Esame di Diploma (IV Livello Europeo) Quarto Anno - Ripamonti, Como

Pagina creata da Giovanni Vaccaro
Formazione Professionale

Id Corso                                                                                Data                     .    .

Nome e Cognome___________________________________________________________

Tipo prova                                     Inglese - Sessione 2                                            a.f. 2015/2016
              Esame di Diploma (IV° Livello Europeo) Quarto Anno
  Domanda 1                                                                                                               E000017
Il tuo amico Josh ha deciso di trascorrere un mese in Italia durante le vacanze estive. Gli piacerebbe visitare qualche
località famosa o città d’arte e vorrebbe anche trascorrere qualche giorno al mare. Non ha molti soldi, ma è disposto a
fare qualche lavoro occasionale per pagarsi la vacanza.
Scrivigli una e-mail con tutte le informazioni e i suggerimenti che ti ha chiesto, in particolare:
- quali città e località potrebbe visitare
- cosa potrebbe vedere
- in quale località di mare potrebbe trascorrere qualche giorno
- quale sistemazione potrebbe trovare
- quali possibilità di lavoro ci sono.

  Usa tutte le forme necessarie per iniziare e concludere una email e scrivi almeno 50 parole.


                    Esame di Diploma (IV° Livello Europeo) Quarto Anno - a.f. 2015/2016 Sessione 2 Inglese Pag. 1/6
Formazione Professionale
 Domanda 2                                                                                                                           E9006-00
 Leggi attentamente il seguente testo

                                       Coca-Cola secret recipe revealed?

For almost 125 years, the recipe for Coca-Cola has been a (1) ........... . Since then people have been (2) ............ about
the secret recipe and this has been good for business.
Today, only two Coke executives know the recipe, neither of (3) ............ can travel on the same plane in case the secret
dies with them.
Now, one of America’s (4) ............ famous radio broadcasters says he has discovered the Coke secret. Ira Glass,
presenter of a radio programme, says he has found a copy of the recipe. The original is still supposedly (5) ............
in a bank in Atlanta, in a burglar-proof room.
The formula was created (6) ............ John Pemberton, an Atlanta chemist who made cough medicines and other drinks
in his spare time. In 1887, he sold the recipe to a businessman who (7) ............ placed it in the Atlanta bank for
The rediscovered recipe includes the following ingredients: extract of coca leaves, caffeine, plenty of sugar, lime juice,
vanilla (8) ............ caramel.
Coke’s secret recipe is (9) ............ partly a myth. The recipe has, in fact, changed substantially over time. Cocaine, a
legal drug in Pemberton’s time, was removed from the drink in 1904. Extract of coca leaves is still used but only after the
cocaine (10) ............ been removed. In 1980, the company largely replaced sugar with a cheaper sweetener that is often
found in American food and drink. However, passionate Coke fans were not impressed by this change.

                                                                  Adapted from The Guardian, 16/02/11
                                                                  First published in © Guardian News & Media 2011

 Completa il testo in ciascuno dei punti indicati scegliendo l'alternativa che ti sembra più corretta.
 Punto                    A                               B                                C                                    D
  1             not known                          undiscovered                     lie                                 secret

  2             talked                             talking                          talked to                           to talking

  3             him                                who                              whom                                them

  4             the                                most                             so                                  no

  5             kept                               keeping                          hold                                holding

  6             from                               to                               for                                 by

  7             firstly                            immediately                      immediate                           before

  8             so                                 but                              then                                and

  9             actually                           slowly                           now                                 later

  10            have                               will                             has                                 is

 Domanda 3                                                                                                                           E103007
 Leggi la seguente coppia di frasi

You can only eat there if you book in advance.
If you don’t book in advance, you ………………. there.
 Completa la parte mancante in modo che la seconda frase abbia esattamente lo stesso significato della prima.
 Puoi utilizzare FINO A TRE parole, scrivendole nello spazio sottostante.

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Formazione Professionale
 Domanda 4                                                                                                            E103017
 Leggi la seguente coppia di frasi

Jane is taller than Susan.
Susan isn’t ………………….. Jane.
 Completa la parte mancante in modo che la seconda frase abbia esattamente lo stesso significato della prima.
 Puoi utilizzare FINO A TRE parole, scrivendole nello spazio sottostante.

 Domanda 5                                                                                                            E103008
 Leggi la seguente coppia di frasi

Let’s go to the cinema tonight!
Why don’t ………………………… to the cinema tonight?
 Completa la parte mancante in modo che la seconda frase abbia esattamente lo stesso significato della prima.
 Puoi utilizzare FINO A TRE parole, scrivendole nello spazio sottostante.

 Domanda 6                                                                                                            E103010
 Leggi la seguente coppia di frasi

It’s hot today! Let’s have an ice cream!
It’s hot today! ……………you like an ice cream?
 Completa la parte mancante in modo che la seconda frase abbia esattamente lo stesso significato della prima.
 Puoi utilizzare FINO A TRE parole, scrivendole nello spazio sottostante.

 Domanda 7                                                                                                            E103016
 Leggi la seguente coppia di frasi

It’s not good for you to eat too much junk food.
You too much junk food.
 Completa la parte mancante in modo che la seconda frase abbia esattamente lo stesso significato della prima.
 Puoi utilizzare FINO A TRE parole, scrivendole nello spazio sottostante.

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Formazione Professionale
 Domanda 8                                                                                                           E101044
 Leggi il seguente testo

From: Lucy
To: Mary

Hi, Mary. Your sister phoned. She has a cold so she can’t come to the party tonight. Phone her tomorrow to see how she
is. Don’t phone her tonight: she’s already in bed!

 Scegli tra le frasi indicate quella che riproduce il significato del testo

     A     Mary phoned her sister yesterday.

     B     Mary must phone her sister tonight.

     C     Mary must phone her sister tomorrow.

     D     Lucy's sister has a cold.

 Domanda 9                                                                                                           E101010
 Leggi il seguente testo


 Scegli tra le frasi indicate quella che riproduce il significato del testo

     A     You can drive quickly.

     B     People have finished their job here.

     C     You can’t drive on this road.

     D     You must drive slowly because there are workers.

 Domanda 10                                                                                                          E101051
 Leggi il seguente testo

From: Anna
To: Robert

Sorry, I can’t drive you to school tomorrow. My Mum needs the car to go to her office. We can go by bus together, if you
like. Let me know!

 Scegli tra le frasi indicate quella che riproduce il significato del testo

     A     Anna and Robert can’t go to school by car tomorrow.

     B     Anna is using her mother’s car tomorrow.

     C     Anna is driving her Mum to the office tomorrow.

     D     Robert is driving Anna to school tomorrow.

                   Esame di Diploma (IV° Livello Europeo) Quarto Anno - a.f. 2015/2016 Sessione 2 Inglese Pag. 4/6
Formazione Professionale
 Domanda 11                                                                                                            E101049
 Leggi il seguente testo


 Scegli tra le frasi indicate quella che riproduce il significato del testo

     A     You must leave your mobile at home if you want to enter the library.

     B     You can keep your mobile with you in the library if it is switched off.

     C     You can’t go into the library if you have a mobile with you.

     D     You must leave your mobile on a table at the entrance of the library.

 Domanda 12                                                                                                            E101018
 Leggi il seguente testo


 Scegli tra le frasi indicate quella che riproduce il significato del testo

     A     Night buses to London leave at half past eight.

     B     You can get to London in half an hour.

     C     Night buses from London leave every half hour.

     D     There will be two night buses every hour.

 Leggi le seguenti descrizioni di corsi per il tempo libero.

Are you interested in creating your own novel? If you feel you have a lot to say but you don’t know how, this course will
help you acquire the writing skills you need.

If you want to learn about the greatest writers of today, this course is just what you are looking for. A famous literary critic
will guide you through the works of the best contemporary writers.

Course 3 - DRAWING
If you have a creative mind and like drawing your emotions, this course is for you. An experienced teacher will show you
the basic drawing techniques to produce your own masterpieces!

This course is for people who like painting and want to learn more about the great masters of the past. An art critic will
guide you to understand the innovative techniques used by the most famous painters of France.

 Scegli il corso più adatto alle esigenze delle persone di seguito indicate.

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Formazione Professionale
 Domanda 13                                                                                                           E114001
Ann has been a keen reader since she was a child. She has read a lot of books of modern writers and now she would
like to know more about them.

 Scegli la risposta corretta

     A     Course 1

     B     Course 2

     C     Course 3

     D     Course 4

 Domanda 14                                                                                                           E114002
Sophie likes art, in particular painting. Whenever she has some free time she visits museums and art galleries, but now
she would like to know something more about the techniques used by the great masters of the past.

 Scegli la risposta corretta

     A     Course 1

     B     Course 2

     C     Course 3

     D     Course 4

 Domanda 15                                                                                                           E114003
John is really keen on drawing and spends his time drawing on any piece of paper he can find. Now he would like to
improve his technique with the help of a good teacher.

 Scegli la risposta corretta

     A     Course 1

     B     Course 2

     C     Course 3

     D     Course 4

 Domanda 16                                                                                                           E114004
Mark has always been interested in books, in particular crime stories. He has read a lot and has just started to write a
novel but he thinks he needs to develop his writing skills.

 Scegli la risposta corretta

     A     Course 1

     B     Course 2

     C     Course 3

     D     Course 4

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