"We respected all the rules, let us go to school." Protest of children

Pagina creata da Sofia Cortese
"We respected all the rules, let us go to school." Protest of children
3/30/2021                                           «Abbiamo rispettato tutte le regole, lasciateci andare a scuola». La protes...

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    "We respected all the rules, let us go to school."
    Protest of children
    March 14, 2021                                                                                                                                 

    Protest schools Rodari (Burati) COZZOLINOG

    Sunday protest at the Rodari schools in via Cipolla, Verona. Parents and children
    demonstrated this morning - last day in the orange zone - against the closure of schools. The
    signs speak for themselves: "We have respected all the rules, why are you taking away the

    Great dissent against a measure that is punitive towards families, especially those with
    younger children, among whom the contagion was almost nil. This was also stated by the
    mayor of Verona, Federico Sboarina, who described it as "absurd to close infant-toddler
https://www.larena.it/territori/città/abbiamo-rispettato-tutte-le-regole-lasciateci-la-scuola-la-protesta-dei-bambini-1.8535137/amp                       1/5
"We respected all the rules, let us go to school." Protest of children
3/30/2021                                           «Abbiamo rispettato tutte le regole, lasciateci andare a scuola». La protes...

    centers and preschools "

    Also parents and young pupils of the municipal kindergarten Monte Tesoro and of the primary
    Renato Simoni di San Michele Extratook to the streets this afternoon to express their dissent
    against the closure of schools to contain the spread of the coronavirus. "We want to go back
    to school", the cry launched by Grabdi and piccini, incredulous that months of commitment
    and sacrifices to adapt to the new rules of distancing and health safety were not enough to
    guarantee the continuity of the educational service. «Open tobaccos, take-away aperitifs and
    children from zero to six years forgotten! It's a shame », moms and dads burst out. “For us,
    the school has been the safest place in recent months, the one where the protocols have been
    most respected - they continue. - We consider it an injustice that our children are always
    paying ». (Elisa Pasetto )

    Protest for the school in San Michele Extra (Pasetto)

    A viral open letter was published by Alessandro Anderloni, director and actor from Verona,
    who wanted to dedicate a thought to the school , closed in every order and degree even in
    Veneto with the transition to the red zone.

               Read also In Verona very few positives in the 0-6 range.
               "Absurd to close", "we don't play with our future"

https://www.larena.it/territori/città/abbiamo-rispettato-tutte-le-regole-lasciateci-la-scuola-la-protesta-dei-bambini-1.8535137/amp   2/5
3/30/2021                                   «Abbiamo rispettato tutte le regole, lasciateci andare a scuola». La protes...

   Sister Elisea Santilli nursery school - Mezzane


   From tomorrow there are 6.9 million students who will be forced to attend lessons in DAD:
   eight out of ten (81%) of the 8.5 million pupils enrolled in state and private schools. Last week
   it was 5.7 million. There will therefore be an additional 1.2 million pupils who will have to stay
   at home. The increase is concentrated above all in three Regions: Lazio, Veneto and Piedmont.

   The picture is not homogeneous on the territory: the virus forces 95% of students in the north
   to home and less than two out of three in the south. In the center, the national average is 8
   out of 10. The elaboration is provided by the specialized magazine Tuttoscuola. Specifically,
   there should therefore be 6 million and 875 thousand (eight out of 10) pupils of state and
   equal schools forced to follow remote lessons out of a total of 8 million and 506 thousand.

   In 16 out of 20 regions, almost all schools will be closed tomorrow . The data also includes
   over one million preschool children excluded from face-to-face education activities at school.
   In the calculation, Tuttoscuola took into account the total closure of schools in some
   municipalities of the regions (eg Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria) which are in the orange zone.

   Le regioni più interessate da questa chiusura totale e con quantità notevoli di ragazzi a casa
   sono la Lombardia con 1.401.813 alunni in DAD, la Campania con 944.993, il Lazio con 821.329,
   il Veneto con 680.096, l’Emilia Romagna con 620.423, la Puglia con 585.344, il Piemonte con
   573.231. Si salvano da questa chiusura totale la Sicilia con 613.691 alunni a scuola, la Val
   d’Aosta con 15.552 in presenza e la Sardegna con 169.172 alunni; momentaneamente si salva
   anche la Calabria (dopo un ricorso al Tar) con 233.209.

    I numeri che potrebbero aumentare se i governatori regionali delle zone ancora in arancione
    di                    l                 i        d ll tti ità i                             d         i i          iù di 250
                                                                                                                                    t i   3/5
3/30/2021                                           «Abbiamo rispettato tutte le regole, lasciateci andare a scuola». La protes...
    disporranno la sospensione delle attività in presenza dove vi siano più di 250 contagi
    settimanali ogni 100mila abitanti (in quel caso si arriverebbe a 9 alunni su 10 in Dad). Per ora
    Toscana e Liguria, pur avendo un indice superiore già dalla scorsa settimana, mantengono più
    della metà degli studenti in classe. Complessivamente vi saranno 1,6 milioni (19%) di alunni in
    presenza a scuola e 6,9 (81%) in DAD, con la consueta alternanza del 50% (o fino al 75%) per gli
    studenti delle superiori nelle poche regioni in cui è consentito.

    Con riferimento ai diversi settori scolastici, seguiranno le attività didattiche a scuola 372.743
    bambini delle scuole dell’infanzia (il 26,8%), 575.915 alunni della primaria (il 22,1%), 365.721
    alunni della scuola secondaria di I grado (il 21,3%) e parzialmente in alternanza al 50% 298.156
    studenti delle superiori (il 10,7%).

    © Riproduzione riservata

      scuole Rodari               Verona           CORONAVIRUS              Area Rossa              protesta scuole


            Contenuti correlati
                VIDEO: Protesta scuola a San Michele Extra (Pasetto)
                GALLERY: Protesta per la scuola a San Michele Extra (Pasetto)
                ARTICOLO: Il Veneto entra in zona rossa: stop a scuole e negozi. Tutte le regole
                ARTICOLO: Le lettera aperta: «I bambini hanno rispettato le regole e noi abbiamo
                 tolto loro il diritto alla scuola»
                ARTICLE: In Verona, very few positives in the 0-6 range. "Absurd to close", "we don't
                 play with our future"
                ARTICLE: Mothers in the streets against the closure of schools
                ARTICLE: «Band 0-6 trampled. Now we will leave the children with their
                 grandparents, who were the ones to protect "


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3/30/2021                                           «Abbiamo rispettato tutte le regole, lasciateci andare a scuola». La protes...

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