Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE - European ...

Pagina creata da Cristina Barone
Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE - European ...
Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE

             Criteri di ricerca utilizzati per generare l''elenco :

                              Ordina Mostra per data
                       Parole chiave "conflitto di interessi"

                                44 Risultati(i)

                      Data di creazione : 02-02-2022
Study in focus: Robo-advisors
    Tipo di pubblicazione  In sintesi
                      Data 12-07-2021
          Autore esterno   Philipp MAUME
     Settore di intervento Questioni finanziarie e bancarie | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave  big data | conflitto di interessi | intelligenza artificiale | prestazione di servizi | professioni finanziarie | regolamentazione
                           finanziaria | relazione | software | stabilità finanziaria | strumento finanziario | vigilanza finanziaria
               Riassunto This document summarises the key findings of the orginal study which analyses if and to what extent the current EU
                           legal framework provides effective investor protection for customers of robo-advisors. It puts emphasis on structural
                           conflicts of interests, the difficulties presented by the supervision of algorithms, and potential threats to the stability of
                           the financial system. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of
                           Life Policies at the request of the committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).
                In sintesi EN

    Tipo di pubblicazioneStudio
          Autore esterno Philipp MAUME
     Settore di intervento
                         Problemi economici e monetari | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiaveconflitto di interessi | intelligenza artificiale | investimento privato | prestazione di servizi | professioni finanziarie |
                         protezione del consumatore | rapporto di ricerca | rischio finanziario | stabilità finanziaria | tecnologia finanziaria
               Riassunto This study analyses if and to what extent the current EU legal framework provides effective investor protection for
                         customers of robo-advisors. It puts emphasis on structural conflicts of interests, the difficulties presented by the
                         supervision of algorithms, and potential threats to the stability of the financial system. This document was provided by
                         the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on
                         Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).
                   Studio EN

Responsible private funding of litigation
    Tipo di pubblicazioneStudio
                         MULLER KLAUS | SAULNIER JEROME LEON
     Settore di intervento
                         Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Valore aggiunto europeo
            Parole chiaveaccesso all'informazione | accesso alla giustizia | assicurazione | conflitto di interessi | etica | investimento | protezione
                         del consumatore | ricorso collettivo | spese processuali
               Riassunto A responsible TPLF regulatory framework should aim at lowering costs, simplifying unnecessary procedures,
                         increasing the predictability of costs, and delivering efficient services at costs that are proportionate to the amounts in
                         dispute. We explored additional effective safeguards and a number of policy options regarding the contractual, ethical
                         and procedural aspects of TPLF. We then estimated the European added value (EAV) for two alternatives, namely a
                         moderate and a strong regulatory approach scenario using a standard benefits-costs analytical conceptual framework.
                  Studio EN

The European Ombudsman's activities in 2019
    Tipo di pubblicazione  In sintesi
                      Data 03-03-2021
                    Autore ATANASSOV Nikolai
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiave  accesso all'informazione | amministrazione dell'istituzione | conflitto di interessi | diritto all'informazione |
                           discriminazione basata su un handicap | Mediatore europeo | relazione d'attività | ricorso al Mediatore europeo |
                           trasparenza amministrativa | trasparenza del processo decisionale
               Riassunto At the first plenary session of March 2021, the European Parliament is set to discuss and adopt a resolution on the
                           European Ombudsman's activities in the year 2019, based on the Ombudsman's annual report presented on 4 May
                           2020. The report covers the final year of Emily O'Reilly's first mandate as Ombudsman before her re election for a
                           second term in late December 2019.
                In sintesi EN

02-02-2022                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                      1
Special Advisers to the Commission (2014-2019)
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                     Data  26-02-2021
                   Autore  DELASNERIE Alix
          Autore esterno   Dr Christoph DEMMKE, Chair Public Management at the University of Vaasa (FI)
                           Margarita SANZ, Blomeyer & Sanz
                           Roland BLOMEYER, Blomeyer & Sanz
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Pianificazione preventiva
           Parole chiave Commissione europea | comunicazione dei dati | conflitto di interessi | contratto di lavoro | funzionario europeo |
                           nomina del personale | qualificazione professionale | retribuzione del lavoro | statuto dei funzionari dell'UE |
                           trasparenza amministrativa
                Riassunto This study proposes an overview of the selection of Special Advisers to the European Commission, specifically during
                           the period 2014-2019: the procedure followed, number of contracts, safeguards, contractual terms, budgetary
                           implications, transparency, communication with the European Parliament. A review of literature, good practices and
                           criteria for assessing the European Commission framework is provided. In conclusion this study makes
                           recommendations on how to further strengthen it.
                    Studio EN

L'efficacia delle politiche sul conflitto di interessi negli Stati membri dell'UE
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 17-12-2020
          Autore esterno   Christoph DEMMKE; Maros PAULINI; Jari AUTIONIEMI; Florian LENNER
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Leggi e regolamenti in materia
                           di concorrenza | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
             Parole chiave analisi delle politiche | capo di governo | commissione PE | conflitto di interessi | funzionario | ministro | rapporto di
                           ricerca | Stato membro UE | studio comparativo
                Riassunto Lo studio comparativo, commissionato dal dipartimento tematico Diritti dei cittadini e affari costituzionali del
                          Parlamento europeo, analizza l'efficacia delle pertinenti norme, politiche e pratiche adottate negli Stati membri in
                          materia di conflitto di interessi per quanto riguarda le nomine politiche ad alto livello (capo del governo, ministri e altri
                          funzionari di livello elevato).
                          La ricerca mette in risalto gli aspetti teorici e pratici della nozione di conflitto di interessi, fornendo alcune
                          raccomandazioni strategiche al riguardo.
                   Studio DE, EN, FR, IT

EU Agencies and Conflicts of Interests
    Tipo di pubblicazione    Studio
                      Data   23-01-2020
          Autore esterno     Ellen VOS, Natassa ATHANASIADOU, Laura DOHMEN
     Settore di intervento   Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Petizioni al Parlamento europeo
            Parole chiave    conflitto di interessi | denuncia di irregolarità | organismo dell'UE | trasparenza amministrativa
                Riassunto    This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional
                             Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions, takes stock and assesses the existing rules and policies on
                             conflicts of interests in EU agencies and examines whether, and/or how, scrutiny can be improved and whether there
                             is a need to streamline and enhance the coherence of the various rules in place.
                    Studio EN
                    Sintesi DE, FR

Transparency, integrity and accountability in the EU institutions
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 26-03-2019
                    Autore PANIZZA Roberta
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiave  conflitto di interessi | istituzione dell'Unione europea | statuto dei funzionari dell'UE | trasparenza amministrativa |
                           trasparenza del processo decisionale
                Riassunto This briefing provides an overview of the main tools on transparency, integrity and accountability implemented in the
                           EU institutions and the reforms thereof.
                  Briefing EN

02-02-2022                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                    2
Mis-selling of Financial Products: Subordinated Debt and Self-placement
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 13-06-2018
          Autore esterno   Pierre-Henri CONAC
     Settore di intervento Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Problemi economici e monetari | Protezione dei consumatori | Questioni
                           finanziarie e bancarie | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto
             Parole chiave analisi economica | capitali di rischio | conflitto di interessi | controllo dell'UE | controllo finanziario | debito pubblico |
                           istituto finanziario | pianificazione finanziaria | società d'investimento | solvibilità finanziaria | Stato membro UE |
                           trasparenza amministrativa | valore mobiliare | vigilanza del mercato
                Riassunto This paper forms part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. The focus of this
                           document is mis-selling of subordinated debt and other junior liabilities and weaknesses of MiFID. This report
                           concludes that the mis-selling, essentially through self-placement, was due to violations of MiFID rules rather than
                           weaknesses of the legislative scheme. The report includes proposals to strengthen the legislation and to provide
                           compensation for retail investors. This document was provided by Policy Department A at the request of the ECON
                    Studio EN

Mis-selling of Financial Products: Mortgage Credit
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 13-06-2018
          Autore esterno   Fernando ZUNZUNEGUI
     Settore di intervento Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Problemi economici e monetari | Protezione dei consumatori | Questioni
                           finanziarie e bancarie | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto
             Parole chiave conflitto di interessi | controllo dell'UE | controllo finanziario | ipoteca | istituto finanziario | pianificazione finanziaria |
                           protezione del consumatore | società d'investimento | solvibilità finanziaria | Stato membro UE | trasparenza
                           amministrativa | vigilanza del mercato
                 Riassunto This paper forms part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. The mis-selling of
                           mortgage loans that include floor clauses, foreign currencies (forex) clauses and related products is the subject of this
                           research. We analyse the context, the handling of the problem in the most affected Member States (Croatia, Hungary,
                           Poland, Romania and Spain) and its compatibility with EU law. We conclude with recommendations. This document
                           was provided by Policy Department A at the request of the ECON Committee.
                    Studio EN

Mis-selling of Financial Products: Marketing, Sale and Distribution
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 13-06-2018
          Autore esterno   Professor Kern ALEXANDER
     Settore di intervento Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Problemi economici e monetari | Protezione dei consumatori | Questioni
                           finanziarie e bancarie | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto
             Parole chiave analisi economica | capitali di rischio | conflitto di interessi | controllo dell'UE | controllo finanziario | debito pubblico |
                           istituto finanziario | organismo dell'UE | pianificazione finanziaria | società d'investimento | solvibilità finanziaria | Stato
                           membro UE | trasparenza amministrativa | valore mobiliare | vigilanza del mercato
                Riassunto This study forms part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. The study reviews the EU
                           legislative and regulatory framework for the marketing, sale and distribution of financial products to assess whether
                           post-crisis EU regulatory reforms have met their objectives and, if not, what are the gaps and weaknesses in the
                           current EU regulatory approach. The EU follows a sectoral approach to regulating the marketing and sale of financial
                           products, which results in segmentation and arbitrage risks. The paper argues that the European Supervisory
                           Authorities should adopt more harmonised regulatory and technical standards to reduce these risks and ensure more
                           effective enforcement by Member State authorities. This document was provided by Policy Department A at the
                           request of the ECON Committee.
                    Studio EN

Mis-selling of Financial Products: Consumer Credit
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 13-06-2018
          Autore esterno   Prof.dr. O. O. CHEREDNYCHENKO, J.-M. MEINDERSTMA
     Settore di intervento Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Problemi economici e monetari | Protezione dei consumatori | Recepimento e
                           attuazione del diritto
             Parole chiave conflitto di interessi | controllo dell'UE | controllo finanziario | credito al consumo | istituto finanziario | pianificazione
                           finanziaria | protezione del consumatore | società d'investimento | solvibilità finanziaria | Stato membro UE |
                           trasparenza amministrativa | vigilanza del mercato
                Riassunto This paper is part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. Retail financial markets
                           across the EU have been upset by large-scale mis-selling of financial products to consumers. As part of a series of five
                           studies on this topic, this paper examines the problem of mis-selling with a particular focus on consumer credit. It
                           identifies the most problematic products and practices in consumer credit markets that may cause consumer detriment
                           and shows some important limitations of the current EU regulatory framework for consumer credit in providing
                           adequate consumer protection. This document was provided by Policy Department A at the request of the ECON
                    Studio EN

02-02-2022                                           Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                        3
Mis-selling of Financial Products: Compensation of Investors in Belgium
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 13-06-2018
          Autore esterno   Prof. Dr. Veerle COLAERT, Drs. Thomas INCALZA
     Settore di intervento Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Problemi economici e monetari | Protezione dei consumatori | Questioni
                           finanziarie e bancarie | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto
             Parole chiave aiuto di Stato | banca | Belgio | conflitto di interessi | controllo degli aiuti di Stato | controllo finanziario | indennizzo |
                           ipoteca | istituto finanziario | protezione del consumatore | società d'investimento | solvibilità finanziaria | trasparenza
                           amministrativa | vigilanza del mercato
                Riassunto This paper is part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. The paper analyses three
                           important and highly publicised cases of mis-selling of investment products to retail clients, featuring interesting legal
                           particularities: the Citibank case, the Dexia case and the Fortis case. On the basis of this analysis, the paper draws a
                           number of conclusions on the national and EU regulatory framework in respect of investor compensation. This
                           document was provided by Policy Department A at the request of the ECON Committee.
                    Studio EN

Policy Departments' Monthly Highlights - February 2018
    Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi
                      Data 05-02-2018
     Settore di intervento Affari esteri | Bilanci | Commercio internazionale | Controllo dei bilanci | Cultura | Sanità pubblica | Spazio di libertà,
                            sicurezza e giustizia | Trasporti
            Parole chiave Cina | conflitto di interessi | funzionario europeo | globalizzazione | lotta contro la criminalità | Russia | sanità pubblica |
                            Serbia | Stati Uniti | Stato membro UE | statuto dei funzionari dell'UE | terrorismo | trasporto merci
                Riassunto The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments,
                            including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.
                 In sintesi EN

Transitional allowances for former EU office holders - too few conditions?
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 15-12-2017
          Autore esterno   Dr. Christoph Demmke, Roland Blomeyer, Dr. Mike Beke
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Valutazione del diritto e delle
                           politiche nella pratica
             Parole chiave carica pubblica | conflitto di interessi | indennità di licenziamento | istituzione dell'Unione europea | personalità politica |
                           statuto dei funzionari dell'UE
                Riassunto This study focuses on the transitional allowances for former office holders, covering the European Parliament,
                           European Commission, President of the European Council and Secretary General of the Council of the European
                           Union, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors, European Investment Bank, European Central Bank, the Ombudsman and
                           the European Data Protection Supervisor. The arrangements for these institutions are contrasted with approaches in
                           European Union Member States, third countries and international organisations. Room for improvement is identified
                           regarding the effectiveness of transitional allowances, e.g. in terms of preventing conflicts of interest.
                    Studio EN
                    Sintesi ES, IT, PL, FI
                Allegato 1 EN

The European Ombudsman's activities in 2016
    Tipo di pubblicazione   In sintesi
                      Data  14-11-2017
                    Autore  ATANASSOV Nikolai
     Settore di intervento  Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiave   amministrazione dell'istituzione | commissione PE | conflitto di interessi | istituzione dell'Unione europea | Mediatore
                            europeo | petizione | relazione d'attività | trasparenza del processo decisionale
                Riassunto In November 2017, the European Parliament is set to discuss and adopt a resolution on the European Ombudsman's
                            activities in 2016, based on the Ombudsman's annual report presented on 16 May 2017. The report covers the
                            activities of the Ombudsman in the areas of transparency in decision-making of EU institutions and bodies, and on the
                            principle of good administration.
                 In sintesi EN

02-02-2022                                          Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                       4
Discharge for the 2015 budget – EU decentralised agencies and joint undertakings
    Tipo di pubblicazione  In sintesi
                      Data 21-04-2017
                    Autore MAŃKO Rafał
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci
            Parole chiave  amministrazione del personale | bilancio generale (UE) | conflitto di interessi | controllo finanziario | esercizio
                           finanziario | organismo dell'UE | riporto di stanziamenti | scarico del bilancio | sede dell'istituzione | verifica ispettiva
               Riassunto During the April II plenary session, the European Parliament is due to vote on recommendations on discharge to the
                           EU agencies and joint undertakings for their implementation of the 2015 budget. The Committee on Budgetary Control
                           proposes to grant them all discharge.
                In sintesi EN

EU policy and legislation on pesticides: Plant protection products and biocides
    Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita
                    AutoreBOURGUIGNON Didier
     Settore di interventoAgricoltura e sviluppo rurale | Ambiente
            Parole chiave Agenzia europea per le sostanze chimiche | agricoltura sostenibile | Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare |
                          autorizzazione di vendita | conflitto di interessi | legislazione fitosanitaria | politica agricola comune | prodotto
                          fitosanitario | prodotto sostitutivo | residuo di antiparassitario | sicurezza degli alimenti
               Riassunto Substances used to suppress, eradicate and prevent organisms that are considered harmful are grouped under the
                          term ‘pesticide’. The term includes both plant protection products (used on plants in agriculture, horticulture, parks and
                          gardens) and biocidal products (used in other applications, for example, as a disinfectant or to protect materials).
                          Pesticides can be useful in a number of circumstances, for example, in overcoming diseases and increasing
                          agricultural yields. However, they are not without their disadvantages – above all, their environmental impact, the risks
                          that they pose to human health and their effects on crop protection. European Union pesticide legislation is designed to
                          ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment and to improve the functioning of the internal
                          market. Plant production products and biocides are subject to a dual approval process: active substances are
                          approved at EU level and products are subsequently authorised predominantly at Member State level. Furthermore,
                          standardised maximum levels are set for the residues of plant protection products in food, and a framework for action
                          is focused on sustainable pesticide use. A number of aspects of European Union policy on pesticides can be
                          considered as either opportunities or challenges, in particular, issues surrounding costs for the industry, the approval
                          process, and sustainability. The Commission is currently assessing the legislation on plant protection products and
                          their residues. The conclusions of that study are expected by the end of 2018.
     Analisi approfondita DE, EN, FR

Codes of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest at any governance level of the management of EU Funds
    Tipo di pubblicazioneStudio
          Autore esterno Dr. Christoph Demmke (assisted by David Hanel), Roland Blomeyer, Dr. Thomas Henökel, Mike Beke, Timo Moilanen
     Settore di intervento
                         Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiavecodice di condotta | conflitto di interessi | deontologia professionale | governance | regolamento finanziario | ripartizione
                         del finanziamento dell'UE | Stato membro UE | trasparenza amministrativa | Ufficio europeo per la lotta antifrode
               Riassunto This study reviews the Member States’ experience with codes of conduct and conflicts of interest affecting the
                         partnership arrangements under the European Structural and Investment Funds. The focus is on conflicts of interest
                         affecting the Monitoring Committees under the European Regional Development and European Social Fund. The study
                         reviews the rules and other approaches to deal with conflicts of interest, discusses best practices and ends with
                         conclusions and recommendations advocating a complementary rule and value based approach supported by
                         transparency and ethical leadership.
                  Studio EN
                  Sintesi DE

02-02-2022                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                      5
The case for a European public credit rating agency
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreSCHEINERT CHRISTIAN
     Settore di interventoProblemi economici e monetari
            Parole chiave analisi economica | competenza istituzionale (UE) | conflitto di interessi | debito pubblico | ente pubblico | istituto a
                          statuto speciale | mercato finanziario | oligopolio | previsione economica | rating del credito | società d'investimento |
                          Stato membro UE | vigilanza del mercato
               Riassunto The 'Big Three' credit rating agencies – Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch – enjoy an oligopolistic position on the
                          market for the rating of private and public debt. In the run-up to the financial crisis, we now know, they were over-
                          optimistic with their ratings, but once the crisis hit, their ratings went into a very fast downward spiral. This is
                          considered to have contributed to the severity of the crisis. A similar pattern could be observed when the sovereign
                          debt crisis started in the European Union. In both the USA and in Europe, legislation was enacted to rein in the
                          agencies’ power as well as to prevent possible conflicts of interest which might lead to biased ratings. The backward-
                          looking character of the ratings, which were based more on past performance than on a thorough analysis of likely
                          future evolution, came under scrutiny. Calls were made to create new credit rating agencies, which could, if necessary,
                          be public ones. After some initial enthusiasm, these ideas – and at least one serious attempt – stalled. The main
                          problems were possible accusations of market manipulation, insufficient credibility, and the lack of financing. The
                          European Commission has recently said a new European rating agency would add little to investors' information. It is
                          unclear whether new attempts will be made to create an alternative rating agency, but there are still ways to reduce the
                          hold of the 'Big Three' on the ratings market, including by putting more weight on internal ratings, as well as by relying
                          on third-party assessment.
                 Briefing EN

A Comparative Analysis of Media Freedom and Pluralism in the EU Member States
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                     Data 15-09-2016
          Autore esterno Petra BÁRD, Visiting Professor, Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary
                           Judit BAYER, Professor, University of Miskolc, Hungary
                           Under the coordination of the Justice and Home Affairs Section of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS),
                           Brussels, Belgium (Dr. Sergio CARRERA)
     Settore di intervento Spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia
           Parole chiave aiuto di Stato | Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea | conflitto di interessi | libertà di stampa | pluralismo
                           dei media | radiotrasmissioni | sito Internet | Stato membro UE | studio comparativo | trasparenza amministrativa
                Riassunto This study was commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional
                           Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee. The authors argue that democratic processes in several EU countries are
                           suffering from systemic failure, with the result that the basic conditions of media pluralism are not present, and, at the
                           same time, that the distortion in media pluralism is hampering the proper functioning of democracy. The study offers a
                           new approach to strengthening media freedom and pluralism, bearing in mind the different political and social systems
                           of the Member States. The authors propose concrete, enforceable and systematic actions to correct the deficiencies
                    Studio EN

Discharge for 2014 budget – EU decentralised agencies and joint undertakings
    Tipo di pubblicazione  In sintesi
                      Data 25-04-2016
                    Autore SGUEO Gianluca
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci
            Parole chiave  bilancio generale (UE) | commissione PE | conflitto di interessi | controllo finanziario | Corte dei conti europea |
                           esercizio finanziario | organismo dell'UE | scarico del bilancio | verifica ispettiva
               Riassunto On 28 April, the European Parliament is due to vote on recommendations on discharge to the European Union's
                           agencies and joint undertakings for their implementation of the EU's 2014 budget. The Parliament's Committee on
                           Budgetary Control proposes to grant discharge to all the decentralised agencies, highlighting progress made (for
                           example in reduction of staff and adoption of anti-fraud and transparency rules) but expressing concerns on issues
                           such as efficiency, accountability and independency. The Committee also recommends granting discharge to five of
                           the eight joint undertakings set up in the research field. The Committee calls for improvements in implementation of the
                           ex-post audit strategy, in cooperation with the Commission as regards the integration of research results, and in cost-
                           control mechanisms. For the remaining three undertakings, the Committee calls for additional information and clarity of
                           the budgetary and financial plans, with a view to a vote on discharge taking place in October.
                In sintesi EN

02-02-2022                                       Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                 6
Transparency of lobbying at EU level
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreSGUEO Gianluca
     Settore di interventoControllo dei bilanci | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiave associazione professionale | conflitto di interessi | conseguenza economica | corporativismo | corruzione | gruppo
                          d'interesse | istituzione dell'Unione europea | moralità della vita politica | trasparenza del processo decisionale
               Riassunto Lobbying has become an increasingly prominent issue in the European Union (EU) political and institutional debate
                          over the past 20 years, with many comparing Brussels to Washington DC in this regard. The principal reason for this
                          phenomenon is almost certainly the growing role of the EU as a policy-maker. As the EU institutions have expanded
                          their regulatory competence in areas such as environmental law, the single market and consumer protection, and
                          policy proposals have become more complex, they have increasingly come to rely on technical expertise to draft
                          legislation, provided by outside interest groups among others. In parallel, criticism of the balance of interests
                          represented through lobbying in EU decision-making has grown. Concerns relate to the lack of official (and reliable)
                          estimates of the number and type of interest groups, the amount of money spent on lobbying, and possible conflicts of
                          interest. It is difficult to calculate the cost of opaque (or under-regulated) lobbying, either in monetary terms or in loss of
                          confidence in EU institutions, but it may be argued that regulation of lobbying could have an impact in both these
                          regards. Efforts to improve transparency of lobbying at EU level are on-going. A revised European Transparency
                          Register was launched in January 2015, and the European Commission has published a roadmap for the adoption of a
                          mandatory register, whilst the Council of the EU launched discussions on initial steps towards joining the transparency
                          register already established by the Commission and Parliament.
                 Briefing EN, FR

Scrutiny of Declarations of Financial Interests in National Legislatures
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                     Data 15-09-2015
          Autore esterno Blomeyer & Sanz (Spain)
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
           Parole chiave codice di condotta | commissione PE | conflitto di interessi | deontologia professionale | interesse finanziario dei
                           membri | moralità della vita politica | parlamento nazionale | regolamento del parlamento | Stato membro UE | studio
                Riassunto This study aims to provide insights into the implementation and enforcement of integrity regimes as applied to
                           members of legislatures. The specific focus is on comparing the application of the Code of Conduct of Members of the
                           European Parliament with similar integrity frameworks in the European Union Member States. In general terms the
                           Code of Conduct is considered well aligned with good practice approaches. However, potential for further
                           enhancements exists with regard to the Code’s integrity requirements, guidance, monitoring, sanctioning and reporting.
                    Studio EN

Composition of the Commission's Expert Groups and the Status of the register of Expert Groups
    Tipo di pubblicazioneStudio
          Autore esterno Blomeyer and Sanz
     Settore di intervento
                         Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci
            Parole chiaveamministrazione dell'istituzione | Commissione europea | conflitto di interessi | consulenza e perizia | legittimità |
                         nomina dei membri | processo decisionale | relazione interistituzionale (UE) | segretariato dell'istituzione | trasparenza
                         del processo decisionale
               Riassunto This study aims to provide insights into the development, since 2012, of the European Commission’s system of Expert
                         Groups, including the Register of Expert Groups. The specific focus of this study is an assessment of the European
                         Commission’s compliance with a set of European Parliament conditions attached to repeated European Parliament
                         budget reserves for the Expert Group budget. The European Parliament conditions aim to strengthen the balanced
                         representation of interests in the Expert Groups, address conflicts of interest, and ensure transparency, in terms of
                         open access to the working and outputs of the Expert Groups. The study finds that the European Commission, despite
                         some progress, continues to fall short of full compliance with the European Parliament conditions on balance and
                         transparency. Based on this study’s findings, it is considered that a more systematic approach to balance would help
                         overcoming information asymmetries and contribute to throughput legitimacy. Enhanced transparency also has
                         potential to enhance Expert Group outputs. This study therefore recommends a systematic approach to balance, the
                         promotion of full transparency, more resources for Secretariat General oversight and enforcement, and the systematic
                         evaluation of Expert Group performance at the level of the system of Expert Groups and for all individual Expert
                  Studio EN

02-02-2022                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                   7
Institutional and Constitutional Aspects of Special Interest Representation
    Tipo di pubblicazioneStudio
          Autore esterno David Coen and Alexander Katsaitis (School of Public Policy, University College London, the UK)
     Settore di intervento
                         Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Pianificazione preventiva
            Parole chiaveaccesso all'informazione dell'UE | applicazione del diritto dell'UE | associazione professionale | audizione pubblica |
                         conflitto di interessi | consulenza e perizia | cooperazione interistituzionale (UE) | diffusione di informazioni sull'UE |
                         gruppo d'interesse | interesse finanziario dei membri | organizzazione non governativa | politica dell'UE-politica
                         nazionale | processo decisionale | sistema documentario | trasparenza del processo decisionale
               Riassunto The European Parliament is lobbied by growing numbers of special interests; their activity is greater in Committees
                         dealing with issues on integration & regulation, and procedures under OLP, CNS and INI. Significantly, the density and
                         diversity of accredited interests across committees mirrors patterns observed in registered groups across Commission
                         DGs. Based on a survey of MEPs the report notes variation in the activity of interest groups across the policy cycle
                         while influential groups are considered those that provide a mix of European level technical and political expertise;
                         overall the Transparency Register is considered to improve the behaviour of interest representatives.
                  Studio EN

Financial accountability of civil society organisations: Improving cooperation with EU institutions
    Tipo di pubblicazioneAnalisi approfondita
                         SGUEO Gianluca
     Settore di intervento
                         Controllo dei bilanci
            Parole chiaveautoregolamentazione | cofinanziamento | conflitto di interessi | contratto pubblico | controllo finanziario | meccanismo
                         di finanziamento dell'UE | organizzazione non governativa | politica di bilancio | regolamento finanziario | società civile |
                         trasparenza amministrativa | verifica ispettiva
               Riassunto Over recent decades Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) – a term used to capture all forms of collective organisation
                         outside the government and business sectors – have grown in both number and impact on policy-making, both at EU
                         and national levels. In consequence, CSOs have come under pressure to demonstrate that they use the public
                         resources they are given in an efficient, accountable and transparent manner.

                             A number of proposals to address these topics have been discussed over the years. However, only a few of those
                             proposals have been translated into law; and even fewer of these, after being implemented, have offered an effective
                             solution to the issue of financial accountability of the third sector. The debate between scholars, institutions and
                             practitioners is still ongoing. In the meantime, the third sector at the European level remains regulated by a
                             combination of European norms, quasi-legal tools, and self-regulatory initiatives.

                             Efforts to tackle financial mismanagement by CSOs are frustrated by the absence of clear legal definitions at EU level,
                             by the opacity of the information available on CSOs through EU databases and by excessive bureaucracy.
     Analisi approfondita DE, EN, FR

 Accountability of EU regulatory agencies
    Tipo di pubblicazione  In sintesi
                      Data 27-02-2015
                    Autore ATANASSOV Nikolai
     Settore di intervento Controllo dei bilanci | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiave  amministrazione dell'istituzione | conflitto di interessi | cooperazione interistituzionale (UE) | governance | organismo
                           dell'UE | potere di controllo | scarico del bilancio | verifica ispettiva
               Riassunto A wide range of EU agencies have been set up to implement policy in specific fields, with the aim of simplifying
                           procedures, ensuring cost-effectiveness, bringing outsourced activities closer to the final beneficiaries and improving
                           visibility of the EU. A number are executive agencies directly supervised by the Commission, but the many
                           autonomous regulatory agencies created have thrown up a series of problems linked to accountability and oversight by
                           the EU institutions.
                In sintesi EN

Towards a High Degree of Accountability, Transparency and Integrity in the EU Institutions
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreALEKSIEV Ranko | GAY Jean-Jacques
     Settore di interventoControllo dei bilanci | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiave bibliografia | Commissione europea | conflitto di interessi | Consiglio dell'Unione europea | Consiglio europeo |
                          corruzione | Corte dei conti europea | Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea | Eurojust | Europol | frode a danno dell'UE
                          | Mediatore europeo | Parlamento europeo | trasparenza del processo decisionale | Ufficio europeo per la lotta
               Riassunto Background information for the Joint Hearing held on 26 March 2015.
                 Briefing EN

02-02-2022                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                 8
Addressing conflicts of interest in public-private partnerships (PPPs)
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 16-01-2015
                    Autore SGUEO Gianluca
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Mercato interno e Unione doganale
            Parole chiave  commercio estero | conflitto di interessi | contratto pubblico | globalizzazione | partenariato pubblico-privato | politica di
                           sviluppo | proprietà intellettuale | regolamento finanziario | sviluppo economico
                Riassunto The term 'public-private partnership' (PPP) is used to describe a broad and varied spectrum of cooperative
                           relationships between public actors (governments, agencies and international organisations, or a combination thereof)
                           and private actors (companies or not-for-profit entities). There is therefore no standard global definition of precisely
                           what a PPP is. PPPs have increased in number over the past decade. This has given rise to concerns regarding the
                           exposure of PPPs to the risk of conflicts of interest. Such risks may arise, for example, with the possibility that
                           preference is given to national tenderers or applicants whenever a contract is awarded by the public contracting
                           authorities; or through the possibility that weaker actors may be excluded from participating in a PPP because of the
                           preference given a priori to stronger actors. The EU attempts to strike a balance by combining broad definitions of
                           conflicts of interest with a number of legal tools tailored to identifying, managing and resolving specific conflicts. The
                           legal tools currently in place to avoid conflicts of interest in this context can be divided into two broad categories. Hard-
                           law tools include provisions for ensuring that public officials perform their duties in a fair and unbiased way. These
                           rules apply along the entire decision-making process concerning PPPs. To complement such rules, a vast array of
                           soft-law tools is also in place, including criteria to guide decisions of public actors on support to enterprises or financial
                           intermediaries, support for internationally recognised guidelines and principles, and commitment towards voluntary
                           initiatives to increased fiscal transparency.
                  Briefing EN

Attività del Mediatore europeo nel 2013
    Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi
                     Data 05-01-2015
                    Autore ATANASSOV Nikolai
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
           Parole chiave amministrazione dell'istituzione | Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea | commissione PE | competenza
                            istituzionale (UE) | conflitto di interessi | Europa dei cittadini | Mediatore europeo | petizione | relazione d'attività |
                            trasparenza amministrativa
                Riassunto Nel gennaio 2015 il Parlamento europeo dovrà discutere e adottare una risoluzione sulle attività del Mediatore europeo
                            nel 2013 basata sulla relazione annuale presentata il 23 settembre 2014. La relazione copre un anno di transizione per
                            il Mediatore, che ha visto la recente rielezione di Emily O'Reilly, entrata in carica a metà del mandato di Nikiforos
                            Dimandouros nel corso del 2013.
                 In sintesi ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

Proceedings of the Workshop on "Credit Rating Agencies: Implementation of Legislation"
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                      Data 16-06-2014
          Autore esterno Ugo BASSI (Directorate General Internal Market and Services (DG MARKT, European Commission), Dion
                           BONGAERTS (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands), Gudula
                           DEIPENBROCK (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft - HTW, University of Applied Science, Berlin, Germany),
                           Franco DESTRO (International Organisation of Securities Commissions - IOSCO), Felix FLINTERMAN (European
                           Securities and Markets Authority - ESMA, Paris, France) and Grace SONE (Financial Stability Board - FSB, Basel,
     Settore di intervento Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Problemi economici e monetari
            Parole chiave conflitto di interessi | diritto dell'UE | istituto finanziario | mercato finanziario | organismo dell'UE | potere di controllo |
                           regolamentazione finanziaria | regolamento (UE)
                Riassunto Upon request of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Affairs the Policy Department A organised a Workshop on
                           Credit Rating Agencies - Implementation of Legislation. The objectives of the workshop have been twofold: Firstly,
                           stock taking of the state of play regarding the implementation of the new regulation for Credit Rating Agencies in the
                           European Union. Secondly, outlining potential further developments in this area. The Workshop took also into account
                           global developments in the area of credit rating agencies regulation.
                    Studio EN

02-02-2022                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                        9
Indices Used as Benchmarks in Financial Instruments: Initial Appraisal of the Commission's Impact
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 11-02-2014
                    Autore COLLOVA Claudio
     Settore di intervento Problemi economici e monetari | Valutazione d''impatto ex ante
            Parole chiave  analisi costi-benefici | conflitto di interessi | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | etica imprenditoriale | indicatore economico
                           | mercato finanziario | potere di controllo | principio di sussidiarietà | regolamentazione finanziaria | studio d'impatto
                Riassunto This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying its
                           proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on indices used as benchmarks in financial
                           instruments and financial contracts (COM (2013) 641), which was submitted in September 2013.
                           It analyses whether the principal criteria laid down in the Commission’s own Impact Assessment Guidelines, as well as
                           additional factors identified by the Parliament in its Impact Assessment Handbook, appear to be met by the IA. It does
                           not attempt to deal with the substance of the proposal. It is drafted for informational and background purposes to assist
                           the relevant parliamentary committee and Members more widely in their work.
                  Briefing EN

Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): State of play and prospects for reform
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 21-01-2014
                    Autore LATEK Marta
     Settore di intervento Commercio internazionale
            Parole chiave  accordo commerciale (UE) | arbitrato commerciale internazionale | Centro internazionale per la risoluzione delle
                           controversie relative agli investimenti | conflitto di interessi | etica imprenditoriale | garanzia degli investimenti |
                           giurisdizione arbitrale | impresa multinazionale | investimento estero | investimento privato | procedura giudiziaria |
                           sovranità nazionale
                Riassunto Investor-State Dispute Settle-ment (ISDS) mechanisms are found in more than 3 000 international investment treaties,
                           but have been increasingly criticised in recent years. Their advocates defend them as a depoliticised neutral system to
                           resolve disputes between foreign investors and host states. The issue of ISDS has lately come to public attention in
                           the EU, with the completion of negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with
                           Canada, and the opening of negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement.
                  Briefing EN

The Various Roles of the ECB in the New EMU Architecture, Monetary Dialogue September 2013
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                      Data 13-12-2013
          Autore esterno Zsolt DARVAS and Silvia MERLER (Bruegel, Brussels, Belgium) , Karl WHELAN (University College Dublin, Ireland) ,
                           Anne SIBERT (Birkbeck, University of London and CEPR) , Sylvester C.W.EIJFFINGER (CentER and EBC, Tilburg
                           University and CEPR) and Stefan Collignon (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, and CER, Rome, Italy)
     Settore di intervento Problemi economici e monetari | Questioni finanziarie e bancarie
            Parole chiave Banca centrale europea | competenza istituzionale (UE) | conflitto di interessi | controllo bancario | coordinamento delle
                           politiche UEM | intervento finanziario | meccanismo di sostegno | politica economica | politica monetaria unica | potere
                           di controllo | relazione interistituzionale (UE) | Sistema europeo di banche centrali
                Riassunto The five briefing papers included in this compilation assess and comments on the ECB's new responsibilities as a
                           supervisory authority. The papers examine the overall position of the ECB and the various roles of the ECB in the new
                           institutional framework as well as its relationship with other bodies in terms of institutional design. In the context, the
                           papers assess synergies, overlaps as well as the risks of possible conflicts of interest between ECB's different roles
                           and among institutions, including the positive and negative externalities that the new tasks may generate in relation to
                           ECB's key mandate for price stability.
                    Studio EN

Lobbying the EU institutions
    Tipo di pubblicazione   Briefing
                      Data  18-06-2013
                    Autore  ZIBOLD Franziska
     Settore di intervento  Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Spazio di libertà, sicurezza e
             Parole chiave conflitto di interessi | etica imprenditoriale | gruppo d'interesse | istituzione dell'Unione europea | moralità della vita
                            politica | trasparenza del processo decisionale
                Riassunto Lobbying at EU level has very specific characteristics. It can be assessed on both access to the decision-making
                            process as well as the success of the lobbying activity. Besides the European Commission and Parliament's code of
                            conduct for the Transparency Register, lobbying organisations have developed their own professional codes of
                            conduct to regulate their activities. The main criticism of the current situation regarding lobbying is the lack of
                            transparency. Meanwhile lobbying is considered a positive element by EU policy-makers insofar as it ensures the
                            participation of social and economic actors in the policy-making process and provides useful information.
                   Briefing EN

02-02-2022                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                    10
Better Avoidance of Conflict of Interest: EU Agencies and Other Bodies Moving Forward
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                      Data 12-04-2013
          Autore esterno János Bertók (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD, Paris, France), Paul de Clerck
                           (Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation - Alter EU), Geert Dancet (European Chemicals Agency -
                           ECHA, European Commission), Christoph Demmke (European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA, Maastricht,
                           the Netherlands), Ian Harden (Secretariate General of the European Ombudsman), Thinam Jakob (HR Directorate
                           General, European Commission), Igors Ludboržs (European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg), Jana Mittermaier
                           (Transparency International), Wolfgang Rau (Group of States against Corruption - GRECO, Council of Europe) and
                           Mario Tenreiro (Secretariat General, European Commission)
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Diritto internazionale privato e cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile | Diritto
                           internazionale pubblico | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici
            Parole chiave amministrazione del personale | Commissione europea | conflitto di interessi | doveri del funzionario | etica
                           imprenditoriale | funzionario europeo | gruppo d'interesse | moralità della vita politica | organismo dell'UE | trasparenza
                           del processo decisionale
                Riassunto Proceedings of the workshop on "Better Avoidance of Conflict of Interest: EU Agencies and Other Bodies Moving
                           Forward" held on 21 February 2013 in Brussels.
                    Studio EN

What are the Necessary Conditions for Effective Financial Control in Multi-Donor Foundations &
Endowments, and What Examples of Best Practice in this Domain Can be Brought into the European
Endowment for Democracy and EU?
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                     Data 15-03-2013
          Autore esterno Ernst & Young et Associés (Paris, France)
     Settore di intervento Bilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Questioni finanziarie e bancarie
           Parole chiave amministrazione dell'istituzione | conflitto di interessi | controllo di gestione | controllo finanziario | fondazione |
                           trasparenza amministrativa | verifica ispettiva
                Riassunto This study aims at defining the key best-practices regarding governance, internal and external controls and
                           transparency that could be applied to the European Endowment Fund. The survey was conducted using a benchmark
                    Studio EN

Conflicts of interest in public administration
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreZIBOLD Franziska
     Settore di interventoBilanci | Controllo dei bilanci | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiave conflitto di interessi | contratto pubblico | corruzione | funzione pubblica europea | impresa pubblica | organo di
                          controllo | pubblica amministrazione | statuto dei funzionari
               Riassunto With the financial crisis, "conflict of interest" has become a buzzword. Not a day passes without the press uncovering
                          another case of unethical behaviour from holders of public office. The introduction of new ethical rules and standards
                          has become a political topic.
                 Briefing EN

Disease Mongering (Pseudo-Disease Promotion)
    Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita
                    AutoreSOSA IUDICISSA Marcelo | TEJEDOR DEL REAL Purificacion
     Settore di interventoIndustria | Protezione dei consumatori | Sanità pubblica
            Parole chiave Agenzia europea per i medicinali | conflitto di interessi | industria farmaceutica | prevenzione delle malattie | prodotto
                          farmaceutico | protezione del consumatore | sanità pubblica | servizio sanitario
               Riassunto Disease mongering is the promotion of pseudo-diseases by the pharmaceutical industry aiming at economic benefit.
                          Medical equipment manufacturers, insurance companies, doctors or patient groups may also use it for monetary gain
                          or influence. It has increased in parallel with society's 'medicalisation' and the growth of the pharmaceutical complex.
                          Due to massive investments in marketing and lobbying, ample use of internet and media, and the emergence of new
                          markets, it is becoming a matter of concern, and policy makers should be aware of its perils and consequences.
     Analisi approfondita EN

02-02-2022                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                  11
Audit reform in the EU
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreNEEDHAM Christopher
     Settore di interventoQuestioni finanziarie e bancarie
            Parole chiave chiusura dei conti | concorrenza internazionale | conflitto di interessi | contabilità generale | conto consolidato |
                          diffusione delle informazioni | organo di controllo | verifica ispettiva
               Riassunto The EU has investigated and legislated in several areas seen as having brought about the global financial crisis that
                          erupted in 2008.
                 Briefing EN

Public Procurement by the European Union Institutions
    Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita
          Autore esterno  Stéphane BRACONNIER (Université Panthéon-Assas - Paris II ; Cabinet Bird & Bird AARPI)
     Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici
            Parole chiave conflitto di interessi | contratto pubblico | funzionamento istituzionale | procedura amministrativa | pubblicità | spesa di
                          funzionamento (UE)
               Riassunto In awarding contracts the Community institutions are subject to the rules set out in Directive 2004/18/EC of 31 March
                          2004. The provisions of the directive are reproduced and adapted in Community Financial Regulations Nos 1605/2002
                          and 2342/2002 of 25 June 2002. These provisions ensure that all economic operators in the EU have
                          nondiscriminatory access to European contracts.
     Analisi approfondita ES, EN, FR

"Evaluation of the management of H1N1 influenza in 2009-2010 in the EU"
    Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita
          Autore esterno  Mr Gavin McBride, Mr Tony Zamparutti - Milieu Ltd, Brussels (Belgium)
     Settore di interventoSanità pubblica
            Parole chiave Agenzia europea per i medicinali | Centro europeo per la prevenzione e il controllo delle malattie | conflitto di interessi |
                          epidemia | epidemiologia | malattia animale | Organizzazione mondiale della sanità | perizia medica | prevenzione delle
                          malattie | rischio sanitario | zoonosi
               Riassunto This report summarises the presentations and discussions at a Workshop- Hearing on the response of Member States
                          and EU institutions to the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009-2010 in the EU, held at the European Parliament in
                          Brussels on Tuesday 5th October 2010. The aim of the workshop was to assess the response and to draw lessons
                          from H1N1 for the EU response to future pandemics.
     Analisi approfondita EN

Hedge Funds - Transparency and Conflict of Interest
    Tipo di pubblicazione    Studio
                      Data   19-12-2007
          Autore esterno     Narayan Naik (Hedge Fund Centre, London UK)
     Settore di intervento   Industria | Questioni finanziarie e bancarie
            Parole chiave    azionista | capitali speculativi | comunicazione dei dati | conflitto di interessi | investimento | investimento di capitali |
                             mercato finanziario | regolamentazione finanziaria | società d'investimento
                   Studio EN

02-02-2022                                           Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE                                                                      12
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