SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona

Pagina creata da Valerio Gagliardi
SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona
A kitchen
                                for you.


SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona
Il cuore
                                                               della casa:
                                                                la cucina!
                                                               Il cuore della casa: la cucina!
                                                                SOHO: un modello di cucina
                                                                        interpretato in
                                                                    quattro case diverse.
                                                                   Tanti spunti e atmosfere
                                                                    per creare un mondo
                                                                       speciale: il tuo.

The heart of the home:           El corazón del hogar:         Le cœur de la maison:             Das Herz in jedem Zuhause        Сердце вашего дома:кухня!
the kitchen!                     ¡la cocina!                   la cuisine!                       Hauses: die Küche!               SOHO: одна модель кухни,
SOHO: one kitchen model,         SOHO: un modelo de cocina     SOHO: un modèle de cuisine        SOHO: ein Küchenmodell,          интерпретированная в
interpreted in                   interpretado en cuatro        interprété dans quatre            in vier Häusern                  четырех разных домах.
four different homes.            viviendas distintas.          maisons différentes.              unterschiedlich interpretiert.   Множество идей и
Plenty of looks and feels to     Multitud de inspiraciones y   De nombreuses idées et            Viele Ideen, um mit              атмосфера для создания
create a special world: yours.   atmósferas para crear un      atmosphères pour créer            Atmosphäre eine ganz             особого мира: вашего.
                                 mundo especial: el tuyo.      un monde spécial: le vôtre.       besondere Welt zu kreieren:
SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona
/ORGANIZZARE E CONTENERE /organising and storing
la cucina.
Organizzare la cucina.
Una cucina non deve
essere solo bella, ma
va anche organizzata
ergonomicamente per
rendere tutto più facile.
SOHO ti premette di
scegliere fra diverse
soluzioni componibili,
su misura per il tuo spazio
ed i tuoi movimenti.

CONFORMAZIONE                                         CONFORMAZIONE                                                                                        CONFORMAZIONE                               CONFORMAZIONE
SU DOPPIA LINEA                                       A “U”                                                                                                A “L” CON ISOLA                             A “L” CON TAVOLO
CON SCAFFALI                                                                                                                                               DI LAVORO
_Configuration in two rows with shelving              _U-shaped configuration                                                                              _L-shaped configuration with work island    _L-shaped configuration with table
_Configuración en doble fila con estanterías          _Configuración en “U”                                                                                _Configuración en “L” con isla de trabajo   _Configuración en “L” con mesa
_Conformation sur double ligne avec étagères          _Conformation en “U”                                                                                 _Conformation en “L” avec îlot de travail   _Conformation en “L” avec table
_Doppelte Küchenzeile mit Regalen                     _U-förmige Küchenzeile                                                                               _L-förmige Küchenzeile mit Kochinsel        _L-förmige Küchenzeile mit Tisch
_Вариант двойной линии с полками                      _ “U”-образная компоновка                                                                            _“L”-образная компоновка с островом         _“L”-образная компоновка со столом

SOHO Pavia / pag. 51                                  SOHO Matera / pag. 21                                                                                SOHO Capo Caccia / pag. 33                  SOHO Asolo / pag. 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
Organising your kitchen.          Organizar la cocina.          Organiser la cuisine.           Organisation ist alles.        Организация кухни.
A kitchen shouldn’t just be       Además de ser bonita,         Une cuisine ne doit pas être    Eine Küche soll nicht          Кухня не должна быть
nice to look at, it should also   una cocina debe estar         seulement belle, mais doit      nur schön sein sondern         только красивой, она
be ergonomically organised        organizada de forma           également être organisée        auch gut organisiert und       должна быть организована
to make everything easier.        ergonómica para facilitar     ergonomiquement pour            ergonomisch, damit alles       по принципам эргономики
SOHO allows you to choose         todas las tareas.             rendre tout plus facile.        einfacher geht.                для того, чтобы все
between various modular           SOHO te permite escoger       SOHO vous permet de             SOHO bietet dir verschiedene   было удобно. SOHO
solutions, tailor-made            entre diversas opciones       choisir parmi les différentes   Kombinationsmöglichkeiten,     позволяет выбрать среди

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Val Design
to your space and needs.          modulares, a medida para tu   solutions de composition,       die sich deinen Bewegungen     множества компонуемых
                                  espacio y tus movimientos.    sur mesure pour votre           und dem Raum anpassen.         решений, для создания
                                                                espace et vos mouvements.                                      вашего персонального
                                                                                                                               пространства и удобства в

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3
SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona
/ORGANIZZARE E CONTENERE /organising and storing

                                                                                                                                                  gola - anta, cesto
                                                                                                                                                  /groove - door, large drawer /ranura - puerta,

                                                                                                                                                  cesto /gorge - porte, grand tiroir /Kehlleiste - Tür,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                                                                                                                                                  Auszug /паз - створка, глубокий ящик

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ante e
                                                                                                                                                                                                               con gola
                                                                                                                                                  gola - cassetto
                                                                                                                                                  /groove - drawer /ranura - cajón /gorge - tiroir /
                                                                                                                                                                                                              e scaffali
SOHO combines doors and      SOHO combina puertas        SOHO associe portes et           SOHO kombiniert Türen und    SOHO совмещает створки     /Kehlleiste - Schublade /паз - ящик
                                                                                                                                                                                                           da utilizzare

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Val Design
drawers with a groove with   y cajones con ranura y      tiroirs avec gorge et étagères   Schubladen mit Kehlleiste    и ящики с пазом и шкафы,

shelving to be used as you   estanterías que se pueden   à utiliser librement.            mit Regalen, die nach Lust   с возможностью свободной
see fit.                     utilizar con libertad.                                       und Laune genutzt werden     компоновки.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         5
SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona
/ORGANIZZARE E CONTENERE /organising and storing
    SOHO basi                                                  SOHO colonne
      SOHO base units                                                                   SOHO tall units

                                                                          Dispensa Scaffale
    Dispensa Scaffale
    attrezzabile                                           /Accessorised Larder Shelving Unit / Estantería
    /Accessorised Larder Shelving Unit /               despensa equipable /Desserte Étagère pouvant être
    Estantería despensa equipable /Desserte                           équipée / Vorratsregal mit Zubehör
    Étagère pouvant être équipée / Vorratsregal                                    /Оснащаемый шкаф
    mit Zubehör /Оснащаемый шкаф

                                                                           Configurazioni di
                                                                             ante e cassetti
    di ante e cassetti
                                                                            esterni con gola
    esterni con gola                                                              /configurations of doors
    /configurations of doors and external                                            and external drawers
    drawers with groove /configuraciones                                             with groove /configu-
    de puertas y cajones exteriores con                                              raciones de puertas y
    ranura /configurations de portes et de                                          cajones exteriores con
    tiroirs extérieurs avec gorge /Ausführung                                       ranura /configurations
    der Türen und Schubladen außen mit                                               de portes et de tiroirs
    Kehlleiste /конфигурации створок и                                             extérieurs avec gorge /
    внешних ящиков с пазом                                                          Ausführung der Türen
                                                                                   und Schubladen außen
                                                                                             mit Kehlleiste
    Configurazioni di                                                                  створок и внешних
                                                                                          ящиков с пазом
    fianchi per gola laterale
    /configurations of side panels for side groove /
    configuraciones de costados para ranura lateral
    /configurations de côtés pour gorge latérale /
    Ausführungen der Außenseiten für Kehlleiste
    an der Seitenteile /конфигурации боковин для
    бокового паза
                                                                      Colonne full-access
                                                                         /full-access tall units /columnas
                                                                        full-access / colonnes full-access
                                                                              Hochschränke Full-Access /
                                                                                      колонны full-access

                                                                                                               A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
    Aperture ante
    e cassetti                                                                               Ante
    /door and drawer opening systems /aperturas                                         rientranti
    de puertas y cajones /ouvertures des portes et                                   /Retractable doors /
    des tiroirs / Öffnungen Türen und Schubladen /                                Puertas escamoteables
    системы открытия створок и ящиков                                               / Portes rentrantes /
                                                                                      Versenkbare Türen
                                                                                 /Убирающиеся створки

                                                                                                               Val Design
6                                                                                                                             7
SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona
                1   ASOLO_first floor
                    _Conformazione a “L” con tavolo
                    _L-shaped configuration with table
                    _Configuración en “L” con mesa

        1           _Conformation en “L” avec table
                    _L-förmige Küchenzeile mit Tisch
                    _“L”-образная компоновка со столом

                2   MATERA_ground floor
                    _Conformazione a “U”
                    _U-shaped configuration
                    _Configuración en “U”
                    _Conformation en “U”                                                                                      Una cucina
                    _U-förmige Küchenzeile
                    _“U”-образная компоновка

                                                                                                                             libera nelle
                3   CAPOCACCIA_first floor                                                                                  composizioni
            3       _Conformazione a “L” con isola di lavoro
                    _L-shaped configuration with work island
                                                                                                                                 e nei
                    _Configuración en “L” con isla de trabajo
                    _Conformation en “L” avec îlot de travail
                    _L-förmige Küchenzeile mit Kochinsel
                    _L”-образная компоновка с островом

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                4   PAVIA_second floor

            4       _Conformazione su doppia linea con scaffali
                    _Configuration in two rows with shelving
                    _Configuración en doble fila con estanterías
                    _Conformation sur double ligne avec étagères
                    _Doppelte Küchenzeile mit Regalen
                    _Компоновка в двойной линии с шкафами
                                                                   SOHO                          SOHO                        SOHO                          SOHO                       SOHO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Val Design
                                                                   A sunny, harmonious kitchen   Una cocina luminosa,        Une cuisine solaire,          Eine heitere und           Солнечная, гармоничная,
                                                                   where compositions and        armoniosa, libre en         harmonieuse, libre dans les   harmonische Küche, die     свободная в композициях и
                                                                   movements are free.           cuanto a composiciones y    compositions et dans les      Freiheit bei Planung und   движениях кухня.
                                                                                                 movimientos.                mouvements.                   Bewegung bietet.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9
SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona
SOHO /Asolo
                     Il piano
                    di lavoro
                  una pietra
                 e piacevole
                    al tocco.

                                                                                                                                                        A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                                                                                                                                                        Val Design
The ideal worktop: a hard-   La encimera ideal: una          Le plan de travail idéal : une   Die ideale Arbeitsplatte:     Идеальная рабочая
wearing stone that is a      piedra resistente y agradable   pierre résistante et agréable    resistenter Stein, angenehm   поверхность: прочный и
pleasure to touch.           al tacto.                       au toucher.                      zu berühren.                  приятный на ощупь камень.

10                                                                                                                                                      11
SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona

     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Asolo
SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona
SOHO /Asolo
                                                                                                          A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
Basi laccato opaco tè verde              Base units matt tè verde lacquered           ASOLO_first floor
Gola laccato opaco ghisa                 Groove matt ghisa lacquered
Zoccolo laccato opaco ghisa              Plinth matt ghisa lacquered
Top okite grigio 1910                    Top okite grigio 1910
Colonne laccato opaco tè verde           Tall units matt tè verde lacquered
Pensili laccato opaco tè verde           Wall units matt tè verde lacquered

                                                                                                          Val Design
Scocche antracite                        Units antracite
Dispensa Scaffale struttura verniciato   Larder Shelving Unit ghisa painted
ghisa, ripiani laccato opaco tè verde    structure, matt tè verde lacquered shelves

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SOHO A kitchen designed for you - - Munari Arredamenti Verona

     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Asolo

     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Asolo
SOHO /Matera
le venature

                                                                                                                                                       A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                                                                                                                                                       Val Design
                Brushed wood:           Madera cepillada:          Bois brossé :                 Poliertes Holz:              Рифленое дерево:
                the grain becomes the   las vetas se erigen como   les veinures deviennent des   Die Maserung werden zu       текстура выступает
                genuine star.           protagonistas naturales.   protagonistes naturelles.     natürlichen Protagonisten.   в качестве основного
                                                                                                                              натурального элемента.

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SOHO /Matera
                                                   di sapori e
                                                    da vivere

                                                                                                                                                    A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                                                                                                                                                    Val Design
     A workshop of flavours and   Un laboratorio de sabores   Un laboratoire de saveurs       Eine Werkstatt des           Лаборатория вкусов и
     conviviality, to enjoy all   y vida en compañía, para    et convivialité, à vivre tous   Geschmacks und des           совместного проведения
     together.                    disfrutar todos juntos.     ensemble.                       fröhlichen Zusammenseins –   времени.
                                                                                              ein gemeinsames Erlebnis.

22                                                                                                                                                  23

     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Matera
SOHO /Matera
                                                                                                               A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
     Basi fashion wood biscotto               Base units biscotto fashion wood           MATERA_ground floor
     Gola laccato opaco ghisa                 Groove matt ghisa lacquered
     Zoccolo laccato opaco ghisa              Plinth matt ghisa lacquered
     Top k-proof pacific grey sandlite        Top k-proof pacific grey sandlite
     Piano tavolo fashion wood biscotto       Table top biscotto fashion wood
     Colonne fashion wood biscotto            Tall units biscotto fashion wood
     Pensili fashion wood biscotto            Wall units biscotto fashion wood

                                                                                                               Val Design
     Scocche antracite                        Units antracite
     Dispensa Scaffale struttura verniciato   Larder Shelving Unit ghisa painted
     ghisa, ripiani fashion wood biscotto     structure, biscotto fashion wood shelves

26                                                                                                             27
SOHO /Matera
                            Ante con

                                                                                                                                                A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                                                                                                                                                Val Design
     Doors with full-access   Puertas con apertura full-   Portes avec ouverture full-     Türen mit Full-Access-    Створки для системы
     opening to ultimate      access para una máxima       access pour une accessibilité   Öffnung, die für freien   открытия full-access для
     accessibility.           accesibilidad.               optimale.                       Zugang sorgen.            оптимального доступа.

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     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU          SOHO /Matera
SOHO /Capo Caccia
          al legno
      inedite doti

                     A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                     Val Design
32                   33
SOHO /Capo Caccia
                                                                                                                                              A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
A natural treatment lends   Un tratamiento natural    Un traitement naturel donne      Eine natürliche Behandlung   Натуральная обработка

                                                                                                                                              Val Design
the wood unprecedented      confiere a la madera      au bois des qualités visuelles   verleiht dem Holz ein ganz   придает дереву
visual appeal.              cualidades visuales sin   inédites.                        besonderes Aussehen.         изумительные визуальные
                            precedentes.                                                                            характеристики.

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     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Capo Caccia
SOHO /Capo Caccia
                                                                                                                     e piani
                                                                                                                per rendere

                                                                                                                                A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
Basi laccato bianco opaco                Base units matt bianco lacquered             CAPO CACCIA_first floor
Gola laccato bianco opaco                Groove matt bianco lacquered
Zoccolo basi laccato bianco opaco        Plinth matt bianco lacquered on base units
Zoccolo colonne laccato opaco ghisa      Plinth matt ghisa lacquered on tall units
Top corian glacier white                 Top corian glacier white
Piano tavolo rovere termocotto           Table top baked oak
Colonne rovere termocotto                Tall units baked oak

                                                                                                                                Val Design
Scocche antracite                        Units antracite
Dispensa Scaffale struttura verniciato   Larder Shelving Unit bianco painted
bianco, ripiani laccato opaco bianco     structure, matt bianco lacquered shelves

38                                                                                                                              39
SOHO /Capo Caccia
                                                                                                                                                   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                                                                                                                                                   Val Design
     Retractable doors and pull-   Puertas escamoteables      Portes rentrantes et plans     Versenkbare Türen und        Убирающиеся створки и
     out surfaces, to make your    y baldas extraíbles,       extractibles, pour faciliter   ausziehbare Platten sorgen   выдвижные поверхности
     every movement easy.          para facilitar todos los   chaque mouvement.              für Bewegungsfreiheit.       для удобства движений.

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     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Capo Caccia
SOHO /Capo Caccia
Il fascino di
antiche assi

                                                                                                                                         A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
di legno,
in un contesto

                                                                                                                                         Val Design
The charm of old wooden     El encanto de antiguas tablas   Le charme de vielles        Die Faszination alter   Очарование античных
planks, in a contemporary   de madera en un contexto        planches en bois, dans un   Holzbalken in einem     деревянных досок в
setting.                    moderno.                        contexte contemporain.      modernen Kontext.       современном контексте.

44                                                                                                                                       45

     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Capo Caccia
SOHO /Capo Caccia
                                                                                                                     A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
     Basi laccato bianco opaco                Base units matt bianco lacquered             CAPO CACCIA_first floor
     Gola laccato bianco opaco                Groove matt bianco lacquered
     Zoccolo basi laccato bianco opaco        Plinth matt bianco lacquered on base units
     Zoccolo colonne laccato opaco ghisa      Tall unit plinth matt ghisa lacquered
     Top corian glacier white                 Top corian glacier white
     Piano tavolo olmo antico                 Table top aged-look elm
     Colonne rovere termocotto                Tall units baked oak

                                                                                                                     Val Design
     Scocche antracite                        Units antracite
     Dispensa Scaffale struttura verniciato   Larder Shelving Unit bianco painted
     bianco, ripiani laccato opaco bianco     structure, matt bianco lacquered shelves

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                   SOHO /Pavia
     un piano
     di lavoro
     con resina

                   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                   Val Design
50                 51
SOHO /Pavia
                                                                                                                                                      A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                                                                                                                                                      Val Design
     In this old farmhouse, a   En la vieja granja, una   Dans la vieille ferme, un plan   Ein altes Bauernhaus und       В античном доме рабочая
     worktop made with cement   encimera realizada con    de travail réalisé en résine     darin eine Arbeitsplatte aus   поверхность из цементного
     resin.                     resina de cemento.        ciment.                          Zementharz.                    композита.

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     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Pavia

     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Pavia

     Val Design   A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU   SOHO /Pavia
SOHO /Pavia
                                                                                                          A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
Basi resina cementizia diorite           Base units Diorite cement resin            PAVIA _second floor
Gola resina cementizia diorite           Groove Diorite cement resin
Zoccolo resina cementizia diorite        Plinth Diorite cement resin
Top resina cementizia diorite            Top Diorite cement resin

                                                                                                          Val Design
Scocche antracite                        Units antracite
Dispensa Scaffale struttura verniciato   Larder Shelving Unit bianco painted
bianco, ripiani laccato opaco bianco     structure, matt bianco lacquered shelves

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Attrezzature interne basi                                                                                                                                           Attrezzature interne colonne
Esempio di attrezzature interne illustrate nel catalogo. / Base unit internal equipment. Example of internal equipment illustrated herein.                          Esempio di attrezzature interne illustrate nel catalogo. /Tall unit internal equipment. Example of internal equipment illustrated herein.

Porta bottiglie per cesto /Bottle rack for large        Porta posate per cassetto /Cutlery tray for drawer       Raccolta differenziata per cesto /Differentiated
drawer                                                                                                           waste disposal for large drawer
Porta pentole per cesto /Pan rack for large drawer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A KITCHEN DESIGNED FOR YOU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Val Design
Porta piatti per cesto /Dish rack for large drawer      Porta rifiuti per anta /Waste bin for door                                                                  Colonna con meccanismo estrazione totale /Tall unit      Colonna full-access /Full-access tall unit               Colonna con ante rientranti, schienale attrezzato e ripiano
                                                                                                                                                                    with full extraction mechanism                                                                                    estraibile acciaio inox /Tall unit with retractable doors,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      accessorised back panel and stainless steel pull-out shelf

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art direction
Bruna Vaccher
Genny Canton

set coordinator/graphic
Genny Canton Studio

digital image

Cristiano Cecconi

Luce srl


stampato 02/2018

Via A. Luciani 70
31043 Vallonto di Fontanelle
Treviso, Italy
Tel. +39 0434 769811
Fax +39 0434 769845

Verifica le finiture disponibili sul nostro sito internet. / Check the finishes available on our website. / Consulte los acabados disponibles en nuestro sitio web. / Vérifiez les finitions disponibles sur notre site
internet. / Überprüfen Sie auf unserer Webseite, ob die gewünschte Ausführung erhältlich ist. / Познакомьтесь с вариантами отделки на нашем интернет-сайте

ALF UNO s.p.a. si riserva di apportare in qualsiasi momento modifiche a prodotti, misure e materiali, che ritenesse utili per esigenze di carattere produttivo e commerciale. Per essere sempre aggiornati vi
invitiamo a consultare il nostro sito internet
I materiali utilizzati dalla nostra azienda sono selezionati tra i più affidabili per applicazione e resa estetica. Nonostante questo devono considerarsi tollerabili alcune differenze dovute alle caratteristiche
stesse di materiali come essenze naturali, vetri, laccature e all’artigianalità di alcune fasi del processo produttivo che da sempre è un nostro valore aggiunto. Inoltre alcune finiture possono subire nel tempo
maturazioni dovute all’azione della luce e del tempo. È importante quindi specificare se nell’ordine vi sono sostituzioni o completamenti per valutare insieme il miglior modo di procedere. Le tonalità di colore e
le finiture illustrate vanno considerate puramente indicative. Verificare sempre la fattibilità dell’abbinamento finiture consultando l’interno del listino.

ALF UNO s.p.a. reserves the right to make any changes to products, measurements and materials at any time deemed useful for manufacturing and sales purposes. To stay up to date at all times, please visit
our website
The materials we use are selected among the most reliable products in terms of application and aesthetic rendering. Despite this, certain differences due to the very characteristics of materials such as natural
wood finishes, glass and lacquers must be considered tolerable, as well as the hand-crafted nature of certain phases of the production process, which has always been one of our added values. In addition,
some finishes may change over time, due to the effects of light and time. It is therefore important to specify whether there are replacements or completions in the order to assess the best way to proceed
together. The finishes featured in this sample collection are purely indicative and are not available for all products. Please check in the price list if the finish is available for the chosen item. Orders will not
be accepted for products with finishes not included in the price list. The colour shades and finishes illustrated herein are to be considered purely indicative. Always check the feasibility of finish combinations
byconsulting the price list contents.

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