Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care

Pagina creata da Alessio Caputo
Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
Congresso Internazionale di Riabilitazione Sportiva e Traumatologia

     In collaborazione con

                         Medicine Strategies
                          for Player Care
                             11-12 Aprile, 2015 - LONDRA
                        The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
                             3rd Science of Football Summit
                                     13 Aprile, 2015

                                                        e richiesta
                                                      di contributi
Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
Congresso Internazionale
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia

    11-12 Aprile, 2015                                              4 LE QUATTRO TEMATICHE PRINCIPALI
    The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Londra (UK)
                                                                    6 CONGRESSI PRECEDENTI
    NEWS FROM OTHER SPORTS                                          7 L’INCONTRO DEI CENTRI MEDICI
    13 Aprile, 2015                                                   DI ECCELLENZA FIFA
    The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Londra (UK)
                                                                    8 PROGRAMMA SCIENTIFICO
    PRESIDENTI                                                        SABATO 11 APRILE - MATTINO
    Peter Brukner & Stefano Della Villa

    DIREZIONE SCIENTIFICA                                           9 PROGRAMMA SCIENTIFICO
    Phil Batty & Giulio Sergio Roi
                                                                      SABATO 11 APRILE - POMERIGGIO
    Mike Davison, Direttore Locale
    Isokinetic London, 11 Harley Street                            10 PROGRAMMA SCIENTIFICO
                                                                      DOMENICA 12 APRILE - MATTINO
    Giulia Indelicato -
                                                                   11 PROGRAMMA SCIENTIFICO
    Cristina Zanetti -                       DOMENICA 12 APRILE - POMERIGGIO
    Tel. 051 2986814 - Fax 051 19902200

    MARKETING & PROMOZIONE                                         12 WORKSHOP
    Mike Davison, Viviana Di Luca, Sara Mattioli
                                                                   13 COMUNICAZIONI LIBERE ORALI E POSTER

                                                                   14 3 rd SCIENCE OF FOOTBALL SUMMIT
                                                                      LUNEDÌ 13 APRILE                                             16 FACULTY

            @footballmed @Isokineticmed
                                                                   24 COME RAGGIUNGERCI
            Football Medicine Strategies
                                                                   26 PARTECIPA ATTIVAMENTE AL CONGRESSO
            Football Medicine Strategies

                                                                   27 MEMORANDUM
    Scarica l’App del Congresso ISOKINETIC
                                                                   27 ISCRIZIONI

                                                                   27 ORGANIZZA IL TUO VIAGGIO

Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
Presentazione del Congresso

Tutta la Football Medicine Community
sotto lo stesso tetto
                                                             Il Gruppo Medico Isokinetic ti dà il benvenuto a Londra e
                                                             alla XXIV edizione del Congresso Internazionale di
                                                             Riabilitazione Sportiva e Traumatologia.
                                                             In questi ultimi anni il Congresso è diventato il punto di
                                                             incontro della “Football Medicine Community”, riunendo
                                                             sotto lo stesso tetto specialisti e professionisti provenienti
                                                             da 77 Paesi. Tutto ciò è stato possibile grazie al supporto
                                                             di F-MARC, il centro di valutazione e ricerca medica della
                                                             FIFA, e a tutti i professionisti, medici, esperti e amici che
                                                             ci hanno accompagnato negli anni. Grazie a loro il Congresso
                                                             ha potuto approfondire i più moderni aspetti scientifici,
                                                             innalzando il livello culturale e diventando un punto di
                                                             riferimento per l’aggiornamento degli specialisti e per la
                                                             formazione dei giovani professionisti di domani.

Quattro argomenti in un unico Congresso
L’aspetto principale da prendere in considerazione quando si parla di sport è la salute dell’atleta, che può essere
analizzata da diversi punti di vista. Il congresso Football Medicine Strategies è stato concepito proprio per dare
ampio respiro alle tematiche di maggiore interesse per tutti gli operatori del settore coinvolti nella gestione della
salute degli atleti, siano essi professionisti o dilettanti: chirurghi ortopedici, fisiatri, medici dello sport, radiologi,
chiropratici, fisioterapisti, preparatori atletici, massaggiatori, allenatori e team manager. Per fornire un panorama
completo, il programma è stato suddiviso in 4 macro-aree, che comprendono anche alcuni temi innovativi.

                                                                               Football MEDICINE
                                                                Football ORTHOPAEDICS
                                                             Football REHABILITATION
                                                                                 Football SCIENCE

Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
Congresso Internazionale
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia

    Le quattro tematiche principali
    Durante il Congresso il tema della salute del calciatore verrà trattato partendo da quattro macro-aree scientifiche,
    che rappresentano gli ambiti su cui operano gli specialisti che si occupano della salute degli atleti: football medicine,
    football orthopaedics, football rehabilitation e football science. Quest’anno una parte del programma scientifico è
    stata riservata alla discussione su tematiche di grande attualità come la commozione cerebrale, la morte improvvisa,
    gli aspetti psicologici e l’alimentazione.

      Football MEDICINE
                                                                    • Gli orizzonti della Football Medicine
                                                                    • Le emergenze mediche nel calcio
                                                                    • Epidemiologia e prevenzione
                                                                    • Aspetti di medicina interna nel calcio
                                                                    • Aspetti psicologici
                                                                    • La comunicazione nel mondo del calcio
                                                                    • Diagnostica per immagini nei calciatori
                                                                    • Invecchiamento

      Football ORTHOPAEDICS
                                                                    • Gli orizzonti della Football Orthopaedics
                                                                    • Anca e pubalgia
                                                                    • Fratture da stress e bone bruise
                                                                    • Lesioni della caviglia
                                                                    • Chirurgia del LCA
                                                                    • Ritorno allo sport dopo intervento di LCA
                                                                    • Menisco e cartilagine
                                                                    • Lombalgia

Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
• Gli orizzonti della Football Rehabilitation
• Lesioni muscolari
• Lesioni tendinee
• La pubalgia nel calciatore
• Il recupero funzionale della forza
• Il potere dell’esercizio
• La riabilitazione nelle squadre d’élite
• Il PRP in riabilitazione

                                                       Football SCIENCE
• Gestire il carico nel calciatore
• Prevenire il sovraccarico e gli infortuni
• Contributi dagli altri sport
• Screening muscolo scheletrico
• Le strategie di recupero post gara

Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
Congresso Internazionale
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia

    Congressi precedenti
    L’edizione 2014 del Congresso è stata ribattezzata “il congresso dei giovani”, data proprio l’età media dei partecipanti.
    Giovani specialisti e studenti hanno partecipato all’evento per ampliare le proprie conoscenze e acquisire competenze
    utili per la loro crescita professionale.

    2012                                      2013                                       2014
    XXI Congresso Internazionale              XXII Congresso Internazionale              XXIII Congresso
    di Riabilitazione Sportiva e              di Riabilitazione Sportiva e               Internazionale di Riabilitazione
    Traumatologia                             Traumatologia                              Sportiva e Traumatologia

    Football Medicine                         Football Medicine                          Football Medicine
    Strategies                                Strategies for Muscle                      Strategies for Joint
    for Knee Injuries                         and Tendon Injuries                        and Ligament Injuries
    21-22 Aprile, 2012 - LONDRA               20-21 Aprile, 2013 - LONDRA                22-23 Marzo, 2014 - MILANO
    Stamford Bridge Stadium                   Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre       MiCo Milano Congressi

    Numero dei partecipanti          1105     Numero dei partecipanti          1513     Numero dei partecipanti          2265

    Profili dei partecipanti                  Profili dei partecipanti                  Profili dei partecipanti
    20 – 30 anni                     28%      20 – 30 anni                     27%      20 – 30 anni                      34%
    31 – 45 anni                     52%      31 – 45 anni                     55%      31 – 45 anni                      27%
    46 – oltre                        21%     46 – oltre                       18%      46 – oltre                        39%
    Professioni                               Professioni                               Professioni
    Medici                           51%      Medici                           53%      Medici                            30%
    Fisioterapisti                   37%      Fisioterapisti                   29%      Fisioterapisti                     19%
    Altro (staff tecnico, ecc.)      12%      Altro (staff tecnico, ecc.)      18%      Studenti                          27%
    Provenienza                               Provenienza                               Altro (staff tecnico, ecc.)       24%
    Paesi rappresentati                63     Paesi rappresentati                 71    Provenienza
                                                                                        Paesi rappresentati                 77

Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
L’incontro dei Centri Medici
di Eccellenza FIFA
La XXIV edizione del Congresso Internazionale di Riabilitazione Sportiva e Traumatologia sarà
per la seconda volta il momento di incontro per i rappresentanti dei Centri Medici di Eccellenza
FIFA (FMCoE) di tutto il mondo che si riuniranno a Londra per il loro meeting annuale.
La FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) è l’organismo internazionale che
gestisce e definisce le regole del calcio, cercando di migliorarlo e promuoverlo in tutto il mondo.
Perseguendo questa strada, FIFA ha creato un network di Centri Medici di Eccellenza FIFA in grado
di garantire ai calciatori di qualsiasi nazione il supporto di esperti della medicina del calcio e
traumatologia dello sport. Oggi i centri accreditati sono oltre 40 in tutto il mondo. Isokinetic è
stato l’undicesimo Centro di Eccellenza ad essere riconosciuto dalla FIFA.

La XXIV edizione del Congresso Internazionale di Riabilitazione Sportiva e Traumatologia sarà per il secondo anno consecutivo
la sede del meeting annuale dei Centri Medici di Eccellenza FIFA (FMCoE).

Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
Congresso Internazionale
                                                                             Programma Scientifico
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia
                                                                             Sabato 11 Aprile, 2015 - Mattino
                                                                             QEII Conference Centre

                                                        FLEMING ROOM

                                                                                       9:00 Apertura e benevenuto Brukner P (AUS), Della Villa S (ITA)
                                                                                       The Landscape
                                                                                       Football and Orthopaedics, Medicine and Rehabilitation

                              FOOTBALL REHABILITATION

                                                                                       D'Hooghe M (BEL), Della Villa S (ITA)
                                                                                       9:15 FIFA WORLD CUP 2014: Medical Report
                                                                                             D'Hooghe M (BEL)
                                                                                       9:30 Football Medicine - The Landscape
                                                                                             Dvorak J (SUI)
                                                                                       9:45 Football Orthopaedics - The Landscape
                                                                                             Mandelbaum B (USA)
                                                                                       10:00 Football Rehabilitation - The Landscape
                                                                                             Batty P (UK)
                                                                                       10:15 Football Research - UEFA Champions League Studies
                                                                                             Ekstrand J (SWE)
                                                                                       10:30 Discussione
                                                                                       11:00 Break

      CHURCHILL AUDITORIUM                                                    MOUNTBATTEN ROOM                             FLEMING ROOM

     Surgical solutions                                                      Medical emergencies                         Hamstring
     for hip and groin pain                                                  in football                                 injuries
     Moderatori:                                                             Moderatori:                                 Moderatori:
     Griffin D (UK), Sarimo J (FIN)                                          Dvorak J (SUI), Malliaropoulos N (GRE)      Benazzo F (ITA), Peterson L (SWE)
     11:30 Imaging of hip and groin                                          11:30 Personal reflections                  11:30 Have we made any progress?
            pathologies Blease S (UK)                                              from the Muamba incident                    Brukner P (AUS)
     11:45 Indications for hip arthoscopy                                          Tobin J (UK)                          11:45 Can we prevent hamstring
            in the footballer Griffin D (UK)                                 11:45 Sudden death management                     injuries? Thorborg K (DEN)
     12:00 Surgical options for recalcitrant                                       Kramer E (RSA)                        12:00 Predicting return to play after
            groin injuries Schilders E (UK)                                  12:00 Prevention in sports cardiology             hamstring injury Diesel W (UK)
     12:15 Quick and safe return to sports                                         Pelliccia A (ITA)                     12:15 Why do so many hamstring
            after sport hernia repair                                        12:15 The FIFA world-wide registry                injuries occur?
            Muschaweck U (GER)                                                     of sudden cardiac deaths                     Askling C (SWE)
     12:30 Treatment options for rectus                                            and arrest Meyer T (GER)              12:30 Creating structure for
            femuris and proximal adductor                                    12:30 The right management of                     successful hamstring
            avulsion Orava S (FIN)                                                 concussion Feddermann N (SUI)               rehabilitation Stride M (UK)
     12:45 Discussione                                                       12:45 Discussione                           12:45 Discussione
     13:00 Break                                                             13:00 Break                                 13:00 Break


     ESSKA                                              Prevention,          Moderatori: Denti M (ITA-SUI), Ekstrand J (SWE)
                                                                             13:30 Classification of early osteoarthritis Mayr H (GER)
     SYMPOSIUM                                          evolution            13:42 Prevention of early osteoarthritis Menetrey J (SUI)
                                                        and surgical         13:54 Potential evolution of early osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate
                                                                                   reconstruction Denti M (ITA-SUI)
                                                        solution for early   14:06 Treatment: cartilage treatment and return to football Espregueira-Mendes J (POR)
                                                        osteoarthritis       14:18 Treatment: meniscal transplantation and return to football Monllau JC (ESP)
                                                        in footballers       14:30 Treatment: osteotomy and return to football Seil R (LUX)
                                                                             14:42 Discussione

Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
Sabato 11 Aprile, 2015 - Pomeriggio
QEII Conference Centre

 CHURCHILL AUDITORIUM                      MOUNTBATTEN ROOM                         FLEMING ROOM

Stress fractures and bone                 Epidemiology                             Tendon
bruising in footballers                   and prevention                           injuries
Moderatori:                               Moderatori:                              Moderatori:
Forssblad M (SWE), Rosa D (ITA)           Bahr R (NOR), Pedrinelli A (BRA)         Ferretti A (ITA), Schneider C (GER)
15:00 Epidemiology of stress fractures    14:30 Worldwide prevention               14:30 Tendinopathy: what is the
      in football Hallén A (SWE)                programme updates                        pathology? Maffulli N (ITA)
15:15 Managing stress fractures                 Bizzini M (SUI)                    14:45 Imaging tendinopathy
      in football Brukner P (AUS)         14:45 Teaching the coach how to                Alfredson H (SWE)
15:30 Imaging and healing progression           implement a prevention             15:00 Injection therapies
      of post traumatic bone bruising           programme Eiles M (GER)                  in tendinopathy
      Berruto M (ITA)                     15:00 Art of communication: a                  Khan K (QAT-CAN)
15:45 Is there a specific treatment for         prevention programme               15:15 The mechanotherapy model
      bone bruising? Marcacci M (ITA)           Stentler L (NED)                         Cook J (AUS)
16:00 Clinical relationship between       15:15 FIFA 11 for health update          15:30 Recovery from tendon injury:
      bone bruising, ligament injuries,         Fuller C (UK)                            managing return to
      and cartilage defects               15:30 Playing football to prevent              performance
      Seil R (LUX)                              chronic diseases Krustrup P (UK)         Knowles B (USA)
16:15 Discussione                         15:45 Discussione                        15:45 Discussione
16:30 Break                               16:00 Break                              16:00 Break

 CHURCHILL AUDITORIUM                      MOUNTBATTEN ROOM                         FLEMING ROOM

Return to sport                           Football topics                          Groin pain
post ankle injuries                       in internal medicine                     and football
Moderatori:                               Moderatori:                              Moderatori:
Pereira H (POR), Tsoukas D (GRE)          Cowie C (UK), Pigozzi F (ITA)            Kemp Steve (UK), Smith G (UK)
16:30 Ankle injuries in footballers       16:30 Nutrition and hydration            16:30 Report from the Groin Pain
      Freschi M (ITA)                           Medina D (ESP)                           Consensus Conference 2014
16:45 Anterior ankle impingement          16:45 Supplements and sport drinks             Weir A (QAT)
      in footballers D'Hooghe P (QAT)           Morton J (UK)                      16:45 Screening and prevention
17:00 Osteochondral autograft             17:00 Prevention and monitoring                Gimpel M (UK)
      transfer system technique                 by blood exams Banfi G (ITA)       17:00 The role of biomechanics
      Kennedy J (USA)                     17:15 Antidoping in sport                      in groin pain in footballers
17:15 Arthroscopic treatment for                Kemp Simon (UK)                          Franklyn-Miller A (IRL)
      talar osteochondral defects         17:30 Respiratory illness in the         17:15 Exercise treatment of footballers
      Kerkhoffs G (NED)                         footballer                               with groin injury: always first
17:30 Return to play after ankle                Schwellnus M (RSA)                       choice? Holmich P (DEN)
      injuries Andersen TE (NOR)          17:45 Discussione                        17:30 Non operative treatment options
17:45 Discussione                         18:00 Fine della prima giornata                for recalcitrant groin injuries
18:00 Fine della prima giornata                                                          in footballers Silvers H (USA)
                                                                                   17:45 Discussione
                                                                                   18:00 Fine della prima giornata

Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care
Congresso Internazionale
                                                   Programma Scientifico
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia
                                                   Domenica 12 Aprile, 2015 - Mattino
                                                   QEII Conference Centre

     CHURCHILL AUDITORIUM                           MOUNTBATTEN ROOM                    FLEMING ROOM

   The impact of ACL surgery                       Mental                              Functional recovery
   in the footballer's career                      aspects                             of muscle strength
   Moderatori:                                     Moderatori:                         Moderatori:
   Cohen M (BRA), Denti M (ITA-SUI)                Jaques R (UK), Walker N (UK)        Chalabi H (QAT), Papacostas E (GRE)
   9:15 Time-trends in ACL injury rate             9:30 Mental factors and team        9:30 Neuromuscular training
         in men's professional football                  success Kruger P (UK)               in football Melegati G (ITA)
         Waldén M (SWE)                            9:45 Mental coaching                9:45 The deceleration exercises
   9:30 The story and the rational behind                in football                         Knowles B (USA)
         the "accelerated rehabilitation"                Sas K (BEL)                   10:00 The "functional strength"
         concept Shelbourne D (USA)                10:00 Mental illness                      concept Clancy D (UK)
   10:00 Return to competitive sports:                   in professional footballers   10:15 Quadricep/Hamstring
         scientific evidence Zaffagnini S (ITA)          Gouttebarge V (NED)                 assessment of female
   10:15 When and why is it safe to return         10:15 FIFA research                       footballers
         to sport? Biological and functional             into Mental Health                  Servien E (FRA)
         considerations Fu F (USA)                       Junge A (SUI)                 10:30 The contribution from
   10:30 How to manage failed ACL                  10:30 Sports psychology                   osteopath and chiropractic
         reconstruction in football players              perspective                         specialists Hearle L (UK)
         Neyret P (FRA)                                  Marcacci T (ITA)              10:45 Discussione
   10:45 Discussione                               10:45 Discussione                   11:00 Break
   11:00 Break                                     11:00 Break

     CHURCHILL AUDITORIUM                           MOUNTBATTEN ROOM                    FLEMING ROOM

   ACL surgery in the                              The communication                   The power of exercise
   football player                                 around the player                   in rehabilitation
   Moderatori:                                     Tavola Rotonda                      Moderatori:
   Fu F (USA), Zorzi C (ITA)                                                           Danelon F (ITA), Lewin G (UK)
   11:30 Innovation and new research               Moderatori:                         11:30 Combination of exercises
          in ACL surgery Haddad F (UK)             English B (UK), Sas K (BEL)               in the pool and in the gym
   11:45 Managing ACL of professional              11:30 Partecipanti:                       in football reconditioning
          footballers, from injury, through              O'Driscoll G (UK)                   Boldrini L (ITA)
          surgery,to return to sport Ball S (UK)         Savage R (UK)                 11:45 Proprioceptive and
   12:00 Insufficient control of                         Hodgson R (UK)                      neuromuscular exercises
          rotational stability following                 Williams J (UK)                     Hambly K (UK)
          ACL reconstruction in footballers              Strudwick T (UK)              12:00 Football specific tests and
          Sonnery-Cottet B (FRA)                         Bascherini L (UK)                   exercises Buckthorpe M (UK)
   12:15 Treatment of multiple ligament            12:45 Discussione                   12:15 Effect of exercise in hip and knee
          knee injuries Shelbourne D (USA)         13:00 Break                               osteoarthritis Roos E (DEN)
   12:30 How to complete rehabilitation                                                12:30 Effect of exercise in the ACL
          and football reconditioning                                                        conservative treatment
          Zanobbi M (UK)                                                                     Snyder-Mackler L (USA)
   12:45 Discussione                                                                   12:45 Discussione
   13:00 Break                                                                         13:00 Break

Domenica 12 Aprile, 2015 - Pomeriggio
QEII Conference Centre

 CHURCHILL AUDITORIUM                          MOUNTBATTEN ROOM                         FLEMING ROOM

Meniscus and cartilage                        The use of US and MRI in                 The organisation of rehabilitation
surgery in footballers                        sports orthopaedics                      at top European clubs
Moderatori:                                   Moderatori:                              Moderatori:
Erggelet C (SUI), Kon E (ITA)                 Padron M (ESP), Theos C (GRE)            Beasley I (UK), Volpi P (ITA)
14:30 Knee injuries and management            14:30 Correlation of imaging             14:30 Real Madrid FC
      of cartilage damages in                       and physical examination                 Olmo J (ESP)
      footballers Angele P (GER)                    in sports injuries                 14:45 AC Milan
14:45 Meniscus repair and transplant                Ntagiopoulos P (GRE)                     Tavana R (ITA)
      Spalding T (UK)                         14:45 MRI in acute football injuries     15:00 FC Bayern Münich
15:00 Which is the best surgical option             Healy J (UK)                             Ueblacker P (GER)
      for cartilage in footballers?           15:00 Can you really trust               15:15 Juventus FC
      Espregueira-Mendes J (POR)                    an MRI scan?                             Tencone F (ITA)
15:15 Newest generation                             McDermott I (UK)                   15:30 Chelsea FC
      chondrocyte implantation                15:15 Advanced imaging techniques              Chelsea Medical
      Mithoefer K (USA)                             Welsh G (GER)                            Department (UK)
15:30 Rehabilitation guidelines               15:30 Ultrasound guided                  15:45 Arsenal FC
      in football players Tsapralis K (ITA)         interventions Babar S (UK)               Lewin C (UK)
15:45 Discussione                             15:45 Discussione                        16:00 Discussione
16:00 Break                                   16:00 Break                              16:15 Break

 CHURCHILL AUDITORIUM                          MOUNTBATTEN ROOM                         FLEMING ROOM

Managing low back pain                        Ageing of football                       The use of PRP during the
in the football player                        players                                  rehabilitation process
Moderatori:                                   Moderatori:                              Moderatori:
Hutson M (UK), Wotherspoon M (UK)             Ardèvol J (ESP), Delcogliano A (ITA)     Cugat R (ESP), Randelli P (ITA)
16:30 Low back pain and football              16:30 The potential consequence of       16:30 The use of PRP in tendon
      Edwards T (NZL)                               a joint injury                           injuries Filardo G (ITA)
16:45 Acute back pain on the                        Batt M (UK)                        16:45 The use of PRP in muscle
      field - what to do ?                    16:45 Nonoperative mangement                   injuries
      Eder K (GER)                                  of knee osteoarthritis                   Reurink G (NED)
17:00 Classification and treatment                  Shelbourne D (USA)                 17:00 The use of PRP in
      algorithm for spondilolysis             17:00 Playing sports after knee                knee injuries
      Mayer M (GER)                                 replacement Margheritini F (ITA)         Gobbi A (ITA)
17:15 Treatment strategy in lumbar            17:15 New technology in partial          17:15 Regenerative medicine:
      disc herniation Fahy D (UK)                   and total knee replacement               the USA experience
17:30 Conservative treatment                        Nathwani D (UK)                          Sampson S (USA)
      and sensorimotor stabilisation          17:30 The muscle of ageing football      17:30 PRP: the Asian experience
      Meier H (GER)                                 players Narici M (UK)                    Eirale C (QAT)
17:45 Discussione                             17:45 Discussione                        17:45 Discussione
18:00 Fine della seconda giornata             18:00 Fine della seconda giornata        18:00 Fine della seconda giornata

Congresso Internazionale
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia

   La Direzione Scientifica del Congresso incoraggia i partner scientifici e commerciali a contribuire al
   programma, attraverso workshop privati. Chi fosse interessato, può contattare la Segreteria Organizzativa,

                 Recovery from ACL reconstruction
                 Current concepts and future short and long term challenges
                 Moderatore: Fares Haddad

                 Shoulder rotator cuff
                 Moderatore: Nicola Maffulli

                 Exercise induced leg pain in sports
                 Moderatore: Nikos Malliaropoulos

                 Muscle Tech Network – FC Barcelona
                 Clinical practice guideline for Muscle Injury. FC Barcelona - Aspetar experience
                 Moderatore: Lluis Til Pérez

                 Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH)
                 FIFA 11+ go Greece
                 Moderatore: Kyriakos Tsapralis

                 Monitoring ACL risk factors
                 Moderatore: Gianni Nanni

Comunicazioni libere orali
e Sessioni poster
Il Congresso Internazionale di Riabilitazione Sportiva e Traumatologia ha da sempre attirato la partecipazione attiva di
tutti gli specialisti del settore. La natura multidisciplinare dell’evento rappresenta un’occasione unica per condividere i
risultati di ricerche originali con la Football Medicine Community, specialmente attraverso Comunicazioni libere orali e
Sessioni poster.
Le Comunicazioni libere orali avranno luogo il sabato e la domenica in contemporanea al programma scientifico ufficiale.
Le Sessioni poster verranno invece lasciate a disposizione del pubblico per tutta la durata del Congresso in un’area
dedicata e i poster stessi verranno discussi in un momento definito del programma scientifico.
Tutti i contributi scientifici dovranno essere inoltrati alla Direzione Scientifica sotto forma di abstract e in lingua inglese
entro e non oltre il 15 gennaio 2015. Gli abstract accettati verranno pubblicati all’interno del Libro degli Atti che sarà
distribuito a tutti i partecipanti e che, dopo il Congresso, verrà messo in vendita nelle più importanti librerie del settore.
Per ulteriori informazioni riguardanti l’invio di contributi scientifici, scrivi alla Segreteria Organizzativa all’indirizzo

Sabato 11 Aprile, 2015
COMUNICAZIONI LIBERE ORALI                                      SESSIONI POSTER 13:30-14:30

11:30-13:00    Orthopaedic medicine                                             Prevention through functional
               in football: case reports                                        assessment in football
Moderatori: Chomiak J (CZE), Madonna V (ITA)                    Moderatori: Marconato A (UK), Roi GS (ITA)

14:30-16:00 Rehabilitation & return to               play                       Orthopaedic medicine in football
Moderatori: Bianchedi D (ITA), Millson H (UK)                   Moderatori: Panics G (HUN), Respizzi S (ITA)

16:30-18:00    Prevention through functional                                    Football medicine &
               assessment in football                                           player health
Moderatori: Narici M (UK), Roi GS (ITA)                         Moderatori: Turmo A (ESP), Tzoroudis N (UAE)

Domenica 12 Aprile, 2015
COMUNICAZIONI LIBERE ORALI                                      SESSIONI POSTER 13:30-14:30

9:30-11:00     Orthopaedic medicine                                             Orthopaedic medicine
               in football                                                      in football: case reports
Moderatori: Axe M (USA), De Carli A (ITA)                       Moderatori: Brotto E (ITA), Tomaello L (ITA)

11:30-13:00    Football medicine &                                              Rehabilitation & return to play
               player health                                    Moderatori: d'Orsi GM (ITA), Rivaroli S (ITA)
Moderatori: Nanni G (ITA), Rogers R (UK)
                                                                                Manual therapies
14:30-16:00 Regenerative medicine in sports                     Moderatori: Diquigiovanni A (ITA), Rigel D (ITA)
Moderatori: Gupte C (UK), Serratosa L (ESP)

16:30-18:00 Lessons from other sports
Moderatori: Til Pérez L (ESP), Zunarelli P (ITA)

Congresso Internazionale
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia

3rd Science of Football Summit
Knowledge Without Borders:
News from Other Sports
Lunedì 13 Aprile, 2015
Fleming Room - QEII Conference Centre
Il Summit è stato pensato per tutti gli specialisti della prevenzione degli infortuni
che hanno a che fare quotidianamente con l’allenamento degli atleti come allenatori,
preparatori atletici, scienziati dello sport, fisioterapisti e studenti.
Il 3° Summit sulla Scienza del Calcio è finalizzato alla discussione dei temi introdotti
da altri sport nell’ambito della prevenzione del sovraccarico e degli infortuni,
con un approfondimento sulle strategie di recupero funzionale post gara.

Programma Scientifico
9:00   Apertura e benevenuto - Davison M (UK), Roi GS (ITA)

Keynote. Managing player load
Moderatore: Roi GS (ITA)
9:15  Monitoring player load: separating the facts from the myth - Burgess D (AUS)

Monitoring to prevent overtraining and injuries
Moderatori: Brukner P (AUS), Driscoll G (UK)                                                           Rugby
9:45 Overtraining in team sports - Meeusen R (BEL)
10:00 Blood tests for detecting overtraining - Banfi G (ITA)
10:15 Heart rate measures to monitor training status in athletes:
      tools or toys? - Buchheit M (FRA)
10:30 Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) - Rampinini E (ITA)
10:45 What monitoring is done by elite clubs? - Forsythe S (UK)
11:00 Discussione
11:15 Break

Training & injury prevention: news from other sports
Moderatori: Batty P (UK), Khan K (QAT-CAN)
11:30 Track & field - Chakraverty R (UK)                                                   Football Americano
11:45 Basketball - Coles P (USA-AUS)
12:00 American football - Gera S (USA)
12:15 Rugby - Cook C (UK)
12:30 Cricket - Brukner P (AUS)
12:45 Discussione
13:15 Break

Keynote. Musculoskeletal screening
Moderatore: English B (UK)
14:30 Is there any benefit in musculoskeletal screening
      to reduce the risk of injuries? - Bahr R (NOR)
Where can football learn from other sports (tavola rotonda)
15:00 Partecipanti: coaches, physicians, players, journalists

Post competition recovery strategies
Moderatori: Buckthorpe M (UK), Drust B (UK)
16:00 Active or passive recovery? - Bangsbo J (DEN)
16:15 Quality of sleep - Halson S (AUS)
16:30 Immersion techniques - Leeder J (UK)
16:45 Nutrition - Maughan R (UK)
17:00 Massage & stretching - Dupont G (FRA)
17:15 Discussione
17:45 Fine del Summit                                                                                 Cricket

Congresso Internazionale
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia


              Alfredson Hakan                  Bahr Roald                   Beasley Ian
              Umea (SWE)                       Oslo (NOR)                   London (UK)
              Orthopaedic Surgeon,             Sports Medicine Physician,   Sports Medicine
              Professor in Sports              Professor of Sports          Physician. Head of
              Medicine, Umea                   Medicine, Oslo Sports        Medical Services, Club
              University                       Trauma Research Center       England Division, The FA.
                                               – FIFA Medical Centre of     Medical Advisor, The
                                               Excellence. Chief Medical    Royal Ballet
                                               Officer, Olympiatoppen
                                               & Norwegian Olympic
              Andersen Thor Einar              Training Center. Head of
              Oslo (NOR)                                                    Benazzo Francesco
                                               Aspetar Injury & Illness     Pavia (ITA)
              Sports Medicine Physician.       Prevention Program,
              Medical Director of The                                       Orthopedic Surgeon &
                                               ASPETAR – FIFA Medical       Professor, University of
              Norwegian FA Medical             Centre of Excellence
              Clinic and Associate                                          Pavia, Consultant to FC
              Professor, Oslo Sports                                        Internazionale and Italian
              Trauma Research Center                                        Track & Field
              - FIFA Medical Centre of         Ball Simon
              Excellence                       London (UK)
                                               Consultant Knee
                                               Surgeon at Fortius Clinic.   Berruto Massimo
              Angele Peter                                                  Milan (ITA)
              Regensburg (GER)                 Consultant & Clinical
                                               Lead, Homerton               Orthopaedic Surgeon,
              Orthopaedic Surgeon,                                          Head of Knee Joint
              University Medical               University Hospital,
                                               London                       Surgery Departement,
              Centre, Regensburg and                                        G. Pini Orthopaedic
              Sporthopaedicum - FIFA                                        Institute
              Medical Centre of
              Excellence                       Banfi Giuseppe
                                               Milan (ITA)
              Ardèvol Cuesta Jordi             Scientific Director, IRCCS   Bianchedi Diana
              Barcelona (ESP)                  Galeazzi Orthopaedic         Rome (ITA)
              Orthopaedic Surgeon.             Institute and Professor      Sports Medicine
              Vice President of the            of Clinical Biochemistry,    Physician, Isokinetic
              Spanish Society of               Vita e Salute San            Medical Group - FIFA
              Sports Traumatology              Raffaele University, Milan   Medical Centre of
              (SETRADE)                                                     Excellence

                                               Bangsbo Jens
              Askling Carl                     Copenhagen (DEN)             Bizzini Mario
              Stockholm (SWE)                  Professor of Human           Zürich (SUI)
              Researcher and                   Physiology and Exercise      Research Associate,
              Lecturer, The Swedish            Physiology. Head of          FIFA - Medical
              School of Sport and              Integrated Physiology        Assessment & Research
              Health Sciences,                 Group. Head of               Centre (F-MARC),
              Department of Molecular          Copenhagen Centre of         Schulthess Clinic - FIFA
              Medicine and Surgery,            Team Sports and Health       Medical Centre of
              Karolinska Institutet,                                        Excellence
                                               Batt Mark
              Axe Michael                      Nottingham (UK)              Blease Simon
              Newark (USA)                     Director, Arthritis          London (UK)
              Orthopaedic Surgeon &            Research UK Centre for       Consultant
              Clinical Professor,              Sport, Exercise and          Musculoskeletal
              University of Delaware           Osteoarthritis. Consultant   Radiologist, European
                                               Sport & Exercise Medicine,   Scanning Centre
                                               Queens Medical Centre

              Babar Syed                       Batty Phil                   Boldrini Lorenzo
              London (UK)                      London (UK)                  Milan (ITA)
              Consultant Radiologist,          Sports Medicine              Sports Medicine
              The London                       Physician, Isokinetic        Physician, Isokinetic
              Musculoskeletal                  Medical Group - FIFA         Medical Group - FIFA
              Radiology Group, Nuada           Medical Centre of            Medical Centre of
              Medical Specialist               Excellence                   Excellence
              Imaging, London

Brotto Emanuele              Cohen Moisés                  d’Orsi Giovanni Maria
Verona (ITA)                 São Paulo (BRA)               Rimini (ITA)
Sports Medicine              Orthopaedic Surgeon.          Physiatrist, Isokinetic
Physician, Isokinetic        Head of the Cohen             Medical Group – FIFA
Medical Group - FIFA         Clinic – FIFA Medical         Medical Centre of
Medical Centre of            Centre of Excellence.         Excellence
Excellence. Team             Past President ISAKOS
Physician, Hellas Verona

Brukner Peter                Coles Phil
Melbourne (AUS)              San Antonio (USA-AUS)
Sports Medicine                                            Danelon Furio
                             Director of Sports            Milan (ITA)
Physician and Professor,     Medicine, San Antonio
National Team Doctor,                                      Sports Medicine
                             Spurs                         Physician, Isokinetic
Cricket Australia
                                                           Medical Group - FIFA
                                                           Medical Centre of
Buchheit Martin
Paris (FRA)                  Cook Christian
Sport Scientist,             Bangor (UK)
Physiologist and Strength    Professor, Elite              Davison Mike
& Conditioning Coach.        Performance, School of        London (UK)
Head of the Department       Sport, Health and Exercise    London Clinic Managing
of Performance at FC         Sciences, Bangor              Director, Isokinetic
Paris St Germain             University. Consultant        Medical Group - FIFA
                             England Rugby                 Medical Centre of
Buckthorpe Matthew                                         Excellence
London (UK)                  Cook Jill
Head of On-field             Victoria (AUS)
Rehabilitation, Isokinetic   Physiotherapist. Professor,
Medical Group - FIFA         School of Primary
Medical Centre of                                          De Carli Angelo
                             Health Care, Faculty of       Rome (ITA)
Excellence                   Medicine, Nursing and         Orthopaedic Surgeon
                             Health Sciences, Monash       and Sports Medicine
                             University Victoria           Physician, University of
Burgess Darren
Adelaide (AUS)                                             Rome, Italian U21
High Performance             Cowie Charlotte               Football Team Physician
Director, Port Adelaide      Burton (UK)
FC                           Sports Physician,
                             Clinical Director of
                             Perform at
                             St. George's Park             Delcogliano Antonio
                                                           Rome (ITA)
                                                           Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Chakraverty Robin                                          S. Carlo di Nancy
Birmingham (UK)                                            Hospital, Associate
Chief Medical Officer        Cugat Ramon                   Professor, University
British Athletics            Barcelona (ESP)               Cattolica Sacro Cuore
                             Orthopaedic Surgeon,
                             Garcia Cugat Foundation
                             Arthroscopy GC, Quiron
                             Hospital. Orthopaedic
                             Consultant to Professional    Della Villa Stefano
Chalabi Hakim                Football Clubs                Bologna (ITA)
Doha (QAT)                                                 Physiatrist, President
Assistant Director                                         of Isokinetic Medical
General for International    D’Hooghe Michel               Group - FIFA Medical
Medical Affairs & Programs   Bruges (BEL)                  Centre of Excellence
& Centers of Excellence,     FIFA and UEFA Medical
ASPETAR Orthopaedic          Committee Chairman.
and Sports Medicine          FIFA Executive
Hospital - FIFA Medical      Committee Member
Centre of Excellence
                                                           Denti Matteo
                                                           Milan (ITA-SUI)
Chomiak Jiri                                               Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Prague (CZE)                 D’Hooghe Pieter               President of ESSKA.
Orthopaedic Surgeon,         Doha (QAT)                    Former President,
Associate Professor of       Orthopaedic Surgeon,          SIGASCOT
Orthopaedic Surgery,         Lower Limb Sport Surgeon,
University of Prague -       ASPETAR, Orthopaedic and
FIFA Medical Centre of       Sports Medicine Hospital-
Excellence                   FIFA Medical Centre of
                             Excellence. Board Member,
Clancy David                 ESSKA Basic Science           Diesel Wayne
London (UK)                  Committee and Medical         London (UK)
Physiotherapist,             Committee of the Belgian      Physiotherapist & Sports
Isokinetic Medical Group     National Football             Scientist, Head of
– FIFA Medical Centre of     Association. Editorial        Medical Services,
Excellence                   Board Member, BMC             Tottenham Hotspur FC
                             Musculoskeletal Disorders
                             and Aspetar Journal

Diquigiovanni Alessandro        Eirale Cristiano              Ferretti Andrea
     Bologna (ITA)                   Doha (QAT)                    Rome (ITA)
     Chiropractor, Isokinetic        Sports Physician,             Orthopaedic Surgeon
     Medical Group – FIFA            Associate Executive           and Sports Medicine
     Medical Centre of               Director of the National      Physician, Member of
     Excellence                      Program of Sport              UEFA. Professor of
                                     Medicine, ASPETAR,            Orthopaedics and
                                     Orthopaedic and Sport         Traumatology, University
                                     Medicine Hospital – FIFA      of Rome
                                     Medical Centre of
     Driscoll Glen                   Excellence
                                                                   Filardo Giuseppe
     Liverpool (UK)                                                Bologna (ITA)
     Sport Scientist and                                           Academic Researcher
     Physiotherapist, Head           Ekstrand Jan                  and Professor,
     of Performance,                 Linköping (SWE)               Department of
     Liverpool FC                    Sports Physician, Professor   Biomedical and
                                     of Sports Medicine,           Neuromotor Sciences,
                                     University of Linköping.      University of Bologna
                                     First Vice President of the
                                     Medical Committee of
     Drust Barry                     UEFA. Team Physician of       Forssblad Magnus
     Liverpool (UK)                  the Swedish National          Stockholm (SWE)
     Lead Sports Scientist,          Football Team                 Orthopaedic Surgeon,
     England National                                              Associate Professor,
     Football Team. The                                            Capio Artro Clinic,
     Football Exchange,                                            Stockholm Sports
     Liverpool John Moores           English Bryan                 Trauma Research Center
     University                      London (UK)                   – FIFA Medical Centre of
                                     Sports Medicine               Excellence. Chairman
                                     Physician, Head of            Medical Committee
                                     Sports Medicine Science       Swedish FA
     Dupont Gregory                  and Fitness,
     Lille (FRA)                     Middlesbrough FC
     Head of Sports                                                Forsythe Shad
     Science, Lille Football                                       London (UK)
     Club. Laboratory of                                           Athletic Trainer,
     Human Movement                                                Strength and
     Studies, University of          Erggelet Christoph            Conditioning Specialist,
     Lille 2                         Zürich (SUI)                  Head of Athletic
                                     Professor of Orthopaedic      Performance
                                     Surgery, University of        Enhancement, Arsenal FC
     Dvorak Jiri                     Freiburg Medical Centre,
     Zürich (SUI)                    Centre for Biologic Joint
     Chief Medical Officer,          Surgery                       Franklyn-Miller Andrew
     FIFA. Chairman of                                             Dublin (IRL)
     F-MARC, IOC Medical and                                       Sports Medicine
     Science Committee                                             Physician, Director of
     Member                                                        Sports Surgery Clinic
                                     Espregueira-Mendes João       Research Foundation
                                     Porto (POR)
                                     Chairman and Professor,
                                     Orthopaedic Department,
     Eder Klaus                      Minho University.
     Donaustauf (GER)                Past President ESSKA.         Freschi Marco
     Physiotherapist, German         Chairman of ISAKOS.           Milan (ITA)
     National Team. Instructor       Chairman Clínica              Sports Medicine
     for Sports Physiotherapy        Espregueira-Mendes            Physician, Isokinetic
     at the German Olympic           - FIFA Medical Centre of      Medical Group – FIFA
     Sport Confederation.            Excellence. Professor of      Medical Centre of
     Lecturer at the Institute       Porto University. ICVS/3B’s   Excellence. Team
     for Sport Science, University   Senior Researcher - Minho     Physician, AC Milan
     of Regensburg.                  University                    Youth Football League
     Physiotherapist, Eden Reha
                                                                   Fu Freddie
     Edwards Tony                    Fahy Damian                   Pittsburgh (USA)
     Auckland (NZL)                  London (UK)                   Distinguished Service
     Sports Medicine                 Orthopaedic Surgeon.          Professor, University of
     Physician, Unisports            Consultant Spinal             Pittsburgh. David Silver
     Medicine – FIFA Medical         Surgeon, Fortius Clinic       Professor and Chair,
     Centre of Excellence.                                         Department of
     FIFA Medical Committee                                        Orthopaedic Surgery.
     Member                                                        Head Team Physician,
                                                                   Department of Athletics

     Eiles Matthias                  Feddermann Nina               Fuller Colin
     Frankfurt (GER)                 Zürich (SUI)                  Nottingham (UK)
     Football Instructor,            Neurologist, Department       Research Consultant,
     German Football                 of Neurology, University      FIFA-Medical Assessment
     Association (DFB),              Hospital Zürich. F-MARC       and Research Centre
     Project Manager of              member                        (F-MARC)
     FIFA 11+, Germany

Gera Steve                     Halson Shona                 Junge Astrid
Los Angeles (USA)              Brisbane (AUS)               Zürich (SUI)
Performance Consultant,        Senior Psychologist,         Head of Research, FIFA -
NFL. Professor Real            Australian Institute of       Medical Assessment and
Madrid FC                      Sport and International      Research Centre (F-
                               Journal of Sports            MARC), Zurich. Professor
                               Physiology and               for Prevention and Sport,
                               Performance                  Medical School Hamburg
                                                            (MSH), Germany

Gimpel Mo                      Hambly Karen                 Kemp Simon
Southampton (UK)               Kent (UK)                    London (UK)
Sports Medicine &              Physiotherapist. Senior      Sports Physician,
Science Manager,               Lecturer, School of Sport    Chief Medical Officer,
Southampton FC                 and Exercise Sciences,       Rugby Football Union
                               University of Kent

Gobbi Alberto                                               Kemp Steve
Milan (ITA)                    Healy Jerry                  St. George’s Park (UK)
Orthopaedic Surgeon            London (UK)                  Elite Football
and Sports Medicine            Consultant                   Physiotherapist, The
Physician. President and       Musculoskeletal              Football Association /
Founder, OASI                  Radiologist at the Fortius   Perform, St. George’s
Bioresearch Foundation.        Clinic, Chelsea and          Park
ICRS Secretary General.        Westminster Hospital.
Professor, University of       Honorary Senior
California San Diego, USA      Lecturer, Imperial
                               College London               Kennedy John
                                                            New York (USA)
                                                            Clinical Director of the
Gouttebarge Vincent                                         Running Clinic at Hospital
Amsterdam (NED)                Hearle Leah
                               London (UK)                  for Special Surgery - FIFA
Chief Medical Officer,                                      Medical Centre of
World Players' Union           Osteopath, Isokinetic
                               Medical Group – FIFA         Excellence. Professor of
FIFPro, Hoofddorp.                                          Orthopaedic Surgery,
Senior researcher,             Medical Centre of
                               Excellence                   Weill Medical College of
Academic Medical                                            Cornell University
Centre, Amsterdam
                                                            Kerkhoffs Gino
Griffin Damian                                              Amsterdam (NED)
Warwick (UK)                   Hodgson Roy                  Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Professor of Trauma and        London (UK)                  Professor of Orthopaedic
Orthopaedic Surgery,           Manager of                   Surgery and
Warwick Medical School         the English National         Sportstrauma, Academic
                               Football Team                Medical Center,
                                                            University of Amsterdam

                                                            Khan Karim
                                                            Doha (QAT-CAN)
Gupte Chim                                                  Sports Medicine
London (UK)                    Holmich Per                  Physician. Editor of the
Consultant Trauma and          Copenhagen (DEN)             British Journal of Sports
Orthopaedic Surgeon,           Orthopaedic Surgeon.         Medicine. Director of
Imperial College, London       MD Associate Research        Research and Education
                               Professor and Chief          at ASPETAR, Orthopedic
                               Surgeon, Amager              and Sports Medicine
                               Hospital                     Hospital - FIFA Medical
                                                            Centre of Excellence
Haddad Fares
London (UK)                                                 Knowles Bill
Professor of Orthopaedic       Hutson Mike                  Vermont (USA)
and Sports Surgery,            London (UK)                  Athletic Trainer and
Consultant Orthopaedic         Orthopaedic & Sports         Strength & Conditioning
Surgeon Divisional             Physician, Royal London      Specialist. Director of
Clinical Director - Surgical   Hospital for Integrated      Reconditioning and
Specialities. Director,        Medicine. Past President     Athletic Development
Institute of Sport, Exercise   of British Institute of
& Health, University           Musculoskeletal Medicine
College Hospital, London       (BIMM)                       Kon Elizaveta
                                                            Bologna (ITA)
                                                            Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Hallén Anna                    Jaques Rod                   Director of the Nano
Linköping (SWE)                Gloucester (UK)              Biotechnology Laboratory,
Physical Training              Sports Physician,            Rizzoli Orthopaedic
Instructor, Football           Winfield Hospital,           Institute. President of the
Research Group                 Gloucester. National         Educational Committee
                               Medical Director, English    at ICRS. Past President
                               Institute of Sport (EIS),    of the Cartilage Committee
                               Bath University              of SIGASCOT and ESSKA

Kramer Efraim                 Malliaropoulos Nikos         Mayr Hermann
     Johannesburg (RSA)            Thessaloniki (GRE)           Freiburg (GER)
     Adjunct Professor, Head       Sports Medicine              Orthopaedic and Trauma
     of the Division of            Physician, EJU Medical       Surgeon, Department of
     Emergency Medicine,           Committee Member,            Orthopaedics and
     University of the             General Secretary            Traumatology, University
     Witwatersrand                 ECOSEP                       Hospital Freiburg

                                                                McDermott Ian
                                   Mandelbaum Bert              London (UK)
     Kruger Pieter                 Santa Monica (USA)
     London (UK)                                                Consultant Orthopaedic
                                   Director, Santa Monica       Surgeon, London. Sports
     Consultant Clinical           - FIFA Medical Centre of
     Psychologist, Director of                                  Orthopaedics Honorary
                                   Excellence. Member of        Professor Associate,
     LPP Consulting, Director      F-MARC Committee.
     of the Institute of                                        Brunel University School
                                   Team Physician,              of Sport & Education
     Psychology & Wellbeing,       Pepperdine University,
     North-West University         LA Galaxy, Chivas USA,
                                   Assistant Medical Director   Medina Daniel
                                                                Barcelona (ESP)
     Krustrup Peter                                             Sports Medicine
     Copenhagen (DEN)              Marcacci Maurilio            Physician. Team
     Professor of Sport and        Bologna (ITA)                Physician FC Barcelona
     Health Sciences, Copenhagen   Head of the 2nd
     Centre for Team Sport         Orthopaedic and Trauma
     and Health, University of     Clinic, Biomechanics
     Copenhagen, and               Research and
     University of Exeter, UK      Technological Innovation     Meeusen Romain
                                   Laboratory, Rizzoli          Brussels (BEL)
                                   Orthopaedic Institute,       Head of the Department
                                   Bologna                      of Human Physiology,
     Leeder Jonathan
     Manchester (UK)                                            Vrije Universiteit,
     Lead Physiologist,                                         Brussels
                                   Marcacci Thomas
     Manchester (British           Bologna (ITA)
     Cycling), English Institute   Psychologist,
     of Sport                      Mood-Care, Bologna
                                                                Meier Hannspeter
                                                                Neumarkt (GER)
                                                                Physiotherapist, Owner
                                                                of REHA – Zentrum
     Lewin Colin                                                Nürnberg. Professor of
     London (UK)                                                Sports Physiotherapy,
     Physiotherapist,              Marconato Alessandro
                                   London (UK)                  DOSB
     Arsenal FC
                                   Isokinetic Medical Group     Melegati Gianluca
                                   – FIFA Medical Centre of     Milan (ITA)
                                   Excellence                   Sports Physician and
                                                                Physiatrist, Chief of the
                                                                Department of
                                                                Rehabilitation I, Center
     Lewin Gary                                                 for Sports Rehabilitation,
     London (UK)                   Margheritini Fabrizio        Galeazzi Orthopaedic
     Head of Physiotherapy         Rome (ITA)                   Institute IRCCS Milan
     Services, FA.                 Researcher, Adjunct
     Physiotherapist, England      Professor of                 Menetrey Jacques
     Senior Men’s Team,            Orthopaedics and             Geneva (SUI)
     Club England Division         Traumatology, University     Orthopaedic Surgeon,
                                   of Rome “Foro Italico”       specialist in Knee
                                                                Surgery, Hôpitaux
     Madonna Vincenzo                                           de Genève
     Verona (ITA)                  Maughan Ronald
     Orthopaedic Surgeon,          Aberdeen (UK)
     Ospedale Sacro Cuore          Physiologist, Professor
                                   of Sport and Exercise        Meyer Tim
     Don Calabria Hospital                                      Saarbrücken (GER)
     of Negrar, Associated         Nutrition, Loughborough
                                   University,                  Medical Director and
     professor, University                                      Chair of the Institute of
     of Perugia                    Loughborough, UK
                                                                Sports and Preventive
                                                                Medicine, Saarland
                                                                University, Saarbrücken
     Maffulli Nicola               Mayer Michael                - FIFA Medical Centre of
     Salerno (ITA)                 Münich (GER)                 Excellence
     Orthopaedic Surgeon,          Orthopaedic Surgeon.
     Department of Medicine        Professor of Neurosurgery,   Millson Helen
     and Surgery, University       Paracelsus Medical           Ipswich (UK)
     of Salerno, Italy.            University Salzburg          Sports
     Professor of Sports and       (Austria). Head of Spine     Physiotherapist
     Exercise Medicine, Trauma     Center, Schön Klinik
     and Orthopaedic Surgeon,      München Harlaching
     Queen Mary University of      - FIFA Medical Centre of
     London Barts                  Excellence

Mithoefer Kai                    Ntagiopoulos Panagiotis        Pelliccia Antonio
Boston (USA)                     Athens (GRE)                   Rome (ITA)
Team Physician US                Orthopaedic Surgeon,           Sports Physician, Specialist
Soccer, Harvard                  Mediterraneo Hospital,         in Cardiovascular
Vanguard Medical                 Athens and Lyon-Ortho-         Diseases. Head of
Associates, Harvard              Clinic. Member of the          Cardiology Department,
Medical School                   U45 ESSKA Committee            Institute of Medicine and
                                                                Sports Science, Italian
                                                                National Olympic
Monllau Juan Carlos
Barcelona (ESP)                  O’Driscoll Gary
                                 London (UK)                    Pereira Hélder
Orthopaedic Surgeon,                                            Porto (POR)
Head of the Department           Sports Physician.
                                 Club Doctor,                   Chairman, Basic Science
of Orthopaedics and                                             Research Committee,
Traumatology, Parc de            Arsenal FC
                                                                ESSKA. Head of clinical
Salut Mar. Head of Knee                                         Research, Clínica
and Arthroscopy Unit,                                           Espregueira-Mendes
ICATME - Hospital Universitari                                  - FIFA Medical Centre of
Dexeus. Professor of                                            Excellence. Knee and Ankle
Orthopaedics, Universitat                                       Surgeon, Ripoll y De Prado
Autònoma de Barcelona            Olmo Navas Jesús
                                 Madrid (ESP)                   Sports Clinic Murcia-Madrid
(UAB)                                                           - FIFA Medical Centre of
                                 Club Doctor,
                                 Real Madrid FC                 Excellence. ICVS/3B’s
Morton James                                                    Researcher - Minho
Liverpool (UK)                                                  University
Reader in Exercise
Metabolism and                                                  Peterson Lars
Nutrition, School of Sport                                      Gothenburg (SWE)
and Exercise Sciences,                                          Professor of
Liverpool John Moores            Orava Sakari                   Orthopaedics, University
University. Consultant           Naantali (FIN)                 of Gothenburg
Sports Nutritionist              Orthopaedic Surgeon
Liverpool Football Club          and Sports Physician,
                                 Hospital NEO
Muschaweck Ulrike
Münich (GER)                                                    Pigozzi Fabio
Orthopaedic Surgeon,                                            Rome (ITA)
Surgical Chief and                                              Rector, University of
Founder at the Hernia                                           Rome “Foro Italico”.
Center Dr. Muschaweck,           Padron Mario                   President, International
Münich                           Madrid (ESP)                   Federation of Sports
                                 Radiologist, Chairman          Medicine
                                 Department of
                                 Radiology, Clinica
Nanni Gianni                     Cemtro Madrid                  Rampinini Ermanno
Bologna (ITA)                                                   Olgiate Olona (ITA)
Head of the Medical Staff                                       Head of Human
of Bologna FC.                                                  Performance Lab
Sports Physician,                                               - MAPEI Sport
Isokinetic Medical                                              Research Centre
Group - FIFA Medical             Pánics Gergely
Centre of Excellence             Budapest (HUN)
                                 Assistant Professor,
                                 Semmelweis University,
Narici Marco                     Dept. of Traumatology.         Randelli Pietro
Nottingham (UK)                  Uzsoki Hospital, Dept. of      Milan (ITA)
Physiologist, Professor          Orthopaedics – FIFA Medical    Adjunct Professor,
of Clinical Physiology,          Centre of Excellence.          Orthopaedics and
University of Nottingham         Head Medical, Ferencvárosi     Traumatology. Academic
                                 TC and Hungarian               Researcher, Milan University,
                                 National Team                  IRCCS Policlinico San
                                                                Donato, Milan. Educational
                                                                Secretary, ESSKA. First
                                 Papacostas Emanuel             Vice President, SIGASCOT
Nathwani Dinesh                  Thessaloniki (GRE)
London (UK)                      Orthopaedic Surgeon.           Respizzi Stefano
Consultant Orthopaedic           Owner, TheMIS                  Milan (ITA)
Surgeon, The London              Orthopaedic Centre and         Physiatrist and Sports
Clinic. Honorary Clinical        Sports Clinic Thessaloniki     Medicine Physician, Head
Senior Lecturer, Imperial                                       of the Rehabilitation
College Healthcare NHS                                          Department, Humanitas
Trust                                                           Clinic Institute of Milan

Neyret Philippe                  Pedrinelli André
Lyon (FRA)                       São Paulo (BRA)                Reurink Gustaaf
Orthopaedic Surgeon.             Director of the Instituto de   Rotterdam (NED)
Head of the Orthopaedic          Ortopedía e Traumatología      Orthopaedic Surgeon,
and Traumatology                 - FIFA Medical Centre of       Department of
Department at the Lyon           Excellence. Medical School     Orthopaedics, Erasmus
Croix-Rousse Hospital.           Professor, Department of       Medical Centre
Professor First Class,           Orthopaedics, University
Lyon University                  of São Paulo

Rigel Daniel                 Sarimo Janne                 Servien Elvire
     Rome (ITA)                   Turku (FIN)                  Lyon (FRA)
     Chiropractor, Isokinetic     Orthopaedic Surgeon,         Orthopaedic Surgeon,
     Medical Group – FIFA         Hospital NEO,                Knee & Shoulder
     Medical Centre of            Orthopaedics & Sports        Surgery, Hospital de la
     Excellence.                  Medicine. Associate          Croix-Rousse Lyon
     First Vice President, AIC    Professor of Orthopaedic     University - FIFA Medical
     – Associazione Italiana      Sports Medicine, Turku       Centre of Excellence
     Chiropratici                 University
                                                               Shelbourne Donald
                                                               Indianapolis (USA)
     Rivaroli Simone              Sas Kristof                  Orthopaedic Surgeon,
     Milan (ITA)                  Ronse (BEL)                  Shelbourne Knee Center,
     Physiotherapist,             Sports Medicine              Indianapolis, Indiana
     Isokinetic Medical           Physician, AZ Glorieux
     Group - FIFA Medical         Ronse
     Centre of Excellence

                                                               Silvers Holly
                                                               Santa Monica (USA)
                                  Savage Robbie                Physical Therapist,
     Rogers Ralph                 Wrexham (UK)                 Santa Monica Sports
     London (UK)                  Former Professional          Medicine Foundation
     Consultant Sport &           Football Player              - FIFA Medical Center of
     Musculoskeletal                                           Excellence. MLS M-MARC
     Physician, London                                         (Major League Soccer,
                                                               Medical Assessment

                                                               Smith Graham
                                  Schilders Ernest             Glasgow (UK)
     Roi Giulio Sergio            London (UK)                  Rehabilitation and Sports
     Bologna (ITA)                Orthopaedic Surgeon.         Injury Consultant, Fellow
     Director of the Education    Consultant at the London     of the Chartered Society
     and Research                 Hip Arthroscopy Centre,      of Physiotherapy and
     Department. Sports           the Wellington Hospital,     Chairman of The Society
     Medicine Physician,          the Fortius Clinic and the   of Sports Therapists (UK)
     Isokinetic Medical Group     Yorkshire Clinic
     - FIFA Medical Centre of                                  Snyder Mackler Lynn
     Excellence                                                Newark (USA)
                                  Schneider Christian          Alumni Distinguished
                                  Münich (GER)                 Professor, Department
     Roos Ewa                     Orthopaedic Surgeon &        of Physical Therapy,
     Copenhagen (DEN)             Chief Physician, Münich-     University of Delaware
     Physical Therapist,          Harlaching Orthopaedic
     Professor and Head           Clinic - FIFA Medical
     of Research,                 Centre of Excellence
     Musculoskeletal Function                                  Sonnery-Cottet Bertrand
     and Physiotherapy,                                        Lyon (FRA)
     Department of Sports                                      Orthopaedic Surgeon,
     and Clinical Biomechanics,   Schwellnus Martin            Centre Ortopedique
     University of Southern       Cape Town (RSA)              Santy - FIFA Medical
     Denmark. Honorary            Sports Physician,            Centre of Excellence
     Professorial Fellow,         Professor of Sports
     Melbourne University,        Medicine and Exercise
     Department of                Science, University of
     Physiotherapy                Cape Town - FIFA Medical     Spalding Tim
                                  Centre of Excellence         Coventry (UK)
                                                               Consultant Orthopaedic
     Rosa Donato                                               Surgeon, University
                                  Seil Romain                  Hospitals Coventry &
     Naples (ITA)                 Luxembourg (LUX)
     Adjunct Professor,                                        Warwickshire NHS Trust
                                  Vice President of ESSKA.
     University Federico II,      Head of the Department
     Head of Division of          of the Locomotive
     Arthroscopy and Knee         System, Centre Hospitalier
     Surgery                      de Luxembourg - Clinique     Stentler Leonne
                                  d'Eich. Co-Director of       Amsterdam (NED)
                                  Luxembourg Olympic           Professional Dutch
                                  Medical Center. Professor    Football Player, Defender
     Sampson Steve                of Orthopaedic Surgery,      at AFC Ajax. MSc in
     Los Angeles (USA)            University of Saarland,      Persuasive
     Diplomate, American          Homburg/Saar, Germany        Communication
     Board of Physical Medicine
     and Rehabilitation.
     Assistant Clinical           Serratosa Luis               Stride Matthew
     Professor of Medicine,       Madrid (ESP)                 London (UK)
     David Geffen School of       Sports Medicine              Sports Medicine
     Medicine at UCLA. Founder    Physician. Head of           Physician, Isokinetic
     of The Orthohealing          Rehabilitation and Sports    Medical Group - FIFA
     Center and The               Medicine Department,         Medical Centre of
     Orthobiologic Institute      Hospital Quiron              Excellence

Strudwick Tony              Tsapralis Kyriakos           Weir Adam
Manchester (UK)             Bologna (ITA)                Doha (QAT)
Sport Scientist, Head of    Sports Medicine              Sports Medicine
Fitness and Conditioning,   Physician, Isokinetic        Physician, Assistant
Manchester United           Medical Group - FIFA         Professor, Weill Cornell
                            Medical Centre of            Medical College, Qatar.
                            Excellence                   Deputy Head of the
                                                         Aspetar Sports Groin
                                                         Pain Centre

Tavana Rodolfo              Tsoukas Dimitrios
Como (ITA)                  Athens (GRE)                 Welsch Goetz
Orthopaedic Surgeon         Sports Orthopaedic           Erlangen (GER)
and Sports Medicine         Surgeon. Director,           Department of Trauma
Physician, Head of          Orthopaedic Clinic for       Surgery, University of
Medical Staff, AC Milan     Minimally Invasive and       Erlangen, Germany.
                            Sports Medicine Surgery,     Team Physician, SpVgg
                            Mediterraneo Hospital        Greuther Fürth, Germany.
                                                         MR Center, Department
                                                         of Radiology, Medical
                                                         University of Vienna
Tencone Fabrizio
Turin (ITA)                 Turmo Antonio
Consultant to Juventus      Barcelona (ESP)
                            Sports Medicine              Williams John
FC. Sports Medicine                                      Manchester (UK)
Physician, Isokinetic       Physician, Centre of High
                            Performance (CAR), Sant      Chairman of Professional
Medical Group - FIFA                                     Game Match Officials
Medical Centre of           Cugat del Valles

Theos Christos
Athens (GRE)                Tzouroudis Nikos
Orthopaedic Surgeon         Athens (GRE)
                            Sports Medicine              Wotherspoon Mark
and Sports Medicine                                      London (UK)
Physician. Head Doctor,     Physician.
                            Club Doctor,                 Sports Medicine
Olympiacos FC. Doctor,                                   Physician, Southampton
Metropolitan Hospital,      Panathinaikos FC
                                                         FC and England Cricket
Faliro, Athens

Thorborg Kristian
Copenhagen (DEN)            Ueblacker Peter
Sports Physiotherapist.     Münich (GER)                 Zaffagnini Stefano
Associate Professor,        Orthopaedic Surgeon          Bologna (ITA)
Department of               and Sports Medicine          Associate Professor of
Orthopaedics,               Physician. Team Doctor       Orthopaedics, University
Copenhagen University,      FC Bayern Münich             of Bologna, Rizzoli
Hospital Hvidovre                                        Orthopaedic Institute.
                                                         President SIGASCOT

Til Pérez Lluís
Barcelona (ESP)             Volpi Piero
Orthopaedic Surgeon         Milan (ITA)                  Zanobbi Marco
and Sports Physician,       Orthopaedic Surgeon          London (UK)
Head of Health Unit, FC     and Sports Medicine          Physiotherapist,
Barcelona. Consorci         Physician, Humanitas         Isokinetic Medical
Sanitari de Terrassa,       Research Hospital. Head      Group - FIFA Medical
Olympic Training Center     of the Medical Staff of FC   Centre of Excellence
(CAR), Sant Cugat del       Internazionale

Tobin Jonathan              Waldén Markus                Zorzi Claudio
Manchester (UK)             Linköping (SWE)              Verona (ITA)
General Practitioner,       Orthopaedic Surgeon,         Orthopaedic Surgeon,
FIFA DCO and Fleetwood      Football Research Group,     Sacro Cuore Don
Town FC Doctor              Linköping                    Calabria Hospital of

Tomaello Luca               Walker Natalie               Zunarelli Pierpaolo
Turin (ITA)                 Luton (UK)                   Bologna (ITA)
Physiatrist, Isokinetic     Principal Lecturer Sports    Sports Medicine
Medical Group - FIFA        Therapy, University of       Physician, Isokinetic
Medical Centre of           Bedfordshire                 Medical Group - FIFA
Excellence. Medical                                      Medical Centre of
Consultant, Juventus FC                                  Excellence

Congresso Internazionale
                                        Come raggiungerci
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia

   The Queen Elizabeth II
   Conference Centre
   Broad Sanctuary, Westminster,
   London SW1P 3EE

           In metropolitana
           • Westminster – Jubilee,
             linea Circle & District (160m)
           • St James’ Park – Linea Circle &
             District (160m)
           • Victoria – Linee Victoria, Circle
             & District (1km)

           In treno
           Uscita tutte le stazioni verso
           Westminster Abbey
           • Charing Cross (1km)
           • Victoria – per Gatwick
             Airport (1km)
           • Waterloo (1.6km)

Congresso Internazionale
                                             Partecipa attivamente
di Riabilitazione Sportiva
e Traumatologia
                                             al Congresso!

   Condividi la tua esperienza con la
   Football Medicine Community
                                                 Questa è l’occasione giusta per condividere le tue esperienze con i massimi esperti
                                                 della Football Medicine Community! Se hai condotto una ricerca scientifica o se
                                                 durante il tuo percorso professionale hai avuto a che fare con casi clinici particolari
                                                 che desideri segnalare, avrai la possibilità di presentare i tuoi lavori a tutti coloro
                                                 che parteciperanno al Congresso. Puoi contribuire al programma scientifico
                                                 scegliendo tra due modalità: presentare una comunicazione libera orale oppure
                                                 un poster. Puoi decidere quale soluzione preferisci e chiedere alla Segreteria
                                                 Organizzativa le linee guida per l’invio dei contributi scientifici. Scrivi a
                                        o telefona al numero 051 2986814 per ricevere
                                                 queste informazioni. La scadenza per presentare il tuo lavoro è il 15 gennaio 2015.
                                                 Ti aspettiamo!

   Diventa Partner
                                                 Il Gruppo Medico Isokinetic invita le aziende a partecipare alla XXIV edizione del
                                                 Congresso Internazionale di Riabilitazione Sportiva e Traumatologia in qualità di
                                                 partner commerciali. Esistono molteplici possibilità di sponsorizzazione fra le quali
                                                 scegliere, come il noleggio di spazi espositivi, l’inserimento di materiale promozionale
                                                 nelle borse congressuali e la partecipazione attiva al programma scientifico con
                                                 workshop. Questa opportunità permette di avere una notevole visibilità ed entrare
                                                 in contatto con una platea selezionata di professionisti internazionali, sempre
                                                 attratta dalle nuove tecnologie e dagli aggiornamenti tecnici. La nostra Segreteria
                                                 Organizzativa è a disposizione per aiutare a valutare la soluzione commerciale
                                                 che si adatta maggiormente alle esigenze e agli obiettivi di ogni singola azienda.
                                                 Per avere maggiori informazioni:

   Spazi espositivi
   Gli spazi espositivi sono disposti all’interno della sede congressuale in
   apposite aree, nelle quali il passaggio del pubblico è valorizzato dalla vicinanza
   delle sale congressuali nelle quali si svolgeranno le varie sessioni scientifiche.
   Tutti gli spazi sono studiati in modo tale da garantire la massima visibilità,
   permettendo di entrare in contatto con il pubblico e creare importanti
   relazioni interpersonali. La Segreteria Organizzativa è a disposizione
   per fornire maggiori dettagli su spazi espositivi, planimetrie e prezzi.

   Questa opportunità mette a disposizione delle aziende una sala nella quale si
   potranno organizzare workshop privati. Il titolo del workshop sarà inserito nel
   programma scientifico del Congresso che verrà distribuito a tutti i congressisti.
   Si tratta quindi di un “mini-congresso” del quale definirete voi stessi il programma.
   Attraverso i workshop le aziende avranno la possibilità di promuovere i
   propri prodotti o le soluzioni tecnologiche con le modalità preferite.
   Il tempo a disposizione sarà uguale a quello che nel programma viene
   dedicato a una normale sessione scientifica. La Segreteria Organizzativa
   è a disposizione per fornire tutti i dettagli!

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