BOLLETTINO EUROPA A cura della Dott.ssa Laura De Palma - Università di Foggia

Pagina creata da Alessandra Rossi
BOLLETTINO EUROPA A cura della Dott.ssa Laura De Palma - Università di Foggia
Edizione docenti                            Dicembre 2017

                      BOLLETTINO EUROPA

A cura della Dott.ssa Laura De Palma

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Edizione docenti                                                              Dicembre 2017

       Cari docenti,
       abbiamo il piacere di inviarvi Il Bollettino Europa – edizione di Dicembre 2017.

       Nella prima parte del “Bollettino Europa per Docenti” troverete una selezione di
       bandi europei suddivisi per programma, nella seconda parte troverete degli
       annunci di ricerca di partenariato e nella terza parte troverete una selezione di
       eventi, conferenze, workshop, che si svolgeranno a Bruxelles.
       Con lo scopo di rendere la consultazione del Bollettino Europa quanto più
       agevole e veloce sono stati inseriti collegamenti ipertestuali affinché l'utente sia
       direttamente veicolato alla pagina di interesse.
       Ringraziandovi per l’attenzione Vi auguriamo una buona lettura!

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Edizione docenti                                            Dicembre 2017


         Fondi Europei gestiti direttamente dall’Unione Europea

Bandi aperti:
      Audiovisivi
      Erasmus +
      Giustizia
      Horizon 2020
      Azioni di informazioni sulla PAC
      Candidature per esperti indipendenti

Ricerca Partenariato

Agenda di Bruxelles

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Edizione docenti                                                                   Dicembre 2017

   Già detto ma ancora utile….                  Audiovisivi
Sostegno ai progetti europei di cooperazione 2018
Riferimento: EACEA 21/2017                                            18/01/2018

   Già detto ma ancora utile….                     Erasmus+
Invito a presentare proposte - EACEA/27/2017 nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ - KA3 –
sostegno alla riforma delle politiche - Qualifiche comuni nel campo dell’istruzione e della
formazione professionale (IFP).
Fonte: GUCE/GUUE C 346/6 del 14/10/2017

Invito a presentare proposte nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ - KA1 - Erasmus Mundus
Joint Master Degrees.                                                                         15/02/2018

   Già detto ma ancora utile….              Programma "GIUSTIZIA"
 Bando REC-RDAT-TRAI-AG-2017 per la protezione della privacy e dei dati personali.      25/01/2018
Bando REC-RGEN-PENS-AG-2017 per azioni mirate a contrastare il divario di genere lungo
l’arco della vita (bando ristretto).                                                          22/02/2018
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Edizione docenti                                                                         Dicembre 2017

Invito a presentare progetti per il programma di responsabilizzazione della società civile
(CSEP) - Campagna per l'intercettazione e la narrativa alternativa della radicalizzazione             11/01/2018
attuata dalle organizzazioni della società civile
Codice: ISFP-2017-AG-CSEP

                                            Horizon 2020
                                          EXCELLENCE SCIENCE
   Già detto ma ancora utile….         ERC Proof of Concept Grant"
Invito a presentare proposte nell’ambito del programma europeo “H2020 – ERC Proof of                Per la
Concept Grant”. Obiettivo del finanziamento è permettere ai ricercatori che hanno già               presentazione
beneficiato di una sovvenzione del Consiglio Europeo della Ricerca (CER) di ottenere un             delle proposte
ulteriore sostegno finanziario al fine di favorire il passaggio dai risultati della ricerca al      vengono
mercato.                                                                                            stabilite tre
                                                                                                    tornate di
Riferimento: ERC-2018-PoC: ERC Proof of Concept Grant
                                                                                                    -16/01/ 2018              - 18/04/ 2018
s/erc-2018-poc.html                                                                                 - 11/09/2018

   Già detto ma ancora utile….         ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANT
Invito a presentare proposte nell’ambito di Horizon 2020 - ERC Consolidator Grant. La
sovvenzione ha l’obiettivo di supportare eccellenti Principal Investigator nella fase di carriera
in cui possono ancora consolidare il proprio team o programma di ricerca indipendente. I              15/02/2018
ricercatori devono dimostrare la natura, l'ambizione e la fattibilità della loro proposta
Riferimento: ERC-2018-COG

   Già detto ma ancora utile….         Future and Emerging Technologies
FET Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies

Riferimento: H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020                                                                  14/10/2020
Participal Portal

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FET Proactive – Boosting emerging technologies
Riferimento: H2020-FETPROACT-2018-2020                                                             18/12/2018
Participal portal

FET Flagships – Tackling grand interdisciplinary science and technology challenges
Riferimento: H2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020                                                               18/09/2018
Participal Portal

   Già detto ma ancora utile….        Marie Sklodowska-Curie
    Invito a presentare proposte nell’ambito del programma europeo "Horizon 2020 - Marie
    Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)".
    Le Innovative Training Networks (ITN) mirano a formare una nuova generazione di
    ricercatori early-stage creativi, imprenditoriali e innovativi, in grado di affrontare sfide
    attuali e future e di convertire conoscenze e idee in prodotti e servizi.                      17/01/2018
    Le proposte di progetto ITN possono assumere una delle tre seguenti tipologie:
         Reti europee per la formazione (ETN)
    Dottorati industriali europei (EID)
    Possono presentare le domande: gli organismi di ricerca, le grandi imprese, le Piccole e
    Medie Imprese, gli studenti, laureati e ricercatori.

    Riferimento: MSCA-ITN-2018

    Il finanziamento Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)             promuove la
    collaborazione intersettoriale ed internazionale attraverso scambi di personale di ricerca
    e innovazione, e la condivisione di conoscenze e idee dalla ricerca al mercato (e
    Lo schema promuove una cultura condivisa della ricerca e dell'innovazione che accoglie
    e premia la creatività e l'imprenditorialità ed aiuta a trasformare le idee creative in        21/03/2018
    prodotti, servizi o processi innovativi.

    Riferimento: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018

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Edizione docenti                                                                   Dicembre 2017

 European Researchers' Night
 Riferimento: MSCA-NIGHT-2018                                                              14/02/2018

                                    Industrial Leadership
 BIOTEC-01-2018: Standardisation in Synthetic Biology (CSA)
 Riferimento: BIOTEC-01-2018                                                              22/02/2018

                                     Societal Challenges
Health, demographic change and wellbeing
 SC1-DTH-03-2018: Adaptive smart working and living environments
 supporting active and healthy ageing
 Riferimento: SC1-DTH-03-2018

 SC1-DTH-07-2018: Exploiting the full potential of in-silico medicine research   24/04/2018
 for personalised diagnostics and therapies in cloud-based environments

 Riferimento: SC1-DTH-07-2018

 SC1-DTH-08-2018: Prototyping a European interoperable Electronic Health
 Record (EHR) exchange
 Riferimento: SC1-DTH-08-2018

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 SC1-HCC-01-2018: Supporting investment in smart living environments for        24/04/2018
 ageing well through certification

 Riferimento: SC1-HCC-01-2018

NEW : Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems
 SC1-BHC-03-2018: Exploiting research outcomes and application potential of
 the human microbiome for personalised prediction, prevention and
 treatment of disease

 SC1-BHC-04-2018: Rare Disease European Joint Programme Cofund

 SC1-BHC-05-2018: International flagship collaboration with Canada for
 human data storage, integration and sharing to enable personalised
 medicine approaches                                                   18/04/2018

 SC1-BHC-09-2018: Innovation platforms for advanced therapies of the future

 SC1-BHC-16-2018: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) - Scaling-up of
 evidence-based health interventions at population level for the prevention
 and management of hypertension and/or diabetes

 SC1-BHC-18-2018: Translational collaborative cancer research between
 Europe and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)
 SC1-BHC-21-2018: Research on HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and/or hepatitis C
 (HCV) in patients with mono-, co-infections and/or comorbidities in the
 context of fostering collaboration with the Russian Federation

 SC1-BHC-23-2018: Novel patient-centred approaches for survivorship,
 palliation and/or end-of-life care

 SC1-BHC-26-2018: HTA research to support evidence-based healthcare

 SC1-BHC-27-2018: New testing and screening methods to identify endocrine
 disrupting chemicals

 SC1-HCO-01-2018-2019-2020: Actions in support of the International
 Consortium for Personalised Medicine

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    SC1-HCO-02-2018: Data integration and data-driven in-silico models for
    enabling personalised medicine - a European standardization framework

    SC1-HCO-04-2018: ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming in
    Neurodegenerative Diseases strategic plan (JPND)

    SC1-HCO-05-2018: Strengthening regulatory sciences and supporting
    regulatory scientific advice

    SC1-HCO-06-2018: Establishment of an International Network of Social
    Sciences Research Centres to help address governance and other challenges
    in the preparedness for and the response to infectious threats

    SC1-HCO-08-2018: Creation of a European wide sustainable clinical research
    network for infectious diseases

    SC1-HCO-09-2018: Building international efforts on population and patient

    SC1-HCO-10-2018: Coordinating European brain research and developing
    global initiatives

    SC1-HCO-11-2018: Strategic collaboration in health research and innovation
    between EU and China

    SC1-HCO-12-2018: Innovation in healthcare - a CSA towards using pre-
    commercial procurement and public procurement of innovative solutions in
    healthcare systems

    SC1-HCO-13-2018: Setting the priorities for a European environment, climate
    and health research agenda

   NEW: TRANSCAN 2: (Translational Cancer Research)
TRANSCAN-2 (Translational Cancer Research) , l'ERA-NET europea dedicata alla ricerca sul
cancro, si pone come obbiettivo di coordinare i programmi di finanziamento regionali e
nazionali dedicati alla ricerca sul cancro, promuovendo un approccio collaborativo

A tal fine, il nuovo consorzio ha pubblicato nuovo bando internazionale (Fourth Joint        FASE 1
Transnational Call - JTC 2017) dedicato al topic "Translational research on rare cancers".
Il topic viene declinato su tre diverse finalità:
                                                                                             Il bando
      Aim 1: Design and conduct of translational research studies exploiting/combining      seguirà
       resources from current clinical trials, bio-repositories and epidemiology-type        una valutazione
       resources                                                                             a due step, con

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      Aim 2: Development and exploitation of translational research platforms (e.g.,           la scadenza per
       patient derived xenograft models/organoids/tissue collections) to study drug             l'invio delle
       responses/resistance and toxicity, and perform drug screens or repurpose                 pre-proposals
       approved anticancer drugs.                                                               fissata al 6
      Aim 3: Implementation of precision biomarkers for better stratification of the           febbraio 2018.
       clinical cohorts.

Saranno finanziati solo progetti collaborativi transnazionali. Per quanto riguarda l'Italia,
di seguito il budget e il numero massimo di progetti che le singole organizzazzioni intendo
     Ministry of Health (MoH): 3.000.000€ - 10 progetti
     Alliance Against Cancer (ACC): 300.000€ - 1/2 progetti
     Lombardy Foundation for Biomedical Research (FRRB): 1.250.000€ - 2/3 progetti

Maggiori informazioni:

   Azioni di informazione sulla PAC
Invito a presentare proposte “Sostegno a favore di misure di informazione riguardanti la
politica agricola comune (PAC)” per il 2018.
Fonte: GUCE/GUUE C 339/7 del 10/10/2017                                                         posticipata al               05/01/2018

   L'EASME alla ricerca di esperti valutatori di progetti Fast Track to Innovation di Horizon 2020

l'EASME sta lavorando alla creazione di un nuovo pool di esperti per la valutazione delle       31/12/2020
proposte progettuali che dovrebbe aver luogo in febbraio/marzo, giugno/luglio e
ottobre/novembre 2018.

   Horizon 2020 - Candidature per esperti indipendenti

    Si avvertono gli interessati della pubblicazione di due inviti a presentare candidature:         31/12/2020
         un invito a presentare candidature individuali per la creazione di una base dati di
            esperti indipendenti che possono essere chiamati ad assistere i servizi della
            Commissione nello svolgimento di compiti legati ad Horizon 2020 — Il
            programma quadro per la ricerca e l’innovazione

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        un invito destinato a organizzazioni tra cui agenzie di ricerca, istituti di ricerca,
         università, organismi di standardizzazione, organizzazioni della società civile o
         imprese per la creazione di una banca dati di esperti indipendenti che possono
         essere chiamati ad assistere i servizi della Commissione nello svolgimento di
         compiti legati al programma Horizon 2020 — Il programma quadro di ricerca e
         innovazione (2014-2020), al relativo programma specifico (programma quadro
         Horizon 2020), e al programma di ricerca e formazione della Comunità europea
         dell'energia atomica (2014-2018) che integra il programma quadro di ricerca e
         innovazione «Orizzonte 2020» (programma Euratom) (indicati nel loro insieme
         con «Orizzonte 2020») e il Fondo di ricerca carbone e acciaio (RFCS).

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Ricerca Partenariato
                       H2020 WORK-PROGRAMME 2018 - 2020 - EFN

EFN is looking to be a partner (end-user) within a consortium's proposal for the following H2020
calls (deadline April 2018)
      SC1-HCC-03-2018 Support to further development of international cooperation in digital
       transformation of health and care
      SC1-HCC-04-2018 Digital health and care services–support for strategy and (early) adoption
      SC1-HCC-05-2018 Support to a Digital Health and Care Innovation initiative in the context
       of Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy
      SC1-BHC-10-2019: Innovation Procurement: Next generation sequencing (NGS) for routine
      SC1-DTH-10-2019-2020: Digital health and care services
EFN as end-user partner offers a wide expertise in:
      Identifying, assessing, and making visible good clinical practices
      Dissemination and Exploitation of results
The EFN can provide an important input to the consortium bringing the concrete end-users needs -
the nurses’ needs - regarding solutions, digital services and communication concepts that can
facilitate the transition to integrated care models.
As EU umbrella organisation, the EFN has in membership 36 National Nursing Associations,
representing 3 million nurses. In this sense, the role of EFN can be determinant in collecting data
related to the current challenges faced by the nursing workforce in the transition to integrated care
models across health and social services in the EU and Europe.
In relation to the call’s tasks, EFN can recruit Country Experts coordinating specific actions, and is in
a position to gather key EU stakeholders.
In parallel, as the founder of the European Nursing Research Federation (ENRF), the EFN has
connections to the nursing research and academia environment. The ENRF objective is to analyse
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and compile what already exists in terms of nursing research in the EU Member States, in order to
convert existing data into evidence-based advocacy for the EU policy-making process.
In particular, EFN has the ambition engaging with the calls:
      SC1-HCC-03-2018 Support to further development of international cooperation in digital
       transformation of health and care: the EFN can contribute in important measures of the call
       such as dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination and
       support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises. The EFN has a significant
       experience in leading the dissemination and coordination of EU projects, by coordinating the
       efforts related to the development and implementation of detailed and realistic
       dissemination, communication and exploitation plans, in close collaboration with the
       contract holder and all the project partners. Moreover, through its strong network, EFN is
       placed in a crucial position to ensure that relevant stakeholders are engaged during the
      SC1-HCC-04-2018 Digital health and care services–support for strategy and (early)
       adoption: the EFN can provide an important input to the task of the consortium in assisting
       those procurers that intend to prepare for a cross-border innovation procurement. We have
       confidence that representing 3 million nurses must have some value in cross-sectoral
       innovation procurement and in helping to improve and accelerating innovation procurement
       in all EU Members States. To this aim, the EFN would have the core role of addressing the
       well-defined unmet needs of users in health and care, using the repositories of best practises
       and implementation guidelines and providing opportunities for networking.
      SC1-HCC-05-2018 Support to a Digital Health and Care Innovation initiative in the context
       of Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy: the EFN can greatly contribute to the main task of
       the action – analysing and assessing existing initiatives and projects across Europe – because,
       both as a coordinator and as a partner, it has already carried out similar activities of
       comparing and assessing existing EU initiatives. As coordinator in the EU funded project
       ENS4Care, the EFN led the evaluation of 175 good nursing and social work practices in
       eHealth services (telehealth and telecare) with the objective to develop evidence based
       guidelines for the implementation of eHealth services in nursing and social care, focussing
       on prevention & integrated care (including clinical practice, advanced roles, and nurse
       ePrescribing). Likewise, as partner of the PaSQ project, the EFN focussed on identifying,
       assessing, and making visible good clinical practices in Patient Safety, and setting up
       exchange mechanisms around Safe Clinical Practices.
      SC1-BHC-10-2019: Innovation Procurement: Next generation sequencing (NGS) for routine
       diagnosis: in its role as end-user, the EFN would contribute to the dissemination of results,
       removing obstacles for introducing the solutions in the market (e.g. contribution to
       standardisation, regulation, certification), awareness-raising, experience sharing/training,
       preparing further cooperation among stakeholders and procurers in future PCPs or PPIs. In
       addition, nurses involved in the project would play a crucial role in enabling the NGS Platform
       to strengthen the implementation of personalised medicine and improved clinical decisions
       and health outcomes for the benefits of patients.

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      SC1-DTH-10-2019-2020: Digital health and care services: the EFN would have the core role
       of providing concrete input in addressing key challenges such as patient empowerment, self-
       management, patient safety, patient involvement, chronic disease management,
       diagnosing, home-care logistics, hospital logistics, skills and independent living. In parallel,
       the EFN input can be crucial in identifying and understanding the implications for training
       (including aspects of organisational, digital health literacy and new collaborative innovation
       principles and practises), management, and retention of healthcare staff under this topic.

Contact person: Paul De Raeve, email: , tel: 0032477970728
Sito web:

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Edizione docenti                              Dicembre 2017

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