Doctoral Programme in "Education Sciences and Psychology" - UniFI

Pagina creata da Raffaele Bonetti
Doctoral Programme in "Education Sciences and Psychology"
                                                          Cycle XXXIV

                                              Coordinator: Prof.ssa Vanna Boffo

PhD Student: Chiara Carletti

Year: II

Tutor: Professor Maria Rita Mancaniello

Scientific Sector (SSD): M-PED/01- General and Social Pedagogy

Research (title of the Thesis, if available): " The pedagogical category of irony: an investigation about its educational and
training capabilities and its value in relational dynamics and in the development of life and soft skills ".
Study Abroad                                University: University of Havana, Cuba
                                            Period: From 26/05/2019 to 5/06/2019
                                            Goal/s: Research and study activities for the magazine Comparative Cultural Studies -
                                            European and Latin American Perspectives, published by FUP, for the publication of two

unpublished issues on the theme of active teaching, in a comparison between Italy and

                                    China: Beijing, Jinan, Shanghai. "China Italy Innovation Forum", in collaboration with the
                                    City of Science (Naples) and the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
                                    Period: from November 24 th to December 1st, 2019.
                                    Goal/s: study and research activities during the week of Science, Technology and
Meeting & Seminars: Participation   Participation with a Paper

                                    Date: 7 th -8 th November 2019
                                    Title: International Conference - Educational Sciences and Psychology PhD Course
                                    “Scientific Research, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Educational and
                                    Psychological Sciences”. Title of Poster: "The pedagogical category of irony: a survey of
                                    its formative potential and its value in relational dynamics and in the development of life
                                    and soft skills".

                                    Date: 28 th September 2019
                                    Title: Conference "Ridere sul serio. La risata come linguaggio dell’anima" at University of
                                    Cuneo, Via Alessandro Ferraris di Celle n.2 - Cuneo.
                                    Title of speech: "Insegnare e apprendere con l’ironia. L’importanza di un pensiero

complesso nella società del XXI secolo".

Date: 20 th September 2018
Title: Conference " Dispersione, orientamento e inclusione scolastica: le azioni educative
nel Comune di Firenze ". Title of Paper: "L’Orientamento formativo: monitoraggio delle
azioni e presentazione di buone pratiche", University of Florence and Municipality of

Participation without a Paper
Date: 13 th January 2020
Title: "La didattica del sorriso. L’emozione di apprendere", at Palazzo Bertola - Reale
Mutua, Turin.

Date: 9 th December 2019
Title: "Teorie, Modelli e Strutture, Relazioni in educazione. Learning Outcomes e Docenza
Universitaria", at FORLILPSI Department, Florence.

Date: 18 th October 2019
Title: "Narrazione e formazione. Elementi educativi nei libri per l’infanzia", at Salone
Lombardo Radice, Palazzo Gerini, Florence.

Date: 10 th -11 st May 2019
Title: "Narrazione e formazione. Elementi educativi nei libri per l’infanzia" - University of

Date: 6 th -8 th May 2019
Title: "Promuovere Cittadinanza, costruire Comunità. Verso la via italiana al Service-
Learning" - First International Conference on Service Learning - Indire, University of Rome

Date: 29 th April 2019
Title: "Educare al dialogo interreligioso come pratica di pace" - University of Florence.

Date: 16 th November 2018
Title: International Symposium, "Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals
2030", UNESCO Chair (CONIUS) - University of Florence.

Date: 15 th November 2018
Title: International Interdisciplinary Workshop "Taking Care of Humans and Our Common
Home. How to integrate the Intangible and the Tangible in Co-growth Practices for SDG
2030" - University of Florence.

Date: 14 th November 2018
                           Title: Symposium on Peace Education - "The Future of Dialogue between Rival Groups in
                           a Hostile World-Implications for Education", Department of Education and Psychology,
                           University of Florence.
Summer & Winter Schools:   Date: 4 th -6 th July 2019
                           Title: Summer School : "Pedagogical research and internationalisation" - Otranto

Training Course/s          Date: February 5 th -6 th -7 th, 2019
                           Title: “Scrivere con successo un articolo scientifico e pubblicare sulle migliori riviste”
                           12 h e 2 CFU – Soft and Complementary Skills

                           Date: January 25 th, 2019
                           Title: “Insegnare a insegnare - Qualità nella progettazione e gestione del corso di
                           insegnamento: esperienze e buone pratiche” - University of Florence, Department of
                           Education Sciences and Psychology.

                           Period: January, 2019
                           Title: Training course “Approccio transdisciplinare ai Saperi”, UTC Lab, UNESCO Chairs,
                           University of Florence.

Language Certificate/s     Language:

Support Didactic          Date: 28 th September 2019
                          Title of Workshop "Ironia, life e soft skills per favorire un clima positivo in classe",
(Workshops, Seminars,…)   organized within the Conference "Ridere sul serio. La risata come linguaggio dell’anima"
                          at University of Cuneo, Via Alessandro Ferraris di Celle n.2 - Cuneo.

                          Date: 14 th -21 st March, 2019
                          Workshops "Unesco e gli obiettivi dello sviluppo sostenibile", at I.C “Macchiavelli”,
                          Florence, classes III F and IVF.

                          Date: 20 th June, 2019
                          Title: "Insegnare e apprendere con l’Ironia", teachers training at the Primary School "La
                          Miniera del Sapere", IC Spoleto 1 "Della Genga-Alighieri", Spoleto

                          Date: 6 th April, 2019
                          Title: "Insegnare e apprendere con l’Ironia", Teachers training at the Associazione
                          Progetto Arcobaleno (Florence).

                          Period: January-February-March 2019 (3 meetings)
                          Title: Teacher training and laboratory for children within the project "Diritti e Doveri: Io,
                          Noi, gli Altri " - Children's School of Andalo and Nuova Olonio, Istituto Comprensivo of
                          Delebio (SO).

Period: 17th -24th -31th October - 7th -14th -21th November 2018 - Academic Year 2018-
                                          Title: Laboratory of General Didactics (M-Z), within the course "General Didactics" Prof.
                                          Franceschini, University of Florence.
Publications: Books                       Title:
Publications: Articles in National        Title: “Genere, Educazione e Scuola. Si può fare qualcosa?”
                                          Magazine: Children Junior Editions
                                          Publication year: October 2019

Publications: Articles in International   Title of the article:
                                          Title of the Journal:

Publications: Chapter in edited books     Title of the chapter: “Antropologia dell’educazione e Etnografia scolastica”
                                          Book: Ricerca & Sviluppo Erickson (ed.) “Insegnare domani – Scuola secondaria. PROVA
                                          SCRITTA - Conoscenze antro-psico-pedagogiche, metodologie e tecnologie didattiche”
                                          Year: 2018
Publications: Book Reviews                Book:

Publications: Book Reports           Book: Conference Acts, “Building Bridges. Tra le due sponde. L’educazione interculturale
                                     all’epoca dei nuovi fondamentalismi. Quarta Giornata Interculturale Bicocca”.
                                     Year: 2016
Editorial assistant                  Series / Journal:


Reviewer                             Journal:


Member of national & international   Association:

Pedagogical Associations             Year/s:

Member of national & international   Association:

Psychological Associations           Year/s:

Other informations                   Certified professional anthropologist Anpia - Italian National Professional Association of

Florence, February 20 th, 2020

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