IPSAS/EPSAS Stato dell'arte - ODCEC Roma
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International Public Sector Accounting Standards IPSAS: regole tecnico-contabili per la redazione di GPFR* *General Purpose Financial Reports: consistono in un sistema di report finanziari, che si basano principalmente su un sistema di contabilità a base accrual (competenza economica), che forniscono informazioni fondamentali sulla situazione e i risultati economico-finanziari di un’amministrazione pubblica. I report contengono le informazioni sulla situazione e sui risultati economico-finanziari di un PA Rilevano e rappresentano «integralmente» il patrimonio di una PA e le connesse variazioni di esercizio Sono rivolti a potenziali destinatari interni ed esterni alla PA RECOMMENDED 38 ACCRUAL BASIS IPSAS 3 PRACTICES GUIDELINES 33 Adattamenti di IAS/IFRS 5 Specifici per il settore pubblico MEF – RGS – SeSD 4
IPSAS Board • Organismo rappresentativo della professione contabile a livello internazionale; • Unisce 157 ordini della professione contabile di 122 paesi; • Ha il compito di emettere standard, tra i vari, anche nei seguenti settori auditing (revisione), etica, istruzione/formazione. Mission IPSAS Board “Adoperarsi per l’interesse della collettività, sviluppando principi contabili per il settore pubblico di elevata qualità e favorendo la convergenza di principi nazionali ed internazionali, così da migliorare la qualità e l’uniformità della rendicontazione contabile in ogni parte del mondo”. Public Interest Composizione Committee • Standard Setter; • Auditor privati e pubblici; Consultation • Rappresentanti professione contabile; Advisory Group • Docenti universitari, ecc. MEF – RGS – SeSD 5
Iter di elaborazione di uno standard IPSAS L’intero iter di elaborazione e approvazione di un nuovo standard è sottoposto a un processo obbligatorio e formalizzato (c.d. “due process”) teso a garantire la trasparenza dei lavori e la partecipazione, attraverso consultazioni pubbliche, di tutti i soggetti interessati. «DUE PROCESS» Consultation Exposure Approvazione Standard paper draft (maggioranza 2/3) 9 - 18 Public Public mesi Consultation Consultation Il Consultation paper (non è ancora uno standard) è un documento che tratta questioni di principio che il Board intende preliminarmente sottoporre all’attenzione di tutti pubblicandolo per almeno 4 mesi sul proprio sito internet per raccogliere commenti e rilievi da parte di tutti i possibili soggetti interessati. MEF – RGS – SeSD 6
IPSAS BOARD: PROGETTI IN DISCUSSIONE 2019 2020 Mar. Giu. Set. Dic. Mar. IPSAS IPSAS IPSAS IPSAS IPSAS Board Board Board Board Board • Public Sector • Leases • Public Sector • Leases • Leases Specific Financial • Revenue Specific Financial • Not-exchange • Public sector Instruments • Not-exchange Instruments expenses measurement • Leases expenses • Leases • Public sector • Infrastructure • Revenue • Public sector • Revenue measurement assets • Not-exchange measurement • Not-exchange • Infrastructure • Heritage expenses expenses assets • Public sector • Infrastructure • Heritage measurement assets • Heritage • Heritage MEF – RGS – SeSD 7
EUROSTAT: Direttiva 2011/85/UE Anche la CE ha evidenziato* l’importanza dell’adozione di sistemi di contabilità di tipo accrual, sottolineando che questi non determinano l’abolizione o la sostituire dei sistemi di contabilità cash- based, in particolare quando quest’ultima è utilizzata ai fini della redazione del budget e per il controllo del rispetto dei limiti di utilizzo delle risorse pubbliche fissati nei budget medesimi. «…gli Stati membri si dotano di sistemi di contabilità pubblica che coprono in modo Art.3 completo e uniforme tutti i sotto-settori […] e contengono le informazioni […] per generare dati fondati sul principio ACCRUAL al fine di predisporre i dati basati sulle norme SEC 2010.» Art.12 «[…] uniformità nelle norme e nelle procedure contabili nonché l’integrità dei sistemi di raccolta ed elaborazione dei dati sottostanti.» Art.13 «Gli Stati membri istituiscono meccanismi appropriati per il coordinamento tra tutti i sotto-settori dell’amministrazione pubblica…» Art.16 «La Commissione, entro il 31 dicembre 2012, valuta l’adeguatezza degli STANDARD contabili internazionali applicabili al settore pubblico per gli Stati membri.» * Relazione della Commissione Europea al Parlamento Europeo del 6.3.2013 - Verso MEF –contabili l'applicazione di standard RGS – SeSD armonizzati per il settore pubblico negli Stati membri, Idoneità degli IPSAS per gli Stati membri. 9
Move towards IPSAS «La Commissione, entro il 31 dicembre 2012, valuta l’adeguatezza degli STANDARD contabili internazionali applicabili al settore pubblico per gli Stati membri.» Timing of definition and implementation Standard directly applicable without a. adjustments. Standard that requires adjustments b. Standard that requires c. substantial changes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Year Definition Implementation MEF – RGS – SeSD 10
MS «accounting maturity» - Questionnaire The "maturity" in the application of the IPSAS based accrual accounting was measured, through a questionnaire, concerning the following aspects: Reporting Revenue Consolidation Accrual and expenses Fixed assets Employee Intangible asset benefits Inventories Provisions Financial instruments MEF – RGS – SeSD 11
MS «accounting maturity» - Results …"maturity" in the application of the IPSAS based accrual accounting Accounting maturity Central State Local Social Funds (AM) Belgium, Cyprus, Austria, Czech Czech Republic, Czech Republic, Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Estonia, Finland, HIGH Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, France, Lithuania, AM ≥ 70% France, Latvia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovak Republic, Malta, Portugal, Portugal, Sweden Spain, Sweden, UK Slovak Republic, Sweden, UK Bulgaria, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Belgium, Bulgaria, MEDIUM Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, 70%>AM Belgium, Spain Netherlands, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, ≥40% Poland, Romania, Ireland, Latvia, Romania, Slovenia Slovenia, Spain Poland, Spain Cyprus, Germany, Croatia, Cyprus, Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, LOW Germany, Greece, Austria, Germany Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, AM < 40% Italy, Luxembourg, Luxembourg Romania, Slovak Malta, Netherlands Republic, Slovenia MEF – RGS – SeSD 12
MS «accounting maturity» - Central and Local Government (2013) Accounting maturity for Member States Proximity to IPSAS Source: PwC Study on behalf of Eurostat, 2013/14 MEF – RGS – SeSD 13
State of the art - European context (2017) MEF – RGS – SeSD 14
Il percorso delineato da Eurostat Eurostat ha istituito un Working Group per l’analisi degli IPSAS e la definizione di un EPSAS Project. Successivamente ha identificato due principali fasi per l’adozione degli EPSAS all’interno degli Stati membri. Fase 1 Fase 2 2020 2025 First First EPSAS Preparation Transition Accrual EPSAS transition period period OBS* OBS** period -- Trasparenza e completezza del sistema ++ ELEMENTI ESSENZIALI Contabilità per competenza: unico sistema generalmente accettato che fornisce un quadro completo e attendibile della posizione finanziaria ed economica e del risultato di bilancio di una PA. L’applicazione del principio di competenza non può prescindere da una contabilità in partita doppia. Adozione di standard internazionali di contabilità pubblica IPSAS con opportuni adattamenti (EPSAS). * First MEF Accrual – RGS –Opening SeSD Balance Sheet (Primo Bilancio di apertura a base Accrual) ** First EPSAS Opening Balance Sheet (Primo Bilancio di apertura a base EPSAS) 15
EPSAS Working Group e Celle 2018 2019 Ott. Nov. Mag. Ott. Nov. Cell on EPSAS EPSAS Cell on Principles Working Working Principles EPSAS related to Group Group related to Working EPSAS EPSAS Group Standards Lux Rome Standards • L’EPSAS Working Group è affiancato da tre sottogruppi (Cell): 1. “EPSAS Cell on Governance Principles”; 2. “Cell on First-Time Implementation”; 3. “EPSAS Cell on Principles related to EPSAS standards”. • Le Cell fungono da supporto tecnico per il lavoro del WG. Le prime due Celle hanno completato i lavori elaborando due documenti tecnici*. L’ultima Cella, i cui lavori sono ancora in corso, si occupata di definire il conceptual framework degli EPSAS. *EPSAS First Time Implementation MEF – RGS – SeSD *Cell on principles related to EPSAS standards - Final Report 16
EPSAS Issue papers Chart of accounts Taxes Employee Benefits Accounting for grants and other transfers Heritage assets Discount rates Infrastructure assets Principled approach to Intangible assets disclosures IPSAS options Grants and other transfers Military assets Provisions, contingent assets/ Segment reporting liabilities, financial guarantees Relief for smaller and less Loans and borrowings risky entities Notion of control Social Benefits Consolidation Social contributions Service concession arrangements MEF – RGS – SeSD
What does EPSAS bring to politicians and policy makers? Financial management: not only about expenditure High quality information: better management of public finances Increased credibility of governments Fiscal stability and sustainability Economic value of the policies MEF – RGS – SeSD
Italy - Context 2009: Organic Budget Reform Enhancing transparency of the public budgets Reinforcement of cash accounting and budgeting system (!?) Strengthening controls over expenditures Harmonizing accounting systems across levels of governments 2011: Budgetary Frameworks Directive 2011/85/EU 2012: Constitutional reform: Introduction of the balanced budget principle ……and give back to the Central Government the power on accounting legislation 2013: EPSAS Task Force (2016: EPSAS WG) 2016: The situation still remains heterogeneous so …. we asked for support (EC) SRSS 2017: SRSS Project “Design of the accrual IPSAS/EPSAS based accounting reform in the Italian public administration” MEF – RGS – SeSD
L’importanza della ricetta... AS IS TO BE Legislazione frammentata 3 diversi PdC Quadro concettuale 3 diversi approcci Principi generali Principi in continuo mutamento Standard (regole) Matrice COFI-COEP Linee guida e manuali principi generali=regole=principi applicati Formazione IT: troppi applicativi IT: ERP MEF – RGS – SeSD 20
Accrual Accounting in Italy – History 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 The public finance and accounting reform: Law 196/2009 Italian Reform implementation (various secondary legislations) Directive 85/2011 UE MAIN STEPS EUROSTAT working group RGS/Academic working group SRSS 1st Project ”Design of the accrual IPSAS/EPSAS based accounting reform in the Italian public administration” Italian Heritage standard Draft (IPSASB and EPSAS WG) EUROSTAT project on MCoA for accrual accounting Action Plan and Governance for accrual accounting Implementation new Governance NEXT STEPS Implementation Action Plan SRSS 2nd Project ”Support for the implementation of the accrual IPSAS/EPSAS based accounting” SRSS 3rd Project (in progess: «Asset recognition and evaluation») National activities MEF – RGS – SeSD European projects 21
Accounting scenario - current situation Regional Governments Regional Entities Central Government Line Ministries and Gov.al Entities opther consitituonal Local Governments Bodies Health care (210) SOEs SOEs SOEs Full accrual, based on ITA GAAP (developed for private sector) Full cash/commitments (v.1) Predominantly cash/commintments (v.2) but with accrual information Source: Italian Public Sector Accounting Outlook Predominantly accrual largelly based on ITA GAAP Francesco Capalbo - IPSASB June 2019 MEF – RGS – SeSD 22
Progetti RGS MEF – RGS – SeSD 23
Progettazione 1. Analisi e progettazione SRSS – Fase I Eurostat - MCoA 2. Implementazione (SRSS – Fase II) SRSS – Fase II 3. Monitoraggio e mantenimento MEF – RGS – SeSD 24
Progetto SRSS – Fase I Studio della contabilità accrual a base IPSAS in Italia 1/18 9/18 12/18 Working visits • Visite di studio in Stati Membri che hanno già implementato una riforma accrual Gap analysis (selezionati in collaborazione con Eurostat); • Questionario preventivamente inviato allo • Analizza le differenze riscontrabili nei stato membro; sistemi contabili in uso e il diverso grado di “maturità contabile” dell’AP, in termini di • Report sulle visite di studio. formazione contabile, cornice normativa, principi contabili, modelli di bilancio e sistemi informatici. Portugal Belgium Action plan • Technical Note: riporta i prerequisiti per la definizione State of Hessen del piano d'azione utile all'implementazione di un sistema di contabilità a base accrual IPSAS / EPSAS per tutto il settore pubblico. City-State of Hamburg • Action Plan: identifica due ipotesi di governance, che rappresentano la scelta strategica da operare per poter Estonia avviare il processo di riforma. Il documento identifica inoltre un’ipotesi di pianificazione delle due principali Austria fasi della riforma (fase preparatoria e fase di prima applicazione) che consentirebbero all’Italia di muoversi in coerenza con le tempistiche definite a livello MEF – RGS – SeSD comunitario (2020 e 2025). 25
EC SRSS Technical support project Working visits to analyze and understand how accrual systems have been implemented in the most advanced European countries State of Accrual accounting topics to be developed Austria Portugal Hessen / Estonia Belgium France UK Hamburg Conceptual (accrual principles, conceptual framework, etc..) ●● ●●● ●● ●● Technical (recognition, recording, measurement, reporting) ●● ●● ●● ●● ●●● Action plan (design the path towards the accrual accounting implementation plan) ●● ●● ●● ● IPSAS (transition from accrual accounting to IPSAS: FTI e OBS) ●● Relations with levels of government (transfers, etc..) ●●● ●●● ●● Consolidation (techniques and reconciliation with others accounting systems) ●●● ● Heritage (special focus on heritage) ●●● ●●● ●●● IT (Infrastructure and software) ●●● ●● ●● ●●● ●● ● Training (manuals, guidelines, training of trainers and trainees) ●●● ●●● experience ● interesting experience ●● very interesting experience ●●● MEF – RGS – SeSD 26
Working visits – Countries Peculiarities UNILEO ad hoc Unit 4 Landers and Accrual accounting Complex country IPSAS based (standard setter) almost all since 2004 (multiculturalism Accrual Accounting municipalities Accrual budgeting and multilingualism) since 2009 since 2017 3 kinds of Milestone: prudence Accounting Accrual reform 19 IPSASs fully impl. accounting: principle managed by State process started in 6 IPSASs modified budgetary, financial Agency the ’80s 7 IPSASs not impl. and management Risk matrix: three Accrual based on Ad hoc working Effective «Win win» approach different systems Commercial code group for multidimensional (private sector) accounting reform CoA Multidimensional Hamburg: Accrual Conceptual Adaptation of Reform designed by CoA accounting and Framework since IPSASs experts of MoF budgeting 2006, before IPSASB CF Training (80.000 “Quick and dirty” Simple and single Accrual budgeting Guidelines and people) approach CoA (only 1.200 handbooks are items) essential Reform process Hessen: Strong Intensive training Pragmatic approach leads by objectives cooperation with (simplified methods and not by IT Court of Audits of evaluation) systems MEF – RGS – SeSD 27
Working visits – Countries Peculiarities UNILEO ad hoc Unit 4 Landers and Accrual accounting Complex country IPSAS based (standard setter) almost all since 2004 (multiculturalism Accrual Accounting municipalities Accrual budgeting and multilingualism) since 2009 since 2017 3 kinds of Milestone: prudence Accounting Accrual reform 19 IPSASs fully impl. accounting: principle managed by State process started in 6 IPSASs modified budgetary, financial Agency the ’80s 7 IPSASs not impl. and management Risk matrix: three Accrual based on Ad hoc working Effective «Win win» approach different system Commercial code group for multidimensional (private sector) accounting reform CoA Multidimensional Hamburg: Accrual Conceptual Adaptation of Reform designed by CoA accounting and Framework since IPSASs experts of MoF budgeting 2006, before IPSASB CF Training (80.000 “Quick and dirty” Simple and single Accrual budgeting Guidelines and people) approach CoA (only 1.200 handbooks are items) essential Reform process Hessen: Strong Intensive training Pragmatic approach leads by objectives cooperation with (simplified methods and not by IT Court of Audits of evaluation) systems MEF – RGS – SeSD 28
Working visits – Countries Similarities • Reform steered by technicians with strong political support • Ad hoc governance unit supported by external experts • Single and simple accounting system • Cash data: more reliable and higher quality • IPSASs as reference • Single multidimensional CoA • IT system based on SAP • Reforms focused on objectives. IT is a tool and not a driver • Continuous and centralized training MEF – RGS – SeSD 29
GAP ANALYSIS Gap analysis AMI list experts After analysing the national context and identifying the distance between the accrual models applied in the different sectors of the Italian public government and an accrual model based on IPSAS / EPSAS, the gap analysis provided 9 useful recommendations. Among these, special attention shall be given to the following: # 1: Coordinate accounting reform actions by changing the governance approach to accounting harmonization; # 4: Clarify scope, objective and logic of budgetary accounting and financial accounting as individual systems; # 7: Define a new common chart of accounts aligned with best international practice (regarding this point it’s started a EUROSTAT Project in order to define a key tool for an effctive government accounting and reporting standards); # 9: Be conscious of the requirements for IT, human resources, and financial management systems, to successfully implement the accounting reform. MEF – RGS – SeSD 30
ACTION PLAN The draft Action Plan envisages two macro-phases: 1. Preparatory phase, for the definition of a new accounting framework; 2. First Time Implementation (FTI) phase, for the first application of the IPSAS/EPSAS. MEF – RGS – SeSD 31
ACTION PLAN – Governance model PREPARATORY PHASE FIRST TIME IMPLEMENTATION Conceptual Chart of Governance Standard IT Training Framework Accounts The process of accounting harmonization and alignment with an IPSAS/EPSAS-based financial accounting system cannot be carried out without an adequate governance model. The latter must respect (in line with the Principles underlying EPSAS governance) the criteria of independence, professionalism, thus ensuring a process of implementation of the reform without a representation constraint. In order to meet the above mentioned need, two possible options can be pursued through: A. a standard setter Board EXTERNAL to the MEF-RGS, completely independent; B. a standard setter Board WITHIN the MEF-RGS, composed by non-RGS members with Professional independence and Competence and capacity In both cases, the Board should represent a synthesis of high-profile skills in the field of accrual-based public accounting systems. MEF – RGS – SeSD 32
Model A: «External Standard Setter Approach» This configuration provide for: Technical Structure: responsible for production, through studies and researches, of the preparatory work necessary for Standard Setter Board; Standard Setter Board: assigned the task of drafting the standards (and other related documents), evaluating the comments and opinions provided by stakeholders, issuing the final version of the standards (and related documents); Institutional Stakeholder: assigned the task of providing opinions on the draft of the standard (and related documents). The Court of Auditors and ISTAT will be permanent members of the external stakeholders’ advisory group from which an opinion on the work of the Standard Setter Board will be requested. RGS Advisory Group: it has the task of providing opinions on the standard draft (and documents related); IGB/IGEPA/IGEPA/IGF/IGESPES: they support public administrations in the application of principles and standards. MEF – RGS – SeSD 33
Model B: «Internal Standard Setter Approach» This configuration provide for: Technical Structure: it is composed by external experts (at least 5 experts who are chosen based on their different accounting profiles), identified through the same selection procedure applied for the Standard Setter Board, and coordinated by a representative of the structure completely dedicated to the reforming process; Standard Setter Board: it should be composed by a majority of non-RGS members. It is established by Determination of the State General Accountant, after identifying its members through a selection procedure based on curricula by a special Commission; Institutional Stakeholders: the same function and role of the previous approach; RGS Advisory Group: it has the task of providing opinions on the standard draft (and documents related); Steering Committee: is constituted by the State General Accountant, who chairs, the RGS General Inspectors and the General Director of the Research Division. MEF – RGS – SeSD 34
Due Process Roma, May 2019 MEF – RGS – SeSD 35 Governance
Governance model The governance model, inspired by an hypothesis of a model B set up by EY, is finalized to introduce an accrual accounting system for the PS and: • Is in line with the timeframe outlined at European level; • Is consistent with the recommendations of the 'Action plan' (EY-EC/SRSS); • Is consistent and compatible with the “traditional” budgetary accounting system (cash/commitments); • Ensures a key role for RGS (keeping control). The path outlined (characterized by a long test phase) should not interfere with the ongoing reforming processes. It will be consistent with the implementation path of IPSAS and EPSAS at European level. MEF – RGS – SeSD 36
Progetto Eurostat «Design a chart of accounts for the EPSAS/IPSAS based accrual accounting» • Ad ottobre 2018 è stato approvato da Eurostat il progetto c.d. CoA 2019, finanziato da Eurostat nel quadro della Call for grants 2018 relativa alla Modernisation of public sector accounting on an accruals basis in support of EPSAS(1). • Il progetto ha ad oggetto l’analisi, lo studio e l’elaborazione di un piano dei conti multidimensionale coerente con una contabilità economico- patrimoniale, quale elemento essenziale per la futura adozione degli IPSAS o dei futuri EPSAS secondo il percorso delineato da Eurostat nell’ambito del lavoro dell’EPSAS Working Group e relativo all’attuazione della Direttiva 85/2011/UE. • Il progetto ha ufficialmente preso avvio in data 4 gennaio 2019 (grant agreement 828828) ed è stato completato in data 1 ottobre 2019. (1) Eurostat si pone l’obiettivo di fornire supporto finanziario agli SM con l’intento di modernizzare i sistemi contabili del settore pubblico nell’ottica del principio accrual in vista della futura implementazione degli EPSAS al fine di rafforzare la trasparenza finanziaria e l’armonizzazione contabile MEF – RGS – SeSD 37
Progetto Eurostat ATTIVITA’ PARTNER TIMING 1 GAP ANALYSIS • Approfondimento e studio dei requisiti (Eurostat, FMI) Marzo 2019 • Analisi delle esperienze di altri stati membri (es. Portogallo, Belgio, Francia, Estonia). 2 PIANO DEI CONTI E GLOSSARIO Definizione di una struttura di piano dei conti adatta e coerente con una contabilità Settembre 2019 economico-patrimoniale. 3 TAVOLE DI CORRELAZIONE Definizione delle tavole di correlazione con la classificazione ESA Ottobre 2019 2010. MEF – RGS – SeSD 38
Progetto SRSS – Fase II Progetto di AT per il supporto all’implementazione della contabilità accrual a base IPSAS/EPSAS nella PA Nell’ambito del programma SRSP 2019, la RGS ha presentato il progetto denominato “Support for the implementation of the accrual IPSAS/EPSAS based accounting in the Italian public administration”, naturale prosecuzione del progetto "Design of the accrual IPSAS/EPSAS based accounting reform in the Italian public administration" Il progetto ha ad oggetto le seguenti attività: • Redazione (in bozza) degli standard ispirati agli IPSAS (o adozione degli EPSAS); • Redazione di linee guida e manuali per l‘implementazione degli standard; • Redazione del Quadro concettuale. • Formazione per i formatori (contabilità accrual e IPSAS/EPSAS); • Creazione di una piattaforma di e-learning per la formazione. MEF – RGS – SeSD 39
Contatti Fabrizio Mocavini fabrizio.mocavini@mef.gov.it MEF – RGS – SeSD 40
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