Associazione Italiana Oncologia Medica - Carmine Pinto Stefania Gori - Doc Congress Srl
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Associazione Italiana Oncologia Medica Carmine Pinto Stefania Gori Presidente Nazionale AIOM – Presidente Eletto AIOM
Founded in Milan the 7 November 1973 by 20 Medical Oncologists AIOM is administered by a Board of 12 members: the President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, eight councillors. With the aim of further promoting the objectives of the Society, 19 Regional Sections were established in 1981, each of which brings together all of the members working in the Region. Each Section is managed by a Regional Board. Sections promote continuous medical education initiatives and scientific meetings.
Main purpose of the Society is to bring together specialists in Medical Oncology with the aims of promoting progress in the clinical, experimental and social welfare fields; AIOM also encourage contacts between medical oncologists, general practitioners and specialists in other disciplines; establish scientific relationship with other similar national and international Societies; collaborate with local, regional and national institutional bodies. AIOM is also bringing together other important people dealing every day with malignant diseases such as nurses, study coordinators, advocates……having dedicated working groups for each category.
The collaboration with AIRTUM (Associazione italiana dei registri tumori) • Every year this collaboration leads to the Monography “I NUMERI DEL CANCRO IN ITALIA”
Fonte: I numeri del cancro in Italia, AIOM-AIRTUM, 2017, Primi cinque tumori più frequentemente diagnosticati Prime cinque cause di morte oncologica
National Data (incidence & mortality) UNIVERSITY OF TORINO – DEPARTMENT OF ONCOLOGY I:-1.7% M: -2% • 41.800 new cases/yr (N= 369.000) • First cause of cancer death for every age group in men: 14% deaths in young (0-49aa), 30% in adults (50- I: +3.1% 69 anni), 26% >70 aa M:+2%
Histology(incidence)-National Data - Squamous carcinoma -2.6% - Adenocarcinoma + 4.4% - Squamous carcinoma +1.5% - Adenocarcinoma + 8.4%
MEGLIO SMETTERE 2.0 Seconda edizione del progetto di prevenzione del tabagismo tra i giovanissimi
Festival of Prevention and Innovation in Oncology • The first itinerant festival of prevention and innovation in oncology: taking place in 16 cities and started in December 2016 • In collaboration with local Institutions with patients, advocates, testimonials in each city • The motorhome moves from one city to another
100,000 citizens involved in the first 10 cities, 85,000 brochures distributed Reggio Emilia 16-18 dicembre 2016 Cremona 4 febbraio 2017 Brindisi 3-5 marzo 2017 Cosenza 10-12 marzo 2017 Palermo 15-17 marzo 2017 Napoli 20-22 marzo 2017 Frosinone 24-26 marzo 2017 Cagliari 29-31 marzo 2017 Firenze 3-5 aprile 2017 Arezzo 6-8 aprile 2017
Web App Arabic Italian Chinese Rumenian French Russian English Spanish
ESMO OPEN official Journal for AIOM
ESMO Designated Centres of Integrated Oncology & Palliative Care Centri italiani (anno accreditamento) Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari, Oncologia Medica 1 - Cagliari (2010) Istituto Neurotraumatologico Italiano (I.N.I.), Divisione Grottaferrata - Grottaferrata (2010) Policlinico A Gemelli , Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Oncology Unit - Roma (2010) S. Anna University Hospital, Clinical Oncology Unit - Ferrara (2010) Fondazione Poliambulanza - U.O. Oncologia Medica - Brescia (2011) Polo Oncologico Provinciale di Frosinone - Sora (2011) University Hospital of Udine, Department of Oncology - Udine (2011) Campus Bio Medico - Roma (2012) Cancer Centre, Ospedale San Pietro Fatebenefratelli - Roma (2012) Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo - Pavia (2012) Istituto Oncologico Veneto - I.R.C.C.S. - Padova (2012) Oncologia Medica Policlinico Universitario Tor Vergata (Rome) & San Raffaele Hospices (Rocca di Papa - Montecompatri) - Roma (2012) U.O.C. Oncologia Medica, Azienda Ospedaliera Sant' Andrea, Sapienza Università Di Roma - Roma (2012)
Andamento della popolazione con cittadinanza straniera in Italia ISTAT, 1 gennaio 2016
Progetto LINKAGE Information desk for Chinese patients • A linguistic-cultural mediator for the management of Chinese patients • National Registry specifically dedicated to Chinese pts
• AIOM (Associazione Italiana di oncologia Medica) • GOIRC in Medical Oncolo (Gruppo Oncologico Italiano di Ricerca Clinica) • GONO (Gruppo Oncologico Nord Ovest) • ITMO (Italian Trials gy) • GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico Italia Meridionale) • GISCAD (Gr. Italiano Studio Carcinomi App. Digerente) • ISG (Italian Sarcoma Group, 1997) ) • MITO (Multicenter Italian Trials in Ovarian Cancer) • IMI (Intergruppo Melanoma Italiano) • APRIC – CTPG (Clinical Trials Promoting Group) • GIM (Gruppo Italiano Mammella) • IGCCG (Italian Germ Cell Cancer Group) • ASTRO (Association for Traslation Research in Oncology) • Fondazione NIBIT (Network Italiano per la bioimmunoterapia dei tumori) • APRIC (Associazione per la promozione Ricerca Clinica)
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