Masters Lauree magistrali 2017/18 - USI
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Università della Svizzera italiana Indice Index Via Buffi 13 6900 Lugano 4 Benvenuto Welcome Svizzera 6 USI Università della Svizzera italiana USI Università della Svizzera italiana + 41 58 666 4795 Informazioni generali General information 10 I master (lauree magistrali) USI USI masters 10 Crediti di studio Credits 10 Requisiti di ammissione Admission requirements 11 Termine per l’iscrizione Applications deadline 12 Tasse Tuition fees 12 Borse di studio Scholarships 12 Maggiori informazioni Further information 13 Calendario accademico Academic calendar 14 Porte aperte Open Days 15 Contatti Contacts Masters (lauree magistrali) Masters 19 Architettura Architecture 23 Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana 27 Philosophy Philosophy 33 Finance Finance 36 Banking and Finance Banking and Finance 39 Financial Communication Financial Communication 45 International Tourism International Tourism 50 Economia e politiche internazionali Economia e politiche internazionali 53 Economic Policy Economic Policy 56 Public Management and Policy Public Management and Policy 63 Management Management 66 Marketing Marketing 70 Corporate Communication Corporate Communication 77 Communication, Management and Health Communication, Management and Health 80 Cognitive Psychology in Health Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication Communication 86 Gestione dei media Gestione dei media 93 Informatics Informatics 97 Software and Data Engineering Software and Data Engineering 100 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence 104 Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems 108 Management and Informatics Management and Informatics 111 Financial Technology and Computing Financial Technology and Computing 117 Computational Science Computational Science 3
Benvenuto Care studentesse, cari studenti, Welcome Dear students, Boas Erez perché scegliere un master tra quelli proposti Boas Erez What are the reasons for choosing a Master degree Rettore all’Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)? Credo Rector programme at Università della Svizzera italiana dell’Università ci siano varie ragioni che potrebbero convincervi. of the Università (USI)? I believe there are a few that you may find della Svizzera Per la maggior parte di voi, i due anni di un master della Svizzera convincing. For most of you, the two years you will italiana saranno gli ultimi anni di studio prima di entrare italiana spend on a Master programme are likely to be the nel mondo del lavoro. Si tratta quindi di «finire last before you join the workplace. So, why not give in bellezza», completando la vostra formazione a perfect finish to your university years with a good al meglio, acquistando competenze che vi training and by acquiring skills that will be useful for saranno utili per sempre e approfittando di questi the years to come, and take this unique opportunity anni preziosi per farvi amici e costruire una rete to make friends and establish a first professional professionale. Per tutto questo è importante che network. For all of this, it is important that teachers gli insegnanti siano disponibili e che le formazioni make themselves available to you and that the siano pensate in vista del raggiungimento di study curricula be designed to reach these objec- questi obiettivi. È il caso all’USI: da noi il rapporto tives. This is exactly what our programmes offer: insegnanti/studenti è di circa 1/10 e dopo un our teacher/student ratio is about 1/10 and one anno 90% dei nostri studenti hanno trovato year after graduation, around 90% of our students un impiego (dopo cinque anni sono il 95%). find employment (five years after graduation, I master dell’USI ricoprono un largo spettro di around 95%). Our Master degrees cover a wide aree disciplinari, che vanno dall’architettura alla range of disciplines, from architecture to computa- scienza computazionale, passando per il turismo tional science, from international tourism to mana- internazionale o il management ed il marketing. gement and marketing, only to name a few. Tutti i master si appoggiano su una équipe di Moreover, our faculty provide quality lecturing with insegnanti attivi in ricerca e quindi aperti alle insights from their own research, thus bringing to ultime novità nel loro campo. Inoltre, anche senza the classroom the latest findings in their respective muovervi, all’USI potrete «viaggiare»: tranne per fields of study. At USI, you will be able to ’travel’, i master per i quali non sarebbe ragionevole, la even without moving: indeed, apart from those lingua d’insegnamento è l’inglese; ma sui diversi Masters for which it would not be reasonable campus sentirete parlare tante altre lingue, infatti otherwise, the main language of tuition is English. due studenti su tre provengono da uno di cento Furthermore, on our campuses, you will also hear a paesi diversi dalla Svizzera e anche il nostro corpo rich variety of other languages, as two out of three accademico è di origini molto diverse. Se poi students come from one of over a hundred durante il master volete anche avere un’esperienza different countries around the world, a distinguish- all’estero, iscrivetevi ad uno dei master organizzati ing element of our faculty as well. And if during your in cooperazione con una delle nostre università studies you would like to spend some time abroad, partner in Italia, Germania o Stati Uniti. Spero you can always enroll in a programme jointly che questo libretto vi dia la voglia di venire e/o organized with one of our partner institutions in di restare da noi. In ogni caso, se ne sentiste il Italy, Germany or the United States. I hope that this bisogno, non esitate a fare domande e ad entrare booklet will give you reasons to join and/or to stay in contatto con i professori responsabili dei with us. In any case, we encourage you to be singoli master. curious and to ask us questions, and to contact our faculty and Master programme directors. 4 5
Università della Svizzera italiana Università della Svizzera italiana proposti anche dalle altre Facoltà dell’USI The interdisciplinary approach allows L’USI fa parte del sistema universitario USI, which stands for - in Italian - Universi- e dagli atenei partner, declinando la students to broaden their horizons by svizzero con altri nove atenei cantonali e le tà della Svizzera italiana, is a member of propria formazione in modo personalizza- taking courses offered in other USI Scuole politecniche federali. Fondata nel the Swiss university system (swissuniversi- to. Allo stesso tempo l’USI mantiene departments and at partner universities, 1996, cresce continuamente nelle ties) together with nine other Cantonal strette relazioni con il mondo del lavoro. thus customising their own education. USI dimensioni e nell’offerta formativa delle universities and two Federal Institutes of Periodi di stage presso aziende ed also keeps up with the job market. sue cinque Facoltà: Architettura, Scienze Technology. It was founded in 1996 and is istituzioni in Svizzera e all’estero sono Practical experience in the field is an economiche, Scienze della comunicazione, constantly growing both in size and in the parte integrante del programma degli essential part of the study Scienze informatiche e Scienze biomedi- courses offered in its five faculties: studi di molti Master. Anche nelle lezioni la curricula, with internships in the industrial, che. 2862 studenti provenienti da più di Architecture, Economics, Communication pratica assume un ruolo importante. institutional and non-governmental 100 paesi, 321 professori e docenti, 496 Sciences, Informatics and Biomedical Casi di studio, Field Projects e l’arricchen- sectors. Case studies, field projects and assistenti e ricercatori danno vita ad un Sciences. 2’862 students from over 100 te interazione tra studenti e professionisti interaction between students and ambiente ricco di scambi, saperi e rapporti countries, 321 professors and lecturers permettono agli studenti di mettere presto professionals enable students to put interpersonali. and 496 assistants providing an environ- in pratica i concetti teorici appresi. theoretical knowledge into practice. ment rich in exchange, knowledge and Grazie alle sue dimensioni contenute, ai Its small size, close relationships between Internazionale personal relations. rapporti diretti fra studenti e docenti, a students and teachers, the integration of L’USI si caratterizza come ateneo pluri- edifici moderni e spaziosi e strutture different disciplines, the modern buildings lingue con grande apertura internazionale. International atmosphere tecniche di alta qualità, l’USI offre condi- and top-quality technical infrastructure Le lezioni si svolgono in italiano e in USI is a multilingual university with an zioni ideali per lo studio e la ricerca. allow USI to offer ideal conditions for study inglese, ma l’incontro tra molte altre lingue international atmosphere. Lectures are E occupare il tempo libero non è certo un and research. Also a rich programme of fa parte della quotidianità. Con una given in Italian and English, but on the two problema: la ricca offerta sportiva e sport activities and cultural events is percentuale di studenti stranieri di oltre USI campuses many other languages are culturale, le numerose feste studentesche, present at USI with numerous student 60%, l’internazionalità dell’USI prende spoken. With foreign students making up i concerti estivi e il magnifico lungolago parties, summer concerts and the vita ad ogni inizio di corso. L’orientamento over 60% of the student body, USI’s costituiscono ottimi diversivi durante le magnificent lake side of Lugano which is a internazionale si traduce anche in international environment comes to life pause dallo studio. wonderful location for our students to go un’ampia offerta di programmi in inglese, with the beginning of each class. USI also to when they need a break from studying. che apre gli orizzonti dell’USI ben al di là opens international opportunities beyond dei confini nazionali: oltre al Bachelor in the national borders having its Bachelor Scienze informatiche, l’insegnamento in in Informatics and 17 Masters taught in 17 Master avviene in inglese. English. Innovativa Innovation I percorsi formativi sono aderenti ai Courses are adapted to the needs of the bisogni del mercato del lavoro e aprono job market and facilitate the creation of la via a nuovi profili professionali. I Master new professional profiles. A combination preparano gli studenti in maniera efficace of solid theory with practice enables attraverso solidi insegnamenti teorici students attending a Master programme che si integrano a lezioni pratiche. at USI to be well prepared for their future Professori e docenti provenienti da diversi careers. The Master’s programmes pre- ambiti geografici e nuovi profili professio- pare students effectively through solid nali arricchiscono l’insegnamento instruction in theory combined with portando nelle aule dell’USI prospettive practical application. Professors and inedite e innovative. lecturers from various geographic and professional backgrounds enrich instruc- Interdisciplinare tion, bringing original and innovative L’USI ha sviluppato una solida rete di perspectives to USI. relazioni accademiche con le altre università svizzere e con diverse università Interdisciplinary programmes estere. L’approccio interdisciplinare USI has developed a solid network of permette agli studenti di aprire i propri academic relationships with Swiss orizzonti avvalendosi degli insegnamenti universities and institutions abroad. 6 7
Masters Architecture (Lauree magistrali) Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana Philosophy Finance Banking and Finance Financial Communication International Tourism Economia e politiche internazionali Economic Policy Public Management and Policy Management Marketing Corporate Communication Communication, Management and Health Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication Gestione dei media Informatics Software and Data Engineering Artificial Intelligence Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems Management and Informatics Financial Technology and Computing Computational Science 8 9
I Master (lauree magistrali) USI USI Masters Per ulteriori dettagli sulle condizioni More information on admission I programmi di Master of Science o Master The Masters presented in this booklet generali di ammissioni: requirements are also available on: of Arts sono dei percorsi formativi di spe- are full-time Master of Science or Master cializzazione a tempo pieno della durata di of Arts programmes that comprise 90-120 Per l’anno accademico 2017/2018, gli For the 2017/2018 academic year, 3 o 4 semestri (corrispondenti a 90-120 credit points (ECTS), which means that studenti che al 31 luglio non siano ancora students who are able to provide a B2* crediti ECTS). I Master da 120 ECTS sono they are 3-4 semesters long. in possess o di un certificato C1 ma sol- certificate with their application but, by equivalenti a delle Lauree Magistrali. tanto di un certificato B2* potranno essere 31st July, have not yet received a C1 Credits ammessi a condizione di raggiungere il certificate, may be admitted on condition Crediti di studio All taught courses are quantified in livello C1 entro l’anno solare. A tal fine si that they reach the C1 level by the end of Tutti gli apprendimenti sono quantificati ECTS points worth. The European Credit suggerisce di perfezionare la conoscenza the calendar year. It is recommended that con crediti di studio. Lo European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) guarantees that della lingua inglese con un soggiorno in un such students visit an English speaking Transfer System (ECTS) assicura il prin- credits are absolutely compatible and paese anglofono. Da parte sua l’USI offre country to perfect their English. USI also cipio della compatibilità e trasferibilità dei transferable within and all across the un corso intensivo di 3 settimane prima offers a 3-week intensive English course crediti all’interno del sistema universitario European university system. In ECTS, one dell’inizio del semestre, seguito da un organised at USI before the beginning of europeo. In ECTS, un anno accademico di academic year of full-time study corre- corso estensivo di preparazione al livello the semester, followed by a C1 preparation studi a tempo pieno corrisponde a 60 sponds to 60 credits, a semester to 30. C1 durante il semestre. course during the semester. crediti, un semestre a 30. Admission requirements Le date sono disponibili sulla pagina web: The schedule is available on: Requisiti di ammissione Bachelor’s degree, or four- or five-year Bachelor (laurea triennale) o laurea quadri- degree, delivered by a recognised o quinquennale di un’università riconosciu- university. Admission for applicants with *Tabella di riferimento livello B2: *B2 level: ta. L’ammissione di candidati con percorsi different university backgrounds from the IELTS 5.5 universitari diversi da quelli indicati nella ones indicated in each Master’s descrip- TOEFL Computer based: 183 Internet Based: 65 descrizione del master di loro interesse è tion is subject to individual evaluation. Paper based: 513 valutata individualmente. Le direzioni The admission committee of the different Cambridge English FCE (First Certificate English) dei Master si riservano la possibilità di Master programmes have the right to TOEIC Listening & Reading: 785 integrare il piano di studi con alcuni corsi integrate a set of key courses that may Speaking: 150 considerati fondamentali che non sono not be present in the curriculum of the Writing: 160 presenti nel curriculum universitario del candidate. Advanced language abilities candidato. L’ammissione ai programmi are required for admittance to the Master’s Termine per l’iscrizione Applications deadline Master impartiti in lingua inglese richiede programmes that are taught in English. Architettura: 15 febbraio / 15 aprile / Architecture: February 15th / April 15th / una conoscenza avanzata della lingua. Applicants who are not native English 1 giugno in base alla nazionalità dello June 1st depending on the nationality of Per i candidati la cui lingua madre sia speaker or whose first degree was not studente. the applicant. diversa dall’inglese o che siano in posses- taught in English, must supply an interna- Economia, Comunicazione e Informatica: Economics, Communication and so di un titolo universitario non impartito in tionally recognised certificate to demon- 30 giugno. Informatics: June 30th. inglese, tale conoscenza deve essere at- strate a C1 level on the Common Europe- Il termine d’iscrizione per gli studenti che Application deadline for candidates who testata da un certificato ufficiale di lingua an Framework of Reference for language necessitano di un visto è fissato al 30 aprile. need a visa is April 30th. di livello C1 secondo il Quadro comune learning (CEFR). Le domande presentate successivamente Late applications will be considered only europeo di riferimento per le lingue. The C1 level on the CEFR corresponds to il termine d’iscrizione verranno prese in in case of available places. Candidates Il livello C1 secondo il Common European the following scores in internationally considerazione compatibilmente con la who need a visa are strongly advised to Framework of Reference for Languages recognised exams: disponibilità di posti. Si raccomanda agli apply as early as possible in order to have (CEFR) corrisponde a: studenti che necessitano del visto d’entra- enough time for the visa procedures. ta, di anticipare la richiesta quanto possibile. Online application form: IELTS 7.0 TOEFL Internet based: 100 Formulario di iscrizione online: Cambridge English CAE (Advanced certificate), grade C or above BEC (Business English), grade C or above TOEIC Listening & Reading: 945 Speaking: 180 Writing: 180 10 11
Tasse Tuition fees Calendario accademico La tassa semestrale è di CHF 4’000. Per The tuition fee is CHF 4,000 per semester. Academic calendar studenti con domicilio legale in Svizzera Applicants whose official residence was in (compresi Liechtenstein e Campione Switzerland (including Liechtenstein and Semestre autunnale 2017 d’Italia) al momento del conseguimento Campione d’Italia) when graduating from Fall semester 2017 della maturità, la tassa è di CHF 2’000. high school (Maturità) pay a reduced Il pagamento della tassa va effettuato semester fee of CHF 2,000. 18.09.2017 Inizio dei corsi Term begins all’inizio di ogni semestre. 22.12.2017 Fine dei corsi Term ends Scholarships 04.-15.09.2017 Esami, sessione autunnale Exams, fall session Borse di studio The “Fondazione per le Facoltà di Lugano” 15.1-02.02.2017 Esami, sessione invernale Exams, winter session 1 La Fondazione per le Facoltà di Lugano at USI and the Università della Svizzera dell’USI e l’Università della Svizzera italiana award a total of 60 one-off study Semestre primaverile 2018 italiana mettono a concorso 60 borse di grants of the amount of 4’000 CHF each. Spring semester 2018 studio una tantum dell’importo di CHF The grants are merit-based and bestowed 4’000. Le borse saranno assegnate a on students admitted as first-year students 19.02.2018 Inizio dei corsi Term begins studenti ammessi al primo anno di un of a USI Master programme starting in the 30.3-6.04.2018 Vacanze pasquali Easter holidays Master biennale (Laurea magistrale) con Fall 2017. Merit is determined based on 01.06.2018 Fine dei corsi Term ends inizio in settembre 2017, in base al merito: the results of the academic degree that 11.-28.06.2018 Esami, sessione estiva Exams, summer session fanno stato i risultati conseguiti nel titolo gives access to the Master (usually the 03.-14.09.2018 Esami, sessione autunnale Exams, autumn session di ammissione e saranno considerati i 20 undergraduate, or Bachelor, degree). migliori risultati secondo la seguente distri- 20 grants are awarded to students that buzione: 20 borse saranno assegnate a pursued a Bachelor degree at a Swiss studenti che hanno conseguito il Bachelor University, 20 to students that pursued in una Università Svizzera, 20 a studenti a Bachelor degree at an Italian University che hanno conseguito il Bachelor in una and 20 to students that pursued a Bache- Università italiana, 20 a studenti che lor degree in a University from other hanno conseguito il Bachelor in una countries. Università di altri stati. Candidates are kindly asked to send the Le domande sono da inoltrare entro il complete application by July 31st. 31 luglio. Further information Maggiori informazioni For details concerning the admission Per i dettagli relativi ai requisiti di ammis- requirements, the application procedure sione, alla procedura per l’inoltro della and study grants, please refer to the USI propria candidatura e alle borse di studio, Masters online portal, where the relevant invitiamo gli interessati a consultare il application forms and the practical guide portale Master. Da quest’ultimo, si “Studying at USI” are available for down- possono pure scaricare i formulari load. d’iscrizione e la guida pratica ’Studiare all’USI’. di scienze informatiche. Il palazzo della Facoltà 12 13
Porte aperte Open days Contatti Contacts Master info day: marzo 2018 Master info day: March 2018 I collaboratrori del Servizio orientamento The Advisory Service is available all year Il Master Info Day permette al visitatore di Participants obtain a general view on the sono a disposizione tutto l’anno per round to answer any questions and give orientarsi nella scelta di un percorso di offer of Master programmes at USI. The consulenze telefoniche, per rispondere a further information by phone, email or to Master. Ogni Master viene presentato dal scientific directors will present the study domande tramite email e, previo appunta- set up an appointment for individual suo responsabile accademico e da stu- track proposed by each Master illustrating mento, per colloqui personalizzati. assistance. denti che stanno frequentando il Master. I in particular the teaching approach and USI Università della Svizzera italiana USI Università della Svizzera italiana direttori accademici si soffermeranno in the chosen didactic concept, the study Study Advisory Service Study Advisory Service particolare sui contenuti, la struttura e objectives, an insight into contents, the Ufficio: 303 Office: 303 l’organizzazione degli studi, senza organization of the Master, and career Via Buffi 13 Via Buffi 13 dimenticare le prospettive professionali opportunities. Most presentations will 6900 Lugano 6900 Lugano del Master. be integrated by students’ testimonials. Svizzera Svizzera Master meetings: aprile e novembre Master meetings: April and November +41 58 666 47 95 / 46 72 +41 58 666 47 95 / 46 72 2017 2017 Durante i Master Meetings, gli interessati The Master Meeting offer the opportunity possono seguire alcune lezioni insieme to attend lectures together with current agli studenti del Master. Accompagnato da graduatelevel students, providing you uno studente USI, possono così valutare in therefore with elements to evaluate the prima persona se i contenuti proposti contents in relation to your study goals. corrispondono alle loro aspettative. Programme and registration: Programma ed iscrizioni: Navigating through the Master portal, you Oltre a presentare nel dettaglio i contenuti will find detailed content information for dei singoli percorsi di studio e i loro aspetti each Master’s degree programme (course organizzativi, il portale Master offre infor- descriptions, organizational aspects, fa- mazioni dettagliate riguardanti svariati culty) and practical information related to aspetti pratici, come la disponibilità di bor- student life at USI (student services, hou- se di studio, il costo della vita, i servizi a sing, cost of life, study grants, and so on). disposizione degli studenti, una planimetria dei campus USI, ecc. 14 15
Architecture. The Master of Science in Architecture offers the opportunity to acquire the most advanced theoretical knowledge and operative skills for the practice of contemporary architectural design. Architectural design is taught through its disciplinary foundations and is closely rela- ted with technological innovation, environmen- tal issues, models of territorial management and the themes of restoration and reestablish- ment of the historical, architectural and environmental heritage. Awarded Degree Master of Science in Architecture Application Deadline February 15th / April 15th depending on the nationality of the applicant. Tuition Fees per semester Residents CHF 2’000.– / international CHF 4’000.– Duration 4 semesters (2 years) - 120 ECTS Scholarships The Università della Svizzera italiana offers five two-year scholarships for students who are particularly well qualified and have completed the B.Arch. Contacts/information 19
Goals and contents Language Study programme The objective the Master pursues is to The main teaching language is Italian. Please be aware that train professionals who, on the basis of Proficiency language certificates are not First semester Second semester Third semester slight changes in the the acquired awareness and in-depth required but students are invited to join the Design Studio 15.0 Design Studio 15.0 Design Studio 15.0 study programme may Paper* 5.0 Paper* 5.0 Paper* 5.0 occur. knowledge of the complexity of current optional Italian course (for both beginners architectural practice, are competent both and advanced users) before the beginning Personalisation (Semesters 1-3) to carry out the functions of direct archi- of the semester. Some courses are taught Historical-Humanistic Optional Technical-Scientific Facultative tectural design and to coordinate the diffe- in English. Students are required a basic Courses** Courses Pergamon: from Antiquity to 2.5 Construction Archetypes and Materials 2.5 rent specialists involved in professional knowledge. Postmodern Integrated Digital Tools (1) 2.5 projects. The study programme consists of Postwar Architecture in Italy 2.5 Integrated Digital Tools (2) 2.5 a series of theoretical lectures and design Admission requirements and Germany Historical-Humanistic Facultative studios dedicated to arguments and me- Bachelor’s degree granted by a school Museology and Museography 5.0 Courses The Bauhaus: A Conceptual Model 2.5 Gothic and its Reception 2.5 thods of architectural design in its diffe- with an architectural programme held as Restoration and Reuse of the 2.5 The Design of Light in the 2.5 rent forms (housing, services industry, equivalent. The Admission Commission 20th Century Legacy Renaissance culture, etc.) and scales (from interior can establish supplementary requisites to Modern and Contemporary Aesthetics 2.5 Building an Empire: Roman 2.5 design to the architectural structure all the guarantee equivalent starting knowledge Styles and Techniques of Cinema 5.0 Architecture Philosophy of Sustainable 2.5 The Industry of the Baroque 2.5 way up to the urban and territorial plan). for all participants. Preliminary admission Development Artworks in Architecture 2.5 The programme draws on two different but demands must be received by April 15th. Urban Strategies: Projects and Effects 2.5 Architecture in Ticino (1945-2000) 2.5 correlated teaching approaches. For more information please refer to the Salzburg: Society, Economy, Space 2.5 Italian Design (1945-2015) 2.5 The first consists in theoretical courses webpage of the Academy of Architecture. The Changing Landscape 2.5 Aby Warburg and Michael Baxandall 2.5 Urban Geography 2.5 Mathematics, Art and Architecture 2.5 pertaining to the methodological, techno- Microclimate Ethnography 2.5 Forms of Dwelling 2.5 logical and historical knowledge that will Contacts Technical-Scientific Sound Space 2.5 enable future architects to explore central USI Università della Svizzera italiana Optional Courses** Scenography 2.5 themes of contemporary architectural Accademia di architettura Construction Techniques of the 2.5 Lexicon of Architectural Critique 2.5 20th Century Theory and History of Kitsch 2.5 culture critically. 6850 Mendrisio, Switzerland Sustainability Lab 2.5 History in Architectural Culture 2.5 The second approach entails, each +41 58 666 5000 Sustainable Strategies 2.5 Recycle, Post-Productions, 2.5 semester, the choice of a design studio Leadership and Focus in Architecture 5.0 Heterotopias which focuses on a specific project typo- Structures and Mathematics in 2.5 Paper Spaces 2.5 Dialogue Elements of History and Theory of 2.5 logy, whether architectural or urban. In the Instruments and Methods of Analysis 2.5 Photography years of the Master students are asked to of 20th Century Architecture Architecture in/as Photography 2.5 produce one theoretical paper on topics Construction Details 2.5 Psycho-Geography and Narration 2.5 of their own choice with the approval of Strategies for Integrated Sustainability 2.5 of the Territory Advanced Construction Systems 2.5 The Informal and Temporary in the City 2.5 a teacher. and Materials Architects and the Urbanization 2.5 The last semester is entirely dedicated to Structures in Architecture 2.5 Process the drafting of the final thesis, which con- Spatial Development 2.5 sists in a project that is related to a topic The Alps, between Rurality and 2.5 Urbanity chosen by the design studio professor. Elements and Processes of Landscape 2.5 Although each professor chooses a Workshop: Building Reality 7.5 different topic to be developed by his Workshop: Filming Architecture 1.5 students, all concern a specific site Workshop: Protection of the 2.5 Architectural Heritage selected by the school. Workshop on International 7.5 Social Housing * One theoretical Fourth semester paper is compulsory. Diploma Project 30.0 ** At least 10 ECTS are compulsory. 20 21
Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana. Ha scritto Yves Bonnefoy che l’arte italiana è l’«arrière-pays», il retroterra di qualsiasi esperienza e memoria del bello; e Osip Mandelštam osservò che per leggere Dante occorre avere uno sguardo volto al futuro. Questo è l’ambito della civiltà italiana: la me- moria di una perfezione condivisa, l’esercizio di un pensiero capace di abbracciare gli “universali” della condizione umana. Questa universalità non è somma di digressioni all’infinito: è, al contrario, come scrisse Jorge Luis Borges della Divina Commedia, capacità di racchiudere tutta una vita in un verso. Comprendere il vissuto della storia, gli uni- versali del pensiero, stringerli in sintesi, offrirli come una “prospettiva”: arte, filosofia, poesia, spiritualità chiamate a dar forma all’essenziale. Titolo di studio conseguito al termine del programma Master of Arts in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana Termine per le iscrizioni 30 aprile / 30 giugno in base alla nazionalità del candidato. Tasse semestrali Residenti CHF 2’000.– / internazionali CHF 4’000.– Durata 4 semestri (2 anni) - 120 ECTS Borse di studio Fondazione per le Facoltà di Lugano CHF 4’000.– 5 borse di studio per gli studenti del Master in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana che coprono la tassa annuale e che sono rinnovabili. Contatti/informazioni 22 23
Obiettivi e contenuti Lingua Piano dei corsi Il Master in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà Il Master è insegnato in italiano. Il piano di studi può Primo semestre Crediti obbligatori Lingua italiana realizza quanto Gianfranco Folena 21.0 Storia della lingua italiana 3.0 essere soggetto a disegnò storicamente nel suo saggio Requisiti di ammissione Letteratura cambiamenti. L’italiano in Europa (1983): una lingua di Sono ammessi: Letteratura del Rinascimento 3.0 civiltà delle arti, capace di unire creazione Studenti che hanno ottenuto un diploma Letteratura italiana del 3.0 Settecento e del primo Ottocento e ragioni civili del “patrimonio dell’umanità”. di bachelor (laurea triennale) in area Linguaggi della poesia moderna 3.0 Per questo sono stati chiamati ad inse- umanistica con almeno 60 crediti nelle Letterature comparate 3.0 gnare docenti che, dalla Svizzera, dall’Italia, diverse discipline dell’italianistica. Possono Letteratura dell’età barocca 3.0 dalla Francia, dalla Germania, incarnino essere ammessi al Master coloro che si Letteratura del secondo 3.0 Ottocento e Novecento A essi stessi – nel loro percorso di ricerca – iscrivono a settembre e discutono la prova Crediti a scelta Arti/Storia/Civiltà questa parabola, sempre viva, di una finale di bachelor entro dicembre. Storia dell’arte medievale 3.0 «lingua dolce e sapida, fatta di suoni di Studenti che hanno già ottenuto una Storia dell’arte moderna 3.0 solidarietà» (O. Mandelštam, 1933). laurea magistrale (o titolo equivalente) in Ascolto e silenzio tra letteratura, 3.0 Il Master si articola su tre aree tematiche area umanistica, previa valutazione degli musica e comunicazione principali: Lingua italiana / Letteratura studi pregressi ed eventuale colloquio. Secondo semestre Crediti obbligatori Lingua italiana e comparata / Arti, Storia e Civiltà, Essi potranno conseguire il Master con 60 24.0 Linguistica pragmatica 3.0 Retorica e stilistica 3.0 in un percorso formativo “olistico” che crediti di studio e la tesi. La direzione del Argomentazione 3.0 favorisce l’incontro di saperi generalmente Master si riserva la possibilità di integrare il Letteratura professati in ambiti diversi. La letteratura piano di studi con alcuni corsi fondamen- Letteratura medievale e 6.0 italiana è così proposta in costante tali ove non siano presenti nel curriculum umanistica Letteratura del secondo 3.0 raffronto con il contesto della civiltà universitario del candidato. Ottocento e Novecento B all’interno della quale è prodotta e Letterature comparate 3.0 studiata. Gli insegnamenti sono in gran Sbocchi professionali Ermeneutica e storia della critica 3 .0 parte concentrati nei primi due semestri, Il Master individua diversi profili, oltre Crediti a scelta Arti/Storia/Civiltà nei quali il programma di studi è comune alla possibilità di proseguire con un Il testo in scena 3.0 Analisi del prodotto 3.0 a tutti gli studenti. Il terzo semestre dottorato di ricerca: l’insegnamento cinematografico prevede possibilità di stage e insegna- dell’italiano, della sua lingua e civiltà; Letteratura filosofica latina 3.0 menti orientati a specifiche professioni. la formazione bibliografica e archivistica Dottrine politiche 3.0 Nel processo di formazione di una per le Biblioteche e gli Archivi; la cono- Storia del pensiero ebraico del 3.0 Medioevo e del Rinascimento coscienza della comune civiltà europea, scenza dei modi e delle forme della Terzo semestre Crediti obbligatori Lingua e letteratura che attende l’esercizio di responsabilità conservazione dei manufatti artistici 18.0 Costruzione di testi 3.0 dei giovani del XXI secolo, questo Master e del patrimonio per la gestione dei Musei Letteratura e libri di testo 3.0 si presenta come il maturo convergere e del lascito della memoria collettiva. Letterature regionali e tradizioni 3.0 a sintesi di larghissime esperienze di europee Storia dei generi letterari 3.0 insegnamento e il coerente articolarsi Contatti Storia del libro di paradigmi di lettura critica per disporre, USI Università della Svizzera italiana Storia del libro e bibliografia 3.0 dal presente, di “cornici d’avvenire”. Istituto di studi italiani Principi di biblioteconomia 3.0 Dr. habil. Johanna Miecznikowski digitale +41 58 666 4295 Crediti a scelta Stage opzionale (III o IV semestre) 6.0 Biennalizzazione esame 3.0-6.0 del prof. relatore di tesi Arti/Storia/Civiltà Didattica dell’italiano L2 3.0 Storia comparata delle tradizioni 3.0 museografiche europee Il cinema documentario del 3.0 dopoguerra: cultura e magia nelle periferie italiane Archivi digitali 3.0 Storia delle rappresentazioni 3.0 dello spazio Quarto semestre Tesi 30.0 24 25
Philosophy. The Master in Philosophy at USI is a research master with a special focus on theoretical philosophy and its history. It is a research master in that it requires students to submit regular written work, to produce research papers and to develop their discussion skills in class. It focuses on theoretical philosophy and its history in particular. The master offers courses in contemporary analytic philosophy, metaphysics and philosophy of mind, and in the history of philosophy, ancient and medie- val, which are designed to complement each other. Unlike other masters in philosophy, the Master in Philosophy at USI has a strong thematic unity. The topic of the 2017-8 Master is time – the metaphysics of time, temporal consciousness, the logic and linguistics of time, the philosophy of history, the nature of narratives, time and social ontology. The special focus on time allows students to have a closer look at one of the most hotly debated topics in contemporary philosophy. Awarded Degree Master of Arts in Philosophy Application Deadline April 30th / June 30th depending on the nationality of the applicant. Tuition fees per semester Residents CHF 2’000.– / international CHF 4’000.– Duration 4 semesters (2 years) - 120 ECTS Scholarships Fondazione per le Facoltà di Lugano CHF 4’000.– Contacts/information 26 27
Goals and contents Admission requirements Study programme The Master in Philosophy at the USI aims The formal requirement for admission Please be aware that to allow students to deepen their under- to the Master's degrees in Philosophy First semester Core Courses Ancient Philosophy - Time, 3.0 slight changes in the standing of philosophical problems, to is a Bachelor's degree granted by a metaphysics & Mind I study programme may Medieval Philosophy - Time, 3.0 occur. develop the ability to think, argue, write recognised university in the field of metaphysics & Mind I and speak clearly and effectively, and Philosophy or related disciplines. Masterclasses I 3.0 to become acquainted with aspects of Admissions will be treated on a case Time in Philosophy 6.0 current research in philosophy and the by case basis. Temporal Consciousness I 6.0 History of political thought I 6.0 history of philosophy. It aims to provide an absorbing grounding Career opportunities Second semester Core Courses Ancient Philosophy - Time, 3.0 in a number of interrelated fields, to equip Graduates of the Master programme metaphysics & Mind II students with several skills of great value possess soft skills that are of great value Medieval Philosophy - Time, 3.0 in the job-market, and to qualify students in a variety of careers, in particular logical, metaphysics & Mind II Temporal Consciousness II 6.0 for teaching positions at high schools as rhetorical and argumentative skills, the Logic 3.0 well as at lower levels, and for the most ability to analyse problems, formulate Masterclasses II 3.0 demanding PhD programmes. arguments, clarity and effectiveness Time 6.0 It aims to combine contemporary philoso- of expression. Philosophy students Time travel 3.0 History of political thought II 3.0 phy and the history of philosophy within constantly perform better than students the framework of a unified, thematic in other fields in these areas, especially Third semester Core Courses History - Metaphysics & Mind III 6.0 approach. In 2017-18 the topic of the in verbal expression and analytic writing. Persistence 6.0 programme is time – physical time, time Such skills are highly valued in several Masterclass I 3.0 in culture, society, history and art, and the professions, for example in law, govern- awareness of time. Teaching and courses ment, HR and business, healthcare. Minor A: Diachronic personal identity 6.0 in metaphysics and social ontology, the Graduates of the Master programme Mind, Language, Normativity, Time, and 3.0 and Society Communication philosophy of mind and history, aesthetics, are also qualified for teaching philosophy Argumentation 3.0 the logic and linguistics of time and tense, at high school in Switzerland and else- Semantics and pragmatics 3.0 and the history of philosophy, ancient and where. Graduates with high marks are modern are designed to give a solid grasp well qualified to apply to the most deman- Minor B: Philosophy of History and Art 6.0 of some of the many aspects of time. ding PhD programmes around the world. History and Electives in Italian Literature (9.0) Literature (in Italian) The detailed exploration of the philosophy Moreover, they will be trained within the of time aims to provide a full grasp of one Swiss academic network. Switzerland Fourth semester Core courses Masterclasses II 3.0 central philosophical topic and an intro- is committed to investing substantially in duction to contemporary research in all areas of research, including philosophy. Minor A: Social ontology 3 philosophy and the history of philosophy. Switzerland is unusual in making available Mind, Language, Electives in mind, language, (6) generous research grants both in uni- and Society and society Language versities and at the national level. The This programme is entirely held in English. Swiss National Science Foundation Minor B: Aesthetics 3.0 Applicants who are not native English awards both individual grants (such as History and Electives in Italian literature (6.0) speaker or whose first degree was not and grants for research projects Literature (in Italian) taught in English, must supply an inter- and training networks. nationally recognised certificate to Thesis 18.0 demonstrate a B2 level on the Common Contacts European Framework of Reference for USI Università della Svizzera italiana language learning (CEFR). Study Advisory Service +41 58 666 4795 28 29
Area finanza Finance Financial Area Banking and Finance Financial Communication Financial Technology and Computing* * Vedi pagina 107 See page 107 30 31
Finance. Finance is the area of economics that studies Accredited by investment decisions, which are fundamental to the well-being of firms and individuals. The Master in Finance at USI is oriented to candidates who want to pursue a successful career in Finance. The program equips students with cutting-edge theories and quantitative tools to analyse financial markets and products, firms’ investment and financing decisions, and asset allocation decisions. The high-quality profile of the program is guaranteed by the world-renowned expertise of USI Faculty in the areas of financial markets, quantitative methods, and corporate finance. The Master in Finance is coordinated by the Swiss Finance Institute, an initiative sponsored by the Swiss Bankers Association with the purpose of achieving international excellence in banking and finance education and research at Swiss universities. Awarded Degree Master of Science in Economics, Major in Finance Application Deadline April 30th / June 30th depending on the nationality of the applicant. Tuition fees per semester Residents CHF 2’000.– / international CHF 4’000.– Duration 4 semesters (2 years) - 120 ECTS Scholarships Fondazione per le Facoltà di Lugano CHF 4’000.– Contacts/information 32 33
Goals and contents Language Study programme The Master programme stretches over two This programme is entirely held in English. Please be aware that years (120 ECTS) and is structured to Applicants who are not native English First semester Foundation Accounting 6.0 slight changes in the allow the students to personalise their speaker or whose first degree was not Courses Capital Markets* 6.0 study programme may 30.0 Corporate Finance* 6.0 occur. study curricula according to their individual taught in English, must supply an inter- Financial Econometrics* 6.0 interests and educational backgrounds. nationally recognised certificate to Probability and Finance I 3.0 To obtain the SFI It includes four semesters of lectures and demonstrate a C1 level on the Common Statistics 3.0 accreditation, seminars, and an internship. European Framework of Reference for students must Typically, in the first semester students language learning (CEFR). Second semester Core Courses Derivatives* 6.0 achieve at least half 30.0 Financial Intermediation* 6.0 of the overall ECTS attend the foundation courses in order to from courses marked Risk Management* 6.0 acquire the basics of finance, accounting Student profile and admission Financial Statement Analysis* 3.0 with an *. and statistics. requirements Introductory Corporate Governance* 3.0 The second and third semesters are Bachelor’s degree granted by a recog- Probability and Finance II* 6.0 **Students can choose to either do dedicated to core courses and electives. nised university in Economics or related an internship or The final thesis should show the candi- disciplines. Candidates are required to Third semester Electives Corporate Governance 3.0 participate in a Field (institutional aspects) date’s ability to integrate acquired be adequately prepared in the fields of Advanced Derivatives* 3.0 Project. knowledge in the advanced scientific economics and basic quantitative Structured Products 6.0 analysis of a topic in finance. A thorough subjects. Applicants are encouraged Financial Modelling* 6.0 understanding of risk is necessary to the (compulsory for applicants with a Bachelor Fixed Income* 6.0 Global Investment Research* 3.0 good management of financial assets. obtained in extra EU country) to provide Therefore the first semester is dedicated GRE/GMAT scores in support of their Fourth semester Electives Advanced Corporate Finance* 6.0 to the economic and statistical founda- application. Further information for Corporate Banking* 6.0 tions of financial markets and the quanti- applicants graduating from a University Private Banking 6.0 tative disciplines necessary to model them. of Applied Sciences is available online: Numerical Methods* 6.0 Seminar on Private Banking 3.0 This knowledge is then applied to the Introduction to Institutions and 3.0 analysis of financial instruments and their Economics of Pensions and Aging markets in the core courses of the second Contacts Pension Economics and Finance 3.0 and third semesters. Because the USI Università della Svizzera italiana programme is based on rigorous quantita- Internship** 6.0 Study Advisory Service Thesis 18.0 tive methods, students are required to take +41 58 666 4795 Field Project (optional)** 12.0 the core courses before they can chose electives. The final thesis should then show the candidate’s ability to integrate acquired knowledge in the scientific analysis of quantitative finance problems. 34 35
Banking and Finance. Goals and contents Language The Master programme stretches over This programme is entirely held in English. The Master in Banking and Finance is Accredited by two years and is structured to allow the Applicants who are not native English designed to provide graduates with the students to personalize their study speaker or whose first degree was not necessary tools and a solid preparation curricula according to their interests and taught in English, must supply an inter- educational backgrounds. It includes four nationally recognised certificate to de- in banking. The program comprises of semesters of lectures and seminars, and monstrate a C1 level on the Common wide-ranging topics such as corporate an internship. European Framework of Reference for banking and accounting, financial instru- Typically, in the first semester students language learning (CEFR). attend the foundation courses in order to ments, corporate governance, and quantita- acquire the basics of finance, accounting Student profile and admission tive methods. At the end of the program, and statistics. The second and third requirements the candidates will find themselves equipped semesters are dedicated to core courses Bachelor’s degree granted by a recogni- and electives. The final thesis should show sed university in Economics or related with the necessary skills to understand the candidate’s ability to integrate acquired disciplines. Candidates are required to be financial markets and products from a knowledge in the advanced scientific adequately prepared in the fields of banker's perspective. Lugano being the third analysis of a topic in banking and finance. economics and basic quantitative subjects. Applicants are encouraged financial marketplace in Switzerland provides (compulsory for applicants with a Bachelor an ideal venue to offer the best possible start obtained in extra EU country) to provide for a successful career in banking or finance. GRE/GMAT scores in support of their application. Further information for The Master in Banking and Finance is coordi- applicants graduating from a University nated by the Swiss Finance Institute, an of Applied Sciences is available online: initiative sponsored by the Swiss Bankers Association with the purpose of achieving Contacts international excellence in banking and USI Università della Svizzera italiana finance education and research at Swiss Study Advisory Service universities. +41 58 666 4795 Awarded Degree Master of Science in Economics, Major in Banking and Finance Application Deadline April 30th / June 30th depending on the nationality of the applicant. Tuition fees per semester Residents CHF 2’000.– / international CHF 4’000.– Duration 4 semesters (2 years) - 120 ECTS Scholarships Fondazione per le Facoltà di Lugano CHF 4’000.– Contacts/information 36 37
Study programme Financial communication. First semester Foundation Accounting 6.0 Please be aware that slight changes in the In the contemporary financial markets, the Courses 30.0 Capital Markets* Corporate Finance* 6.0 6.0 study programme may role of financial communication is gaining occur. Introduction to Statistics 6.0 increasingly importance for both individuals Quantitative Methods in Finance 6.0 To obtain the SFI accreditation, and institutions. The last financial crisis has students must unveiled that numbers and statistics per se are achieve at least half Second semester Core Courses 30.0 Corporate Banking* Derivatives* 6.0 6.0 of the overall ECTS not sufficient to correctly inform investors if the Financial Intermediation* Risk Management* 6.0 6.0 from courses marked with an *. information is not adequately interpreted. For Financial Statement Analysis* 3.0 listed companies and financial intermediaries, ** Students can Introductory Corporate Governance* 3.0 choose to either do a financial communication constitutes a critical thesis or participate in a Field Project. asset to shape investors’ decisions and to gain Third semester Electives Corporate Governance (institutional aspects) 3.0 and maintain the trust of investors and other Advanced Derivatives* Financial Modelling* 3.0 6.0 stakeholders. Being able to both produce and Financial Econometrics* 6.0 understand in depth complex financial Fixed Income* Global Investment Research* 6.0 3.0 communication is the main goal of the Master Structured Products 6.0 in Financial Communication offered at USI. Fourth semester Electives Advanced Corporate Finance* 6.0 Corporate Social Responsability and 3.0 Socially Responsible Investment Numerical Methods* 6.0 International Fiscal System 3.0 Law and Practice of International 3.0 Capital Markets Private Banking 6.0 Trading and Financial Markets 3.0 Seminar on Private Banking 3.0 Banking Strategies 3.0 Introduction to Institutions and 3.0 Economics of Pensions and Aging Pension Economics and Finance 3.0 Internship 6.0 Thesis** 18.0 Field Project (optional)** 12.0 Awarded Degree Master of Science in Economics and Communication, Major in Financial Communication Application Deadline April 30th / June 30th depending on the nationality of the applicant. Tuition fees per semester Residents CHF 2’000.– / international CHF 4’000.– Duration 4 semesters (2 years) - 120 ECTS Scholarships Fondazione per le Facoltà di Lugano CHF 4’000.– Contacts/information 38 39
Goals and contents Language Study programme The Master offers the unique opportunity to This programme is entirely held in Please be aware that acquire an integrated set of competences, English. Applicants who are not native First semester Foundation Introduction to Financial from Public 3.0 slight changes in the Courses Disclosures to Interpersonal Relations strongly and increasingly required in the English speaker or whose first degree was study programme may Corporate Finance 6.0 occur. financial sector. Managing the communi- not taught in English, must supply an Communication Law 3.0 cation of companies and financial insti- internationally recognised certificate to Communication Strategies in 3.0 tutions towards the financial markets and demonstrate a C1 level on the Common Financial Disclosure Corporate Strategy 6.0 the public at large requires not only a solid European Framework of Reference for Data Analysis 3.0 financial background, but also the ability to language learning (CEFR). Accounting 6.0 communicate in a effective and ethical manner with different publics. At the same Student profile and admission Second semester Core Argumentation in Finance 6.0 Courses Investor Relations 3.0 time, it requires a proper awareness of the requirements Financial Intermediation 6.0 legal framework regulating market trans- Bachelor’s degree granted by a recog- Financial Communication Law 3.0 actions and financial services. Students will nised university in Economics, Communi- Law and Practice of International 3.0 be trained to intermediate financial cation Sciences, or related disciplines. Capital Markets Corporate Social Responsability 3.0 institutions and various other companies, Further information for applicants and Socially Responsible Investment with their clients, investors and other graduating from a University of Applied Introductory Corporate Governance 3.0 stakeholders, so being an effective inter- Sciences is available online: Seminar on Private Banking 6.0 face between the financial industry, Third semester Electives Corporate Governance 3.0 businesses, the media, and the public at in Finance (institutional aspects) large. The Master also provides students Career opportunities and Banking Capital Markets 6.0 with the legal background that financial Graduates in the Master in Financial communication specialist need in order to Electives in Communication and 3.0 Communications will find employment Communication Marketing Ethics effectively deal with important issues in financial institutions, corporations, and Management Corporate Communication 6.0 recently emerging in the financial sector, banks, IR firms, consultancy firms, Research Methods such as money laundering, terrorism finan- regulators as: Investor relations officer Organizational Communication 3.0 cing and fiscal matters. The study curricu- Digital Corporate Communication 3.0 in listed companies; Relationship manager Digital Marketing 3.0 lum comprises a first semester of foun- in wealth management; Corporate repor- Online communication design 3.0 dation courses in which the main required ting consultant; Financial accounting and Multimodal Rhetoric 3.0 subjects are explored, a second semester controlling specialist; Financial analyst; Intercultural Communication 3.0 of core courses that go deeply in the Investment communication specialist; Fourth semester Electives International Fiscal System 3.0 understanding of financial communication M&As and IPOs communication advisor; in Finance Derivatives 6.0 and investor relation framework, and a third Startup communication consultant; and Banking Corporate Banking 6.0 and a fourth semester of electives courses, Financial writer and editor for financial Financial Statement Analysis 3.0 centered around two main pillars – finance Private Banking 6.0 newswire services; Financial journalist; Introduction to Institutions and and banking classes, and communication Financial frauds investigator; Financial Economics of Pensions and Aging 3.0 and management classes. Exploiting a wide communication training coach; Financial Pension Economics and Finance 3.0 offer of relevant subjects, students can literacy counselor. Banking Strategies 3.0 build their own path, with tailored counsel of Electives in Usability and Webanalytics 3.0 the Master’s direction. A capstone work Contacts Communication Issues and Crisis Management 3.0 completes the programme with an USI Università della Svizzera italiana and Management Corporate Identity and Image 6.0 internship period in a financial industry firm Study Advisory Service Consumer Behaviour 6.0 (e.g. relationship manager, investor relation +41 58 666 4795 Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice 3.0 Writing Business Plans 3.0 analyst or similar) and a Master thesis. By the end of the programme, our students will Capstone Work Internship 6.0 have acquired fundamental analytical, Thesis 18.0 argumentative and interpersonal skills, grounded in a solid knowledge of financial market behavior, strategies and regulations, which will enable them to efficiently craft the information for financial decisions. 40 41
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