DCA Partition System Product book - Unifor
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Sistema di partizioni modulari a tutta altezza per ambienti di lavoro qualificati da elevate Full-height modular partition system for upper-level work environments with excellent DCA David Chipperfield Product book 2018 prestazioni di comfort acustico. acoustical performance. Partition System Architects Concepito per suddividere e organizzare Conceived to provide an efficient and rational con efficienza e razionalità zone funzionali way to organize and separate functionally dif- differenziate, definisce spazi flessibili, protetti ferentiated work areas, the system is used to e riservati: sale riunioni, uffici direzionali, define protected work environments that are aree operative, spazi di coworking, zone both flexible and reserved: conference rooms, condivise di servizio. executive offices, task areas, co-working Il sistema è composto dai seguenti compo- spaces and shared service spaces. nenti: struttura in profilati di alluminio verni- The system is composed of the following ciato o anodizzato, disponibile con o senza components: frames in painted or anodized montanti verticali, a seconda dell’altezza che aluminum profiles, available with or without si deve raggiungere; pannellature in doppio vertical support elements, depending on the vetro strutturale extrachiaro di sicurezza desired height; glazing in extra-clear double- con intercapedine isolante; tamponamenti glazed structural safety glass with insulating coibentati con finiture in vari materiali; cavity; insulating solid panels with finishes in porte a battente con le stesse caratteristiche. various materials; swing doors with the same I profilati perimetrali della base e della chiu- characteristics. sura superiore sono predisposti per rimanere The profiles along the base and the top of a vista o essere inseriti a scomparsa nel pavi- the partitions are designed to either remain mento sopraelevato e nella controsoffittatura, exposed or to be concealed in raised floor- in modo da favorire una perfetta integrazione ing and drop ceiling systems, so that the del sistema nell’architettura che lo ospita. system is perfectly integrated with the interior architecture.
Sommario/Contents 4 Tipologie di profili/Profile types 10 Connessioni/Connections 13 Porte/Doors 20 Accessori porte/Door accessories 23 Pareti/Solid partition walls 26 Abaco composizioni Compositions 27 Progettare e produrre in modo sostenibile Sustainable design and production
Tipologie di profili Profile types Recessed profiles Visible profiles Glass-to-glass With frame Glass-to-glass With frame Altezza/Height ≤ 3000 mm Altezza/Height ≥ 3000 mm Altezza/Height ≤ 3000 mm Altezza/Height ≥ 3000 mm Type A1 Type A2 Type B1 Type B2 4 5
Type A - Recessed profile Type B - Visible profile A1 h ≤ 3000 mm B1 h ≤ 3000 mm L ≤ 1500 mm ( ≤ 120 kg) L ≤ 1500 mm ( ≤ 120 kg) 50 70 F.C.L. F.C.L. h ≤ 3000 mm h ≤ 3000 mm F.F.L. F.F.L. 11 50 L L L L L L L L L L A2 with frame h ≤ 5000 mm B2 with frame h ≤ 5000 mm L ≤ 1500 mm ( ≤ 120 kg) L ≤ 1500 mm ( ≤ 120 kg) 50 70 F.C.L. F.C.L. h ≤ 5000 mm h ≤ 5000 mm h ≤ 3000 mm h ≤ 3000 mm F.F.L. F.F.L. 11 50 L L L L L L L L L L 6 7
Type A - Recessed profile Type B - Visible profile 8 9
Connessioni Glass-to-glass Glass-to-glass-to-solid Connections Two-way Three-way A1/B1 h ≤ 3000 mm L ≤ 1500 mm ( ≤ 120 kg) h ≤ 3000 mm h ≤ 3000 mm A2/B2 with frame h ≤ 5000 mm L ≤ 1500 mm ( ≤ 120 kg) h ≤ 5000 mm h ≤ 5000 mm 10 11
Porte a battente Swing doors Single swing door A1/B1 full-height h ≤ 3000 mm L ≤ 1100 mm ( leaf ≤ 140 kg ) h ≤ 3000 mm 1050 mm L All types h door ≤ 3000 mm L ≤ 1100 mm ( leaf ≤ 140 kg ) all heights h ≤ 3000 mm 1050 mm Single swing door – full-height Recessed profiles L 12 13
Double swing door A1/B1 full-height h ≤ 3000 mm L ≤ 2200 mm ( leaf ≤ 140 kg ) h ≤ 3000 mm 1050 mm L All types h door ≤ 3000 mm L ≤ 2200 mm ( leaf ≤ 140 kg ) all heights h ≤ 3000 mm 1050 mm Single swing door – full-height Recessed profiles L 14 15
Porte scorrevoli Sliding doors Single sliding door Double sliding door A1/B1 full-height h ≤ 3000 mm A1/B1 full-height h ≤ 3000 mm L ≤ 1100 mm ( leaf ≤ 140 kg ) L ≤ 1100 mm ( leaf ≤ 140 kg ) h ≤ 3000 mm h ≤ 3000 mm 1000 mm 1000 mm L L All types with frame h door ≤ 3000 mm All types with frame h door ≤ 3000 mm L ≤ 1100 mm ( leaf ≤ 140 kg ) L ≤ 1100 mm ( leaf ≤ 140 kg ) all heights all heights h ≤ 3000 mm h ≤ 3000 mm 1050 mm 1050 mm L L 16 17
Single swing door with frame Visible profiles 18 19
Accessori porte Door accessories Handle Handle for swing doors Handle for sliding doors FSB 1004 Design David Chipperfield Architects FSB 1004 UniFor bar handle Design David Chipperfield Architects Panel support UniFor bar handle 20 21
Pareti Solid partition walls Solid partition wall A1/B1 full-height h ≤ 3000 mm L All types with frame Glaze/solid bottom or Glazed/solid top h ≤ 3000 mm Solid partition wall with frame Visible profiles L L 22 23
Solid wooden door with frame Visible profiles Solid wooden door Solid wooden door Single swing Double swing A1/B1 h ≤ 3000 mm h ≤ 3000 mm All types with frame all heights all heights 24 25
Abaco composizioni Compositions Type A1 (Recessed) h ≤ 3000 mm Type A2 (Recessed) h ≤ 3000 mm Type B1 (Visible profile) h ≥ 3000 mm Type B2 (Visible profile) h ≥ 3000 mm Single swing door Single swing door with frame Single swing door Single swing door with frame Double swing door Double swing door with frame Double swing door Double swing door with frame Single sliding door Single sliding door with frame Single sliding door Single sliding door with frame Double sliding door Double sliding door with frame Double sliding door Double sliding door with frame Solid partition wall Solid partition wall with frame Solid partition wall Solid partition wall with frame 26 27
Progettare e produrre in modo sostenibile Sustainable design and production Sensibile alla tutela dell’ambiente, UniFor Unifor is concerned with environmental persegue l’obiettivo di uno sviluppo sostenibile protection and strives to attain the goal of e re-sponsabile intervenendo sia attraverso sustainable and responsible development importanti piani d’investimento, per ottimiz- through two main strategies: major zare e razionalizzare i processi di produzione investment programs for streamlining and finalizzati a ridurne l’impatto ambientale, rationalizing production processes, and sia attraverso un’intensa azione di ricerca e intensive research and experimentation sperimentazione per migliorare costantemente aimed at constantly improving products, il prodotto, non solo sul piano estetico, not only in terms of aesthetics, function, funzionale, prestazionale e applicativo, ma performance and application, but from the anche nei suoi contenuti disostenibilità. point of view of sustainability. In addition Oltre a rispettare pienamente le attuali leggi to fully complying with all applicable envi- in materia, UniFor segue un’attiva politica ronmental laws, UniFor maintains an active ambientale basata su principi chiari e condi- environmental policy, based on clear, visi: accurata selezione dei materiali e metodi shared principles: the careful selection produttivi rispettosi dell’ambiente; attuazione of eco-friendly materials and production di processi industriali in grado di risparmiare methods; the implementation of energy- energia; minimizzazione e riciclaggio degli saving industrial processes; reduction and scarti; coinvolgimento generalizzato, recycling of waste; generalized participation, contributo specifico e responsabilizzazione specific contributions and accountability di tutte le persone coinvolte. on the part of everyone involved. L’approccio progettuale e produttivo dell’a- UniFor’s design and production approach zienda è basato sulla convinzione che il is based on the firm belief that the least minore impatto ambientale venga raggiunto environmental impact is achieved through attraverso prodotti di alta qualità, progettati high-quality products that are designed per durare nel tempo e pensati per un utilizzo for durability and flexibility of use. flessibile. Over the course of its actions to prevent Nel suo percorso per prevenire o ridurre al or minimize environmental impact, UniFor minimo gli effetti sull’ambiente, UniFor ha has obtained UNI EN ISO 9001 certification; ottenuto la certificazione UNI EN ISO 9001; UNI EN ISO 14001 certification, relative la certificazione UNI EN ISO 14001, relativa to the system of management and control al sistema di gestione e controllo degli impatti of the environmental impact of the various ambientali delle varie attività; la certificazione activities; Greenguard certification against Greenguard contro le emissioni inquinanti the emission of indoor pollutants; the all’interno dell’edificio; l’impronta ecologica ecological footprint of its products according dei prodotti secondo i criteri del sistema LEED. to the LEED system criteria.
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