Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum

Pagina creata da Paolo Zanotti
Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum

            Esaso Retina Forum

6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy)

Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
6 July 2018         Genoa (Italy)         7 July 2018
_ophthalmology     GOA Ophthalmology                   ESASO Retina Forum

               UNDER THE AUSPICES OF


Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
6 July 2018          Genoa (Italy)          7 July 2018
     _ophthalmology          GOA Ophthalmology                     ESASO Retina Forum


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are delighted to welcome you to the GOA_ophthalmology International Course and
ESASO Retina Forum, which will be held in Genova July 6th - 7th, 2018.
Clinically relevant topics as retina diagnostics, cataract, glaucoma, cornea, vitreoretinal
surgery, strabismus and others will be covered by Key Opinion Leaders.
This will be a great occasion for exchange, update and networking and a good reason to visit
beautiful Genova and the Italian Riviera at the beginning of the summer.

Looking forward to welcoming you here.

						Carlo E. Traverso


Faculty                                                                             page 4

Scientific Program                                                                  page 5

Sponsored Symposia                                                                  page 7

General Information                                                                 page 8

CME Accreditation                                                                   page 9

Acknowledgments                                                                     page 10

Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
6 July 2018         Genoa (Italy)         7 July 2018
  _ophthalmology       GOA Ophthalmology                   ESASO Retina Forum

                           Carlo Enrico Traverso
      Goa_ophthalmology                          Esaso Retina Forum
       Friday, 6 July 2018                       Saturday, 7 July 2018

        Course Director                               Course Director
         Michele Iester                                Massimo Nicolò

      Teresio Avitabile (Italy)                    Matteo Badino (Italy)
    Francesco Bandello (Italy)                  Francesco Bandello (Italy)
  Maurizio Battaglia Parodi (Italy)          Maurizio Battaglia Parodi (Italy)
        Lucio Buratto (Italy)                    Francesco Boscia (Italy)
       Massimo Busin (Italy)                    Borja Corcóstegui (Spain)
    Francesco Calcagno (Italy)                    Sandro De Falco (Italy)
       Emilio Campos (Italy)                       Claudio Furino (Italy)
         Paolo Capris (Italy)                       Michele Iester (Italy)
        Ettore Ferrari (Italy)                     Paolo Lanzetta (Italy)
       Claudio Furino (Italy)                       Marco Lupidi (Italy)
      Fabio Giacomelli (Italy)
                                             Leonardo Mastropasqua (Italy)
        Michele Iester (Italy)
                                              Zofia Michalewska (Poland)
  Leonardo Mastropasqua (Italy)
                                               Daniel Mojon (Switzerland)
 Danilo Renato Mazzacane (Italy)
                                                    Ugo Murialdo (Italy)
Frances Meier-Gibbons (Switzerland)
                                                  Massimo Nicolò (Italy)
   Zofia Michalewska (Poland)
                                                   Tommaso Rossi (Italy)
         Carlo Mosci (Italy)
                                               Carlo Enrico Traverso (Italy)
        Ugo Murialdo (Italy)
      Massimo Nicolò (Italy)
         Paolo Nucci (Italy)
     Maurizio Postorino (Italy)
       Stanislao Rizzo (Italy)
       Tommaso Rossi (Italy)
        Sergio Saccà (Italy)
      Fotis Topouzis (Greece)
       Stela Vujosevic (Italy)

Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
_ophthalmology                                                      6 July 2018
                              SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM
08.30         Registration

09.30         SESSION I
10.30         Chairman: Teresio Avitabile
              Facilitators: Francesco Calcagno, Paolo Capris

09.30         Cataract surgery: state of the art - Lucio Buratto

09.50         The final cut: DSAEK vs DMEK - Massimo Busin

10.10         Discussion

10.30         OPENING SESSION
              Welcome and introductions
              Aknowledgement of the Ines Malerba Association

11.00         Break

11.30         SESSION II
12.30         Chairman: Teresio Avitabile
              Facilitators: Ettore Ferrari, Carlo Mosci

11.30         Femtolaser corneal surgery - Leonardo Mastropasqua

11.50	Citicoline in oral solution: rational and protocol for an international and multicentric RCT on quality of
       life in glaucomatous patients - Fotis Topouzis

12.10         Discussion

12.30         Lunch break - Sponsored Symposium (see page 7)

14.00         SESSION III
15.30         Chairman: Fabio Giacomelli
              Facilitators: Danilo Renato Mazzacane, Maurizio Postorino

14.00         OCT and angio OCT. How do they fit in the real life - Zofia Michalewska

14.15         Pathophysiology of trabecular meshwork - Sergio Saccà

14.30         What you always wanted to know about generic drugs - Frances Meier-Gibbons

14.45         Modern management of amblyopia - Emilio Campos

15.00         Discussion

15.30         SESSION IV
17.00         Chairman: Francesco Bandello
              Facilitators: Ugo Murialdo, Tommaso Rossi

15.30         Imaging and perimetry - Michele Iester

15.45         Strabismus management: what I won’t do anymore - Paolo Nucci

16.00         Diabetic retinopathy decision-making - Francesco Bandello

16.15         Retinal prosthesis - Stanislao Rizzo

16.30         Discussion

Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
Retina Forum                                                      7 July 2018
                               SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM
09.15         SESSION I
10.25         Chairman: Borja Corcóstegui
              Facilitators: Francesco Bandello, Ugo Murialdo

09.15         Stickler disease update in diagnosis and treatment - Borja Corcóstegui

09.25         Head up surgery in DME and PDR - Matteo Badino

09.35         Retinal surprises - Daniel Mojon

09.45         Vitrectomy fluidics in advanced vitreo-retinal surgery - Tommaso Rossi

09.55	Clinico-tomographic correlations before and after macular hole surgery - Zofia Michalewska

10.05         Discussion

10.25         Break

11.00         Sponsored Symposium (see page 7)

12.00         SESSION II
13.00         Chairman: Francesco Bandello
              Facilitator: Felice Cardillo Piccolino

12.00	Management of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment - Zofia Michalewska

12.10         Complications of degenerative retinoschisis - Borja Corcóstegui

12.20         Microvascular circulation in diabetic retinopathy - Marco Lupidi

      Angio-OCT and RAP - Massimo Nicolò

12.40         Discussion

14.00         Cataract surgery in diabetic macular edema or glaucoma patients: new perspectives
              Chairmen: Michele Iester, Massimo Nicolò

13.00         Cataract surgery in patients with DME and glaucoma: problem definition - Francesco Boscia

13.20         Cataract surgery in glaucoma patients - Carlo Enrico Traverso

13.40         Cataract surgery in DME patients - Claudio Furino

              During the session a lunch box will be distributed

14.15         SESSION III
15.30         Chairman: Francesco Bandello
              Facilitators: Felice Cardillo Piccolino, Paolo Lanzetta

14.15         Retinal detachment: different surgical approaches - Matteo Badino

14.25         OCT angiography imaging of eredodistrophy of the macula - Maurizio Battaglia Parodi

14.35         OCT angiography in DME - Francesco Bandello

14.45         CSC management - Massimo Nicolò

14.55         Discussion

15.30         Closing of the meeting

Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
6 July 2018                 Genoa (Italy)             7 July 2018
        _ophthalmology            GOA Ophthalmology                               ESASO Retina Forum

                              SPONSORED SYMPOSIA

            6 JULY 2018

13.30       Ranibizumab appropriate planning to increase long term efficacy
            Chairman: Leonardo Mastropasqua

12.30       The treatment of maculopaty after and before Anti-VEGF introduction - Stela Vujosevic

12.40       Ranibizumab long term efficacy: comparison between RCTs and RWE - Maurizio Battaglia Parodi

12.50       Ranibizumab appropriate planning as a strategy to maintain efficacy - Claudio Furino

13.00       Appropriate planning in real practice - Massimo Nicolò

13.15       Take home messages and conclusions

            During the session a lunch box will be offered by NOVARTIS

            7 JULY 2018

11.00       SYMPOSIUM - BAYER
12.00       Aflibercept and retinal diseases: current role and news from research
            Chairmen: Felice Cardillo Piccolino, Paolo Lanzetta

11.00       The role of PLGF in diabetic macular edema - Sandro De Falco

11.15       Aflibercept in wAMD: the experience from clinical practice - Marco Lupidi

11.30       Treat & extend regimen with Aflibercept in wAMD - Paolo Lanzetta

11.45       Diabetic macular edema: the value of Aflibercept - Massimo Nicolò

Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
6 July 2018         Genoa (Italy)          7 July 2018
      _ophthalmology           GOA Ophthalmology                    ESASO Retina Forum

                           GENERAL INFORMATION


OIC srl
Viale G. Matteotti, 7 - 50121 Florence (Italy)
Tel. +39 055 50351
goa2018@oic.it - sponsorGOA@oic.it

OIC srl is a MedTech Trusted Partner

Centro Congressi
Auditorium IST NORD - Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10 - 16132 Genova

The Registration Desk will be open for registration and information according to the
following schedule:
Friday July 6: from 8.00 to 17.30
Saturday July 7: from 8.30 to 15.30
Participants are kindly requested to collect their Course kit and name badge.

Each participant will receive a name badge upon check-in at the registration desk. The
badge will be the official Course pass and should be worn at all times in order to gain entry
into the meeting rooms.

The official Course language is English
All participants are encouraged to join discussions, independently of their fluency in
English, as the exchange of ideas and critical evaluation of presentations is the main
purpose of the Course.

Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
6 July 2018               Genoa (Italy)             7 July 2018
        _ophthalmology            GOA Ophthalmology                             ESASO Retina Forum

                             GENERAL INFORMATION

The Slide Centre is located in the Auditorium. The Auditorium is equipped with a double podium, one
with Windows operating system and one with MacOS High Sierra, both updated with the last version;
for this reason it will not be possible to use personal laptops in the meeting room. Both systems are
compatible with Powerpoint and Keynote.
Speakers are kindly requested to upload their presentation to the Slide Centre during breaks and at
least 2 hours before the beginning of their presentation.

The wifi is active in the Auditorium and in the Foyer of the Auditorium.
It is indicated as “Mac mini di Centro” and no User ID nor password are needed.

On July 6th and 7th lunch boxes will be provided. Participants will find the tickets for the lunch boxes
collection in their course kit. Lunch boxes will be distributed directly in the Auditorium before the
beginning of the lunch symposia.
Tickets shall be handed to the staff.

CME ACCREDITATION (only for Italian participants)
I crediti formativi ECM saranno certificati dal Provider OIC srl (n. 2836) secondo il nuovo regolamento
approvato dalla Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua il 13 gennaio 2010. L’accreditamento
del Corso sarà effettuato per l’intero evento in un’unica soluzione. Si ricorda che avranno diritto ai crediti
ECM solo coloro che saranno presenti per l’intera durata dell’evento ed avranno compilato gli appositi
questionari che verranno consegnati in sede congressuale. Si ricorda inoltre la determinazione assunta
dalla Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua del 15 Dicembre 2016 alla luce della quale
ogni partecipante potrà maturare 1/3 dei crediti formativi ricondotti al triennio di riferimento (150 totali
per il triennio 2017-2019) mediante reclutamento diretto da parte dello sponsor e dovrà consegnare al
Provider dell’evento una copia dell’invito o una dichiarazione sottoscritta attestante l’invito, con firma
autografa e leggibile unitamente ai propri dati anagrafici.
I crediti assegnati al Corso sono 2,7 e sono rivolti a Medici Specialisti in Oftalmologia, Ortottisti/
Assistenti di Oftalmologia, e Infermieri.
L’obiettivo formativo è: Documentazione clinica. Percorsi clinico-assistenziali, diagnostici e riabilitativi.
Profili di Assistenza – Profili di cura.
La presenza al Corso sarà certificata dalla firma dei registri all’entrata e all’uscita giorno per giorno.
L’assenza di una sola delle firme necessarie determinerà l’impossibilità di assegnazione dei crediti.
Per completare l’acquisizione dei crediti il partecipante dovrà compilare l’apposita modulistica
da ritirare presso il Registration Desk, comprensiva di scheda anagrafica e certificazione di
autoapprendimento nonché il questionario di valutazione dell’evento da compilarsi in forma anonima.

Ophthalmology 6 - 7 July 2018 Genoa (Italy) - GOA Ophtalmology 2018 | Esaso Retina Forum
6 July 2018          Genoa (Italy)         7 July 2018
     _ophthalmology         GOA Ophthalmology                    ESASO Retina Forum



                                                                            3015 C

                                                                            Cyan 100%
                                                                            Magenta 30%
                                                                            Giallo 0%
                                                                            Nero 20%

The following scientific contribution is
organized thanks to the unrestricted educational grant of:

7 July 2018 - 13:00/14:00

Cataract surgery in diabetic macular edema or glaucoma patients: new perspectives

6 July 2018         Genoa (Italy)         7 July 2018
_ophthalmology   GOA Ophthalmology                   ESASO Retina Forum

6 July 2018           Genoa (Italy)          7 July 2018
   _ophthalmology         GOA Ophthalmology                      ESASO Retina Forum

Omikron Italia is an Italian Pharmaceutical Company specialized in
Ophtalmology, founded in 2005 and registered as Pharmaceutical
Industry at the Italian Medicine Agency (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco)
(SIS code 2841).
Omikron Italia is an organization with certified management system in
accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 and UNI EN ISO 13485:2012
and compliant with the requirements of Farmindustria Guidelines on the
Scientific Information Activities.
20% of the total Company turnover is realized abroad.
Every year Omikron Italia invests about 12% of its turnover in R&D
through which the most important trials on Neuroprotection in Glaucoma
were performed and the International Patent for Citicoline in eye drops
was obtained. Omikron Italia recently registered and launched on the
market the first Oral Neuroprotective product (Product for Special Medical
Purposes) with approved Therapeutic Indication for Glaucoma.
Finally, Omikron Italia won a research grant provided by the Ministry
for Education, University and Research (MIUR) for the Clinical Research
(art.11) in partnership with an Italian University Institute.
In Italy the Medical Scientific Information is perfomed by a team of 30
Sales Representatives constantly trained and fulfilling the requirements
as per the Directive 2001/83/EC and subsequent amendments.

Omikron Italia S.r.l.
Viale Bruno Buozzi, 5              Tel. 06 80693572 - Fax 06 80665266
00197 Roma                         info@omikronitalia.it - www.omikronitalia.it       12
6 July 2018         Genoa (Italy)         7 July 2018
_ophthalmology   GOA Ophthalmology                   ESASO Retina Forum

                                                                               143P - S0618

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