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TOP EVENTS IN CAMPO TURES SPEIKBODEN | SNOW HANDBALL T OURNAMENT The SSV Sand in Taufers handball and Speikboden AG present the 9th Snow Handball She & He Mixed Tournament on April 13th 2019! - from 10 am - Games are played on SNOW - Games are played according to the rules of beach handball Town: Sand in Taufers On 13.04.2019 Saturday: 10:00 - 16:30 o'clock SPEIKBODEN | CHRIST OF INNERHOFER FANCLUB- RACE The traditional race in honor of Christof Innerhofer, local ski champion. Registration for the ski race until Friday, 12th of April: Cableways Speikboden (Tel 0474 678122 -; Geschäft Almar Luttach (Tel 0474 671764 -; Live music - Enzianhütte: Vollgas Band Town: Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures On 14.04.2019 Sunday: 08:30 - 16:30 o'clock
SÜDT IROL BALANCE | T RASPIRANT E E SPIRIT UALE Conosci lo stato più naturale del mondo? Lascia andare la vita quotidiana, arriva nel “Adesso” e immergiti con la tua testa e il tuo cuore nella natura selvaggia. Sulle tracce dell'essenziale ... Il percorso conduce alla semplicità, alla natura, a te stesso: con sensi aperti e passi consapevoli andando con piedi nudi sulla terra nell'erba soffice dei prati di montagna, con esercizi di respirazione profonde pure e assorbire l’aria fresca di montagna, con l'effetto benefico dalla cascata che migliora il benessere, usa il potere dell'acqua fredda quando calpesti un ruscello di montagna .... Sulle tracce dello Spirito Santo ...... un luogo particolarmente energetico di potere ti invita a fermare e sentire: la famosa Cappella dello Spirito Santo di Casere. Torniamo nutriti e pieni delle forze della natura, diverso da come siamo venuti. Esperta: Veronika Trojer Prezzo: € 22 a persona € 10 per ospiti degli esercizi partner Balance € 0 nel pacchetto di un esercizio partner Balance Town: Casere/Kasern On 27.05.2019 Monday: 10:00 - 15:00 o'clock On 03.06.2019 Monday: 10:00 - 15:00 o'clock On 10.06.2019 Monday: 10:00 - 15:00 o'clock
SÜDT IROL BALANCE | T RASPIRANT E E SPIRIT UALE La camminata in montagna è una pratica che va imparata. Stefan Fauster avrà piacere di svelarci tecnica e consigli per affrontare al meglio le salite e discese di questa escursione di tre – quattro ore nel paesaggio alpino delle Valli di Tures e Aurina. Camminando, Stefan ci insegna come fare i passi in modo corretto e consapevole, come avvicinarci correttamente al pendio e come ognuno di noi possa esplorare a modo suo questa inesauribile fonte di natura e quiete a ogni ora del giorno e in ogni stagione dell’anno. Durante la merenda ci sarà modo di scoprire fatti e curiosità sull’economia del bene comune, filosofia alla quale Stefan si dedica da molto tempo. Esperto: Stefan Fauster Prezzo: € 22 a persona € 10 per ospiti degli esercizi partner Balance € 0 nel pacchetto di un esercizio partner Balance Town: Acereto/Ahornach On 29.05.2019 Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00 o'clock On 05.06.2019 Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00 o'clock On 12.06.2019 Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00 o'clock
ALT O ADIGE SÜDT IROL BALANCE | YOGA Lo yoga è una disciplina filosofica originaria dell'India. Comprende esercizi fisici e mentali. È il cammino verso la conoscenza di se stessi. Assieme alla nostra esperta intraprenderemo questo emozionante cammino. Ci avvicineremo alle sponde del lago di Neves, gelido e cristallino. Ci lasceremo avvolgere dal blu dell'acqua, dal verde dei prati e dall'azzurro del cielo. Spingeremo lo sguardo fino al lontano orizzonte, dominato dal profilo del Mesule, della Punta Bianca e del Gran Pilastro. E percepiremo la forza della terra. Muovendoci con gesti fluidi al ritmo del vento, sentiremo penetrare lentamente in noi l'energia del giorno che volge al termine. Prezzo: € 15,00 a persona € 7,50 per ospiti degli esercizi partner Balance € 0,00 nel pacchetto di un esercizio partner Balance Town: Neves lake - Lappago/Lappach On 31.05.2019 Friday: 15:00 - 17:00 o'clock On 07.06.2019 Friday: 15:00 - 17:00 o'clock On 14.06.2019 Friday: 15:00 - 17:00 o'clock PENT ECOST FEST IVAL IN MOLINI-MÜHLEN The locals know how to celebrate parties and like to do it at every opportunity: And Pentecost offers excellent opportunity! With music, dance, entertainment, music program Town: Molini - Mühlen On 08.06.2019 Saturday On 09.06.2019 Sunday
SÜDT IROL BALANCE | T IME OUT IN HARMONY Magical, elemental places do still exist. Places of power that exist to the beat of their own drum, a rhythm that is many thousands of years old. Where the idea of slowing down is no empty promise. Heilig Geist (Holy Spirit) right at the head of the Ahrntal valley is one such place. Here, breathing in and finding oneself seems to come more easily, and the heart beats slightly slower. Here, surrounded by the imposing three-thousand-metre-plus mountains of the Rieserferner Ahrn nature reserve, a truly special balance experience is just waiting for you: immerse yourself for three days in the power, simplicity and pristine nature of the mountains. In your own rhythm, your own tune. Experience both community and solitude whilst hiking, meditating and yodelling. For 3 days just YOU and the mountains. YOU and an old farmhouse, a crackling camp fire, your voice in the wind, a congenial yodeller. YOU and the silence. The leisurely pace determined by nature. A tent under the stars, an alpine dairyman, a hiking guide and outdoor educator. YOU and your being. 18.06.-20.06.2019 19.06.-21.06.2019 20.06.-22.06.2019 Three days incuding 2 overnight stays: € 499 Town: Valli di Tures e Aurina On 18.06.2019 Tuesday On 19.06.2019 Wednesday On 20.06.2019 Thursday
YOGADORF T AUFERER AHRNT AL Town: On 28.06.2019 Friday On 29.06.2019 Saturday On 30.06.2019 Sunday MUSIKULT UR T AUFERS: URBAN BRASS The brass quintet "Urban Brass" was founded in 2015 by students of the Musikhochschule Stuttgart. Its members have already played in numerous top- class youth and professional orchestras - including the Bundesjugendorchester, the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie, the Bamberger Symphoniker, the Stuttgarter Philharmoniker and the symphony orchestras of Hessischer Rundfunk, Berliner Rundfunk and Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk. Town: Campo Tures - Sand in Taufers On 22.07.2019 Monday: 20:30 - 00:00 o'clock MIDSUMMER FEST IVAL IN SAND IN T AUFERS/CAMPO T URES Brunch, dancing to waltz rhythms, ambitious music bands, and at midday one of the highlights - the big parade : that is the midsummer festival, the meeting point of locals and holiday guests! Town: Sand in Taufers / Campo Tures On 15.08.2019 Thursday: 11:00 - 00:00 o'clock
MUSIKULT UR T AUFERS: LIBERAT IO Concert with choirs and orchestra in Campo Tures, centre Town: Campo Tures - Sand in Taufers On 23.08.2019 Friday: 20:30 - 00:00 o'clock JOVA BEACH PART Y The 2019 Jova Beach Party will not be limited to simple live shows, but it will turn Italian beaches into a sort of event village, with concerts, meetings, presentations and a temporary shop. On stage the music of Jovanotti, the hits of his career and his idea of party live in an experience that starts with the sun and ends in the moonlight. In short, the show in 2019 will be much more than a simple live. More than a stage, more than a stadium, more than a festival, much more than a concert. JOVA BEACH PARTY is a temporary city, a village on the beach, a new concert format, a happening for the new time. There is the sea, music, people, life. Made in close collaboration with Lignano Sabbiadoro, Rimini, Castel Volturno, Ladispoli, Barletta, Olbia, Albenga, Viareggio, Lido di Fermo, Praia a Mare, Roccella Jonica, Vasto and Kronplatz/ Plan de Corones. Town: Plan de Corones On 24.08.2019 Saturday: 14:00 - 20:00 o'clock
SÜDT IROL BALANCE | DIE KRAFT IN UNS Town: Lappago/Lappach On 18.09.2019 Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00 o'clock On 25.09.2019 Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00 o'clock On 02.10.2019 Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00 o'clock T HE DEVILS-RUN The stamping of hooves will send a cold shiver down your spine. A wild mob dressed up with furs, long coats and horns on their traditional masks (Lorfn) are on their way. The Devils outfits are impressive but the wooden masks are an art in their own right. In these often very heavy hand crafted wooden “Lorfn” much imaginative detail can be seen. Together with rattling chains, deafening cows bells, fire spitting little devils and cheeky witches (Perchten) the spectacle and indeed the illusion is complete. The rite harks back to legend. One which tells the story of times of famine where young farmers, men from high up in the mountains dressed in animal furs and horns, went off on raids. Town: Sand in Taufers - Campo Tures On 07.12.2019 Saturday: 18:00 - 00:00 o'clock WINT ER EXT REME BARBECUE CONT EST The fifth KCBS-sanctioned contest in Europe. See website: Town: Riva-Rein On 18.01.2020 Saturday On 19.01.2020 Sunday
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