    Palace of the Soviets, which was to be       sed an ideal planning layout: seven zo-       also minimal. Higher and intermediate
city, the “Capital of the World’s Prole-     new main roads and thoroughfares            a Temple to Communism of all ages            nes with their own independent public         education and sports activities were
tariat and of the Empire of Victorious       were built; the tramline network was        and nations. The latter project was ne-      centres. These zones spread out from          free of charge.
Socialism“, 1935-54                          expanded; and trolleybus routes were        ver implemented due to the war, but          a central, eighth, zone like the petals       Architectural design divided into two
The totalitarian idea of the “Capital        constructed.                                it nevertheless served as a symbol of        of a camomile flower. Each category           categories: standard-type and one-off.
of the Empire of Victorious Socialism“,      Pre-war house building was directly         Moscow and the USSR over the course          of area was allocated a mode of ur-           Moscow and indeed the entire country
which accompanied the severe cen-            linked with the reconstruction of main      of many years.                               ban transformation and a deadline by          were swamped in monotonous micro-
tralization of power that had taken          roads and the creation of new em-           The country’s totalitarian government        which social and economic reconstruc-         districts of standardized pre-fabricated
place by the middle of the 1930s, was        bankments along the river. Residential      believed that monumental projects of         tion was to be carried out.                   buildings, yet there were architects
affirmed in the process of Moscow’s          buildings served as façades that gave       this kind would serve as material proof      The principal idea for “New Moscow            who heroically stuck to a creative
transformation into a monumental art         the city a “beautiful face”. And even       of the attainability of the utopian ide-     3” was to create a model socialist city       approach in spite of the restrictions
project, a collection of ensembles in a      when housing was in short supply            al. “New Moscow 2” is a rare example         whose every resident would be equally         imposed by rigid financial restrictions
grand style. If “New Moscow 1“ invol-        during the post-war crisis, construc-       of the actual realization of an ideal ci-    well provided with social, economic,          and limited construction technology.
ved the creation of a new reality, “New      tion of smart residential complexes         ty. When Stalin’s personality cult was       and cultural goods on the basis of            Such were Aleksandr Larin with his
Moscow 2” was intended to depict and         continued. The inconvenient interior        debunked, the falsity of this concept        scientific planning. The “multi-level         Kindergarten and Chemist’s Shop and
convey through artistic means the ide-       layouts of these houses were com-           was revealed. It had helped to spread        system of servicing“ that was adop-           Mikhail Khazanov with his Workshop.
as of imperial prosperity and the might      pensated for by their well-designed         the imperial image of a superpower,          ted at this time called for people to         The unique architecture of “New Mo-
of the Soviet state.                         architectural form and the rich décor       but at the same time had accelerated         be supplied with all the institutions         scow 3” stands out for the architectural
During this period the USSR demon-           on their facades. Apartments in such        the USSR’s housing crisis and exacer-        necessary for life – schools, kindergar-      achievements of democratically min-
strated to the rest of the world its aspi-   buildings were given to citizens who        bated the country’s social and econo-        tens, polyclinics, libraries, cinemas, etc.   ded Soviet Modernism. Such are the
ration to take the lead in all spheres of    had performed services to the state,        mic problems.                                – and was based on mechanical calcu-          Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren
life. Chelyuskin made his expedition to      while the bulk of the population conti-                                                  lations of the population’s aggregate         on Lenin Hills, the SEB building, the
the North Pole. Chkalov flew over the        nued to jostle each other in communal       New Moscow 3                                 requirements. This gave rise to the “mi-      sports complex at Krylatskoe, the New
Arctic from Russia to America. Korolev       apartments and basements.                   Construction of the “capital of social       crodistrict“ (mikrorayon) as the main         MKhAT (Moscow Artistic Academic
developed a theory for conquering the        Social services for the ordinary popula-    justice“ through industrialization and       unit of urban design. When a number           Theatre), and the innovative Ostanki-
cosmos. These achievements were in-          ce started to fall behind. A consequen-     standardization                              of such microdistricts were combined,         no Television Tower, which at the time
tended to serve as proof of the power        ce of the Statute on the Elimination        The 1950s: Khrushchev’s “thaw“               they made up a district. Districts came       was the tallest in Europe. At the end
of the young Soviet state.                   of Private Trade (1931) was the con-        Designing the “model socialist city“         together to form planning zones.              of the 1970s examples of pro-Western
The New General Plan for the Recon-          struction of large state grocery shops,     on the basis of scientific planning          There was intensive and high-quality          architecture began to appear.
struction of Moscow adopted in 1935          supermarkets, and farmer’s markets.         1970s: Brezhnev’s age of “stagnation“        development of the transport infra-           These included the first major admini-
called for a more than 100% increase         Moscow acquired its first smart hotels      Typical of the Age of Mature Socialism,      structure. The radial/annular roads           strative centre on Krasnopresnenska-
in the city’s physical size and for con-     with fine restaurants. At the same ti-      which began with the government of           system was improved through the               ya naberezhnaya with its atrium and
siderable growth in the number of            me, though, there was a clear deficit of    Nikita Khrushchev, is the idea of inte-      addition of new chordal and annular           shopping malls and the concave block
its inhabitants. The plan was based          educational and children’s institutions     grated urban planning. This involved         main roads. Construction of the Mo-           of the Cosmos Hotel with its conti-
on the idea of “correcting“ the city’s       and small retail outlets.                   a new concept of urban development           scow Ring Road (109 km long) kept             nuous façade glazing.
original layout and turning it into an       The emphasis switched once more to          based on industrialization and stan-         transit traffic out of the city. Moscow’s     In spite of the emphasis on tackling
ideal radial/annular structure. Unlike       classic varieties of recreation. Theatres   dardization, policies which were inten-      first tunnels and flyovers were bu-           social problems and the strict financial
the radical ideas of the 1920s, the Sta-     and concert halls, libraries and mu-        ded to bring about equality in distri-       ilt. There was rapid expansion of the         and technological restrictions, buil-
linist concept of the city did not deny      seums were built as “temples to cul-        bution of social and economic goods.         metro system, and the city’s fleets of        dings designed for the sake of image,
the Moscow that actually existed at          ture“. The clubs of the 1920s gave way      The late 1950s and early 1960s were          buses, trolleybuses, and taxis were re-       to show the world the “contemporary
the time, but was embodied in speci-         to Palaces of Culture with large audi-      marked by remarkable events such as          newed. Moscow’s eight railways were           face“ of the capital of the USSR, conti-
fic monumental projects that shared a        toria for holding shows and meetings.       the denunciation of Stalin’s persona-        united to form a single railway hub,          nued to be built. A symbol of the age
“grand style“. Construction of the Pala-     Physical education and sport were gi-       lity cult; the removal of Stalin’s body      which, with its increased passenger           was the ensemble on Prospekt Kali-
ce of Soviets and of the Moscow metro;       ven state backing. Parades of fitness       from the Kremlin; the World Festival         and freight capacity, became the lar-         nina, built on the site of one of the
the creation of a new system of main         enthusiasts were held on Red Square.        of Young People and Students; the            gest such hub in the world. There was         most famous districts of old Moscow
streets to serve as the city’s façade;       The Party decided to pursue industria-      launch of the first manmade satellite        intensive development of air transport        (which was demolished to make way
and the construction of embankments          lization. As development of industry        of the Earth; and Yury Gagarin’s flight      with the opening of Sheremet’evo,             for it). Another version of representati-
and new bridges, a central park, and         intensified, there was a large increase     into space. Another important event          Vnukovo, and Domodedovo airports.             ve architecture developed at this time
district parks: all this was intended to     in the total area of land used for ma-      was Nikita Khrushchev’s famous sta-          The city acquired hydrofoils.                 was Modernism in white marble with
turn Moscow into an ideal city that          nufacturing, especially in eastern and      tute “On Combating Superfluity in Ar-        “New Moscow 3” was an unpreceden-             an admixture of the Classical tradition.
would show the world the advantages          south-eastern districts of the city. Fac-   chitecture“.                                 ted breakthrough in terms of volumes          Examples include the Palace of Con-
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gresses in the Kremlin and the House       “reorganization“), which began in            small quantities of goods which they        bosses. The main cause, however, was        On the “periphery“ new residential di-
of Councils of the Russian Soviet Fe-      1987, brought radical changes in poli-       brought back as their personal lugga-       economic. Construction technology           stricts with all the attributes of a pro-
deration of Socialist Republics – which    tics and state economic policy. For the      ge). Such private enterprise became a       in Russia at this time was extremely        per urban environment will be created,
fathered the architecture of Commu-        first time, people began to appreciate       means of survival for many ex Soviet        backward. The Soviet house-building         and nature reserves will be marked out
nist Party Committee buildings in eve-     the value of land. The idea of private       citizens during this time of miniscule      enterprises badly needed modernizing.       and protected. 42% of the city’s land is
ry administrative district in Moscow, as   property was affirmed and legitimised.       salaries and unstoppable inflation. At      There were very few alternative ways        to be assigned new functions by 2020
well as the Central House of the Artist    A legal framework was created for de-        the same time, a gulf emerged betwe-        to build; and what capacity there was       – including 74 industrial zones with a
and the Olympiisky Sports Complex.         velopment of a free market. After 70         en the rich and the poor, and homeless      was not capable of building modern          total area of 15.000 hectares, which are
The lack of any real demand for archi-     years of Soviet rule and socialist living,   and destitute people appeared on the        architecture, which requires advanced       to be reconstructed as mixed-use resi-
tecture at the end of the 1980s was        the country embarked on the path of          city’s streets. In the 1990s there was      technology. So the design institutes,       dential and public zones. Furthermore,
responsible for the rise of the alterna-   capitalist development. This path, ho-       rapid growth in numbers of people           which had previously specialized in         there are plans to radically reconstruct
tive “paper architecture“ movement.        wever, was altogether different from         employed in construction, retail trade,     “boxes“, started rolling out undisgui-      the first generations of Soviet prefabri-
The young Soviet architects associated     the development of capitalism in the         public catering, and finance, and a         sedly eclectic architecture in the “Mo-     cated housing or demolish them with
with this movement won numerous pri-       West. Thanks to its population’s uni-        sharp drop in those working in science      scow style“.                                a view to building afresh.
zes at international conceptual compe-     versal distrust for the idea of globali-     and manufacturing.                          The state system of architectural de-       There is an important difference
titions in Japan and Europe. A mix of      sation and liberalisation of the mar-        The largely speculative business of         sign disintegrated. Private architectu-     between the new general plan and
architectural conceptualism, philoso-      ket, Russia’s quest for an identity of       this period produced a new breed of         ral firms, which started to appear at       general plans from the Soviet era, in
phy, and graphic craftsmanship, their      its own, which expressed itself in the       Russian capitalist who proved a very        the end of the 1980s, quickly became        that this is a regulatory as opposed to
designs were a bright event on the         adoption of liberal political and eco-       active, but distinctive commissioner of     a real force on the market. Many of         merely declarative document. In the
architectural horizon during the “age      nomic reforms, has taken a highly di-        architecture. Lacking both culture and      them began promoting the principles         USSR town planning was the prero-
of stagnation“. The “paper architects“     stinctive route. 21st-century Russia is a    experience of living the life of the we-    of Modernism. But in spite of their he-     gative of the state. Now it is part of
went on to occupy leading positions in     gigantic laboratory for social, political,   althy, the nouveaux riches were quick       roic efforts, to which the professional     a dialogue with investors and owners
architectural practice and construction.   and urban-planning ideas.                    to load up with real estate, mostly of      community reacted with enthusiasm,          concerning the city’s development.
The end of the 1980s was a time of         In Moscow, which continues to be a           strange and alien architecture. There       very few of their designs were actually     This implies a switch of emphasis to
economic stagnation. The slow deve-        “state within a state“ and a model to        was a wave of construction of out-of-       built.                                      devising urban-planning strategies,
lopment of public transport and servi-     which the rest of the country looks for      town cottages and villas in eclectic,       The decline of urban planning as a          an approach which has long since be-
ces on the outskirts of the capital; the   inspiration, all processes tend towards      “antique styles“.                           science at this time is all too evident.    en espoused by developed capitalist
mechanical approach taken to urban         hypertrophy. In the 1990s Moscow to-         As economic reforms legitimising the        Deprived of state funding, the rese-        states and which is without doubt a
planning and to implementation of          ok the lead in pioneering reform and         free market progressed, construction        arch institutes wilted and degraded as      great step forward. However, as the
resulting plans; the rapid growth in       institutional transformation. The city       was revived in the city itself. Now, ho-    demand for their services faded. The        new urban-planning policy is put into
bureaucratic and Party structures; the     rapidly took on a new role as capital        wever, there were radically new types       federal and municipal urban-planning        practice, it has become clear that it is
lack of personal responsibility; and the   of capitalist Russia, now that the latter    of building being built, including          authorities gave up their strict super-     in fact oriented on tactical as opposed
double moral standards which anima-        had given up its socialist ways and em-      types previously rejected by Soviet ide-    visory role and started to serve as me-     to strategic measures.
ted society, causing social divisions:     barked on a search for its own identity.     ology such as nightclubs, casinos, and      re coordinators. In the middle of the       The post-default stage in the forma-
all this led to stagnation. The best       “Moscow 4” is the Government of              private restaurants. Development was        1990s work began on a new general           tion of “New Moscow 4” has been
products and foodstuffs were con-          Moscow’s ambitious project to crea-          especially intense in the case of archi-    plan for Moscow. This was intended          characterized by the appearance of
centrated in the capital, so Moscow’s      te a “model 21st-century capital“. The       tecture for types of business that had      to take account of the character and        large construction companies and
shops attracted crowds of visitors. The    project is proceeding in the absence         not existed under the Soviets such as       consequences of the recent boom in          developers which have tried to divide
so-called “sausage trains“ and queues      of an overall urban-planning idea and        banks and office buildings. In contrast     construction and to determine a stra-       the city up into spheres of influence.
for food and products in short supply      under the direct influence of the de-        to the characterless administrative         tegy and instruments for regulating         The large influx of capital from all over
were the reverse side of this socialist    veloping capitalist economy, whose           structures built under Soviet rule, this    the boom.                                   Russia and the unreliability of Russian
paradise based on the principles of        effects are felt in all areas of architec-   new architecture expressed financial        The most important pieces of ur-            banks have resulted in huge demand
centralization and total planning. The     ture, construction, and urban-planning       prosperity. Public spaces underwent a       ban planning to emerge from the             for real estate, which has come to be
USSR fell into a state of zastoy (“sta-    regulation.                                  qualitative regeneration.                   “pre-default“ period were the recon-        regarded as a savings instrument and
gnation“).                                 There have been two main stages in           If “Moscow 3” involved a strikingly mo-     struction of the ring road and major        a means of capital growth: the price
“New Moscow 3” was a model of the          the way this new capitalist economy          notonous urban environment and a            image-oriented projects initiated by        of a square metre in Moscow today is
ideal Soviet capital based on scientific   has developed:                               surprising lack of elementary informa-      the Government of Moscow and per-           one of the highest in the world, and
planning and socialist economics. It       1. early 1990s to 1998: the spread of        tion, “Moscow 4” filled the city’s space    sonally by the Mayor of Moscow, Yury        yet 60% of apartments that have be-
was to a very large extent realized, but   “wild capitalism” and the formation          to the brim with small retail structures,   Luzhkov. These projects were intended       en bought stand empty. Commercial
proved unsustainable. Standardized         of a market economy, prior to the na-        advertising, and information – concen-      to trumpet the birth of capitalist Rus-     construction, which aims for extremely
housing was discredited by its poor        tional financial default of 1998. The        trated especially in the city centre and    sia, revive Moscow itself, and impart       high profit margins, is developing at
quality and monotonous character. De-      architecture of this time reflects the       on main streets. The city’s public space    to it an image that would express the       an incredible pace. This kind of acti-
velopment of industrial manufacturing      speculative character of the economy         became an aggressive carrier of adver-      city’s new values. By analogy with the      vity depends upon clearance of land,
proved economically unviable and led       during the initial stage of accumula-        tising and information and an impor-        development of Paris in the 20th cen-       especially in the city centre, where pri-
to a severe deterioration in ecological    tion of capital;                             tant market sector.                         tury, these projects have been called       ces are highest. So what we are seeing
conditions. The flipside of the demo-      2. 1998 to the present time: intensive       Fundamental reform of the housing           Luzhkov’s “Grand Projet“. The specula-      today is continual seizure of land in
cratic nature of this architecture was     development of a market economy.             sector has been underway since the          tive character of the economy during        the centre, demolition of old buildings,
the construction of bureaucratic struc-    The impact of the market economy has         early 1990s, when tenants were given        the first stage of accumulation of ca-      and the squeezing out of old types of
tures for regional and district commit-    been felt in all fields of life, but above   the opportunity to become owners of         pital led to the default of 1998, which,    development by new buildings with
tees of the Communist Party. The fact      all in architecture – which, following       the apartments which they had pre-          in the final analysis, provoked a new       larger numbers of storeys. Developers
that all resources were centralized and    the default of 1998, has turned to com-      viously rented from the state. Diverse      wave of urban development.                  devise ways to seize old residential bu-
concentrated in the capital produced       mon sense and Modernist values.              types of commercial housing began           After the default                           ildings – for instance, by having them
economic and social disbalances of a       Prior to the default                         to appear in response to specific de-       Infrastructure and territorial transfor-    declared “in a dangerous condition“
serious nature. The country was ready      The first stage was a period of spon-        mand. There was a sharp reduction in        mation                                      so that residents then have to forcibly
for perestroika.                           taneity and rapid development of the         the proportion of construction funded       Of prime importance for Moscow’s            resettled in apartments in the suburbs.
                                           free market – which swept aside the          by the state. As a market in real estate    development is the fact that it was re-     The make-up of the population in the
New Moscow 4                               old Soviet system with dramatic con-         took shape, the first Russian investors     cognized as an independent subject of       city centre is changing. Children’s fa-
1987 to the present time                   sequences. Many factories went bust          and developers aimed for high profits       the Russian Federation with the right       cilities, polyclinics, and other social
Construction of the “Model 21st-centu-     or stopped production. People emplo-         and quick returns on their investment.      to pass its own urban-planning legi-        services are being squeezed out by
ry City“ in a free-market economy          yed in manufacturing and scientific          Quality of architecture and construc-       slation. In 1999 the city government        business and commercial structures.
Moscow has become one the largest          research left to work in business and        tion was not a criterion for success and    adopted a new general plan for Mo-          Areas of green space are shrinking.
megalopolises in the world, occupying      services. The system of multi-level ser-     provided no stimuli for growth. In a        scow for the period to 2020. This do-       The city centre is being rescaled. Histo-
an area of 108˙000 hectares and with       vices collapsed as cinemas, stadiums,        country where the state had been the        cument was drawn up as the city’s ca-       rical heritage is being lost – and, along
an official population of approxima-       kindergartens, and other social struc-       only commissioner of architecture for       pitalist economy was developing and         with it, the special atmosphere of old
tely 15 million. The city has about 5      tures went bust and were seized by           the last 70 years, there was no functio-    construction was booming.                   Moscow, the qualities that made the
million private vehicles, not including    private business – and especially by         ning model to guide relations betwe-        The most detailed part of the plan is       old city so distinctive. The Moscow Go-
public transport.                          small retail enterprises, which filled all   en architects and private clients. As       the introduction of natural and histori-    vernment’s concern for preserving the
Transformation of Moscow under             available space including squares, me-       architects lost the initiative, architec-   cal conservation areas that are subject     city’s historical appearance manifests
the new Russian capitalism                 tro entrances, underground walkways,         ture found itself unable to resist “hi-     to regulation of the strictest kind. The    itself in replacement of old buildings
The approach of the 21st century was       and other spots where the public ten-        storicism“ bordering on kitsch – a style    main innovation is the construction of      with new ones “in the historical style“,
marked by capitalization of the old        ds to gather. At the beginning of the        that sold well, was what private clients    the 3rd ring road, which passes through     but of much larger size.
socialist system, leading to the loss of   1990s there was a predominance of            wanted, and was promoted by the Go-         land beside railway tracks in the 19th-     And it is not just the central zone that
what had been an integrated appro-         unofficial and semi-official retail busi-    vernment of Moscow as the “new Mo-          century industrial outskirts of the city.   is undergoing radical transformation,
ach to the city and to the spontaneous     ness: spontaneous markets where the          scow style“ (it expressed the priorities    The ring is the main transport route for    but the intermediate and peripheral
growth of particular parts of Moscow,      traders were “chelnoki“ (literally “shut-    of the age and demonstrated “links          the “intermediate zone“, in which the       zones as well. What used to be a “buf-
relations between which were often         tles“ – meaning individual entrepre-         with the city’s historical roots“). Cri-    new general plan envisages intensive        fer zone“ around industrial buildings
almost unregulated.                        neurs who made frequent trips abro-          tics attribute this phenomenon to the       development as large-scale business         and railway tracks is rapidly disappe-
Perestroika (the Russian word means        ad, usually to Turkey or Poland, to buy      personal taste of Moscow’s municipal        and retail traffic are redirected here.     aring under new houses. Along main
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transport routes there is a concentra-      skyscrapers“ project threatens to pro-      public square which at the present          “palaces“ are a mixture of sport and        creating a new capital and in the way
tion of middle-priced buildings for         voke final paralysis of the transport       time functions as a commercial exhi-        entertainment.                              that the “Moscow style“ has been in-
mass use. Reconstruction of industrial      system and generate considerable            bition centre. Moscow has developed         As for architecture in business, office     culcated in the city’s architecture.
zones and residential developments          technogenic risks. It is now clear why      valuable expertise in converting old        buildings intended for letting conti-       To compensate for the paralysis of
belonging to the first generation of        there has been a reduction in numbers       railway bridges, rendered obsolete          nue to be built. Business architecture      will in urban planning, “New Moscow
standardized housing is in full swing.      of old buildings and areas of greenery      by the increased loads on them, into        reflecting the “spirit of an imperial       4” is able to demonstrate a new ideo-
To date, 270 hectares of industrial land    and a sharp increase in ecological pro-     promenades over the river. These cove-      capital“ has given way to a style that      logy and the sacral purity of an ideal
located mainly in the intermediate zo-      blems. Furthermore, the city has been       red malls in the air create spectacular     is more European, more in tune with         capitalist city, qualities which are ex-
ne have been reconstructed for mixed-       “turned inside out“: its main retail ope-   additional links between the banks of       common sense and Modernist values.          pressed through the architecture of
purpose public use. Demolition of           rations now take place not in the cen-      the River Moskva.                           The architecture of Moscow’s new of-        its grand projects. The remake of the
more than three million square metres       tre, as was the case in Soviet times, but   Moscow’s public spaces have also            fice buildings expresses openness to        Church of Christ the Saviour – demo-
of obsolete standard-type housing has       along the Moscow Ring Road, where           been affected by private initiatives.       international dialogue. There is a ten-     lished by the Bolsheviks in order to
freed up land for the construction of       enormous shopping complexes have            Courtyard spaces and land within            dency for the creation of large business    clear space for the Palace of Soviets
a much greater volume of residential        appeared, subjecting both the ring ro-      street blocks – areas that under Soviet     and public centres capable of playing       – was intended to flag the return to
space.                                      ad and the main routes leading out of       rule belonged to no one and, being          an important role in the structure of       pre-Soviet spiritual values. The recrea-
The “intermediate zone“ is being de-        the city to additional strain.              concealed behind the city’s smart           the city (for example, the business cen-    tion of the Church of the Icon of Our
veloped as a location for mixed-use         The construction of the third ring ro-      façades, were accordingly neglected         tre beside Kiev Station).                   Lady of Kazan’ and the Iverskie Gates,
complexes and public centres such           ad, the beginning of work on a fourth       – are being developed into attracti-        “New Moscow 4” is distinguished by a        structures which were destroyed under
as Moscow City. The idea is that the-       ring, and plans for a fifth are a sign      ve little courtyards containing small       large variety of different types of con-    the Soviets, declares the Moscow Go-
se should draw traffic and pedestrian       of how firmly the radial structure has      shops and restaurants. The removal          struction in response to demand on          vernment’s official recognition of the
flows away from the old city centre.        taken root in Moscow’s urban plan-          of factories from the city has created      the market. Given that requirements         Russian Orthodox Church and its tre-
However, the sites chosen for these de-     ning. “Linear“ tendencies suggested         a need to develop old industrial buil-      for different functions can change ve-      atment of it as a state priority.
velopments were mostly “vacant“ land        by plans for the north and south la-        dings and land. Investors have rushed       ry quickly, developers try to make their    The complex on Poklonnaya gora ex-
which had no utilities connections and      teral roads are clearly secondary. The      in to either reconstruct these buildings    buildings multifunctional and flexible.     presses patriotism, the greatness of
was lacking in potential to shape the       plans currently being discussed for a       or simply demolish them so as to erect      We are now seeing buildings that are        those who defended the fatherland,
city’s structure. This potential should     new concrete road, a fifth ring linking     new structures in their place. The most     mutations on traditional types; the-        and the immortality of those who died
be improved by the investments cur-         Moscow’s main satellite towns, mark         interesting reconstruction projects ha-     se cover a large variety of functions       for it. The complex includes an Ortho-
rently being made. Nevertheless, the        the potential expansion of the city li-     ve involved the creation of art spaces      in order to “hang on to clients“. The       dox church and a mosque. The monu-
desirability of these areas remains         mits in the distant future. In fact, such   in old factories (Art-Play, GTSSI, Fabri-   dominance of the hypertrophied com-         ment to Marshal Zhukov is an example
questionable even with regard to the        expansion is all the more likely since      ka, VinZavod).                              mercial sector is felt only too clearly,    of patriotic monumental propaganda.
future, at least when compared with         there is a clear tendency for Moscow        Parallel to these tendencies, types of      as is the tendency for the municipal        The Okhotny ryad shopping centre is a
locations in the old city centre.           to merge with the countryside around        building have continued to mutate. At       and commercial sectors to merge in          clear representation of the new ideal
The periphery is busy with the con-         it. Moscow Region is being urbanized        the present moment, the busiest are-        the creation of large residential and       of capitalist prosperity. The part of the
struction of large residential districts    at an incredible pace, having recently      as are commercial construction and,         public complexes that are used on a         centre which is above ground on Ma-
such as Butovo, Mitino, Mar’insky           become an independent subject of the        above all, housing. There is a clear        commercial basis.                           nezhnaya ploshchad’ is a folk specta-
park, and Kurkino. These districts are      Russian Federation with the ability to      tendency for residential buildings to       Modelling the ideal city in a capita-       cle consisting of monumental bronze
designed as ideal microcities with a        pass its own urban-planning legisla-        grow in size, forming enormous com-         list world                                  shapes – a populist version of the “ca-
clear hierarchy of quality of housing.      tion. In satellite towns and areas close    plexes with developed services struc-       Creation of ideal urban-planning mo-        pital city with rich historical traditions
They are experiments in combining the       to Moscow huge quantities of land are       tures. These are “cities within a city“     dels in a market economy would be           and a human face“.
not readily compatible categories of        being sold for commercial use. Pre-         (e.g. Aerobus and the complex on            senseless. There is a lack of both gua-     Zurab Tseretelli’s monument to Peter
townhouse, elite housing, and social        viously, the Moscow countryside was         Mosfilmovskaya ulitsa). At the same         rantees and real instruments for put-       I puts across the idea of heroically
housing. The periphery is also a popu-      protected as a “buffer zone of forest       time, a number of private one-family        ting such models into practice. Howe-       strong state authority.
lar location for buildings belonging to     and parks“, but now it is losing its        villas have been built in the city cen-     ver, the Russian mentality is such that     There are many signs indicating at-
businesses with offices in the centre,      areas of nature fast. This process is a     tre (Villa Ostozhenka, Dom Yaytso, the      it finds it impossible to renounce the      tempts to revive the ideals of the em-
sports and recreational structures, and     severe problem for Moscow, given that       Egg House), something which would           quest for the ideal. “New Moscow 4” is      pire. These include the reconstruction
manufacturing enterprises that have         over the course of the 20th century the     have been impossible under Soviet ru-       an example of how ideals have migra-        of the Moskva Hotel – whose imperial
remained within the city limits. Ano-       city’s development was closely linked       le. Townhouses and guarded commu-           ted from urban-planning policy to ima-      appearance is to be preserved while
ther feature of this area of the city is    with Moscow Region, which Moscow            nities in green areas of the city with      ge-focused architecture for the “model      its interior is stuffed with a capitalist
cheap markets selling food, building        regarded as an important ecological         a well developed infrastructure (Tata-      21st century capital“. This, of course,     filling; the reconstruction of the Large
materials, and consumer goods. These        filter and reserve of land.                 rovskaya poyma, Serebryan’y bor) are        cannot but remind us of the grand ar-       Kremlin Palace, whose state rooms
intercept shoppers coming into Mo-          Transformation in types of public           gaining in popularity. There is much        tistic project that was “New Moscow         have been completely renovated; and
scow from outside to do their shop-         urban space and in construction of          demand for expensive, superior-quali-       2”, a piece of urban planning which         the recreational and palace complex at
ping. The lead taken by the markets         residential and public buildings            ty club-type housing – buildings with       showed the world how utopia may be          Tsaritsyno.
was rapidly followed by retail traders.     Systematic development of Moscow’s          only a small number of apartments           embodied in a grand style. But what         At the same time special mention
The big chains began building large         public spaces is not only adapting          and high construction costs (Cooper         happens for the first time as tragedy       should be made of the new business
hypermarkets, while individual deve-        the city to market conditions, but al-      House, the House in Molochny pereu-         tends, as we well know, to repeat itself    district at Moscow City. This image-
lopers erected shopping centres. Such       so stimulating its development. The         lok, the House on Zubovsky).                as farce. In a market economy social        oriented project would have had little
developments include Metro, Ikea,           Moscow authorities are trying to ma-        Construction of public buildings has        and artistic utopias become distorted       chance of being built in any other ca-
Ashan, Mega, and Evropark; these ha-        ke the city more attractive by creating     also been intense and subject to di-        and sometimes take on cynical forms.        pitalist country. The choice of location,
ve provoked large influxes of shoppers      pedestrian areas and new squares,           versification. At the same time, there      Today we may identify in Moscow at          cut off from utilities systems and requi-
from all over the city.                     improving the condition of parks, and       has been an appreciable reduction in        least three parties who are intent on       ring colossal investment in creation of
This intensive urban development has        setting up monuments and fountains.         the proportion of state-funded buil-        creating an ideal city or parts of such     a proper infrastructure, seems econo-
led to colossal traffic problems. The       Stoleshnikov and Kamergersky lanes          dings being built. Their place has been     a city:                                     mically unjustified in view of the avai-
reconstruction of the Moscow Ring           are busy streets right in the middle of     taken by new private schools, com-          – the Moscow Government, which ba-          lability of many other sites with superb
Road; construction of the third ring        Moscow that have been turned into           mercial medical clinics, fitness clubs,     ses its architectural policy on the idea    investment potential. However, the
road and of tunnels and multi-level         pedestrian and shopping areas. Ho-          fee-paying kindergartens and crèches,       of building a “model capital city for       area’s proximity to the city centre and
intersections; and the laying of many       wever, following the replacement of         etc. In construction of retail buildings    the 21st century“. This is a policy which   lack of historical buildings were strong
kilometres of new metro lines: none of      the popular shops that used to occupy       there has been a clear switch from          has been conducted consistently from        factors in favour of its suitability as a
this has made the situation any less        these streets with expensive bouti-         markets and small retail outlets to         the beginning of the post-Soviet pe-        new business capital with a European
critical.                                   ques, Muscovites’ interest in the area,     large supermarkets, chain stores, and       riod and is aimed at creating a new         face. It is hardly surprising, then, that
The principal transformation of Mo-         which was a favourite back in Soviet        mega-malls. Shopping centres have           image for Moscow;                           well-known foreign architects and con-
scow’s land has been its hyper-satu-        times, has declined. Reconstruction of      acquired secondary functions such           – private investors, who refer to ide-      struction companies are working here.
ration with new, predominantly com-         Moscow’s old places of recreation such      as entertainments and catering. The-        al beauty in a bid to create attractive     Norman Foster’s Russia Tower, which
mercial buildings. Insular enclaves of      as the Ermitazh Garden, the Aquarium        re are now gigantic complexes where         commercial images;                          will be the tallest skyscraper in Europe,
so-called “elite housing“ have simply       Garden, and Chistoprudny bul’var has        shoppers can spend the whole day and        – architects in the opposition camp,        is expected to become a sign of pro-
plugged into the old transport infra-       led to the loss of authentic furnishings    buy almost anything they want.              who create independent models of            gress and of the authority enjoyed by
structure, which has long since strug-      and the appearance of eclectic new          New leisure facilities are mainly priva-    ideal architecture as markers for pro-      “New Moscow 4” on the international
gled to cope with the dramatically          ones “in the historical style“, a reduc-    tely built. They include casinos, private   fessional brands.                           arena. Construction of the tower is to
increased load. State-funded plans          tion in areas of greenery, and the di-      restaurants and clubs, dance floors,        The Moscow Government sets deve-            commence in the near future.
for road building have failed to take       sappearance of the unique aura which        etc. There is a clear tendency for lei-     lopment strategy and shapes the city’s      The recently much discussed project
account of the rapid development            had formed in these places over time.       sure and business (especially, the re-      urban planning and architecture. All        for a ring of skyscrapers is also an ex-
of more and more new plots of land.         There have been a number of intere-         tail trade) to merge with one another:      important – or, at any rate, conspi-        pression of Muscovite ambition, which
The result is collapse of the transport     sting projects involving the creation of    shopping is becoming a way of pas-          cuous – structures in the city have to      here coincides with commercial inte-
system. The tendency for the city to        new types of covered public space –         sing the time and a part of the tourism     be approved at the design stage by          rests. For as long as the infrastructure,
develop vertically with ever higher         something badly needed in view of the       and entertainments businesses. Sports       the Urban-planning Council, which is        including roads, needed to use and
buildings being financed by ever in-        Moscow climate. Gostiny dvor, which is      facilities are developing in the same       presided over by the Mayor. Official ar-    service the skyscrapers is lacking, there
creasing investment only exacerbates        a federal monument, has been covered        way. Fitness centres, golf courses, figh-   chitectural policy is at its most evident   doesn’t seem to be much sense in bu-
the situation. Specifically, the “ring of   with a glass roof to create a covered       ting clubs, and new stadiums and ice        in Luzhkov’s “grand projects“ aimed at      ilding them. Nevertheless, the project
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