Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia

Pagina creata da Nicola Carboni
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
Comune di San Quirico d’Orcia

             and Landscapes

Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
There is a town which possesses landscapes that are
                   recognized everywhere.That town is
                   San Quirico d’Orcia. ¶
                   When one is traveling in foreign lands, walking through the
                   streets of cities worldwide, looking through the pages of
                   many a travel magazine or admiring the posters adorning
                   walls in places near and far, there may very well be a scene
                   of a Tuscan landscape to visualize and admire. Often this
                   landscape will come directly from here in or around San
                   Quirico d’Orcia. ¶
                   This is why we say «THIS IS THE ORIGINAL». ¶
                   These are landscapes created by humans for other humans
                   and defined as worldwide patrimonies of humanity by
                   UNESCO. They are landscapes of a magical place, the Val
                   d’Orcia, in which San Quirico is, according to the historian
                   Franco Cardini (an expert on this part of Italy), the true
                   capital. This is not only because of its location at the center
                   of the valley, but above all for its more than one thousand
                   years of history related to the Via Francigena. ¶
                   Therefore, the events that we present here are one with our
                   landscapes, and relate the beauty, the work, the flavour and
                   the sentiments of our land. ¶
                   They are landscapes of art, music, taste and of the soul and
                   are to be shared by all of humanity! ¶
                   Living here also means having a special relationship with
                   nature and art. It really is valid in this environment what
                   Piero Calamandrei wrote about Tuscany. «…for the fate of a
                   painting or a statue or a dome you suffer as much as for the
                   fate of a close relative or a very dear friend.» It is with this
                   spirit that here we take care of our artistic heritage. A place
                   where well- being reigns supreme, where men’s rhythms still
                   seem to be those of time ago. The thermal waters in Bagno
                   Vignoni where Saint Catherine of Siena and Lorenzo de’
                   Medici bathed still flow in the square made of water and

                   restore the body and soul. ¶
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
JANUARY                 March 30 – June 2        18 May – 16 June        12 – 16               16 – 25                19 – 20
From January to April   Bagno Vignoni            Palazzo Chigi           Festa del             Palazzo Chigi          Bagno Vignoni
Teatrino                Paesaggi                 Mostra fotografica      Barbarossa            Vignoni | Vitaleta     Valdorcia Gravel
di Palazzo Chigi        del Benessere            Toscana nella                                 Paesaggi Musicali
Spettacoli              Mostre | Convegni        nebbia                  24                    Toscani                27
e conversazioni         Presentazioni di libri   Roland Seichter         Piazza del Moretto                           Bagno Vignoni
a cura di Francesco                                                      Bagno Vignoni         30 August –            Castagnata
Chiantese               March 30 – June 2        17 – 19                 Concerto              2 September            d’autunno
                        Bagno Vignoni            Bagno Vignoni           bandistico            Festa
FEBRUARY                Mostra di                Quartiere Borgo                               della Madonna          NOVEMBER
23                                               Aspettando              JULY                                         16
                        Davide Dall’Osso
Palazzo Chigi                                    il Barbarossa           Thursday 11           SEPTEMBER              Palazzo Chigi
Inaugurazione           The Secret Garden
                                                                         Piazza Chigi          Saturday 14            Presentazione
Nuovo Museo                                                              Concerto                                     ristampa anastatica
del Barbarossa          APRIL                    24 – 26                                       Piazza della Libertà
                                                                         bandistico                                   del libro
                        April 13– May 12         Porta Nuova                                   Spettacolo Gruppo
                                                                                                                      Note Storiche
MARCH                   Palazzo Chigi            Quartiere Canneti                             Sbandieratori
                                                                         19 – 21                                      della Chiesa di
March 2 – April 7       Mostra fotografica       Il Bianco e l’Azzurro                                                Vitaleta di
                                                                         Un Bagno di Birra     14 – 15
Palazzo Chigi           Val d’Orcia                                      Birre toscane di                             Don Pietro Martinelli
Mostra fotografica      Dall’alba                May 31– June 2          grande pregio         Bagno Vignoni          1914
Colori della Val        al tramonto              Piazza Chigi            prodotte              I colori del libro
d’Orcia                                          Quartiere Castello      artigianalmente                              DECEMBER
Marco Pizzirani         Paolo Naldi
                                                 Piano in festa                                28 – 29                1
                        25 – 28                                          20 – 21               San Quirico d’Orcia    Chiesa Collegiata
9                                                JUNE                    Centro storico        Incontri tra culture   Concerto di S. Cecilia
Palazzo Chigi           Palazzo Chigi
                        Orcia Wine               Sunday 2                8° Vespa raduno
La Confraternita di                              Palestra comunale       della Val d’Orcia     OCTOBER                6–8
Misericordia            Festival
                        Quattro giornate         Spettacolo                                    Sunday 6               Palazzo Chigi
Conferenza di                                    Tersicore               July 27 – October 6   Chiesa del Rosario     Centro storico
Annarita Casini         dedicate al vino
                        Orcia                                            Horti Leonini         Festa del Rosario      Festa dell’Olio
                                                 7–9                     Palazzo Chigi
23                                               Giardini                Forme nel Verde       12 – 13                7–8
Palazzo Chigi                                    Via Matteotti                                 Spedale della Scala    Palestra comunale
Presentazione della     Palazzo Chigi
                        L’erbario                Quartiere Prato         AUGUST                Il marrone             Gara regionale
rivista                                          Aspettando              10 – 17               nel Piazzone           Arcieri
Magnifica Terra         dei Cappuccini
                        Fondazione Tagliolini    l’Imperatore            Centro storico        Quartiere Borgo
a cura di
Antonio Cipriani                                                         MerCantando                                  December 8 –
                        MAY                      9                                             12 – 13                January 6 2020
                        17                       Primo Volpi                                   World Francigena       Palazzo Chigi
                        Centro storico           XX Granfondo                                  Ultramarathon          Il Palazzo delle Fiabe
                        1000 Miglia storica      della Val d’Orcia
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
San Quirico
and surrounding areas
on foot and on a bicycle
San Quirico d’Orcia and its surrounding area needs
to be visited without a rush. It is important for
visitors to drink in the extraordinary beauty and to
follow the rhythms of the countryside with its wheat
fields, vineyards, olive groves and colors which
change with the seasons. The impressive system of
foot trails gives guests the chance to enjoy the area
to its fullest and to discover the landscapes and
emotions that only a visit in contact with nature can
offer. ¶
Utilizing APP Valdorcia Outdoor, which was created
directly by the town of San Quirico, it is possible to
enjoy hikes, excursions with E-Bike (borrow one free
from the tourist office in San Quirico), mountain
bike and even racing bike easily and safely. ¶
The application furnishes useful information about
all activities connected to tourism and is available     Calendar
for download from PlayStore (Android devices) and
iTunes (Apple devices). ¶
There is also a web site dedicated to
the Val d’Orcia trails, visit it through
the link on the home page of                                   of
Comune di San Quirico d’Orcia. ¶
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
        Comune di
                                         April 25
                                         Teatrino di
                                                                 of Music
        San Quirico d’Orcia
Festival internazionale di musica
                                         Palazzo Chigi
                                         A grande richiesta
         16 – 25 agosto

                                         La Traviata
                                         di Giuseppe Verdi       Musical Landscapes in Tuscany is a classical music festival
                                         Orchestra               which features performances by great artists of interna-
                                         Florence                tional fame taking place in various venues of the Val
                                         Dirige David Boldrini   d’Orcia, an area known as one of the most beautiful
                                                                 destinations in the world. In this part of Tuscany, the
                                         April 28
                                         Teatrino di             landscapes represent the fusion of nature’s incomparable
                                         Palazzo Chigi           beauty and man’s most inspirational artistic achievements,
                                         Rigoletto               creating a harmony comparable to a great master’s
                                         di Giuseppe Verdi
                                         Orchestra               musical score. ¶
                                         Florence                The Philharmonic of San Quirico can boast of a history
                                         Dirige David Boldrini   of at least 200 years. A document dating back to the
      San Quirico
                                                                 end of 1700 mentioned the presence of musicians in the
                                         August 16 – 25
      Philarmonic                        Paesaggi Musicali       town. An important history therefore, making it one of
      in Concert                         Toscani                 the best loved local institutions . The Philharmonic
                                                                 Society as well as its traditional concerts during civil
      June 24
      La Banda a                                                 and religious celebrations has been doing precious
      Bagno Vignoni                                              activity of musical education with our children in the
                                                                 various schools.¶
      July 11
      Piazza Chigi

      December 1
      Chiesa Collegiata
      Festa di S. Cecilia
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
April 25 – 28
                                                                                                 Orcia Wine Festival
                                                                                                                         July 19 – 21
                                                                                                                         A Bath of Beer
                                                                                                 Four days dedicated
                                                                                                 to a wine which has
                                                                                                                         Tuscan artisan high
                                                                                                                         quality beer to
                                                                                                                                                  of Taste
                                                                                                 gained a place in the   freshen the summer
                                                                                                 heart of gourmets                                Orcia Wine Festival
                                                                                                                         evenings at Bagno
                ORCIAWINE                                                                                                Vignoni                  For all those with a passion for the enological wonders
                                                                                                 May 17 – 19                                      of the Val d’Orcia, this is an event that can’t be missed.
                                                                                                                         October 12 – 13
                                                                                                 Bagno Vignoni
                San Quirico d’Orcia
                                                                                                 Quarter Borgo           Chestnut Festival        It is a unique occasion which features a variety of events
                                                                                                                         at Spedale della Scala

                                                                                                 Waiting for the                                  introducing the excellence of DOC Orcia. ¶
                                                                                                                         October 27
                                                                                                                         La Castagnata
                                                                                                                                                  Festa dell’Olio
                                                                                                 May 24 – 26
                                                                                                 Quarter Canneti         Autumn traditional       The popular event held on the weekend prior to the
                                                                                                                         festivity at Bagno       December 8 holiday of the Immaculate Conception
                                                                                                 at Porta Nuova          Vignoni
                                                                                                 Blue and White                                   introduces the year’s production of extra virgin olive oil
                                                                                                 May 31 – June 2         December 6 – 8           with four days of musical and gastronomical festivities. ¶
                                                                                                 Quarter Castello        Festa dell’Olio
                                                                                                                         Olive oil celebration.   Bath of Beer
                                                                                                 in Piazza Chigi
                                                                                                 Piano in festa                                   This event is held on a weekend in Bagno Vignoni and
                                                                                                 June 7 – 9                                       gives participants the chance to taste high quality beer
Pro Loco
Comune di
San Quirico d’ Orcia
APT Siena
                          dell’ Olio
                                                              8 dicembre
                                                              «Il sapore dell’olio
                                                                                                 Quarter Prato                                    served at exhibits which reflect the work of local
                                                              nella cucina senese»

                          San Quirico
                          d’ Orcia                                                                                                                producers who are known for their scrupulous work and
                          8 dicembre
                                                                                                 in via Matteotti
                                                                                                                                                  creativity which results in beer that visitors will find
                          Degustazioni Olio – Stand gastronomico
                          Musica e spettacoli

                                                                                                 Waiting for the
                                                                                                 Emperor                                          excellent. ¶

                                                                                                                                                  The Taverns of the Barbarossa Festival
                                                                                                                                                  Every weekend from 16 May to 10 June in San Quirico
                                                                                                                                                  and Bagno Vignoni in turn one of the four Quarters of
                                                           Bernard Schlup
                                                           Ateliers Jaune, Berna
                                                           Editrice Grafica l’Etruria, Cortona

                                                                                                                                                  the village opens its kitchens and prepares delicious
                                                                                                                                                  traditional local dishes. Don’t miss it! ¶
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
March 1
                      Raffaele Spitalieri
                                                  March 30 – June 2
                                                  Bagno Vignoni
                      canta De Andrè a
                      vent’anni dalla morte.
                                                  The Secret Garden
                                                  Mostra di
                                                                            of Art
                      Con Spitalieri | Perugini   Davide Dall’Osso
                      Ravagni | Fabbrini                                    Forme nel Verde
                                                  April 3                   Forme nel Verde has been an annual appointment on
                      March 2 – April 7           Teatrino di
                      Palazzo Chigi               Palazzo Chigi             the calendar that has been able to involve prestigious
      FORME           Mostra fotografica          Sulla fotografia          contemporary artists in exhibiting their works in the
      VERDE           Colori della                conversazione con         16th century Horti Leonini. ¶
                      Val d’Orcia                 Tomaso Clavarino
                      Marco Pizzirani
                                                  April 13
                                                                            Art at the Palace
Teatrino di           March 6                     Ottagono                  Photographic exhibitions and contemporary art in the
Palazzo Chigi         Sul giornalismo             Lettera a una             splendid halls of the 17th century Palazzo Chigi where we
Spettacoli            Conversazione con           professoressa
e conversazioni       Maurizio Boldrini           Claudio Ascoli e i
                                                                            want art to continue to feel at home. ¶
direzione artistica                               Chille de la balanza da
Francesco Chiantese   March 15                    Don Lorenzo Milani        Art at Theatre
                      Mago Mamò Magic                                       A short season composed of shows and concerts which
Anteprima di stagione Show Maurizio Monte April 13 – May 12                 give new impulse to the 19th century theatre in Palazzo
January 25                                Palazzo Chigi
Musica d’Autunno      March 23            Mostra fotografica                Chigi. It is an elegant yet cosy place which not everyone
di e con Andrea       Territori           Val d’Orcia                       has discovered yet. ¶
«Atreio» Marcucci     in movimento        dall’alba al tramonto
                      Cortometraggi dalla Paolo Naldi
February 9            XIIa edizione del
Sui confini           Pentadattilo Film   May 18 – June 16
Francesco Chiantese Festival              Mostra fotografica
conversa con                              Toscana nella nebbia
Domenico Lucano       March30             Roland Seichter
February 17           Cretti, o della     July 27 – October 6
Discorso sul mito     fragilità           Nei cinquecenteschi
Vittorio Continelli   di Francesco        Horti Leonini
                      Chiantese           Forme nel Verde
                      con Elisa Bartoli   49a edizione
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
March 23
                                    Palazzo Chigi
                                    della rivista
                                    Magnifica Terra
                                    a cura di                 To visit the book fair at Bagno Vignoni is to immerse
                                    Antonio Cipriani          oneself in literary landscapes, meet editors, authors
                                    September 14 – 15         who design these landscapes in their works as well as
                                    Bagno Vignoni             both known and emerging writers. This event, held in
                                    I Colori del Libro        the enchanting atmosphere of Bagno Vignoni, should
                                    VIII edizione
                                    The traditional week-     not be missed. ¶
                                    end around the            >
                                    ancient thermal baths
                                    in Bagno Vignoni,         The Fairytale Palace
                                    visiting the stands and
Library                             discovering new books
                                                              From 8 December to 6 January Palazzo Chigi tran-
The public library in the elegant   and publications.         sforms itself and becomes a magical place where
rooms of Palazzo Chigi has a                                  children can live extraordinary experiences . New
special appeal. Containing          December 8 2019 –
thousands of books and              January 6 2020
                                                              emotions for the young to live, able to fascinate adults
modernly organized (www.sba.        Fairytale Palace          too. The halls of the palace host fairy stories, games, it         Palazzo Chigi becomes     and musical experience. There are laboratories of
contains spaces for both            a magical place for
reading and meetings. It boasts     adults and childrens.
                                                              creativity, cartoons and fantastic characters, every day
one section, il Fondo Tagliolini,                             brings a different surprise! ¶
of over one thousand volumes,
that specializes in subjects
regarding landscapes and
public gardens including many
that are historically of great
importance. It includes a
children’s library with numerous
children’s books where,
together with the adjacent
Teatrino del Palazzo, numerous
events for young people are
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
April 14
         Stadio Comunale
                                   June 9
                                   Primo Volpi
         7 – 8 dicembre
         Palestra Comunale
                                   XX Granfondo
                                   della Val d’Orcia
                                                          in Movement
MIGLIA   Gara regionale arcieri
                                   July 20 – 21           The twentieth century returns to San Quirico with
         May 17                    Centro storico         memories of a tumultuous past and a commemoration
         Centro storico            8° Vespa raduno
         1000 Miglia storica       della Val d’Orcia      of the Mille Miglia auto race, symbol of the industrial
                                                          development that came to the Val d’Orcia, a land
         May 19                    September 14           which had struggled with the transition to modernity.
         La Valdorciana            Piazza della Libertà
         Passeggiata ciclo­        Spettacolo Gruppo      In San Quirico, big events were tied to auto sporting
         turistica per ogni tipo   Sbandieratori          legends like Tazio Nuvolari, the Maserati, Osca and
         di bicicletta e per                              Castellarin hurtling through town in their autos as well
         camminatori               October 19 – 20
                                   Valdorcia Gravel       as heroic cycling greats such as Bartali, Coppi, and
         May 26                    Corsa valevole         Primo Volpi. ¶
         San Quirico               per il campionato      Contrasting with the sounds of modernity, the
         Vignoni                   italiano Gravel Bike
         Bagno Vignoni                                    event also commemorates the voices from the front
         Eroica di Primavera       December 21            during the Great War, voices which can never be
                                   Palestra Comunale      forgotten. ¶
         June 2                    Saggio Tersicore
         Palestra Comunale                                Moving within our landscapes means experiencing
         Spettacolo Tersicore                             extraordinary emotions. Movement of the body and
                                                          movement of the mind for those who search for a
                                                          relationship with oneself , with others and with nature
                                                          breaking away from the conventions of traditional
                                                          thinking. ¶
Calendar 2019 - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia Landscapes and Landscapes - Comune di San Quirico d'Orcia
March 2
                                                     Palazzo Chigi
                                                     Inaugurazione del
                                                     Nuovo Museo
                                                                                                    of the Francigena
                                                     del Barbarossa
                                                                                                    La Festa del Barbarossa
                                                     June 12 – 16                                   In San Quirico d’Orcia, Frederick I of Hohenstaufen
                                                     del Barbarossa                                 (Barbarossa), the future emperor, met the emissaries of
                                                     Rievocazione di un                             the Pope, «after a long and exhausting ride» as he
                                                     episodio storico del 1155                      declared while entering through the walls of the city.
Inauguration of the New Barbarossa Museum            September 28 – 29
                                                                                                    Upon Frederick’s arrival after his journey along the
A place where the great history of the relation-     Incontri fra civiltà                           Via Francigena, the meeting between the empire and
ship between the Empire and the Church is rebuilt,   a cura dell’Associazione
history passed through San Quirico along the                                                        the papacy took place. In 1155, Barbarossa, by then
Via Francigena. And, with history, we renew this                                                    the most powerful man of his times, arrived in the
memory in the Barbarossa Festival.
The museum hosts almost sixty years of celebra-      October 12 – 13                                village of San Quirico for his coronation as emperor.
tion, through panels and audiovisuals, of an         San Quirico d’Orcia                            The meeting between Barbarossa and the cardinals
encounter that really marked a turning point in      World Francigena
the political events of the Middle Ages.             Ultra Marathon
                                                                                                    sent by the Pope had resulted in an agreement that
Open every day. Free entry                                                                          guaranteed the capture and delivery to the Church in
Second Floor Palazzo Chigi Zondadari
                                                                                                    Rome of the heretic Arnaldo da Brescia, by Barbarossa’s
                                                                                                    troops. ¶
                                                                                                    The annual celebration, the Festa del Barbarossa
                                                                                                    reenacts events from the 12th century with Barbarossa
                                                                                                    and his cardinals, the civil and religious authorities of
                                                                                                    San Quirico of the times, the nobility, the population
                                                                                                    and the soldiers. The four districts of San Quirico
                                                                                                    (Borgo, Canneti, Castello and Prato) vie for the events
                                                                                                    big prize, the emperor’s jug, by participating in archery
                                                                                                    and flag competitions. The town relives the medieval
                                                                                                    sounds and atmosphere with evenings in the taverns
                                                                                 FOTO PAOLO NALDI

                                                                                                    and the town squares. ¶
August 30
September 2
della Madonna
                                               of Faith
The oldest festivity
of San Quirico,                                San Quirico, Vignoni and Bagno Vignoni, with their
dedicated to the                               country churches as well as their religious statues and
Madonna di Vitaleta,
the masterpiece                                icons create a sense of spirituality, evoking the
present in the church                          presence of the mystical figures who have lived and
of S. Francesco                                sojourned in this land. ¶
October 6                                      The sweetness and beauty of the Tuscan hills and the
Festa del Rosario                              sense of peace here bear witness to an intense
A popular country                              spirituality evidenced in the vast treasures of divinely
celebration on
the first Sunday of                            inspired art as well as the historic tradition of religious
October                                        celebrations. ¶
                                               Francis of Assisi celebrated his marriage to Lady
December 8
January 6 2020                                 Poverty in Val d’Orcia as is chronicled in the Legenda
Feste natalizie                                aurea by Jacopo da Varagine as well as the Mystic
Christmas festivities                          Marriage of St. Francis by the renaissance painter
                                               Sassetta, which currently hangs in the Musée Condé in
                                               Chantilly. ¶
                                               Caterina da Siena, the fourteenth century theologian
                                               sojourned at Rocca di Tentennano and at Bagno
                                               Vignoni and immersed herself in the thermal waters of
                                               the medieval baths. ¶
                                               The cinema director Andrej Tarkovskij filmed the most
                                               touching scenes of his masterpiece, Nostalghia, in
                                               Bagno Vignoni where years earlier Franco Zeffirelli
—                                              had filmed Fratello Sole Sorella Luna. ¶
CORTONA(?) 1392c. – SIENA 1450
March 9
Palazzo Chigi
La Confraternita di
Misericordia di
                        of History
San Quirico
Conference of           When history passed through here
Annarita Casini         A cycle of conferences dedicated to places, monu-
April 30                ments and moments of San Quirico’s long historical
Palazzo Chigi           past. A small town which is a treasure casket left over
Presentazione dell’     the centuries by artists and protagonists of a great
settecentesco del       History to be remembered and yet still being studied,
Convento dei            finding new depths and surprising discoveries. ¶
Cappuccini di San
Quirico                 Nights at the Palace
a cura della
Fondazione Tagliolini
                        In the frescoed halls of the 17th century Palazzo Chigi
                        night falls full of mystery and charm. ¶
November 16             Down the stairs and along the corridors the palace
Palazzo Chigi
                        rediscovers its history and ancient origins. ¶
ristampa anastatica     And then, when you’re almost falling asleep they
del libro               say that you just might bump into the ghost of the
Note Storiche
della Chiesa di
                        Cardinal. ¶
Vitaleta di
Don Pietro Martinelli

Notti a Palazzo
Guide tour for
discover Palazzo
Chigi and
entertainment for
March 30 – June 2
                                                   Bagno Vignoni
                                                                           May 4
                                                                           Bagno Vignoni
                                                   The Secret Garden
                                                   Personal exibition of
                                                                           Leonardo Marcucci
                                                                           Luigi Giannelli
                                                                                                    of Well-Being
                                                   Davide Dall’Osso        presentano
                                                                           Trattato fisico-medico   Along the Francigena, south of the town of San Quirico

                                                                           delle Acque Minerali     you can find Bagno Vignoni, a spa famous all over the
                                                                           dei Bagni di Vignoni
                                                                           di Giuseppe Giulj
                                                                                                    world for its square created by water. ¶
                                                                           Ristampa anastatica      In the Middle Ages Bagno Vignoni was well known and
                                                                           di un testo del 1833     distinguished people such as Saint Catherine and
                                                                           fondamentale per
                         FOTO DI MASSIMO ALLEGRI

                                                                           conoscere la storia di   Lorenzo de’Medici came to stay. ¶
                                                                           Bagno Vignoni            For many years great film directors have chosen it as
                                                                           e delle sue acque        an enchanting set for their films. Andrei Tarkovskij shot
                                                                           May 5                    here memorable scenes of his masterpiece Nostalghia.
                                                                           Bagno Vignoni            In the Piazza delle Sorgenti, (the square of the springs)

                                                                           Trekking                 Carlo Verdone filmed a scene of Al Lupo al Lupo and
                                                                           del benessere
                                                                           Dal Parco dei Mulini     more recently views of great charm appeared in the
                                                                           alla Piazza d’Acqua      fortunate TV series about the Medici family. ¶
                                                                                                    Overlooking the Val d’Orcia there are the Roman basins
                                                                           May 12
                                                                           Bagno Vignoni            and the Park of the Mills with its medieval remains. Its
                                                                           Trekking                 splendid isolation makes it a real oasis of peace and
                                                                           del benessere            quiet. ¶
                                                                           Sentieri della Val
                                                                           d’Orcia                  The Landscapes of Well-Being will accompany the spring-
                                                                                                    time awakening of the waters «sacred to the nymphs»
                                                                           May 12                   with a series of initiatives which go from conferences
                                                                           Presentazione del
                                                                           libro di                 to book presentations, from music to hiking along the
                                                                           Riccardo Finelli         trails of the Val d’Orcia, contemporary art and convivial
                                                                           Il cammino dell’acqua    moments. ¶
                                                                           A piedi da Milano

                                                                           a Roma lungo il corso
                                                                           dimenticato dei fiumi
Mercatini e dintorni

Easter Market              MerCantando Market
April 22                   August 17
Bagno Vignoni              San Quirico d’Orcia

Liberation Market          Grape Harvest Market
April 25                   September 7
San Quirico                Bagno Vignoni

Spring Market              Autumn Market
May 11                     October 12
San Quirico d’Orcia        San Quirico d’Orcia

Market of the Roses        All Saints Market
May 25                     November 1
Bagno Vignoni              San Quirico d’Orcia

Market of                  Olive Oil Market
San Quirico and Giulitta   December 7
June 1                     San Quirico d’Orcia
San Quiricod’Orcia                                                 Info
                           Two traditional village fairs, are
Market of Magnifico        held on the Sunday before Mardi         T 0577899728
June 22                    Gras and on the Monday following
Bagno Vignoni              the first Sunday in September           T 0577899725
                           which celebrates the Madonna di
Summer Market              Vitaleta.
July 6                                                                   comunesanquiricodorcia
Bagno Vignoni              Nei giorni dal 10 al 17 agosto                comunesqdo
                           i commercianti di San Quirico
                                                                   Atelier Grafico Lapislazuli | San Quirico d’Orcia | Berna
                           escono in strada con i loro prodotti.   Foto Paolo Naldi | Stampa Tipografia Rossi | Sinalunga | SI
San Quirico d’Orcia






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