Valerio Pisaniello -
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Valerio Pisaniello | Academic curriculum Valerio Pisaniello Rome, 9th March 1987 Temporary Assistant Professor L-LIN/01 Historical and General Linguistics Department of Cultures and Civilizations | University of Verona | Current position 01/02/2018-Present Temporary Assistant Professor | University of Verona | Project PALaC Full-time Temporary Assistant Professor – Department of Cultures and Civilizations, University of Verona. Academic recruitment field: 10/G1 Historical and General Linguistics Academic sector: L-LIN/01 Historical and General Linguistics ERC Starting Grant Project “PALaC, Horizon 2020, Pre-classical Anatolian Languages in Contact”, Grant Agreement n. 757299, P.I. Prof. Federico Giusfredi. Education 2013-2016 | Ph.D. | Sapienza University of Rome Ph.D. with fellowship in Documentation Studies, Linguistics and Literature – Department of Document Studies, Linguistics, Philology and Geography, Sapienza University of Rome; 29th cycle – curriculum: Historical Linguistics. Ph.D. Dissertation: I suffissi verbali ittiti -anna/i- e -(e/i)šš(a)-: studio sincronico e diacronico con particolare riferimento alla categoria funzionale dell’aspetto verbale. Supervisors: Prof. Paolo Di Giovine; Dr. Marianna Pozza. External referees: Prof. Mauro Giorgieri, Prof. Johann Tischler. Final examination: 16th December 2016 | Final mark: full marks with honours. 2015 | Chicago, IL 1
Valerio Pisaniello | Academic curriculum Two months research stay at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Reference Professor: Prof. Theo van den Hout. 2010-2012 | Master’s degree | Sapienza University of Rome Master’s degree in Philology, Literatures and History of the Ancient World – Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sapienza University of Rome. Thesis in Historical and General Linguistics (L-LIN/01): Luvi e Ittiti: una messa a punto del contatto linguistico. Supervisors: Prof. Alfonso Archi; Dr. Marianna Pozza. Final examination: 16th January 2013 | Final mark: full marks with honours. 2006-2010 | Bachelor’s degree | Sapienza University of Rome Bachelor’s degree in Classics – Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sapienza University of Rome. Thesis in Anatolian Studies (L-OR/04): La terminologia della preghiera ittita. Supervisor: Prof. Alfonso Archi. Final examination: 17th December 2010 | Final mark: full marks with honours. Selected courses and workshops 15/03/2017-17/05/2017 | Sapienza University of Rome Seminario di lingua e cultura urartea (Prof. Marie Claude Trémouille). 07/02/2017-09/03/2017 | Sapienza University of Rome Corso intensivo di Lingua e Letteratura dell’Etiopia tardoantica (Prof. Alessandro Bausi). 05/09/2016-08/09/2016 | University of Udine Summer School of the Società Italiana di Glottologia. 04/03/2016-29/04/2016 | Sapienza University of Rome Principali concetti della struttura informativa e la tipologia delle costruzioni scisse (I-IV) (Prof. Giorgio Banti). 27/11/2015-11/12/2015 | Sapienza University of Rome Introduzione alla lingua e alla letteratura pâli (Dr. Giuliano Giustarini). 2
Valerio Pisaniello | Academic curriculum 20/11/2014-21/11/2014 | Sapienza University of Rome Proto-Indo-European Nominal Composition and its Development in Indo-Iranian, Greek, Italic, Germanic and Balto-Slavic (Prof. Velizar Sadovski). 23/06/2014-29/06/2014 | Sapienza University of Rome A Course in Phrygian (Prof. Alexander Lubotsky). 16/05/2014-26/05/2014 | Sapienza University of Rome Indoeuropeo: problemi della ricostruzione (Prof. Alexander Lubotsky). 08/04/2014-30/05/2014 | Sapienza University of Rome Introduzione alla lingua e alla cultura del Regno di Urartu (Prof. Marie Claude Trémouille). 01/04/2014-04/04/2014 | Sapienza University of Rome Letture vediche: l’Atharvaveda (Prof. Alexander Lubotsky). 13/06/2013-14/06/2013 | Sapienza University of Rome Introduzione alla lingua elamica. Grammatica e testi (Dr. Gian Pietro Basello). 28/02/2013-09/05/2013 | Sapienza University of Rome Seminario mediopersiano (Prof. Domenico Agostini). 23/01/2013-24/01/2013 | Sapienza University of Rome Grammatica storica della lingua avestica, I: introduzione al corpus avestico; II: Fonologia avestica (Prof. Velizar Sadovski). Research activities From 01/02/2018 | University of Verona ERC Starting Grant Project “PALaC, Horizon 2020, Pre-classical Anatolian Languages in Contact”, Grant Agreement n. 757299. P.I. Prof. Federico Giusfredi 2017-2018 | Sapienza University of Rome Research Project “Le vie del culto. Gli itinerari cultuali ittiti verso l’Anatolia centro- settentrionale e le influenze dei culti locali sulla religione di stato ittita dall’Antico Regno all’Età Imperiale” (external collaborator). P.I. Dr. Rita Francia. 3
Valerio Pisaniello | Academic curriculum 2016-2017 | Sapienza University of Rome Research Project “Atlas of the Ancient Near East (AANE)” (external collaborator). P.I. Dr. Marco Ramazzotti. 2015-2016 | Sapienza University of Rome Research Project “Writing Techniques vs Technologies for Writing”. P.I. Dr. Lorenzo Verderame. 2014-2015 | Sapienza University of Rome Research Project “L’archivio di tavolette del Complesso B-H-C di Büyükkale e l’organizzazione degli archivi reali ittiti”. P.I. Dr. Rita Francia. Teaching experience 2018-2019 | University of Verona Course “Language and culture of Ancient Anatolia and the Hittites” (10 hours) for the Bachelor’s degree in Arts and Humanities (coordinator: Prof. Federico Giusfredi). 2018-2019 | University of Verona Course “General Linguistics” (54 hours) for the Bachelor’s degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures. 14/06/2017-27/01/2018 | Guglielmo Marconi University Tutor for the courses of Italian literature, Latin literature, General linguistics, and Greek language. 2015-2017 | Sapienza University of Rome Several lessons about topics of General linguistics, Indo-European studies, and Hittitology. Publications 1. “Il sumerogramma IR nei testi ittiti”, «Vicino Oriente» 17 (2013), pp. 175-178 (ISSN 0393- 0300). 2. “Parallel Passages among Hittite-Luwian Rituals: for the Restoration of KUB 35.146”, «Vicino Oriente» 19 (2015), pp. 25-37 (ISSN 0393-0300). 4
Valerio Pisaniello | Academic curriculum 3. “La collezione di tavolette del complesso B-C-H di Büyükkale”, «Vicino Oriente» 19 (2015), pp. 265-295 (ISSN 0393-0300). 4. “Il suffisso verbale ittita -anna/i-: Aktionsart durativa o aspetto imperfettivo?”, in P. Cordin, A. Parenti (eds.), Problemi e prospettive della linguistica storica. Atti del XL Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia. Trento 22-24 ottobre 2015, Il Calamo, Roma, 2016, pp. 151-159 (ISBN 9788898640171). 5. “Hittite (NINDA) kaz(za)mi(t)-”, «Vicino Oriente» 21 (2017), pp. 71-82 (ISSN 0393-0300). 6. “Osservazioni su un’iscrizione in caratteri sconosciuti in un contratto babilonese di epoca achemenide”, in J.A. Álvarez-Pedrosa, M.C. Benvenuto, F. Pompeo (eds.), Del Indo al Egeo. Relaciones culturales y lingüísticas en el interior del Imperio aqueménida, Escolar y Mayo, Madrid, 2017, pp. 125-143 (ISBN 978-84-17134-22-8). 7. “A Remark on a Paragraph in the Ritual of the ‘Old Woman’ Tunnawiya”, «Incontri Linguistici» 40 (2017), pp. 67-73 (ISSN 0390-2412). 8. “Four alleged Hittite verbs with the suffix -anna/i-”, «Rivista degli Studi Orientali» 90 (2017), pp. 11-25 (ISSN 0392-4866). 9. Recensione a Maria Napoli, Miriam Ravetto (eds.), Exploring Intensification. Synchronic, diachronic and cross-linguistic perspectives («Studies in Language Companion Series», 189), Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2017, pp. vii-394, «Archivio Glottologico Italiano» 102/2 (2017), pp. 242-250 (ISSN 0004-0207). 10. “Three Cuneiform Notes” (with Federico Giusfredi), «Bibliotheca Orientalis» 76/1-2 (in corso di stampa) (ISSN 0006-1913). Conference presentations 22/02/2019 | University of Verona “Phraseology and literary topoi between the Aegean, Anatolia and the Ancient Near East” (with Prof. Federico Giusfredi and Dr. Stella Merlin), Workshop “Languages and Cultures in Contact in the Ancient Mediterranean”. 21/02/2019 | Sapienza University of Rome “Problemi di gestione dello spazio epigrafico: il caso dei rientri sulle tavolette ittite”, II incontro GRISeF: Spazio umano e spazio divino. Pensare e gestire la spazialità nel Vicino Oriente antico. 07/02/2019 | Sapienza University of Rome 5
Valerio Pisaniello | Academic curriculum “Anatolian and Greek meet in Lycia: problems of language contact” (with Dr. Stella Merlin), International Conference “Word formation, grammar and lexicology in a multilingual context: between comparative-historical, theoretical, and computational corpus linguistics”. 20/07/2018 | Innsbruck “Writing in Focus: mistakes as traces of cognitive behavior and more… in some Anatolian languages of the 2nd millennium BCE” (with Prof. Paola Cotticelli-Kurras and Dr. Alfredo Rizza), 64th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. 20/06/2018 | Ascona “Cultural Contact and Language Contact in Iron Age Syria and Anatolia: A Preliminary Assessment” (with Prof. Federico Giusfredi), Beyond All Boundaries: Anatolia in the 1st Millennium B.C. 17/05/2018 | Oxford “Linguistic Strategies in Filiation Formulas: Data from Lycian-Greek Bilingual Texts” (with Dr. Stella Merlin), Joint Colloquia in Indo-European Linguistics: Variation and Contact in the Ancient Indo-European Languages: Between Linguistics and Philology / Variazione e contatto nelle lingue indoeuropee antiche: fra linguistica e filologia. 01/03/2018 | University of Verona “La funzione del suffisso verbale -ssa- in luvio”, 1st meeting of Giovani Ricercatori Italiani di Assiriologia. 04/12/2017 | Fondazione Leusso “Lo sviluppo del genere femminile in indoeuropeo: lo stato della questione” (with Dr. Francesco Pirozzi), Incontri linguistici del lunedì in memoria di Tullio De Mauro. 03/06/2016 | Complutense University of Madrid “Frigi a Persepoli? Note sulla tavoletta frigia nell’archivio della Fortificazione” (with Dr. Francesco Pirozzi), II seminario internazionale: Contactos culturales y lingüísticos en el Irán aqueménida, “Todos los caminos conducen a Susa”. 23/10/2015 | University of Trento “Il suffisso verbale ittita -anna/i-: Aktionsart durativa o aspetto imperfettivo?”, XL Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana di Glottologia “Problemi e prospettive della linguistica storica”. 11/05/2015 | Sapienza University of Roma “Osservazioni su un’iscrizione in caratteri sconosciuti in un contratto babilonese di epoca achemenide”, Seminario Italo-Spagnolo “Dall’Indo all’Egeo: contatti culturali e linguistici attraverso e all’interno dell’Iran achemenide”. 6
Valerio Pisaniello | Academic curriculum Language skills Native language: Italian Other modern languages: English: very good knowledge of written and spoken language. German: good reading and understanding skills. Ancient languages: Greek, Latin, Hittite, Luwian, Palaic, Sumerian, Akkadian, Lycian. Professional memberships PALaC | Pre-classical Anatolian Languages in Contact Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese (SGM) International Association for Assyriology (IAA) Giovani Ricercatori Italiani di Storia e Filologia del Vicino Oriente Antico (GRISeF-VOA) Other Member of the Editorial board of the journal Archiv Orientální (ISSN 0044 8699). Winner of a fellowship for Ph.D. programme in Philology and History of the Ancient World (curriculum of Near- and Middle-East Philology), Sapienza University of Rome (29th cycle). Verona, 4th April 2019 Dr. Valerio Pisaniello 7
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