La ristrutturazione dei derivati nelle operazioni di refinancing: Approcci a confronto - Treasury & Finance Forum Day, 16 Settembre 2016
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La ristrutturazione dei derivati nelle operazioni di refinancing: Approcci a confronto Treasury & Finance Forum Day, 16 Settembre 2016 11
Relatori Paolo Esposito Prof. Cesare Conti Direttore, EMEA Corporate Advisory Titolare del corso di Financial Risk Services, Chatham Financial Management nelle Aziende, Universita’ Bocconi 22
Indice Introduzione Criticita‘ nella gestione aziendale dei rischi finanziari Mercato dei Tassi di Interesse I Floors nei contratti di finanziamento Case study Risk management in caso di funding in USD 33
Advisory services and Technology solutions for debt & derivatives Chatham Financial is a recognized leader in financial risk management specializing in foreign currency, interest rate and commodity risk. Our hedge accounting, valuations and derivatives and debt solutions are retained by clients worldwide. 1,800+ Clients Both public and private, rely on Chatham for end-to-end hedge advisory, execution, and technology solutions that bring transparency to the market $450 Billion Annual transaction notional volume Web-based Technology Platform Proprietary ChathamDirect technology platform serves clients worldwide Regulatory Compliance Chatham is the industry leader in buy-side regulatory compliance & documentation 450+ Accounting Clients Clients rely on Chatham for hedge accounting and/or derivative valuations 400+ Employees Employee owned, with offices in 6 countries provides an independent, global perspective into the most effective risk management solutions available 44
Advisory & Technology to meet the challenges of Risk Management Strategic Risk Valuation & Advisory CVA/DVA • Chatham helps clients assess • Chatham is widely recognized for their risk profile & capital its valuation expertise (including structure at a strategic level ASC 820 & IFRS 13) • Our holistic view into 1,800 • We sit on the valuation experts companies’ best practices gives group assisting the IASB on the us a uniquely broad perspective development of educational guidance for IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement Hedging Strategy Documentation & Execution support (ISDA) • Chatham helps clients structure • We negotiate more than 2,000 & execute over USD 400 billion ISDA related documents annually, of hedges annually in over 60 more than any other firm currencies, across 100+ banks representing derivatives end-users Regulatory Hedge Compliance Accounting • Chatham is the industry leader in • Our 35 specialists support 500 global Regulatory compliance and Hedge Accounting clients and work documentation (Dodd-Frank, EMIR) with major Accounting firms, the and offers solutions ranging from FASB and the IASB on Hedge compliance reporting, regulatory Accounting issues (ASC 815 & IFRS 9) documentation and expert advisory • Six former FASB staff members are • Chatham is the world’s largest part of our large and highly trusted third-party submitter of trade accounting practice reports to the DTCC 55
Introduzione Criticita‘ nella gestione aziendale dei rischi finanziari Mercato dei Tassi di Interesse I Floors nei contratti di finanziamento Case study Risk management in caso di funding in USD 66
Criticità «strutturali» e «contingenti» nella gestione aziendale dei rischi finanziari • L’implementazione nelle aziende del processo di Financial Risk Management presenta criticità «strutturali»: • è economicamente opportuna quando garantisce la sostenibilità del business plan (non basta ridurre la volatilità della performance) • richiede tecnologie e competenze gestionali, valutative, legali e regolamentari (non basta conoscere i prodotti derivati) • L’attuale contesto di mercato sottopone all’attenzione del Tesoriere due principali criticità «contingenti»: • Brexit e la gestione del rischio di cambio • Tassi negativi e la gestione del rischio di interesse 77
Brexit e gestione del rischio di cambio: criticità • il Board governa il processo e fornisce al management funzionale obiettivi e limiti all’esposizione aziendale al rischio di cambio? • gli obiettivi della gestione del rischio di cambio sono coerenti con quelli aziendali e sono formalizzati in una risk policy? • come è misurata l’esposizione aziendale al rischio di cambio, soprattutto in contesti plurivalutari e in contesti in cui convivono esposizione transattiva e traslativa? • i bilanci comunicano in modo chiaro come viene misurata e gestita l’esposizione aziendale al rischio di cambio? 88
Tassi negativi e gestione del rischio di interesse: criticità • conviene coprire il rischio di interesse del nuovo indebitamento in un contesto di tassi negativi che possono anche perdurare? • come cambiano le tradizionali strategie di hedging in un contesto di tassi negativi? • ha senso ristrutturare il vecchio debito a tasso fisso (o anche a tasso variabile swappato a fisso) quando i tassi correnti di mercato sono scesi? • se il debito in essere è oggetto di ristrutturazione, come ristrutturare eventuali prodotti derivati di copertura del debito in essere? 99
Introduzione Criticita‘ nella gestione aziendale dei rischi finanziari Mercato dei Tassi di Interesse I Floors nei contratti di finanziamento Case study Risk management in caso di funding in USD 10 10
IR - Market update EURIBOR 3m Forward Curve 2.5% Difference 1.5% Mar-16 Euribor Sep-16 -0.37% 1m Forward rate 0.5% -0.30% 3m -0.19% 6m -0.5% -1.5% EURIBOR Swaps 6.00% 1yr-5yr Spread 5.00% 1y swap Euribor Swap 4.00% 3.00% 5y swap -0.33% 1y 2.00% -0.28% 5y 1.00% 0.00% -1.00% -2.00% -3.00% 11 11
IR - Market update Interest Rate Forward Curves on Major Indices 1.50% 1.00% 3M USD LIBOR 0.50% 3M GBP LIBOR 3M JPY LIBOR 3M EURIBOR 0.00% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 3M CHF LIBOR -0.50% -1.00% 12 12
Introduzione Criticita‘ nella gestione aziendale dei rischi finanziari Mercato dei Tassi di Interesse I Floors nei contratti di finanziamento Case study Risk management in caso di funding in USD 13 13
I Floors nei Contratti di Finanziamento “ EURIBOR means the applicable Screen Rate as of the Specified Time and for a period equal to the Interest Period and if that rate is less than zero, EURIBOR shall be deemed to be zero. ” Normal Interest Rate environment Swaps: PAY fixed 0.093% RECEIVE floating Euribor 1m Loan: PAY floating Euribor 1m . Net: PAY fixed 0.093% zero The floating flows from swap and from the loan offset each other Negative Interest rate environment; loan has no floor Swaps: PAY fixed 0.093% PAY floating Euribor 1m Loan: RECEIVE floating Euribor 1m Net: PAY fixed 0.093% zero Also in the presence of negative rates, the floating flows offset each other. Swaps are still effective instruments to reduce exposure. Negative Interest rate environment with 0% floor in the loan Swaps: PAY fixed 0.093% PAY floating Euribor 1m Loan: RECEIVE zero . Net: PAY fixed 0.093% PLUS PAY floating Euribor 1m 14 14
I Floors nei Contratti di Finanziamento Cost (missed benefit on interest expense): 0% floor on EUR 100m: 2y Cost: EUR 701k 3y Cost: EUR 1.0m 4y Cost: EUR 1.3m Risk Management Challenges: 1.0% Swap only 0.8% Risk removed Swap + Floor 0.5% Payable Interest 0.3% All Fixed Fixed leg 0.0% Negative Rates Positive Rates 15 15
Introduzione Criticita‘ nella gestione aziendale dei rischi finanziari Mercato dei Tassi di Interesse I Floors nei contratti di finanziamento Case study Risk management in caso di funding in USD 16 16
IR - Case study 2014 European PE fund acquired a German company Acquisition financing of EUR 200m Hedging requirement: EUR 160m for 4 years, hedged with 2 banks (A and B) 2016 Refinancing: EUR 300m with 4 banks (A, B, C and D) New hedging requirements: EUR 200m for 3y 0% floor on new loan Hedge MTM: EUR -1.5m Hedging strategy: What product? Which banks? EUR 200m EUR 160m 3y 2y Swap ? Swap Which banks Bank A, B ? 17 17
IR - Case study Structuring alternatives: 1. Terminate OLD hedges and execute NEW hedges 2. Maintain OLD hedges and layer on additional hedges 3. Restructure (blend and extend) Strategy: Swap + 0% Floor Strategy: 0% Cap (deferred) A Bank: A, B B Bank: A All-in rate: 0.39% All-in rate: 0.32% Cost saving: 7bps (~EUR 425k) Results: Met company’s risk management objectives Fixed interest expense for 3y No upfront liability settlement Known breakage cost in the event of early refinancing Selected most competitive counterparty 18 18
Introduzione Criticita‘ nella gestione aziendale dei rischi finanziari Mercato dei Tassi di Interesse I Floors nei contratti di finanziamento Case study Risk management in caso di funding in USD 19 19
Risk management in caso di funding in USD Initial notional “Vanilla” (final exchange notional Exchange) USD USD Receive GBP Debt Interest coupon payments USD USD USD USD GBP GBP GBP GBP Pay USD GBP USD 20 20
Cross Currency Swap Basis Historical EUR CCS basis vs USD – 1 and 5 years 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 EURUSD CCS basis 5Y -140 EURUSD CCS basis 1Y Flight to safety into U.S. treasuries Renewed worries over Greece -160 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 Jul-10 Jan-11 Jul-11 Jan-12 Jul-12 Jan-13 Jul-13 Jan-14 Jul-14 Jan-15 Jul-15 Jan-16 Jul-16 21 21
Questions? London Burdett House, 4th Floor 15-16 Buckingham Street London WC2N 6DU United Kingdom +44 (0)20.7766.5700 Kennett Square 235 Whitehorse Lane Paolo Esposito Kennett Square, PA 19348 United States Executive Director, European Corporate Advisory +1 610.925.3120 Denver T: +44 (0)20 7766 5715 7926 S. Platte Canyon Road Littleton, CO 80128 United States +1 720.221.3500 Krakow ul. Rakowicka 7, III p. 31-511 Kraków Poland +48 12.349.8800 Singapore 20 Cross Street China Square Central #02-16/17 Singapore, 048422 +65 6507.0680 Melbourne L18, 101 Collins Street Melbourne, Australia, 3000 +61 3 9653 7350 22 22
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