Pagina creata da Nicolo' Andreoli
                                   Rivista scientifica a cura del Comitato Etico
                                   della Fondazione Umberto Veronesi
Volume 6 ■ 2021 ■ ISSN 2421-3039
                      Rivista scientifica
                      del Comitato Etico
                      della Fondazione Umberto Veronesi
                      ISSN 2421-3039
                      Via Solferino, 19
                      20121, Milano

                                      Comitato di direzione                      and Political Science, UK); Gilda
                                                                                 Ferrando (Università degli Studi di
                                      Direttore                                  Genova); Giuseppe Ferraro (Univer-
                                      Marco Annoni (Consiglio Nazionale          sità degli Studi di Napoli Federico
                                      delle Ricerche-CNR e Fondazione            II); Giovanni Maria Flick (Presidente
                                      Umberto Veronesi)                          emerito della Corte costituzionale);
                                                                                 Nicole Foeger (Austrian Agency for
                                      Condirettori                               Research Integrity-OeAWI, Vienna,
                                      Cinzia Caporale (Consiglio Naziona-        e Presidente European Network for
                                      le delle Ricerche-CNR)                     Research Integrity Offices – ENRIO);
                                      Carlo Alberto Redi (Università degli       Tommaso Edoardo Frosini (Universi-
                                      Studi di Pavia, Accademia dei Lincei)      tà degli Studi Suor Orsola Beninca-
                                      Silvia Veronesi (Fondazione Umber-         sa, Napoli); Filippo Giordano (Libera
                                      to Veronesi)                               Università Maria Ss. Assunta-LUM-
                                                                                 SA, Roma); Giorgio Giovannetti (Rai
                                      Direttore responsabile                     − Radiotelevisione Italiana S.p.A.);
                                      Donatella Barus (Fondazione Um-            Vittorio Andrea Guardamagna (Isti-
                                      berto Veronesi)                            tuto Europeo di Oncologia-IEO);
                                                                                 Antonio Gullo (Università degli Studi
                                                                                 di Messina); Henk ten Have (Duque-
                                      Comitato Scientifico                       sne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA);
                                      Roberto Andorno (University of Zuri-       Massimo Inguscio (Università Cam-
                                      ch, CH); Vittorino Andreoli (Psichiatra    pus Bio-Medico di Roma); Giuseppe
                                      e scrittore); Elisabetta Belloni (Diret-   Ippolito (Direttore scientifico IRCCS
                                      tore generale del Dipartimento delle       Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie In-
                                      informazioni per la sicurezza); Mas-       fettive Lazzaro Spallanzani, Roma);
                                      simo Cacciari (Università Vita-Salute      Michèle Leduc (Direttore Institut fran-
                                      San Raffaele, Milano); Stefano Ca-         cilien de recherche sur les atomes
                                      nestrari (Università di Bologna); Car-     froids-IFRAF e Presidente Comité
                                      lo Casonato (Università degli Studi di     d'éthique du CNRS, Parigi); Seba-
                                      Trento); Roberto Cingolani (Ministro       stiano Maffettone (LUISS Guido Car-
                                      della Transizione Ecologica); Carla        li, Roma); Luciano Maiani (Sapienza
                                      Collicelli (Consiglio Nazionale delle      Università di Roma); Elena Mancini
                                      Ricerche-CNR); Gherardo Colom-             (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricer-
Volume 6 ■ 2021

                                      bo (già Magistrato della Repubblica        che-CNR); Vito Mancuso (Teologo e
                                      italiana, Presidente Casa Editrice         scrittore); Alberto Martinelli (Univer-
                                      Garzanti, Milano); Giancarlo Comi          sità degli Studi di Milano); Armando
                                      (Direttore scientifico Istituto di Neu-    Massarenti (ilSole24Ore); Roberto
                                      rologia Sperimentale, IRCCS Ospe-          Mordacci (Università Vita-Salute San
                                      dale San Raffale, Milano); Gilberto        Raffaele, Milano); Paola Muti (Eme-
                                      Corbellini (Sapienza Università di         rito, McMaster University, Hamilton,
                                      Roma); Lorenzo d'Avack (Università         Canada); Ilja Richard Pavone (Con-
                  theFuture           degli Studi Roma Tre); Giacinto del-       siglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-C-
                  ofScience           la Cananea (Università degli Studi         NR); Renzo Piano (Senatore a vita);
                  andEthics           di Roma Tor Vergata); Sergio Della         Alberto Piazza (Emerito, Università
                                      Sala (The University of Edinburgh,         degli Studi di Torino); Riccardo Pie-
                                      UK); Andrea Fagiolini (Università          trabissa (IUSS Pavia); Tullio Pozzan
                  4                   degli Studi di Siena); Daniele Fa-         (Università degli Studi di Padova);
                                      nelli (London School of Economics          Francesco Profumo (Politecnico di
Torino); Giovanni Rezza (Direttore        berto Defez (Responsabile del labo-
Generale della Prevenzione sanita-        ratorio di biotecnologie microbiche,
ria presso il Ministero della Salute);    Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse del
Gianni Riotta (Princeton Universi-        CNR di Napoli); Domenico De Masi
ty, NJ, USA); Carla Ida Ripamonti         (Sociologo e Professore emerito di
(Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazio-         Sociologia del lavoro, Sapienza Uni-
nale dei Tumori-INT, Milano); Mar-        versità di Roma); Giorgio Macellari
celo Sánchez Sorondo (Cancelliere         (Chirurgo Senologo Docente di Bio-
Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze);      etica, Scuola di Specializzazione in
Angela Santoni (Sapienza Università       Chirurgia di Parma); Telmo Pievani
di Roma); Pasqualino Santori (Presi-      (Professore di Filosofia delle Scienze
dente Comitato di Bioetica per la Ve-     Biologiche, Università degli Studi di
terinaria e l'Agroalimentare CBV-A,       Padova); Giuseppe Remuzzi (Diret-
Roma); Paola Severino Di Bene-            tore dell'Istituto di Ricerche Farma-
detto (Vicepresidente LUISS Guido         cologiche Mario Negri IRCCS); Luigi
Carli, Roma); Elisabetta Sirgiovanni      Ripamonti (Medico e Responsabile
(Sapienza Università di Roma); Gui-       Corriere Salute, Corriere della Sera);
do Tabellini (Università Commerciale      Alfonso Maria Rossi Brigante (Presi-
Luigi Bocconi, Milano); Chiara Tonelli    dente Onorario della Corte dei Conti)
(Università degli Studi di Milano);
Elena Tremoli (Università degli Studi     Comitato editoriale
di Milano e Direttore scientifico IRC-
CS Centro Cardiologico Monzino,           Caporedattore
Milano); Riccardo Viale (Università       Roberta Martina Zagarella (Consiglio
Milano Bicocca e Herbert Simon So-        Nazionale delle Ricerche-CNR)
ciety); Luigi Zecca (Consiglio Nazio-
nale delle Ricerche-CNR)                  Redazione
                                          Giorgia Adamo (Consiglio Nazionale
Sono componenti di diritto del            delle Ricerche-CNR); Marco Arizza
Comitato Scientifico della rivista        (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricer-
i componenti del Comitato Etico           che-CNR); Rosa Barotsi (Università
della Fondazione Umberto Vero-            Cattolica del Sacro Cuore); Fede-
nesi: Carlo Alberto Redi, Presidente      rico Boem (University of Twente);
(Professore di Zoologia e Biologia        Andrea Grignolio Corsini (Consiglio
                                                                                                Volume 6 ■ 2021

della Sviluppo, Università degli Stu-     Nazionale delle Ricerche-CNR);
di di Pavia); Giuseppe Testa, Vice-       Chiara Mannelli (Columbia Universi-
presidente (Professore di Biologia        ty, NY, USA e Università di Torino);
Molecolare, Università degli Studi di     Paolo Maugeri (Campus IFOM-IEO);
Milano e Human Technopole); Giulia-       Clio Nicastro (ICI Berlin Institute for
no Amato, Presidente Onorario (Giu-       Cultural Inquiry); Annamaria Parola
dice Costituzionale, già Presidente       (Fondazione Umberto Veronesi); El-
del Consiglio dei ministri); Cinzia       vira Passaro (Università degli Studi
Caporale, Presidente Onorario (Co-        dell'Insubria); Maria Grazia Ros-         theFuture
ordinatore del Centro Interdiparti-       si (Universidade Nova de Lisboa);         ofScience
mentale per l'Etica e l'Integrità nella
Ricerca del CNR); Guido Bosticco
                                          Chiara Segré (Fondazione Umberto
                                          Veronesi); Virginia Sanchini (Univer-
(Giornalista e Professore presso il       sità degli Studi di Milano)
Dipartimento degli Studi Umanistici,
Università degli Studi di Pavia); Ro-     Progetto grafico: Gloria Pedotti
Volume 6 ■ 2021


Volume 6 ■ 2021

                                                        Consulta Scientifica del Cortile dei Gentili
                                                        PANDEMIA E GENERATIVITÀ. BAMBINI E
                                                        ADOLESCENTI AI TEMPI DEL COVID
                                                        di Mons. Carlo Maria Polvani                  134

                                                        Anna Maria Bruzzone
                                                        CI CHIAMAVANO MATTI.
ARTICOLI                                                VOCI DAL MANICOMIO (1968-1977)
                                                        di Anna Poma                                  138
                                                        Maya J. Goldenberg
                                                        VACCINE HESITANCY: PUBLIC TRUST,
di Federico Gustavo Pizzetti                      10
                                                        EXPERTISE, AND THE WAR ON SCIENCE
                                                        di Teresa Gavaruzzi e Alessandra Tasso        142
FUTURO                                                  NUOVI TERRITORI PER L'ETICA NELLA
di Ferdinando G. Menga                            22   RICERCA SCIENTIFICA
                                                        di Matteo Galletti                            146
di Giorgio Macellari                              32   Agnese Collino
                                                        LA MALATTIA DA 10 CENTESIMI. STORIA
di Silvia Peppoloni e Giuseppe Di Capua           42   di Donatella Barus                            150

• WHY DO WE NEED RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED                  Armando Massarenti e Antonietta Mira
EVOLUTION OF DRUG REGULATION                            di Cinzia Caporale                            152
di Mattia Andreoletti                             54
                                                        Laura Pepe
SYSTEMS                                                 di Mauro Serra                                156
di Mark Graves e Emanuele Ratti                   64
                                                        Alessandro Bilotta e Dario Grillotti
DI SECONDO LIVELLO IN BIOETICA E SCIENZE                di Sandra Lucente                             160
di Silvia Camporesi                         74         Sara Garofalo
                                                        SBAGLIANDO NON SI IMPARA. PERCHÉ
                                                        FACCIAMO SEMPRE LE SCELTE SBAGLIATE
                                                        IN AMORE, SUL LAVORO E NELLA VITA
DOCUMENTI DI ETICA E BIOETICA                           di Andrea Grignolio Corsini        164

Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica86
Commenti di                                             NORME EDITORIALI		                             168
• Marianna Gensabella e Lucio Romano 94
• Demetrio Neri                      98                CODICE ETICO		                                 169

Comitato Etico Fondazione Umberto Veronesi       102
Commenti di

• Raffaella Campaner e Marina Lalatta Costerbosa 112
• Federica Russo                                 116

• Daniele Fanelli                                120
• Gianluca Attademo                              124


Why do we need
randomized controlled
trials? Medical scandals
and the evolution of drug
Perché abbiamo bisogno
degli studi randomizzati
e controllati? Scandali
medici e l'evoluzione
della regolamentazione

Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Why do we need
SOMMARIO                                ABSTRACT                                     randomized
                                                                                 controlled trials?
Perché abbiamo bisogno degli            Why do we need Randomized
studi randomizzati e controllati        Controlled Trials (RCTs)? So
(RCT)? Finora, le risposte a que-       far, the answers to this question                 Articoli
sta domanda si sono concentrate         have mostly focused on the vir-
principalmente sulle loro virtù met-    tues of the methodological design.
dologiche. In breve, abbiamo biso-      Roughly, we need RCTs because
gno degli RCT perché questi sono        they are the best way to assess
il modo migliore per valutare la        drugs safety and efficacy. But this
sicurezza e l'efficacia dei farmaci.    answer is just partially satisfactory
Ma questa risposta è solo parzial-      since it does not explain why, in the
mente soddisfacente, non spiega         first place, we want to test drugs
infatti perché mai vogliamo testa-      before they can be marketed, and
re i farmaci prima che possano          why we want to do it in such a rig-
essere commercializzati e perché        orous way. Here I clarify that the
vogliamo farlo in modo così rigo-       reasons that brought about the
roso. In questo articolo analizzo le    emergence of RCTs as the 'gold
ragioni che hanno portato gli RCT       standard' of clinical research are
a diventare il 'gold standard' della    the outcome of the interaction of
ricerca clinica. Tali ragioni sono il   historical, organizational, and, ul-
risultato dell'interazione di preoc-    timately, socio-political concerns.
cupazioni storiche, organizzative       Focusing on the history of drug
e socio-politiche. Concentrando-        regulation in the United States, I
mi sulla storia della regolamenta-      argue that changes and reforms
zione dei farmaci negli Stati Uniti,    were implemented in response to
sostengo che i cambiamenti e le         major pharmaceutical scandals,
riforme sono stati attuati in rispo-    and not only in response to the
sta a grandi scandali farmaceuti-       real epistemic needs put in place
ci, e non solo in risposta alle reali   by developments in drug research.
esigenze epistemiche emerse con         More specifically, I show that scan-
gli sviluppi della ricerca farmaceu-    dals played a crucial role in trigger-
tica. Nello specifico, mostro che gli   ing reforms in drug regulation, and
scandali hanno giocato un ruolo         hence in shaping the methodology
cruciale nell'innescare una serie       of contemporary clinical research.
di riforme della regolamentazione
dei farmaci, e quindi nel plasmare
la metodologia della ricerca clinica

                                        Clinical trials
Studi clinici
                                        Drug regulation
Regolamentazione dei farmaci
                                                                                                      Volume 6 ■ 2021

DOI: 10.53267/20210105

Why do we need       1. INTRODUCTION                              debates on the adoption of new reg-
                  randomized                                                        ulatory standards. As the historian
                  controlled trials?   Nowadays the medical-scientific              of medicine, Marcia Meldrum put it:
                                       community agrees that a Random-              «the RCT is a dynamic methodol-
                                       ized Control Trials (RCT) is the best        ogy, and its present and future are
                   Articoli            research design to evaluate the effi-        informed by its history» (Meldrum,
                                       cacy of medical treatments in a spe-         2000).
                                       cific population. Conventionally, the
                                       term 'treatment' refers to many kinds        Historically, the link between scan-
                                       of interventions: diagnostic, screen-        dals and policies in Western democ-
                                       ing, health education, etc. However,         racies is nothing new: many sociol-
                                       RCTs are systematically and exten-           ogists and political scientists have
                                       sively adopted in drug research and          discussed it for decades (Butler &
                                       testing, as they are the last phase          Drakeford, 2003; Thompson, 2000)1.
                                       of a mandatory threefold process,            In general, a scandal is defined as
                                       which is strictly regulated by trans-        an event, often regarded as moral-
                                       national laws. Of course, RCTs did           ly wrong, which causes public out-
                                       not come out of the blue, nor did the        rage. While it is clear that scandals
                                       rules that had made them compulso-           play a crucial role in the general po-
                                       ry. In this article, I dig into the histo-   litical scenario, it is quite uncharted
                                       ry of randomized controlled trials to        whether these events could have an
                                       bring out and make clear the reasons         impact in other fields, such as clini-
                                       why they became the gold standard            cal research. In what follows, I show
                                       for drug testing and regulation. More        that scandals played a crucial role in
                                       specifically, I argue that pharmaceu-        triggering reforms in drug regulation,
                                       tical scandals played a crucial role in      and hence in shaping the methodolo-
                                       the development of drug regulations,         gy of contemporary clinical research.
                                       forcing regulators to acknowledge
                                       the weak points of previous stan-            2. THE GREAT AMERICAN FRAUD
                                       dards and to consider more robust
                                       alternatives, ranging from laboratory        In the last decades of the nineteenth
                                       tests to RCTs. The historical inves-         century, laboratory science had a
                                       tigation of the evolution of method-         great boost thanks to the develop-
                                       ological concepts is instrumental to         ment of many basic research fields
                                       warrant our claim (Schickore, 2011).         such as chemistry, physiology, and
                                       Why do we need RCTs? So far, the             microbiology. These scientific ad-
                                       answers to this question have mostly         vancements ended up in what his-
                                       focused on the virtues of this meth-         torian of medicine Charles Rosen-
                                       odological design. Roughly, we need          berg (Rosenberg, 1997) has called
                                       RCTs because they are the best way           a 'therapeutic revolution', that is, the
                                       to assess drugs safety and efficacy.         discovery of a noticeable number of
                                       But this answer is just partially sat-       effective therapeutic agents. Phy-
                                       isfactory since it does not explain          sicians and patients were deeply
                                       why, in the first place, we want to          affected by this 'revolution', as they
                                       test drugs before they can be mar-           came across a continuously increas-
                                       keted, and why we want to do it in           ing number of new drugs.
                                       such a rigorous way. Here I clarify
                                       that the reasons that brought about          However, physicians realized soon
                                       the emergence of RCTs as the 'gold           that many drugs did not contain any
                                       standard' of clinical research are the       active ingredient, but pharmaceu-
                                       outcome of the interaction of histor-        tical companies promoted inactive
                                       ical, organizational, and, ultimately,       drugs in the same way as the ones
                                       socio-political concerns.                    with real and active compounds.
                                                                                    With this regard, for instance, Sam-
                                       In order to bridge this explanatory          uel Hopkins Adams, an American
                                       gap, I suggest focusing on the his-          investigative journalist (a muckrak-
Volume 6 ■ 2021

                                       tory of drug regulation in the United        er), in 1905 coined the expression
                                       States (Gaudillière & Hess, 2013;            «The Great American Fraud ». In
                                       Marks, 2000; Temin, 1980, 1985). As          discussing therapeutic reforms, the
                                       I argue, changes and reforms were            market plays a contingent yet signifi-
                                       implemented in response to major             cant role, much as scientific progress
                                       pharmaceutical scandals, and not in          does. Indeed, at a certain point, the
                                       response to the real epistemic needs         medical scientific community had to
                                       put in place by developments in drug         face «a novel intellectual and politi-
                  theFuture            research. Moreover, if this is true,         cal problem» (Marks, 2000): how to
                  ofScience            then one should evaluate the epis-           foster even further the increasing
                  andEthics            temic import of experimental designs         scientific progress in the laboratories
                                       also to the extent to which they could       while protecting the patients and the
                                       prevent scandals. Considering the            market from fake and potentially un-
                  56                   historical and socio-political context       safe drugs. In other words, there was
                                       is particularly relevant for the recent      a need to tell apart effective and inef-
fective drugs without discrediting the     ingredients labeled or advertised            Why do we need
entire scientific enterprise.              by the manufacturer. Moreover, the               randomized
                                           law did not allow anyone to screen           controlled trials?
The American Medical Association           drugs and control for potential frauds
(AMA) made the first effort towards        before their placing on the market:
a more rational approach to pharma-        it was remedial but not preventive.                   Articoli
ceutical therapeutics. In the spring       The meaning and the exact enforce-
of 1905, the AMA established the           ment of the 1906 Act were indeed
Council on Pharmacy and Chemis-            questionable. In 1912, to counter this
try, which had the task of investigat-     flaw, the U.S. Congress enacted the
ing the medicines advertised in the        Sherley Amendment that prohibited
pages of the Journal of the associa-       explicitly false therapeutic claims.
tion (JAMA). The work of the Council       However, in the following years, the
was to review the scientific evidence      consequences of the new law were
supporting a drug and deliberate on        practically nil since it was still hard to
its quality. In practice, the scientific   prove something regarding the thera-
evidence was often scarce and then         peutic effects of the drug through lab-
the deliberation of the council reflect-   oratory tests alone. Yet, the necessi-
ed «a curious mixture of judgments         ty to investigate in a more systematic
[…] and opinions» (Marks, 2000).           way a method to test for drug efficacy
When the council's assessment was          was made clearer only a few years
a matter of laboratory tests, to reveal    later, when some scandals emerged.
whether the drug contained an active
known ingredient, the decision was         One of the most striking was the case
quite easy. However, pharmaceuti-          of Banbar, an old patent medicine
cal companies also developed drugs         advertised as a cure for diabetes.
containing ingredients that could          The drug was not dangerous per se,
be tested in a laboratory but whose        since it contained just inactive ingre-
beneficial properties were complete-       dients like milk, sugar, and a grass
ly unknown. In these murky cases,          plant known as 'equisetum'. Nonethe-
the deliberation was more difficult or     less, it was obviously life-threatening
even impossible. In these latter cas-      for those who rejected insulin, which
es, extra-scientific considerations,       had become a standard treatment
such as the track record of the com-       shortly after its discovery in 1922.
panies, played a major role in the de-     Meanwhile, in 1927, the Bureau of
cision-making process.                     Chemistry's name was transformed
                                           into the 'Food, Drug, and Insecticide
As just mentioned, since clinical ev-      Administration', then abbreviated to
idence was scarce or even missing,         the current version (FDA). In the 30s
the Council relied mostly on the ex-       the 'new' FDA accused the producer
pertise of academic clinicians, but        of Banbar of fraud and took to court
then often bumped into a divergence        all the evidence about the death of
of opinions. Hence, they warned            patients who had refused to take in-
that their approval for the biological     sulin to get Banbar. In its defense, the
purity of the compounds did not im-        producer of the drug took to the court
ply clinical efficacy. In many cases,      testimonial letters, which consumers
laboratory tests could not address         had written thanking him. Those let-
the question of efficacy. Take for in-     ters were sufficient to demonstrate
stance glandular extracts (e.g., red       to the court his bona fides about the
bone marrow, ovarian, parotid gland        efficacy of the drug. So, the FDA did
extracts) that were common on the          not get the authorization to seize the
market in the early 1900s. Labels          product that remained on the market
reported the exact chemical compo-         (Junod, 2008).
sition, and this could be easily tested
in the labs. However, it was unclear       This case clearly illustrates the ma-
what all those extracts did: labora-       jor limits of the 1906 Act: it was more
                                                                                                             Volume 6 ■ 2021

tory tests were not sufficient for that    about basic chemical quality con-
question.                                  trol (the drug had the ingredients it
                                           claimed it had) to protect consumers
Nonetheless, the U.S. Government           from frauds, rather than addressing
in 1906 passed the first key legisla-      more relevant epistemic needs such
tion to control the drug market: the       as safety and efficacy. These would
Pure Food and Drug Act. The new            come in the following decades when
law gave to the Bureau of Chemis-          new scandals made it unavoidable.
try (the predecessor to the FDA) in                                                       theFuture
the Department of Agriculture the          3. THE 1938 FOOD, DRUG, AND                    ofScience
legal power to seize adulterated or        COSMETIC ACT                                   andEthics
misbranded products (Junod, 2008).
But it assumed the same standards          In the wake of Banbar and oth-
of the Council: laboratory tests to        er minor scandals, people started                         57
check whether a drug contained the         being more and more suspicious
Why do we need       of pharmaceutical companies and          of the 1938 Act. Another major ac-
                  randomized           the drug trade. In those years, two      complishment was the overcoming
                  controlled trials?   books became very popular and in-        of the 'fraud flaw' of the 1906 Act:
                                       fluential among the public opinion:      the FDA could now remove from the
                                       100,000,000 Guinea Pigs: Dangers         market unsafe drugs without having
                   Articoli            in Everyday Foods, Drugs, and            to prove that there was the intent of
                                       Cosmetics by Arthur Kallet and F.J       fraud on the part of the producer.
                                       Schilnk, and American Chambers
                                       of Horrors: the truth about food and     Soon the new Act was put to the
                                       drugs by Ruth deForest Lamb. The         test. In the spring of 1938 British
                                       authors harshly criticized the FDA       researchers had discovered a new
                                       and the government for their failure     sulfonamide compound (2-para-ami-
                                       in protecting people from the abuses     nobenzene pyridine), apparently bet-
                                       and the frauds of drug companies.        ter than every other sulfa drug. Ex-
                                       They pointed out all the weaknesses      perimental tests in mice showed low
                                       of the 1906 Act, asking for an imme-     toxicity, few adverse side effects, and
                                       diate update. Instead, at the very be-   more beneficial effects than its pre-
                                       ginning, the FDA reacted vindicating     decessors. In October 1938, Merck
                                       the success of all its activities.       & Company, an American company,
                                                                                applied for the FDA approval of sulp-
                                       Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical mar-       hapyridine for the treatment of pneu-
                                       ket was growing fast. In the 1930s,      monia, for which there was no effec-
                                       more than a hundred companies            tive therapy yet. The FDA requested
                                       were manufacturing drugs containing      the opinion of the experts and cli-
                                       sulphanilamide, a 'wonder' antibacte-    nicians who had the opportunity to
                                       rial compound used to cure strepto-      test the experimental drug. Some of
                                       coccal infections. The company S.        them were reporting adverse events,
                                       E. Massengill started the production     some did not. On the drug's efficacy,
                                       of a syrup-type sulphanilamide using     the data were even more unconvinc-
                                       diethylene glycol, an extremely toxic    ing: the drug had been administered
                                       solvent. The syrup was then placed       only to a few patients with pneumo-
                                       on the market, without any tests         nia and it was still too early to judge
                                       in animals or humans, causing at         its efficacy. Therefore, many sceptics
                                       least 106 documented deaths (Wax,        were advising the FDA to keep the
                                       1995). However, under the 1906 Act,      application on hold since they were
                                       the FDA could only prosecute Mas-        concerned about the risk-benefit
                                       sengill for misbranding. The subse-      balance. They were also concerned
                                       quent public outrage prompted Con-       about the lack of data on the effects
                                       gress to pass a new set of laws: the     of sulphapyridine on other infectious
                                       1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.        diseases for which it might be pre-
                                       The 1938 Act required companies to       scribed.
                                       inform the FDA of their intention to
                                       put a new drug on the market. On         The FDA had adopted the view that
                                       the one hand, the FDA was given the      the expert judgment of qualified clin-
                                       power to ask for «adequate tests by      ical investigators should prevail over
                                       all methods reasonably applicable        the opinion of regular clinicians. But
                                       to show whether or not the drug is       in case of disagreement among the
                                       safe» (Greenberg, 1999). The major       former, the debate would not be
                                       concern of regulators in the 1938 Act    settled by the methodological supe-
                                       was the safety of the drugs, whereas     riority of their respective tests, but
                                       they did not nearly consider the prob-   through the majority rule.
                                       lem of evaluating the efficacy, which
                                       of course they soon bumped into. On      Despite the pressure of the press,
                                       the other hand, the 1938 Act did not     asking for fast approval of the drug,
                                       make FDA approval a prerequisite         and despite the incoming winter, a
                                       for market access.                       time when cases of pneumonia were
Volume 6 ■ 2021

                                                                                more frequent, the FDA kept collect-
                                       It is worth focusing on the kind of      ing and reviewing data and experts'
                                       'adequate tests' required by the FDA     opinions until the deadline provided
                                       as proof of drug safety. Although        for in the statute. In March 1939 the
                                       these tests remained unspecified in      FDA decided to 'not deny' (it is worth
                                       the act, the regulators adopted the      noting that, officially, the act did not
                                       same standards already advocated         allow the FDA to approve a drug, but
                                       by the AMA's Council on Pharmacy         just gave to the agency the power to
                  theFuture            and Chemistry: laboratory analysis       deny a request) the applications for
                  ofScience            and experts' evaluation. Moreover,       sulphapyridine, provided that man-
                  andEthics            animal tests, even if not formally re-   ufacturers explicitly reported on the
                                       quired, were systematically request-     labels and in advertising that the
                                       ed by the FDA, and soon became a         drug had to be used «under close,
                  58                   sort of gold standard for drug safety.   continuous observation of a quali-
                                       This was one of the major novelties      fied practitioner of medicine» (Marks,
2000). This is because some doubts        of natural random variability might         Why do we need
remained about the efficacy of the        be limited. What statistics could of-           randomized
drug. As noted by Theodore Klumpp,        fer to clinical researchers was an          controlled trials?
by then chief of the Drug Division        experimental design that permitted
in the FDA: «While a few investiga-       to control for biological variability
tors recommended that the drug be         and chance regardless of previous                    Articoli
withheld from the market such rec-        knowledge. Generally, this break-
ommendations upon analysis do not         through is credited to the genius of
appear to rest upon considerations        a British statistician and biologist, Sir
of the intrinsic safety or danger of      Roland Aylmer Fisher (1890-1962).
the drug. Principally those workers
were concerned with the orderly           Fisher had been dealing with bio-
development of medical scientific         logical variability since 1919 when
knowledge, concerning the thera-          he began to work as a statistician at
peutic efficacy of the drug» (Marks,      the agricultural experimental station
2000). The sulphapyridine was soon        in Rothamsted. Fisher had to find a
replaced by a more powerful drug,         reliable method to solve some practi-
penicillin, so the extent of the FDA's    cal problems in agricultural research:
decision is not clear. But regarding      Which varieties of seeds are better?
safety, 'adequate tests', laboratory      Which fertilizer? Which crop rotation
analysis and experts' judgment gave       system is best? Simple comparisons
the impression to perform that task       cannot provide a reliable answer.
well. At least, it seemed so.             Suppose that you observe a 10 per-
                                          cent difference in yields between two
What was clear among the medical          varieties: is it due to a real difference
community, at that point, was that        in the quality of the seeds or to plot
the standards adopted by the FDA          conditions? One way to answer this
were far from being able to check         is to rely on experience: an expert
for efficacy. Drug evaluation was         farmer could tell that a 10 percent
left to the judgments and opinions        difference is never due to plot con-
of experts, which was considered          ditions alone. Nonetheless for Fish-
superior to regular clinical judgment,    er, this strategy was far from being
and the medical community thought         scientific since it relied entirely on
to be reliable at least in spotting       experts' knowledge (i.e., subjective).
adverse effects. However, another         Moreover, it would not be feasible if
scandal soon undermined that belief       such previous knowledge were not
and forced the FDA to reconsider its      available to anyone. Another option
regulations and standards. Develop-       would be to replicate the experience
ments outside the medical field con-      many times, but this is rarely possi-
verged to make it possible.               ble in agricultural practice. Fisher
                                          calculated that it would require ap-
4. METHODOLOGICAL INNOVA-                 proximately five hundred years to
TIONS                                     find that such a 10 percent difference
                                          is due to chance alone.
Physicians had been dealing with
the variability of biological phenom-     So, Fisher proposed to set up a new
ena for centuries. They were always       experimental design, dividing the
aware of the fundamental role of          experimental plots into strips to in-
chance in medical observations: the       crease the number of observations
natural course of the disease, spon-      in a single experiment. This way he
taneous remissions, and response to       reduced the variability of the effects
treatments were considerably differ-      due to other factors than a quality
ent in each patient. Clinical measure-    difference between grains. In oth-
ment was not as uniform as laborato-      er words, he increased the sample
ry tests. Therefore, physicians relied    size of the experiment. But the most
only on their experience to handle        crucial innovation was to sow grain
                                                                                                           Volume 6 ■ 2021

uncertainty. This was the case also       in strips in random order. The ran-
in comparative experiments. Indeed,       domization of the plots ensured that
knowledge of the variance of the dis-     all the possible perturbing factors
eases, and potential perturbing fac-      were equally distributed among all
tors, could be exploited to perform       the strips.
comparative studies, trying to reduce
the chance to a minimum. Of course,       According to Fisher randomization is
the management of chance was con-         crucial not just for controlling for con-
sidered fundamental for any com-          founders, but also for the calculation        theFuture
parative experiment. Therefore, their     of the probability of finding a given         ofScience
quality depended on the experience        difference between the experimental           andEthics
of the researcher. Still, this approach   treatments, as illustrated by the fa-
had serious limitations because           mous thought experiment of the lady
physicians' knowledge of both con-        tasting tea (Salsburg, 2002), which                      59
founding factors and the magnitude        however cannot be discussed here.
Why do we need       Yet, Fisher's direct influence on bi-     that will soon become fundamental:
                  randomized           ological and medical communities          a control group, the random alloca-
                  controlled trials?   was negligible. It was Bradford Hill,     tion of patients, and standardized
                                       a British statistician working on med-    non-qualitative criteria to assess
                                       ical topics, who exported Fisher's ex-    outcome. In the U.S., the Public
                   Articoli            perimental design to drug testing in      Health Serviced (PHS) organized a
                                       the 1940s. Historians of medical sta-     research study on streptomycin to
                                       tistics have argued, time and again,      treat tuberculosis. PHS researchers
                                       that British physicians did not grasp     did not want to make the mistakes
                                       the statistical rationale of random-      of their predecessors, so they strict-
                                       ization (Armitage, 1982; Chalmers,        ly controlled the trial funding and the
                                       2011). There was instead a wide-          limited amount of streptomycin avail-
                                       spread concern among British doc-         able made it necessary to arrange
                                       tors about the many ways in which         comparative experiments to produce
                                       personal biases could spoil the eval-     the best knowledge most efficiently.
                                       uation of novel therapies.
                                                                                 To control for the allocation bias, the
                                       They found in the randomized al-          study design included the random-
                                       location of treatment a device that       ization of treatments. PHS research-
                                       could neutralize the personal beliefs     ers' main concern was to avoid
                                       of investigators as to who would ben-     individual decisions of physicians,
                                       efit most from the therapy. Allocation    especially those who were already
                                       bias occurs when the allocation of        convinced of the beneficial effects of
                                       subjects to study groups is jeopar-       streptomycin. That is also why PHS
                                       dized by the preferences of the ex-       researchers planned to conduct the
                                       perimenters (e.g., the healthiest or      entire study in a double-blind fash-
                                       youngest patients receive the exper-      ion, but they failed to convince the
                                       imental treatment). Randomization         involved physicians. Nonetheless,
                                       can easily succeed in neutralizing        the study produced reliable and un-
                                       this bias. However, many other bi-        contested results in favor of strep-
                                       ases can occur in a comparative ex-       tomycin. However, it employed only
                                       periment. For instance, participants'     descriptive statistics, there was no
                                       preferences can still spoil the result,   use of statistical tests of significance.
                                       conditioning the evaluation of the
                                       outcomes. If physicians want to favor     On the other side of the Atlantic, in
                                       the drug under testing, they could        1947, the British Medical Research
                                       report better outcomes for the exper-     Council was conducting a very sim-
                                       imental drug and so could patients        ilar trial, which became known as the
                                       as well. That is why we need another      'first RCT' ever, since it employed for
                                       de-biasing method, such as blinding       the first time a standardized method
                                       the allocation of treatments to physi-    for statistical inference. The scientist
                                       cians and patients. Indeed, compar-       in charge was Sir Austin Bradford
                                       ative controls, such as blind assess-     Hill, a relevant actor in the history of
                                       ment, are similarly instrumental for      medicine. In a series of papers on
                                       the coming into being of RCTs (see        medical statistics, published in the
                                       Kaptchuk, 1998; Shapiro & Shapiro,        prestigious journal The Lancet, he
                                       2000). And randomization is an es-        defended the relevance of random-
                                       sential part of blinding procedures.      ization and controls to ensure the ob-
                                                                                 jectivity of a study. Bradford Hill ar-
                                       Despite their merits, it took more than   gued that the primary experimenter's
                                       a decade to implement both Fisher's       aim is «to ensure beforehand that,
                                       approach and controls in medicine:        as far as possible, the control and
                                       the first randomized controlled trial,    treated groups are the same in all
                                       with significance testing and blind       relevant respects» (Yoshioka, 1998).
                                       assessment, took place in Britain in      Moreover, randomization was crucial
                                       1947. It would take one more decade       to ensure the objective assessment
Volume 6 ■ 2021

                                       to spread among physicians and two        of treatments since it removed per-
                                       more decades to transform it into         sonal responsibility from the clinician
                                       a regulatory standard (Byar et al.,       in selecting which patients would
                                       1976).                                    benefit. These two ideas shaped the
                                                                                 rationale behind the design of the
                                       5. HOW RANDOMIZED CONTROL-                MRC trial. The trial enrolled 107 pa-
                                       LED TRIALS BECAME THE GOL-                tients randomized in two groups: 55
                                       DEN STANDARD                              assigned to the experimental group
                  theFuture                                                      receiving streptomycin and the stan-
                  ofScience            In the years after the war, some          dard of care (bed rest) and 52 to
                  andEthics            breakthroughs in clinical trials design   the control group receiving only bed
                                       were achieved in two independent          rest. The radiologists who interpret-
                                       studies of streptomycin. For the first    ed x-ray chest exams were blind to
                  60                   time, researchers introduced in trials'   the allocation of the treatments. After
                                       design a standardized set of controls     6 months there were only 4 deaths
in the streptomycin group, whereas          children with phocomelia, a terrible      Why do we need
there were 15 in the control. Inves-        congenital disorder involving limbs           randomized
tigators considered that difference         malformations, leading to prema-          controlled trials?
statistically significant, «the probabil-   ture death. In the U.S, the German
ity of it occurring by chance is less       company reached an agreement
than one in a hundred» (“Streptomy-         with Richardson-Merrell to market                  Articoli
cin Treatment of Pulmonary Tubercu-         the drug, and this latter applied for
losis”, 1948). For the first time both a    approval with the FDA in 1961 when
method for minimizing allocation bias       evidence of thalidomide side effects
and statistical evaluation of collected     started to be reported. Of course,
data were employed in a clinical trial.     both the German and the American
Therefore, Hill's trial became a mile-      companies denied the link between
stone and influenced an entire gen-         the cases of phocomelia and their
eration of physicians.                      product. As part of the approval pro-
                                            cess, the drug was then distributed
Certainly, these trials had both a          to many physicians in the U.S for
great and important weight in the           testing purposes. At the FDA, one of
history of medicine and clinical re-        the physicians reviewing thalidomide
search, i.e., the exclusion of subjec-      approval, Frances Oldham Kelsey,
tive judgments from drug testing and        decided to withhold it asking for more
evaluation. The new methodological          clinical tests because of emerging
standard provided indeed a more ob-         evidence of serious adverse effects.
jective and scientific tool to appraise     Unfortunately, the testing drug sam-
therapeutic innovations, rather than        ples still caused 17 reported cases
relying on conflicting judgments.           of phocomelia, but Kelsey's decision
Yet, despite its initial success, the       was indeed a great and fortunate
randomized controlled experimental          one and it has secured her a place
design was integrated into drug reg-        in history.
ulation more than a decade later, in
the aftermath of further pharmaceu-         So, under public pressure and after a
tical scandals.                             rushed discussion, in 1962 the Con-
                                            gress passed a new pharmaceutical
In 1959, U.S. Senator Estes Kefau-          regulatory framework, inspired by
ver held hearings on the drug indus-        Kelsey's precautionary attitude. First,
try. His main concern was the exorbi-       it introduced a system of control by
tant profit margins of pharmaceutical       FDA over clinical experimentation,
companies. The companies justified          assigning an IND (Investigational
their profits with the high costs of        New Drug) status to experimental
research since many drugs failed            drugs, and nullifying this status if
during drug development. The hear-          clinical trial protocols were not meth-
ings generated important evidence           odologically sound or patients' rights
documenting the poor quality of clin-       were not respected. Second, it re-
ical research supporting the market-        moved the 'automatic' approval by
ing of many drugs. It revealed to the       default after 60 days: drugs needed
public what all the experts already         a 'positive' approval by the FDA to
knew: most of the clinical research         enter the market. And third, above
was just rubbish. Kefauver's hear-          all, it required 'substantive evidence'
ing placed drug regulation on the top       of effectiveness based on 'well-con-
of the agenda of U.S politics, but it       trolled studies', in addition to the
was another tragedy to trigger both         pre-clinical demonstration of safety.
the enactment of the Kefauver-Harris        The lawmakers left the task of bet-
1962 Amendments of the 1938 Act             ter specifying the meaning of those
and the subsequent Investigational          expressions to FDA experts and offi-
New Drug Regulations in 1963.               cers, who saw the minimum standard
                                            in 'randomized controlled trials'.
The story of thalidomide is notorious.
                                                                                                           Volume 6 ■ 2021

It was a quite popular drug in Europe       Moreover, the 1963 IND rules shaped
and especially in Western Germany,          somehow the 3-phases structure of
where it was manufactured by phar-          drug testing, the form DF 1571 list-
maceutical company Chemie Grü-              ed for the first time three phases of
nenthal since 1957 and marketed as          trials. The testing of a new drug is
Contergan. The drug was prescribed          indeed a complicated and time-con-
to treat a great number of various          suming process, and it is usually
symptoms, mostly psychological as           divided into three phases. Phase 1
anxiety or tension. But it was also         trials are the first human studies of       theFuture
often administered to many preg-            a new drug. They usually require few        ofScience
nant women to alleviate nausea and          healthy volunteers and are designed         andEthics
sickness. This was the beginning of         to obtain preliminary information on
a tragedy for thousands of women            drug safety, including side effects
around the world. Indeed, those who         and dosing. Phase 2 studies involve                    61
had taken thalidomide gave birth to         a small number of diseased people,
Why do we need       and they are designed to further           losophers of science have long dis-
                  randomized           assess adverse effects and to offer        cussed the limits of RCTs to support
                  controlled trials?   initial data on drug efficacy. Phase 3     causal claims (see e.g., Cartwright,
                                       trials (i.e., RCTs) are reserved for ex-   2010, 2011) and have proposed sev-
                                       perimental drugs which have shown          eral alternatives which might better
                   Articoli            at least some evidence of effective-       suit this aim. However, if the main
                                       ness in the previous. They include         aim of regulatory trials is not epistem-
                                       many patients (several hundred to          ic (i.e., warranting causal claims), but
                                       several thousand) and are designed         rather political (i.e., protecting people
                                       to gather enough information on            from pharmaceutical catastrophes),
                                       safety and effectiveness to allow an       then we should also assess how
                                       adequate assessment of a risk/ben-         RCTs perform in achieving this latter
                                       efit ratio for the drug.                   goal. With regard to this, RCTs may
                                                                                  have performed quite well so far,
                                       This division provides additional evi-     since [in the last decades] we did not
                                       dence to support my claim that RCTs        assist to any thalidomide-like scan-
                                       become the gold standard in medical        dal. Therefore, it seems that there
                                       research because they better serve         is not a real need for alternatives.
                                       the political goals of regulators, com-    Moreover, as some scholars have
                                       pared to animal experiments and            suggested, despite the epistemic lim-
                                       experts' judgment. Indeed, it is the       itations in assessing causality RCTs
                                       design of phase 3 trials that makes        have led mostly to accurate regulato-
                                       it possible to objectively assess the      ry decisions, if for instance their ac-
                                       safety and efficacy of a drug, all the     curacy is defined in terms of market
                                       previous phases are pointless to this      withdrawals (see Andreoletti & Teira,
                                       epistemic aim. However, as it was al-      2019). So far, RCTs have served at
                                       ready clear at that time, RCTs were        best the goals of regulators.
                                       quite challenging and demanding
                                       experiments requiring many patients        FUNDING
                                       to allow correct statistical inferences.
                                       As Donald Mainland noted in the            The author thanks the Italian Minis-
                                       '60s: «the method of controlled trials     try of Education, University, and Re-
                                       is still in its infancy; that, although    search for supporting this work with
                                       the principles are simple, the art is      a PRIN grant: Progetti di Ricerca di
                                       extremely difficult» (Mainland, 1960).     Rilevante Interesse Nazionale-Ban-
                                                                                  do 2017 Prot. 201743F9YE.
                                       Intuitively, running big experiments in
                                       humans can raise a medical scandal
                                       as well, exposing many individuals to      NOTES
                                       a potentially toxic drug. This possi-
                                       bility would result in an even bigger      1. Carpenter (Carpenter, 2010) and
                                       scandal than thalidomide, making           Porter (Porter, 2020) are partial re-
                                       the fears of early critics of the phar-    markable exceptions. Hutchinson
                                       maceutical industry true: turning peo-     (Hutchison, 2016) has also made a
                                       ple into guinea pigs. Therefore, the       similar point but focusing on nursing
                                       early phases were introduced to pro-       practice.
                                       vide preliminary evidence of safety,
                                       before exposing many patients to the
                                       drug. From a purely epistemic point
                                       of view, these phases are negligible,      REFERENCES
                                       but from a political point of view, they
                                       served to protect consumers from           Andreoletti, M., & Teira, D. (2019).
                                       further medical disasters.                 Rules versus Standards: What
                                                                                  Are the Costs of Epistemic Norms
                                       6. CONCLUSION                              in Drug Regulation? Science,
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