2022 GHELFI ONDULATI SPA - è stata assegnata
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GHELFI ONDULATI SPA è stata assegnata a Medaglia d'oro come riconoscimento del rating EcoVadis - LUGLIO 2022- 2022 Ricevete questo punteggio/medaglia in base alle informazioni comunicate e alle notizie a disposizione di EcoVadis al momento della valutazione. Qualora, durante il periodo di validità della scorecard/medaglia, le informazioni o le circostanze dovessero cambiare in modo rilevante, EcoVadis si riserva il diritto di sospendere la scorecard/medaglia e, se lo riterrà opportuno, rivalutare ed eventualmente riemettere una scorecard/medaglia Valida fino al: luglio 2023 modificata. EcoVadis® è un marchio registrato. © Copyright EcoVadis 2018 - Tutti i diritti riservati
scorecard EcoVadis www.ecovadis.com GHELFI ONDULATI SPA BUGLIO IN MONTE - Italia | Fabbricazione di carta e cartoni ondulati e 2022 di imballaggi di carta e cartone Data di pubblicazione: 6 Lug 2022 Valida fino al: 6 Lug 2023 Performance di sostenibilità Insufficiente Parziale Buono Avanzato Eccezionale Punteggio medio PUNTEGGIO COMPLESSIVO AMBIENTE PRATICHE LAVORATIVE E ETICA ACQUISTI SOSTENIBILI DIRITTI UMANI 68 / 100 70 / 100 70 / 100 60 / 100 60 / 100 93° Ponderazione Ponderazione Ponderazione Ponderazione percentile Distribuzione del punteggio complessivo Paragone dei punteggi dei temi GHELFI ONDULATI SPA 100 AMBIENTE PRATICHE 100% 80 68 LAVORATIVE E 60 75% 70 70 DIRITTI UMANI 40 20 50% 48.75 25% 38.43 60 60 0% 3.64 8.94 0 25 45 65 0.25 100 85 ACQUISTI ETICA SOSTENIBILI Tutte le aziende valutate da EcoVadis in questo settore Punteggio GHELFI ONDULATI SPA Tutte le aziende valutate da EcoVadis in questo settore
Punti di forza e aree di miglioramento Ambiente Ponderazione Punti di forza (34) Politiche Punti di forza Environmental policy on product end-of-life Environmental policy on materials, chemicals & waste Environmental policy on water Environmental policy on energy consumption & GHGs Standard policy on a majority of environmental issues Azioni Punti di forza Use of biomass or other fuel switch to improve energy efficiency and/or lower carbon emission intensity Training of employees on energy conservation/climate actions Purchase and/or generation of renewable energy Reduction of carbon emissions in transportation Improvement of energy efficiency through technology or equipment upgrades FSSC 22000 certified Technologies or practices to recycle or reuse water Energy and/or carbon audit Monitoring of pollutant concentrations into waste gas (e.g. VOC, heavy metals, NOx, SOx) ISO 14001 certified Measures to reduce paper consumption Measures to ensure compliance with the ADR agreement (road transport of hazardous goods) Facilities to sort recyclable waste Measures implemented to use recycled packaging Printed materials designed for easy recyclability Identification of more eco-friendly processing materials Closed-loop water cooling system in place Packaging designed for easy dismantling and easy recyclability
Measures to recycle paper/carton waste Partnership established to help dispose of waste that the company cannot recycle Waste management measures in place Risultati Punti di forza Reporting on total gross Scope 3 downstream GHG emissions Declares none of the sites/operations located in or near biodiversity-sensitive areas (not verified) Reporting on total amount of renewable energy consumed Reporting on total water consumption Reporting on total gross Scope 3 GHG emissions Reporting on scope 2 GHG emissions Reporting on scope 1 GHG emissions Reporting on total energy consumption Aree di miglioramento (7) Politiche Priorità Aree di miglioramento Media No information on endorsement of external sustainability initiatives or principles Bassa No quantitative target on environmental issues Risultati Priorità Aree di miglioramento Alta Reporting available on environmental issues, but some material topics are not covered Bassa Declares reporting on total weight of hazardous waste, but no supporting documentation available Bassa Declares reporting on total weight of non-hazardous waste, but no supporting documentation available Bassa No information related to reporting on total weight of pollutants emitted to water Bassa Declares reporting on total weight of waste recovered, but no supporting documentation available Pratiche Lavorative e Diritti Umani Ponderazione Punti di forza (37)
Politiche Punti di forza Labor & human rights policy on diversity, equity & inclusion Labor & human rights policy on child labor, forced labor & human trafficking Labor & human rights policy on career management & training Labor & human rights policy on working conditions Labor & human rights policy on employee health & safety Standard policy on a majority of labor or human rights issues Azioni Punti di forza ISO 45001 certified Collective agreement on diversity, discrimination and/or harassment Collective agreement on training & career management Collective agreement on working conditions Collective agreement on employees’ health & safety Flexible organization of work available to employees (e.g. remote work, flexitime) Health care coverage of employees in place Whistleblower procedure on discrimination and/or harassment issues Actions to promote wage equality in the workplace Auditing of internal controls to prevent child labor, forced labor and human trafficking Training on health and safety issues for subcontractors working on the company premises Active measures for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders Internal audits on health & safety issues Provision of protective equipment to all impacted employees Employee health & safety detailed risk assessment Transparent recruitment process communicated clearly and formally to all candidates Actions to prevent discrimination during recruitment phase Regular assessment (at least once a year) of individual performance Active preventive measures for stress and noise Mandatory health check-up for employees
Official measures promoting career mobility Provision of skills development training Joint labor management health & safety committee in operation Actions to promote the inclusion of employees with disabilities Setting of individual career plan for all employees Training of relevant employees on health & safety risks and best working practices Risultati Punti di forza Reporting on the percentage of women employed in relation to the whole organization Report on percentage of women within the organization's board Reporting on average training hours per employee Reporting on accident severity rate Reporting on accident frequency rate Aree di miglioramento (4) Politiche Priorità Aree di miglioramento Media No information on endorsement of external sustainability initiatives or principles Media Inconclusive documentation for policies on social dialogue Bassa No quantitative target on labor and human rights issues Risultati Priorità Aree di miglioramento Alta Reporting available on labor and human rights issues, but some material topics are not covered Etica Ponderazione Punti di forza (16) Politiche Punti di forza Standard policy on a majority of ethics issues Policy on conflict of interest Disciplinary sanctions to deal with policy violations Employee signature acknowledgement of ethics policies
Policy on information security Policies on corruption Dedicated responsibility for ethics issues Azioni Punti di forza Whistleblower procedure for stakeholders to report information security concerns Whistleblower procedure for stakeholders to report corruption and bribery Information security due diligence program on third parties in place Incident response procedure (IRP) to manage breaches of confidential information Implementation of a records retention schedule Awareness training to prevent information security breaches Measures to protect third party data from unauthorized access or disclosure Awareness training performed to prevent corruption Specific approval procedure for sensitive transactions (e.g. gifts, travel) Aree di miglioramento (6) Politiche Priorità Aree di miglioramento Media No information on endorsement of external sustainability initiatives or principles Bassa Inconclusive documentation for policies on fraud Azioni Priorità Aree di miglioramento Alta No conclusive documentation regarding information security risk assessments Bassa No conclusive documentation on audits of control procedures to prevent corruption Bassa No conclusive documentation regarding corruption risk assessments Bassa No conclusive documentation regarding an anti-corruption due diligence program on third parties Acquisti Sostenibili Ponderazione Punti di forza (6) Politiche Punti di forza Standard policies on sustainable procurement issues
Sustainable wood and wood products sourcing policy Azioni Punti di forza Actions to work with businesses owned by minorities/vulnerable groups in the supply chain PEFC/FSC chain-of-custody certified Regular supplier assessment (e.g. questionnaire) on environmental or social practices Risultati Punti di forza Reporting on total gross Scope 3 upstream GHG emissions Aree di miglioramento (5) Azioni Priorità Aree di miglioramento Alta Declares having a supplier sustainability code of conduct, but no supporting documentation available Alta Declares social or environmental clauses included in supplier contracts, but no supporting documentation available Media No information on sustainability risk analysis being conducted (i.e. prior to supplier assessments or audits) Risultati Priorità Aree di miglioramento Bassa Declares reporting on the percentage of recycled wood or wood-based products/materials , but no supporting documentation available Bassa Declares reporting on the percentage of certified wood or wood-based products/materials, but no supporting documentation available Risultati del monitoraggio a 360° 27 giugno 2022 No records found for this company on Compliance Database null Non influisce sul punteggio
Commenti specifici No records found in third party risk and compliance database. The company demonstrates an advanced management system on environmental issues. The company demonstrates an advanced management system on labor & human rights issues. There is a lack of information and supporting documents on implementation measures regarding sustainable procurement issues. Ricevete questo punteggio/medaglia in base alle informazioni comunicate e alle notizie a disposizione di EcoVadis al momento della valutazione. Qualora, durante il periodo di validità della scorecard/medaglia, le informazioni o le circostanze dovessero cambiare in modo rilevante, EcoVadis si riserva il diritto di sospendere la scorecard/medaglia e, se lo riterrà opportuno, rivalutare ed eventualmente riemettere una scorecard/medaglia modificata. Nessuna parte di questo documento può essere riprodotta, modificata o distribuita, in qualsiasi forma o modalità, senza previa autorizzazione scritta di EcoVadis. Fornito sotto contratto per l'uso esclusivo da parte dell'abbonato: marco.contu@ghelfiondulati.com|GHELFI ONDULATI SPA|6 luglio 2022 © Copyright EcoVadis 2018 - Tutti i diritti riservati
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