Effige project aims to extend the use of PEF methodology to sectors not included in the EU Pilots FederlegnoArredo's participation involved our ...
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14-09-20 1 1 Effige project aims to extend the use of PEF methodology to sectors not included in the EU Pilots FederlegnoArredo’s participation involved our association Assufficio and four companies. 2 1
14-09-20 MAIN GOALS DEVELOP PEFCRS FOR DEVELOP A TOOL TO LET FIND OUT THE BEST WAY DEVELOP A BE READY IN CASE OF PEF OFFICE FURNITURE AND OTHER COMPANIES TO COMMUNICATE PEF COMMUNICATION TOOL ADOPTION AT GPP LEVEL PERFORM PEF STUDIES QUICKLY ASSESS THE RESULTS EFFECTIVE FOR THE ON 6 PRODUCTS PERFORMANCE OF THEIR TARGETED MARKET PRODUCTS 3 3 Product category Le fasi più rilevanti del ciclo di vita definition Goal 1 – Develop Representative I processi più rilevanti PEFCRs for office product def B.1 Gli impatti ambientali più rilevanti furniture PEF screening IDENTIFICA Benchmark preliminare products and PEFCR perform PEF on VERIFICA PEF studies – Hot spot specific products B.2 Applicabilità PEFCR Simulation to validate improvement B.3 Fasi rilevanti del ciclo di vita measures Impatti ambientali rilevanti New PEF study to assess results Processi rilevanti B.6 Benchmark 4 2
14-09-20 Representative product – Office Chair COMPONENTS FLOW CHART Componenti Variante 1 Variante 2 Variante 3 Variante 4 Sì Poliuretano espanso Sì Poliuretano Sì Poliuretano Sedile imbottito NO + tessuto di espanso+legno espanso+legno rivestimento Sì Poliuretano espanso Schienale imbottito Sì Poliuretano espanso NO NO + tessuto di rivestimento Sì Rete +interposto in Schienale in rete NO NO NO PU rivestimento tessuto tessuto NO tessuto Scocca plastica plastica Plastica Plastica Materiale plastico Materiale plastico Base 5 razze NO NO oppure alluminio oppure alluminio Struttura portante a 4 Sì metallo Sì metallo NO NO gambe verniciato/cromato verniciato/cromato Colonna/molla a gas Sì Sì NO NO Meccanismi Plastica/metallo Plastica/metallo NO NO regolazione braccioli Materiale plastico Materiale plastico Materiale plastico Materiale plastico Ruote piroettanti Sì plastica Sì plastica NO NO poggiatesta NO NO NO NO poggiapiedi NO NO NO NO Sì metallo Sì metallo collegamento sed/sch NO NO verniciato/cromato verniciato/cromato 5 5 Results - Relevant phases 6 6 3
14-09-20 Simulation scenario example: use of recycled plastic into the body of the product Impact category Unit 0%_default 50% Δ_0% - 50% Climate change, total kg CO2 eq 37,09 35,32 4,77% Particulate matter kg PM2.5 eq 0,02 0,02 4,06% Photochemical ozone formation kg NMVOC eq 0,11 0,10 6,99% Acidification molc H+ eq 0,16 0,15 4,45% Marine eutrophication molc N eq 0,04 0,04 3,32% Mineral, fossil & ren resource depletion kg Sb eq 0,001 0,001 0,60% 7 7 Chair Ecotool data input Goal 2 – Develop a tool to let other companies quickly assess the performance of their products 8 8 4
14-09-20 Ecotool results 9 9 Goal 3/4 – Find out the best way to communicate PEF results: Communication vehicles How to communicate PEF results – Different views from the companies (different markets) 10 10 5
14-09-20 Goal 5 – Be ready in case of PEF adoption at national GPP level Made Green in Italy is a National italian scheme based on PEF Role for associations (Pefcr) Low uptake at the moment Possible link with GPP 11 11 Pro - Reliable assertions - Useful for internal use - Detailed impact descriptions PEF - Enable quick evaluation with simple tools - Enable different kind of communication depending on the customer Pros and Cons - Important variables not taken into Cons consideration - Difficult data collection - More useful for stardard product with few components (construction?) - PEF Not enough recognized 12 12 6
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