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Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank Criteri di ricerca utilizzati per generare l''elenco : Ordina Mostra per data Parole chiave "aiuto all'occupazione" 16 Risultati(i) Data di creazione : 26-02-2022
European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund 2021-2027 Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data23-09-2021 AutoreWIDUTO Agnieszka Settore di interventoSviluppo regionale Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | aiuto regionale | crescita economica | criterio di ammissibilità | fondo di coesione | Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale | politica regionale dell'UE | proposta (UE) | regione sfavorita | squilibrio regionale | sviluppo regionale Riassunto In the context of the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027, the European Commission published a proposal for a regulation on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF) on 29 May 2018. The new single regulation on the ERDF and CF (previously covered by two separate regulations) identifies the specific objectives and scope of support for both funds, including non-eligible activities. The majority of ERDF funding will focus on smart growth and the green economy, while the fund will also support other activities such as connectivity, social issues and local development. The CF will continue to focus predominantly on environmental and transport infrastructure. Special provisions were proposed for territories such as urban areas and outermost regions. The indicator framework for monitoring progress will include new common results indicators. On 28 May 2020, the Commission amended the proposal to better support recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. A final political trilogue meeting took place on 9 February 2021, sealing agreement between the Council and the European Parliament. The Parliament voted on the draft regulation at its June II plenary session. The final act was signed 24 June and published in the Official Journal on 30 June 2021. Fifth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Briefing EN Multimedia European Regional Development: Fund and Cohesion Fund 2021-2027 European Globalisation Adjustment Fund Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi Data 21-04-2021 Autore MILOTAY Nora Settore di intervento Politica sociale Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | aiuto dell'UE | criterio di ammissibilità | Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione | globalizzazione | licenziamento | proposta (UE) | quadro finanziario pluriennale | reinserimento professionale Riassunto The 2018 European Commission's proposal to revise the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, modified under the 2020 recovery plan for Europe, introduces changes to eligibility criteria, co-financing rules and the mobilisation procedure. Outside the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) ceilings, it should continue to serve as a solidarity and emergency fund used on an ad hoc basis. Following an early second-reading agreement reached in January 2021, Parliament is expected to vote in April to formally adopt the proposal. In sintesi EN Rete europea dei servizi pubblici per l'impiego Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi Data 05-11-2020 Autore KISS Monika Settore di intervento Occupazione Parole chiave accesso all'occupazione | aiuto all'occupazione | diritto del lavoro | disoccupazione | EURES | lotta alla disoccupazione | politica dell'occupazione dell'UE | servizio pubblico | strategia di crescita dell'UE | ufficio del lavoro Riassunto I servizi pubblici per l'impiego (SPI) sono le principali agenzie che attuano politiche in materia di occupazione volte a facilitare l'integrazione nel mercato del lavoro delle persone che cercano lavoro. La Commissione europea ha proposto di ampliare e migliorare la rete europea di tali servizi attraverso, tra l'altro, la cooperazione con le altre parti interessate del mercato del lavoro e l'adeguamento alle sfide connesse con la digitalizzazione, i progressi tecnologici nel mondo del lavoro e i cambiamenti demografici. La votazione in prima lettura in seno al Parlamento europeo è prevista per la tornata di novembre I sul testo concordato nel trilogo con il Consiglio. In sintesi ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL Mobilitazione del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione – Indotto dell'industria cantieristica in Spagna Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi Data 14-10-2020 Autore DOBREVA Alina Settore di intervento Bilanci | Coronavirus Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | conseguenza economica | costruzioni navali | epidemia | Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione | Galizia | licenziamento per motivi economici | malattia da coronavirus | reinserimento professionale | Spagna Riassunto La Commissione europea ha proposto di mobilitare 2 054 400 EUR a titolo del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione (FEG) per far fronte agli esuberi nell'indotto dell'industria cantieristica in Galizia (Spagna) imputabili alle difficoltà finanziarie di due cantieri navali nella regione. La commissione per i bilanci del Parlamento europeo appoggia la proposta e ribadisce che l'aiuto del FEG non deve sostituire le azioni che sono di competenza delle imprese in forza della legislazione nazionale o dei contratti collettivi. Il voto del Parlamento sulla proposta è previsto per la tornata di ottobre II. In sintesi ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL 26-02-2022 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE 1
EU support for coal regions Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data03-10-2019 AutoreWIDUTO Agnieszka Settore di interventoProblemi economici e monetari | Sviluppo regionale Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | aiuto dell'UE | economia verde | industria carboniera | soppressione di posti di lavoro | tecnologia pulita Riassunto The EU has committed to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 % before 2030, and by at least 80 % by 2050. This will require a transition from relying on fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, and in particular a reduction in power generation from coal. While EU production and consumption of coal has declined steadily, coal still provides about a quarter of EU power generation. Coal is mined in 12 Member States, and coal-fired power plants operate in 21 Member States. The European coal sector employs 238 000 people in directly linked activities, such as coal mines and power plants. An estimated 160 000 jobs could disappear by 2030. Further job losses are expected in indirect activities along the value chain, e.g. power generation, equipment supply, services, research and development. Impacts of phasing out coal are also likely to be felt in the iron and steel sectors, mining equipment manufacturing and coal terminals. Transition to a low-carbon economy will therefore require structural changes in coal-producing regions. Proposed solutions include helping workers to retrain and supporting their search for new employment, promoting local economies' diversification, modernising energy and power generation systems, developing the renewable energy sector, and rehabilitating mining land, for instance by converting former mines for renewable energy use or creating industrial heritage sites. The EU provides a variety of funding that can be used to alleviate the socio-economic consequences for coal regions. Energy and climate adaptation programmes, along with cohesion policy and research funding opportunities, offer financial support, while additional technical assistance is also available. The European Commission's Platform for Coal Regions in Transition assists regions to prepare and implement transition activities. As the EU is currently negotiating its post-2020 budgetary framework, the European Parliament and the European Committee of the Regions call for specific measures and tailored funding sources to offer support to facilitate transition in coal regions. The Commission President-elect has announced the establishment of a Just Transition Fund as part of the European Green Deal, and new legislative proposals can be expected early in her term in office. Briefing ES, EN Reform of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data11-01-2019 AutorePUCCIO Laura Settore di interventoAdozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Occupazione Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | aiuto finanziario | bilancio generale (UE) | elaborazione del bilancio | elaborazione del diritto dell'UE | Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione | globalizzazione | licenziamento | proposta (UE) | recessione economica | reinserimento professionale Riassunto The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was created in 2006 to finance active labour market policies targeting workers who have lost their jobs because of trade adjustment. The fund was subsequently modified in 2009 to cover major structural changes triggered by the economic and financial crisis. The rules of the EGF are laid down in EU Regulation (EU) No 1309/2013, which stipulates that the fund will continue to be financed until 31 December 2020. In May 2018, the European Commission submitted a proposal to reform the EGF and maintain it as a special instrument outside the MFF ceiling. The proposal introduces modifications to the eligibility criteria, the co-financing rules and the mobilisation procedure. The report was voted in the EMPL committee on 27 November 2018, and the report is due to be debated in plenary in January 2019, with a view to finalising Parliament's position for trilogue negotiations. Second edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Briefing EN Multimedia Reform of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund Employment, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Social Policies in Italy Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 15-10-2018 Autore esterno Manuela Samek Lodovici, Chiara Crepaldi, Nicola Orlando, IRS Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale ; Gianluigi Nico, University of Rome Tor Vergata ; Davide Romaniello, University of Rome Tre Settore di intervento Istruzione | Occupazione | Politica sociale | Problemi economici e monetari Parole chiave aiuto ai meno abbienti | aiuto all'occupazione | formazione professionale | istruzione professionale | Italia | mercato del lavoro | povertà Riassunto This document presents recent developments in the social, employment and VET situation and policies in Italy. The report provides an assessment of the recent evolution of key economic, social, and labour market trends in Italy, and an overview of current employment, VET and social policies. The document was prepared at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL). Studio EN 26-02-2022 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE 2
European Social Fund Plus and European Globalisation Adjustment Fund Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data 08-10-2018 Autore TUOMINEN ULLA-MARI Settore di intervento Occupazione | Politica sociale | Sanità pubblica Parole chiave accesso all'istruzione | accesso all'occupazione | aiuto all'occupazione | Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione | Fondo sociale europeo | formazione professionale | globalizzazione | innovazione | integrazione sociale | politica sociale europea | povertà | reinserimento professionale | semestre europeo Riassunto The Commission proposes to establish a European Social Plus (ESF+) by merging different funds and programmes, and a strengthened European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). These proposals would contribute to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights and enhance social Europe. The impact assessment report (IA) concerning the proposals explains the challenges of funding and the defined objectives of the proposals. In relation to the proposed measures, risks and mitigating measures have also been discussed. It can be noted that the IA essentially concentrates in providing a thorough assessment of the selected measures, rather than discussing possible alternatives and comparing and assessing them. In addition, it would have benefited the analysis, if the link with the specific objectives had been elaborated more, as the description of social impacts is quite limited, and health impacts are not discussed although the Health Programme is merged into the ESF+. It would have been useful to have further explanation on the merger of the Health Programme into the ESF+ and its expected synergy impacts. A more detailed description would have been welcome concerning the results of the targeted stakeholder consultations. Briefing EN Lessons from ESF for ESF+: Workshop summary report Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data 28-09-2018 Autore KENNEDY AOIFE | KRAATZ Susanne Settore di intervento Bilanci | Cultura | Diritto UE: sistema e atti giuridici | Istruzione | Occupazione | Pianificazione preventiva | Politica sociale | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | bambino | Fondo sociale europeo | iniziativa dell'UE | integrazione sociale | povertà | Stato membro UE Riassunto This briefing summarises presentations and recommendations from a workshop having been organised for the Employment and Social Affairs Committee to support its work on the new regulation. Topics include: absorption, beneficiaries' experience, fighting child poverty, institutional capacity building, the integration of FEAD and YEI. Briefing EN Study in Focus: The ESF as a mitigating factor Tipo di pubblicazione In sintesi Data 15-02-2018 Autore DESSIMIROVA Denitza Settore di intervento Bilanci | Occupazione | Politica sociale | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | Fondo sociale europeo | mercato del lavoro | recessione economica Riassunto An overview of key findings of the Study "ESF policies as a mitigating factor during the crisis". In sintesi EN Policy measures to respond to trade adjustment costs Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data 24-11-2017 Autore PUCCIO Laura Settore di intervento Commercio internazionale | Occupazione | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | commercio internazionale | crescita economica | Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione | importazione (UE) | licenziamento | protezionismo | recessione economica | reinserimento professionale | Stati Uniti Riassunto Trade liberalisation is generally expected to bring net welfare gains to the domestic economy by reallocating resources to more productive firms or to industries with a comparative advantage. However, these gains are not always distributed evenly and can involve transitional costs for certain firms and workers. Trade adjustment measures are designed to compensate for these costs. The literature proposes mainly active labour policies (including training and other measures for re-employment) for dealing with these adjustments. Other policies, such as passive labour policies (unemployment benefits), credit financing, housing policies, etc., can also play a role. The EU's main instrument is the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF), which focuses on active labour policies. In the USA, trade adjustment assistance includes assistance for workers as well as firms and farmers. Assessments of these measures have shown some positive results. In both the EU and the USA, the effectiveness of the measures was found to be greater the higher the educational level of workers or, in the case of measures targeting firms, the higher the growth of the industry's market. This would suggest that structural policies (such as education) play a key role. The EGF has tended to target redundancies from big multinational or national champions, and its co-financing rules are less favourable than other funds, leading to uneven use of the fund by Member States and different views with respect to the reforms needed. The Commission is planning to propose improvements to the EGF in the near future. This briefing may be read together with the 2016 European Implementation Assessment on the EGF for the EMPL Committee, and the recent study on Interactions between trade, investment and trends in EU industry: EU regions and international trade. Briefing EN 26-02-2022 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE 3
Employment and social innovation programme (EaSI) Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data19-10-2016 AutoreSVASEK Martin Settore di interventoBilanci | Occupazione | Politica sociale Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | economia sociale | fondo (UE) | integrazione sociale | lotta alla disoccupazione | microcredito | politica sociale | povertà | programma dell'UE | regolamento (UE) | spirito d'impresa | statistiche dell'UE | umanizzazione del lavoro Riassunto EaSI is an umbrella programme that brings together three previous EU programmes managed separately: Progress, Eures and the Progress Microfinance Facility. Progress helps to finance good analytical data about social policies and their dissemination, in order to base EU policies on evidence. Eures focuses on employment and encourages professional mobility. The Microfinance Facility provides help to social enterprises, namely by providing vulnerable groups with a financial contribution to let them start their own company. Briefing EN Youth Employment Initiative: Implementation Appraisal Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data12-05-2015 AutoreHUBER Stephan Settore di interventoOccupazione | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | disoccupazione giovanile | Fondo sociale europeo | inserimento professionale | lavoro giovanile | lotta alla disoccupazione | meccanismo di finanziamento dell'UE | politica dell'occupazione dell'UE | studio d'impatto Riassunto This implementation appraisal focuses on Regulation (EU) 1304/2013 on the functioning of the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), in force since 21 December 2013. The European Commission announced in its annual Work Programme (CWP) for 2015 that the provisions concerning the YEI, Chapter IV of Regulation (EU) 1304/2013, will be updated by a new proposal, which it tabled on 4 February 2015. 'Implementation Appraisals' aim to provide a succinct overview of material publicly available on the implementation, application and effectiveness of an EU law to date - drawing on available in-puts from, inter alia, the EU institutions and advisory committees, national parliaments, and relevant external consultation and outreach exercises. They are provided to assist parliamentary committees in their consideration of the new Commission proposal, once tabled. Briefing EN Differential Treatment of Workers under 25 with a View to their Access to the Labour Market Tipo di pubblicazione Studio Data 05-02-2015 Autore esterno Jacqueline Mallender, Laura Todaro, Daniel Griffiths and Mirja Gutheil (Matrix) ; Kari P Hadjivassiliou (IES) Settore di intervento Occupazione | Pianificazione preventiva | Politica sociale | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | Austria | condizioni di lavoro | discriminazione fondata sull'età | disoccupazione a lungo termine | disoccupazione giovanile | Finlandia | formazione professionale | Francia | giovane lavoratore | Italia | lavoro giovanile | mercato del lavoro | politica dell'occupazione dell'UE | Polonia | Regno Unito Riassunto This Policy Department A study aims at providing the EMPL Committee with an up-to-date, comprehensive picture of the latest developments in policy measures regarding differential treatment of workers under 25 in the EU with a view to their access to the labour market. The evidence collected shows that in the last 15 years the youth unemployment rate has been constantly higher than the adult rate in the EU. Active labour market policies and employer incentives can be combined effectively to increase the employment rate of young people. When measures discriminate, this tends to be the result of the interplay between the measure and the institutional and socioeconomic context. While the responsibility for employment policies resides at national level, the EU can enhance its coordinating and overseeing role to support young people in becoming financially independent and socially included. The EU should promote policy innovation and better define anti-discrimination legislation with respect to age. Studio EN A Brief Comparison of Globalisation Adjustment Funds in the EU and the US Tipo di pubblicazione Analisi approfondita Data09-07-2014 AutoreBENDINI Roberto Settore di interventoCommercio internazionale | Occupazione Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | delocalizzazione | Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione | inserimento professionale | lotta alla disoccupazione | politica commerciale comune | Stati Uniti Riassunto The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was created in 2007. It provides support to people losing their jobs as a result of major structural changes in world trade patterns arising from globalisation or relocation. The US has implemented a similar adjustment scheme known as ‘Trade Adjustment Assistance’ (TAA), which has been operational since 1961. Superficially similar, the EGF and the TAA are in fact very different. The EGF is not part of the EU budget, while the TAA is part of the US federal budget. This makes the TAA a real political bargaining tool in negotiations for international agreements. By contrast, while the scope of the EGF was recently extended to cover workers affected by the global economic recession, its use remains limited. There are several reasons supporting an overall rethink of the scope and functioning of the EGF and measures to improve its role in the context of the EU's Common Commercial Policy. Analisi approfondita EN 26-02-2022 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE 4
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: Tackling job losses due to changes in trade patterns Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing Data18-06-2013 AutoreD'ALFONSO Alessandro Settore di interventoBilanci | Commercio internazionale | Occupazione Parole chiave aiuto all'occupazione | criterio di ammissibilità | Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione | inserimento professionale | lotta alla disoccupazione | recessione economica | ripartizione del finanziamento dell'UE Riassunto Created in 2007, the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) is the flexibility instrument in the EU budget for interventions in case of mass redundancies caused by major changes in global trade. It aims to help dismissed workers find new jobs through a package of tailor-made services. From May 2009 to December 2011, the EGF was also able to support workers who had lost their jobs as a result of the financial and economic crisis. Briefing EN 26-02-2022 Fonte : © Unione europea, 2022 - PE 5
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