Pagina creata da Ludovica Bertini


   17-18 MAGGIO 2018
Il convegno LIMS 2018

Il convegno scientifico LIMS 2018, Luce, Imaging, Microscopia, Spettri di applicazione, http://www.frascati., si svolge presso il Centro Ricerche ENEA di Frascati il 17 e 18 maggio 2018 in occasione
dell’International Day of Light,, proclamato dall’UNESCO lo scorso novembre.
La data scelta è quella del 16 maggio, in ricordo della prima luce LASER ottenuta da Theodore H. Maiman il 16
maggio 1960. Lo scopo è di fornire ogni anno un appuntamento per illustrare con continuità il ruolo centrale che la
luce ha nella scienza, nella tecnologia, nella cultura e nell’educazione e, più in generale, nello sviluppo sostenibile
della società, con particolare attenzione rivolta ai giovani.
Il convegno LIMS e’ stato promosso per la prima volta dal Laboratorio Micro e Nanostrutture per la Fotonica
dell’ENEA C.R. Frascati ad ottobre 2015, in occasione dell’International Year of Light 2015 (
LIMS2015/) nell’ambito di una serie di iniziative ENEA mirate alla diffusione e divulgazione dei temi della Luce
e delle tecnologie associate.
Sulla base del successo dell’edizione 2015, LIMS 2018 intende mettere in contatto ricercatori e tecnologi
provenienti da enti di ricerca, universita’, laboratori industriali e piccole e medie imprese della regione Lazio allo
scopo di presentare progetti e risultati significativi, scambiare conoscenze multidisciplinari e trasferire know-how
nel vasto campo delle tecnologie associate alla luce, favorendo l’integrazione di idee ed informazioni tra i diversi
ambiti di applicazione.
Il convegno ha ottenuto il patrocinio della SIF, Societa’ Italiana di Fisica, della SIOF, Societa’ Italiana di Ottica e
Fotonica, delle Università di Roma Sapienza, Tor Vergata, Roma Tre e Campus Biomedico, dell’INFN-LNF e del
CNR, i cui rappresentanti sono coinvolti nel Comitato Scientifico insieme all’ENEA.
E’ aperto sia alla vasta comunita’ scientifica degli addetti ai lavori, che ai numerosi operatori del settore ed alle
piccole e medie imprese laziali. Prevede uno spazio espositivo per poster ed una mostra tecnica riservata agli
operatori del settore.
La partecipazione, gratuita, offre un’occasione di incontro, di scambio e di approfondimento sui temi delle
tecnologie fotoniche e le loro prospettive di sviluppo, a partire dalle attività, i progetti e le competenze presenti
nelle sedi laziali dell’ENEA.
La Fotonica, una delle tecnologie abilitanti nel Programma Europeo H2020, fornisce oggi soluzioni in campi di
ricerca molto diversi fra loro e le Sessioni sono state articolate secondo le seguenti tematiche e applicazioni della

 •   Sensoristica ottica, laser e spettroscopia per applicazioni biomedicali
 •   Tecnologie ottiche, laser e spettroscopia per applicazioni industriali
 •   Tecnologie ottiche, laser e materiali per l’energia
 •   Tecnologie laser, imaging e spettroscopia per l’ambiente, lo spazio ed i beni culturali
In questo quaderno-appunti sono raccolti i riassunti delle comunicazioni su invito e dei poster.
Insieme al Comitato Locale di LIMS 2018, con l’entusiasmo e l’interesse che la LUCE E LE TECNOLOGIE
BASATE SULLA LUCE meritano, auguro a tutti i partecipanti buon lavoro.

						                                                        Rosa Maria Montereali

                                                                                              Crisel Instruments
                                                                                           Hamamatsu Photonics Italia
                                                                                                 Horiba Italia

                                        Comitato Scientifico LIMS2018

                     Antonio Cricenti, ISM-CNR, Area della Ricerca di Roma Tor Vergata
                               Roberto Francini, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
                                        Augusto Marcelli, INFN - LNF
                                  Michele Marrocco, ENEA C.R. Casaccia
                            Francesco Michelotti, SAPIENZA Università di Roma
                             Rosa Maria Montereali (Chair), ENEA C.R. Frascati
                     Valentina Mussi, IMM-CNR, Area della Ricerca di Roma Tor Vergata
                          Emiliano Schena, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
                                  Fabrizia Somma, Università di Roma Tre

                                           Comitato Organizzatore

                                 Francesca Bonfigli, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                   Monica Cimino, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                   Lori Gabellieri, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                 Antonella Mancini, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                   Flavio Miglietta, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                Rosa Maria Montereali, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                  Flaminia Rondino, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                Maria Aurora Vincenti, ENEA C.R. Frascati
Esposizione dell’artista Germana Brizio                                                                                       Relazioni su invito - LIMS2018
                                                                                                                          1.   The discovery of gravitational waves and the contribution of optical technologies                        10
Germana Brizio, artista versatile, ritrattista, scultrice ed incisore, nata nel 1953 a Ginosa Marina in provincia di      2.   The making of molecular movies with femtosecond light flashes                                            12
Taranto, consegue la maturità al Liceo Artistico Statale di Lecce e completa gli studi all’Accademia di Belle Arti
di Roma con la tesi “La Luce nella Pittura di Caravaggio”. È abilitata all’insegnamento di Educazione Artistica e         3.   Early Stage Diagnosis of Tumors and Diseases by Nanospectroscopy                                         14
Disegno e Storia dell’Arte, ha ampliato il suo percorso con esperienza di restauratrice e arte-terapeuta, formazione      4.   Gold coated silicon nanowires for combined near-infrared photothermal treatment of cancer cells and
che ha arricchito lo spettro di conoscenza portandola ad esprimersi con una valenza artistica del tutto originale. La
sua pittura reinterpreta il rapporto “uomo-natura”, memore della lezione Caravaggesca, pittura che è incrocio di               Raman monitoring of the process evolution                                                                16
arte e scienza, dove un fascio di luce esce dalle tenebre della materia per farsi colore.                                 5.   Transversal dose mapping and Bragg-curve reconstruction in proton-irradiated lithium fluoride detectors
Germana Brizio ha esposto dal 1973 in numerose sedi prestigiose, sia in Italia che all’estero e le sue opere                   by fluorescence microscopy                                                                               18
figurano in collezioni pubbliche e private, nazionali e internazionali. Tra le opere più pregiate figurano il ritratto
per Papa Francesco, il pannello pittorico (3x2) m2 “Stemma della Compagnia di Gesù” sulla facciata della Chiesa           6.   Laser ablation for cancer removal: present and emerging solutions                                        20
di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola a Roma, l’opera pittorica su tela “Mater Poenitens” per la Chiesa del Sacro Cuore dei           7.   Bloch surface wave biosensors for real-time study of fibronectin/phosphorylcholine-based biomedical
Gesuiti a Tirana, Albania. Molte sue opere e installazioni sono recensite su pregiate riviste e cataloghi specializzati        coatings                                                                                                 22
nel settore, il suo nominativo è inserito nell’Enciclopedia di Arte Italiana Contemporanea (vol. IX) Casa Editrice
La Ginestra 1979, e nell’annuario di Art Diary Italia dal 1991.                                                           8.   Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures: from physical phenomena to industrial applications            24
                                                                                                                          9.   Quantum dots synthesis and laser patterning for light sources manufacturing                              26
Durante il convegno scientifico LIMS 2018 (17 - 18 maggio 2018, ENEA C.R. Frascati), http://www.frascati.enea.            10. Innovative optical assessments for material investigation in automotive sector                            28
it/LIMS2018/, vengono esposte due opere di Germana Brizio, pittura ad olio su tela, di espressione naturalistica
che indaga il rapporto luce colore.                                                                                       11. Fluoride Crystals: High Performance Materials for Photonic Devices                                        30
                                                                                                                          12. Influence of Extreme Ultraviolet irradiation on structural properties of CVD grown graphene studied by
                                                                                                                              Raman mapping                                                                                             32
                                                                                                                          13. Fiber Bragg Gratings for respiratory and relative humidity monitoring in biomedical applications          34
                                                                                                                          14. Optical properties and sensor applications of silver nanoparticles and nanoclusters                       36
                                                                                                                          15. Exploiting quantum resources towards low-intrusive sample characterization                                38
                                                                                                                          16. LINC: an interdepartmental laboratory at ENEA for femtosecond CARS spectroscopy                           40
                                                                                                                          17. Transparent oxides for selective contacts and passivation in heterojunction silicon solar cells           42
                                                                                                                          18. 2D materials as promising strategy for enhanced efficiency and stability in perovskite photovoltaics      44
                                                                                                                          19. Matter structured by ultra-intense laser for conversion of concentrated solar energy                      46
                                                                                                                          20. Review of ENEA activity in Concentrating Solar Power and new instruments developed for optical
                                                                                                                              diagnostics                                                                                               48
                                                                                                                          21. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy as diagnostic for tokamak and materials of fusionistic interest      50
                                                                                                                          22. Gamma radiation effects on materials and components investigated by optical characterization              52
                                                                                                                          23. EUV polarimetry in lab: multilayer characterization and phase retarder reflector development for space    54
                                                                                                                          24. Terahertz applications on art conservation at the ENEA Frascati                                           56
                                                                                                                          25. Laser-based scanners for high quality structural and colour digitalisation of medium/big Cultural
                                                                                                                              Heritage artworks                                                                                         58
                                                                                                                          P1. Lithium fluoride luminescent detectors for X-FEL beam imaging                                             62
                                                                                                                          P2. Oxinitride coatings for aerospatial enviroments                                                           63
                                                                                                                          P3. Research activity in the laboratory for inertial confinement fusion in ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati    64
                                                                                                                          P4. Enhancement of the laser ablation rate induced by oxides nanoparticles                                    65
                                                                                                                          P5. Laser photoacoustic spectroscopy for food fraud detection                                                 66
                                                                                                                          P6. Atmospheric lidar for remote monitoring of natural hazards and early warning of forest fires              67
                                                                                                                          P7. Light filtering by thin-film coatings for an optical detection system                                     68
                                                                                                                          P8. Photoluminescence response of radiation-induced color centers in LiF crystals: the clinical dosimetry
                                                                                                                              challenge                                                                                                 69
                                                                                                                          P9. Remarkable performance of YBCO films through the inclusion of (Nb,Ta)-based efficient artificial
                                                                                                                              pinning centers for fusion application                                                                    70
                                                                                                                          P10. BaZrO3 inclusions in solution-derived YBa2Cu3O7-∂ epitaxial thin films studied by X-Ray Photoelectron
                                                                                                                               Spectroscopy                                                                                             71
                                                                                                                          P11. Growth and characterisation of LiF films for low-energy proton beam diagnostics                          72
Workshop Luce, Imaging e Microscopia, Spettri di Applicazione - LIMS 2018
                                                                                                                     16:25 - 16:55    COFFEE BREAK - SESSIONE POSTER – MOSTRA TECNICA
                                   ENEA C.R. Frascati, 17–18 maggio 2018
                                                                                                                     					            SESSIONE 4 : Sensoristica ottica, microscopia e spettroscopia per ambiente e biomedicale
GIOVEDI, 17 MAGGIO 2018                                                                                              16:55 - 17:20    Daniela Lo Presti, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
                                                                                                                     					            Fiber Bragg Gratings for respiratory and relative humidity monitoring in biomedical
08:30			             REGISTRAZIONE                                                                                     			            applications
09:15 - 09:40        APERTURA LAVORI - Ing. A. Pizzuto, Dr.ssa R. Fantoni, Dr.ssa R.M. Montereali                    17:20 - 17:45    Luca Burratti, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
                                                                                                                     					            Optical properties and sensor applications of silver nanoparticles and nanoclusters
					                SESSIONE 1 : Relazioni Generali                                                                 17:45 - 18:10    Emanuele Roccia, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
                                                                                                                     					            Exploiting quantum resources towards low-intrusive sample characterization
09:40 - 10:15        Pia Astone, SAPIENZA Università di Roma – INFN                                                  18:10 - 18:35    M. Falconieri, ENEA C.R. Casaccia
					                The discovery of gravitational waves and the contribution of optical technologies               					            LINC: an interdepartmental laboratory at ENEA for femtosecond CARS
10:15 - 10:45        Tullio Scopigno, SAPIENZA Università di Roma
					                The making of molecular movies with femtosecond light flashes
                                                                                                                     VENERDI, 18 MAGGIO 2018

                                                                                                                     08:30			         REGISTRAZIONE

					                SESSIONE 2 : Laser, microscopia e spettroscopia per applicazioni medicali
                                                                                                                     					            SESSIONE 5 : Tecnologie ottiche, laser e materiali per l’energia

11:15 - 11:40        Antonio Cricenti, ISM-CNR
                                                                                                                     09:00 - 9:25     Francesca Menchini, ENEA C.R. Casaccia
					                Early Stage Diagnosis of Tumors and Diseases by Nanospectroscopy
                                                                                                                     					            Transparent oxides for selective contacts and passivation in heterojunction silicon solar cells
11:40 - 12:05        Annalisa Convertino, IMM-CNR
                                                                                                                     09:25 - 9:50     Antonio Agresti, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
					                Gold coated silicon nanowires for combined near-infrared photothermal treatment of cancer
  			                cells and Raman monitoring of the process evolution                                             					            2D materials as promising strategy for enhanced efficiency and stability in perovskite
12:05 - 12:30        Enrico Nichelatti, ENEA C.R. Casaccia
                                                                                                                     09:50 - 10:15    Daniele M. Trucchi, ISM-CNR
					                Transversal dose mapping and Bragg-curve reconstruction in proton-irradiated lithium
  			                fluoride detectors by fluorescence microscopy                                                   					            Matter structured by ultra-intense laser for conversion of concentrated solar energy
12:30 - 12:55        Emiliano Schena, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma                                           10:15 - 10:40    Marco Montecchi, ENEA C.R. Casaccia
					                Laser ablation for cancer removal: present and emerging solutions                               					            Review of ENEA activity in Concentrating Solar Power and new instruments developed for
                                                                                                                       			            optical diagnostics
12:55 - 13:20        Alberto Sinibaldi, SAPIENZA Università di Roma
                                                                                                                     10:40 - 11: 05   Salvatore Almaviva, ENEA C.R. Frascati
					                Bloch surface wave biosensors for real-time study of fibronectin/phosphorylcholine-based
  			                biomedical coatings                                                                             					            Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy as diagnostic for tokamak and materials of
                                                                                                                       			            fusionistic interest

13:20 - 14:20        PRANZO
                                                                                                                     11:05 - 11:35    COFFEE BREAK - SESSIONE POSTER – MOSTRA TECNICA

					                SESSIONE 3 : Processi laser, materiali ed applicazioni industriali
                                                                                                                     					            SESSIONE 6 : Tecnologie ottiche ed imaging per lo spazio ed i beni culturali

14:20 - 14:45        Leonardo Orazi, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
                                                                                                                     11:35 - 12:00    Ilaria Di Sarcina, ENEA C.R. Casaccia
					                Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures: from physical phenomena to industrial applications
                                                                                                                     					            Gamma radiation effects on materials and components investigated by optical characterization
14:45 - 15:10        Francesco Antolini, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                                                                                                     12: 00 - 12:25   Paola Zuppella, IFN-CNR
					                Quantum dots synthesis and laser patterning for light sources manufacturing
                                                                                                                     					            EUV polarimetry in lab: multilayer characterization and phase retarder reflector development
15:10 - 15:35        Marie Marguerite Dugand, Centro Ricerche Fiat, Torino
                                                                                                                       			            for space
					                Innovative optical assessments for material investigation in automotive sector
                                                                                                                     12:25 - 12:50    E. Giovenale, ENEA C.R. Frascati
15:35 - 16:00        Mauro Tonelli, Università di Pisa
                                                                                                                     					            Terahertz applications on art conservation at the ENEA Frascati
					                Fluoride Crystals: High Performance Materials for Photonic Devices
                                                                                                                     12:50 - 13:15    Massimiliano Guarneri, ENEA C.R. Frascati
16:00 - 16:25        S. Botti, ENEA C.R. Frascati
                                                                                                                     					            Laser-based scanners for high quality structural and colour digitalisation of medium/big
					                Influence of Extreme Ultraviolet irradiation on structural properties of CVD grown graphene       			            Cultural Heritage artworks
  			                studied by Raman mapping
                                                                                                                     13:15 - 13.30    CHIUSURA LAVORI
Sessione inaugurale

                                   Relazioni Generali

   The discovery of gravitational waves and the contribution of optical technologies
                Pia Astone, SAPIENZA Università di Roma – INFN

             The making of molecular movies with femtosecond light flashes
                   Tullio Scopigno, SAPIENZA Università di Roma
Book of Abstracts

     1.   The discovery
     The discovery      of gravitational
                   of gravitational      waves
                                     waves  andand
                                                thethe contributionofofoptical
                                                    contribution        opticaltechnologies

                                                     P. Astone

                    INFN, Sezione di Roma. Physics Department of the University “La Sapienza”
                                   Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, I-00185, Rome (Italy)

     Observations of compact binary coalescences by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave
     (GW) detectors have marked the beginning of a new era: first there were optical telescopes. Then
     radio wave detectors and X-ray observatories gave researchers a new method to view the cosmos.
     Now we can see it through GWs, and this allows us to explore new physics and astrophysics.
     The unprecedented sensitivity needed to unveil the faint GW signals has posed many technical
     challenges over the years: the detection concept is to measure the time it takes light to travel
     through the space distorted by GWs using precision interferometry. At each facility, laser light is
     injected into orthogonal tubes 3-4 km long. Mirrors at the ends of the tubes reflect the light back. A
     passing GW will increase the light travel time in one arm while decreasing it in the other. This time
     difference is converted into a change in intensity and measured on photodetectors.
     The discovery and the associated potentialities are such that the Nobel Prize in Physics was, in the
     year 2017, awarded to three fathers of these experiments. I will present the results achieved so far,
     describing the fundamental role of optical technologies, together with the plans to improve the GW
     network sensitivity in the upcoming years.

                        Figure 1 The Virgo gravitational wave interferometer (at EGO, Cascina)

     *Corresponding author:

10                                                                                                                                              11
Book of Abstracts

     2.   The making of molecular movies with femtosecond light flashes

             The making of molecular movies with femtosecond light flashes

                                                T. Scopigno1
                             Dipartimento di Fisica, Università Roma “Sapienza”                                Memo
 Visualizing the evolution of molecular structures through their transition states is the key to
 understand elemental physical processes, chemical reactions and, ultimately, biological function.
 The task is hampered by the simultaneous need of structural and temporal resolutions adequate at
 the atomic scale. The challenge can be embraced with different approaches. Here I will discuss how
 to reach the goal working on the potential of an old technique, the Raman effect. Using ad-hoc
 designed sequences of ultrashort optical pulses allows first stimulating and subsequently detecting
 inter-atomic vibrations via the coherent version of the Raman effect, enabling unprecedented
 temporal precision combined with structural resolution [1]. This ultimately allows recording frames
 of atomic dynamics which can be used for the making of molecular movies [2].

 [1] G. Batignani, D. Bossini, N. Di Palo, C. Ferrante, E. Pontecorvo, G. Cerullo, A. Kimel and T. Scopigno.
 Nature Photonics, 9, 506 (2015).
 [2] C. Ferrante, E. Pontecorvo, G. Cerullo, M. H. Vos, T. Scopigno, Nature Chemistry 8, 1137 (2016).

 *Corresponding author:

12                                                                                                                                               13
Book of Abstracts

     3.    Early Stage
          Early  Stage Diagnosis
                                  Tumors andand
                                     Tumors  Diseases by Nanospectroscopy
                                                 Diseases  by Nanospectroscopy

                                                 A. Cricenti                                                       2018
                             Istituto di Struttura della Materia (ISM-CNR)
                          Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, Rome, 00133, Italy
     Keywords: (Raman, SNOM, IR, Cancer Cells, ALS)

     Carcinomas are complex biochemical systems and in the past their diagnosis was based on
     morphological differences between malignant cells and their benign counterpart. Recently the
     paradigm has changed and great interest is focused now on the biochemical profile of tumours
     in view of the availability of new drugs that specifically target neoplastic cells. This new
     paradigm requires biochemical analysis of each tumour in order to establish the correct
     personalized oncological “target therapy”. Understanding the mechanism of molecular
     alterations of a specific tumour is a critical issue to prognosticate its behaviour and to predict
     the response to personalized therapy. Raman spectroscopy (RS) is a non-invasive optical
     label-free tool increasingly used to get molecular fingerprints of biological tissues. It is able to
     provide bioanalytical information on any molecule with high specificity. Technological
     advances over the last decade have created a new and faster Raman imaging microscope
     instrument, providing morphological tissue investigation of large areas, coupled with point-
     by-point spectral analysis of biochemical composition. This option is important not only for
     discrimination between healthy and pathological tissues, but especially for pre-cancerous
     tissue state earlier detection and understanding. Raman mapping of biological tissues have
     shown that the microscope can operate at a few micron resolution, in order to distinguish
     between healthy and malignant tissues [1]. The potential of IR spectroscopy to characterise
     cancerous tissues has long been recognised and studies of various cancers by many groups
     have established that regions of malignant tissue can be easily identified on the basis of its IR
     spectrum. Early diagnosis of cancer requires an instrument providing specific chemical
     images at sub-cellular level and the development of diagnostic imaging. A SNOM meets
     these requirements provided that it can been coupled with an appropriate infrared light source,
     that can be based on Free Electron Laser, femtosecond laser or quantum cascade laser [2].
     We present Raman and Infrared Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) in their
     spectroscopic mode, that is related to the local chemical composition and, thus, to the
     biological properties of the sample, for tissue imaging and early cancer diagnostics.
     Applications in the case of Oesophagous [3] and Cervical Cancer [4] as well as in the
     progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) will be presented.

     [1] Çulha M, Bioanalysis, 7, 2813 (2015)
     [2] Cricenti A, Luce M, Tolk NH, Margaritondo G; Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett.; 3 (2011) 913;
     [3] Smith AD, Siggel-King MRF, Holder GM, Cricenti A, Luce M, Harrison P, Martin DS, Surman
     M, Craig T, Barrett SD, Wolski A, Dunning DJ, Thompson NR, Saveliev Y, Pritchard DM, Varro A,
     Chattopadhyay S, Weightman P; Applied Physics Letters; 102 (2013) 053701.
     [4] Halliwell Diane E, Morais Camilo LM, Lima Kássio MG, Trevisan Julio, Siggel-King Michele RF,
     Craig Tim, Ingham James, Martin David S, Heys Kelly A, Kyrgiou Maria, Mitra Anita, Paraskevaidis
     Evangelos, Theophilou Georgios, Martin-Hirsch Pierre L, Cricenti Antonio, Luce Marco, Weightman
     Peter, Martin Francis L; Scientific Reports; 6 (2016) 29494.

     *Corresponding author:

14                                                                                                                                            15
Book of Abstracts

     4.Array of disordered
          Gold               silicon
                 coated silicon       nanowires
                                  nanowires  for coated by anear-infrared
                                                  combined   gold film for photothermal
                                                                            combined NIR
          treatment  of cancer  cells and Raman  monitoring of the process evolution
        photothermal treatment of colon cancer cells and Raman monitoring of the
                                         process evolution
             A. Convertino1*, M. Mussi1, L Maiolo1, M. Ledda2, M. G. Lolli2, G. Fortunato3,               Memo
                                Massimiliano Rocchia4, Antonella Lisi2

                 Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, CNR, 00133 Rome, Italy
                      Institute of Translational Pharmacology, CNR, 00133 Rome, Italy
                Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, CNR, 95121 Catania, Italy
                                  Thermo Fisher Scientific, 20090 Rodano, Italy

 Photothermal therapy (PTT) assisted by nanomaterials is a promising minimally invasive alternative
 to the traditional cancer surgery. Here, we explore the PTT properties of a gold based
 nanostructured platform suitable to be directly integrated in fiber laser systems rather than injected
 into the human body as occurring for the most reported PTT nanoagents. In particular, the
 phothermal properties of an array of disordered silicon nanowires coated by a thin gold film
 (Au/SiNWs) were tested on a monolayer of human colon adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2) irradiated
 with a 780 nm laser. Au/SiNWs allowed an efficient photothermal action and simultaneous
 monitoring of the process evolution through the Raman signal coming from the irradiated cellular
 zone. Strong near infrared (NIR) absorption, overlapping three biological-windows, cell-friendly
 properties and effective fabrication technology make Au/SiNWs suitable both to be integrated in
 surgical laser tools and as in vitro platform to develop novel PTT protocols using different cancer
 types and NIR sources.

                     Figure 1 Working principle of Au/SiNWs as photothermal platform

 *Corresponding author:

16                                                                                                                                          17
Book of Abstracts

     5.  Transversal
     Transversal dose dose   mapping
                        mapping         and Bragg-curve
                                  and Bragg-curve           reconstruction
                                                     reconstruction        in proton-
                                                                     in proton-irradiated
         irradiated lithium fluoride detectors by fluorescence microscopy
                    lithium fluoride detectors by fluorescence microscopy                                            2018
           E. Nichelatti1*, M. Piccinini2, A. Ampollini2, L. Picardi2, C. Ronsivalle2, F. Bonfigli2,
                                      M.A. Vincenti2, R.M. Montereali2
              ENEA C.R. Casaccia, Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety and Security
                     Via Anguillarese 301, S. Maria di Galeria, Rome, 00123, Italy
               ENEA C.R. Frascati, Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety and Security
                             Via E. Fermi 45, Frascati (RM), 00044, Italy

 When lithium fluoride (LiF) is irradiated with a suitable kind of ionising radiation (�- or X-rays,
 ions, electrons, extreme UV light, etc.), lattice defects, known as colour centres (CCs), form in the
 crystalline structure. Some of them luminesce in the visible when illuminated by blue light, even at
 room temperature. This peculiarity is here exploited for imaging in a fluorescence microscope the
 photoluminescence (PL) transversal maps and longitudinal distributions due to CCs formed in LiF
 detectors placed along the path of proton beams, with energies from 3 to 35 MeV, delivered by a
 linear accelerator for protontherapy applications that is under construction at ENEA C.R. Frascati
 (TOP-IMPLART project). The recorded PL images are elaborated to reconstruct the 2D cross
 sections [1] and depth distributions (Bragg curves) [2] of the absorbed dose. In this way, useful
 pieces of information are obtained regarding the kinematics of CC formation in LiF and for
 advanced proton-beam diagnostics.

 Figure 1 Irradiation of a LiF crystal with 18 MeV protons. Calculated dose map (left) as obtained from the
 recorded transversal PL image; comparison between measured and simulated PL depth distributions (right).
 The latter ones correspond to the proton Bragg curve in the material.

 [1] M. Piccinini et al., Europhys. Lett. 117, 37004 (2017)
 [2] E. Nichelatti et al., Europhys. Lett. 120, 56003 (2017)

 *Corresponding author:

18                                                                                                                                              19
Book of Abstracts

     6.     Laser
           Laser   ablation
                 ablation forfor cancer
                              cancer    removal:
                                     removal:     present
                                              present      and emerging
                                                      and emerging        solutions
                                            E. Schena1*, M. A. Caponero2                                            2018
                               Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Rome, Italy
                                    Research Centre of Frascati, ENEA, Rome, Italy

 Laser ablation (LA) has gained broad clinical acceptance, and it is particularly attractive as an
 alternative to surgical resection for patients who are not good surgical candidates. LA is performed
 by guiding the laser light via a thin and flexible optical fiber, hence the treatment is minimally
 invasive techniques and can be performed under Endoscopic ultrasound-guidance via either a
 percutaneous approach or via anatomical ducts. It offers several benefits for patients, as the
 reduction of operative trauma, adhesions and wound dehiscence, reduction of recovery time and of
 the incidence of post-surgical complications.The selectivity of the treatment is a key asset to obtain
 an optimal clinical outcome. Three promising solutions for improving the selectivity are the real-
 time temperature monitoring, the use of models to plan a patient-specific treatment, and the use of
 highly absorbing nanoparticles to improve the selectivity of the procedure.This seminar will discuss
 the factors which influence LA outcome, and if and how the mentioned emerging solutions may
 significantly improve the clinical outcomes of laser ablation. Attention will be devoted to the use of
 fiber Bragg grating (FBGs) sensors for temperature monitoring during LA. This solution allows
 performing highly resolved temperature monitoring by inserting a single, small-sized needle
 embedding several FBGs inside the organ [1].

      Figure 1 Reconstructed Computed Tomography image showing the optical applicator and the two probes
      embedding FBG sensors. A three-dimensional temperature map reconstructed by FBGs measure is shown.

 [1] P Saccomandi, E Schena, MA Caponero et al. Theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation of laser-
 induced interstitial thermotherapy in ex vivo porcine pancreas. IEEE Trans Bio-Med Eng 2012; 59:2958-
 *Corresponding author:

20                                                                                                                                             21
Book of Abstracts

     7.             Bloch surface
            Bloch surface          wave biosensors
                            wave biosensors          for real-time
                                               for real-time       study
                                                                study  of offibronectin/
            phosphorylcholine-based biomedical coatings
                    fibronectin/phosphorylcholine-based biomedical coatings                                         2018
      A. Sinibaldi1*, V. Montaño-Machado2, N. Danz3, P. Munzert3, F. Chiavaioli4, D. Mantovani2, and
                                                   F. Michelotti1

        Department of Basic and Applied Science for Engineering, SAPIENZA University of Rome, Italy.
          Laboratory for Biomaterials and Bioengineering (CRC-I), Dept. of Min-Met-Materials Eng. &
                  CHU de Quebec Research Center, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada.
       Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, Jena, Germany.
                         Nello Carrara Institute of Applied Physics IFAC, Florence, Italy.

     The characterization of the interaction of proteins with surfaces is of high relevance to understand
     the biological performance of biomaterials. Special complexity is presented when characterizing
     coatings of molecules with high difference in molecular weight as fibronectin (FN, 440 kDa) and
     phosphorylcholine (PRC, 181 Da), biomolecules largely studied for cardiovascular applications to
     improve endothelialization and hemocompatibility, respectively [1,2]. In the present work, a
     combined label-free and fluorescence optical technique was used to study FN-PRC coatings created
     through the combination of adsorption and grafting processes. To accomplish this, one dimensional
     photonic crystals (1DPCs) supporting Bloch surface waves (BSW) [3] were interrogated in label-
     free and enhanced fluorescence operation modes. The label-free mode was obtained exciting a BSW
     by means of a prism coupler in the Kretschmann-Raether configuration producing a dip in the
     reflectance; by tracking such a minimum position, it is possible to monitor changes in the refractive
     index as well as molecular interactions at the surface. Moreover, the enhanced fluorescence mode
     offers the possibility to confirm the presence of protein levels evaluated in label-free experiments
     with a sharp improvement of the resolution of the technique [4]. In conclusion, such a combined
     technique could provide data - in real time - that are relevant for the further understanding of the
     biological performance of coatings for medical devices.

     [1] A. L. Lewis, et al., Biomaterials 21, 1847–1859 (2000).
     [2] G. Li, et al., Colloids Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 81, 255–262 (2010).
     [3] A. Sinibaldi, et al., Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407, 3965–3974 (2015).
     [4] A. Sinibaldi, et al., Biosensors and Bioelectronics 92, 125–130 (2017).

     *Corresponding author:

22                                                                                                                                             23
Book of Abstracts

     8.    LaserInduced
          Laser   InducedPeriodic
                                                                     phenomena to
           industrial applications
                                             industrial applications                                                     2018
                                                      L. Orazi 1*
                                        University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

 Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) were been for years a topic of great interests for
 physicist. Although a 50 years long history [1] the models to explain the underlying phenomena are
 not completely clear and are debated by scientific community. On the same time the diffusion of
 new, reliable and less expensive ultrashort pulsed laser permits to substantially increase the treated
 area and the regularity of obtained micro- and nano-structures [2]. These factors result in new
 possible applications of LIPSS based surface structuring like friction reduction for tribology [3],
 wettability control [4][5], plasmonic [6] and biomedical [7]. This contribution will face the new
 advances on the basis of the last results presented in literature.

      Figure 1 Left) LIPSS on stainless steel for tribology applications. Mid) hydrophobic structures on nickel
                     plate. Right) Light diffraction for aesthetic/anti-counterfeiting applications

 [1] Milton Birnbaum, “Semiconductor Surface Damage Produced by Ruby Lasers,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 36,
     no. 11, (1965).
 [2] I. Gnilitskyi, T. J.-Y. Derrien, Y. Levy, N. M. Bulgakova, T. Mocek, and L. Orazi, Sci. Rep., vol. 7, no.
     1, (2017).
 [3] I. Gnilitskyi, I. Pavlov, F. Rotundo, L. Orazi, C. Martini, and F. O. Ilday, in Conference on Lasers and
     Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, vol. 2015-August (2015).
 [4] L. Orazi, I. Gnilitskyi, and A. P. Serro, J. Micro Nano-Manuf., vol. 5, no. 2, (2017).
 [5] L. Orazi, I. Gnilitskyi, I. Pavlov, A. P. Serro, S. Ilday, and F. O. Ilday, CIRP Ann. - Manuf. Technol.,
     vol. 64, no. 1 (2015).
 [6] I. Gnilitskyi, S. Mamykin, M. Dusheyko, T. Borodinova, N. Maksimchuk, and L. Orazi, Frontiers in
     Optics, p. JW4A.88 (2016).
 [7] I. Gnilitskyi, M. Pogorielov, D. Dobrota, R. Viter, L. Orazi, and O. Mischenko, Conference on Lasers
     and Electro-Optics (2016), p. AW4O.6 (2016).

 *Corresponding author:

24                                                                                                                                                  25
Book of Abstracts

     9.      Dots dots
         Quantum  Synthesis  andand
                       synthesis Laser
                                          patterning for
                                                     for Light  Sources
                                                         light sources  Manufacturing

                                 F. Antolini1*, I.D.W.Samuel2, G. Raciukaitis3
           ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Security Dept., Photonics Micro and Nanostructures Laboratory,
                                Via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati (Rome), Italy
                    Organic Semiconductor Centre, SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy,
                             University of St Andrews, St Andrews, KY16 9SS, U
                Center for Physical Science and Technology Department of Laser Technologies,
                                Savanoriu Av. 231, LT02300, Vilnius Lithuania

     The synthesis of colloidal photo-luminescent semiconductor, i.e. CdS and CdSe QDs (figure 1),
     from single source precursors [1] is presented both in solution and in the form of thin films. These
     nanomaterials received a considerable interest within the material science, because together with
     polymers are one of the key steps for new photonic devices manufacturing.
     The implementation of direct laser patterning (DLP) of nanoparticles is also illustrated as a suitable
     alternative for the fabrication of hybrid organic/nanoparticles based optical devices [2]. DLP
     techniques do not require complex laser systems or the use of dangerous chemical post treatments
     so they can be of advantage in such as Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) manufacturing.

                 Figure 1 Semiconductor QDs showing different emission colors (from red to green)
                            obtained just by changing the reaction time of the synthesis.

     [1] M.Z. Malik, M. Afzaal, P. O’Brien, Chem. Rev. 110, 4417 (2010)
     [2] A. K. Bansal, M. T. Sajjad, F. Antolini, L. Stroea, P. Gečys, G. Raciukaitis, P. André, A. Hirzer,
     V. Schmidt , L. Ortolani, S. Toffanin, S. Allard, U. Scherf & I. D.W. Samuel, Nanoscale 7, 11163, (2015)

     *Corresponding author:

26                                                                                                                                                27
Book of Abstracts

     10. Innovative
     Innovative     optical
                optical     assessments
                        assessments  forfor materialinvestigation
                                          material   investigation in
                           Marie Marguerite Dugand, Nello Li Pira, Luca Belforte
                      Centro Ricerche FIAT – Gml Physical Analysis – Torino (Italia)                         Memo
     CRF – Group Materials Labs are involved in the qualification and definition of the specifications
     concerning automotive materials and specifically in the Physical Analysis department the
     mission is:
        • Innovations in Optical & Electronics materials and assessment
        • Development of innovative functional surfaces (e.g. antireflective, hydro-oleo-phobic..)
        • Display qualification (optical, mechanical)
        • Photo-Colorimetric assessment
        • Integration of electronics for novel touch surfaces
        • Morphology analysis and interaction with optical output
     Functional surfaces need protective cover lenses with antiglare, anti-scratch, anti-abrasion,
     durability against UV and chemicals attacks characteristics. CRF initially defined the antiglare
     threshold effect on the external coating that covers the display: the reason is to avoid any internal
     reflection which could affect the display visibility. Concerning the anti-scratch and anti-
     abrasion characteristics, durability against UV and chemicals attacks, GML labs performed all
     the test to evaluate the treatments on the cover lenses and the Optical Lab performed all
     measurement before and after the treatments with Spectrophotometers, Spectroradiometers and
     Gonio reflectometer to check and measure the Optical differences. Other topics to investigate are
     the milky effect on whole surface due to external roughness of the antiglare coating and the
     Birefringence, the optical delay generated by internal stresses due to the manufacturing
     Examples and Theory will be presented.

     *Corresponding author : , ,

28                                                                                                                                             29
Book of Abstracts

     11.    Fluoride
                               HighPerformance Materials
                                     Performance         for Photonic
                                                 Materials            Devices
                                                              for Photonic Devices

                                                    Mauro Tonelli 1,2*
                                   Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita’ di Pisa, Italy
                                        Nest-Nanoscience Insitute, CNR, Pisa, Italy

     We developed high-quality single fluoride crystals grown by Czochralski technique. This activity
     covers different applications such as IR and visible laser, RX detection, metrologic applications and
     solid state crycooler.
     The active parts of these devices are insulator hosts containing fluorine doped with trivalent rare
     earths to develop solid state laser in the UV, visible and near infrared wavelength region. We have
     investigated the spectroscopic properties and energy transfer mechanisms to tune high-efficiency IR
     tunable lasers (about 300 nm) in CW and pulsed operation regime. By the same materials we have
     investigated laser emission in the visible region by fluoride crystal doped with Pr3+ and Dy3+ and
     showed the potential applications for optical atomic clock. It has been showed for the first time the
     yellow CW laser emission by fluoride crystals.
     Moreover, we have investigated the cooling effect on insulator materials by optical pumping. In
     particular we evaluated the critical cooling parameters  and EQE (ext) of different crystals. We
     studied LiYF4 crystals doped with different Yb3+ doping levels. Moreover, it has been estimated
     the cooling power for possible optical crycooler applications. On the same materials (LiYF4) we
     proposed a new possible scheme to increase the cooling efficiency. This has been possible co-
     doping the samples by Yb3+ and Tm3+. This approach has allowed to obtain the lowest temperature
     (87 K) and the highest T=190 K.

     *Corresponding author:

30                                                                                                                                             31
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 12. Influence
 Influence      of Extreme
           of Extreme      Ultraviolet
                       Ultraviolet     irradiation
                                   irradiation   onon structuralproperties
                                                    structural   properties of
                                                                            of CVD
          grown graphene studied by Raman mapping
 grown graphene studied by Raman mapping                                                                     2018
                             S. Botti1*, L. Mezi1, A. Rufoloni1, A. Vannozzi 1,
                                      S. Bollanti1, F. Flora1, S. Gay2
      Department of Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety and Security, ENEA Via E. Fermi, 45,
 00044 Frascati, Italy
      Horiba Italia srl, Via L. Gaurico, 209, 00143 Rome, Italy

 The Extreme Ultra-Violet (EUV) irradiation influence on structural properties of graphene was
 studied by Raman mapping, AFM and SEM. CVD grown mono-layer graphene films
 (Graphenea) were irradiated at four different doses by using the ENEA (FSN-FUSPHY-SAD)
 Discharge Produced Plasma (DPP) EUV source. The DPP emits more than 30 mJ/sr/ pulse on the
 10-18 nm wavelength band (69-124 eV).
 The experimental data suggest that under EUV irradiation defects were generated in the carbon
 matrix due to the breaking of sp2 bonds with a subsequent oxidation in the DPP vacuum chamber
 residual atmosphere. The oxidation leads to the formation of cracks and holes, similarly to that
 happens with thermal oxidation but only on the irradiated areas.
 The EUV-induced oxidation of graphene provides a possible route to graphene patterning.

 *Corresponding author:

32                                                                                                                                      33
Book of Abstracts

     13. Fiber
                                                                humidity monitoring
                                                                         monitoring in
           biomedical applications
                                       biomedical applications                                                          2018
                              D. Lo Presti1*, M.A. Caponero2, R. D’Amato2
                          Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma - Rome, Italy
                        ENEA Research Centre of Frascati – Frascati (Rome), Italy

 Photonics is driving innovations across several fields, spreading its wings from telecommunications
 to human healthcare monitoring. Among fiber optic sensors, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) are the
 most widespread in biomedical applications. They are characterized by low signal loss, EMI
 immunity, small size, light weight and good metrological properties combined with the
 multiplexing ability which allows spatial resolution of a variety of measurements. The popularity of
 FBGs in medicine is mainly due to the development of wearables to monitor vital signs (e.g., tidal
 volume, respiratory frequency, and heart rate) also in harsh environments (e.g., during Magnetic
 Resonance exam). In addition, FBGs are used for chemical sensing with particular regard to relative
 humidity (RH). FBGs sensitivity to RH is often achieved by coating the grating with hygroscopic
 materials which react to moisture’s air content changes. This presentation aims to underline the
 FBGs benefits for working in biomedical field focusing on two specific applications: i) the
 respiratory monitoring by wearables to detect abnormal changes of respiratory parameters which
 can be a predictor of physiological dysfunctions [1], and ii) the RH monitoring during mechanical
 ventilation to improve the humidification process of delivered gases [2].

                       Figure 1 FBG-based systems for respiratory and RH monitoring.

 [1] C. Massaroni, D. Lo Presti et al. (2018). Smart textile for respiratory monitoring and thoraco-abdominal
 motion pattern evaluation, Journal of Biophotonics;
 [2] C. Massaroni, D. Lo Presti et al. (2017). Fiber Bragg grating probe for relative humidity and respiratory
 frequency estimation: assessment during mechanical ventilation. IEEE Sensors Journal.

 * Corresponding author:

34                                                                                                                                                 35
Book of Abstracts

     14.       Optical properties
               Optical properties and sensor
                                       sensor applications
                                               applications ofofsilver
                                                  nanoclusters                                                             2018
     L. Burratti1,*, F. De Matteis1,2, F. Mochi1,2, R.Francini1,2, M. Casalboni1,2, E. Bolli1, P. Prosposito1,2
          Industrial Engineering Department and INSTM, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via del
                                     Politecnico 1, 00133, Roma, Italy
        Center for Regenerative Medicine, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via Montpellier 1, Rome,
                                               00133, Italy.

     Optical properties of metal nanoparticles depend on the type of metal and on the size [1]. When an
     electromagnetic wave interacts with a colloidal suspension of metal nanoparticles (MNPs), an
     optical response appears depending on MNPs dimensions. If the average diameter is in the range 2-
     10 nm we can talk of nanoparticles and the physical phenomenon occurring in presence of light is
     the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR). In this case, electrons can oscillate on the surface of
     particles in resonance with the characteristic incident wavelength. When the average size of the
     colloids falls below 2 nm, peculiar properties of nanoparticles disappear and molecules-like
     electronic levels appear generating absorption and radiative decay process (luminescence). These
     structures are called metal nanoclusters (MNCs). We synthesized both silver nanoparticles and
     silver nanoclusters and we tested these systems as heavy metal ions optical detector [2] measuring
     absorption and emission spectra in absence and in presence of ionic pollutants. The MNPs system
     showed a good sensibility and selectivity to the presence of Ni2+ and Co2+. We synthesized also two
     different luminescent silver NCs exploiting two capping agents: L-glutathione (GSH) and
     poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA). We tested also these two systems as optical detectors following
     the changes induced in the absorption and luminescence bands.

                             a)                                                        b)
     Figure 1. Photographs of different samples: (1) AgNPs, (2) AgNCs with GSH as capping agent, (3) AgNCs
     with PMAA; under visible light (a) and UV irradiation (b). Both solutions of AgNCs show luminescence
     emission, while AgNPs do not present a quantum behavior.

     [1] I.Diez, R. H. A. Ras, Flourescent silver nanoclusters, Nanoscale 3.5, 1963-1970 (2011).
     [2] P. Prosposito, F. Mochi, E. Ciotta, M. Casalboni, F. De Matteis, I. Venditti, L. Fontana, G. Testa, I.
     Fretoddi, Hydrophilic silver nanoparticles with tunable optical properties: application for the detection of
     heavy metals in water, Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 7 1657-1661 (2016).

     *Corresponding author:

36                                                                                                                                                    37
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     15.         Exploiting quantum resources towards low-intrusive sample characterization
       Exploiting quantum resources towards low-intrusive sample characterisation
                                                     E. Roccia1*
               Università degli studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di scienze, Via della Vasca 84, 00146 Roma.
     The identification of genuine properties of single molecules as well as their detection in relevant
     environments, as in the case of aqueous solutions or in vivo conditions for biological interests,
     represents an ultimate goal for physical and chemical analysis. On the way through, the
     development of new approaches for non-destructive detection becomes a necessary and appealing
     requirement. In this context quantum resources-based schemes show themselves as attractive tools
     as their use allows the overcome of limitations characterising conventional counterparts, such as
     high-power damages, fundamental issue for biological purpose. Purely quantum coherence is the
     main character to be considered in performing low-intrusive quantum measurements. Quantum
     metrology [1] is presented as the proper framework to fully harnessing its potentiality, opening the
     perspective towards spectroscopies that make use of quantum probes. Due to their paramount
     importance, chiral solutions should be good candidate for such an investigation. A standard way to
     characterise the chirality of a specimen relies on light-matter interaction-based techniques [2,3],
     being the optical activity a manifestation of this property: due to the optical rotatory power, the
     polarisation plane changes once linearly polarised light passes throughout the sample. Optical
     rotatory dispersion is finding renewed interest in the light of quantum resources-based protocols of
     metrology [4]. For these purposes, exploiting quantum correlations, e.g. in the form of
     entanglement, classical boundaries can be exceeded, thus ensuring a more efficient estimation of
     phase and de-phasing in polarisation-based experiments. Implementation of a multi-parameter
     estimation of phase and de-phasing, instead measuring these quantities separately, can improve the
     result [5-6].

     [1] V. Giovannetti et al., Science 306, 1330-1336 (2004).
     [2] L.D. Barron et al., Chemical Physics Letters 492, 199-213 (2010).
     [3] Y. He et al., Applied spectroscopy 65, 699-723 (2011).
     [4] N. Tischler et al., Science Advances 2, e1601306 (2016).
     [5] M.D. Vidrighin et al., Nature Communications 5, 3532 (2014).
     [6] E. Roccia et al, Quantum Science and Technology 3, 01LT01 (2018).

     *Corresponding author:

38                                                                                                                                            39
Book of Abstracts

          LINC:an an interdepartmentalLaboratory
                  Interdepartmental    laboratory at
                                                               femtosecond CARS
                                               Spectroscopy                                                     2018
                     M. Falconieri1, S. Gagliardi1, M. Marrocco2, C. Merla3, F. Rondino4
                            ENEA FSN-TECFIS, 2ENEA DTE-PCU, 3ENEA SSPT-TECS
                             C.R. Casaccia via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy
              ENEA FSN-TECFIS, C.R. Frascati, Via Enrico Fermi, 45, 00044 Frascati (RM), Italy

 Imaging techniques based on vibrational spectroscopy are widely recognized tools for identification
 and localization of compounds in a broad range of fields, from biology to materials science and
 chemistry. In particular, third-order coherent techniques, such as coherent anti-Stokes Raman
 scattering (CARS), have gained a wide interest [1] because of improved sensitivity and imaging
 performances in comparison to their spontaneous counterpart. Exploitation of such capabilities in
 the frame of ENEA activities is desirable and requires merging different skills and dedicated
 instrumentation. Here, we present an initiative for the joint interdepartmental realization in the
 ENEA Casaccia research center of a micro-CARS apparatus based on a femtosecond laser
 oscillator. The Project leverages on the presence in the FSN-TECFIS laboratories of a fully
 implemented femtosecond laser, thus allowing the realization of the micro-CARS system with
 limited investments. The key feature of the setup, shown in fig.1, is the use of the supercontinuum
 generated in a photonic crystal fiber as Stokes beam [2]; a home-built multiphoton microscope (not
 shown in the figure) enables sample mapping by detecting both forward- and epi- signals. Presently,
 the experimental setup is running and its performances are being assessed on test samples [3].

       Figure 1 Layout of the micro-CARS experimental setup. Only the forward-CARS detection is shown.

 [1] J-X. Cheng and X. S. Xie, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 827 (2004)
 [2] T. W. Kee and M. T. Cicerone, Opt. Lett. 29 (23), 2701 (2004)
 [3] M. Falconieri, M. Marrocco, C. Merla, S. Gagliardi, F. Rondino, ECONOS 2018, 17th European
 Conference On Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy (2018)

 *Corresponding author:

40                                                                                                                                         41
Book of Abstracts

     17. Transparent
                                                              passivation in
                                                                          in heterojunction
           silicon solar cells

                                                                 silicon solar cells
                       F. Menchini , L. Serenelli , L. Martini , M. Izzi and M. Tucci   1,2               1               1
               ENEA C.R. Casaccia, Photovoltaic Technologies Laboratory (DTE-FSN-TEF), Rome
                   Sapienza University, Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and
                                       Telecommunications (DIET), Rome.

 Sunlight is by far the most abundant natural source of energy, which could cover the needs of all
 mankind. Photovoltaic cells are the only technology able to directly convert the solar radiation into
 available electric power. The management of light within solar cells has always been a central topic
 in the photovoltaics optimization process. In particular, the transparency of the top layers of the
 cells strongly influence the absorption of light in the active medium and thus the device
 performances. Indeed in highly-efficient silicon heterojunction solar cells, the top of the cell is
 usually constituted by a thin layer of amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) for passivation and charge
 collection, and a transparent conductive oxide layer with a metal grid for extraction. Despite its very
 good surface passivation capabilities, a-Si:H is not thermally stable and introduces undesired
 parasitic absorption in the ultra-violet (UV) region of the solar spectrum.
 In this presentation we show the results of studies aimed at increasing the absorption inside silicon
 by substituting the a-Si:H layer with a combination of an amorphous silicon oxide layer (a-SiOx:H)
 for buffer passivation and a high work function transparent oxide layer, such as Molybdenum
 Oxyde (MoOx), as hole extractor. We show a net increase in the generated current in the 350-600
 nm wavelength range due to increased transparency of the front layers.

                              N orm a liz e d IQ E



                                                     0.2                               C ells ba s ed on
                                                                                              a -S i:H
                                                                                              a -S iO x :H /MoO x
                                                           400    500        600       700         800              900
                                                                        W a ve leng th (nm )

                    Figure 1 Normalised Internal Quantum Efficiency of heterojunction solar cells
                                based on a-Si:H (red) and on a-SiOx:H/MoOx (blue).

 *Corresponding author:

42                                                                                                                                                              43
Book of Abstracts

     18. 2D
             materials as
                        as promising
                            promising strategy
                                      strategy for
                                               for enhanced
                                                   enhanced efficiency
          perovskite photovoltaics
                                      in perovskite photovoltaics                                                  2018
     A. Agresti1*, S. Pescetelli1, F. Bonaccorso2, Y. Busby3, A. Vinattieri4, D. Catone5 and A. Di Carlo1
     C.H.O.S.E. (Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy), Electrical Engineering Department,
               University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, I-00133 Rome, Italy.
   Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs, Via Morego 30, I-16163 Genova, Italy.
      Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Spectroscopie Electronique (LISE), University of Namur, B-
                                         5000 Namur, Belgium.
           University of Florence and LENS, Via Sansone 1, I–50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy.
     CNR-ISM, Division of Ultrafast Processes in Materials (FLASHit), Area della Ricerca di Roma
                         Tor Vergata,100 Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, Rome, Italy.

 Recently, new generation photovoltaic promises to conjugate low production cost with high
 efficiency. That’s the case of perovskite technology now overcoming 22% in PCE and employing
 cheap solution-based manufacturing processes. However, several opened issues are still
 constraining the commercialization of perovskite-based photovoltaics. Firstly, devices are not able
 to pass the aging standard tests (IEC 61646) established for terrestrial application and secondly the
 technology scaling-up from lab scale dimensions to large area module need to be demonstrated
 effectively. Indeed, the sandwich structure usually employed for perovskite solar cells
 (glass+conductive oxide/electron transporting layer/perovskite/hole transporting layer/metal)
 suffers from interface charge recombination that limit the overall performances especially for large
 area modules, where the interfacial areas are enormously increased. Moreover, device instability
 greatly depends on intrinsic degradation mechanisms such as interfacial adhesion loosing, metal
 diffusion from the counter-electrode and intrinsic layer degradation, phenomena that drastically
 reduce the device lifetime.[1] In this work we show how interface engineering based on graphene
 and other two-dimensional materials can be a winning strategy in i) improving the device interfaces
 by controlling the perovskite growing [2] ii) enlarging the device lifetime by preventing intrinsic
 degradation phenomena [3] and iii) scaling-up the fabrication processes [4] over 100 cm2 active
 area modules with record PCE above 13. Thus, our investigation paves the way to make perovskite
 technology closer to the already commercialized thin-film technologies.

 [1] Y. Busby, A. Agresti et al., Materials Today:Energy, just accepted (2018).
 [2] F. Biccari, et al., Advanced Energy Materials 7 (22), 1701349 (2017).
 [3] A. Agresti et al., ChemSusChem 9, 2609 (2016).
 [4] A. Agresti et al., ACS Energy Letters 2, 279 (2017).

 *Corresponding author:

44                                                                                                                                            45
Book of Abstracts

     19.   Matter structured by ultra-intense
                          Matter   structuredlaser for conversionlaser
                                              by ultra-intense     of concentrated solar
                           for conversion of concentrated solar energy
                                              D.M. Trucchi*
                 Istituto di Struttura della Materia – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
 R&D activity in solar energy conversion is continuously seeking methods for increasing interaction
 of materials with the solar radiation. Ultrashort laser pulses in the fs range impinging on solids
 demonstrated to be effective in producing surface nanotextured structures with a periodicity
 depending on the laser wavelength. A spatial periodicity comparable with the solar spectrum
 wavelength is suitable for enhanced coupling phenomena, thus inducing a drastic increase in solar
 absorptance. We report on fs laser texturing performed on ultra-refractory ceramics [1, 2], to be
 used as efficient radiation selective absorbers in solar concentrating systems, and on black diamond
 films (Figure 1 [3, 4]), to be used as defect-engineered semiconductor for high-temperature solar
 cells operating with enhanced electron emission.

 Figure 1 Diamond films become black by acting on laser accumulated dose, causing the formation of surface
 periodic nanostructures

 [1] D. Sciti, L. Silvestroni, D. M. Trucchi, E. Cappelli, S. Orlando, E. Sani, Solar Energy Mater. & Solar
 Cells 132, 460 (2015).
 [2] D. Sciti, D. M. Trucchi, A. Bellucci, S. Orlando, L. Zoli, E. Sani, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells
 161 (2017) 1-6.
 [3] P. Calvani, A. Bellucci, M. Girolami, S. Orlando, V. Valentini, R. Polini, and D. M. Trucchi, Carbon 105
 (2016) 401-407.
 [4] M. Girolami, L. Criante, F. Di Fonzo, S. Lo Turco, A. Mezzetti, A. Notargiacomo, M. Pea, A. Bellucci,
 P. Calvani, V. Valentini, and D. M. Trucchi, Carbon 111 (2017) 48-53.

 *Corresponding author:

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