HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO

Pagina creata da Greta Giannini
HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO
HTC Heat Time Control
                                                        Heat Control System


Heat Control System
A good heat monitoring system is essential to ensure the correct time for insemination and optimal fertilisation.
The HTC guarantees savings for a fast return on investment
HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO
                                                            PANAZOO       PANAZOO

                                                                                    PANAZOO   PANAZOO



                           PANAZOO                 PANAZOO


Worldwide dealers network

….a family company made in Italy

HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO
                                A NEW CONCEPT OF MILKING SYSTEMS

Fondata nel 1977 con la produzione del nostro pri-       The business started out in 1977 with the manufac-
mo punto di mungitura PANApuls e con l’istallazio-       ture of PANApuls, our first milk point, and with the
ne di impianti di mungitura completi importando il       setting up of complete milking
marchio Miele e successivamente il marchio Surge         installations involving the Miele brand and then
Bros Babson Co.                                          also the Surge Bros Bros.Co brand.
In seguito ci siamo dedicati alla produzione di siste-   We later turned to the production of innovative
mi innovativi per gli impianti di mungitura introdu-     systems for milking installations, providing the in-
cendo nel settore svariate tecnologie a supporto         dustry with supporting technologies.
degli stessi.                                            1990 Membrane keypads for milk points, 1995 Use
‘90 Tastiere a membrana per i punti di mungitura,        of temperature for draining water, first introduc-
‘95 Utilizzo della temperatura per lo scarico dell’ac-   tion in the market of MMI Milk Meter Indicator
qua, introduzione nel mercato dei                        Systems, 2003 Use of the CANBUS system for the
sistemi MMI Milk Meter Indicator , ‘03 Utilizzo          transmission of milking data in real time, 2009 Co-
del sistema CANBUS trasmissione in tempo reale           lour LED Display, 2011 Smart Aktiv with Unifom
dei dati di mungitura , ‘09 Display LED a colori , ‘11   Agri Link.
Smart Aktiv con Unifom Agri Link .                       In 2012 we will present a new concept of the
Nel corso del 2012 presenteremo un nuovo con-            milking point that simplifies the cabling of milking
cept come punto di mungitura che                         installations.
semplificherà il cablaggio degli impianti di mungi-

HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO
HTC Heat Time Control
                                                                   Heat Control System

                                                                                    * The picture of the touch screen is purely indicative

Milk Point Controller V911

The Milk Point Controller system controls the automatic livestock identification system for all types of installation.

All the data is collected and displayed in real time.
All use of the milking equipment is displayed in real time.

The system can be controlled using either a touch screen panel or an IP69 keypad.

The farmer can connect to the milking system with an iPad and receive all the daily livestock data required, and follow the entire
milking process in remote mode and in real time.
The farmer can also use the cameras connected to the MPC to view up to four points of choice.

The MPC can be connected using professional herd management software.

HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO
HTC Heat Time Control
                                                                    Heat Control System

What the HTC offers the farmer
All grazing animals must be fitted with the HTC heat control
The HTC system registers the activity of animals every 90 mi-
nutes and sends the information to a central computer for
data analysis.

The MPC software is installed on the HTC for viewing Heat
alarms instantly and in real time.

The system uses other important parameters in the cattle sof-
tware to identify the exact moment of insemination.

The HTC can be installed independently of the milk measuring

In this case, it uses a special module to control the heat in the

The HTC can also monitor dry cows using a special antenna
situated in the paddock.

HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO
Order Guide

Reference      Descrizione
HTC Pack
40010          ID Pack per HTC
40015          Numbered HTC Transponder with collar.
80009-24       Power supply 750 Watt 24 Volt input 220 Volt AC max 24 Ref.50100
Automation Pack:

30003          100-metre network connection cable in a roll
30005          UNIFORM AGRI SOFTWARE ( Option)
30017          8” pack Touch Screen
30011          T Connection interface

HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO
PANAzoo ITALIA , con il suo brevetto di utilità Italiano si colloca tra i leader del settore come produttore di misuratori
del latte a passaggio diretto, introducendo nel mercato nuove idee da fornire all’industria dell’allevamento , per
economizzare il costo litro/latte in funzione della competitività che gli allevatori dovranno avere nel prossimo futuro .
PANAzoo Italia SrL , è parTner e fornitore di grandi gruppi del settore , Esporta i suoi prodotti in 48 Paesi in 4
Continenti , produce componenti elettronici di alta tecnoologia per migliorare ogni giorno la qualità di lavoro degli
allevatori , sviluppando nuove idee e cercando di assecondare sempre le esigenze dell’allevatore.

PANAzoo ITALIA, with its utility patent, ranks among the leading manufacturers in the sector of direct milk flow
metering equipment. The company markets new ideas for the animal breeding industry to reduce the cost of milk per
litre and help breeders to necessarily be more competitive in the near future.
PANAzoo Italia SrL is a partner and supplier for large groups in the sector. It exports its products to 48 countries in
four continents and manufactures advanced electronic components to improve the quality of the daily work of
breeders, while developing new ideas and attempting to always meet the needs of breeders.

HTC Heat Time Control - Heat Control System PANAZOO
Rivenditore - Dealer

Successivamente alla data di chiusura redazionale di questa pubblicazione 05-04-2013 , possono essersi verificate variazioni
alla struttura alla forma ed ai colori dei prodotti illustrati . Le illustrazioni possono contenere anche accessori o equipaggiamenti
speciali non compresi nelle forniture di serie o non offerte in tutti i paesi. I dati sono indicativi e possono essere soggetti a
modifiche senza preavviso.
Stampato in Italia Aprile 2013

The structure, form and colours of the products shown may be subject to variation after the date of this publication of 05-04-
2013 going to print. The pictures may also show special accessories or equipment which are not provided as standard, or are
not for offer in all countries. The data are indicative and are subject to modification without notice.
Printed in Italy April 2013.

                            PANAzoo Italiana SrL │Via Copernico 2-4 │20082 Binasco(Milano) Italia
                                           T.+39-02-9054833 │F.+39-02-90091860
                                      email : web :
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