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IT SusChem (SusChem Italy), the Italian Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry: main features and activities of the Industrial Biotech section Luigi Busetto & Fabio Fava Fabio Fava: Faculty of Engineering. Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna DICAM, Via Terracini 28, I-401. Bologna, Italy Phone: +39 051 2090330 2090330, Fax: +39 051 2090348 E-mail: 1
Biomass and biowaste: biowaste: strategic feedstocks for the modern Chemical Industry The EU Chemical industry is world leader and a major contributor to the EU economy in terms of revenues, revenues trade balance and employment. It supplies chemicals but also new products/materials for other industries (2009: 24% of the world turnover, which was 1,871 billions of euros; The Italian Chemical Industryy is the 4th producer in EU, with 50 billions € of turnover and 127.000 employees). However, the sector's competitiveness is at risk due to relatively high cost of production, production low market growth, growth and delocalization of customer industries. Innovation and sustainability are key drivers for its future competitiveness and for allowing it to fulfilling Europe's vision of a sustainable and competitive p knowledge-based g bioeconomy.y The use of innovative and more sustainable production processes and of biomasses and/or biowastes as feedstocks (instead of petroleum) will enable the Chemical Industry to become more sustainable, to generate new/improved bio-based chemicals and materials and this would results in innovation and new competitiveness. 2
Tools for boosting IB in Italy: the Technology Platform IT SusChem L. Busetto (Coordinator ad interim, UniBO) GCenti (Sci.Coord, ETPSusChem Mirror group, UniME) N.Barbini (Federchimica, Board ETP-SusChem) Board G. Pieri ((ETP SusChem Mirror Group) p) P. Tundo (UniVE) V. Pignatelli (ENEA) S. Viticoli (CNR) Horizontal Issues F. Cavani ((UniBO)) F.Santarelli /P.Bonora(SCI) Secretariat A. Di Sandro (UniBO) Reaction and Scientific committee: Industrial Materials 57 members: Biotechnology Process Design F. Fava (UniBO) Technology E. Santacesaria (UniNA) 9 Companies J M Kenny (UniPG) J.M. A Ricci (UniBO) A. Federchimica/Assobiotec Federambiente 20 Universities 4 CNR Institutes ENEA, C.R.A. 3 Interuniversity consortia 6 Scientific associations Promoted by the University of Bologna in March 2006 under the auspices of CRUI, in cooperation with Federchimica, Assobiotec, Federambiente, 50 SMEs, CNR, ENEA, C.R.A., SCI, 9 Interuniversity Consortia, several 3 scientific/environmental associations, Centers of Excellence, Banks, etc.
More sustainable bio- bio- processes and bio- bio-products from Biomass/Biowaste Biomass/ Biowaste Proper enzymes Biospecialties and/or microbes Fine chemicals Food ingredients Pharma i suitable in i bl biotech bi h Pharmaceuticals processes Food Fine chemicals Physical & biochemical treatment Biomaterials Bi t i l Biopolymers Biomasses Sugars Lubricants,Fibers g o ood Agro-Food Cosmetics Lipids, Proteins Pigments Proteins Pigments,Proteins by-products, Chemical wastes, surplus other chemicals Textile Base Chemicals Organic acids I & II Metabolites Fatty acids, aminoacids,phenols antioxidants fibers antioxidants, fibers, Biofuels Bi f l pigments, .. Ethanol, Energy Food Fuels Methane, Bulk chemicals Cosmetics Hydrogen 4 Chemical
Integrated, multipurpose biorefinery BIOREFINERY Biomass Chemicals Biomaterials Agro-food Agro- Biofuels byproducts, b prod cts, byproducts effluents,, effluents wastes,, wastes surplus 5
Improved sustainability by biomass feedstocks & bioprocessing Conventional technology gy (e.g., CO2 , toxxic ollution chhemicals) Po Biobased technology Economic Growth (e.g., employment) 6
Improved competitiveness by biomass feedstocks & bioprocessing Sales of biobased products 2007:48 bil € (3,5% of total chemical sales) 2012:135 bil € (7,7% of total chemical sales) 2017: 340 bil € (15,4% (15 4% of total chemical sales) G. Festel (EFIB 2009, Lisbon, October 2009; OECD workshop Vienna workshop, Vienna, January 2010)
More sustainable bio- bio- processes and bio- bio-products from Biomass/Biowaste Biomass/ Biowaste Proper enzymes Biospecialties and/or microbes Food ingredients Fine chemicals i suitable in i bl biotech bi h Pharmaceuticals processes Fine chemicals Physical & biochemical treatment Biomaterials Bi t i l Biopolymers Biomasses Sugars Lubricants,Fibers g o ood Agro-Food Pigments Proteins Pigments,Proteins by-products, Lipids, Proteins wastes, surplus other chemicals Base Chemicals Organic acids I & II Metabolites Fatty acids, aminoacids,phenols antioxidants fibers antioxidants, fibers, Biofuels Bi f l pigments, .. Ethanol, Methane, Bulk chemicals Hydrogen 8
Scientific Committee of Industrial Biotech section of IT SusChem 1. Fabio Fava (Università di Bologna, IB-EG ETPSusChem, ERA-IB), Coordinatore 2. Laura Bardi (Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura- Roma) 3. Riccardo Basosi (Università di Siena) 4 Catia 4. C i Bastioli B i li (Novamont, (N N Novara) ) 5. Gianluca Cencia (Federambiente, Roma) 6. Lucia Gardossi (Ass.Biocatalisi Biosep.,Univ. Trieste, ESAB, IB-EGETP SusChem) 7 Marco 7. M G bb tti (Università Gobbetti (U i ità di Bari) B i) 8. Gabriele Iorio (GRICU & Università della Calabria) 9. Dario Giordano (Mossi & Ghisolfi) 10 Mauro Majone (Università di Roma “La 10. La Sapienza Sapienza”)) 11. Giuseppe Martini (CNR, Roma) 12. Roberto Morabito (ENEA Casaccia, Roma) 13 Patrizia Perego (Federchimica & Università di Genova) 13. 14. Danilo Porro (Università di Milano-Bicocca & EFB & Com. Min. Biotec. Industriali) 15. Sergio Riva (CNR, Milano) 16 Enrico Rizzarelli (Università di Catania) 16. 17. Giovanni Sannia (Università di Napoli “Federico II” & IB-EG ETP SusChem) 18. Danilo Santoro (Biophil Spa, Milano) pp Scarascia-Mugnozza 19. Giuseppe g ((CRA,, Roma)) 20. Leonardo Vingiani (Assobiotec, Roma) 9
National consultation on Industrial Biotech expertise Universities and needs Industries & Spin off Polytechnic of Milano Research Centers Agrifutur srl, srl Alfianello, Alfianello Brescia Center for Biocatalysis & Bioeng Bioeng. of Macromolecules (NSF) Polytechnic of Torino Agri2000 Soc. Coop. Bologna CIRPEB Napoli Polytechnic of Marche Agrolabo S.p.A, Scarmagno, TO CNR Bari University of Bari AlfaWassermann S.p.A., Bologna CNR Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare, Catania University of Basilicata Biospehere SpA, Bertinoro (FC) CNR Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare, Napoli University of Bologna BioDec srl. Casalecchio di Reno (BO) CNR Sesto Fiorentino (FI) University of Cagliari Bioman Srl, Colleretto Giacosa (TO) CNR, Istituto di Chimica del Riconoscimento Molecolare, University of Calabria Biopaint Srl, Colleretto Giacosa (TO) Milano University of Camerino Biosearch Ambiente srl. Torino Int. Centre for Genetic Eng. & Biotech. (ICGEB) University of Caserta Biotecnologie BT Srl, Todi, Perugia Stazione Sperimentale Oli e Grassi University of Catania Cestec S.p.A.Milano Stazione Sperimentale per la Seta University y of EasternPiedmont CSL SpA, p , Zelo Buon Persico ((LO)) ENEA C. R. Casaccia ((RM)) University of Ferrara Diaspa S.P.A. Corana, PV ENEA C. R. Trisaia (MT) University of Firenze Diasorin S.p.A., Saluggia (VC) ENEA Bologna, Bologna University of Genova ENI SpA S. Donato Milanese (MI) & Monterotondo CRPA, Reggio Emilia University of Insubria (RM) CRPV, Imola University of L’Aquila Fatro SpA, Ozzano Emilia (BO) CRA (Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in University of Messina Flamma S.p.A., S p A Chignolo Isola Isola, BG Agricoltura) Roma University of Milano Gnosis SpA, Desio MI CIRB, Bologna University of Milano-Bicocca Granarolo SpA,Bologna University of Modena e Reggio Emilia Krabe Chemie Italia srl. Bernate Ticino (MI) University of Molise Ktedogen SRL Malnate (VA) University of Napoli II Lesepidado srl. Bologna Others University of Napoli- Federico II Marcopolo Eng. S.p.A., Borgo S. Dalmazzo, Cuneo Associazione Italiana Energia del Legno (AIEL) University of Padova Naturmed, Chieti Associazione Interreg. Olivicola Medio Adriatico (AIOMA) University of Palermo Novamont S.p.A. Novara Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori (CIA) University of Parma Phenbiox, Bologna Consorzio Nazionale Olivicoltori (CNO) University of Pavia Resindion srl, Binasco (MI) LIBI, Laboratorio Internazionale di Bioinformatica, Bologna University of Perugia SERECO BIOTEST Perugia Bi i d t Park Bioindustry P k Canavese C spa. Colleretto C ll tt Giacosa Gi (TO) University of Piacenza Sograf Chemicals srl Parco Tecnologico Padano, Lodi University of Pisa SPES s.c.p.a, Fabriano (AN) Associazione Biocatalisi e Bioseparazioni University of Potenza Synbiotec srl, Camerino (MC) ANBI (Associazione Nazionale Biotecnologi Italiani) University of Roma-La Sapienza Interuniversity Consortium INSTM University of Salerno Interuniversityy Consortium CIRCC U i University it off Si Siena Interuniversity Consortium CIRCMSB University of Teramo Interuniversity Consortium INBB University of Torino Interuniversity Consortium CIB University of Trieste Consorzio di Ricerche Applicate alla Biotecnologia (CRAB) University of Verona 10 University of Viterbo
For more on the IB sector and the strategies for boosting it in Italy… IT-SusChem Official Website it h it In the website: Platform Vision Document (in English and in Italian) D Developed l d through th h a 3 months th national ti l consultation lt ti and submitted to the main Italian Ministries and Scientific Authorities and to DG Research offices, ETP- SusChem & related ETPs (ie, Food for Life) List of IT-SusChem Stakeholders and Endorsement Structuring and Planning News Research & Innovation Events for a Sustainable Press Coverage Chemistry in Italy A dedicated email: 11
IT SusChem SusChem:: activities & main achievements Participation in the Polo Innovazione Piemontese Chimica Sostenibile Promotion of Inter Regional Cooperation initiatives (Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Umbria). Affecting National and Regional Strategic R&D Programs on sustainable chemistry Contribution to the alignment of European Research Funding Systems (i VII FP) and (i.e. d the th Italian It li Systems S t (N ti (National l Research R h Programs). P ) Monitoring of the Public and Private R&D expertise in the Sector Dissemination activities on bio-based economy at fairs, conferences, etc F Fava participation in the ERANET Industrial Biotech (as observer) F Fava participation in OECD task force Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Biotechnology and in the Ad hoc advisory group on biobased chemicals at the DG Enterprice and Industry (Brussuels) F Fava member of Ad-hoc Advisory Group for the Lead Market Initiative for Biobased Products, DG Enterprise and Industry F Fava member of Key Enabling Technologies (KET) on Industrial Biotechnology (European Parliament); F Fava member of the Core Group of the Industrial Biotechnology of ETP SusChem
Meetings, events, brokerage 2006/2007 Lancio della Piattaforma Nazionale IT- SusChem, Bologna - 23 October 2006 La Chimica Sostenibile nel 7PQ: quali opportunità?, Milano - 26 February 2007 Seminario: Le biotecnologie. Analisi e opportunità di sviluppo per un settore strategico dell’economia italiana, Roma 20 March 2007 Workshop Europeo del progetto "Towards sustainable sugar industry in Europe, TOSSIE 2008 (VIFP)“, Ferrara, 25-26 January, 2007 Workshop BioenergyEU "Italic4: World, Science Verona, 7/10& February Technology 2008of Biomasses.“, Monte Porzio Catone (Roma) 8-10 May, 2007 for Society - Krakow Poland 11-15 May 2008 Catalysis Conferenze Bioforum 2008,di ambiente Milano, -1-2 Diventa June protagonista 2008 dello sviluppo sostenibile, Rimini, 16-21 May 2007 2009 Workshop g Italian Nazionale XVII Congresso Spring in Japan della -Divisione The challenge of Biotechnologies, di Chimica Osaka University Industriale, Genova, Suita 30- 3 Julyy 2008 C Campus, 1 15 – 16 M May, 200 2007 Annual Meeting of the Suschem national Platform, Torino 15 September 2008 Chimica Finanziamenti Sostenibile: ETP SusChem regionali MirrordaGroup e nazionali possibile visione meeting, a 2009 realtà, Torino, per l'Associazione Università 16 September Roma IT-SusChem. 2008 La Sapienza - 21 September Le opportunità 2007 “Leadership per la chemical in Europe´s chimica eclusters”, le biotecnologie ambientali Lyon 29 September e industriali 2008 Bioforum 2007, Università degli Studi di Milano, 25-26 September 2007 WorldNovara, o aCIA a, Chimica 7 maggio agg oIndustria 2009 009 e Ambiente 2008, Monaco, Monaco 20-23 20 23 November 2008 Rassegna R RICHMAC RICHMAC, Fieramilano, Fi il 2 2-5 5O October t b 2007 2010 IlEcomondo SusChem Festival della Italy 2008, partecipa Rimini Scienza, Fiera, a5-8 Genova 25ACHEMA November October - 2009 6 2008 November 2007 ECOMONDO 29. International Vari meetings Exhibition-Congress 2007,nazionali Fiera di Rimini, 7-10 November on 2007 Chemical Engineering, Environmental Industrial Protection SusChem and partecipa Italy Biotechnology Biotechnology, a ACHEMA International Frankfurt 2009 am Main,Napoli, Conference(IBIC), 11 - 15 Maggio 8-11 2009 June 2008 CIAECOMONDO 29.Chi Chimica I d2007 2007, i - Industria International eFiera FiAmbiente, A bidi Ri Rimini, t iExhibition-CongressAi i 7 t Assago 7-10 10 Mil N November Milano, on 25 b 25-28 28 O Chemical 2009b (Bioremediation October (Bi t Engineering, 2007 diEnvironmental ti & Biorefinery) Protection and Biotechnology, Frankfurt am Main, 11 - 15 Maggio 2009 ECOMONDO 20010, Fiera di Rimini, 3-5 November 2010 (Bioremediation and Biorefinery initiatives) 13
14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (14thIBS) Rimini, September 14-18, 2010
Organizers of the 14thIBS Industrial Biotechnology Italian Platforms for the Knowledge Based Bio Economy (KBBE) 15
IT SusChem & SusChem Italy gave rise an association ASSOCIATION To have a formal and more dinamic institutional organization g able to: A) mediate a more effective integration between accademica and industry on specific R&D subjects, and B) participate in EU and national projects. projects 16
IT SusChem association association:: founders • Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna • Consorzio RTC (Cosmetic Research and Technologies) • CNR – DPM (Dip (Dip. Progettazione Molecolare del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) • Polo Piemontese per la Chimica Sostenibile - Provincia di Novara • SCI – Società Chimica Italiana 17
IT SusChem association association:: website 18
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