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UNDER THE AUSPICES OF: UNIVERSITÀ AZIENDA SANITARIA IDENTITÀ ISTITUZIONALE DEGLI STUDI UNIVERSITARIA INTEGRATA DI UDINE DI UDINE Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della Provincia di Udine Società Italiana Trapianto d’Organo Società Italiana di Chirurgia PRESIDENT OF THE CONGRESS: Andrea Risaliti Chair of Transplantation Committee, Dubai Health Authority Consultant of General Surgery, Dubai Hospital Full Professor of Surgery, University of Udine WITH AN UNRESTRICTED GRANT BY: Fondazione Internazionale Menarini Centro Direzionale Milanofiori 20089 Rozzano (Milan, Italy) Edificio L - Strada 6 Phone: +39 02 55308110 - Fax +39 02 55305739 E-mail: milan@fondazione-menarini.it - website: www.fondazione-menarini.it ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT AND PROVIDER: Contatto S.r.l. ECM ID 126 ECM Via Vincenzo Lancia, 27 - 10141 Turin (Italy) Phone: +39 011 715210 / 712393 - Fax: + 39 011 726115 E-mail: info@contatto.tv - Web site: www.contatto.tv 4
INTRODUCTION We have reached the third edition and for the third time Friuli hosts our meeting, no longer in the historic setting of the Castle of Udine, than his hill stands to dominate the city below, but in the fascinating Island of the Sun, Grado, which in turn dominates the canals and the sea routes of the same name lagoon. However, a thin thread links these two cities, if, as is said, the populations, fleeing from the invasion of the Huns, found their own refuge on the island of Grado, while the barbarian hordes of Attila were building the hill of Udine with the earth shown in their helmets to better assist the sack of Aquileia. It was 452 AD. Not only that, Grado boasts a consolidated medical tradition, since in 1237 a terrible pestilence was defeated and the statue of the Madonna in thanksgiving was taken to the Shrine of the small island of Barbana, in that time destinated for the quarantine of the sick. Still today, Grado excels for innovative thermal and rehabilitation treatments, which make it a center of attraction in the Central European area. We are certainly in a hospitable and culturally fertile land that cannot betray our expectations and therefore deserves a high value scientific response. It is not my intention here to dwell on a summary of the conference themes, already reported in a dense, interesting and I hope engaging program; I would instead like to focus on the men and the women they wanted to honor us with their presence, whose international value is well known. I believe that Grado will be able to reward everyone, including delegations geographically more distant, but united by the same desire of knowledge and progress. INTRODUZIONE Siamo giunti alla terza edizione e per la terza volta il Friuli ospita il nostro incontro, non più nella storica cornice del Castello di Udine, che dalla sua collina si erge a dominare la città sottostante, ma nella affascinante Isola del Sole, Grado, che a sua volta domina i canali e le vie al mare della omonima laguna. Tuttavia un sottile filo conduttore lega queste due città, se, come si narra, le popolazioni in fuga dall’invasione degli Unni trovarono rifugio proprio nell’isola di Grado, mentre le orde barbariche di Attila edificavano il colle di Udine con la terra riportata nei loro elmi per meglio assistere al sacco di Aquileia. Era il 452 D.C. Non solo, Grado vanta una consolidata tradizione medica, da quando nel 1237 fu sconfitta una terribile pestilenza e la statua della Madonna in segno di ringraziamento fu portata nel Santuario della piccola isola di Barbana, allora destinata alla quarantena degli ammalati. Ancor oggi Grado primeggia per cure termali e riabilitative innovative, che ne fanno un centro di attrazione nell’area mitteleuropea. Ci troviamo senza dubbio in una terra ospitale e culturalmente fertile che non può tradire le nostre aspettative e che merita dunque una risposta di alto valore scientifico. Non è mia intenzione qui dilungarmi in una sintesi dei temi congressuali, già riportati in un programma denso, interessante e spero coinvolgente; vorrei invece porre l’attenzione sugli uomini e donne che hanno voluto onorarci con il loro intervento, il cui valore a livello internazionale è ben conosciuto. Credo che Grado saprà ricompensare tutti, anche le delegazioni geograficamente più lontane, ma accomunate dallo stesso desiderio di conoscenza e progresso. 5
FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA AND CATALOGNA TWO EUROPEAN REGIONS FOR ORGAN DONATION Satellite symposium organized by CRT-FVG and ADO FVG Wednesday, October 2 nd, 2019 P alazzo D ei C ongressi – G rado 08.30 a.m. OPENING AND INTRO 09.00 a.m. D. Montanaro, R. Peressutti, A. Risaliti ORGAN PROCUREMENT AND TRANSPLANTATION: TWO PERSPECTIVES ON ORGAN DONATION G. Boscutti (Udine, IT), Chairmen: M. Chittaro (Udine, IT) J. L. Escalante (Madrid, ES) The Spanish Model G. Moreno Gonzalez (Barcelona, ES) 09.00 a.m. The Catalan Model 10.30 a.m. M. Cardillo (Milan, IT) The Italian Model R. Peressutti (Udine, IT) FVG regional OPO model 10.30 a.m. Coffee break EXPANDING DONOR POOL: THE NEW PERSPECTIVES OF ORGAN PROCUREMENT T. Bove (Udine, IT), Chairmen: U. Livi (Udine, IT) P. Geraci (Pavia, IT) Organ Donation After “Cardiac Death” in Italy J. L. Escalante (Madrid, ES) 10.45 a.m. Organ Donation After “Cardiac Death” in Spain 11.45 a.m. G. Moreno Gonzalez (Barcelona, ES) Organ Donation After “Cardiac Death” In Cataluna IMPROVING LIVES THROUGH ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION T. Pellis (Pordenone, IT), Chairmen: M. Saltarini (Gorizia, IT) J. Twose (Barcelona, ES) Education Resources and Tools to Promote Organ and Tissue Donation 11.45 a.m. The Role of Volunteer Associations in Cataluna 12.45 p.m. D. Montanaro (Udine, IT) The Role of Volunteer Associations in Friuli Venezia Giulia 6
HOW WE PROMOTE ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION IN REGIONE FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA A. De Monte (Udine, IT) Chairmen: F. Bassi (Udine, IT) 12.45 p.m. Educating Young People About Organ Donation, 01.45 p.m. Round Table with Volunteer Associations ACTI, ANED, ADO, AIDO, AITF, ATF, Planned speeches 01.45 p.m. Light lunch ITALIAN SCHOOL OF BREAST SURGERY SOCIETA’ TRIVENETA DI CHIRURGIA October 2 nd, 2019 HOT CHILI TOPICS IN BREAST CANCER THERAPY Wednesday, October 2 nd, 2019 P alazzo D ei C ongressi – G rado SESSION I - SURGICAL INNOVATIONS C. Cedolini (Udine, IT), Chairmen: P. C. Parodi (Udine, IT) C. Mariotti (Ancona, IT) 02.30 p.m. Novel Applications of Robotic Surgery in Senology P. Sorrentino (San Donà di Piave, IT) 02.45 p.m. Treatment Advances Against Local Recurrences P. Burelli (Treviso, IT) 03.00 p.m. Breast Reconstruction Timing After Mastectomy G. P. Pollini (Verona, IT) 03.15 p.m. Decision Making Criteria for Conservative Mastectomy Discussion on “surgical innovations” Discussant: M. Bortul (Trieste, IT) Presentation: A. Risaliti (Udine, IT) LECTURE: Uptodate in Oncoplastic Breast Surgey 03.45 p.m. H. Rehman (Jeddah, KSA) LECTURE: Breast Unit Experience in the Oncological Web of Veneto Region 04.00 p.m. P. Conte (Padua, IT) 04.15 p.m. Coffee break 7
SESSION II - NEW CHALLENGES P. Carcoforo (Ferrara, IT), Chairmen: S. Massarut (Aviano, IT) G. Pelizzari (Aviano, IT) 04.30 p.m. How to Manage the Axillary Lymph Nodes in Neoadjuvant Setting M. Trovò (Udine, IT) 04.45 p.m. New Perspectives of Breast Radiation Therapy T. Saibene (Padua, IT) 05.00 p.m. Integrated Treatment in the Case of Rare Breast Cancer Hystotypes C. Di Loreto (Udine, IT) 05.15 p.m. Gene Profiling Tests and Clinical Impact Discussant: S. Duodeci (Cittadella, IT) Presentation: C. Cedolini (Udine, IT) LECTURE: Novel Indications and Limits of Breast Conservative Surgery 05.30 p.m. S. Folli (Milan, IT) Opening 06.00 p.m. Authorities Welcome 8
HPB SURGERY: UDINE MEETS THE EXPERTS SOCIETÀ TRIVENETA DI CHIRURGIA October 3 rd, 2019 LIVER TRANSPLANTATION 3.0 Thursday, October 3 rd, 2019 A uditorium B iagio M arin – G rado SESSION I - LIVER ONCOLOGY President: P. Toniutto (Udine, IT) M. Rossi (Rome, IT), Chairmen: S. Agnes (Rome, IT) Presentation: A. Risaliti (Udine, IT) 08.30 a.m. LECTURE: Changing Scenarios in Liver Surgery M. Abu Hilal (Southampton, UK) L. Aldrighetti (Milan, IT) 08.50 a.m. HCC & CCA: Laparoscopic Resection G. Ettorre (Rome, IT) 09.05 a.m. HCC & CCA: Open Resection U. Cillo (Padua, IT) 09.20 a.m. HCC & CCA: Resect or Transplant M. Sponza (Udine, IT) 09.35 a.m. Lights & Shadows of Radioembolization for Liver Tumors Discussant: N. Heaton (London, UK), R. Romagnoli (Turin, IT) 09.50 a.m. Presentation: U. Baccarani (Udine, IT) LECTURE: Liver Transplantation and HCC: Can and Should We Do More and Better? J. Lerut (Bruxelles, B) 10.10 a.m. Presentation: M. Vivarelli (Ancona, IT) LECTURE: DCD and Machine Perfusion in UK N. Heaton (London, UK) 10.45 a.m. Coffee Break 9
SESSION II - TECHNICAL INNOVATION IN LIVER TRANSPLANTATION President: P. Berloco (Rome, IT) M. Cardillo (Milan, IT), Chairmen: L. Lupo (Bari, IT) LECTURE: DCD and Machine Perfusion in Italy 11.00 a.m. L. De Carlis (Milan, IT) C. Quintini (Cleveland, US) 11.15 a.m. Confessions of a Maximally Invasive Surgeon: Laparoscopic Hepatectomies Made Easy E. Cozzi (Padua, IT) 11.30 a.m. New Insight in Xenotransplantation U. Cillo (Padua, IT) 11.45 a.m. De Novo Tumor Implication for Immunosuppression Tolerance and Long Term Survival Discussant: J. Lerut (Bruxelles, B), W. Santaniello (Naples, IT) 12.00 p.m. Presentation: A. Risaliti (Udine, IT) LECTURE: How to Train a HPB Surgeon M. Malagò (London, UK) Invited Comment: What’s in Italy 12.20 p.m. M. Rossi (Rome, IT), F. Calise (Naples, IT) 12.40 p.m. Presentation: A. Risaliti (Udine, IT) LECTURE: Living Donor Liver Transplantation: My First Quarter Century C. Miller (Cleveland, US) LUNCH SESSION IMMUNOSUPPRESSION & TRANSPLANT: THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGIST Chairmen: U. Baccarani (Udine, IT), P. Viale (Bologna, IT) M. Baraldo (Udine, IT) 01.30 p.m. An upgrade of the guidelines of immunosuppression therapeutic drug monitoring P. G. Cojutti (Udine, IT) 01.45 p.m. Antimycotic and immunosuppressive therapy in the transplanted patient: challenges and solutions. 02.00 p.m. Discussion on immunosuppression & transplant 10
SESSION III - TRANSPLANTATION IN MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES Presentation: M. Malagò (London, UK) 02.30 p.m. LECTURE: Liver Transplantation in KSA D. Broering (Ryad, KSA) F. O. Baslaib (Dubai, UAE), Y. Kazim (Dubai, UAE), Y. M. Mansour (Dubai, UAE) 02.50 p.m. Invited Comment: New Perspectives in Transplantation in UAE SESSION IV - AWARD SOCIETÀ TRIVENETA DI CHIRURGIA UNDER40 SELECTED ORAL PRESENTATIONS BY UNDER40 Scientific Committee: A. Guglielmi (Verona, IT) 03.00 p.m. G. Tirone (Trento, IT) R. Merenda (Venice, IT) 03.50 p.m. Coffee break Cine Clinic & Case Discussion President: F. Calise (Naples, IT) S. Gruttadauria (Palermo, IT), Chairmen: M. Massani (Treviso, IT) 04.00 p.m. D. Lorenzin (Udine, IT) 04.10 p.m. A. Avolio (Rome, IT) 04.20 p.m. G. Grazi (Rome, IT) Robotic Liver Resection 04.30 p.m. F. Di Benedetto (Modena, IT) Two stage hepatectomy 04.40 p.m. G. Ercolani (Forlì, IT) Laparoscopic Hepatectomy for Living Donor Liver Transplantation 04.50 p.m. M. Spada (Rome, IT) 05.00 p.m. F. di Francesco (Palermo, IT) Giant Mesenchymal Hamartoma of the Liver 05.10 p.m. D. Pinelli (Bergamo, IT) Robotic left hepatectomy for a giant liver hemangioma 05.20 p.m. A. Brolese (Trento, IT) 05.30 p.m. G. Zanus (Treviso, IT) 11
HPB SURGERY: UDINE MEETS THE EXPERTS SOCIETA’ TRIVENETA DI CHIRURGIA October 4 th, 2019 SURGERY OF COLORECTAL CANCER 3.0 Friday, October 4 th, 2019 A uditorium B iagio M arin – G rado SESSION I - HOT TOPICS IN ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE RECTUM President: A. Guglielmi (Verona, IT) R. Petri (Udine, IT), Chairmen: R. Merenda (Venice, IT) Presentation: A. Risaliti (Udine, IT) 08.30 a.m. LECTURE: Urological Involvements in Rectal Surgery F. Dal Moro (Udine, IT) S. Pucciarelli (Padua, IT) 08.50 a.m. Safety of local treatment: When A. Arezzo (Turin, IT) 09.05 a.m. Safety of Local Treatment: How V. Fiscon (Cittadella, IT) 09.20 a.m. Safety of Open and Laparoscopic Anterior Resection M. Sacchi (Milan, IT) 09.35 a.m. TATME A. Infantino (San Vito al Tagliamento, IT) 09.50 a.m. Is There Still Space for Miles? P. Ubiali (Pordenone, IT) 10.05 a.m. Anastomotic Fistulas: Prevention Before, During and After Discussant: P. Callegari (Oderzo, IT), F. De Marchi (Vicenza, IT), V. Durastante (Tolmezzo, IT), D. Snidero (San Daniele, IT) 10.30 a.m. Coffee Break 12
SESSION II - HOT TOPICS IN ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE COLON President: M. Frego (Padua, IT) N. De Manzini (Trieste, IT), Chairmen: L. Losacco (Rovigo, IT) Presentation: G. Fasola (Udine, IT) 10.45 a.m. LECTURE: Metastatic Colon Cancer. When Surgery and When Wait S. Cascinu (Modena, IT) G. Baldazzi (Sesto San Giovanni, IT) 11.05 a.m. Green Indocyanine: Prevention of Complications? F. Tollini (Legnago, IT), E. Laterza (Legnago, IT) 11.20 a.m. Surgical Complications: Treatment and Outcome G. Tirone (Trento, IT) 11.35 a.m. Emergency of Colon Cancer: When and How Surgery A. Balani (Gorizia-Monfalcone, IT) 11.50 a.m. Salvage Surgery After Complication Discussant: M. Rigamonti (Cles), G. Sitzmann (Brunico, IT), M. Sorrentino (Latisana-Palmanova, IT), A. Turoldo (Trieste, IT) SESSION III - THE WAR OF THE WORLDS: BACTERIA President: S. Brusaferro (Udine, IT) G. Terrosu (Udine, IT), Chairmen: U. Baccarani (Udine, IT) P. Viale (Bologna, IT) 12.15 p.m. Antimicrobial Therapy & Colorectal Surgery M. Tavio (Ancona, IT) 12.30 p.m. Anal Dyplasia in HIV Infected Patients F. Ficari (Florence, IT) 12.45 p.m. ERAS and Immune Nutritional Support in Colorectal Surgery 01.30 p.m. Lunch 13
SESSION IV - COLORECTAL LIVER METASTASES (CRLM) President: J. Lerut (Bruxelles, B) A. Risaliti (Udine, IT), Chairmen: U. Tedeschi (Verona, IT) Presentation: D. Lorenzin 02.30 p.m. LECTURE: Surgical Strategy in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma M. Büchler (Heidelberg, DE) I. Ahmed (Aberdeen, UK) 03.00 p.m. How I Do It in Scotland A. Guglielmi (Verona, IT) 03.15 p.m. How I Do It: Open A. Ferrero (Turin, IT) 03.30 p.m. How I Do It: Laparoscopy M. Vivarelli (Ancona, IT) 03.45 p.m. ALPSS & CRLM S. Nadalin (Tuebingen, DE) 04.00 p.m. Liver Transplantation for CRLM in Germany S. Dueland (Oslo, N) 04.15 p.m. Liver Transplantation for CRLM in Norway V. Mazzaferro (Milan, IT) 04.30 p.m. Liver Transplantation for CRLM. COLT: the Italian Study 04.45 p.m. CME Questionnaire 05.00 p.m. Coffee break 14
FACULTY LIST Abu Hilal Mohammed, Brolese Alberto, Southampton,UK Trento, IT Agnes Salvatore, Brusaferro Silvio, Rome, IT Udine, IT Ahmed Irfan, Büchler Markus, Aberdeen, UK Heiderberg, DE Aldrighetti Luca, Burelli Paolo, Milan, IT Treviso, IT Arezzo Alberto, Calise Fulvio, Turin, IT Naples, IT Avolio Alfonso, Callegari Paolo, Rome, IT Oderzo, IT Baccarani Umberto, Carcoforo Paolo, Udine, IT Ferrara, IT Balani Alessandro, Cardillo Massimo, Gorizia-Monfalcone, IT Milan, IT Baldazzi Gianandrea, Cascinu Stefano, Milan, IT Modena, IT Baraldo Massimo, Cedolini Carla, Udine, IT Udine, IT Baslaib Fahad Omar, Chittaro Michele Dubai, UAE Udine, IT Bassi Flavio, Cillo Umberto, Udine, IT Padua, IT Berloco Pasquale, Cojutti Pier Giorgio, Rome, IT Udine, IT Bortul Marina, Conte Pierfranco, Trieste, IT Padua, IT Boscutti Giuliano, Cozzi Emanuele, Udine, IT Padua, IT Bove Tiziana, Dal Moro Fabrizio, Udine, IT Udine, IT Broering Dieter, De Carlis Luciano, Ryad, KSA Milan, IT 15
FACULTY LIST De Manzini Nicolò, Frego Mauro, Trieste, IT Padua, IT De Marchi Francesco, Geraci Paolo Vicenza, IT Pavia, IT De Monte Amato, Grazi Gianluca, Udine, IT Rome, IT Di Benedetto Fabrizio, Gruttadauria Salvatore, Modena, IT Palermo, IT Di Francesco Fabrizio, Guglielmi Alfredo Palermo, IT Verona, IT Di Loreto Carla, Heaton Nigel, Udine, IT London, UK Dueland Svein, Infantino Aldo, Oslo, N San Vito al Tagliamento, IT Duodeci Stefano, Kazim Younis, Cittadella ,IT Dubai, UAE Durastante Vittorio, Laterza Ernesto, Tolmezzo, IT Legnago, IT Ercolani Giorgio, Lerut Jan, Forlì, IT Bruxelles, B Escalante Josè Luis, Livi Ugolino, Madrid, ES Udine, IT Ettorre Giuseppe, Lorenzin Dario, Rome, IT Udine, IT Fasola Giampiero, Losacco Luigi, Udine, IT Rovigo, IT Ferrero Alessandro, Lupo Luigi, Turin, IT Bari, IT Ficari Ferdinando, Malagò Massimo, Florence, IT London, UK Fiscon Valentino, Mansour Yousef Mohamed, Cittadella, IT Dubai, UAE Folli Secondo, Mariotti Carlo, Milan, IT Ancona, IT 16
FACULTY LIST Massani Marco, Quintini Cristiano, Treviso, IT Cleveland, US Massarut Samuele, Rehman Habib, Aviano, IT Jeddah, KSA Mazzaferro Vincenzo, Rigamonti Marco, Milan, IT Cles, IT Merenda Roberto, Risaliti Andrea, Venice, IT Udine, IT Miller Charles, Romagnoli Renato, Turin, IT Cleveland, US Rossi Massimo, Montanaro Domenico, Rome, IT Udine, IT Sacchi Matteo, Moreno Gonzalez Gabriel Milan, IT Barcelona, ES Saibene Tania, Nadalin Silvio, Padua, IT Tuebingen, DE Saltarini Massimiliano, Parodi Pier Camillo, Gorizia, IT Udine, IT Santaniello Walter, Pasqualucci Alberto, Naples, IT Dubai, UAE Sitzmann Gunther, Pelizzari Giacomo, Brunico, IT Aviano, IT Snidero Daniele, Pellis Tommaso, San Daniele, IT Pordenone, IT Sorrentino Mario, Peressutti Roberto, Latisana-Palmanova, IT Udine, IT Sorrentino Paolo, Petri Roberto, San Donà di Piave, IT Udine, IT Spada Marco, Pinelli Domenico, Rome, IT Bergamo, IT Sponza Massimo, Pollini Giovanni Paolo, Udine, IT Verona, IT Tavio Marcello, Pucciarelli Salvatore, Ancona, IT Padua, IT Tedeschi Umberto, Verona, IT 17
FACULTY LIST Terrosu Giovanni, Twose Jorge Udine, IT Barcelona, ES Tirone Giuseppe, Ubiali Paolo, Trento, IT Pordenone, IT Tollini Filippo, Viale Pierluigi, Legnago, IT Bologna, IT Toniutto Pierluigi, Vivarelli Marco, Udine, IT Ancona, IT Trovò Marco, Zanus Giacomo, Udine, IT Treviso, IT Turoldo Angelo, Trieste, IT 18
GENERAL INFORMATION CONGRESS VENUE Palazzo dei Congressi - Viale Italia, 2 - Grado (GO) Auditorium “Biagio Marin” - Via Marchesini, 37 - Grado (GO) SECRETARIAT DURING THE MEETING The Secretariat will be open at the following times: Palazzo dei congressi: Wednesday, October 2nd from 08.30 a.m. to 07.00 p.m. Auditorium “Biagio Marin”: Thursday, October 3rd from 07.30 a.m. to 05.40 p.m. Friday, October 4th from 07.30 a.m. to 05.00 p.m. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language of the Meeting will be English. ITALIAN CME ACCREDITATION The Meeting has obtained 17.5 CME Credits for Italian Physicians. The CME credits will be recognized only after full attendance of all sessions and a minimum score of 75% of correct answers in the learning questionnaires. Completion of the Registration Form, the Learning & Assessment questionnaires are compulsory. REGISTRATIONS The registration is free of charge. Please confirm your participation to the Organizing Secretariat: Contatto S.r.l. Phone: +39 011 715210 / 712393 - Fax: +39 011 726115 E-mail: info@contatto.tv TECHNICAL FACILITIES A Slide Center with PCs (Windows and Macintosh operating systems) will be available for Speakers to preview and finalize their presentations. Speakers are kindly requested to submit their presentations on USB flash drive, CD or DVD to the Slide Center technicians at least one hour before their talks. LUNCHES AND COFFEE BREAKS Lunches and coffee breaks will be provided within the conference premises. . FONDAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE MENARINI Symposium n. 432 19
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