Pagina creata da Giacomo Abate
Palazzo Arsilli Auguri
                                                                    Via Marchetti, 2
                                                                  60019 Senigallia (AN)


                                                                   +39 349 7681022
                                                                   +33 650 856074

                               c o p y
                     a d i n g                                     raphael.chich@gmail.com

             c e r e                                                +33 652 963811

       advan                                                      Press and Public Relations:

                                                                    +33 661 424753

                                                                      Online Registration:

                                              cover    Selfportrait / Autoritratto, Brussels, 1870     14
                                                           Edmond Lambrichs (1830-1887)

                                         frontispice   Hand and Movement study, Marseille, 1949        65
                                                             Mirjam Schwarz (1924-2005)

                                         back cover     “Che si vedano i tetti”, Senigallia, c. 1990   115
© 2019 CONSIGNED.it / dritti riservati                       Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)
 Palazzetto Baviera, Piazza del Duca, Senigallia
 Saturday Dec 7, 2019 / Sabato 7 dicembre 2019
                 3 pm / ore 15.00

          Viewing / Mostra pubblica :

             Paris, Cercle Wagram
             Nov 9 : 9-13 & 14-18

         Senigallia, Palazzetto Baviera
         Nov 30 - Dec 7 : 10-13 & 16-19
             Telephone +39 349 7681022

             Auctionner / Battitore :
            Raphaël Chicheportiche
                   +33 652 963811

                Expert / Perizia :
                Serge Plantureux
                   +33 650 856074

       Online auction / Asta a distanza :
Articolo 4. Le opere proposte sono selezionate          Article 4. The proposed works shall be selected
                                                                                                         per la loro qualità e rarità. L’organizzatore, sup-     for their quality and rarity. The organizer, sup-
                                                                                                         portato da un comitato scientifico, si riserva la        ported by a scientific committee, reserves the
                                                                                                         possibilità di accettare o scartare un lotto.           right to accept or reject a lot.
                                                                                                         Articolo 5. Quando si registra, il compratore           Article 5. When he registers, the buyer agrees
                                                                                                         accetta di dare in beneficenza la parte cono-            to give to charity the part usually known as
                                                                                                         sciuta di solito come diritti d’asta a beneficio         auction rights for the benefit of the collections
                                                                                                         delle collezioni del Comune di Senigallia. Questa       of the Municipality of Senigallia. This share is
                                                                                                         quota è il 20% del prezzo battuto per ogni lotto.       20% of the price beaten for each lot.
                                                                                                         Il compratore può chiedere che sia resa pubblica        The buyer may request that his donation be
                                                                                                         la sua donazione.                                       made public.
                                                                                                         Articolo 6. Il venditore, per esempio un artista,       Article 6. The seller, for example an artist, may
                                                                                                         può regalare una sua opera, in quel caso la             give away a work of his, in which case the do-
                                                                                                         donazione è indicata sotto la descrizione del           nation is indicated below the description of the
                                                                                                         lotto.                                                  lot.
                                                                                                         Articolo 7. Il prodotto a beneficio del Comune           Article 7. The product for the benefit of the mu-
                                                                                                         sarà versato entro tre mesi da ogni asta. Questi        nicipality will be paid within three months of
                                                                                                         soldi devono essere investiti per arricchire le col-    each auction. This money must be invested to
                                                                                                         lezioni di fotografia pre - digitale del Comune di       enrich the collections of pre-digital photogra-
                                                                                                         Senigallia (stampate prima del 1989) e per la           phy of the Municipality of Senigallia (printed
                                                                                                         creazione di un premio sulla fotografia e sugli          before 1989) and for the creation of a prize for
                                                                                                         studi di storia della fotografia. Il 50% del totale      photography and studies of the history of pho-
                                                                                                         del prodotto sarà riservato alle acquisizioni e l’al-   tography. The 50% of the total of the product
                                                                                                         tro 50% alla creazione di un premio denominato          will be reserved for acquisitions and the other
                                                                                                         “Premio Bugatti” in onore di Carlo Emanuele             50% for the creation of a prize called "Bugatti
                                                                                                         Bugatti e delle sue idee.                               Prize" in honor of Carlo Emanuele Bugatti and
                                                                                                                                                                 his ideas.
CONSIGNED.it, un’asta di beneficenza a soste-         CONSIGNED.it, a benefit auction in support of        Articolo 8. Le acquisizioni possono essere effet-
gno del patrimonio culturale del Comune di           the cultural heritage and photographic activi-      tuate sul territorio del Comune dalle famiglie,         Article 8. The acquisitions can be made on the
Senigallia.                                          ties of the Municipality of Senigallia.             alle fiere e nei mercati oppure durante le aste, o       territory of the Municipality by families, at fairs
                                                                                                         dai visitatori che vengono a Senigallia per pre-        and markets or during auctions, or by visitors
Articolo 1. Si organizzano nella città di Senigal-   Article 1. Two auctions specialized in photogra-
                                                                                                         sentare proposte ai responsabili delle                  who come to Senigallia to present proposals to
lia sotto il nome di CONSIGNED.it due aste           phy are organized in the city of Senigallia under
                                                                                                         acquisizioni.                                           those responsible for acquisitions.
specializzate in fotografia ogni anno.                the name of CONSIGNED.it every year.
                                                                                                         Articolo 9. Il venditore paga il 20 % del prezzo        Article 9. The seller shall pay 20 % of the ham-
Articolo 2. Il Comune di Senigallia, beneficiario     Article 2. The City of Senigallia, beneficiary of
                                                                                                         battuto per le varie spese, per ogni lotto ven-         mer price for the various expenses, for each lot
dell’operazione, aiuta per la promozione e la        the operation, helps for promotion and logis-
                                                                                                         duto. Se non si vende, non ci sono.                     sold. If it is not sold, there are no fees.
logistica.                                           tics.
                                                                                                         Nota Bene: le persone che agevolano la conse-           Please note: people who facilitate the delivery
Articolo 3. Le aste propongono sia fotografie         Article 3. The auctions offer both collector's
                                                                                                         gna di materiale ricevono una commissione del           of material receive a commission of 3% on the
da collezione che altre arti visive, sia pre-digi-   photographs and other visual arts, both pre-di-
                                                                                                         3% sul risultato netto del consegnato.                  net result of the delivered.
tali che contemporanee. I lotti sono                 gital and contemporary. The lots are meticu-
meticolosamente descritti e presentati con un        lously described and presented with a printed       Articolo 10. Il prezzo minimo di inizio asta coin-      Article 10. The minimum price at the start of the
catalogo cartaceo e un sito online.                  catalogue and an online site.                       cide con il prezzo base.                                auction coincides with the basic price.
Pertanto un lotto valutato 300/400 euro non sarà        Therefore a lot valued at 300/400 euros will         Articolo 14. Le fotografie provenienti d’Italia,            Article 14. Italian photographs printed before
proposto a meno di 300 euro. I lotti invenduti pos-     not be offered for less than 300 euros.              stampate prima del 1970 e vendute per più di               1970 and sold over 10,000 euros, require a
sono essere negoziati il giorno successivo - di                                                              10.000 euro, necessitano di un permesso per                permit to leave the territory. The organiser as-
                                                        Unsold lots can be traded the next day - usually
solito una domenica - attraverso offerte chiamate                                                            uscire dal territorio. L’organizzatore assiste gratui-     sists customers as far as possible free of
                                                        on a Sunday - through bids called "after sale".
“after sale”. Le offerte leggermente inferiori al                                                            tamente i clienti fin dove possibile. In generale, i        charge. In general, the export permits that
                                                        Bids slightly below the basic price will be ac-
prezzo base sono accettate previo accordo con il                                                             permessi di esportazione ottenibili saranno rice-          can be obtained will be received before the
                                                        cepted with the agreement of the seller. Buyers
venditore. I compratori pagano la stessa quota a                                                             vuti prima dell’asta.                                      auction.
                                                        pay the same fee for the collections of the Mu-
beneficio delle collezioni del Comune di Senigal-
                                                        nicipality of Senigallia.                            Articolo 15. Modulo antiriciclaggio. Ogni acqui-           Article 15. Anti-money laundering module.
                                                                                                             rente europeo deve accettare di conformarsi con            Every European buyer must agree to comply
                                                        Article 11. Descriptions - The following data are
Articolo 11. Descrizioni, sono verificati i dati                                                              la vigente normativa antiriciclaggio (Decreto              with the current anti-money laundering legis-
                                                        verified: Identification, attribution, date of prin-
seguenti: identificazione, attribuzione, data della                                                           Legislativo 231/2007) e dichiarare eventuali               lation (Legislative Decree 231/2007) and de-
                                                        ting, signatures, stamps and annotations and
stampa, firme, timbri ed annotazioni, provenienza.                                                            rapporti di famiglia con persone politicamente             clare any family relationships with politically
                                                                                                             esposte.                                                   exposed persons.
Il compratore riceve un certificato e ha un periodo
                                                        The buyer receives a certificate and has a pe-
di un mese per contestare con pertinenti argo-                                                               Articolo 16. I nomi dei dodici periti del comitato         Article 16. The names of the twelve experts
                                                        riod of one month to contest the description
mentazioni la descrizione.                                                                                   scientifico vengono pubblicati sul sitio. I compra-         of the Scientific Committee are published on
                                                        with relevant arguments. Corrections and cla-
                                                                                                             tori che lo desiderano, avranno il nome pubblicato         the website. Buyers who so wish shall have
Le correzioni e i chiarimenti sono pubblicati sul       rifications are published on the website CONSI-
                                                                                                             tra i risultati. Il calendario, i risultati, i cataloghi   the name published in the results. The calen-
sito web CONSIGNED.it                                   GNED.it
                                                                                                             passati, saranno sul sito CONSIGNED.it                     dar, the results, the past catalogues, will be
Articolo 12. Le aste sono organizzate il sabato         Article 12. Auctions are organised on Saturday                                                                  on the site CONSIGNED.it — The competent
                                                                                                             Il tribunale competente è quello di Ancona.
pomeriggio. Il Comune di Senigallia mette a dis-        afternoons. The municipality of Senigallia pro-                                                                 court is Ancona.
posizione dell’organizzazione l’auditorio del           vides the organization with the auditorium of        CONSIGNED.it di Serge Plantureux, Partita IVA
                                                                                                                                                                        CONSIGNED.it di Serge Plantureux, EU VAT:
palazzetto Baviera per il giorno dell'asta oltre ad     the Bavarian auction house for auction day as        IT 02804640429.
                                                                                                                                                                        IT 02804640429.
alcune stanze del palazzetto per assicurare l'es-       well as some rooms of the auction house to en-
                                                                                                             Ordine del catalogo :
posizione degli oggetti per un periodo di 7 giorni.     sure the display of objects for a period of 7                                                                   Order of the catalogue
La mostra e la visita pubblica dura 7 giorni più la     days. The exhibition and the public visit lasts 7
mattinata dell’asta: dal sabato al venerdì              days plus the morning of the auction: from Sa-
seguente, dalle 10 alle 13 e dalle 16 alle 19. Il       turday to the following Friday, from 10 am to 1
giorno dell'asta dalle ore 10 alle ore 13 è prevista    pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm. On the Sunday fol-                      The First 75 Years, 1839-1914 / I primi 75 anni, 1839-1914
una visita. Durante la domenica che segue l’asta,       lowing the auction, in addition to the bids on                                            (lots 1-41)
oltre le offerte sui lotti invenduti, si procede alla   unsold lots, the sale of the lots of contained
vendita dei lotti di valore contenuto proposti fuori    value offered in the catalogue will also take              The Short 20th Century, 1914-1989 / Il breve 20° secolo, 1914-1989
catalogo.                                               place.                                                                                (Lots 43-99)
Quando possibile, una mostra parziale è organiz-        Whenever possible, a partial exhibition is orga-
zata a Parigi o a New York nel mese precedente          nised in Paris or New York in the month prece-            Local Art, Made in Senigallia / Senigallia nella storia della Fotografia
l’asta.                                                 ding the auction.
                                                                                                                                             (Lots 101-122)
Articolo 13. L’asta è accessibile online con la         Article 13. The auction is accessible online with
compagnia Francese Drouot Digital. Si accettano         the French company Drouot Digital. We also ac-                           Digital age, Senigallia Città della Fotografia oggi
anche offerte al telefono o per mail durante la set-    cept bids by phone or email during the previous
timana precedente. Le offerte ricevute vengono          week. Bids received are recorded and the hi-
registrate e il giorno dell’asta si parte già dal       ghest bid price is taken as the starting point on
prezzo più alto offerto. Il battitore annuncia allora   auction day. The hitter then announces the
la migliore offerta.                                    best bid.
  I primi 75 anni. 1839-1914

  Philibert Perraud
  American Daguerreotypists
  Senter B. Giddings
  French Calotypist
  Mysterious Artist in Rome
  Adriano de Bonis
  Roger Fenton
  Edmond Lambrichs
  Paris Commune Reporters
  Achille Gianny
  Arnold Genthe
  Theophile Piry

1 Portrait of Angelo M., probably Rome, 6 August 1845
  Philibert Perraud (1815-1863)
  Quarter-plate daguerreotype, signed in point on the plate, lower left angle, caption and date on paper
  label, verso.
  In the famous Summer days of 1839 when the proclamation of the invention of daguerreotype or he-
  liography* was made by Arago and the first photographic workshop ever took place in Paris, among
  the public was Philibert Perraud who became an enthusiastic disciple and soon a missionary in Italy.
  In Rome, Perraud photographed French, Scandinavian and German artists, in Northern Italy, he pho-
  tographed prominent characters such as Angelo. (Gabriella Bologna and Ken Jacobson, The Itinerant
  Daguerreotypist, A Case Study in Pre-Unified Northern Italy, 2012). Provenance : the Family of the
                                                                                     800/1000 euros

  *Since 1839 - 180 years from now - supporters of Daguerre and supporters of Niepce argue on every
  single step of the invention. In the first ten or twelve years, supporters of Niepce refused to spell the
  odious name of Daguerre and favorished héliographie, traced with the sun, Société Héliographique,
  Mission Héliographique, etc... until in 1852, everybody adopted the word photography.
"Con infinito piacere ti
                                                                           compiaccio, mia cara
                                                                           Adalina, nel presentarti
                                                                           questo per come è,
                                                                           quando     lo    guardi
                                                                           pensa a me che ti amo
                                                                           e a nessun altro, è
                                                                           un'immagine che ora
                                                                           possiedi, ma un giorno
                                                                           ti darò me stesso",
                                                                           Fred S. K."

2 The Love-letter / La lettera d'amore, c. 1855                                                       3 Isaac J. Warner, four daughters and a son / Famiglia Warner, circa 1856
  American daguerreotypist (selfportrait ?)                                                             American daguerreotypist (A family member ?)
  Sixth plate daguerreotype, 82x167 mm, message on the case be-                                         Quarter plate daguerreotype, 80x108 mm and dazzle star case (#13)
  hind the plate: “With unbounded pleasure do I gratify you, my dear
                                                                                                        Was the absent mother the photographer ?
  Adaline, in presenting you this as its is, when you gaze upon it think
  of me that loves you and no other, tis but a picture you now pos-                                     Provenance : Daguerreian Society Benefit auction
  sess this true, but some future day I shall give you myself, Fred S.                                                                                                      300/400 euros

                                                   600/800 euros
4 Mother, three sons & a daughter / Madre, tre figli e una figlia   5 Seven Members Family / Sette membri famiglia
   American daguerreotypist, circa 1855                             American daguerreotypist, circa 1855
   Half plate daguerreotype, 140x108 mm                             Quarter plate daguerreotype, 80x108 mm
   Whose ? Provenance :                                             Whose ? Provenance :
                                                400/500 euros                                                      200/300 euros
6 Frank 14, Mary-Elizabeth 18, Hanna, Callie & Charles Trickey 16, c. 1856           7   Alexander & Augusta McWhorter Bruen, 1852
  American daguerreotypist                                                               Senter B. Giddings (1834-1880)
  Half plate daguerreotype, 108x140 mm                                                   Half plate daguerreotype, 138x108 mm, dated, signed in
  The artist may have been a story-teller.                                               the case, with date and studio address : “179 Broadway,
  Provenance : Elmar Trickey Boyd (1873-1942).                                           New York, 1st June 1852”.
                                                                     300/400 euros                                         1200/1500 euros
8 Boy with a Chimera / Ragazzo con la chimera, c. 1852           9 Hiawatha Club, Columbia, Pennsylvania, 1856
  American daguerreotypist                                         Wilheim (attr.)
  Ninth plate daguerreotype, 64x48 mm, case pattern Nolan #754     Quarter plate daguerreotype reproducing ten daguerreian por-
  Whose ? Provenance :                                             traits
                                              400/500 euros        The ten founding members of the sport club may refer to the Hia-
                                                                   watha Island on the Susquehanna River, North of Columbia.
                                                                                                                500/600 euros
10 The Twins / Le gemelle, Metz, circa 1856                                11 Famille Mongolfier, Paris, c. 1856
   Eugène Casimir Volmerange-Oulif (1804-1862)                                French Ambrotypist (Richebourg ?)
   Collodion on glass dry plate negative, 13x10 cm                            Very large ambrotypes, 28x21 et 30x24 cm,
                                                                              in original oval “poirier noirci” frames, 40x34
   Oulif, an artist from Metz, one of the first photographers to practice
   daguerreotypy in provincial France, as early as 1839, invented and         Provenance : Famille Montgolfier.
   developed a dry plate process in the mid 1850s - without licensing         These oversized French ambrotypes deserves
   his invention. Provenance : collection Gimmon                              special shipment.
                                                    400/500 euros                                 (2) 1200/1500 euros
12 The Reader / La lettrice, Paris, c. 1858   13 The Monk / Il frate, Milano, 1863
   Attr. a Alexis Gouin                          Hippolyte Deroche &
   Why ? and Which ?                             Francesco Heyland
   How ?                                         Albumen silver print, 210x130, blind
   Whose ? Provenance :                          stamp on mount.
                              300/400 euros
                                                                    300/400 euros
15 Nude Studies / Studi sul nudo, Brussels, 1860s
                                                                                            Edmond Lambrichs (1830-1887)
                                                                                            Two albumen silver prints, 10x5.5, 10x5.5 cm, on paper mounts.
                                                                                            The artist learned photography in his family, his siter was married to Charles Neyt () who made the fa-
                                                                                            mous portraits of baudelaire with a cigar, Brussels, 1864. Provenance : Eugénie Beauvois.

                                                                                                                                                                          (2) 800/1000 euros

14 Close distance selfportrait/ Autoritratto, Brussels, 1870
   Edmond Lambrichs (1830-1887)
   Vintage albumen silver print, 23.5x20 cm, on paper mount.
   A very early selfie by a Belgian friend of Charles Baudelaire, we imagine the artist
   handing his camera. Provenance : Eugénie Beauvois.
                                                               2000/3000 euros
16 Mother with child / Madonna con bambino, 1860s                      17 Extended Hand Study / Studio della mano tesa, Brussels, 1860s
   Edmond Lambrichs (1830-1887)                                           Edmond Lambrichs (1830-1887)
   Vintage albumen silver print, 17.5x13.5 cm, on paper mount.            Vintage albumen silver print, 8.5x10.5 cm, on paper mount.
   Provenance : Eugénie Beauvois.                                         Probably the left hand of the model photographed in n°19.
                                                       400/500 euros      Provenance : Eugénie Beauvois.
                                                                                                                                       400/500 euros
18 Beggar with child / Mendicante con bambino (studio), 1860s                  19   Beggar with child II / Mendicante con bambino II, 1860s
   Edmond Lambrichs (1830-1887)                                                     Edmond Lambrichs (1830-1887)
   Vintage albumen silver print, 9.5x9.5 cm, on paper mount.                        Vintage albumen silver print, 14x11 cm, small paper loss (left).

   The child has naked feet. Provenance : Eugénie Beauvois.                         The child moved, the photographer kept the negative. Provenance :
                                                               400/500 euros        Eugénie Beauvois.
                                                                                                                                        200/300 euros
20 Study for The Offering / L'Offerta, Taormina, 1902                    21 Boy Playing Flute, with Dog Nedda, Taormina, c. 1897
    Wilhelm Freiherr von Gloeden (1856-1931)                                Wilhelm Freiherr von Gloeden (1856-1931)
    Vintage gelatin silver print, 22.4 x 16.8 cm, toned, on mount           Vintage gelatin silver print, 22.4 x 16.8 cm, toned, on mount

                                                       1500/1800 euros                                                        1500/1800 euros
23 Capitoline Hill Egyptian Lions / Cordonata capitolina, Rome, c. 1862
                                                                                     Francesco Adriano De Bonis (1820–1884)
                                                                                     Albumen silver print from collodion glass negative, 20x25.5, small artist monogram on
                                                                                     the print, some foxing, caption, pencil on mount: “Bottom of Capitol Steps”
                                                                                                                                                       300/400 euros

22 Arch of Dolabella, Piazza Celimontana, Rome, c. 1862
   Francesco Adriano De Bonis (1820–1884)
   Albumen silver print from collodion glass negative, 24.5x19.5 cm, small ar-
   tist monogram on the print, caption, pencil on mount: “Arch of Dolla Bella”

                                                          300/400 euros
24 North Porch and Transept, Wells Cathedral, 1860                                 25 River Wharfe, Bolton Abbey Bridge, 1854/1862
   Francis Bedford (1816-1894)                                                        Roger Fenton (1819-1869)
   Albumen print by Francis Frith, circa 1865, 21x17 cm, title on mount. Francis      Albumen print by Francis Frith, circa 1862, 16.5x20.7 cm, printed title and credit on mount strong to-
   Bedford deposited two thousand of his negatives with the Francis Frith             nality. Francis Frith bought the bulk of Fenton's negatives at the 1862 sale of his photographic equip-
   Company.                                                                           ment and stock.
                                                            400/500 euros                                                                                                600/800 euros
26   Place Vendôme after the Commune, Paris, June 1871
     Lucien Hervé & Charles Périer (attr.)
     Collodion on glass negative, 21x27 cm, numbered “13” in lower left angle
     How ?
     Whose ? Provenance : the artist
                                                                                400/500 euros

                                                                                                27   Ruins after the Commune, Paris, June 1871
                                                                                                     Lucien Hervé & Charles Périer (attr.)
                                                                                                     Collodion on glass negative, 27x21 cm, numbered “37 in lower left
                                                                                                     How ?
                                                                                                     Whose ? Provenance : the artist
                                                                                                                                                       400/500 euros
28 Commune de Paris, Mai 1871                                        29   Barricade des fédérés, place de la Concorde,
   Lucien Hervé (1819-1894)                                               Commune de Paris, Mai 1871
   Albumen silver print, 26x20 cm, red signature stamp                    attr. à Lucien Hervé (1819-1894)
   Whose ? Provenance :                                                   Two albumen silver prints, 21x27 cm, printed labels on
                                               How much ? in euros        mount
                                                                          The Barricade was buit by Gaillard pèreProvenance :
                                                                                                             (2) 800/1000 euros
30 Cast-iron architecture, Album Alfred Cottrau, Naples c. 1878                                               31 Le Midi de la France, Antibes, c. 1863
    Achille Maiuri & Alfredo Cottrau (1839-1898)                                                                 Charles Negre (1813-1889)
    In-folio, original gilded leather binding, 72 small albumen prints mounted by 4 on 18 + 1 leaves, dedi-      Collodion on glass negative, 18x24 cm
    cation by Cottrau on frontispice
                                                                                                                 In 1861 Nègre retired to Nice, where he made views and
    The Italian Industrial Construction Company was directed by the engineer Alfredo Cottrau. The Studio         portraits for holiday makers, working on a personnal pro-
    fotografico Achille Maiuri was commissioned to document the construction in Unified Italy of cast-iron         ject he could never achieve: "Le Midi de la France, Nice,
    architecture, bridges and railway stations.                                                                  Menton, Antibes, Cannes, Grasse, Hyeres, Frejus, Tou-
    Alfredo Cottrau was a talented and creative engineer, Gustave Eiffel adopted his ideas of instanta-          lon, Marseille, Arles, Sites pittoresques. Monuments his-
    neous military bridge “Ponti istantanei”.                                                                    toriques. Recueil de Photographie"
                                                                                     1200/1500 euros                                                1000/1200 euros
32 Panorama of Lisbon, c. 1861                                     33 Grand Tour of lost
   Francesco Rocchini (1820-1895, attr.)                               properties, c. 1897
   Two albumen prints panorama, 25x17.5 and 25x18 cm                   Philippe d’Orléans
   We can observe the famous arch, Arco da rua Augusta in
   construction, without the statues added in 1862, for the wed-       Panoramic citrate prints,
   ding of the king Luís I of Portugal. Francesco Rocchini early       10x30.5 mm
   works are still little known.
                                            500/600 euros               (3) 300/400 euros
34 Aswan Low Dam / Diga di Assuan, 1902                                                                        35 Aswan Low Dam, Flooded Philae / Isola di File, 1903
   Achille Gianny (active 1900s)                                                                                   Achille Gianny ()
   Five collodion on paper prints, 20.5x27 cm, forming an horizontal panorama, total 20.5x135 cm, pho-             Three collodion on paper prints, 20.5x27 cm, photographer and Parisian distributor stamps, mint
   tographer stamp (1) and Parisian distributor “Abel Couvreux, rue d’Anjou” stamps (5), mint condition,           condition, date: “9 avril 03”, and captions, verso : “Vue prise du sud-est, “Vue de l’entrée des écluses,
   long caption, pencil, verso : “Vue panoramique montrant le barrage du côté aval (5 plaques). cette              côté aval”, “Philae, pylones”, “Philae, vue du kiosque prise de l’Ouest, regardant l’ancien village arabe
   vue est la dernière qui ait été prise, on y voit aussi l’eau sortant des vannes” / Panoramic view showing       actuellement submergé” / view from the southeast, view of the lock entrance, downstream side, Philae,
   the dam on the downstream side (5 plates). This is the last view taken, you can also see the water              pylons, Philae, view of the kiosk taken from the west, looking at the old Arab village now submerged
   coming out of the gates / Veduta panoramica che mostra la diga sul lato a valle (5 tavole). Questa è            / vista da sud-est, vista dell'ingresso della chiusa, lato a valle, Philae, piloni, Philae, vista del chiosco
   l'ultima vista presa, si vede anche l'acqua che esce dai cancelli.                                              preso da ovest, guardando il vecchio villaggio arabo ora sommerso.
                                                                                    (5) 600/800 euros                                                                                                  (3) 400/500 euros
36 The Woo Sing Sing Tea House / Sala da tè, Shanghai, 1885
   Lai Fong (attr.)
   Albumen print, 21x26.5 cm, numbered “35”, verso
                                                              How much ? in euros

                                                                                    37 HSBC Building in the Hong-Kong Skyline / Crescita di una banca, c. 1882
                                                                                       Lai Fong (attr.)
                                                                                       Albumen print, 21x26.5 cm, numbered “33” and captioned in english, ink and pencil, verso
                                                                                       The first generation of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Buildings in Hong Kong.
                                                                                       The Wardley House was located at the intersection of Queen's Road and Wardley Street (currently
                                                                                       named Bank Street). The land was later bought by HSBC and used to built the 2nd (here the tall one
                                                                                       near the left), 3rd and 4th generation building until now.
                                                                                                                                                                      300/400 euros
38 Three Panoramic Views of the Forbidden City / Città Proibita, Beijing, c. 1899                          39   Stolen Images of Emperor Guangxu’s Funerals, Beijing, May 1909
    Circle of Theophile Piry                                                                                    Circle of Theophile Piry
    Citrate prints, 28x9 cm, curious caption, French & English, pencil: “Entrée Forbidden City”                 Twelve vintage silver prints, 8x14 cm, initials signatures in the negatives

    These panoramas come from the circle of Theophile Piry, and could be attributed to this diplomat and        Photography was forbidden, The general aspect of this group confirm the hypothesis of unofficial
                                                                                                                unauthorized snapshots of the last Imperial Funerals in May 1909.
    master of the Imperial Post Office, a known amateur photographer.
                                                                                 (3) 300/400 euros                                                                                            (12) 600/800 euros
40 San Francisco Fire after the April 1906 Earthquake                                                     41 Aftermath of the San Francisco Fire
    San Francisco dopo il terremoto, 18 Aprile 1906                                                          San Francisco dopo l'incendio, 1906
    Arnold Genthe (1869-1942)                                                                                Arnold Genthe (1869-1942)
    Exhibition silver print, printed for the Legion from a new negative, 26x35 cm, printed 1943. The         Exhibition silver print, printed for the Legion from a new negative, 28.5x35.5 cm,
    Genthe negatives and prints were acquired by the SF Palace of the Legion of Honor in 1943. A lot of      printed 1943. Provenance : SF Palace of the Legion of Honor.
    the negatives were in bad shape even then so they made copy negatives off the prints where the ne-
    gatives were missing. These Legion prints were exhibited several times after the 1943 acquisition.                                                                      300/400 euros
    Provenance : Published by the SF Palace of the Legion of Honor.

                                                                                    300/400 euros
   Il breve 20° secolo. 1914-1989

   Alexander Rodchenko
   Alexey Temerin
   Roger Parry
   Paul Strand
   Gertrude Fehr
   George Rodger
   Mirjam Schwarz
   Werner Bishof
   Alberto Durazzo
   Enrico Villani
   Henri Cartier-Bresson
   Hans Genny
   Toon Michiels
   Zed Poinpoin

43 Mayakovsky with Pencils, April 1924
   Rittrato di Majakovskij con matite
   Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956)
   Silver print, printed after Mayakovsky’s suicide, 1930,
   23x14.5 cm, stamp
   “In April 1924, Rodchenko made a series of six studio por-
   traits of the poet — his first lasting achievement as a photo-
   grapher. In 1926 he used two of the pictures in collages for
   the front and back covers of Mayakovsky's book, ‘Razgovor
   c fininspektorom o poesii’.” (MoMA). This is a close-up cro-
   ping of Mayakovsky sitting with a cigarette.

                                         4000/5000 euros
44 V.V. Mayakovsky, Simferopol, 7 July 1926
                                                                       45 V. V. Mayakovsky, Moscow, 1929
   Max Leonidovitch Polianovski (1901-1977)
                                                                          Alexey Temerin (1889-1977)
   Glass internegative, 12x8 cm
   Max Polianovski used his own photographs, including this cropped       Vintage silver print, 88x70 mm, pencil
   1926 portrait to illustrate his biography of the poet: Mayakovsky      This little known ID portrait in an oval was given to the poet to a Le-
   Kinoaktor, Gozkinoizdat, 1940.                                         ningrad publisher who was charmed. The photographer was identi-
                                                                          fied with a published variant portrait.
                                                 400/500 euros                                                              600/800 euros
46 Stacking Lumber, Vakhtan Sawmill, 1930
   Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956)
   Vintage silver print, 11.5x18 cm, artist’s stamp

   In 1930, Rodchenko was commissioned to direct a soviet movie with the poetical
   name of Chemical Treatment in the Forest. But the film company's camera equip-
   ment never functioned, Rodchenko rely on his personnal equipment including his
   famous Leica. The resulting series Stacking Lumber, Vakhtan Sawmill, was publi-
   shed in one 1936 issue of USSR in Construction, dedicated to the timber trade.

                                                                 1200/1500 euros

47 White Sea–Baltic Canal / Belomorkanal, 1933
   Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956)
   Vintage silver print on matte paper, 24x18 cm, artist’s address and telephone
   stamp, title in Russian: “The Ship in the Lock at the Belomor Canal”. Soviet Citizens
   knew how much suffering was in that place.
                                                                4000/5000 euros
49 Photographic Modesty/ Modestia fotografica, Pointe-à-Pitre, 1932
                                                                                                               Roger Parry (1905-1977)
                                                                                                               Unmounted vintage silver exhibition print on heavyweight matte paper, 24x30 cm, estate stamp

                                                                                                                                                                                           1200/1500 euros

48 Children's Mistrust / Diffidenza dei bambini, Pointe-à-Pitre, 1932
    Roger Parry (1905-1977)
    Vintage silver exhibition print on heavy matte paper, 23.5x29.5 cm, estate stamp
    Roger Parry participated to a cinematographic expetition to Tahiti during the year 1932, traveling
    through the Panama Canal with a transit in Guadeloupe where he could make several drawings and
    photographs. A selection of his photographs, including this print, were exhibited in Paris in 1934 at
    The Galerie de la Pléiade.
                                                                                    800/1000 euros
50 Panama Canal/ Canale di Panama, 1932
   Roger Parry (1905-1977)
   Vintage silver print, 29.5x39 cm, estate stamp. This print was exhibited in Paris, in 1934 at Galerie de
   la Pléiade.
                                                                                      800/1000 euros

51 “Pendant la traversée du Canal”, Panama, 1932
   Roger Parry (1905-1977)
   Vintage silver print, 29.5x22 cm, titled by the artist on mount, pencil, estate stamp, mount verso. This
   print was exhibited in Paris, in 1934 at Galerie de la Pléiade “Souvent, pour s'amuser, les hommes
   d'équipage ...”
                                                                                      800/1000 euros
52 Cristo, San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, Oaxaca, 1933                          53 Man of Tenancingo, Mexico, 1933
   Photogravure after Paul Strand (1890-1976)                                   Photogravure after Paul Strand (1890-1976)
   Photogravure printed in 1940 by Charles Furth, 32.5x24.5 cm, annotation      Photogravure, printed 1940, 23x18 cm, artist personal proof print, anno-
   by the artist, verso, and by Hazel Strand on mount verso.                    tation by Hazel Strand on mount verso.
                                                       300/400 euros                                                                 400/500 euros
54 Vitruvian Man / Uomo vitruviano, Paris, c. 1930                        55   Moving Man / Uomo in movimento, Paris, c. 1930
    French Artist                                                              French Artist
    Gelatin dry plate, glass negative, 17.5x13 cm                              Gelatin dry plate, glass negative, 17.5x13 cm
    Is it a naked self-portrait ? the model is in his forties.                 Is it a naked self-portrait ? the model is in his forties.
    Provenance : collection Gimmon                                             Provenance : collection Gimmon
                                                          300/400 euros                                                             300/400 euros
56 Nude / Studio del nudo, Paris, c. 1936                            57 Nude / Studio del nudo, Territet, Switzerland, c. 1940
   Gertrude Fehr (1895-1996)                                             Gertrude Fehr (1895-1996)
   Vintage silver print, 30x24 cm, Publiphot stamp                       Vintage silver print, 27.5x20.6 cm, two name stamps
   Provenance : collection particulière                                  Provenance : collection particulière
                                                     600/800 euros                                                     800/1000 euros
58 Entering a Korongo Nuba bedroom, Kordofan, 1949                             59   Cloud Study, Zuydersee, Netherlands, 1938
   George Rodger (1908-1995)                                                        Roger Parry (1905-1977)
   Vintage silver print, 29x24 cm, stamp                                            Vintage silver print, 18x24 cm with margins, estate stamp
   Variant title : Method of entering the bedroom of a Mesakin Quasar House.        This print was exhibited in Paris in 1938 at Galerie Paul Magné, ex- librairie-galerie
   Provenance : private collection                                                  de la Pléiade.
                                                       1800/2000 euros                                                                                400/500 euros
60 Solferino station, Paris Metro, 1939                            61 Solferino station, Paris Metro, 1939
    Roger Parry (1905-1977)                                            Roger Parry (1905-1977)
    Vintage silver print, 19x18 cm, estate stamp                       Vintage silver print, 18x24 cm with margins, estate stamp. The Kap poster: “Nous vaincrons parce que
                                                                       nous sommes les plus forts. Souscrivez aux bons d'armement”
    Whose ? Provenance :
                                                                       Whose ? Provenance :
                                                   400/500 euros                                                                                        400/500 euros
62 In the Moving Subway, Paris Metro, 1950                                   63 Nella metropolitana in movimento, Paris, 1950
   Mirjam Schwarz (1924-2005)                                                    Mirjam Schwarz (1924-2005)
   Vintage silver print on heavy matte paper, 17.5x17.5 cm                       Vintage silver print on heavy matte paper, 17.5x17.5 cm, dated, signature and title on mount
   How ?                                                                         verso : “in der fahrenden Metro, Paris 50”.
                                                             400/500 euros                                                                                400/500 euros
64 Selfportrait shadow, France, 1949                                                               65 Hand and Movement study, Marseille, 1949
   Mirjam Schwarz (1924-2005)                                                                         Mirjam Schwarz (1924-2005)
   Vintage silver print on tinted matte paper, 17.5x17.5 cm, dated and initialed in ink on mount      Vintage silver print, 20x18 cm, dated, signature and title in pencil on mount: “Marseille
   verso: “M. MI/1949”.                                                                               49 / MMI Mirjam S.”
   A late afternoon selfie in a confused garden.                                                                                                                         1000/1200 euros
                                                                             400/500 euros
66 Teenager Freedom Fighter, Budapest, 1956                            67   Alejandro Obregón in Barranquilla, 1962
   David Hurn (born 1934)                                                   Hernan Diaz (1931-2009)
   Vintage silver print, 21.5x17 cm, Reflex Agency stamp, verso              Vintage silver print, 24x18 cm, stamp, caption, pencil, verso : “Alejandro
                                                                            Obregón, el mejor pinctor”
   David Hurn covered the Hungarian Revolution.
                                                       500/600 euros                                                              300/400 euros
69 Anjali Hora in her hotel room / nella sua camera d'albergo, Bombay, 1951
                                                                 Werner Bischof (1916-1954)
                                                                 Vintage silver print, 20.5x24.5 cm, stamp
                                                                 Bischof devoted much of his work looking for tranquility in traditional cultures, when picture editors
                                                                 were looking for hot topical material. And when he was sent to report on famine in India by Life ma-
                                                                 gazine (1951), he created this portrait of Indian dancer Anjali Hora.
                                                                                                                                                 3000/4000 euros

68 Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Bogotá, c. 1960
    Manuel H. (1920-2009)
    Vintage silver print, 25x20.5 cm, stamp
    How ?
    Whose ? Provenance :
                                              300/400 euros
70 Bankers Trust, Manhattan, New York, 1960                     71 Puebla, Mexico, 1963
   Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004)                               Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004)
   Why ? and Which ?                                               Why ? and Which ?
   How ?                                                           How ?
   Whose ? Provenance :                                            Whose ? Provenance :
                                              2000/3000 euros                                          3000/4000 euros
72 La Dolce Vita (The Sweet Life)                         73   Le Voleur de Bicyclette, French Poster, 1949
   Who ?                                                       Who ?
   Why ? and Which ?                                           Why ? and Which ?
   How ?                                                       How ?
   Whose ? Provenance :                                        Whose ? Provenance :
                                    How much ? in euros                                          How much ? in euros
74   Girotti e la Calamai, Ossessione, 1942
     Osvaldo Civirani (1917-2008)
     Vintage silver print, 22.5x9.5 cm, cropped by the
     artist, stamp, annotations, date in ink, verso: “15
     August 1942”
     This photograph was taken at an early stage of
     the shooting, in August 1942.
     Provenance :
                                   600/800 euros

         “The fact is that the cycle that had
     been inaugurated at the end of the 14th               75   Farley Granger e Massimo Girotti,
              century and prolonged by the                      Senso di Luchino Visconti, 1953
             discovery of linear perspective                    Aldo Graziati (1905-1953)
            reached its close only after the
                                                                Two vintage silver prints, 27x21 cm,
                        Second World War ...
                                                                agency labels, verso
         The description of Italy and Italians                  How ?
     according to objective criteria had not                    Whose ? Provenance :
           disappeared however; its form of                                     (2) 300/400 euros
      expression was no longer painting but
     the cinema. The transition from one to
        the other followed a process whose
        steps are not easy to identify ... the
        essential aspects of neorealism are
          defined in Ossessione by Luchino
         (Federico Zeri, La percezione visiva
                    dell’Italia e degli Italiani)
76 Rossana Di Rocco as Angel of the Lord, Surroundings of Matera, 1964                               77 Pier Paolo Pasolini on the set of La Ricotta, Cinecittà, 1962
   Angelo Novi (1930-1997)                                                                               Alberto Durazzo, Agenzia Dufoto
   Vintage silver print, 18x24.5 cm, stamp                                                               Vintage silver print on double weight paper, 24x30.5 cm, stamp
   An angel photographed by an angel on the set of Pasolini's The Gospel According to St. Matthew.       Pasolini was accused of holding contempt for the state religion ...
                                                                                  200/300 euros                                                                                200/300 euros

79 “Ho chiesto un tocco di luce”, Lulio 1972
                                                                                                                    Enrico Villani (1928-2016)
                                                                                                                    Vintage silver print, 24x29.5 cm, dated, signed and dedicated with a poem in Italian to a Mexican
                                                                                                                    friend, ink, verso
                                                                                                                    “Colori accesi, ombre impenetrabili, lampi di luce, emozioni intense, soggetti riproposti, mai in maniera
                                                                                                                    ripetitiva e banale, questa la cifra stilistica inconfondibile dell’Artista: la natura con pannocchie di mais,
                                                                                                                    melograni, zucche, cardi, e poi architetture con torrioni e guglie ma soprattutto corpi di donna “tesi e
                                                                                                                    scolpiti” come acutamente osserva ancora Elisabetta Dellavalle, che esprimono “con una pittura sin-
                                                                                                                    cera e coraggiosa, …il bisogno di spiritualità, di solitudine, l’amore sognato, rubato, rimpianto, lontano”
                                                                                                                    (Mostra retrospettiva, Comune di Vercelli, 2015). Provenance : Private collection, Mexico
                                                                                                                                                                                                             300/400 euros

     Brutalist architecture, Mexico, 1972
     Enrico Villani (1928-2016)
     Vintage silver print, 24x29.5 cm
   “Bright colours, impenetrable shadows, flashes of light, intense emotions, subjects reproposed, never
   in a repetitive and banal way, this is the unmistakable stylistic feature of the Artist: nature with corn
78 cobs, pomegranates, pumpkins, thistles, and then architecture with towers and spires but above all
   the bodies of a woman "tense and sculpted" as Elisabetta Dellavalle observes sharply, expressing "with
   a sincere and courageous painting, ... the need for spirituality, loneliness, love dreamed of, stolen, re-
   gretted, far away" (Mostra retrospettiva, Comune di Vercelli, 2015). Provenance : Private collection,
                                                                                         200/300 euros
81   Corresponds Image of the Eye Seeing Tone (Cymatic study), 1963
                                                                                              Hans Jenny (1904-1972) & Hans-Peter Widmer
                                                                                              Vintage silver print on glossy paper, 16.5x23 cm, Hans Jenny’s stamp and two Hans Peter Widmer’s
                                                                                              stamps on mount verso, numerous annotations: “entspricht bild von das auge sieht tone”

                                                                                              Reproduced in Camera, n°11. Provenance : Hans Jenny’s collection.
                                                                                                                                                                          400/500 euros

80   Vibration I (Cymatic photographic study), 1963
     Hans Jenny (1904-1972) & Hans-Peter Widmer
     Vintage silver print on doubleweight glossy paper, 23x28.5 cm, Hans Jenny’s stamp
     How ?

     Whose ? Provenance :
                                                                       400/500 euros
83   Vibration I (Cymatic photographic study), 1963
                                                                               Hans Jenny (1904-1972) & Hans-Peter Widmer
                                                                               Vintage silver print on doubleweight glossy paper, 24x30 cm, Hans Jenny’s stamp
                                                                               How ?
                                                                               Whose ? Provenance :
                                                                                                                                                            400/500 euros

82 What ? Where ? When ?
   Hans Jenny (1904-1972) & Hans-Peter Widmer
   Vintage silver print, 23x28.5 cm, Hans Jenny’s stamp
   How ?
   Whose ? Provenance :
                                                          400/500 euros
85   Vibration I (Cymatic photographic study), 1963
                                                                                            Hans Jenny (1904-1972) & Hans-Peter Widmer
                                                                                            Vintage silver print on Kodak glossy color paper, 17.5x23.5 cm, Hans Jenny’s stamp
                                                                                            How ?
                                                                                            Whose ? Provenance :
                                                                                                                                                                          400/500 euros

84   Vibration I (Cymatic photographic study), 1963
     Hans Jenny (1904-1972) & Hans-Peter Widmer
     Vintage silver print on doubleweight glossy paper, 24x30 cm, Hans Jenny’s stamp
     How ?
     Whose ? Provenance :
                                                                 400/500 euros
86 A la Biche (Behind the Glass Door), Paris, 1906                         87 A la Croix d’or (dietro la porta di vetro), Paris, 1911
    Eugène Atget (1857-1927)                                                   Eugène Atget (1857-1927)
    Late silver print, 1981, from collodion glass negative, 24x18 cm           Late silver print, 1981, from collodion glass negative, 24x18 cm
    Edition by the Caisse des Monuments Historiques, at the beginning of       Little known edition by the French Institution with Atget’s original glass
    photographic revival.                                                      negatives.
                                                     300/400 euros                                                                  300/400 euros
88 Night scene, New Orleans, November 1973
   Toon Michiels (1950-2015)
   Vintage silver print, 30x40 cm including margins, stamp, date and title, pencil, on mount verso: “New
   Orleans, Nov 1973”
   Toon Michiels’ first trips to the USA led to the series American Neon Signs By Day And Night.

                                                                                     300/400 euros

                                                                                                           89 Ringing Street Telephone, San Francisco, c. 1959
                                                                                                               San Francisco Examiner reporter
                                                                                                               Vintage silver press print, 25.5x20.5 cm, newspaper stamp

                                                                                                               Forty years before the release of The Matrix.
                                                                                                                                                                 200/300 euros
90 Digital Underground                                91   Listo Mexicano Loco
   Oackland, July 1990                                     Los Angeles, 1991
   Victor Hall                                             Robert Yager (b. 1964)
   Vintage silver print, 25.5x18 cm, newspaper date        Silver print, printed 1997, 26.5x18 cm,
   stamp, caption, verso                                   captioned: “Listo Mexicano Loco”

   Following the release of their "Doowutchyalike"         Yager grew up in London and moved to
   single and video in the summer of 1989, the band        Mexico before settling in California
   gained popularity with their song "The Humpty           where Yager decided to delve into the
   Dance" in 1990. Provenance : The San Francisco          world of Los Angeles Latino street
   Examiner paper library.                                 gangs in 1991.
                                 200/300 euros                                 200/300 euros
92   Cosmic meteorit route recording, c. 1967                     93   Tadpole photo, 1965
     Soviet Soyuz Programm                                             James McDivitt (born 1929)
     Vintage silver prints, 12 parts chronophotography, 7x10 cm        Vintage silver print, 20.5x25.5 cm,
     each, 83x10 cm all, marks and numbers in ink on montage           sixteen stamps, date stamps, verso

     “There are actually five retroreflectors on the Moon: three         “McDivitt commanded the Gemini 4
     placed by Apollo astronauts and two that sit atop Soviet          mission with Ed White as his copilot.
     rovers. But only one of the Soviet reflectors could be used        On the second day, over Hawaii, while
     by astronomers; the other, on board Lunokhod 1, the first          White was asleep, McDivitt happened
     robotic rover to traverse the Moon, was lost in 1971.             to see an unidentified flying object,
                                                                       which he described as looking "like a
     Over the decades astronomers occasionally looked for the          beer can or a pop can, and with a little
     rover but without success. Even with the best telescopes          thing like maybe like a pencil or some-
     it's difficult to spot something from here on Earth that's         thing sticking out of it." He got a ca-
     less than eight feet in length; the atmosphere interferes.        mera and took a few photographs of
     And Hubble and other space telescopes aren't able to              it ... Word of the "UFO photos" rea-
     image the Moon in detail either.”                                 ched the press by the time the flight
                                                                       splashed down”.
                                       1200/1500 euros                                    300/400 euros
94   Dancer, New York, c. 1960                                                  95   Phantom, Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, c. 1960
     David Berlin (active 1960s)                                                     Unidentified photographer
     Vintage silver press print, 25.5x20.5 cm, stamp. The stamp precises “573        Vintage silver print on matt paper, 25.5x20.5 cm, title, pencil, verso. Any
     Grand Street”, a huge block near Williamburgh Bridge.                           resemblance to real and actual names is purely coincidental.
                                                           100/150 euros                                                                    200/300 euros
96 Paulo Klein and Dr Coutinho, Portraits from The Robot 1987 Series, 1950-1987
   Zed Poinpoin (born 1961)
   Ink on 1950 monochrome Brazilian silver prints, 18x13 cm, signed
   Under the pseudonym of Zed Poinpoin, this young French muralist was a free electron of the Free
   Figuration movement between 1983 and 1993. Outside galleries and museums, like the other artists
   of his generation, inspired by graffiti (Affichage sauvage, Biennale de Paris — 1985), they devoted
   themselves to graphic design for various publishers (Exposition, VIA-1987).
                                                                             (2) 300/400 euros

                                                                                                       97 Horacio and Dr Costa, Portraits from The Robot 1987 Series, 1950-1987
                                                                                                          Zed Poinpoin (born 1961)
                                                                                                          Ink on 1950 monochrome Brazilian silver prints, 18x13 cm, signed
                                                                                                          His forms of appropriation of different surfaces are marked by his qualities as a colourist and by a
                                                                                                          frank line of great spontaneity. A premonitory in several respects, this set of Brazilian photographic
                                                                                                          portraits from the 1950s taken in Chinese ink in 1987 illustrates a corporation of robots with which the
                                                                                                          artist will become singularly familiar in the following years.
                                                                                                                                                                                          (2) 300/400 euros
98 Prof. Carneiro, Robot, 1987, Zed Poinpoin (b. 1961)
    Ink on older monochrome Brazilian silver print, 24x18 cm, signed

                                                 400/500 euros

99 Prof. Carneiro, Robot, 1987, Zed Poinpoin (b. 1961)
    Ink on older monochrome Brazilian silver print, 24x18 cm, signed

                                                 400/500 euros
      Local Art, Senigallia Città della Fotografia

      Giuseppe Cavalli
      Feruccio Ferronni
      Mario Giacomelli
      Enea Discepoli
      Michel Collet

101   “Paesaggio in Puglia”, 1956
      Giuseppe Cavalli (1904-1961)
      Vintage silver print, 16x40 cm, signed in intials and
      dated on the print, green ink, stamp and title, verso
      How ?
      Whose ? Provenance :
                                   3000/4000 euros
102   Window reflection I, Senigallia, circa 1952                  103 Window reflection II, Senigallia, circa 1952
      Ferruccio Ferroni (1920-2007)                                    Ferruccio Ferroni (1920-2007)
      Vintage silver print, 20x8 cm, stamp                             Vintage silver print, 13x10.5 cm, stamp
                                                                       How ?
      “Ferruccio Ferroni (Mercatello sul Metauro, 1920 -
                                                                       Whose ? Provenance :
      Senigallia, 2007) is one of the protagonists of photo-
      graphy in Italy alongside his first master Giuseppe                                                         500/600 euros
      Cavalli, of Apulian origin and of lawyer training —
      endowed with his own strong artistic awareness and
      engaged in an intense theoretical and popular acti-
      vity — and subsequently close to Paolo Monti,
      inspirer in particular of his material period and of ele-
      gant experimentations.
      After two years of war, the dramatic imprisonment in
      Germany — for refusing to join the Republic of Salò
      — and the hospitalization at the sanatorium of Forlì,
      in 1953 he graduated in law and worked as a lawyer
      until 1992.
      In parallel with his legal activity, he produced a vast
      photographic production which, although born in the
      amateur field at the end of the 1940s, was always
      distinguished by the rigour and balance of his profes-
      sionalism. These will be accompanied, as a legacy of
      the Horse way, a meticulous organization of its
      archive of images, structured according to catalo-
      guing criteria still current and usable.
      Thanks to Giuseppe Cavalli, in the forties and fifties
      Senigallia experienced a period of great intellectual
      ferment for various initiatives, not only in the field of
      photography, a case history rare in the cultural land-
      scape of the time. The friendship between Ferroni
      and Cavalli will be nourished by precious external
      contributions, one of which will be Mario Giacomelli;
      the three of them will attend assiduously and very
      often Casa Ferroni will be the place for discussion
      and exchange of opinions.” (Alessia Venditti, Ferrucio
      Ferroni, Taccuini Maltagliati, Senigallia, 2019)

                                          500/600 euros
104 An Antic Wall / Il vecchio muro, Ancona, June 1989
    Ferruccio Ferroni (1920-2007)
    Exhibition silver print, printed 1995, 30x40.5 cm, signature, title, stamp and annotation, verso:
    “Stampa eseguita dall’autore il 21.2.1995”.
    Ferruccio Ferroni documented every print he made himself.
                                                                                1200/1500 euros

                                                                                                        105 The Glasshouse / La casa di vetro, Kew Gardens, London, 14 June 1987
                                                                                                            Ferruccio Ferroni (1920-2007)
                                                                                                            Exhibition silver print, printed 1997, 30x40.5 cm, signature, title, stamp and annotation, verso: “Stampa
                                                                                                            eseguita dall’autore il 14 nov 1997”.
                                                                                                            Ferruccio Ferroni documented every negative and every print he made.
                                                                                                                                                                                              1200/1500 euros
106 Scanno, 1959                                                                 107 Paesaggio, Senigallia, c. 1978
    Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)                                                     Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)
    Silver print, printed 1980, 30x40 cm, three stamps verso                         Vintage silver print, 30x40 cm, stamp, annotations, pencil
    How ?
                                                                                     Mario Giacomelli spent several days every week during one year with the family.
    Whose ? Provenance :
                                                                                     Provenance : Family of the artist, private collection, Senigallia
                                                               4000/5000 euros
                                                                                                                                                                  2000/3000 euros
109   Tree study, Senigallia, circa 1980
                                                                                                                 Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)
                                                                                                                 Vintage silver print, 30.5x40.5 cm, stamp
                                                                                                                 The artist used a development cache.
                                                                                                                                                             1500/1800 euros

108 La Buona Terra, Senigallia, 1965
     Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)
     Silver print, circa 1980, stamp, annotations, pencil
     Mario Giacomelli spent several days every week during one year with the family. Provenance : Family
     of the artist, private collection, Senigallia

                                                                                   1800/2000 euros
110 The Land of Long Shadows / La terra dalle ombre lunghe, Ladakh, 1976
    Enea Discepoli & Mario Giacomelli
    Vintage silver print, 21.5x35 cm, artist proof, printed and annotated by Mario Giacomelli, pencil, verso:
    “visi appena piu chiaro”
    At the time of the partition of India in 1947, the Dogra ruler Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument
    of Accession of Ladakh to India. In 1949, China closed the border between Nubra and Xinjiang,
    blocking old trade routes. Since 1974, the Government of India successfully encouraged tourism.
    Mario Giacomelli prepared and taught young Enea Discepoli with a Mamya Press 6/9 camera, before
    his trip to Ladakh in 1976. The negatives were then edited and printed in Senigallia by MG before being
    exhibited once in the USA (1980) and in Senigallia (2011). “Da queste foto emerge la sorprendente
    potenza del Giacomelli stampatore che imprime il suo inconfondibile stile anche in foto scattate da
    un'altra persona, Enea Discepoli”.
    Provenance : Private collection, Senigallia
                                                                                      1500/1800 euros

                                                                                                                111 The Land of Long Shadows / La terra dalle ombre lunghe, Ladakh, 1976
                                                                                                                    Enea Discepoli & Mario Giacomelli
                                                                                                                    Vintage silver print, 27x40 cm, printed, titled: “Tibet” and stamped by Mario Giacomelli, captioned,
                                                                                                                    dated and signed by Enea Discepoli
                                                                                                                    Mario Giacomelli prepared and taught Enea Discepoli with a Mamya Press 6/9 camera, before his trip
                                                                                                                    to Ladakh in 1976. “Le foto nel Ladakh le scattai quasi in trance, apposta per lui, volevo fosse contento,
                                                                                                                    anche violando quello che era il mio spirito di avventuriero, che deve viverlo il momento e non guardarlo
                                                                                                                    da dietro una macchina fotografica… Ma lui mi faceva notare che l’avventura (il mio specifico) poteva
                                                                                                                    essere accompagnata dalla fotografia per animare l’avventura stessa.” (Enea Discepoli).
                                                                                                                    Provenance : Private collection, Roma
                                                                                                                                                                                                      3000/4000 euros
112 The Sea of my Tales / Il mare dei miei racconti, Senigallia, circa 1980       113 The Wave, Senigallia, circa 1980
    Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)                                                      Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)
    Vintage silver print, 26.5x31.5 cm, signed in ink, stamps                         Vintage silver print, 30.5x40.5 cm, stamp
    Provenance : collection Righetti                                                  From the series “Il mare dei miei racconti” / The Sea of my Tales.
                                                                1500/1800 euros                                                                            1800/2000 euros
115 “Che si vedano i tetti”, Senigallia, c. 1990
                                                                                                            Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)
                                                                                                            Working silver print, 15.5x19 cm, drawing, annotations in ink on print by the artist

                                                                                                                                                                                               800/1000 euros

114 Il mare dei miei racconti, Senigallia, 1986
     Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)
     Vintage silver print, 30.5x40.5 cm, signed in ink on the white of the middle pier, two stamps
     How ?
                                                                                     1500/1800 euros
116 Corruption, Senigallia, 1970s                             117 La ruggine, Senigallia, 1970s
    Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)                                  Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000)
    Vintage print on color paper, 25x20 cm                        20x25 cm
                                             800/1000 euros                                       800/1000 euros
118 Study for Caravaggio, Syracuse, Sicilia, 1985                                    119   Les mains jointes, Study for Caravaggio, 1985
    Michel Collet (born 1949)                                                              Michel Collet (born 1949)
    Vintage silver print, dated and captioned by the artist, verso                         Why ? and Which ?
    How ?                                                                                  Whose ? Provenance :
    Whose ? Provenance :                                                                                                           300/400 euros
                                                                     300/400 euros
120   The Chairs / Le sedie / Cour du Vatican, 1985                                                     121 La madonna delle arpie
      Michel Collet (born 1949)                                                                             L’incoronazione di spine
      Two silver prints, 40x30 cm with margins, stamps, titles, dates, signatures
                                                                                                            Michel Collet (born 1949)
                                                                                    (2) 500/600 euros       Polaroid, 7.7x7.7 cm
                                                                                                            After Andrea del Sarto’s Madonna
                                                                                                            of the Harpies and Caravaggio’s Crow-
                                                                                                            ning with Thorns

                                                                                                                                   200/300 euros

                                                                                                        122 La madonna delle arpie
                                                                                                            L’incoronazione di spine
                                                                                                            Michel Collet (born 1949)
                                                                                                            Polaroid, 7.7x7.7 cm
                                                                                                            After Andrea del Sarto’s Madonna
                                                                                                            of the Harpies and Caravaggio’s Crow-
                                                                                                            ning with Thorns

                                                                                                                             (2) 200/300 euros
    Senigallia Città della Fotografia oggi

    Paolo Monina
    Lorenzo Cicconi Massi
    Massimo Marchini
    Elisa Crostella

123 “Donne-moi une chose qui ne meurt pas”, Senigallia, 2018
    Paolo Monina (born 1959)
    Fine art su tela cotone, 20x25 cm, signed
    Da scansione della Polaroid color 600 ovale, tiratura limitata a 5 copie.
                                                                                350 euros
124 Ultime intimitá I, Senigallia, 2017                                                      125 Ultime intimitá II, Senigallia, 2017
     Paolo Monina (born 1959)                                                                     Paolo Monina (born 1959)
     Fine art su carte cotone color, 16.5x14.5 cm, signed                                         Fine art su carte cotone color, 16.5x14.5 cm, signed

     Da scansione della Polaroid color 600 ovale, tiratura limitata a 5 copie.                    Da scansione della Polaroid color 600 ovale, tiratura limitata a 5 copie.

                                                                                 250 euros                                                                                    250 euros
126 Nude Study / Le Rythme, Senigallia, 2018                                                 127 Nude Study II / Le Rythme, Senigallia, 2018
    Paolo Monina (born 1959)                                                                     Paolo Monina (born 1959)
    Fine art print su carte cotone color, 24x22 cm, signed                                       Fine art print su carte cotone color, 24x22 cm, signed

    Da scansione del negativo 6x6 120 Ilford HP5, tiratura limitata a 5 copie.                   Da scansione del negativo 6x6 120 Ilford HP5, tiratura limitata a 5 copie.
                                                                                 300 euros                                                                                    300 euros
128   Paesaggi delle Marche, sedie, 2002                                                             129 Paesaggi delle Marche, mare, 2003
      Lorenzo Cicconi Massi (born 1966)                                                                  Lorenzo Cicconi Massi (born 1966)
      Scansionato e stampata fine art su carta Hahnemuhle baryta da 325 gr, 30x40 cm, signature and       Scansionato e stampata fine art su carta Hahnemuhle baryta da 325 gr, 30x40 cm, signature and
      stamp, verso. Open edition / Edizione aperta.                                                      stamp, verso. Open edition / Edizione aperta.
                                                                                      400 euros                                                                                          400 euros
130 Hommage to Henri Cartier-Bresson, Senigallia, 2019                    131 Hommage to P. Picasso and R. Capa, Senigallia, 2019
    Massimo Marchini (born 1957)                                              Massimo Marchini (born 1957)
    Collodion on aluminium, 17x12 cm, signed with point, verso. This          Collodion on aluminium, 17x12 cm, signed with point, verso. This
    unique melanotype was published and exhibited in May 2019, “Il Giro       unique melanotype was published and exhibited in May 2019, Biblio-
    della fotografia in ottanta giorni”, Biennale of Senigallia.               teca Antelloniana, Senigallia.
                                                          300 euros                                                                300 euros
132 Upside-down, Amman, 2018                                           133 Doorstep, Darat al Funun, Amman, 2018
    Elisa Crostella (born 1992)                                            Elisa Crostella (born 1992)
    Artist’s book on paper, 32x22 cm, “Color photographs from inside       Contemporary print on glass, 102x70 cm. Within a limited edition of
    my room in Amman. The black and white pinhole photos at the            five, this is the second printing made available after the first went to
    Jabal Hussein refugee Camp.” Limited edition of only five copies.       the collection of contemporary photography of Fondazione Cassa di
    This is copy number 2.                                                 Risparmio di Modena.
                                                       400 euros                                                                  1800 euros
I taccuini Maltagliati
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                                      durante la Biennale di Senigallia,
Tutti legono i Taccuini maltagliati   l'ultima settimana di maggio.
Senigallia, 7 dicembre
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