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Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank Criteri di ricerca utilizzati per generare l''elenco : Ordina Mostra per data Parole chiave "responsabilità del produttore" 41 Risultati(i) Data di creazione : 12-12-2021
Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 14-07-2020 Autore esterno Andrea BERTOLINI, Ph.D., LL.M. (Yale) Assistant Professor of Private Law, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa) Director of the Jean Monnet - European Centre of Excellence on the Regulation of Robotics and AI (EURA) Settore di intervento Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica Parole chiave applicazione dell'informatica | danni e interessi | gestione del rischio | iniziative di regolamentazione | intelligenza artificiale | nuova tecnologia | responsabilità civile | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto | statuto giuridico | tecnologia intelligente Riassunto This study – commissioned by the Policy Department C at the request of the Committee on Legal Affairs – analyses the notion of AI-technologies and the applicable legal framework for civil liability. It demonstrates how technology regulation should be technology-specific, and presents a Risk Management Approach, where the party who is best capable of controlling and managing a technology-related risk is held strictly liable, as a single entry point for litigation. It then applies such approach to four case-studies, to elaborate recommendations. Studio EN La politica dei consumatori: principi e strumenti Tipo di pubblicazioneNote tematiche sull'UE Data 01-06-2017 Autore HAYER Sarabjeet | MACIEJEWSKI Mariusz Settore di intervento Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiaveinformazione del consumatore | movimento dei consumatori | prezzo al consumo | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto | vigilanza del mercato Riassunto Da una ricerca svolta per conto del Parlamento europeo è emerso che una politica di tutela dei consumatori efficace è essenziale ai fini dell'efficienza e del buon funzionamento del mercato europeo[1]. Un'accresciuta trasparenza e transazioni più informate, risultanti dalla corretta progettazione e attuazione della politica dei consumatori, si traducono non solo in soluzioni migliori per i consumatori ma anche in una maggiore efficienza del mercato[2]. Una tutela dei consumatori efficace è pertanto un elemento essenziale di un mercato ben funzionante. Essa mira a garantire i diritti dei consumatori nei confronti dei commercianti, nonché a fornire una maggiore protezione per i consumatori vulnerabili. La crisi finanziaria ha dimostrato che le norme a tutela dei consumatori hanno il potenziale di rendere i mercati più equi e di migliorare la qualità della concorrenza. Conferire maggiori poteri ai consumatori e proteggere efficacemente la loro sicurezza e i loro interessi economici sono diventati obiettivi essenziali della politica europea. Note tematiche sull'UE ES, EN, IT, PT, SL Misure di protezione dei consumatori Tipo di pubblicazioneNote tematiche sull'UE Data 01-06-2017 Autore HAYER Sarabjeet | MACIEJEWSKI Mariusz Settore di intervento Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiaveaccesso al mercato | azione dell'UE | etichettatura | politica della concorrenza dell'UE | prodotto cosmetico | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza degli alimenti | sorveglianza dei medicinali | vendita a distanza Riassunto Le misure europee di protezione dei consumatori mirano a tutelare la salute, la sicurezza e gli interessi economici e giuridici dei consumatori europei, ovunque essi vivano, si rechino o facciano acquisti nell'UE. La legislazione dell'Unione disciplina sia le operazioni fisiche che il commercio elettronico e contiene norme di applicabilità generale unitamente a disposizioni riguardanti prodotti specifici, tra cui i medicinali, gli organismi geneticamente modificati, i prodotti del tabacco, i cosmetici, i giocattoli e gli esplosivi. Note tematiche sull'UE BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV Medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data10-05-2017 AutoreSCHOLZ Nicole Settore di interventoAdozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Sanità pubblica Parole chiave attrezzature medico-chirurgiche | diritti del malato | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | omologazione | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto Riassunto Medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices cover a wide array of products. The EU legal framework for such devices was harmonised in the 1990s. The European Commission presented a pair of proposals for regulations in September 2012. Following Parliament's first readings in April 2014, the Council agreed its positions in October 2015. At the conclusion of the trilogues, agreement was reached on 25 May 2016. This was endorsed by the Council's Permanent Representatives Committee on 15 June and confirmed by Parliament's ENVI Committee on the same day. Both draft texts were adopted by the Council on 7 March 2017, and Parliament's second-reading vote on 5 April completed the adoption procedure. The regulation on medical devices will become fully applicable in May 2020, and that on in vitro diagnostic medical devices in May 2022. Briefing EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 1
Cross-Border Traffic Accidents in the EU - The Potential Impact of Driverless Cars Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 30-06-2016 Autore esterno Thomas Kadner Graziano (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Settore di intervento Adozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Diritto internazionale privato e cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile | Diritto internazionale pubblico | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Governance globale | Spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica Parole chiave assicurazione responsabilità civile | conflitto di giurisdizioni | diritto comparato | diritto internazionale privato | impatto delle tecnologie dell'informazione | incidente di trasporto | industria automobilistica | interpretazione del diritto | principio di certezza del diritto | responsabilità civile | responsabilità del produttore | trasporto transfrontaliero Riassunto Commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI committee, this study provides an analysis of the potential legal impact of the introduction of connected and autonomous vehicles on rules of private international law determining jurisdiction and applicable law in the EU Member States in the event of a cross-border traffic accident. Following a case-studies approach, it makes a number of recommendations to improve the legal framework. In line with recent EU law trends towards enhanced protection for the victims and given that products liability is likely to gain more importance in the area, the study suggests the introduction of a duty for car manufacturers to contract liability insurance covering traffic accidents victims; the possibility of a direct action against a manufacturer’s liability insurer and the establishment of a forum at the domicile of the victim for claims against manufacturers of cars using new technologies. In order to increase legal certainty, the study recommends to redefine the respective scopes of application of the two systems of private international law currently coexisting in the EU to determine the law applicable (the Rome II Regulation and the 1971 and 1973 Hague Conventions), and to apply Rome II in cases in which both the claimant and the defendant are domiciled in EU Member States. Finally, autonomous technologies may increase the difficulty to initiate extra- contractual liability claims therefore the study proposes that limitation periods be extended at the substantive law level or that a cumulative connecting mechanism be introduced at private international level for the benefit of the victims. Studio EN Medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data 07-06-2016 Autore SCHOLZ Nicole Settore di intervento Adozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Sanità pubblica Parole chiave attrezzature medico-chirurgiche | diritti del malato | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | omologazione | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto Riassunto Medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices cover a wide array of products, from sticking plasters, to heart valves, to state-of-the-art analytical laboratory equipment, with over 500 000 devices on the EU market. The EU legal framework for such devices was harmonised in the 1990s. The European Commission presented a pair of proposals for regulations in September 2012, to update the framework. Following Parliament's first readings in April 2014, the Council agreed its positions in October 2015. At the conclusion of the tenth trilogue meeting, agreement was reached on both proposals on 25 May 2016. The compromise centres on stricter requirements for notified bodies, stronger pre- market scrutiny and post-marketing surveillance; strengthened rules for high-risk devices and certain other categories of devices; and increased transparency and traceability. This updates a previous edition from December 2015: PE 572.819. A more recent edition of this document is available. Find it by searching by the document title at this address: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/home.html Briefing EN Planned obsolescence: Exploring the issue Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data 02-05-2016 Autore VALANT Jana Settore di intervento Ambiente | Industria | Problemi economici e monetari | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave apparecchio elettrodomestico | durata di un prodotto | etica imprenditoriale | progettazione di un prodotto | responsabilità del produttore | riciclaggio dei rifiuti | rifiuti elettronici | telefono mobile Riassunto Although no overarching definition of planned obsolescence exists, the term 'planned obsolescence' (of products or technology) is described as the intentional production of goods and services with short economic lives, stimulating consumers to repeat purchases too frequently. The incandescent light bulb with an engineered shorter lifespan (the Phoebus cartel case) is one example from the past of proven planned obsolescence. Data suggest that the median lifespans of certain categories of product have been shortening, and consumer organisations have drawn attention to more recent suspected cases of planned obsolescence in connection with washing machines, inkjet cartridges, electronic devices, etc. One Member State – France – recently introduced a definition of planned obsolescence into its legislation, making it a punishable offence. No specific EU rules mention planned obsolescence, but the subject ties in with EU legislation on ecodesign, waste, use of natural resources, consumer information and the new package from the European Commission on the circular economy. The main consumer concerns and problematic strategies associated with the issue are: design features that do not allow repair, upgradability or interoperability with other devices; the unavailability of spare parts and high repair costs; and marketing strategies pushing consumers to buy new, fashionable products and replace existing ones very quickly. Various ways to curb the practice of planned obsolescence have been proposed, not least a shift towards a culture that values product durability and sustainability. Briefing EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 2
Contracts for online and other distance sales of goods Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data 15-02-2016 Autore MAŃKO Rafał Settore di intervento Adozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave codificazione del diritto dell'UE | contratto | diritto commerciale | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | mercato unico | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | vendita a distanza Riassunto In December 2015, the Commission proposed a directive on contracts for online and other distance sales of goods (online sale of goods directive). This would partly replace the existing Consumer Sales Directive with regard to distance sales (both online and offline). Unlike the Consumer Sales Directive, the proposed online sale of goods directive would provide for maximum (total) harmonisation, thereby prohibiting Member States from introducing a higher level of consumer protection within the scope of the directive. A more recent edition of this document is available. Find it by searching by the document title at this address: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/home.html The proposed online sale of goods directive is part of the Digital Single Market Strategy, and comes alongside several other proposed legal instruments, notably the digital content supply directive [2015/0287(COD)] and the portability of digital content directive. Although, legally speaking, the proposal is new, in political terms it aims to replace the 2011 proposal for a Common European Sales Law, in line with the commitment made by the Juncker Commission in December 2015. Briefing EN Circular economy 1.0 and 2.0: A comparison Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi Data 22-01-2016 Autore BOURGUIGNON Didier Settore di intervento Ambiente Parole chiave deposito dei rifiuti | lotta contro gli sprechi | materiale d'imballaggio | programma d'azione | proposta (UE) | responsabilità del produttore | riciclaggio dei rifiuti | rifiuti domestici Riassunto When withdrawing the July 2014 circular economy package, the Commission pledged to put forward 'a more ambitious proposal.' The new package presented in December 2015 retains many elements from the initial one. Differences include somewhat lower waste-management targets, a weaker focus on food waste, and more detailed measures enabling a shift to a circular economy. In sintesi EN Circular economy package: Four legislative proposals on waste Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data 22-01-2016 Autore BOURGUIGNON Didier Settore di intervento Ambiente Parole chiave deposito dei rifiuti | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | impatto ambientale | materiale d'imballaggio | principio chi inquina paga | responsabilità del produttore | riciclaggio dei rifiuti | rifiuti elettronici Riassunto Although waste management in the European Union (EU) has improved considerably in the past decades, almost a third of municipal waste is still landfilled and less than half is recycled or composted, with wide variations between Member States. Improving waste management could deliver positive effects for the environment, climate, human health and the economy. As part of a shift in EU policy towards a circular economy, the European Commission made four legislative proposals introducing new waste-management targets regarding reuse, recycling and landfilling. The proposals also strengthen provisions on waste prevention and extended producer responsibility, and streamline definitions, reporting obligations and calculation methods for targets. As the Parliament and Council begin their consideration of the proposals, stakeholders are divided. A more recent edition of this document is available. Find it by searching by the document title at this address: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/home.html Briefing EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 3
Medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data07-12-2015 AutoreSCHOLZ Nicole Settore di interventoSanità pubblica Parole chiave attrezzature medico-chirurgiche | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | etichettatura | informazione del consumatore | mercato unico | omologazione | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto | tracciabilità Riassunto Medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices cover a wide array of products, from sticking plasters, to heart valves, to state-of-the-art analytical laboratory equipment, with over 500 000 devices on the EU market. The EU legal framework for such devices was harmonised in the 1990s. The European Commission presented a pair of proposals for regulations in September 2012, to update the framework. Following Parliament's first reading in April 2014, the Council agreed its position in October 2015. Interinstitutional negotiations are under way, with trilogue meetings having taken place on 13 and 28 October, on 11 and 28 November, and on 3 December. Stakeholders generally welcome the progress made, with industry asking for the elimination of burdensome requirements, and patient and consumer associations stressing the need for information. A more recent edition of this document is available. Find it by searching by the document title at this address: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/home.html Briefing EN The Cost of Non-Europe in the Single Market. Part V - Consumer Acquis Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 02-10-2014 Autore esterno Mark Peacock (GHK Int.) Settore di intervento Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Valore aggiunto europeo Parole chiave analisi costi-benefici | commercio elettronico | credito al consumo | gioco | mercato unico | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | servizi finanziari | studio d'impatto Riassunto Cost of Non-Europe Reports identify the possibilities for economic or other gains and/or the realisation of a ‘public good’ through common action at EU level in specific policy areas and sectors. This Cost of Non-Europe Report seeks to analyse the costs for citizens, businesses and relevant stake-holders of remaining gaps and barriers in the European Single Market, building on and updating the 1988 Cecchini Report, which quantified its potential benefits. This particular study - the fifth in a series - analyses the gaps in European consumer legislation. It provides a qualitative appreciation of the existing legislation, identifying areas where further EU legislative action could be beneficial, and provides tentative estimates of the costs of failure to legislate. It is not intended as comprehensive quantification, but rather as a ‘snap shot’ of some benefits which could be attained through completion of the consumer acquis. Studio EN Consumer Product Safety Regulation: Detailed Appraisal of the European Commission's Impact Assessment Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data04-04-2014 AutoreCOLLOVA Claudio Settore di interventoProtezione dei consumatori | Valutazione d''impatto ex ante Parole chiave controllo di qualità dei prodotti industriali | distributore commerciale | etichettatura | prodotto originario | proposta (UE) | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto | sorveglianza all'importazione | studio d'impatto Riassunto This paper seeks to provide a detailed analysis, from a methodological perspective, of part of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying its proposal for a Consumer Product Safety Regulation (CPSR). Requested by the IMCO Committee, the aim of this analysis is to determine whether the IA covered adequately the following elements of the Commission's proposal: Country of origin marking (Article 7 of the CPSR) and obligations for economic operators (Articles 8 to 11 of the CPSR). It performs the requested 'health check' from two angles. Firstly, it analyses whether the Commission's IA - with regard to the above subjects only - is fit for its overall purpose, which is to aid political decision-making by presenting a comprehensive assessment of the likely impacts of all options. Secondly, it analyses whether the IA meets the standards which the Commission has laid down in its internal Impact Assessment Guidelines, as well as the quality criteria which the Parliament has defined in its resolutions. Analisi approfondita EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 4
Common European Sales Law Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi Data 20-02-2014 Autore MAŃKO Rafał Settore di intervento Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave clausola contrattuale | commercio elettronico | diritto commerciale | mercato unico | protezione del consumatore | quadro comune di riferimento | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE Riassunto The proposed Common European Sales Law (CESL) is intended to create a uniform set of contract rules available to traders and consumers entering into cross-border transactions in the internal market. The Legal Affairs Committee backs the proposal, but has tabled numerous amendments. However, the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, an associated committee under Rule 50, suggested changing the legal form of CESL to a directive. In sintesi EN Safe and innovative medical devices Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi Data 17-10-2013 Autore ERBACH Gregor Settore di intervento Politica di ricerca | Protezione dei consumatori | Sanità pubblica Parole chiave attrezzature medico-chirurgiche | autorizzazione di vendita | industria di punta | legislazione sanitaria | perizia medica | prodotto nuovo | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto Riassunto Innovation in medical devices benefits patients, doctors and the medical technology industry. The European Commission has proposed legis-lation aimed at enhancing safety, traceability, and transparency without inhibiting innovation. In sintesi EN Proceedings of the Workshop on "The Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package" Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 04-09-2013 Autore esterno Richard W. O'Brien (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission - CPSC, USA) , Axel Thonier (Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes - DGCCRF, France) , Loïc Buffard (Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes - DGCCRF, France) , Borut Matkovic (Thermo Energetic Inspector/Independent Consultant in the area of Product Safety and Market Surveillance, Slovenia) , Françoise Maniet (University of Québec in Montréal - UQAM, Canada) and Torben Rahbek (Independent Product Safety Consultant, Denmark) Settore di intervento Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave autorizzazione di vendita | controllo sanitario | cooperazione internazionale | mercato unico | norma internazionale | responsabilità del produttore | rischio sanitario | sicurezza del prodotto | tracciabilità Riassunto The Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection requested the organisation of a workshop on the Product Safety and Market Surveillance package with the aim to acquire independent technical expertise on selected aspects of the two legislative proposals currently discussed in Parliament. In addition to an overview of the US practices and regulations on market surveillance and product safety, the speakers presented best practices on how to maximise market surveillance with limited budget and the problems market surveillance authorities still face in practice. Experts also presented their views on the product safety proposal for regulation, from a legal and technical point of view. Studio EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 5
Common European Sales Law - Detailed Appraisal by the EP Impact Assessment Unit of the European Commission's Impact Assessment Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-01-2013 AutoreBALLON Elke | MANIAKI-GRIVA Alexia Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori | Valutazione d''impatto ex ante Parole chiave consultazione pubblica | contratto | contratto commerciale | protezione del consumatore | ravvicinamento delle legislazioni | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE | studio d'impatto | vendita Riassunto This note analyses the Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the Commission Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law from a methodological point of view, without dealing with the substance of the proposal. In general, the IA seems to respect the methodological requirements the Commission has imposed upon itself in it Impact Assessment Guidelines. The problems to be addressed by the proposed legislation are clearly explained, related to the underlying problem drivers and logically presented. The set of possible policy options is sufficiently wide and there is sufficient explanation of the baseline scenario. The Commission seems to have broadly consulted with stakeholders and presents stakeholder positions in the IA. It analyses a broad range of possible impacts for the policy options, with an emphasis on economic impacts (mainly administrative and transaction costs). The Commission attempts to make a quantitative estimation of the transaction costs, at the same time acknowledging that adequate quantitative data are not available. The transformation of the purely qualitative answers of economic operators in Eurobarometer studies and other surveys into quantitative estimations can be criticised as producing unreliable results. Analisi approfondita EN Medical Devices and In-Vitro Medical Devices: Initial Appraisal of the European Commission's Impact Assessment Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-01-2013 AutoreWERNER Helmut Settore di interventoSanità pubblica | Valutazione d''impatto ex ante Parole chiave attrezzature medico-chirurgiche | diritto sanitario | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | etichettatura | norma di sicurezza | organo di controllo | responsabilità del produttore | ricerca medica | sicurezza del prodotto | studio d'impatto Riassunto This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment accompanying the Commission proposals on Medical Devices and on In Vitro Medical Devices. Analisi approfondita DE, EN, FR Common European Sales Law : A Practical View Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-11-2012 Autore esterno Diana Wallis Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave arbitraggio | clausola contrattuale | contratto commerciale | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE | vendita Riassunto This paper provides a comment on the legislative history of the Common European Sales Law from the perspective of a former rapporteur. It dealings particularly with the importance of many of the practical surrounding and related measures such as the provision of standard terms and conditions of trade and ADR and ODR necessary to make the proposal a success. Analisi approfondita EN Consumer Protection under the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-11-2012 Autore esterno Hans Schulte-Nölke (European Legal Studies Institute, Osnabrück, Germany) Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave clausola contrattuale | contratto commerciale | diritto privato europeo | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | vendita Riassunto This briefing note explains the problems which the Common European Sales Law (CESL) sets out to solve, to what extent it actually achieves those goals and where the proposal leaves room for improvement. The paper focuses on consumer contracts concluded between parties located within the EU. It intentionally leaves the many complicated and technical details of Private International Law aside in order to make the basic structures of the current system more visible so that the usefulness of a CESL can be better appraised. Analisi approfondita EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 6
Leasing Society Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 15-11-2012 Autore esterno Susanne Fischer, Sören Steger, Nino David Jordan, Meghan O’Brien and Philipp Schepelmann (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy) Settore di intervento Ambiente | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave locazione con opzione d'acquisto | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | società di servizi | studio di mercato | sviluppo sostenibile Riassunto The vision of a leasing society is characterised by a new relationship between producers and customers. This new relationship is based on innovative and more service-oriented business models to meet customer needs with novel approaches to ownership and responsibility. This study explores the leasing society in four chapters. It (1) examines the basic ideas behind the concept, (2) presents a collection of case studies, (3) summarises strengths and risks, and (4) concludes with policy options that could support the transition to a leasing society. Studio EN The Regime of Remedies in the CESL – Suitable and Balanced for SMEs ? Tipo di pubblicazioneAnalisi approfondita Data 15-06-2012 Autore esterno Dora Szentpaly-Kleis (European Association of Crafts, small and medium-sized Enterprises, UEAPME) Settore di intervento Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Industria | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiaveclausola contrattuale | contratto commerciale | indennizzo | piccole e medie imprese | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | vendita Riassunto This paper is based on the position of UEAPME members on the proposal for a regulation on the Common European Sales Law. It gives some general remarks on the proposal as such and focuses in the second part on the different remedies introduced from the point of view of SMEs, one of the main target groups of the proposal. If the aim to boost cross-border business activities is to be achieved, improvements in line with the remarks of this note are necessary. Analisi approfondita EN Remedies for Buyers in B2C Contracts : General Aspects Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-06-2012 Autore esterno Hans Schulte-Nölke, Fryderyk Zoll and Shaun Charlton (European Legal Studies Institute, Osnabrück, Germany) Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave arbitraggio | indennizzo | qualità del prodotto | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE | vendita a distanza Riassunto This Briefing Paper deals with the remedies open to buyers in sale contracts between businesses and consumers under the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL). It includes a short overview of the types of remedies and their constituent elements following the structure of art. 106 CESL. The remedies of the CESL are compared, on the one hand, with those of various international instruments in the field and, on the other hand, with particular aspects of the law of the EU Member States. Finally, proposals for improving the current system of remedies under the Proposal are suggested. Analisi approfondita EN Remedies under the Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law – The View of French Businesses Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-06-2012 Autore esterno Anne-Laure Constanza (Mouvement des entreprises de France, MEDEF – French Business Confederation) Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave contratto commerciale | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE | vendita Riassunto The substantive provisions of the Common European Sales Law, particularly on remedies, will be acceptable to businesses only if they meet certain conditions. The rules must be easily accessible and ensure legal certainty for transactions. They must also provide a balanced package that does not lead to excessive costs for businesses and that ensures a stable contractual relationship. Analisi approfondita EN, FR 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 7
The Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law : Provisions on Remedies Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-06-2012 Autore esterno Burghard PILTZ (Committee on European Contract Law of the German Federal Bar) Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave clausola contrattuale | indennizzo | prodotto difettoso | ravvicinamento delle legislazioni | responsabilità del produttore | vendita Riassunto This note contains an analysis of the remedial system under the proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law and some suggestions for possible amendments, focusing in particular on the delivery of goods not conforming to the contract, in line with the position of the German Federal Bar. Analisi approfondita EN Restitution in the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data 15-06-2012 Autore esterno Christiane Wendehorst (University of Vienna, Austria) Settore di intervento Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave clausola contrattuale | contratto commerciale | diritto privato europeo | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE | vendita Riassunto Chapter 17 on restitution should be redrafted, taking Articles 44 to 47 on withdrawal and Article 112 on replacement as a starting point and adapting them to the relevant conditions and tests in the context of termination or avoidance, as well as to the requirements of mass contracts concluded in the digital age. Some policy decisions concerning termination by consumers should be reconsidered. A separate rule on restitution for performance not otherwise due, e.g. where a party has delivered twice in error, would be desirable. Analisi approfondita EN Prescription in the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data 15-06-2012 Autore esterno Antoni Vaquer (University of Lleida, Spain) Esther Arroyo (University of Barcelona, Spain) Settore di intervento Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave clausola contrattuale | contratto commerciale | credito legale | diritto privato europeo | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE | vendita Riassunto The rules on prescription in Part VIII, Chapter 18, of the CESL need clarification in order to ascertain whether they only apply to provisions on rights and claims resulting from a sale contract, or whether they are also applicable to any other (related?) right or claim, regardless of its contractual or non-contractual origin. One of the most problematic issues concerns general prescription periods. Furthermore, interpretation problems arise also because of missing definitions, or because the definitions are ambiguous or defective. The systematic approach demands clarification, too. Analisi approfondita EN Unfair Contract Terms Provisions in CESL Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-05-2012 Autore esterno Gerard MCMEEL (University of Bristol, UK) Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave clausola abusiva | contratto commerciale | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | vendita Riassunto This Note addresses the provisions on Unfair Contract Terms in the proposed Common European Sales Law (CESL) for both “business to business” (B2B) and “business to consumer” (B2C) transactions, from the perspective of a lawyer who has both experience as a practitioner and a legal academic. It suggests that the provisions of CESL may be inappropriate in the B2B arena, being both too intrusive, and also failing to provide sufficient structure for the judicial review of potentially unfair terms. Analisi approfondita EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 8
B2B and B2C Clauses and General Terms (Conditions) in Contracts : A Viewpoint from the Italian Companies Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-05-2012 Autore esterno Tiziana Pompei (Unioncamere - Italian Chamber of Commerce Union, Italy) Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave clausola abusiva | contratto commerciale | protezione del consumatore | ravvicinamento delle legislazioni | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | vendita Riassunto The CESL could be completed by a “toolbox”: a set of transparent and fair clauses and “well-balanced” standard contractual terms (standard clauses and contracts), translated into all official languages, will encourage new players all across the EU market as well as reinforcing competition, extending the range of choices available for consumers. Analisi approfondita EN Unfair Contract Terms in Business-to-Consumer Contracts in the Proposed Common European Sales Law : BEUC's Viewpoint Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-05-2012 Autore esterno Ursula Pachl and Agustín Reyna (BEUC, The European Consumer Organisation) Settore di interventoDiritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave BEUC | clausola abusiva | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità contrattuale | responsabilità del produttore | vendita Riassunto This note presents the perspective of consumer organisation across the EU on the proposed regulation on a Common European Sales Law and its rules on unfair contract terms. It identifies the problematic impact on individual consumers and on the future development of the EU consumer law acquis. It indicates general and specific issues in relation to the introduction of an optional regime on unfair contract terms that should be taken into account by the EU legislators and proposes alternative means for promoting cross border shopping in the EU. Analisi approfondita EN Remedies for Buyers in Case of Contracts for the Supply of Digital Content Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data 15-05-2012 Autore esterno Marco B.M. LOOS and Chantal MAK (Centre for the Study of European Contract Law, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) Settore di intervento Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Politica di ricerca | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave applicazione dell'informatica | arbitraggio | divario digitale | indennizzo | industria dell'informatica | qualità del prodotto | responsabilità del produttore | risoluzione di contratto | vendita Riassunto The inclusion of provisions on digital content, including ‘gratuitous’ digital content, in the Common European Sales Law constitutes an improvement in respect to existing EU legislation on sales contracts. However, some amendments are necessary, given the fact that digital content differs from goods. This briefing note critically assesses the relevant provisions on conformity and remedies, and gives suggestions for tailoring them better to digital content. Analisi approfondita EN Optimal Integration of the European Dispute Resolution Platform Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-03-2012 Autore esterno Hervé Jacquemin Settore di interventoMercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave arbitraggio | azione per accertamento della responsabilità | commercio elettronico | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE Riassunto The objective of this briefing paper is to discuss the possible issues and solutions regarding the optimal integration of the ODR Platform within the current consumer-oriented websites at the EU and national levels, taking into account the possible extent of scope of the Regulation on consumer ODR. Analisi approfondita EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 9
Assessing the Scope of European Online Dispute Resolution Platform Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-03-2012 Autore esterno Hans Micklitz and Giovanni Sartor Settore di interventoDiritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave arbitraggio | commercio elettronico | commercio interno | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE Riassunto The present note addresses the issue of the scope of the European online dispute resolution Platform. In particular it examines whether such a scope can be extended. Analisi approfondita EN Compilation of Briefing Papers on Consumer Vulnerability Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 09-02-2012 Autore esterno Danish Law : Peter Møgelvang-Hansen, Mette Ohm Rørdam and Jan Trzaskowski (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark) English Law : Christian Twigg-Flesner (University of Hull, United Kingdom) Estonian Law : Karin Sein (University of Tartu, Estonia) German Law : Hans Schulte-Nölke, Shaun Charlton and Wiebke Voß (European Legal Studies Institute Osnabrück, Germany) Spanish Law : Begoña Alfonso de la Riva (LL.M., Saarbrücken), LL.M. Tax (Osnabrück), José Carlos de Medeiros Nóbrega (LL.M. European Legal Studies Institute Osnabrück, Germany) Settore di intervento Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Politica di ricerca | Protezione dei consumatori | Trasporti Parole chiave Danimarca | diritto nazionale | Estonia | Germania | Inghilterra | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | Spagna Riassunto This set of Briefing Papers assesses the current legislation and policy measures with regard to consumer vulnerability in five Member States: Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. The focus is on e-commerce, telecommunications and utilities contracts, and transport. Studio ES, DE, EN, FR Consumer Behaviour in a Digital Environment Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 15-08-2011 Autore esterno Patrice Muller (London Economics, Project director), Mette Damgaard (London Economics, Project manager and lead author), Annabel Litchfield (London Economics), Mark Lewis (London Economics) and Julia Hörnle (Queen Mary University of London) Settore di intervento Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave abitudine d'acquisto | commercio elettronico | comunicazione dei dati | criminalità informatica | informazione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | servizio di assistenza al cliente | società dell'informazione | traffico illecito Riassunto This study analyses consumer behaviour and the interaction between consumers and businesses in the digital environment. At issue is how consumers benefit from the digital environment and whether and how they change their purchasing behaviour. A number of barriers to e-commerce and a more integrated European digital market are identified and specific policy recommendations are provided. Studio EN Sintesi DE, FR Information Requirements in the Consumer Rights Directive Proposal and in Other Directives Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data02-02-2011 Autore esterno Frank Alleweldt (Project director), Peter Rott (Lead author), Christian Twigg-Flesner (Second reader) and Senda Kara Settore di interventoDiritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave commercio elettronico | informazione del consumatore | prestazione di servizi | regolamentazione commerciale | responsabilità del produttore | semplificazione legislativa Riassunto The information obligations of the proposed Consumer Rights Directive and Directives 2000/31/EC on electronic commerce, 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market, and 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices partly overlap without being identical. One information obligation that features in both the E-Commerce Directive and the Services Directive could be integrated into Article 5 of the proposed Consumer Rights Directive: Information concerning details enabling the trader to be contacted rapidly and communicated with directly and, as the case may be, by electronic means. The E-Commerce Directive and the Services Directive contain some information requirements specific to the objectives of these directives that are not necessary in the context of general consumer contract law. The Services Directive 2006/123/EC deals with a number of issues in a less comprehensive way than Article 5 of the proposed Consumer Rights Directive. It could be amended accordingly in order to avoid inconsistency. The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 2005/29/EC and the proposed Consumer Rights Directive would work hand in hand. They complement each other. Analisi approfondita EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 10
Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Construction Products Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 17-01-2008 Autore esterno Ms Janne Sylvest Ms Hanna-Maija Saarinen Ramboll Management Nørregade 7A DK – 1165 Copenhagen K DENMARK Settore di intervento Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Industria Parole chiave armonizzazione delle norme | marchio UE | materiali da costruzione | norma tecnica | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto | tecnica di costruzione Studio EN Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Toys Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 17-01-2008 Autore esterno Dr Frank Alleweldt (Project director) Ms Anna Fielder (Lead author) Prof Geraint Howells (Legal analysis) Dr Senda Kara Ms Kristen Schubert Mr Stephen Locke Settore di intervento Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Industria | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave controllo amministrativo | industria del giocattolo | marcatura CE di conformità | protezione dell'infanzia | responsabilità del produttore | sicurezza del prodotto Studio EN Background Note on the Review of the Consumer Acquis Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data 15-06-2007 Autore esterno Hans Schulte-Nölke (University of Bielefeld, Germany) in collaboration with Christoph Busch (Centre for European Legal Practice, University of Bielefeld, Germany) Settore di intervento Diritto contrattuale, diritto commerciale e diritto societario | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto Parole chiave acquis comunitario | applicazione del diritto dell'UE | clausola contrattuale | codificazione del diritto dell'UE | legge di armonizzazione | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore Riassunto Executive summary We have been asked to answer the following three questions: 1. What is the demarcation line between the CFR and the future horizontal instrument on the review of the consumer acquis ? 2. Which provisions of the contract law should be specifically regulated in the consumer law? Should the lex specialis rule be applied (lex specialis derogat legi generali) ? 3. Do national provisions of contract law constitute barriers to trade in the Internal Market ? Analisi approfondita EN Information Requirements in the Digital Environment Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-01-2007 Autore esterno Annette Nordhausen (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) Settore di interventoDiritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave clausola contrattuale | comunicazione dei dati | informazione del consumatore | legge di armonizzazione | responsabilità del produttore | vendita a distanza Riassunto Questions to be addressed in this briefing paper are the following : Current EU legislation (e.g. Distance Selling Directive, E-commerce Directive etc.) prescribes mandatory information requirements that sellers need to provide to buyers. Are these information requirements appropriate in the context of the digital environment? What, concretely, should be added or removed from the information requirements to be provided by the producers and service providers to e-consumers (taking into account, in particular, the needs of non- technical users) ? How well is consumer information on conditions of sale being communicated to online shoppers ? How can the transparency of the supply chain be ensured on the digital market? How can one ensure that consumers are aware of the real identity of the contractor (e.g. when they are transferred from one seller’s homepage to another without their knowledge) ? Analisi approfondita EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 11
Redress and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Cross-Border e-commerce Transactions Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data15-01-2007 Autore esterno Lilian Edwards (University of Southhampton, UK) and Caroline Wilson (University of Southampton, UK) Settore di interventoDiritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Protezione dei consumatori Parole chiave arbitraggio | commercio elettronico | diritto di agire in giudizio | esecuzione della sentenza | mezzi di ricorso | protezione del consumatore | responsabilità del produttore | scambi intra UE Riassunto Executive summary Effective dispute settlement is regarded as one of the means of enhancing consumer confidence in cross-border purchases over the Internet. Yet a recent Eurobarometer survey1 shows that 41% of people who launched a formal complaint concerning cross-border purchases were not satisfied with the way their complaint was handled. Rather than going to the courts or elsewhere for settlement, most dissatisfied consumers took no further action, and only 6% brought the matter to an arbitration/mediation/conciliation body. Other studies of online dispute resolution (ODR) also show, on the whole, poor uptake by the public. Uptake of the EC’s own publicly funded ODR provider, ECODIR, has been described as “disappointing”2. Why do so few people resort to this kind of dispute settlement, and what are the implications of low uptake for consumer confidence in cross border ecommerce ? [...] Analisi approfondita EN 12-12-2021 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE 12
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