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IDROSADENITE SUPPURATIVA ASPETTI PSICOLOGICI Stefano Caracciolo - Stefano Tugnoli Sezione di Scienze Neurologiche Psichiatriche e Psicologiche Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Chirurgico Specialistiche Università degli Studi di Ferrara Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Stress Psicologico Comorbilità Psichiatrica Emozioni Negative: angoscia, tristezza, vergogna, rabbia Depressione Immagine di Sé Corporeità Autostima Stigma Gravità e Stadio Evolutivo Lesioni e cicatrici visibili Cattivo odore Percezione di mancato controllo sul decorso Sentimento di inaccettabilità sociale
Vita di Relazione Vita Sessuale dipendenza Isolamento, solitudine Qualità della Vita Impatto sui Familiari Impatto Socio-Economico
PROFILO PSICOSOCIALE DEL PAZIENTE CON HS Psychosocial impact of hidradenitis suppurativa 329 of the four Table II. Results of the analysis of patient interviews on the wo attended psychosocial impact of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) 8 accepted Main categories and subcategories At the third Unworthy, Not lovable le, 1 male). Emotions and self-worth atients who Depression. Sadness. Irritation. Worry. Helplessness. Dependency. A en patients feeling of lack of control. Suicidal ideation. not answer. Taboo and stigmatization Repulsive, Disgusting Feel impure. Shy. Smell. Scars. Isolation. qualitative Intimate relations Bodily contact and pheno- To find a partner. In relationship. Sexuality. erspectives Cognition To put a name to the disease action, and To have a diagnoses or a name of the disease. Acceptance of the disease. Communication To feel alone d dilemmas To talk about the disease. Group meetings. nic disease Precautions Try to hide the scars l structures Dressing. Gestures. Perfumes. Contagiousness. Tobacco. Weight. Sport. , reasoning Economy and work Risk of low income analysis of Job. Colleagues. Sick leave. Cost of care. eneral rele- ividual will ociety. Various emotional reactionsEsmann S; Jemecto GB HS were reported. Ir- e arranged. ritation, anger impact Psychosocial and sadness of hidradenitisare often experienced suppurativa: a qualitative study.when th a focus Acta Derm. Venereol. 2011; 91(3):328-32 Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
LO SPECIFICO PSICOPATOGENO DELL’HS Ø sedi e caratteristiche delle lesioni Ø dolore persistente Ø cronicità Ø ritardi nella diagnosi 8 years’ delay as a mean before the diagnosis is formally reported (Smith et al, 2010) Ø parziale e transitoria efficacia dei trattamenti “...the symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa, are much more than just physical” (Matusiak et al., 2010) pochi studi scientifici sul tema “correlati psicologici dell’HS”
Major personality changes Deterioration of the family unit Suicidal ideation Anderson DK, Perry AW. Axillary hidradenitis. Arch Surg 1975; 110 (1):69-72
Depression scores of HS patients were significantly higher than those of other dermatological patients [...] and correlate with disease severity scores (Onderdijk et al., 2013) Depression level is undoubtedly linked to HS clinical stage (Matusiak et al., 2010) HS can be debilitating and devastating, significantly compromising Quality of Life (Vazquez et al., 2013) The impact of HS on quality of life (QoL) was found to be higher than that found in several other dermatologic conditions (Wolkenstein et al. 2007)
HS causes a high degree of morbidity, with the highest scores obtained for the level of Pain caused by the disease (Von Der Werth et al., 2001) HS can significantly detract from patients’ quality of life especially in those patients who have severe painful disease (Smith et al, 2010) This study demonstrated, for the first time to our knowledge, that patients with HS have Sexual dysfunctions and Sexual distress (Kurek et al., 2012)
HS is a distressing condition for many patients, one of the worst that has been systematically studied in dermatology. A number of factors modulate this impact: 1) The impact of HS on QoL correlates positively with the: à severity à duration à continuous evolution à pain à more involved locations, particular locations, uncovered locations 2) It correlates negatively with the à age of onset Late-onset HS seems to have an overall better outcome, with a better chance of spontaneous recovery, than HS developing earlier in life. à A subgroup of patients seems to be more severely affected: those with an early onset of their disease, long disease duration, and continuous evolution. (Wolkenstein et al., 2007)
Over 40% of HS patients in our study carried a diagnosis of DEPRESSION, compared to a lifetime prevalence of mood disorders in the general population of 20.8%. Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
“Sexual impact was strongly associated with depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation” Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
66,7% Prevalence of positive answers to question 9 of the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) (“Over the last week, how much has your skin caused any sexual difficulties?”) in different skin conditions. Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Data are reported as median [IQR] Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Comparison between the two groups considering the cut-off points 50,00%' 23,68%' 14,29%' 13,16%' 10,53%' 7,14%' 7,14%' 3,57%' GHQ$28'≥5' RSES'9' P=0,004 P=0,230 P=0,100 P=0,100 HS'Group' N'Group' (Fisher's exact test) Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
The study shows the evidence of a significant psychiatric comorbidity in HS patients and of a strong emotional impact of the disease: psychiatric symptoms, including depression, somatic symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, are higher than among matched controls, and state anger, emotional fragility and low self esteem are important psychological correlates in these patients. Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
GRAVITA’ Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati femmine Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 195v*17c) T otale disfunzionamento sociale = -0,2256+0,0216*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 6 Sartorius Index – Social Disfunction FEMALES 5 positive correlation Totale disfunzionamento sociale 4 3 2 1 0 “p”< 0,05 -1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 SART SART ORIUS in T :T otale disfunzionamento ORIUS sociale: r 2 =in0,2710; T r = 0,5205; p = 0,0322; y = -0,2256 + Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati femmine Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 195v*17c) T ot sintomi somatici = 0,395+0,024*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 8 7 Sartorius Index – Somatic Symptoms FEMALES positive correlation 6 5 Tot sintomi somatici 4 3 2 1 “p”< 0,05 0 -1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 SART ORIUS in T :T ot sintomi somatici: r 2 SART ORIUS = 0,2668; r =in0,5165; T p = 0,0338; y = 0,395 + 0,024*x Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati totali HS 125v*32c) Er/in = 14,698+0,033*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 34 32 Sartorius Index – Anger Expression-In 30 positive correlation 28 26 24 22 Er/in 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 “p”< 0,05 6 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 SARTORIUS SARTORIUS in T:Er/in: r2 = 0,1429; r = 0,3780; in T y = 14,698 + 0,033*x p = 0,0329; Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati maschi Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 130v*15c) Cr/out = 25,2274-0,0208*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 30 Sartorius Index – Anger Control-Out MALES 28 negative correlation 26 24 Cr/out 22 20 18 “p”< 0,05 16 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 SART ORIUS SART ORIUS in T :Cr/out: r2 = 0,2978; r = -0,5457; in T p = 0,0354; y = 25,2274 - 0,0208*x Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati maschi Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 130v*15c) ER/indice = 25,671+0,078*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 65 60 Sartorius Index – Anger Expression Index MALES positive correlation 55 50 45 ER/indice 40 35 30 25 20 “p”< 0,05 15 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 SART ORIUS in T :ER/indice: r2 = 0,2945; SART ORIUSp in r = 0,5427; T = 0,0366; y = 25,671 + 0,078*x Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
DURATA Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati GHQ 28 e STAXI 133v*32c) RT/R = 9,7898-0,1151*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 16 DURATA HS:RT/R: r2 = 0,2394; r = -0,4893; p = 0,0045; y = 9,7898 - 0,1151*x “p”< 0,05 14 HS Duration - Trait Anger /Angry Reaction negative correlation 12 10 RT/R 8 6 4 2 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 DURATA HS Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati femmine Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 195v*17c) T ot rabbia di tratto = 20,9506-0,1616*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 28 HS Duration - Trait Anger FEMALES 26 negative correlation 24 22 Tot rabbia di tratto 20 18 16 14 12 “p”< 0,05 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 DURAT A HS:T ot rabbia di tratto: r2 = 0,2827;DURAT A HS p = 0,0281; y = 20,9506 - 0,1616*x r = -0,5317; Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati maschi Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 130v*15c) CR/in = 26,8405-0,2813*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 32 HS Duration - Anger Control-In MALES 30 negative correlation 28 26 24 CR/in 22 20 18 16 “p”< 0,05 14 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DURAT A HS:CR/in: r2 = 0,4698; r = -0,6854; DURAT A HS y = 26,8405 - 0,2813*x p = 0,0048; Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
ETA’ DI ESORDIO Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 195v*32c) T otale depressione = -0,5388+0,0486*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 6 5 HS Age of onset – Depression positive correlation 4 Totale depressione 3 2 1 “p”< 0,05 0 -1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ET A' ESORDIO ET A' ESORDIO:T otale depressione: r2 = 0,1657; r = 0,4071; p = 0,0208; y = -0,5388 + 0,0486*x Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati femmine Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 195v*17c) T otale depressione = -0,9109+0,0787*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 6 FEMALES HS Age of onset – Depression 5 positive correlation 4 Totale depressione 3 2 1 0 “p”< 0,05 -1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ET A' ESORDIO ET A' ESORDIO:T otale depressione: r2 = 0,3222; r = 0,5676; p = 0,0175; y = -0,9109 + 0,0787*x Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 195v*32c) media BRLF = 5,1996-0,0424*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 6,0 5,5 HS Age of onset – Reasons for Living negative correlation 5,0 4,5 media BRLF 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 “p”< 0,05 1,5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ET A' ESORDIO:media BRLF: r2 = 0,1620; rET A' ESORDIO = -0,4025; p = 0,0224; y = 5,1996 - 0,0424*x Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Scatterplot (dati femmine Idrosadenite psichiatrica giugno 2015 195v*17c) media BRLF = 5,4916-0,0606*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 6,0 HS Age of onset – Reasons for Living FEMALES 5,5 negative correlation 5,0 4,5 media BRLF 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 “p”< 0,05 1,5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ET A' ESORDIO:media BRLF: r2 = 0,3791; rET A' ESORDIO = -0,6157; p = 0,0085; y = 5,4916 - 0,0606*x Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
IMPACT ON CAREGIVERS QoL Scatterplot (dati FDLQI 123v*22c) FDLQI = 7,3396+1,9899*x; 0,95 Int.Conf. 22 20 18 16 14 12 FDLQI 10 8 6 4 Depression – FDLQI 2 “p”< 0,05 positive correlation 0 2 -2 Totale depressione:FDLQI: r = 0,2128; r = 0,4613; p = 0,0353; y = 7,3396 + 1,9899*x -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Totale depressione Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
IMPORTANZA DI UN INTERVENTO INTEGRATO Equipe multidisciplinare Assessment - Intervento Terapeutico PSICHIATRA PSICOLOGO CLINICO
INTERVENTO PSICOLOGICO Ø accoglienza dei bisogni del paziente Ø offerta di uno spazio relazionale, ascolto empatico, condivisione e possibilità di elaborazione psichica Ø comprensione della sofferenza emotiva riconducibile alla malattia (vissuti depressivi, sentimenti di inadeguatezza, vergogna, solitudine e rabbia) Ø attenzione alla presenza di problematiche sessuali Ø contenimento delle ansie e gestione delle problematiche emotive e relazionali che si sviluppano nel lungo percorso di trattamento, contestualmente all’evoluzione del quadro clinico Ø gestione delle dinamiche e delle conflittualità nel contesto familiare e nel rapporto con l’equipe curante Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
Caracciolo, Tugnoli – ACNE Ferrara 2017
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