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1885: IL TEMA DELL’ESPOSIZIONE E LA CHIRURGIA TRANSORALE MODERNA Per poter performare efficacemente un intervento transorale, era necessario rettilinearizzare cavo orale, faringe e laringe. Nacquero a questo scopo i primi laringoscopi tubulari. Negli anni a seguire fu un fiorire di varianti sul tema, vale a dire che vennero introdotti laringoscopi dalla lunghezza, dal diametro e dalle forme sempre più variabili e adattate alle esigenze del chirurgo e alle variabili anatomiche e patologiche dei pazienti.
risultato è quindi quello di avere sì l’esposizione delle corde vocali e della che il laringoscopio offre la prospettiva su di un campo operatorio bidimensionale e statico, operatorio che se ne ricava è estremamente ridotto in superficie. introducendo un problema non indifferente sia per quanto riguarda la percezione della profondità di campo dell’operatore, percezione che si è dimostrato migliorare seguendo una curva Dall’altro lato si è introdotto un handicap dal punto di vista della visualizzaz VISUALIZZAZIONEdistretto anatomico che rimane all’interno del: collo, ad una profondità di dive d’apprendimento molto lenta, sia per quanto riguarda la possibilità di adattare l’esposizione ad eventuali modifiche [2]. E MANIPOLAZIONE orale, è chiaro che la luce ambientale in grado di raggiungere il campo oper non addirittura Resta quindi da districare il nodo della manipolazione. Da un certo punto nulla quando di vista il problema è lo l’interno del laringoscopio viene occupato dagli è quindi stesso dell’esposizione, vale a dire uno spazio estremamente limitato reso necessario dal punto introdurre un sistema di illuminazione che consentiss di vista delle Con l’introduzione del laringoscopio tubulare si arrivò ad esporre opportunamente esaminare dimensioni attraverso il quale far passare gli strumenti e quindi performare il campo l’intervento. operatorio ora esposto. Inizialmente allora si partì dallo s Ricordiamo il campo operatorio. infatti che il limite che avevamo posto a inizio trattazione, vale a diredire una lente la ridotta riflettente apertura posizionata sul capo dell’operatore che avesse com del cavo Resta orale, non viene di fattoperò risolto, siilrende problema inerente pertanto necessario il tema che la manoconfluiredella quanta del chirurgo VISUALIZZAZIONE, più luce rimanga dato possibile su di un determinato esterna che punto di interesse. La al cavo oralebaselingua, faringe stesso. Questo significa che gli e laringe strumenti rimangono dovranno celati essere estremamente dotata in uno lunghi di un piccoloper spazio poter pertugio anatomico attraverso ristretto il quale l’occhio e potesse “ del chirurgo essere gestitilontano dalla manodalla luce ambientale. dell’operatore e raggiungere al contempo la laringe, attraversando tutta l’estensione del laringoscopio (Fig. 3A e Fig. 3B). E ancora, abbiamo il problema inerente il tema della MANIPOLAZIONE, abbiamo il problema di quali strumenti utilizzare per manipolare un tessuto attraverso un tubulare dal diametro di pochi centimetri. Fig. 2: Specchio frontale.
COSA RESTA DA RISOLVERE? ESPOSIZIONE: • Il campo operatorio è ora esposto ma resta difficilmente accessibile per via delle limitazioni intrinseche nel laringoscopio. VISUALIZZAZIONE: • Illuminazione comunque limitata; • La sezione di pochi centimetri e la distanza tra l’occhio dell’operatore ed il campo operatorio limitano la visualizzazione. MANIPOLAZIONE: • Effetto fulcro • Tremore • Movimenti limitati
1960: L’AVVENTO DEL MICROSCOPIO ED IL PROGRESSO IN CAMPO DI VISUALIZZAZIONE Nel 1960 G. J. Jako introduce il microscopio ottico nella microchirurgia della laringe, strumento che permetteva di magnificare il campo operatorio con ingrandimento del 6x fino al 10x. Migliora sensibilmente la capacità del chirurgo di esaminare il campo operatorio, apprezzandone decisamente meglio l’anatomia. Ma come abbiamo imparato, quando su uno dei tre binari si registra un progresso, esso rappresenta un trigger anche per gli altri due. Viene stimolata la MANIPOLAZIONE, con l’introduzione di alcune novità: • Strumenti miniaturizzati • Laser a CO2
2005: HOCKSTEIN ET AL PUBBLICANO SU THE LARYNGOSCOPE IL PRIMO CASO DI TORS Neil G. Hockstein et al. individuano per prima cosa i 3 punti critici che hanno ostacolato l’avvento della chirurgia robotica nel campo ORL: 1. L’introduzione dei bracci robotici all’interno del cavo orale, a raggiungere la faringe e laringe, 2. Ottenere un’adeguata esposizione della laringe senza entrare in conflitto con le braccia del robot, 3. Assicurare un adeguato managing delle vie aeree.
are un adeguato managing delleThevie aeree. Laryngoscope Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. © 2005 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc. Il passo successivo alla sperimentazione su cadavere fu quello di passare ad un sis risolvere questi tre problemi, Neil G. Hockstein et al. hanno quindi deciso di simulare farlo fu scelto il modello canino. Si procedette quindi ad un primo intervento di Robotic Microlaryngeal Surgery: A Technical e di interventi su dei modelli sintetici di faringe e laringe, utilizzando il una robot chirurgico della glottide su cani anestetizzati ed intubati. Lo scopo della s microchirurgia Feasibility andosi del primo approccio robotico Study alla chirurgia della Using laringe, furono thesedaVinci sperimentati quello di verificare Surgical fosse possibile trasferire i vantaggi che si erano individuati su Robot ti utili ad assicurare una adeguata and esposizione, an Airway dal laringoscopio Lindholm Mannequin (Fig. 1) e su cadavere anche in vivo. La tecnica e gli strumenti utilizzati furono gli stessi McIvor (Fig. 2), diversi tipi di strumenti chirurgici con cui venivano attrezzati precedenti.i bracci In questo caso si vollero valutare: alibri variabili (diametri di 5 eNeil 8 mm), e con MD; G. Hockstein, varie funzioni J. Paul Nolan;( Bert forbici dalla Se punta W. -O’Malley, viJr, MD; Y.differenze fossero Joseph Woo, MDperformance fra l’utilizzo di strumenti di 5 m the nze e tagliente), fino a diversi tipi di ottiche, utili ad ottenere sia una visualizzazione diametro, in questo caso forbici dalla punta arrotondata e forcipe Debakey Sempre nella che tridimensionale. medesima pubblicazione mally invasive surgery però, Objectives/Hypothesis: The trend toward mini- - Le has led to the development trova vasivespazio la sperimentazione, cally. Key Words: Robotic, endoscopic, minimally in- tempistiche dimicrosurgery, surgery, intervento, larynx, daVinci. sotto forma and mastery of endoscopic and laparoscopic surgical Laryngoscope, 115:780 –785, 2005 techniques. These minimally invasive approaches, - L’emostasi, di simulazioni su modelli sintetici di laringe, fatte utilizzando il Da Vinci . which only two decades ago were either novel or ex- perimental, are now mainstream. More recently, INTRODUCTION ® Over the last century, surgical innovation has bene- robot-assisted surgery has evolved as an adjunct - to La visualizzazione del campo operatorio. fited from discovery in other fields of study. Perhaps the open and endoscopic techniques. Surgical robots are greatest improvement in outcome after total laryngectomy now approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for a variety of thoracic and abdomi- resulted from the discovery of antibiotics.1 In the field of nal/pelvic surgical procedures. The purpose of this rhinologic surgery, the development of surgical telescopes study is to demonstrate the technical feasibility of and the computed tomography scanner have led to revo- robot-assisted microlaryngeal surgery. Study Design: lutionary advances in the treatment of diseases of the Experimental surgical manipulation of the larynx paranasal sinuses.2 The recent advances in surgical robot- in an airway mannequin with a surgical robot. ics emerged after the development of robotic technology Methods: A variety of laryngoscopes and mouthgags, for industrial and aerospace applications. Surgical robot- coupled with the daVinci Surgical Robot’s (Intuitive ics required miniaturization of both the mechanical ro- Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA) 0-degree and 30-degree, two- botic components and the solid-state components. These dimensional and three-dimensional endoscopes, were miniaturized robots coupled with improved three- utilized to optimize visualization of the larynx in an airway mannequin. Five millimeter and 8 mm micro- dimensional optic technology have paved the way for ad- instruments compatible with the daVinci robot were vancement and application of surgical robotic technology. utilized to manipulate different elements of the lar- The advantages that surgical robots have brought to ynx. Experiments were recorded with both still and abdominal and thoracic surgery can be applied in the head video photography. Results: The endoscope and ro- and neck as well. The primary obstacles to the perfor- botic arms of the daVinci robot are well suited to mance of robotic-assisted pharyngeal and laryngeal sur- airway surgery. Conclusions: Robot-assisted laryn- gery are 1) the introduction of the robotic arms and in- geal surgery can be performed with currently avail- struments into the narrow funnel created by the oral able technology. The potential for fine manipulation cavity, pharynx, and larynx, 2) the means of suspending of tissues, increased freedom of instrument move- and exposing the larynx to allow for adequate exposure ment, and endolaryngeal suturing may increase the without interfering with introduction of the robotic arms, Fig. 1: Laringoscopio di Lindholm precision of endoscopic laryngeal microsurgery and and 3) a means of managing the airway. To assess the offers the potential to increase the variety of laryn- geal procedures that can be performed endoscopi- potential to overcome these obstacles, we simulated sev- Fig. eral 5: Forbici endoscopic a punta pharyngeal andarrotondata (sullaus- laryngeal procedures dx) e forcipe di Debakey (su Fig. 2: Apribocca di McIvor con lame di diversa ing themisura. daVinci surgical robot. Abstract submitted for presentation at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Triologic Society. MATERIALS AND METHODS From the Department of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Sur- Using the daVinci Surgical Robot (Intuitive Surgical,
ANCORA STUDI PRELIMINARI The Laryngoscope Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. © 2005 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc. Robot-Assisted Pharyngeal and Laryngeal Microsurgery: Results of Robotic Cadaver Dissections Neil G. Hockstein, MD; J. Paul Nolan, BS; Bert W. O’Malley, Jr, MD; Y. Joseph Woo, MD Objectives/Hypothesis: Robotic surgery has signif- ryngeal and microlaryngeal surgery. Surgical robots Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS): Glottic icant potential in pharyngeal and microlaryngeal sur- offer the ability to manipulate instruments at their gery. We demonstrate the use of a surgical robot in distal ends with increased freedom of movement, Microsurgery in a Canine Model pharyngeal and microlaryngeal surgery in a cadaver. scaled movement, tremor buffering, and under ste- Study Design: Six experimental surgical dissections, reoscopic three-dimensional visualization. Surgical modeled after commonly performed pharyngeal and robots may increase the precision with which we per- microlaryngeal procedures, were performed in a ca- form currently described procedures; 1 additionally, Bert W. O’Malley, Jr., daver with a commercially available surgical robot in Gregory S. Weinstein, surgical androbots Neil mayG. Hockstein advance the field of endoscopic an The operating room suite to demonstrate proof of con- Laryngoscope laryngeal and pharyngeal surgery. Key Words: Ro- Lippincott cept. Williams Methods: & Wilkins, Using Inc. the daVinci Surgical Robot (In-Pennsylvania Philadelphia, botic, endoscopic, minimally invasive surgery, micro- © 2006 The American Laryngological, tuitive Surgical, Rhinological Sunnyvale, and Otological Society, CA), Inc. surgical procedures surgery, larynx, partial laryngectomy, lateral pharyn- were performed on an edentulous, female cadaver. gotomy, laryngeal cancer, daVinci. The procedures included 1) bilateral true vocal cord Laryngoscope, 115:1003–1008, 2005 stripping, 2) rotation Summary: Objectives/Hypothesis: of a mucosal flap from the epi- We hypothesize that bimanual, three- Assessment of Intraoperative Safety in glottis to the anterior dimensional cordectomy, 4) arytenoidectomy, robotic surgery commissure, cedures. Study Design:5) partial will prove 3) partial vocalvaluable for Robot-assisted epiglottec- To test glottic microsurgical this hypothesis,olutionizing we developed theand cardiac optimized ways pro-and urologic surgery are rev- in which cardiac valvular disease Transoral Robotic Surgery tomy and thyrohyoid dissection a canine model for and 6) partial glottic resec-using aand microsurgery commercially available prostate cancer aresurgi- being treated. Surgeries are being tion of the base ofcal tongue robot. with Methods primary Using aclosure. da Vinci All performed Surgical Robot without (Intuitive largeInc., Surgical, thoracotomies or laparotomies, procedures were timed andCA),documented with still Sunnyvale, glottic microsurgery morbidity was performed withis adecreased, hydrodissectionand patients are leaving the hos- and video photography. Results: The daVinci Surgical Robot, with currently technique in a canine available model. The instruments, experiments pital enabled sooner.1,2 These were performed on twoimproved orotra- outcomes are the result of Neil G. Hockstein, performance cheal of severalMD; intubated Bert W. laryngeal mongrel and dogs O’Malley, pharyngealunder general Jr.,sur- many anesthesia MD; Gregory S. assets in theofsupine surgical Weinstein, MDrobotics, including improved op- position gical procedures onona acadaver.standard Laryngeal operating room andtable. pharyn- tics,and A videoscope increased freedomrotat- two, 360-degree of endoscopic instrument move- geal exposure wasing, excellent, instruments 5- and 8-mm, wrested-end movement ment,were effector instruments and introduced tremor filtration. transor- was unimpeded, tissue handling ally with three wasroboticdelicate and surgeon arms. The pre- performed Thethepotential to apply the advantages of robot- actual procedures cise, and endolaryngeal suturing was relatively easily assisted surgery to the pharynx and larynx is great, and Introduction: whileRobotic positionedtechnology at a robotic has been system console that transoral was located surgery. across Additionally, the oper- we discuss sev- performed. The duration of the different robotic ca- previous work andhas to demonstrated the technical safely integrated into ating thoracic room suite. Theand abdominopel- procedure was performed eral in strategies duplicate was increase docu- patient safety feasibility in TORS. daver dissections vic surgery, and was comparable the with early to procedure dura- ofKey introducing Words: the roboticwas instruments through the mouth tion using mented conventional stillexperience andConclusions: has been Results: video photography. Glottic Robotic, microsurgery endoscopic, minimally inva- very promising withtechniques. veryperformed successfully rare complications using Us- the da Vinci into sive re- Surgical the pharynx surgery, Robot, and both larynx. with microsurgery, 3 5- and Thelarynx, breadthpartial of pharyngeal laryn- inglated the todaVinci Surgical Robot, robotic device failure. Recently, severalsix different gectomy, laryngeal cancer, DaVinci, and microlaryngeal surgical procedures and transoral ro- specific appli- pharyngeal reports have and microlaryngeal documented thedissections 8-mm instrumentation. technical were The smaller, suc- 5-mm instruments feasibility botic in afforded greater surgery visu- cessfully performed in a cadaver. The recent develop- cations which a(TORS), surgical complications. robot may be useful have not alization of the operative of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) with the da- site and increased maneuverability, which resulted in Laryngoscope, 116:165–168, 2006 ment of surgical robotics has a potential role in pha- been identified. To assess potential applications of robot-
Annul.\ ofOtnhgy. Rliinohsy & Ijiryni-iilofiy lift I): 19-23. © 2tK)7 Annals Piibliihing Company. All rights reserved. Transoral Robotic Surgery: Supraglottic Partial Laryngectomy Gregory S. Weinstein, MD; Bert W. O'Malley, Jr, MD; Wendy Snyder; NeilG.Hockstein,MD Objectives: We assessed the feasibility of performing transoral supraglottic partial laryngectomy with robotic instrumen- tation. Il primo caso il mondo di utilizzo della TORS su di un paziente umano vivo, fu Methods: Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) was performed on 3 human patients with supraglottic carcinoma in a pro- spective human trial. Tlie study was approved by our institutional review bourd and involved the da Vinci Surgical Robot realizzato presso il Dipartimento di otorinolaringoiatria dell’Università della (Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Sunnyvale, California). I Results: Ail procedures were completed robotically. The median overall operation time to perform Ihe robotic procedure was 120 minutes (range. 1:32:48 to 2:58:18), including 18 minutes (range.00:6:07 to (K):3O:39J for exposure and robotic Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. Tra il mese di maggio e ottobre 2005, tre pazienti positioning. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications or surgical mortality. Conclusions: Tlie preliminary results of our series suggest that application of the da Vinci robotic surgical system for TORS H) supragloiiic partial laryngectomy is technically feasible and relatively safe. Furthermore. TORS provides ex- vennero trattati tramite TORS, con interventi di laringectomia parziale sopraglottica. cellent surgical exposure that allows complete lumor resection. Most importantly, TORS provides aii alternative to open approaches and "conventional" transoral supraglottic partial laryngectomy. Key Words: da Vinci Surgical Robot, minimally invasive surgery, robotics, supraglottic cancer, supraglottic surgery, • Retrattore FK transoral robotic surgery. • Ottica endoscopicaT^^rRODucTION con inclinazione 30° acronym TORS (transoral robotic surgery) in a de- scription of supraglottiu laryngectomy in a canine Transoral laser supraglottic partial laryngectomy by means of standard instrumentation with an oper- model by means of the robotic system. Transoral ro- • Forcipe di Cadiere e Spatola cauterizzante ative microscope and a carbon dioxide laser is gen- botic surgery is defined as surgery done via the oral erally accepted for diagnostic and therapetitic proce- cavity that uses a minimum of 3 robotic arms and al- dures in patients with supraglottic malignant lesions. lows for bimanual surgical techniques.'^ We present Although in many cases standard instrumentation the world's first cases of TORS supraglottic partial Non vennero riscontrate complicanze intra o post operatorie provides excellent exposure that allows for a suc- cessful transoral operation, in some cases, the tumor laryngectomy performed in human patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS location may render present standard approaches Patients. From May to October 2005. a total of 3 suboptimal and technically challenging, thus possi- patients underwent supraglottic partial laryngecto- bly increasing the ri.sk of surgical complications. my in a pilot study to assess TORS as part of a Uni- The recent introduction of robotic systeins has re- versity of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board- sulted in improved surgical approaches in various approved protocol. Informed con.sent was obtained surgical fields. The two specialties in which the da from al! patients. The median age of the 3 patients
I PUNTI DI FORZA In conclusione di questa esperienza, gli autori sottolineano come la TORS porti con se degli innegabili vantaggi: • I movimenti della mano sono fedelmente trasmessi dalle pinze della consolle agli strumenti chirurgici, che grazie ai 6°di libertà consentono movimenti molto più ampi rispetto agli strumenti tradizionali; • Il robot permette di evitare il cosiddetto “effetto fulcro”; • L’alta definizione e la visuale 3D consentono di avere una visualizzazione estremamente superiore a qualunque altra.
GLI SVANTAGGI Tuttavia vengono anche segnalati due potenziali handicap di cui la TORS potrebbe risentire: • La mancanza di un feedback tattile che non consente al chirurgo di avere una sensazione circa la consistenza del tessuto che sta manipolando, • Il costo estremamente alto della chirurgia robotica, inteso come costo per l’acquisto del robot Da Vinci, • Il costo annuale per l’utilizzo, il costo degli strumenti chirurgici (che possono essere usati al massimo per 20 interventi prima di essere sostituiti)
… E FACCIAMO IL PUNTO DELLA SITUAZIONE VISUALIZZAZIONE: Ora abbiamo una visualizzazione adeguata, grazie ad ottiche endoscopiche ad alta definizione ed un sistema binoculare di visione 3D. MANIPOLAZIONE: La manipolazione è resa ottimale dalle braccia robotiche che vengono introdotte all’interno del cavo orale e che godono di 6 gradi di libertà. ESPOSIZIONE: Utilizzo di vari modelli di apribocca per aumentare l’esposizione quanto più possibile
DEI TRE TEMI, L’ESPOSIZIONE NEW DIMENSIONS È QUELLA in TORS, Endoscopic Laser Surgery and Conventional Microsurgery CHE ANCORA RAPPRESENTA UN PROBLEMA Through its unrestricting design, the FK-WO TORS laryngo-pharyngosope retractor offers unique exposition of the upper aerodigestive tract especially during TORS (Trans-Oral Robotic Surgery), microsurgery or laser surgery of the base of tongue, Circa mezzo secolo più tardi, nel 1961, sarà Dingman larynx (Fig.and3)hypopharynx. ad introdurre un'altra In comparison with themodifica, standard laryngoscopes, the non- tubular concept of this device allows better view into the operation area, an improved costruendo un apribocca dal design chiuso, per l’appunto access l’apribocca di Dingman, to it and easier manipulation dove la C aperta of instruments. del Crowe-Davis diveniva un rettangolo e dove venivano aggiunti anche due retrattori (uno per lato) NON-TUBULAR DESIGN, a sostenere le guance. FRAME CONSTRUCTION WITH WIDE APERTURE • The operation field is not restricted like it is the case when using standard operation laryngoscopes • Ample space is provided even for robotic instrument placement in TORS • Movement and manipulation of instruments is facilitated ADJUSTABLE ANGLES OF THE BLADES MOVING UPWARDS AND DOWNWARDS FORWARD AND BACKWARD MOVEMENT OF THE BLADE FOR DEEP OR LESS DEEP INTRODUCTION • Excellent view of the anatomic structures as the operation field can be ideally exposed • Head reclination only moderate Fig 3. Apribocca di Dingman Apribocca di McIvor con lame di diversa misura. Per esporre il Ovviamente, camponeloperatorio e permettere uno spazio di manovra il più ampio corso degli anni si sono continuati a reinventare questi apribocca, modificandone forme, inserti e dotazioni, ma mantenendone sempre rigidamente la struttura di base. possibile alle braccia robotiche, si sono utilizzati diverse tipologie di apribocca. autori riscontrarono nell’utilizzo del Da Vinci fu appannaggio della dimensionale, resa possibile dall’utilizzo di due ottiche con focali, che inoculare degli occhi umani, garantiva all’operatore IL TEMA la percezione DELL’ESPOSIZIONE della NELLA TORS Exposure of oropharynx Exposure of larynx Exposure of hypopharynx and upper esophagus utamente non consentita dalla visione bidimensionale delle ottiche Arriviamo dunque alla quadratura del cerchio, e a dare un significato a questo focus sugli apribocca 3D ha un diametro di 10 mm e fu testata con diverse che abbiamo appena inclinazioni discusso. Con larispetto comparsa del Da Vinci®, la chirurgia transorale ha sicuramente goduto e a 30 gradi, dove l’inclinazione a 30 di risulto gradi un’implementazione ottimale. in termini di manipolazione, dove le braccia robotiche si sono sostituite alle mani del chirurgo aggirandone diversi limiti, e di visualizzazione, grazie alle ottiche di
An Overview of Retractor Systems Used in Transoral Robotic Surgery Emily Funk, BA; Aaron Baker, MD, MS (presenter); David Goldenberg, MD; Neerav Goyal, MD, MPH An Overview of Retractor Systems Used in Transoral Robotic Surg ives: To review available literature on current retractor Emily Funk, BA; Aaron Baker, MD,Features Retractor MS (presenter); David Goldenberg, MD; Limitations Neerav Goyal, MD, MPH ms used for transoral robotic surgery (TORS) in the oropharynx, Crowe-Davis Open lateral frame, easily accessible, familiar Limited base of tongue, hypopharynx, and larynx exposure harynx and larynx, and obtain in-situ images. Limited base of tongue, hypopharynx, and larynx exposure, closed McIvor Easily accessible, familiar, useful in edentulous patient Retractor Features frame Limitations ods: A query was performed Objectives: to identify To review fullliterature available text articles related retractor on current RS and the use of the Crowe-Davis Mouth Gag, McIvor(TORS) Mouthin the oropharynx, Limited base of tongue, hypopharynx, and larynx exposure, closed systems used for transoral robotic surgery Dingman Wide frame, cheek retractors, tie Crowe-Davis down Open points, lateral accessible frame, easily accessible, familiar Limited base of tongue, hypopharynx, and lar frame Dingman Mouth Gag, Feyh-Kastenbauer hypopharynx and larynx, and (FK) obtain Retractor, in-situ images. geal Advanced Retractor System (LARS) and Medrobotics Flex Wide frame, various blades designed Limited base of tongue, hypopharynx, and larynx FK/ FK-WO McIvor Easily for exposurefamiliar, accessible, of specific areas, useful in edentulous patient Closed frame, expense integrated suction, modified for TORS (FK-WO) frame tor System. Images Awere Methods: obtained query in cadaveric was performed to specimens. identify full text articles related to TORS and the use of the Crowe-Davis Mouth Gag, McIvor Mouth Designed for laryngeal procedures, curved frame, various blades, Limited base of tongue, hypopharynx, and larynx LARS Dingman Wide frame, cheek retractors, tie down points, accessible Closed frame, expense s: The demand for novelMouth Gag, Dingman TORS retractor systems is being met Gag, Feyh-Kastenbauer (FK) Retractor, vertically adjustable blades, instrument attachments frame he evolution of a variety Laryngeal of devices. Advanced The goal Retractor of these System (LARS) systems and Medrobotics Flex Flex Medrobotics Designed for TORS, curvedWide frame various frame, blades, various bladedesigned blades adjustment forinexposure of specific areas, mprove exposure of the surgical site, while accommodating an FK/ FK-WO Closed frame, expense Closed frame, expense Retractor System. Images were obtained in cadaveric specimens. (FRS) multiple planes, integraged integrated suction suction, modified for TORS (FK-WO) racheal tube, endoscope, and robotic effector arms. Standard Designed for laryngeal procedures, curved frame, various blades, h gags such as the Crowe-Davis and McIvor have been shown LARS Closed frame, expense Results: The demand for novel TORS retractor systems is being met vertically adjustable blades, instrument attachments useful in oropharyngeal procedures, and the Dingman with the evolution of a variety of devices. The goal of these systems Medrobotics Flex Designed for TORS, curved frame various blades, blade adjustment in tor improves base of tongue access. The development and Closed frame, expense is to improve exposure of the surgical site, while accommodating an cation of retractor systems has allowed for improved (FRS) multiple planes, integraged suction endotracheal tube, endoscope, and robotic zation and access to more distal sites. The use of the FK, and effector arms. Standard mouth difications by Drs.gags such asand Weinstein theO’Malley Crowe-Davis and McIvor have been shown (FK-WO), to be useful tionized TORS. in oropharyngeal The recent developmentprocedures, and the Dingman of the LARS retractor Figure 1: Crowe-Davis (left) and McIvor retractor (right) systems with different sized tongue blades Figure 2A: Dingman retractor system with different sized tongue blades. Figure 2B: Dingman retractor in situ Figure 3. FK-WO retractor system with blades available for exposure of different areas. retractor yngeal surgery andimproves base of tongue the Flex retractor access. system with The development and its fine e blades modification and retractionofhave retractor made systems TORS an has allowed for improved increasingly option for a variety of head and neck procedures.sites. visualization and access to more distal Theof Pictures use of the FK, and its modifications ystem both by Drs. on-table and in-situ Weinstein were and O’Malley (FK-WO), obtained. Figure 3. FK-WO retractor system with b Figure 1: Crowe-Davis (left) and McIvor retractor (right) Figure 2A: Dingman retractor system with different Figure 2B: Dingman retractor in revolutionized TORS. The recent development of the LARS retractor systems with different sized tongue blades sized tongue blades. situ available for exposure of different areas. usion: Wefor laryngeal provide surgery a review and of the the Flexretractor available retractorsystems system with its fine tunable TORS surgeon, asblades well asand retraction in-situ have images of made these TORS an increasingly Figure 4A: LARS retractor system with blades systems. Figure 4B: LARS retractor in Figure 5A: Flex retractor system with blades available Figure 5B: Flex retractor in situ. viable option for a variety of head and neck procedures. Pictures of available for exposure of different areas. situ. for exposure of different areas. each system both on-table and in-situ were obtained. Conclusion: We provide a review of the available retractor systems to the TORS surgeon, as well as in-situ images of these systems. Figure 4A: LARS retractor system with blades Figure 4B: LARS retractor in Figure 5A: Flex retractor system with blades available Figure 5B: Flex retractor in situ. available for exposure of different areas. situ. for exposure of different areas.
NUOVE PROSPETTIVE The Laryngoscope C 2016 The American Laryngological, V Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc. Transoral Robotic Surgery in the Seated Position: Rethinking Our Operative Approach Eric J. Moore, MD; Kathryn M. Van Abel, MD; Kerry D. Olsen, MD Objectives/Hypothesis: Transoral surgery (TOS) is commonly performed in a supine patient with an oral retractor. Par- adoxically, this strategy can create difficulty with visualizing and accessing pathology at the base of tongue, inferior pharynx, and larynx. We investigate the feasibility of TOS with the patient in the seated position. Pensando di sfruttare la gravità come punto a favore, Moore decide di operare, Study Design: Pilot study. Methods: TOS utilizing the da Vinci Robotic Surgical Xi and Si systems (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA) was performed on a fresh cadaver placed in both the traditional supine position and the seated position. Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) in dapprima su cadavere, dopo di che sperimentando la medesima tecnica in vivo, the seated position was then performed on two patients for a supraglottic laryngectomy and a hypopharyngeal carcinoma resection. Results: Visualization of the entire upper aerodigestive tract was possible in the cadaver and two patients in the seated position. The Si was superior for docking, instrumentation, and assistant access. The minimum operating table height is criti- su due pazienti affetti da tumore squamo cellulare della laringe, in posizione cal for successful access. Advantages of this position included increased posterior airway/operative space by approximately 2 cm, ability to manipulate the surgical field (nonrigid retraction), and improved visualization. Surgical procedures were com- pleted in comparable times compared with standard TORS procedures. There were no complications related to seated TORS. seduta, proprio quella usata da ortopedici o neurochirurghi. Conclusions: TORS in the seated position was both safe and effective in this pilot study. It allows the surgeon to opti- mally operate in the inferior pharynx and larynx without the limitation of line of site access and visualization. A paradigm shift in patient positioning during TOS may allow improved surgical access and even greater patient candidacy. Further clini- cal investigation into this technique is warranted. Key Words: Transoral robotic surgery, transoral surgery, oropharyngeal cancer, base of tongue cancer, larynx cancer, pharynx cancer, seated surgery, supraglottis, hypopharynx. Level of Evidence: NA Laryngoscope, 00:000–000, 2016 INTRODUCTION retrognathia, macroglossia, narrow mandibular width, or
Nella posizione supina tradizionale infatti, la lingua e quindi il baselingua tendono a cadere verso la parete posteriore dell’orofaringe, obliterando di fatto la visualizzazione della parte inferiore del baselingua, la faringe inferiore e la laringe (fatto reso evidente dall’endoscopia nasale performata su cadavere proprio per dimostrare questa situazione anatomica). Ancora, Moore ribadisce questo aspetto, affermando che anche con la retrazione anteriore della lingua, nella posizione supina, la baselingua rimane approssimativa all’epiglottide e quest’ultima va a poggiare sulla parete posteriore del faringe. Posizionando il paziente in seduta, l’esposizione invece migliorava considerevolmente.
ALLA FINE SI TRATTA SOLO DI FORZA DI GRAVITÀ… Nella posizione supina i tessuti molli sopraglottici (nel cerchio blu) sono perpendicolari rispetto al vettore e quindi la forza di gravità li porta a collassare sulla parete posteriore, mentre nella posizione seduta, tale forza agisce parallelamente, non perturbando quindi la normale anatomia.
Per poter performare la posizione seduta, le braccia del Da Vinci® devono essere disposte attorno alla testa del paziente
OLTRE ERIC J. MOORE? Posizione prona, come quella utilizzata dai neurochirurghi nella chirurgia del midollo spinale.
OLTRE ERIC J. MOORE? Posizione laterale, come quella utilizzata dai pazienti operati in chirurgia toracica toracoscopica.
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