Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006

Pagina creata da Debora Mosca
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006
Scintilena - Raccolta
Marzo 2006
Raccolta Articoli La Scintilena Anno 4 numero 3

Raccolta mensile degli articoli pubblicati sul sito a cura di Andrea Scatolini.
Direttore Responsabile Valeria Carbone Basile

File salvato come: 2006_03_Raccolta_Scintilena_Marzo

                                       TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006


 Sarzana - Misteri nel Buio ............................................................................................................................. 4
 Napoli Underground - I Segni dei Sogni - Maggio nei Monumenti 2006....................................................... 4
 10 anni per il T.E.S.E.S. ................................................................................................................................. 4
 WEB: E nata speleolazio ............................................................................................................................... 4
 Archivio della Comunit ................................................................................................................................. 5
 S.C. Forlì in Fiera! .......................................................................................................................................... 5
 Siti Speleo in Inglese ..................................................................................................................................... 6
 A free 3D Cave Adventure Flash Game from SONY .................................................................................... 16
 Siti Speleo in Rumeno ................................................................................................................................. 16
 Siti speleo della directory Dmoz ................................................................................................................. 17
 Date Corsi Nazionali 2006 - GEO CAI Bassano ............................................................................................ 19
 Siti Speleo in Tedesco ................................................................................................................................. 20
 Box speleofotocontest................................................................................................................................ 21
 Siti speleo in Catalano ................................................................................................................................ 21
 Nodi animati per tutti (o quasi) .................................................................................................................. 22
 Sito speleo in Svedese ................................................................................................................................ 22
 Siti Speleo in Polacco .................................................................................................................................. 23
 Siti speleo in Norvegese ............................................................................................................................. 24
 Siti Speleo in Croato ................................................................................................................................... 24
 Siti Speleo in Lituano .................................................................................................................................. 25
 Brasile: Conexão Subterrânea .................................................................................................................... 26
 Venezuela: scoperta una nuova enorme grotta e una specie di rana velenosa .......................................... 26
 Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia, Notiziario n 7/2006 ......................................................................... 27
 Sardegna Web: Nuovo sito del GSAGS ....................................................................................................... 28
 Sardegna: Corso per Istruttori di Tecnica ................................................................................................... 28
 Piemonte: 5 ° Stage di qualifica Istruttori di Tecnica e Aiuto Istruttori ...................................................... 29
 La Speleologia secondo wikipedia .............................................................................................................. 30
 METEO WEEKEND....................................................................................................................................... 31
 Concorso per il logo di "SCARBURO2006 Un viaggio al centro della terra" ................................................ 32
 Corso di Speleologia a Savona .................................................................................................................... 33


                                                        TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006

Grotte e dintorni n. 10................................................................................................................................ 33
Primo congresso centroamericano di speleologia ...................................................................................... 34
Sudamerica: boletín electrónico SBE Noticias (edición nº 7 - 05/03/2006 ................................................. 36
Corso di 1° Livello Ribaldone ...................................................................................................................... 37
Terni: Corso Gratuito di Topografia, Orientamento e GPS ......................................................................... 38
Siti Speleo in Ceco ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Siti Speleo in Spagnolo ............................................................................................................................... 40
Siti Speleo in Francese ................................................................................................................................ 41
Palestra: Fotografia na Natureza - 19/03 (domingo) Ã s 09:30 - Sede SBE (Campinas SP) ......................... 42
Siracusa: [SPELEOIT] 1° corso d'introduzione alla speleologia ................................................................. 43
Meteo Weekend (fine settimana) .............................................................................................................. 43
Meteo Weekend (fine settimana) .............................................................................................................. 45
Sito web del Centro Regionale di Speleologia "Enzo dei Medici" ............................................................... 45
Valbormida e’ ............................................................................................................................................. 45
Sito web del Centro Regionale di Speleologia "Enzo dei Medici" ............................................................... 46
Divieto di accesso al Mero Grande ............................................................................................................. 46
SpeleoFotoContest 2006 ............................................................................................................................ 46
Valbormida e' ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Divieto di accesso al Mero Grande ............................................................................................................. 47
SpeleoFotoContest 2006 ............................................................................................................................ 47
   SpeleoFotoContest 2006 ........................................................................................................................ 47
Forte dei Marmi - Corso di speleologia a maggio ....................................................................................... 47
Scintilena: Un milione di pagine viste!!! ..................................................................................................... 48
Ramaloch 2006 - Convegno dei Gruppi Grotte Vicentini ............................................................................ 48
Annual meeting of Bosnia and Herzegovina ............................................................................................... 49
San Marco in Lamis (FG) - Ultima scoperta ................................................................................................. 49
Monitoraggio Grotta del Farneto ............................................................................................................... 50
Punta degli Stretti in TV .............................................................................................................................. 50
26 ............................................................................................................................................................... 50
Punta degli Stretti in TV .............................................................................................................................. 53
Spedizione a Cuba del Gruppo Speleologico San Marco............................................................................. 53
Assemblea SSI a Casola ............................................................................................................................... 54
Bollettino n ................................................................................................................................................. 55
Assemblea SSI a Casola ............................................................................................................................... 55


                                                        TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006

Esplorazioni in Omber ................................................................................................................................ 56
L'abisso al Filmfestival di Trento ................................................................................................................. 56
Corso Propedeutico Esame IS 2006 ............................................................................................................ 57
L'abisso al Filmfestival di Trento ................................................................................................................. 58
Esplorazioni in Omber ................................................................................................................................ 59
Corso Propedeutico Esame IS 2006 ............................................................................................................ 59
I segreti del Ramaloch ................................................................................................................................ 60
Atti e memorie della Commissione Grotte E. Boegan ................................................................................ 61
XV CORSO NAZIONALE PROPEDEUTICO DI SPELEOLOGIA SUBACQUEA ..................................................... 61
Meteo Week End ........................................................................................................................................ 62


                                                     TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006

Sarzana - Misteri nel Buio
By Andrea Scatolini on marzo 4th, 2006

Il G.S.C.S. Gruppo Speleologico Cai di Sarzana (SP) organizza per il giorno 18 marzo 2006 ore 21.00 una
proiezione di immagini del mondo sotterraneo; le immagini sono tratte dal repertorio fotografico del Gruppo
e documentano anni di attività speleologica svolta principalmente nelle Apuane.
La proiezione aperta a tutti si terrà a Sarzana presso il Centro Barontini in Via Ronzano 2, l'ingresso E'

Notizia di Tiberio Elia -

Napoli Underground - I Segni dei Sogni -
Maggio nei Monumenti 2006
By Andrea Scatolini on marzo 4th, 2006

Anche quest'anno nell'ambito delle manifestazioni culturali abbinate al Maggio dei Monumenti 2006 sono
previste delle iniziative nella cavità C0605 di piazza Cavour 140.
I Segni dei Sogni L'evento è articolato su cinque distinte date e per ognuna di esse è prevista una differente
Contemporaneamente alle esposizioni saranno effettuate delle visite guidate nel sottosuolo.
Il programma completo su Napoli Underground a questo link
Notizia di Fulvio Salvi

10 anni per il T.E.S.E.S.
By Andrea Scatolini on marzo 4th, 2006

Mercoledì 22 febbraio 2006 l'Associazione vercellese TE.S.E.S. (Team Sperimentale Esplorazione
Sotterranei) ha compiuto 10 anni. I lavori svolti prevalentemente in Piemonte sono numerosi. Alcune delle
località interessate dalle operazioni di "Archeologia del Sottosuolo" sono le seguenti: Verrua Savoia (TO),
Ottiglio Monferrato (AL), Vinzaglio (NO), Moncrivello (VC). Assieme all'Associazione S.C.A.M. (Speleologia
Cavità Artificiali MIlano) ha fondato nel 2003 la Federazione Nazionale Cavità Artificiali (F.N.C.A.).
Per ulteriori informazioni sono attivi i seguenti siti: e

Auguri e 100 di questi giorni!
Notizia di Claudia Ninni (Federazione Nazionale Cavità Artificiali)

WEB: E nata speleolazio
By Andrea Scatolini on marzo 4th, 2006

Da qualche giorno e' nata speleolazio, gruppo di discussione a servizio degli speleologi che svolgono la
propria attività nel Lazio. Utile per decidere uscite comuni, segnalare le grotte impegnate durante i corsi,
aggiornarsi sulle rispettive esplorazioni, scambiarsi informazioni riguardo a conferenze o altri eventi a
carattere speleologico nella nostra regione.
Chi e' interessato...


                                            TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006

Archivio della Comunit
By Andrea Scatolini on marzo 4th, 2006

Queremos invitarlos a sumarse al proyecto de generar una base de datos e información referente a la
espeleología para que sea de fácil acceso para todos nosotros y poder compartir la información.

Generamos una comunidad Iztaxochitla en el sistema de comunidades de Funcionan para poder
subir y acceder rapidamente a la información que proporcionemos todos de manera voluntaria. Nuestra
comunidad es de tipo público, por lo que no necesitarán niguna contraseña.

El procedimiento para subir información es el siguiente:

- Entrar a

- En el recuadro central, el primer menú desplegable es para comunidades de participación pública, ahí
seleccionar Iztaxochitla y después dar 'click' en el botón de iniciar sesión.

- Ahora con la sesión iniciada ya podemos ver los archivos que están suscritos a Iztaxochitla, los podemos

- En la parte inferior de la página, debajo de la barra de búsqueda, a la izquierda hay un menú con 5
opciones, una de ellas es Contribuciones. Damos 'click' y aparece Subir Archivo. Damos 'click' y ya se puede
subir el archivo llenando el pequeño formulario. También aparecen algunas categorias de información que
podemos usar si se desea.

Todo archivo puede ser encontrado sin necesidad de iniciar sesión utilizando la barra de búsqueda.

Espero que todos puedan contribuir con topografías, reseñas, imagenes, videos o cualquier cosa que pueda
ser de utilidad para la comunidad.


Fernando Luege
Juan Antonio Montaño Hirose

S.C. Forlì in Fiera!
By Andrea Scatolini on marzo 5th, 2006

Speleo in Fiera!
Anche quest'anno lo Speleo Club Forlì è presente alla Fiera del Tempo Libero di Cesena (FC)sabato e
domenica 4-5 Marzo...che come sempre ci vede impegnati nelle nostre attività eno-gastro-speleologiche!
Già disponibili le prime foto su alla voce "raduni...feste..."


                                         TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006

Siti Speleo in Inglese
By Andrea Scatolini on marzo 5th, 2006

Direttamente da Opendirectory DMOZ, una raccolta di siti speleo da tutto il mondo, in molte lingue:






The Virtual Cave      - A wide-ranging introduction to the geology of caves. Organised by geological feature
with pictures and clickable virtual maps.

California Underground Online Exhibits - An overview of the formation of caves, cave conservation,
photography and wildlife together with local educational resources. Diagrams, pictures and slide shows.
Cave and Karst Terminology - An extensive glossary of speleological terms from the Australian Speleological
The Caving Pages - An introduction to caving, cave types and conservation together with links to many caves
and organisations around the world.
Ozcavers Mailing List - Aiming to get cavers communicating with each other on a regular basis about all
matters caving.
Speleolabs - Apres-cave lifestyle enhancement. Pictures, chat, news, a different outlook on the sport of
Speleomania - Includes caving discussion forums, news, views and resources.
UIS International Speleo Calendar - Events around the world.
World Cave Database - A list of long and deep caves from all around the world. - Pictures and descriptions of cave diving trips in Mexico and Florida, including some of
the more off the beaten track sites.
Blue Holes Foundation - Dedicated to exploration and scientific investigations of underwater caves in the
Bahamas. Includes general information, photos and a list of publications. Located in Charleston, South
Carolina, United States.
Cave Divers Association of Australia - The national organisation for Australia.
Cave Diver's Forum - Multiple discussion boards feature gear exchange, trip reports, incident reporting and
analysis, buddies and resources.
Cave Diving Group - The official web site for the CDG of Great Britain.
Cave Diving in Greece - The exploration of Drakos and Polidrosso together with team, equipment and contact
Cave Diving Rocks - South Georgia enthusiast offers statistical summary of his dives, articles, photos,
projects, tips, files. Includes contact form.
Cave Diving Thailand - News and information about Thailand's Cave Diving Project.
The Cave Diving Website - Covers what is involved, who can be a diver, when, where and how. Includes
safety rules for diving in Florida and Mexico.
Caveboard - Discussion group covering all the various aspects of cavern & cave diving worldwide. Posts,

                                         TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006
calendar, members list, advice, locations, trip reports.
CDAA - Cave Divers Association of Australia.
European Karst Plain Project - The EKPP explores underwater caves, mainly in France. Projects, images,
video, training information and contacts.
Expedition Divers - Extreme underwater video production and services. DVDs for sale, technical diving
instruction, expeditions and information on available services.
Florida Cave Diving - Information on cave diving in the North Central Florida springs area and Mexico.
Pictures, descriptions and links.
German Cave Diving Mailing List - A mailing list established to promote an exchange of cave diving related
issues via Internet.
Grupo de Exploracion Ox Bel Ha - Dedicated to the continued exploration of the world's largest underwater
cave system and the largest cave system in the Mexican Republic, located in the Yucatan Peninsula. Includes
members, history of the system, maps, FAQs, articles.
Hooked On Cave Diving - Underwater photographs of the cenotes in the Riviera Mayan region of Mexico.
Jacksonville Diving - Includes guides to area locations, marine forecasts and tides, essays, photos and links.
Loco Gringo Underground - A basic introduction to safe cave diving with some nice photographs.
Mexico Profundo - An organisation undertaking exploration, scientific study and mapping of water filled
caves and related features in México and Central America.
NACD - National Association For Cave Diving based in Florida, USA.
NSS Cave Diving Section - The main organisation for cave divers in the USA.
Pluto Dive - Located in Playa del Carmen, Yucatan, Mexico and providing training for cenote and cavern
diving. Training and dive site details, local history, pictures and accommodation options.
Quintana Roo Speleological Survey - Exploration, survey and cartography of the underwater caves of
Quintana Roo, Mexico.
SMART Cave Diving Policy - Safety information from the San Marcos Area Recovery Team, National
Speleological Society, USA.
Underwater Caves of Hungary - Information and pictures of a number of caves in Hungary.
Woodville Karst Plain Project - An organisations undertaking exploration of deep underwater caves in North
California Underground - A guide to understanding the art and craft of underground photography.
Cave And Mine Photography - Twelve good photos from Paul Deakin,a UK based professional caver.
Cave Photography - Hints and Tips from the NSS, USA.
Cave Photography Tips - General advice for the beginner and advanced photographer.
Caves Lighting Up The Darkness - Quality photographs and equipment information from Slovenian caver
Peter Gedei.
Darklight Imagery Caves - Features galleries of photos of Kentucky and Tennessee caves. Includes flashbulb
Gavin Newman Photography - Photographs from this internationally known cave and cave diving
High-Performance Flashgun Slave Unit - Information from Dave Gibson about a slave unit specifically
designed for the rigours of caves.
Innermost Imagery - Five galleries of pictures together with technical and practical tips.
Inside Chiquibul - Interactive tour of Chiquibul, Central America by National Geographic photographer
Stephen Alvarez.
Peak District Caving Photo Gallery - Selection of images from the Peak District and the rest of the UK,
thumbnailed for easy selection.
Piatra Altarului - A collection of pictures from Altar Cave, Romania.
Scanning and Image Preparation - Advice on getting photographic images into an electronic format suitable
for web pages.
Speleoclub Avalon Picture Galleries - A wide range of caving images from around Europe. - Picures from caves around the world. Guest book, contacts, photographer information.
The Underground Photographer - Magazine for subterranean images. Pictures and back issues.
Underground Photographer Flashbulb Resource - Information on using flashbulbs in a caving context, their
uses, dangers and suppliers. Caving Photos - Caving pictures from Romania, China and the UK including guess the cave,
pictures of the week and cave exploration sections.
Xtremexpess Caving - Pictures from caves on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
American Caving Accidents - A compendium of accident and safety incident reports from the North
American caving community, published by the National Speleological Society.
BMS Rescue Equipment Papers - A number of white papers on rope rescue techniques and equipment.
The Cave Rescue Telephone Project - A summary of this project aiming to improve communication between
an underground patient and the surface.

                                       TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006
Cave Search and Rescue - Information and guidelines on conducting cave rescues from the New Zealand
Speleological Society.
Cavecomm - Yahoo discussion group dedicated to cave rescue communications.
Considerations for Rope Rescue - An extensive guide to rope rescue techniques.
Introducing the Nicola System - Detailed build and usage information for this radio system designed for cave
rescues and for security underground.
Oxford University Cave Club Expedition Rescue Guide - Detailed paper on expeditionary styles of cave
Rope Rescue Discussion Forum - Post you rescue question here or view the many others that have been
The Self Rescue Group Reading Room - Articles on cave safety, accidents, injuries and self rescue techniques.
Survival In A Cave - Hints and tips on Self Rescue and survival.
A View From "Down Under" - Article discussing the challenges associated with cave rescue.
The Auriga Project - Information on developing an electronic surveying tool to make cave surveying easier
and less error-prone.
BCRA Cave Surveying Group - UK organisation to promote discussion, research, information dissemination,
and practical help on cave surveying.
Cave Data Exchange Format Working Group - Aiming to establish a hardware and software independent
format for the transfer and archiving of speleological data.
Cave Survey Data in XML - The proposal and ongoing effort to establish XML based standards for the
representation of cave survey data.
Cave Surveying Discussion Group - Post a question or browse the archives.
Cave Surveying Notes - A detailed paper on the treatment and minimising of errors in surveying.
CaveScript XML - A cave survey and map data format for storing all information about a cave survey or an
entire cave map. - Underwater cave survey techniques, links to cave survey computer programs, and cave
survey projects in Florida and the Bahamas. - Worldwide cave survey database, with limited viewing of surveys and links to the survey
Compass Points - The Journal of the BCRA Cave Surveying Group.
3D Modeling of Phreatic Karst Caves - An analysis of cave geometry modelling methods by Todd R Kincaid,
KML Karst Markup Language - A suggested XML vocabulary for the speleological community.
The Canadian Cave and Karst Information Server - Links to Web sites relating to caving in Canada.
1000 Cave Links - Worldwide links in no particular order.
Cavernet - Worldwide caving links from USA based Bill Bailey.
Caving Adventure Handbook - Worldwide links to caving businesses and organisations.
Caving Info Service - List of wide range of sites listed in alphabetical order.
Croatian Speleological Server - Links for Croatia and the world.
Epimenides Cave Page - Information on caves and caving in Poland. Game, statistics, contacts, organisations
and descriptions
Hiker Central Caving - Worldwide links arranged alphabetically.
The Outdoor Directory - A selection of links to cave releated sites around the world.
Russian SpeleoInfoCentre - Information and links relevant to caving, cave and karst research in Russia and
the former Soviet Union.
Speleo Link Page - Large collection of speleological links ordered by continent.
Speleology Servers on the Web - An extensive list of worldwide caving links.
UK and Europe Cave-Related Links - List of club sites with separate university section.
UK Caving's Virtual Foyer - This site is an entry point to some key caving web-sites in the UK. Choose a link
from the list below.
Western Australian Speleology - Links to sites relating to Western Australia.
World Caving Links Page - Worldwide links arranged by country.
Worldwide Caving Links - Caving Links from all over the world.
Worldwide Caving News Network - News feeds and information from around the world.
Bassett Metal Studio - Designers of rope rescue equipment. - Manufacture of Spelenium and Antipodes static caving ropes.
Chamberlain Educational Services Centre - Helping students from Hong Kong and China to study abroad in
Australia, Canada and the UK. Advice, University fasttrack, partner listings, student services and contacts.
Firefly Electronics - A specialist manufacturer of ultra sensitive slave units.
HDS Systems - The lithium powered LED Action Light, suitable for emergency cave lighting.
Lyon Equipment - UK based distributor for some of the biggest names in caving equipment.
Meggaflash Technologies - Manufacturer of flashbulbs with masses of information on bulb availability and

                                       TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006
Nevtek - Fluorescent cap lamps.
Petzl - Supplier of caving technical equipment and headlamps. Detailed product listings, technical advice,
worldwide supplier contacts.
PMI Ropes and Equipment - Manufacturer and supplier of ropes and associated rigging equipment.
Rite in the Rain - Manufacturer of waterproof, outdoor writing paper.
Speleo Technics - Specialist supplier of caving lights and lighting equipment, based in the UK.
SRTE - Manufacturer of single rope technique equipment.
Wisdom Li-Lion Battery - Manufacturer of li-ion battery mineral lamps, carbides and mining lamps.
Technical details, advice and trading information.
Cave Research Association (MAD) - Located in Ankara, Turkey and a member of the Union of International
Speleology. Promotes exploration and conservation. Includes meeting and contact information. [Turkish and
Hong Meigui Cave Exploration Society - Offers expeditions in China and other countries. Includes articles
and stories, trip calendar, photos, survey data, and contact information.
International Society for Speleological Art - ISSA's aim is to promote the artistic interpretation of caves and
karst landscape. Membership, galleries, contact, activity and background information.
International Union of Speleology - Formed in 1965 and has departments devoted to protection and
management, research, documentation, exploration and education. Includes bulletins and contact
Jamaican Caves and Sinkholes - Crew is dedicated to exploration, surveying and preservation. Includes trip
reports, field notes, databases, photos and contacts.
UIS Informatics Commission - Formed in 1986 to encourage and facilitate the systematic collection and use
of karst and related data on an international basis. Includes calendar of events, project and contact
B C Cave Rescue - Rescue and training service of organized caving in British Columbia, Canada.
East Tennessee Cave Rescue Group - Contact information for this USA based organisation.
Huntsville Cave Rescue Unit - Organisation based in Huntsville, Alabama, USA specializing in cave, cliff,
high-angle and rough terrain search and rescue operations.
International Underwater Cave Rescue and Recovery - Organisation based in USA with the aim to support all
Public Safety Agencies in the rescue and/or recovery of victims in an underwater environment.
NCRC - The national organization for cave rescue training and resource co-ordination for the United States.
Training, meeting minutes, policies, regional members and contacts.
San Bernardino Cave Rescue Team - Information on this California, USA based organisation.
SARBC - Search and Rescue Society of British Columbia.
Alberta Speleological Society - The recognized caving authority in the province of Alberta, dedicated to the
exploration, study, and conservation of caves in the Canadian Rockies. Has chapters in Calgary, Lethbridge,
Edmonton and Jasper. Includes cave guides, membership information, gallery, history, caving advice and
contact information.
British Columbia Speleological Federation - The BCSF coordinates group activities in conservation, safety,
rescue, exploration, education and technical expertise. Includes publications, code of conduct and group
Central Island Caving Club - Based in Vancouver Island area and dedicated to conservation, safety, and
fellowship. Includes Constitution, membership requirements, events schedule, photos and contact
Nibelungen Speleo Club - Meets in the region of Ottawa/Hull to promote fellowship. Explores caves in
provinces of Quebec and Ontario and in the states of New York and West Virginia. Includes Constitution,
photo album, membership and contact information. Bilingual French/English.
Speleological Society of Manitoba - Features article about karst protection in the province.
Toronto Caving Group - Founded in 1967. Offers exploration trips, workshops, practice sessions and social
events. Includes upcoming events, membership information, library listings, photo gallery and contacts.
The Under Achievers Cave Exploration Group - Based in Kelowna serving as the centre for organized caving
in the central Okanagan area of British Columbia. Includes contact details.
Vancouver Island Cave Exploration Group - Information on local area, conservation, newsletter, contacts,
meetings, cave rescue and karst management.
AE Vertigo Mexico - Espeleologia Caving - Promotes exploration, study and conservation. Offers training and
trips. Bilingual Spanish/English.
Association for Mexican Cave Studies - Participates in the study, exploration and conservation of caves in
Mexico. Official project of the National Speleological Society since 2001. Includes contact information.
Grupo de Exploracion Ox Bel Ha - A club dedicated to the exploration, survey and research of the cenotes
and underground rivers of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Mexico Profundo - Founded in 1982 and devoted to exploration, surveying and mapping of water-filled caves.

                                       TIM - Uso Interno - Tutti i diritti riservati.
Scintilena - Raccolta Marzo 2006
Includes descriptions of projects, expedition journals and contact information.
Proyecto Cerro Rabón - Speleological exploration in the Cerro Rabón area of the Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca,
Mexico. Galleries, journals, pictures and newsletters.
Quintana Roo Speleological Survey - Supports the safe exploration, survey and cartography of the
underwater caves and cenotes. Includes maps, conservation notes, geologic history and contact information.
National Speleological Society       - The national caving organization of the USA, with links to all affiliated
regions, grottos (clubs), sections, and special interest groups.

American Cave Conservation Association Inc. - Based in Horse Cave, Kentucky. Dedicated to preservation of
karstlands. Includes membership application, volunteer projects, news, events and contacts.
Baltimore Grotto of the NSS - Founded in 1952 and dedicated to exploration, study and conservation.
Includes calendar of events, contacts, membership information, photo album and projects.
Bear River Grotto - NSS affiliate is located in the Cache Valley area of Northeastern Utah and dedicated to
study, conservation and safety through education and training. Includes trip reports, photos, a list of officers,
and contact information.
Boston Grotto - Founded in 1952 to promote exploration, conservation, scientific studies and social activities.
Includes contact information, trip calendar, newsletter, photo gallery and links.
Cascade Grotto Home Page - Based in Seattle, Washington. A chapter of the NSS dedicated to the study,
exploration and conservation of caes and their contents.
Cave Conservation and Management Section of the National Speleological Society - Provides a central
clearinghouse for research, expertise, and information. Offers a newsletter, membership benefits, the CCMS
constitution, bylaws, minutes, and future events.
Cave Diving Section of the National Speleological Society - Promotes education, safety and conservation in
underwater caves.
Cave Research Foundation - Institutional member of the NSS. Involved with conservation, research and karst
interpretation. Includes operation areas, programs and projects, publications, and membership information.
Central Arizona Grotto Website - Promotes exploring, surveying, conservation, vertical work and safety
techniques. Includes calendar of events, trip reports and contact information.
Central Connecticut Grotto - Located in Plainville and is a chapter of the NSS. Includes Constitution,
activities schedule, photos, membership form and contact information.
Central New Jersey Grotto - Chartered in 1978 for exploration, conservation and study. Includes membership
manual, monthly meeting notice, newsletters, photo galleries, store and links.
Central States Caving Society - Founded in 1998. Dedicated to safe exploration and conservation in lower-
central Missouri and western Kentucky. Includes trip pictures and contact information.
Colorado Grotto - Located in Denver and affiliated with the National Speleological Society. Dedicated to
exploration, study and conservation. Includes meeting information, events, projects, photo gallery and
Columbia Grotto of the National Speleological Society - Activities in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties in
California. Dedicated to promote exploration, conservation, study and preservation of caves. Includes
meeting information, trip reports, photos and contacts.
Commander Cody Caving Club - NSS grotto based in the Delaware Valley. Dedicated to exploration, study
and conservation. Includes calendar of events, contacts, meeting and membership information, photo gallery
and links.
Crescent City Cavers - Grotto of the NSS and located in Metairie, Louisiana. Dedicated to exploration and
conservation. Includes Constitution, meeting schedule, membership form, calendar of events, photo gallery
and contacts.
Dayton Underground Grotto - Formed in 1992 for cave exploration and conservation. Includes calendar of
events, contacts, newsletter, photos, library holdings and message board.
The Detroit Urban Grotto - Includes meeting and contact information, and membership roster. Features
history, maps and survey statistics of the Fisher Ridge Cave System in Kentucky.
Diablo Grotto - Located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Includes information about membership, meetings,
trips, training sessions and projects.
District of Columbia Grotto of the National Speleological Society - Founded in 1939 and dedicated to
exploration, study and conservation. Includes calendar of events, project list, safety and equipment tips,
meeting, membership and contact information.
Flint River Grotto - Based in Tallahassee, Florida to promote cave exploration and conservation. Includes
contact information, meeting and trip schedules.
Flittermouse Grotto of Western North Carolina - Located in Ashville and member of the National
Speleological Society. Promotes conservation of caves, safety in their exploration and fellowship. Includes
meeting and contact information and photos.
Florida Speleological Society - Located in Gainesville and became a chapter of the NSS in 1956. Dedicated to


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exploration and conservation. Includes newsletter, trip reports, photos, meeting and contact information.
The Gangsta Mappers - Informal group throughout mid-Atlantic states devoted to cartography projects in
Virginia and West Virginia. Includes summaries of current and past trips, photos and contact information.
Password required to access websheets and schedule of events.
Gem State Grotto - Located in Boise, Idaho and affiliated with the National Speleological Society. Promotes
exploration, study, conservation and restoration of caves. Includes schedule of events and contact
The Guano Page - Southern Nevada Grotto, Las Vegas, Nevada. Dedicated to the preservation and
conservation of caves in Southern Nevada. Information on meetings and trips, photographs and maps.
HR3 Home Page - An NSS affiliated survey team called HR cubed. Survey news, history, membership list,
Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc. - Formed to protect, conserve, locate, record, explore, and study caves and
karst resources. Includes Constitution and Bylaws, calendar of events, and contact information.
Kansas Speleological Society - Formed in 1983 to catalog, study and explore caves. Affiliated with the NSS.
Includes membership and meeting information, library resources and contacts.
Karst Waters Institute - Aiming to improve the fundamental understanding of karst water systems through
sound scientific research and the education of professionals and the public.
Little Egypt Grotto - Located in Carbondale, Illinois and chapter of National Speleological Society. Dedicated
to exploration and conservation. Includes membership information, meeting minutes, Constitution, calendar
of events and contacts.
Michigan Interlakes Grotto - Based in Union Lake and is a chapter of the National Speleological Society.
Promotes exploration and conservation. Includes upcoming events, meeting and membership information,
photos, store and contacts.
Michigan Karst Conservancy - Formed in 1983 and located in Ann Arbor. Aims to acquire, manage and
protect unique geology and associated ecosystems. Includes details of projects and membership application.
Minnesota Speleological Survey - Affiliated with the National Speleological Society. Dedicated to study,
exploration and conservation of caves. Includes information about projects, meetings, membership and
MIT Caving Club - Located on Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus. Offers trips during the school
year. Includes schedule of events and contact information.
Mother Lode Grotto of the National Speleological Society - Located in Sacramento, California and devoted to
exploration, study and preservation. Includes information about meetings, membership, equipment,
conservation, MLG history and contacts.
Near Normal Grotto - Located in Bloomington, Illinois and affiliated with the National Speleological Society.
Contains information about meetings, membership and contacts.
Northeastern Regional Organization - Affiliated with the NSS and includes grottos in Pennsylvania, New
York, New England and Eastern Canada. Includes newsletter, Constitution, meeting and contact information.
Northern Colorado Grotto - Located in Fort Collins and affiliated with the National Speleological Society.
Includes events, newsletter, and contacts.
Northern New Jersey Grotto - Founded in 1952 and a chapter of the National Speleological Society. Contains
contact information, meeting schedule, photos, upcoming trips and events.
NSS Communications and Electronics Section - Offers a forum for those cavers interested in cave radio and
electronic gadgetry. Includes articles, newsletter, membership requirements and contact information.
NSS Human Sciences Section - Details the study of cavers and their interactions with each other and with
NSS Medical Section - Medical and health related information and resources for cavers.
NSS Paleontology Section - National Speleological Society organization for cavers interested in the study of
fossils featured.
NSS Survey and Cartography Section - Information on mapping and documenting caves, data management
and archiving, and all forms of cave cartography.
NSS Vertical Section - Seeks to develop, educate, and train cavers in safe and efficient vertical rope
NSS Video Section - Offers help in using camcorders, lighting systems, editing setups, and computer
technology in cave-related presentations. Includes newsletter, membership and meeting information.
Oregon Grotto of the Portland, OR / Vancouver, WA Area - Located in Vancouver, Washington and dedicated
to the exploration and conservation of caves. Highlights photos, upcoming events, articles, a meeting
schedule, and membership details.
Potomac Speleological Club - Based in the District of Columbia area. Formed in 1957 to explore, conserve and
study caves. Includes trip reports, calendar of events, projects, photos, meeting and contact information.
Rock River Speleological Society - Formed in 1964 and a Grotto of the NSS. Dedicated to exploration and
preservation of karst regions. Includes events, gear, tips, terminology, photos and contact information.
Located in Rockford, Illinois.

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Salt Lake Grotto - Your portal to organized caving in Utah. Site includes meeting info, trip reports, upcoming
trips, cave maps, and the Utah long and deep cave list.
San Diego Grotto - Activities include exploration, surveying and conservation in California, Arizona, Nevada
and New Mexico. Has meeting information, photos, maps and links.
San Francisco Bay Chapter National Speleological Society - Dedicated to exploration, study and conservation.
Includes information about meetings, trips and events calendar, newsletter, projects, photos and contacts.
Sandia Grotto - Located in Albuquerque. Chapter of the NSS promotes study, conservation, safe exploration
and fellowship. Includes Constitution, meeting and membership information, photos and contacts.
SERA Karst Task Force (SKTF) - Resource organization dedicated to karst conservation and the clean up of
karst features and caves, through the education of both the public and caving communities. Includes
membership details.
Shasta Area Grotto of the NSS - Located in Northern California. Promotes conservation, study and
preservation of caves. Features articles about safety, conservation, management, restoration and ethics.
Includes photo galleries and contact information.
Silver Sage Grotto Home Page - Chapter of the National Speleological Society was founded in 2001 for
exploration, conservation and survey of South Central Idaho caves. Includes Constitution and Bylaws, event
schedule, meeting and contact information.
Sligo Grotto of the NSS - Based in Maryland and chapter since 1970. Dedicated to conservation, protection,
exploration and surveying. No fixed meeting dates and locations. Includes newsletter, photo album,
membership and contact information.
Southeastern Regional Association - SERA is an organization made up of the Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee NSS regions, USA.
Southern California Grotto - Meets in Pasadena. NSS chaper is dedicated to surveying and mapping,
exploration, and conservation. Includes meeting and membership information, newsletter and contacts.
Southern Colorado Mountain Grotto (SoCoMoGro) - Located in Colorado Springs and a member of the NSS.
Dedicated to exploration, conservation and preservation. Includes meeting information, trip reports and
Southwestern Region of the NSS - Formed to further the discovery, exploration, scientific study and
conservation of karst areas in New Mexico and Texas. Includes Constitution, upcoming events, newsletter
and contacts.
Stonewall Cavers of the National Speleological Society - Section of the NSS for gay, lesbian and bisexual
cavers. Includes contact information.
Sub-Urban Chicago Grotto of the National Speleological Society - Located in Aurora, Illinois. Provides
exploration, conservation and fellowship. Includes meeting and contact information.
Triangle Troglodytes - Located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Features trip and meeting schedules, newsletters,
photo galleries and contact information.
Tri-State Speleological Society, Inc. - Chapter of the NSS and located in New Jersey. Promotes the
exploration, conservation, and preservation. Includes membership and contact information.
Vermont Cavers Association - Based in Rutland and a chapter of the National Speleological Association.
Dedicated to study and exploration. Includes Constitution and Bylaws, photos, meeting and contact
Wasatch Grotto - Chapter of the National Speleological Society meets in Bountiful, Utah. Includes meeting
and trip schedules, membership list, photos and contacts.
West Michigan Grotto - Formed in 1999 this chapter of the NSS is dedicated to study, exploration and
conservation. Includes a calendar of events, membership and contact information.
Willamette Valley Grotto - Greater Portland area and chapter of the NSS. Offers recreational and scientific
trips, surveying and mapping. Includes Constitution and Bylaws, meeting and membership information,
calendar of events, photos and contacts.
Windy City Grotto - Located in Chicago, Illinois and an affiliate of the NSS. Dedicated to exploration,
preservation and conservation of the subterranean ecosystem. Contains information about meetings,
calendar of events, library holdings and contacts.
Wisconsin Speleological Society - Has chapters of the NSS in Green Bay and Madison. Promotes exploration
and study. Includes membership information, events, trip schedules and contacts.
Woodville Karst Plain Project - Devoted to exploration of underwater caves in Big Bend area of northern
Florida. Includes articles on history, equipment, procedures, decompression, diving updates, image gallery
and contacts.
Alabama Cave Survey (ACS) - Collects, maintains, indexes, and publishes information. Includes Constitution
and Bylaws, membership requirements and contacts.
Birmingham Grotto - Promotes exploration, scientific study and conservation. Includes photos and projects.
[Requires Flash].
Central Alabama Grotto - Features contacts, upcoming trips, photos and links.
Cullman Grotto of the NSS - Club based in Alabama and focussing on vertical caving and conservation.

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Includes meeting and membership information, photos, advice on caving, newsletter and contact details.
Huntsville Grotto of the National Speleological Society - Located in Alabama and dedicated to study,
protection and exploration. Includes membership requirements, meeting schedules, activities, photo gallery
and contact information.
Clayton County Cavers - Located in Morrow and affiliated with the National Speleological Society. Dedicated
to discovery, exploration and conservation. Includes meeting and contact information, photos and trip
The Dogwood City Grotto - Based in Atlanta and affiliate of National Speleological Society. Includes photo
gallery, meeting and contact information. Requires password entry for DCG members.
Georgia Speleological Survey - Features the archival organization for the exploration, documentation, and
study of caves in the state.
Middle Georgia Grotto of the NSS - Group based in Byron offers exploration and mapping trips, mainly in the
Southeastern United States. Includes trip reports, photos, and contact information.
ORGT Caving - Outdoor Recreation at Georgia Tech provides instruction, trips and equipment for students,
faculty, staff and alumni. Includes photos and contact information.
Southeastern Cave Conservancy - Incorporated in Walker County, Georgia. Formed to acquire and manage
caves for scientific study, research and conservation. Institutional member of the NSS. Includes contact
Bloomington Indiana Grotto - Includes minutes of meetings, upcoming events and newsletter.
Central Indiana Grotto - Meets in Indianapolis. Includes calendar of events, newsletter, photo gallery,
Constitution and Bylaws, membership and contact information.
Harrison Crawford Grotto - Located in Southern Indiana and a chapter of the NSS. Dedicated to exploration,
conservation, preservation and safety. Includes meeting minutes, events, members list and contacts.
The Indiana Cave Survey - Features ICS officers, cave reports, and caving information and resources.
The Indiana Karst Conservancy - Dedicated to the preservation and conservation of unique karst features.
Includes activities and membership information.
Indiana University Spelunking Club - Located in Bloomington. Promotes conservation, exploration and
safety. Includes calendar of events, trip reports, photo album, membership and contact information.
Northern Indiana Grotto - Active in conservation, photography and mapping. Includes calendar of events,
newsletter, photos and contact information.
Purdue Outing Club - Grotto of the NSS. Features Guide to Responsible Caving, equipment inventory, trip
reports, message board and contact information.
St. Joseph Valley Grotto of the National Speleological Society - Located in Mishawaka, Indiana. Active in
conservation, photography, cartography and exploration. Includes membership and contact information,
calendar of events, survey projects, Constitution and Bylaws, newsletter and photos.
Blue Grass Grotto - Located in Lexington and affiliated with the National Speleological Society. Includes
calendar of events, photos and meeting and contact information.
Golden Pond Grotto of the National Speleological Society - Located in Calvert City. Dedicated to cave
exploration and surveying. Includes calendar of events, membership projects, image gallery, maps, meeting
and contact information.
Green River Grotto - Chapter of the NSS and meets on WKU campus in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Involved
in conservation, research, discovery, exploration and mapping. Includes newsletter, meeting and contact
The Louisville Grotto - Dedicated to exploration and conservation. Includes contacts, members list, meeting
schedule, calendar of events, beginner's guide and trip reports.
Pine Mountain Grotto - Founded in 1992 in southeastern Kentucky to promote exploration, conservation and
scientific research. Includes calendar of events, membership list and application, Constitution and Bylaws,
and contact information.
BATL Grotto - Located in Branson, Missouri and chapter of the NSS. Dedicated to exploration, conservation
and preservation of caves. Includes meeting and contact information, member list and photos.
Carroll Cave Conservancy - Dedicated to the conservation and perpetual protection of the Toronto Springs
watershed. Includes Constitution and Bylaws, access policy. projects reports, photo gallery, membership
requirements and contacts.
Chouteau Grotto - Located in Columbia, Missouri. Dedicated for the preservation and conservation of caves.
Includes Constitution and Bylaws, meeting minutes, trip reports, photos and contact information.
Club 69 No Rules - A mixed bag of cavers having fun, some nonsense, and other caving related stuff...
Kansas City Area Grotto - Affiliated with the NSS. Dedicated to exploration and conservation. Includes
meeting and contact information, newsletter, events, photos and equipment checklist.
Meramec Valley Grotto - Dedicated to research, exploration, and conservation. Chapter of the NSS and
member of the MSS. Includes trip reports, membership requirements, library holdings, safety and
conservation notes, meeting and contact information.
Missouri Caves and Karst Conservancy - Formed for acquisition, management and conservation of karst

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areas. Includes membership information, list of publications and contacts.
Missouri Mountaineers & Adventurers - MMA is an independent group participating in rock climbing,
mountaineering, caving, canoeing, and rapelling trips. Includes photo galleries and contacts.
Missouri Speleological Survey - Composed of affiliated groups and independent individuals known as
cooperators. Involved in exploration, cartography, photography, research and conservation projects. Includes
membership and contact information.
MSM Spelunkers Club - Located in Rolla. Member of National Speleological Society since 1953. Promotes
exploration, protection, conservation and documentation of caves. Includes history of group, meeting and
contact information.
Ozark Highlands Grotto - Founded in 1975 and member of the National Speleological Society. Promotes
study, exploration and conservation. Contains member's manual, newsletter, list of members and contacts.
Stygian Grotto Caving Society - Based in St. Louis and affiliated with the NSS. Includes Constitution and
Bylaws, membership application, roster, meeting and contact information, and calendar of events.
The Barrack Zourie Foundation - Seeks to acquire, either through donation, purchase, lease, or conservation
right of way access to restricted karst lands. Includes membership and contact information.
Helderberg-Hudson Grotto - Chapter of NSS. Supports conservation, exploration and study in eastern New
York and western New England. Activities include recreational trips, cave restoration and vertical training.
Includes meeting schedule, photos, bulletin board and contacts.
Met Grotto - Located in Manhattan and chapter of the National Speleological Society. Includes Constitution,
calendar of events, membership application, trip reports, photos and contacts.
Niagara Frontier Grotto - In Rochester, New York area. Established in 1971 as chapter of the NSS. Includes
events calendar, a meeting schedule, and membership and contact information.
Northeast Diggers - Focuses on trips to Northern Schoharie County in the vicinity of Cobleskill. Includes
stories, clip-art, excavation techniques, photos, progress reports and contact information.
Northeastern Cave Conservancy - Committed to preservation, study, management and acquisition of karst
areas. Includes newsletters, meeting minutes, Board of Directors Manual, management plans, membership
and contact information.
Ukrainian American Youth Caver Exchange Foundation - Offers regularly scheduled trips, training in basic
skills and advanced rope work, and a grant and student exchange program. Includes membership
application, photo albums and contact details. Located in New York City.
Central Ohio Grotto - Founded in 1952 for exploration and mapping trips. Includes calendar of events,
newsletter, photos, meeting and contact information.
Cleveland Grotto - Features a calendar of events, a newsletter, a photo gallery, links and contact information.
Greater Cincinnati Grotto - Member of the NSS. Dedicated to conservation, exploration and research.
Includes contact information, newsletter, calendar of events, library holdings and photo galleries.
Ohio River Valley Caving Region - Affiliated with the National Speleological Society. Dedicated to study and
preservation of caves in Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. Includes contacts, projects, meeting, and membership
WUSS - Located in Springfield, Ohio and a chapter of the NSS since 1980. Promotes exploration, scientific
study, safety and conservation. Includes calendar of events, equipment tips, photos and contacts.
Bald Eagle Grotto - Located in Central Pennsylvania. Founded in 1986 for exploration and conservation.
Conducts cave rescue training sessions. Includes contact information.
The Bucks County Grotto - Dedicated to discovery, exploration, conservation, preservation and historical
research in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Includes membership requirements and contact information.
Franklin County Grotto - Chapter of the NSS since 1981 and based in New Franklin. Dedicated to exploration
and conservation. Includes meeting and membership information, trip reports and contacts.
Greater Allentown Grotto - A chapter of the National Speleological Society dedicated to the study and
conservation of caves and their natural contents.
Huntingdon County Cave Hunters - Central Pennsylvania chapter of the National Speleological Society was
founded in 1985 to explore, map, photograph and conserve caves. Includes contact information.
Loyalhanna Grotto - Chapter of NSS since 1987. Located in Indiana, Pennsylvania and meets monthly in
Apollo. Includes safety tips, equipment checklist, membership application and contacts.
Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy - Established in 1997 to preserve, acquire and manage karst areas. Includes
details of current projects and contact information.
Nittany Grotto - Chapter of the National Speleological Society meets at Penn State University. Includes
contact information, calendar of events, publications and photo gallery.
Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy - Affiliate of the National Speleological Society. Mission is to protect cave
resources within the Mid-Appalachian Region (Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware). Open to
member grottos in the MAR. Includes contacts and calendar.
Philadelphia Grotto - Chartered 1947 for cave conservation, exploration, education and research. Includes
calendar of events, contacts, meeting and membership information, and articles about safety and geology.
Pittsburgh Grotto - Chapter of the NSS. Dedicated to exploration, documentation and conservation. Features

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