"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...

Pagina creata da Sofia Luciani
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
“Models for assessing employability and innovation
in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution“

                Gilberto Antonelli
         (University of Bologna, AlmaLaurea)

             Beirut 29th November 2017
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...

❖ What AlmaLaurea does

❖ Aims and beneficiaries

❖ An integrated system

❖ Graduates’ profile

❖ Graduates’ employment situation

❖ Services

❖ AlmaLaurea and its international dimension
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
What AlmaLaurea is: the member Universities

is an Inter-university Consortium,
founded in Italy in 1994,
at the University of Bologna.
It is a bottom up initiative
which involves, nowadays,
75 Universities and (other 2
universities are finalizing the
application for membership
to the consortium) and about
90% of graduates in Italy

            Since 2015 AlmaLaurea is in the SISTAN
        system, the network of units that can provide
             official statistical information in Italy

"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
AlmaLaurea’s mission

The AlmaLaurea model is based on three pillars:
✓ an annual survey (census survey) on the graduates’ profile
  (internal effectiveness of the higher education institutions)
  [data in aggregate form]
✓ an annual survey (census survey) on the graduates’
  employment condition at 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation
  (external effectiveness of the higher education institutions)
  [data in aggregate form]
✓ an online database with more than 2.5 million CVs,
  a powerful tool aiming at improving the match between
  supply of and demand for graduates. In fact, AlmaLaurea
  supplies services to companies and firms: online based
  recruitment services, ad hoc human capital selection,
  employer branding
  [in full respect of privacy law]
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
What AlmaLaurea does

It surveys, every year, the Profile and the Employment situation of university graduates 1, 3 and 5 years at
graduation providing the member Universities, the Ministry of HE and the National Agency for Quality
Assessment (ANVUR) with reliable documented data to favour decision-making processes and activities
  It monitors students’ educational path and analyses the features and performance of university
  graduates, allowing comparison between different universities, faculties and degree courses.

      It analyses internal and external efficacy of the higher education system by monitoring graduates’

       It collects and makes available online graduates’ CVs (currently 2.48 millions) so to encourage the
       match between supply of and demand for qualified labour.

          It guarantees the optimization of human resources through a steady update of data regarding
          the career of university graduates and PhDs.

            It assesses the needs and professional profiles sought after by Italian and foreign public and
            private companies and it carries out search and recruitment of personnel.
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
AlmaLaurea growth trend of Member Universities and CVs stock





 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
                      Member universities     CV stocked
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
AlmaLaurea Model
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
An integrated system: data collection methods (inputs and outputs)


                                                                 CV’s for

  Universities’                                               Statistics for
administrative data                                         Quality Assurance
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
AlmaLaurea’ survey on graduates’ profile: added value

                                                   Data can be
                                                   disaggregated by
                                                   type of course
                                                   (BA, master)

Data can be downloaded at: http://www.almalaurea.it/en/universita/profilo
"Models for assessing employability and innovation in curricula profiles. The AlmaLaurea contribution" Gilberto Antonelli - University of ...
AlmaLaurea survey on graduates’ profile: contents

Personal details                                               Secondary

Social background

 prospects                                                      Condition
                                                                 of study

                                                            Work activity
 Prospects for                                           undertaken during
further studies                                           academic studies

Foreign language                                                Assessment
  and IT skills                                                of university
AlmaLaurea’ survey on graduates’ employment condition:
        added value

                                                  Data can be
                                                  disaggregated by
                                                  type of course
                                                  (BA, master)
Data can be downloaded at: http://www.almalaurea.it/en/universita/occupazione
AlmaLaurea’ survey on graduates’ employment condition:
                                                      Attendance of
   Investigated                                        a 2nd level
      cohort                                          degree course
 Job search
effectiveness and
   satisfaction                                         Access to the
     for the                                           labour market
   current job

                                                           of the
 Employment                                             current work
Use and need for a                                    of the company
degree within the
   current job
Core of the model: the AlmaLaurea data warehouse

         INPUT                                        OUTPUT

                                                   Statistical indicators
                                                     for research and
                                                    quality assessment
      and surveys
                                                   Statistical indicators
                                                     for research and
     Collection of                                  placement services
   curriculum vitae

06/11/2017                       Silvia Ghiselli                            13
Degree of coverage and quality of the data

    Dati amministrativi
         Copertura: 100%
         Sono dati «certificati» dalle Università
         Informazioni su:
             scuola secondaria superiore
             percorso di studi universitario concluso dagli studenti
             carriera dello studente (durata degli studi, punteggio negli esami, voto di laurea)
             recapiti telefonici ed e-mail
    AlmaLaurea realizza:
         monitoraggio sulla raccolta dati, sia in itinere che al termine del periodo
         di competenza
         controlli di coerenza sui dati raccolti
         «pulizia» dei dati

06/11/2017                                 Silvia Ghiselli                                     14
Graduates profile

             - Indagine censuaria su tutti i laureati
             - Tutti gli Atenei attivi

             - Rilevazione continua
             - Via web (CAWI)
             - Al termine del percorso di studi

             Rapporto 2017
             - oltre 270mila laureati del 2016
             - 71 Atenei
             - tasso di risposta: 92%

06/11/2017          Silvia Ghiselli                     15
Surveyed and processed data for the
                                    Graduates profile

    Profilo dei laureati:
         Informazioni anagrafiche e Origine sociale
         Studi secondari superiori
         Riuscita negli studi
         Condizioni di studio
         Lavoro durante gli studi
         Giudizi sull'esperienza universitaria
         Conoscenze linguistiche e informatiche
         Prospettive di studio
         Prospettive di lavoro

    Schede consultabili per:
    Ateneo, Gruppo disciplinare, Facoltà/Dipartimento/Scuola,
    Classe e Corso di laurea

06/11/2017                             Silvia Ghiselli           16
Graduates occupational condition

                  - Indagine censuaria su tutti i laureati*
                  - Tutti gli Atenei attivi

* laureati di
primo livello
coinvolti in
modo esaustivo
solo a un anno
dal titolo        - Rilevazione su due periodi dell’anno
                  - Via web e telefonica (CAWI+CATI)
                  - A uno, tre e cinque anni dal titolo

                  Rapporto 2017
                  - 620mila laureati del ’15, ’13 e ’11
                  - 71 Atenei
                  - tasso di risposta: 82% a un anno,
                    73% a tre anni, 69% a cinque anni
 06/11/2017              Silvia Ghiselli                      17
Surveyed and processed data for the
                             Graduates occupational condition

    Condizione occupazionale dei laureati:
         Formazione post-laurea
         Condizione occupazionale
         Tempi di ingresso nel mercato del lavoro
         Caratteristiche del lavoro
         Caratteristiche dell'azienda
         Utilizzo e richiesta della laurea nell'attuale lavoro
         Efficacia della laurea e soddisfazione per l'attuale lavoro
         Ricerca del lavoro

    Schede consultabili per:
    Ateneo, Gruppo disciplinare, Facoltà/Dipartimento/Scuola,
    Classe e Corso di laurea

06/11/2017                               Silvia Ghiselli               18
AlmaLaurea additional services offered to students,
                                graduates and companies

                Stessa metodologia prevista per i laureati
                (sia per la parte di valutazione che per gli esiti occupazionali)
                Circa 30 Atenei attivi al momento

                Monitoraggio delle caratteristiche al momento dell’iscrizione
                Pochi Atenei attivi al momento
                Abbinamento con AlmaOrièntati (higher education guidance tools
                to assess students’ strengths, to support university degree choices and
                to better understand the labour markets)

                            -monitorare le caratteristiche all’ingresso
                            -seguire gli studenti e intervenire con attività
                            di orientamento in itinere
                            -semplificare il questionario in uscita (laureandi)
06/11/2017                             Silvia Ghiselli                               19
AlmaLaurea additional services offered to students,
                             graduates and companies

             Scuole di specializzazione in Medicina e Chirurgia
                Prima sperimentazione su Università di Bologna
                Interesse crescente da parte delle Università

             Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica (AFAM)
                Progetto avviato nel 2012, circa 20 le Istituzioni oggi aderenti

             Associazione AlmaDiploma
                Circa 300 le Scuole aderenti
                Assessment of the secondary school system and career guidance

             Progetti internazionali: estensione del modello AlmaLaurea
             in altri Paesi europei ed extraeuropei
                Progetti attualmente in corso: Libano, Marocco, Tunisia, Vietnam
                Progetti conclusi: Bosnia, Erzegovina, Croazia, Montenegro
                e Serbia; Giordania, Marocco e Tunisia; Armenia

06/11/2017                          Silvia Ghiselli                                20
AlmaLaurea and researchers needs

             AlmaLaurea mette a disposizione dei ricercatori
             (compresi laureandi e dottorandi di ricerca)
             la documentazione statistica raccolta
             Per richiedere l’accesso ai dati elementari occorre:
                Presentare un progetto di ricerca (insieme al cv dei ricercatori
                coinvolti e a una lettera di presentazione del proprio
                tutor/responsabile di progetto) nel quale siano indicati i principali
                obiettivi di analisi, le finalità della ricerca, ecc.
             Le analisi si possono effettuare solo presso la sede
             di AlmaLaurea, a Bologna
             AlmaLaurea mette a disposizione PC con i principali software
             statistici di analisi dei dati (Stata, SAS, R, SPSS)

06/11/2017                          Silvia Ghiselli                                21
AlmaLaurea S.R.L.
AlmaLaurea placement services

                     AlmaLaurea S.R.L.

❖ CV search, customized recruitment services, placement, employer

❖ It is a LTD company entierely owned by the Consortium with offices in
  Bologna (headquarters), Rome, Milan and Padua

❖ It acts as a centralized placement office having access to the whole
  AlmaLaurea graduates’ CVs databank

❖ It provides different kinds of competitive fee-based placement
  services to registered companies:
 RECRUITING                 EMPLOYER                   CAPITAL
   ONLINE                   BRANDING                  SELECTION
Recruiting online services by AlmaLaurea S.R.L.

➢ Self-service search CVs tool
  Companies are able to look for a candidate with specific characteristics
  according to more than 100 search variables among 2.5 million CVs
  available in the databank so to find the candidate who best meets their

➢ Job/internship pinboard
   Companies are able to post online
  jobs and internship offers; they can also
  inform potential candidates about the posting
  through alert mailing

➢ Easy recruitment
  Companies receive application packages in response to job posting that
  include soft skills and English proficiency assessments
Human capital selection services by AlmaLaurea S.R.L.

➢ Recruiting days
  Companies can invite to the university recruiting days just the candidates
  targeted by using the search parameters provided by the AlmaLaurea’s databank

➢ CV screening
  Once the job posting made by the company,
  AlmaLaurea S.R.L. verifies the candidates’
  profiles and provides the company only with
  the matched profiles

➢ CV pre-screening
  AlmaLaurea S.R.L. selects a restricted number of candidates (4 to 6) that match
  the company requirements and assesses the candidates in terms of availability
  for job interview, workplace preferences, remuneration expectations, IT and
  languages skills, earliest starting date

➢ Assessment center
  The pre-selected candidates are individually assessed in terms of soft skills so to
  highlight weaknesses and strengths with respect to the requirement needs
Placement services offered to member universities

      In a complementary manner with respect to the centralized
            placement services offered by AlmaLaurea S.R.L.

➢ 54 Italian universities currently use the AlmaLaurea placement

➢ All the databank-based tools are provided by AlmaLaurea to
  member universities for free

➢ Each university can handle only its belonging graduates’ records

➢ Each university can decide whether to provide free or fee-based
  services to companies

Placement services offered to partner universities

➢ Search CV tool

➢ Job/internship pinboard

➢ Traineeship module
  ✓   Definition of the traineeship agreement
  ✓   Publication of the traineeship vacancy
  ✓   Selection of the candidate
  ✓   Definition of the traineeship modalities
  ✓   Assessment questionnaire for tutor and tutee

➢ Events organizer module

➢ Communication module for alert mailing on events and vacancies
AlmaLaurea placement services in numbers (reference year 2016)

_____ universities
_____ firms                         54 Italian universities
                                using the placement services
_____ students                    provided by AlmaLaurea

   More than
  610.000 CVs
                                                 More than 32.000
                                                 published online

                                         More than 140.000
   More than 14.900 firms                  candidatures
    using the placement                   sent as reply to
 services at university level            online job posting
AlmaLaurea system: the virtuous cyrcle

_____ firms
_____ students                         questionnaire
                                       response rate

                 Publication of                             Graduates
                 internship/job                              CVs’ DB
                  offers on the                             population

                          Firms’ DB                    graduates
                          population                     CVs’ DB
International projects
AlmaLaurea’ international cooperation

AlmaLaurea internationalization strategy aims at promote cooperation among
Higher Educations’ institutions, representatives from HE and Labour Market at
national and international level as a priority for knowledge-based societies

AlmaLaurea is in manly involved EU funded projects (TEMPUS and Erasmus +) with
the following goals:

➢ To develop international cooperation and capacity-building projects in
  order to transfer AlmaLaurea experience and expertise according to local
  socio-economic environments and needs

➢ To promote the creation of international networks of actors with similar
  competences and missions in the field of higher education and youth

➢ Enhance international cooperation in the field of capacity building and
  research activities worldwide
The international dimension of AlmaLaurea


               Disseminate the know-how and specific competences of
               AlmaLaurea at international level so to strengthen cooperation
               between higher education systems, job market and society in
               third countries

               Promote international networks of Universities, Research Centres
               and Higher Education Institutions in the field of university
               performance monitoring

               Facilitate the access of young graduates to qualified
               placement systems aimed at democratising access to work and at
               promoting international mobility

October 2017                      D. Cristofori - AlmaLaurea                 32
The international dimension of AlmaLaurea


       20 years of experience in the development of statistical surveys and
      research on graduates in international contexts

       IT skills to build web platforms to match supply of and demand for the
      qualified labour in third countries

       Development of personnel recruitment services and corporate brand
      promotion in specific social and economic contexts

       Ability to design and manage international projects, development of
      partnerships and training curricula

        Over 54.000 international graduates beneficiaries of cooperation
      initiatives and more than 150 partners involved among ministries,
      universities and other socioeconomic stakeholders
October 2017                     D. Cristofori - AlmaLaurea                33
AlmaLaurea abroad: last and present projects

        ADRIA HUB
       8 Universities)

 MOROCCO -7 Universities,
 UNISIA - 4 Universities and
Ministries of HE and Labour)

         (2016-2019)                   HEN-GEAR                          VOYAGE
                                        (2012-2015)                     (2015-2018)
  (TUNISIA - 8 Universities)
                                  (ARMENIA – 8 Universities       (VIETNAM – 3 Universities)
                               and Ministries of HE and Labour)
Recently concluded and ongoing cooperation projects

   Albania (Erasmus+ CBHE Project GRADUA): 2017-2020

   Tunisia (Erasmus+ CBHE Project TUNED): 2016-2019 tuned-project.eu

   Vietnam (Erasmus+ CBHE Project VOYAGE): 2015-2018 voyage-project.eu

   Turkey (Erasmus+ CBHE Project THEQA+): 2015-2018 theqaplus.eu

   Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia (Erasmus+ CBHE Project RESUME): 2015-2018

   Morocco and Tunisia (Tempus Project ISLAH): 2012-2015 islah-project.net

   Armenia (Tempus Project HEN-GEAR): 2012-2015 hen-gear.net

   Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia (IPA Adriatic
   Project ADRIA-HUB): 2012-2015 adria-hub.eu

October 2017                     D. Cristofori - AlmaLaurea              35
AlmaLaurea abroad: recent projects and cooperation

 ❖ Tunisia (Erasmus+ CBHE Project TUNED): 2016-2019 tuned-

 ❖ Vietnam (Erasmus+ CBHE Project VOYAGE): 2015-2018 voyage-

 ❖ Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia (Erasmus+ CBHE Project RESUME):
   2015-2018 resumeproject.eu

 ❖ Morocco and Tunisia (Tempus Project ISLAH): 2012-2015 islah-

 ❖ Armenia (Tempus Project HEN-GEAR): 2012-2015 hen-gear.net

 ❖ Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia (IPA Adriatic
   Project ADRIA-HUB): 2012-2015 adria-hub.eu

 ➢ Partnership agreement with Italian Chamber of Commerce in China

 ➢ Partnership agreement with Albanian Ministry of Education and Sport
Other international participation and next steps

   Croatia: AlmaLaurea was invited to the Thematic University Business
   Forum organized by the European Commission in Vis, Croatia, 19 -20
   October 2017; AL participated with the presentation « The Almalaurea
   System» in the work session named «“National and Institutional Graduate
   Uruguay: Almalaurea is in contact with Universidad Tecnológica of
   Uruguay (UTEC) for a collaboration agreement regarding a training of
   methods and statistical survey tools for graduates and their transition to
   labour market.
Next steps:
   China: Almalaurea planned in December 2017 a visit in China, to discuss
   the possibility of new forms of collaboration with the Chinese HE
   Instituions in the framework of Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 2,
   Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education: are planned meetings
   with representatives of China University of Political Science and Law
   (CUPL) and with Nankai University from Tianjin.
October 2017                      D. Cristofori - AlmaLaurea                    37
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